= Samu!!
= Coooold!!
= Hayaku sutoubu ni ataritai…
= I want to get in front of the heater asap.
Hi everyone! How have you been? I know I know… It’s been months since I posted the last lesson. I’m sorry!
So although it’s a bit late, before I begin the lesson, let me first say:
= Minasan Akemashite Omedetou gozaimasu!
= Happy New Year, everyone!!
This is going to be the first official lesson of 2013!
= Kotoshi mo yoroshikune!
= Thank you in advance for all your support this year.
OK, we are going to learn how to use 〜たい ( = tai) and 〜たがる ( = tagaru) or がる ( = garu).
First do you know how to say “I would like to study Japanese with Maggie Sensei” in Japanese?
= Maggie Sensei to issho ni nihongo wo benkyou shitai desu.
= Hontou ni watashi to issho ni nihongo wo benkyou shitai desuka?
= Are you sure you want to study Japanese with me?
Great! Then here we go!
Let’s start from ~たい ( = ~ tai) first. (I will include a lot of information here but feel free to skip this part and jump to がる ( = garu) /がり ( = gari) if you already know this.)
⭐️ たい( = tai)
When you express your desire to do something you use,
verb + たい ( = tai) form.
How to form :
★食べる = たべる = taberu = to eat
1) Make the ます ( = masu) form : 食べます = たべます = tabemasu
2) remove ます ( = masu) : 食べ = たべ ( = tabe)
3) add たい ( = tai) : 食べたい ( = tabetai) = to want to eat (casual)
★polite form : add です ( = desu) :食べたいです ( = tabetai desu.)
★Negative form :
Change たい ( = tai) to たくない( = takunai)
食べたくない ( = tabetaku nai) = not want to eat
★polite form : add です : 食べたくないです ( = tabetaku nai desu.)
add ありません ( = arimasen) : 食べたくありません ( = tabetaku arimasen.)
★past negative : 食べたくなかった ( = tabetaku nakatta) = did not want to eat
★polite form : add です ( = desu) :食べたくなかったです。
add ありませんでした ( = arimasen deshita) :食べたくありませんでした。
★passive negative
食べられたくない = taberaretakunai = not want to be eaten
Ex. このお菓子、誰にも食べられたくないからどこか安全な場所に隠しておいて。
= Kono okashi, darenimo taberaretaku nai kara dokoka anzen na basho ni kakushite oite.
=I don’t want anybody to eat this snack (← I don’t want this snack to be eaten by anybody) so please keep it somewhere safe.)
Ex. もう昼ご飯を食べたいですか?
= Mou hirugohan wo tabetai desuka?
= Do you want to have lunch now?
Ex. はい、食べたいです。
= Hai, tabetai desu.
= Yes, I want to eat.
Ex. いいえ、まだ食べたくありません。
= Iie, mada tabetaku arimasen.
Ex. いいえ、まだ食べたくないです。
= Iie, mada tabetaku nai desu.
= No, I don’t want to have lunch yet.
Ex.「これ食べたい? 」(casual)
= Kore tabetai?
= You wanna eat this?
= Un, tabetai!
= Yes, I wanna eat (it)!
= Uun, tabetaku nai.
= No, I don’t wanna eat (it).
Ex. 「今日、何を食べたい?」(casual)
= Kyou, nani wo tabetai?
= What do you want to eat today?
= Nanimo tabetaku nai.
= I don’t want to eat anything.
Ex. 「昨日、どうして何も食べなかったのですか?」
= Kinou doushite nanimo tabenakatta nodesu ka?
= Why didn’t you eat anything yesterday?
= Sukoshi demo tabetakatta no desu ga, onaka ga ippai deshita.
= I wanted to eat even just a little, but I was full.
➡️Irregular verbs :
*verb する ( = suru) to do →したい ( = shitai)
*verb 来る ( = kuru) to come →来たい ( = kitai)
Let’s look at more example sentences and get familiar with this form.
Ex. 「今日は何をしたいですか?」
= Kyou wa nani wo shitai desuka?
= What do you want to do today?
= Kyou wa nani mo yaritaku nai desu. Tada yukkuri yasumi tai….
= I don’t want to do anything today. I just want to relax….
Ex. あっ、これずっと買いたかったバッグだ!
= Ah! Kore zutto kaitakatta baggu da!
= Wow! This is the bag I always wanted to buy!
Ex. 明日学校に行きたくない。
= Ashita gakkou ni ikitaku nai.
= I don’t want to go school tomorrow.
Ex. マギー先生にずっと会いたいと思っていました。
= Maggie sensei ni zutto aitai to omotte imashita.
= I’ve been hoping to see you for a long time, Maggie Sensei.
or you can also say
Ex. マギー先生にずっと会いたかったです。
= Maggie sensei ni zutto aitakatta desu.
= I’d always wanted to see you, Maggie Sensei
Ex. ああ、アイスクリームが食べたい!
= Ahhh aisukuriimu ga tabetai!
= Ah, I really want to eat ice-cream!
Ex. 「どうしたの?もう家に帰りたいの?」
= Doushitano? Mou ie ni kaeritai no?
= What’s wrong? Do you wanna go home now?
= Un mou tsukareta kara kaeritai.
= Yeah, I am tired so I wanna go home now.
= Minna ga nihongo wo tanoshiku benkyou dekiru you na burogu ni shitai.
