Patreon: Index: Daily Japanese Series

Daily Japanese List    (For Patreon supporters) 

Daily Japanese Lesson index
(For ありがとうx5、ありがとうx10 tier supporters).
These are just a part of all my exclusive lessons for Patrons.
There are more than 500 posts on my Patreon page.


No. 1 Reading a note at the store おことわり  ( = okotowari)


No .2  手書きの日本語を読む ( てがきのにほんごをよむ)Reading a handwriting message 

No. 3  宅配弁当 (たいくはいべんとう)  Food delivery Japanese 

No. 4  再配達 (さいはいたつ) How to ask for redelivery 


No. 5  ピザの注文(ちゅうもん) How to order pizza for delivery 

Audio 1) 

Audio 2) 

No. 6 予約(よやく)のキャンセル How to cancel your reservation 

No. 7 友達を誘う(ともだちをさそう) How to ask your friends out 


No. 8  家事(かじ) Household Chores


No. 9  スーパーマーケット Supermarket 


No. 10 日常生活の動詞(にちじょうせいかつのどうし) Verbs for Daily Routines 


No. 11 ガソリンスタンド Gas station 

No. 12 薬局(やっきょく) Going to the pharmacy/drugstore 


No. 13 アドバイスをする Giving advice (ほうがいい = hou ga ii)

No. 14 日本語のメニュー: How to read traditional Japanese menu 

No. 15 コロナ関係(かんけい)語彙(ごい) Covid-19 Related Vocabulary 

No. 16 Listening Practice: 週末(しゅうまつ)について話(はな)す : Talking about your weekend 

No. 17 写真(しゃしん)を撮(と)る時(とき)に使(つか)える日本語(にほんご): Taking pictures 


No. 18 飲み物の自動販売機(のみもののじどうはんばいき) : Drink Vending machine 

No. 19  野菜(やさい)語彙(ごい) Vocabulary : Vegetable 

No. 20 カタカナのリスニング Listening  Katakana words

(The answers are in the comment section)

No. 21 焼肉(やきにく)のメニューの読み方(よみかた) : How to Read Yakiniku Menu 

No . 22 天気(てんき) Weather


No. 23 うどんやのメニューの読み方(よみかた) : How to read Udon Noodle restaurant’s menu

No. 24 Listening Quiz

No. 25  運転関係(うんてんかんけい)の日本語(にほんご): Driving Related Japanese 


No. 26  Listening Quiz (Audio) : How to respond in Japanese 

The answers

No. 27 洋服 (ようふく): Clothes Related Japanese 

No. 28  Audio: Listening Quiz : How to respond 

The answers

No. 29  家電  (かでん): Home appliances related Japanese 

Audio 1

Audio 2

No. 30  落とし物(おとしもの) : Lost and Found


No. 31 Listening Quiz (Audio) : Katakana Quiz 2

The answers

No. 32 Gym/Work-out related Japanese 


No. 33  旅行について話す(りょこうについてはなす)

Part 1: 質問編(しつもんへん): Asking questions

Audio 1 (Q1 ~ 14/Page 1~ 4)

Audio 2 (Q15 ~  39/Page 5 ~ 9)

Part 2: 旅行についての質問に答える(りょこうについてのしつもんにこたえる): Answering the questions about the traveling 

Audio 1

Audio 2

No. 34  Katakana Listening Quiz


No. 35 席の日本語(せきのにほんご): How to describe where to sit


No. 36 How to write short text messages


No. 37 Essential words/phrases to learn Japanese


No. 38 How to get information


No. 39 How to  ask questions to lead the conversation

Audio 1 

Audio 2

No.40 銀行 = ぎんこう = ginkou: Bank Related Japanese 


No.41 音楽 = おんがく = ongaku: Music Related Japanese


No. 42 コンピューター用語= コンピューターようご = konpyuutaa yougo

Computer Related Vocabulary 


No.43 用紙の記入の仕方 = ようしのきにゅうのしかた = Youshi no kinyuu no shikata 
Filling out a form

Audio + Revised PDF File

No. 44  仕事/職業 = しごと/しょくぎょう = shigoto / shokugyou
Talking about one’s job 


No. 45 Business-Related Japanese

No. 46  Renting a Car

No. 47  居酒屋 = いざかや = Izakaya Japanese


No. 48  Leisure activities & Free time


No. 49  Movie / How to buy movie tickets online


No. 50  Self-Checkout (セルフレジ)

No. 51  All about Ramen

No. 52 Giving/Receiving Gifts in Japanese


No. 53  Japanese Festivals 祭り = まつり


No. 54   Listening Quiz


No. 55 Japanese Wordplay Holidays

No.56 How to deal with emergencies- Train


No.57 友達と外食 ( = ともだちとがいしょく) Going out with your Japanese friends Part 1

No.58 友達と外食 ( = ともだちとがいしょく) Going out with your Japanese friends Part 2

No. 59  The 日本 Vocabulary (Japanese Tradition & Culture Vocabulary)

No.60: Buying Antiques/Used items

My supporters can access tons of audio files, PDF files, and special lessons on my Patreon page.

❤️ありがとう x 2:  Early Access, Patreon exclusive Mini lessons and you can access all the audio files of main lessons from 2018. 

Updates: I have started to provide PDF files for Early Access lessons, too.

❤️ありがとう x 5  In addition to the previous benefit + Daily Japanese 

❤️ありがとう x 10 In addition to the previous benefit +PDF file of all my Twitter lessons for a month (average more than 10  pages)  with an audio file. Please check the details  here

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