= I would like this blog to be one where everybody can enjoy studying Japanese.
Ex. 「カレの写真、見たい?」
= Kare no shashin mitai?
= You wanna see my boyfriend’s picture?
= Mitai! Mitai!!
= Yes! Yes!! (I would like to see it!)
Ex. この件についてはあまりお話したくありません。
= Kono ken ni tsuite wa amari ohanashi shitaku arimasen.
= I’d rather not talk about this matter.
You can use it in a passive form :
Ex. もっと彼に好かれたい。
= Motto kare ni sukaretai.
= I want him to like me more.
Ex. 今、すっぴんだから写真を撮られたくない。
= Ima suppin dakara shashin wo toraretaku nai.
= I am not wearing any make-up, so I don’t want my picture to be taken.
Ex. 彼にそんなことを言われたくない。
= Kare ni sonna koto wo iwaretaku nai.
(direct translation: I don’t want to be said such a thing by him.)
= I don’t want him to say such a thing.
Ex. あまり親しくない人にちゃん付けで呼ばれたくない。
= Amari shitashiku nai hito ni chan zuke de yobaretaku nai.
(direct translation: I don’t want to be called my name with “chan” by people who are not so close.)
= I don’t want people who are not that close to me to say “chan” when they call my name.
You will see many questions with たい ( = tai) in questionnaires.
Ex. 将来、何になりたいですか?
= Shourai, nani ni naritai desuka?
= What do you hope to become in the future?
Ex. 日本に来たら何をしたいですか?
= Nihon ni kitara nani wo shitai desuka?
= What would like to do when you come to Japan?
⭐️ ~たい ( = ~tai) + noun
Ex. 日本に行ったら会いたい人がいます。
= Nihon ni ittara aitai hito ga imasu.
= There is a person that I would like to meet when I go to Japan.
Ex. 読みたい本があれば貸してあげます。
= Yomitai honga areba kashite agemasu.
= If there is a book that you want to read I’ll lend it to you.
Ex. 生きている間にやりたいことはすべてやりたい。
= Ikite iru aida ni yaritai koto wa subete yaritai.
= I would like to do everything that I want to do while I am alive.
Ex. 泣きたいときは泣けばいいです。
= Nakitai toki wa nakeba iidesu.
= You can cry when you want to (cry).
Ex. これが買いたかった家です。
= Kore ga kaitakatta ie desu.
= This is the house I’ve wanted to buy.
📝 Q : Is it OK to use たい ( = tai) towards your boss, customers, or older people?
〜たい ( = tai) expresses one’s desire in a straight way.
And in some situations, we tend to avoid expressions that are too direct.
So if you are having a job interview or business negotiation, you could use たい ( = tai) to show your enthusiasm but we often add
➡️ 〜たいと思います ( = tai to omoimasu)
The direct translation is “I think I want to do ~ ” but it means “I would like to ~ “
➡️〜たいと願っています。( = ~ tai to negatte imasu.) = I hope I could do ~
to soften up the expression.
And when you ask someone superior or older if they would like to do something or what they want to do, it could be acceptable if you use an honorific verb form.
Ex. 今日、どこに行きたいですか?
= Kyou, doko ni ikitai desuka?
= Where do you wanna go today?
↓(more formal)
Ex. どちらに行かれたいですか?
= Dochirani ikaretai desu ka?
= Where would like to go?
Ex. 今日は何をしたいですか?
= Kyou wa nani wo shitai desuka?
= What do you want to do today?
↓(more formal)
Ex. 今日は何をされたいですか?
= Kyou wa nani wo saretai desuka?
= What would you like to do today?
Yet, I would say it would be safer not to use たい ( = tai) with superior (older) people and you may want to stick to the regular 敬語 ( = keigo)
Ex. どちらに行かれますか?= Dochira ni ikaremasu ka? = Where are you going?
Ex. 今日は何をされますか?= Kyou wa nani wo saremasuka? = What are you going to do today?
⭐️ がる= garu
Now when you talk about the third person, “Someone wants to do something.” , you can’t use たい ( = tai)
たい (=tai) is used when you talk about your own desire to do something or when you ask the listeners if they want to do something or not or quote what others want (or don’t want ) to do.
Complicated? I will show you the examples.
X マギーはハワイに行きたい。(wrong)
= Maggie wa hawaii ni ikitai.
= Maggie wants to go to Hawaii.
You can use たい ( = tai) if you are talking about your own desire.
➡️ 私はハワイに行きたい
= Watashi wa Hawaii ni ikitai.
= I wanna go Hawaii.
or when you ask someone if they want to do something.
= Maggie wa Hawaii ni ikitai no?
= You wanna go to Hawaii, Maggie?
You could use たい ( = tai) for the third person in the quotes.
= Maggie wa Hawai ni ikitai to itte iru.
= Maggie is saying she wants to go to Hawaii.
(more casual)
= Maggie wa Hawai ni ikitain datte.
= Maggie said (or I heard) she wanted to go to Hawaii.
When you are talking about the third person, you can only guess if they want to do something or not.
= Maggie wa Hawai ni ikita souda.
= It seems (looks) like Maggie wants to go to Hawaii
= Maggie wa Hawai ni ikitai rashii.
= I heard Maggie wants to go to Hawaii.
If you hear my saying
= Hawai ni ikitai!
= I wanna go to Hawaii!
in person all the time (Or I say that repeatedly) and it is obvious that I want to go to Hawaii then you can use たがる (=tagaru)
= Maggie wa Hawaii ni ikitagatte iru.
= Maggie is keen to go to Hawaii.・It seems like Maggie really wants to go to Hawaii.
So when you see someone is showing a strong desire to do something, you describe that person’s feelings with がる ( =garu) form.
📝 Note : Let’s compare たい ( = tai) and たがる ( = tagaru).
たい ( = tai) expresses one’s desire verbally.
たがる ( = tagaru) is used to describe the third person’s desires which is not always expressed verbally but can be inferred from their behavior.
がる ( = ~ garu) = to be keen to do something, to be eager to do something, to want to do something
How to form :
1) verb plain form :
帰る =かえる = kaeru = to return, to go back
2) make a ます ( = masu) form :
帰ります= かえります= kaerimasu
3) delete ます ( = masu) :
帰り= かえり= kaeri
4) add たがる ( = tagaru ) :
帰りたがる = かえりたがる= kaeritagaru = to be keen to go back
Ex. 彼は家に帰りたがっている
= Kare wa ie ni kaeritagatte iru.
= He is keen to go home. (I see he wants to go home.)
*会う= au = to see someone → 会いたがる = aitagar = to keen to see someone
Ex. ずっとマギー先生に会いたかったです。
= Zutto Maggie sensei ni aitakatta desu.
= I’ve always wanted to see Maggie Sensei.
(talking about your own desire)
Ex. 彼女はずっとマギー先生に会いたがっている。
= Kanojo wa zutto Maggie sensei ni aitagatte iru.
= She has been keen to see Maggie sensei for a long time.
(Talking about the third person’s desire.)
📝 Note : 会いたかった ( = aitakatta) could be the feeling you have kept inside of you. When you use 会いたがる ( = aitagaru), you must have heard that person saying she REALLY wants to see me or repeatedly.
*見る ( = miru) to see →見たがる ( = mitagaru )= to want to see/ to be curious to see
Ex. 子供が見たがっていたアニメ映画
= Kodomo ga mitagatte ita anime eiga
= The animation movie that children were eager to see.
*知る ( = shiru) to know →知りたがる ( = shiritagaru ) = to want to know, to be curious to know
Ex. 彼はいつも私の給料の額を知りたがった。
= Kare wa itsumo watashi no kyuuryou no gaku wo shiritagatta.
= He was always curious how much salary I get.
★negative form
*〜たがらない ( = ~ tagaranai) = to refuse to do something, to be reluctant to do something
Ex. 政府は事実を認めたがらない。
= Seifu wa jijitsu wo mitometagaranai.
= The government is reluctant to accept the fact.
Ex. 彼らはどうして離婚したのか言いたがらなかった。
= Karera wa doushite rikon shita no ka iitagaranakatta.
= They were reluctant to tell me why they got divorced.
Ex. 彼女は誰もやりたがらないことを率先してやる。
= Kanojo wa daremo yaritagaranai koto wo sossen shite yaru.
= She is willing to do things that nobody wants to do.
Ex. 子供が塾に行きたがらない
= Kodomo ga juku ni ikitagaranai.
= My child is reluctant to go to cram school.
You can use がる (=garu) with an adjective and make a verb.
⭐️ How to form :
1) plain form : 嬉しい = うれしい = ureshii = happy
2) delete い ( =i) 嬉し =うれし= ureshi)
3) add がる ( = garu): 嬉しがる( = ureshigaru) = うれしがる = ureshigaru = to feel happy, to show how happy they are
*欲しい = hoshii = wanting to have something→ 欲しがる = hoshigaru = to be eager to have something
Ex. マギーはそのおもちゃを欲しがった。
= Maggie wa sono omocha wo hoshigata.
= Maggie wanted to have that toy (badly).
Note : 欲しがる ( = hoshigaru) shows more emotion and it involves more actions. Like jumping on the table or barking, etc.
*懐かしい ( = natsukashii) = to miss someone/something →懐かしがる ( = natsukashigaru )= Someone is saying they miss something/someone a lot
Ex. 母はふるさとを懐かしがっている。
= Haha wa furusato wo natsukashigatte iru.
= My mother misses(is longing for/yearning for) her hometown.
* 怖い = kowai = scary →怖がる ( = kowagaru) to be scared
Ex. 彼は死ぬほど怖がっていた。
= Kare wa shinuhodo kowagatte ita.
= He was scared to death.
*痛い ( = itai) painful, it hurts→ 痛がる ( = itagaru) to complain it hurts
Ex. 赤ちゃんは注射を痛がった。
= Akachan wa chuusha wo itagatta.
= The baby was crying from the pain of the shot.
*可愛い = かわいい = kawaii = cute → 可愛がる = かわいがる = kawaigaru =to dote on someone, to be affectionate, to take care, to love (children, pets)
Ex. いつもうちの子をかわいがってもらって有り難うございます。
= Itsumo uchi no ko wo kawaigatte moratte arigatougozaimasu.
= Thank you for always taking care of my children.
*悲しい ( = kanashii) = sad → 悲しがる ( = kanashigaru) = to show one’s sadness
Ex. このバンドが解散したらファンが悲しがるだろう。
= Kono bando ga kaisan shitara fan ga kanashigaru darou.
= If this band breaks up, their fans will be very sad.
*面白い ( = omoshiroi) = interesting →面白がる ( = omoshirogaru) to be amused, to make fun of
Ex. みんな、なぜか私のつまらない話を面白がって聞いていた。
= Minna, nazeka watashi no tsumaranai hanashi wo omoshirogatte kiite ita.
= Everybody seemed to enjoy listening to my boring story for some reason.
*珍しい ( = mezurashii) rare, strange, unusual →珍しがる ( = mezurashigaru) to be curious
Ex. 犬の先生はいつも珍しがられる。
= Inu no sensei wa itsumo mezurashigarareru.
= A dog teacher is rare and always gets attention.
*煙たい ( = kemutai) smokey → 煙たがる ( = kemutagaru) to be sensitive to smoke. It also it means to be annoyed.
Ex. あの先生は生徒に煙たがられている。
= Ano sensei wa seito ni kemutagararete iru.
= The students get annoyed by the teacher.
*悔しい ( = kuyashii) disappointing→悔しがる ( = kuyashigaru) = to resent, to regret
Ex. 試合に負けて悔しがる
= Shiai ni makete kuyashigaru.
= To feel bitter having lost the game
*気味悪い ( = kimiwarui) = disgusting, spooky, creepy →気味悪がる ( = kimiwarugaru ) = to feel disgusted, to feel creepy
Ex. あの場所は気味悪がって誰も近づきたがらない。
= Ano basho wa kimiwarugatte daremo chikazukitagaranai.
= Nobody wants to get closer to that place because it is too creepy. (→because they feel creepy around there.)
*羨ましい = うらやましい = urayamashii = envious →羨ましがる = うらやましがる = urayamashigaru = to envy
Ex. かっこいい彼をゲットしたらみんなうらやましがるだろうな。
= Kakkoii kare wo getto shitara minna urayamashigaru darouna.
= I bet everybody will envy me if I get a cute boyfriend.
*恥ずかしい = hazukashii = to be embarrassed → 恥ずかしがる= hazukashigaru = to be shy, to be embarrassed
Ex. 恥ずかしがらないで!
= Hazukashigaranaide!
= Don’t be shy!
1) plain form : 不安な ( = fuanna) = uneasy
2) delete な and add がる :不安がる= ふあんがる= fuangaru = to feel uneasy
Ex. 人々が不安がるので政府はその事実を隠していた。
= Hitobito ga fuangaru node seifu wa sono jijitsu wo kakushiteita.
= The government has kept the secret so as to not make people worry. (←because if it were revealed, it would make people uneasy)
*嫌な= いやな= iyana = annoying → 嫌がる=いやがる = iyagaru= to refuse, to dislike something/someone
Ex. 彼は下ネタばかり言うので女の子に嫌がられている。
= Kare wa shimoneta bakari iu no de onnanoko ni iyagararete iru.
= Girls get annoyed by his dirty jokes.
*残念な= ざんねんな= nannenna= lamentable → 残念がる = ざんねんがる = zannengaru = to feel regret
Ex. せっかく日本に来てくれたのに会えなくてマギー先生が残念がっていましたよ。
= Sekkaku nihon ni kite kureta noni aenakute Maggie Sensei ga zannengatte imashitayo.
= Maggie Sensei said it is too bad that she couldn’t get to see you even though you came all the way to Japan .
*迷惑な ( = meiwakuna) = bothering →迷惑がる( = meiwakugaru) to feel bothered
Ex. あんな所に駐車したら近所の人に迷惑がられるよ。(passive)
= Anna tokoro ni chuusha shitara kinjo no hito ni meiwakugarareru yo.
= The neighbors will get annoyed if you park in such a place!
*有り難い = ありがたい = arigataai = thankful →有り難がる = arigatagaru = to appreciate
Ex. 誰にも有り難がられない贈り物
= Darenimo arigatagararenai okurimono
= a gift that nobody appreciates.
Note : Basically you use がる ( = garu) for the third person but there are some cases you can use がる ( = garu) for yourself when you see the actions or emotions objectively in certain conditions.
Ex. 彼は私が欲しがっていたバッグを買ってくれた。
= Kare wa watashiga hoshigatte ita baggu wo katte kureta.
= He bought me the bag I really wanted.
Ex. 私が日本語を勉強したがっていたのを知っていたの?
= Watashi ga nihongo wo benkyou shitagatteita no wo shitte itano?
= Did you know that I really wanted to study Japanese?
Ex. 悲しがってばかりいても仕方ないから前に進まなくては。
= Kanashigatte bakari itemo shikatanai kara mae ni susumanakutewa.
= I shouldn’t be keep feeling sad. I should move forward.
⭐️ がり= gari
Some がる ( = garu) words can be changed to がり ( = gari) to describe a personality
I said we don’t usually use がる ( = garu) when you talk about yourself, but when you describe your own personality you can use がり(=gari) for yourself.
* 怖い = kowai = scary →怖がる to be scared →怖がり ( = kowagari ) a person who is easily get scared
= Watashi wa kowagari dakara jetto koosutaa niwa norenai.
= I get easily scared so I can’t ride a roller coaster.
* 強い ( = tsuyoi) strong →強がる ( = tsuyogaru) to bluff, to talk tough →強がり ( = tsuyogari) a person who tries to hide their weakness, bravado
= Kare wa tsuyogari dakara yowane wa hakanai.
= He always acts tough so he never complains / he never shows his weakness.
* 出たがる ( = detagaru) to like to be exposed →出たがり ( = detagari) a person who likes to be exposed
*目立ちたがる ( = medachitagaru) to want to show off →目立ちたがり ( = medachitagari) showy, attention seeker
Ex. 彼女は目立ちたがりだからいつも舞台のセンターに行きたがる。
= Kanojo wa medachitagari dakara itsumo butai no sentaa ni ikitagaru.
= She is an exhibitionist and loves attentions so she always wants to be in the center of the stage.
*恥ずかしがる ( = hazukashigaru) to be shy →恥ずかしがり ( = hazukashigari) a shy person
Ex. この仕事は恥ずかしがりの人には向いていない
= Kono shigoto wa hazukashigari no hito niwa muite inai.
= This job is not for shy people.
*寂しがる ( = samishigaru/sabishigaru) to feel lonely →寂しがり ( = samishigari/sabishigari)
Note : When we describe one’s personality, we often add 屋, や ( = ya).
* a shy person = 照れ屋 = tereya / はにかみ屋 = hanikamiya / はずかしがり屋 = hazukashigariya
* a lazy person = めんどくさがり屋 = mendokusagariya
* a lonely person / a person who doesn’t want to be alone = 寂しがり屋 = samishigariya/sabishigariya
Sometimes we add さん ( = san) to show the friendliness
Ex. マギーは恥ずかしがり屋さんだね。
= Maggie wa hazukashigariyasan dane.
= Maggie is shy, isn’t she?
Not just a personality but がる ( = garu) / がり ( = gari) can also express a person/animal who is sensitive to something
* (verb) 寒がる = samugaru = to feel sensitive to cold temperature
→寒がり ( = samugari) = a person who is sensitive to cold, sensitiveness to cold
* (verb) 暑がる = atsugaru= to be sensitive to hot temperature
→暑がり ( = atsugari) = a person who is sensitive to heat, sensitiveness to hot weather
Ex. 寒がりだね、こんなに暖かいのに靴下を二枚も履いているの?
= Samugari dane. Konnani atatakai noni kutsushita wo nimai mo haite iruno?
= You are so sensitive to cold! It is very warm but you are wearing two layers of socks?
⭐️ From the picture above :
「寒っ!」= Samu! = Cooooood!!
This is a review of my 若者言葉 = wakamoto kotoba = Young people’s Japanese lesson but in colloquial Japanese we often use small つ ( = tsu) “っ” instead of い ( = i)
* 寒い = samui = cold→ 寒っ!= Samú!
* うざい = uzai (colloquial) annoying →うざっ!= uzá
* 気持ち悪い = kimochiwarui = Gross! Disgusting →きもい= muzukashii→きもっ! = kimó
* むずかしい = muzukashii= difficult →むずい = muzui = むずっ!= Muzú
= Hayaku sutoubu ni ataritai…
= I want to get in front of the heater asap.
*ストーブにあたる = sutoubu ni ataru = to be near the heater and feel the heat
By the way, I am 寒がり( = samugari) sensitive to cold and 暑がり ( = atsugari) sensitive to heat. How about you?
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie sensei
= Kotoshi mo tanoshikute yakunitatsu ressun wo ippai tsukuritai desu.
= I would like to make a lot of fun and useful lessons this year,too.
= Minna mo nihongo ga umaku naritakattara kono saito ni mainichi kitene.
= If you want to improve your Japanese, don’t be lazy and come visit this site every day!
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Maggie sensei, I have a question.
“けっこう笑ってたいんだ。” I heard someone says this when he was telling a very funny story. I guess he means that “That kind of makes me want to laugh” (?). I’m sure he was not talking about the song’s name so I really want to know the meaning and how it forms like that. Like て form + たい? That’s so strange..
Please help me 😔
Hi Mimi,
I really need to see the scene to answer your question but that phrase means,
I want to laugh. I am the person who wants to laugh.
or if the person is talking about other people,
He/She wants to laugh.
Unfortunately I don’t have the video of him saying that. Thank you Maggie sensei. I got the meaning!!
OK. Let me add one more grammatical point.
笑ってたいんだ is a casual contraction of 笑っていたいんだ
Vていたい and Vたい are slightly different.
Vていたい = keep doing something/ to be in the state for a long time
So 笑ってたい is “want to keep laughing/ to be in the situation where one can laugh often”
on the book that im using, there seems to be a difference hoshigaru and hoshigatteiru. and Verb stem tagaru and verb stem tagatte iru.
tagaru – habits/disposition; tagatte iru – desire hope. Iunderstand the differences in english but when it comes to the japanese examples. it is very confusing.
Can you please shed some light into this?
thank you.
Hi kaikai
hoshigaru vs hoshigatteiru
When you use present tense, you usually express one’s habit, tendency, routine or what that person usually does.
And ~teiru (present progressive tense) expresses the current state.(right now/ has been wanted to have something.)
So hoshigaru
Ex. いつもマギーはお菓子を欲しがる。= Itsumo A wa okashi wo hoshigaru. = Maggie always asks for snacks.
Ex. 子供は人のおもちゃを欲しがる。= Kodomo wa hito no omocha wo hoshigaru. = Children tend to want someone else’s toy.
Ex. マギーはお菓子を欲しがっている。= Maggie wa okashi wo hoshigatte iru. = Describing the current state
It looks like there is an error here:
= Maggie wa Hawai ni ikita souda.
Shouldn’t it be “行きたそうだ” like in the transliteration ?
Hi Aspej
Ah, thank you for spotting the typo.
I will fix the hiragana.
Hi Maggie sensei…
I hope your doing fine.
This sentence is confusing and i dont know how to explain to my friends. Hoping for your reply. Thanks.
The tenses used in my example are confusing. Can you please explain the meaning. And also the tenses can be interchangeable to one another.
Thank you so much.
My parents want to talk about what happened at school.
The anime movie that my*(or the) children wanted to see.
He always wanted to know how much my salary is.
The tense in the sentences show that the state in the past.
It indicates the emotion such as curiosity or eagerness that someone had for a certain period of time in past.
Dear Maggie Sensei,
I love your site and visit it often. You provide the greatest sentence samples and I often add them to my Anki deck because I can picture myself saying them. I also get a real chuckle out of some of the sentences. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your pages and I am truly grateful for this site and all I have learned from it so far. Your a super cool person. ちょうかっこいい
So, for some reason I find my mind has a really hard time accepting ADJ+がる. I understand the use of using appearance adjectives with がる to say things like “I feel pretty”(Wait! can I say 私はきれいがっている?) but I don’t understand how it works with feeling adjectives…恥ずかしがる vs はずかしい both mean to be embarrassed. If I say 彼は恥ずかしいです, why/when should I use 恥ずかしがる?
Also, do people actually say things like 面白がる、楽しがる、すきがる?I only ever hear こわがる. That being said is using そうだ more common way to say for Japanese people? like はずかしそうだ vs はずかしがる。Or うれしがった vs うれしそうだった。
People always think I speak weird Japanese so I’m trying to speak more naturally.
If you could possibly help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Again thanks for such a wonderful site. I think you should make a textbook but like a grammar dictionary kind. Anyways I love your website! Thanks for all your hard work.
Dear CB Awesome,
It is a great way to picture yourself using the Japanese you just learned.
OK, you can’t use がる with any adjectives or verbs. I gave you the most common ones in this lesson.
You can express your feelings with 恥ずかしい I am embarrassed. But you can’t say other people’s feelings. 彼は恥ずかしい. Instead you assume his feelings by his behavior or face expressions. Then you say 恥ずかしがっている
You say 面白がる but not 楽しがる/好きがる. When you assume other people’s feelings, you use 楽しそう/楽しそうにしている/好きみたい,etc. instead.
When you are not sure if people say certain expression or not, try using Google or Twitter and search the word and find out if people do use it or not and how they use it. (or ask me here.)
Thank you for all your compliments. When I make a textbook, I hope you will be the first person to get it.
Love you!
Dear Maggie Sensei,
Thanks for such the speedy reply! I think I’m starting to get the picture. It’s good to know you can’t use it with every adj and verb. I guess we don’t use そうだ to assume people’s feelings.
I use your site and weblio a lot for example sentences mainly because in the past when I used other websites the sentences turned out to be kind of weird according to my Japanese coworkers (I do ask them for help a lot but I try not to be too bothersome). Your website is a guarantee that the sentences are natural. I’ve been searching for other resources and found WWWJDIC and it seems pretty good but unfortunately resources are pretty slim for us Japanese learners which is why your site is so fabulous! It’s dependable. Thanks so much for everything you do for us!
I would 100 percent buy your textbook haha
Much love!
Oops I forgot to add I didn’t realize I could search twitter for grammar points. Thanks!
Weblio has many example sentences and it’s highly recommended. But you are right. If you just use some of the example sentences in daily conversation, you may sound strange.
I suggest Twitter because you can actually see how people use the words. Some of the expressions are extremely casual and they could be rude if you use them to someone superior. Try to watch Japanese TV shows too to learn natural Japanese if you have a chance.
If you don’t want to bother your coworker, I am always here for you. 😉
Hi Maggie sensei,
Please let me make question about adding がるto adj to make a verb.
Is the verb formed by adj + がる only used for third person?
For example
If something is scaring, it is “Something がこわい”
If he’s scared of scaring thing, is it “彼はこわいものを怖がる?
If I’m sacred of his scaring thing, is it “彼のこわいものを怖がる, too?
Hi Bella
They both sound redundant.
You usually say Somethingを怖がる or Somethingが怖い
Hi Maggie sensei,
Ah, I got the redundant one :)))
So, is 怖がる can be used for the third person like
Thanks as always !
Hi Bella!
Yes, がる is for the third person.
So 彼は私を怖がる is OK. But if you are talking about yourself, 私は彼が怖い
Maggie sensei ! 教えてくれてありがとうございます!
どういたしまして、Sasha! :)
Hi Maggie sensei !
Thank you very much for posting lot of useful examples!
My pleasure! ❤️
すみません、 I have a little problem with this:
I heard that Tanaka wants to travel.
Can we use がる+そうです? Even like 寂しがる、きれいがる、。。。
Yes, you can use がる+そうです
but for that particular example I would say 旅行に行きたがっているそうです。is more natural.
(Also you don’t say きれいがる)
Hello Maggie it is me! I came and checked out your lesson!
I was wondering, but when you said がる makes the adjective into a verb- it’s not really a direct translation into a verb, so how would we know if we’re not native speakers?
Eg you said: かわいい: cute
かわいがる: to dote on someone, to be affectionate.
But that’s not really making ‘cute’ into a verb, because the verb version would be ‘to be cute’, so I was wondering how to know what they meant?
Thank you :) :) :)
I know some of the verbs have different meaning but you can still related to かわいい and かわいがる
You think someone is cute → to treat that person with affection. How’s that. (^_−)−☆
Hi Maggie Sensei thanks for another awesome lesson. I would appreciate if you could answer me one question: I understand that ほしがる is used when referring a third person, but I don’t see why they use ほしい in this sentence: 当時の我が家はお金に余裕がなかったこともあり、子供がほしいものがあってもなかなか買い与えてもらうことができませんでした。
Thanks in advance.
Hi Diana,
The writer’s family was poor and they couldn’t afford to buy things that the children wanted back then.
子供が欲しいものがあっても= Even though children wanted something (the direct translation: there were something that children wanted)
So the subject for 欲しい is the writer’s children
Hi Maggie sensei thank you for your fast response.
So we don’t refer to the writer’s children as third person?
The same happens in this sentence, it seems more general:彼女がほしいもの人気ランキング
Here is the rule,
There is no problem to use both 欲しい・欲しがる for the third person when the verb, 欲しい・欲しがる modifies a noun.
なるほど…ありがとうございます ^_^
どういたしまして! :)
Hi sensei! I wad just wondering how you say ‘I want to be able to…’?
Thanks you!
Hi Joyce,
I want to be able to ~
It changes depending on the verb but the basic pattern is
~できるようになりたい 〜(verb potential form) ようになりたい
Ex. I want to be able to speak Japanese.
= 日本語が話せるようになりたい。
Ex. I want to be able to do it.
= それができるようになりたい。
Hello Maggie Sensei. I was wondering something about the tai form used on the passive form.
In your sentence “kono okashi, darenimo taberaretakunai”, there’s no wa or ga but, if I wanted to say, for example:
I don’t want you to be kissed by her
What should I use for “anata”? wa or ga?
“anata wa kanojo ni kisu saretakunai” or “anata ga kanojo ni kisu saretakunai”
I mean, who is the subject? Me (because it’s me who doesn’t want) or “anata” (because you would receive the kiss). I don’t know if I am getting my point across but the thing is I don’t know which one of these two phrases is OK:
Watashi wa anata ga kanojo ni kisu saretakunai
Anata wa watashi ga kanojoni kisu saretakunai
Also, is it correct if I say “darenimo kono ringo o taberaretakunai” (meaning I don’t want nobody to eat my apple), or I can’t use ringo as direct object in this sentence? I’ve been told that, when it is a simple passive I can use “tomodachi ni ringo o taberareta” to express that my apple was eaten by my friend (and that kind of annoys me), but maybe if I use the -tai form I have to use it in a different way.
thanks in advance!!
Hello Sarah
Yes, you can use tai-form with passive form.
And as for the particles, we often omit the particle in conversation.
= Kono okashi (wa, wo) , dareni mo taberaretaku nai.
I don’t want you to be kissed by her
The most natural translation will be
= Anata ga kanojo ni kisu wo sarete hoshiku nai.
If you say
あなたは(or が) 彼女にキスをされたくない
(=Anata wa (or ga)kanojo ni kisu wo saretakunai)
means “You don’t want her to kiss you” and there is no speaker’s feeling there.
If you want to add your feelings there,
私はあなたが彼女に(or から)キスをされるのを見たくない。
= Watashi wa anataga kanojo ni (or kara) kisu wo sareru no wo mitaku nai.
= Dareni mo kono ringo wo taberaretakunai.
Yes, you can say that.
Thanks a lot that was really helpful!! I have the bad habit of complicating things too much hehehe but I like to cover all the possibilities, I aim to speak my mind as it is, I hate it when I have to spend a while thinking how to say something with other words.
Seriously thanks!!
You’re very welcome.
Haha your question made me think. But it was a really good question!
But thank you for answer that tricky question!! You are the best!!
thank you so much dear maggie sensei. it really cleared up my confusion. japanese songs are really tricky but that is also the reason why they are really interesting.
good morning dear maggie sensei and everyone. i’ve got a feeling that a thread for this type of question has been already made long time ago but for some reason, i couldn’t find it using the search bar that is why i will post it in “tai vs garu” thread.
few days ago i saw in a random forum that “yasashikunai” and “yasashikuwanai” both technically produce “not gentle”. if that’s true then “yasashikumonai” would be the “not gentle” with emphasizing power. so i am convinced that “naritakunai” “naritakuwanai” and “naritakumonai” will all produce “don’t want to become”.
but how about “dareka mitaku wa ikinai” (i don’t live my life imitating someone else). the “wa” has been placed between adverb (mitaku) and verb (ikinai). does this mean, “yasashikuwanai” and “mitakuwaikinai” are considered as complete and “yasashikunai” and “mitakuikinai” are both shortcuts because (wa) is often omitted?
the forum also says that:
yasashikunai – not gentle, harsh.
yssashikuwanai – not gentle (but not necessarily harsh)
that is kind a vague to me because how can it be applied to “naritakunai” and “mitakuikinai”.
thank you so much in advance dear maggie sensei and everyone, and so sorry if i always ask so many questions.
1) Kare wa yasashiku nai : He is not nice. Just telling the fact he is not nice
2) Kare wa yasashiku wa nai : (I don’t think) He is nice. (Denying the part “yasashii” ) So when someone says “He is nice” and you disagree, you say “I don’t agree. (I don’t think so) He is not nice.)
3) Kare wa yasashiku mo nai : He is not even nice.
Usually when you use は(=wa) you show some contrast. For example Kare wa yasashiku wa naiga iji ga warui wake dewa nai.(= I wouldn’t say he is nice but he is not mean either.) So it implies something else.
As for your second sentence, ”dareka mitaku wa ikinai”
This “like” should be “mitai ni”
a) “A” mitai ni ikitakunai. (I don’t want to live like A)
b) “A” mitai ni wa ikitaku nai. (Emphasizing the part “like “A”)
Hello again, Maggie-sensei! I have a question for you!
I’m not sure if you remember telling me this when we first spoke to each other, but you said that 「自然な日本語を身につけていけば完璧だと思います」.
Even since then I’ve been working on improving that aspect of my speech. I wanted to know in your opinion if I have improved much since then?
Thanks for your input :)
@Remi Ayumi Lee
I am 100 pct sure your Japanese has improved. I am always impressed with your motivation to learn Japanese.
Keep practicing 自然な日本語, OK? !happyface!
I will! Thank you so much (^_^)
張れ ➞ 晴れ!
連勝 → 練習。そそっかしいな人形ですね!先生、すみません!
大丈夫!私もおっちょこちょいで、いつも間違えます。 !happyface!
どうして書きますか= Why do you write it?
どうやって書きますか= How do you write it?
タイプで絵文字を作ります! \(˘◊˘)/
いいですよ〜どんどん実験してみて下さい。 !onpu!
マギー先生, お久しぶりです! \(^o^)/
去年いろいろお世話になりました。そして今年も宜しくお願い致します。マギー先生は, みんなも毎日幸せになりますように。
Another great and informative lesson by the way. (^_^)
@Remi Ayumi Lee
はい!これから次のレッスンを作りますよ〜!! また一年一緒に日本語がんばりましょうね!!!Vsain!
Your lessons are always so useful <3 Thank you for taking the time and making them!
これからもがんばってみんなのためにレッスン作りますね! !JYANE!
犬のマギー先生は今年何歳になるの?写真見てると子供はまだ出来てないね。相手でももう見つかったかな (¬‿¬)
はい、真剣(しんけん)に祈っていてくださいね。 !happyface!
When you are talking to people, you can say
*みなさん (correct)
*皆様= みなさま (correct) more formal
*みんな (correct) more casual
But we don’t say
どういたしまして! !happyface!
there’s a typo there先生. がるの部分のなかで気味悪いのexample. 近つきたがらないは日本語で書いてあるですがロマ字は近つきたくないと書いてある。すみません上手な日本語で説明したいですけどまだ下手なんです。今年も僕もブログを読んでるみんなさんもきっと先生のレッスンに楽しみがっています
PS. 僕のtypeした日本語にも欠点があるなら教えて頂けないでしょうか先生 >-<
*作りたがっていない→As I mentioned in this lesson, たがる is usually used to describe the third person’s desire. So if you meant to say “I thought you didn’t want to make a lesson anymore” then もうレッスンは作りたくないのかと思っていました。is better.
But I would just say “もうレッスンは作らないのかと思った” I thought you were not going to make a lesson anymore is more natural.
*みんなさん→みなさん (Actually many people make this mistake. みんな is not used with さん)
*楽しみがっています→Ahhh too bad. You are trying to use がる here but it doesn’t work here. 楽しみにしています。
*欠点→欠点 is usually used for defects so how about just → 間違い(mistake)?
Other than these your writing is excellent!
よく書けていましたよ♩ !happyface!
Hi Maggie! How’s it going
I read a comment i have a question:
“もうレッスンは作らないのかと思った” can you please explain me why you use のか?
I will just writte もうレッスンは作らないと思った without のか . That’s why i would like to know why you use it.
Hi PukiPuki! I’m genki how about you?
Yes, you can say
の is usually used for nominalization. Also のか emphasizes the meaning more.
I will show you more examples when we use のか
(Can you ask where she lives?)
Ex. 彼女がどこに住んでいるか聞いてくれる?
I don’t know how to do this.
Ex. これをどうやってやるかわからない。
Ex. これをどうやってやるのかわからない。
I’m glad to hear that ^^ I’m fine but i have no motivation to learn….><"""
NOKA is like a hidden question. I read and understand examples that you gave but when i see noka plus to omou it’s different from the hidden question. Sorry don’t know how to explain it ><"
Anyway thank you for anwser ^^
か/のか can express your emotion (such as surprised feeling, etc.) more.
In this case, it is like “whether ~ or not” and 思う is “to wonder”
もうレッスンは作らないのかと思った means
I was wondering if you stopped making lessons.
sensei, sensei
can we translate that sentence to “‘Is she/he not making a lesson anymore?’, was what I thought.”?