Follow up lesson for the video "一番好きな日本語は何?"


:o 「一番好きな日本語は?

 = Ichiban sukina nihongo wa?

“What’s your favorite Japanese word?”


 = ”Mendokusai!”

” It’s a lot of work!”

Today’s word is

「めんどくさい!」Mendokusai!”:too much work!, It is a pain!, a lot of work, troublesome

Please watch the video, 「一番好きな日本語は何? ( = ichiban sukina nihongo wa nani? ) What is your favorite Japanese word?first and check the following list that I made.

:maggie-small: リスト( = risuto) list

鬱   =  うつ = utsu  depression

激辛  = げきからgekikara =  Super spicy 激安   = げきやす = gekiyasu Super cheap

面白い = おもしろい = omoshiroi=  interesting, amusing funny

ぬいぐるみ nuigurumi = a stuffed animal

くちばし = kuchibashi = beak


 = Boku ano tori no kuchibashi daisuki!

= I love that bird’s beak!

わがまま agamama =  selfish


= Anata ha hontou ni wagamama desu!

= You are really selfish!

以心伝心 = いしんでんしん =  ishin denshin =  heart-to-heart (nonverbal) communication, some dictionaries say “telepathy”

百貫デブ = ひゃっかんデブhyakkan debu  = very fat (Are you talking to me?)

愚かな = おろかなorokana =   foolish

満腹 = まんぷくmanpuku =  full stomach

忍耐 = にんたい = nintai =  patience

お手紙 = おてがみ =  otegami  = a letter

旅行 = りょこうryokou (to take)  = a trip

強い = つよい = tsuyoi =  strong

= ぼく=  boku “I” (first pronoun for  boys. I am a girl so I won’t use it.)

ドキドキ dokidoki =  thumping (heart beating sound)

ドキドキする  = dokidoki suru  = be nervous,get excited

お転婆  = おてんばotenba =  a tomboy

ニキビ  = nikibi =  acne、zit

そろそろ失礼します。 = そろそろしつれいします = Sorosoro shiturei shimasu. =  I am leaving now. (formal)

分かりました  = わかりましたwakarimashita =  I understand. / I got it.

あほ = aho  = stupid, idiot  (mainly in western area in Japan)

楽しい = たのしい = tanoshii =  amusing, fun

外人  = がいじんgaijin  = foreigner  abbreviation of 外国人 = がいこくじん =  gaikokujin

more polite : 外国の人 = がいこくのひと gaikoku no hito 


more polite: 外国の方  = がいこくのかた= gaikoku no kata : →more polite)

キラキラ  = kirakira =  shimmering, dazzling, sparkling glittering


= わらうかどにはふくきたる

= Warau kado niwa fuku kitaru.

laughing brings happiness

お疲れ様です。 = おつかれさまです。= Otsukare sama desu.  = Thank you for all your (hard) work.

お疲れ様でした  = おつかれさまでした。= Otsukare sama deshita. (Same as above but in a past tense.)

ホッチキス  = hocchikisu = a stapler

すみません  = sumimasen =  Excuse me! or I am sorry!

  = はだか = hadaka =  naked

分かる = wakaru =  to understand

Ex. 分かりましたか? 

= わかりましたか?

= Wakarimashitaka?

=  Did you understand?

心臓  = しんぞう = shinzou =  heart (as an internal organ) 

花火 = はなび =  hanabi = firework

自転車 = じてんしゃjitensha = bicycle

あんこ  (餡子 )  = anko =  bean jam

= ふくろ = fukuro = a bag


= ふくろいりますか?

= Fukuro irimasuka

Do you need a bag.


= わをもってとうとしとなる。

= Wawo motte toutoshi to naru  

It is important to get along.

スズキ  = Suzuki  =  Suzuki

ブルースリー =  Buruusu rii =  Bruce Lee     (Wait! Is he Japanese!?! :roll: )

ドラゴンボール = Doragon boul  =  Dragon Ball

コンビニ =  konbini =  a convenience store

芸術家 = げいじゅつか geijyutuka =  an artist

かぼちゃ =  kabocha =  a pumpkin or squash

大丈夫 = だいじょうぶ = daijyoubu = fine, all right,OK


= だいじょうですか?

=  Daijyoubudesuka?  

Are you all right?/OK?

無心  = むしん = mushin =  Buddhist term, free from thought. Empty mind


= ちょっとうかがいたいことがあるんですが。

= Chotto ukagai tai koto ga arun desu ga.

=  Excuse me but may I ask you a question?

可愛い = かわいい  kawaii =  cute

下着  = したぎ = shitagi =  underwear

千鳥足 = ちどりあし=  chidoriashi =  to stagger around

誰ですか?  = だれですか? = Dare desuka?  = Who are you?


= わたしはかばんです。

= Watashi wa “kaban” desu.

=  “I am a bag”

抱きしめて = だきしめて =  Dakisihmete =  Hold me tight!

仕込む  = しこむ = shikomu =  to prepare

Ex. 芸を仕込む = げいをしこむ =  gei wo shikomu =  to train (an animal) some trick. 

かたじけない =  katajikenai  =Samurai language “Thank you!” “I am sorry!”

むっちゃ =  muccha =  (colloquial) Very! Super!

まさか =  masaka =  It can’t be true!  / No way!

電車  = でんしゃ = dennsha =  an electric train

全部  = ぜんぶ = zenbu =  all, everything


= ぜんぶたべなさい

 Zenbu tabenasai

“Eat everything!”

食べる  = たべる = taberu =  to eat

 = ほし = hoshi = a star

輝かしい未来を = かがやかしいみらいを=  Kagayakashii mirai wo! =  (To have) brilliant future

一生懸命  = いっしょうけんめい = isshoukenmei =   To do one’s best

復讐 = ふくしゅう fukushuu = revenge

失礼します。= しつれいします = shiturei shimasu. =   “May I come in?” “Good-bye” “Excuse me..”,etc.

絶望した = ぜつぼうした = zetsubou shita = disappointed

= せみ =  semi = cicadas

変身 = へんしん henshin =  transform

それほど  = sorehodo = not so much

Ex. この林檎はそれほど高くないです。

= Kono ringo wa sorehodo takaku naidesu. 

This apple is not that expensive.

弱肉強食  = じゃくにくきょうしゅく = jakuniku kyoushoku =  dog-eat-dog world. Survival of the strongest.

木漏れ日 = こもれび = komorebi  = sunbeams streaming through leaves

飲み放題 = のみほうだい =  nomihoudai =  all you can drink

乾杯 = かんぱい =  kanpai =  Cheers!

二日酔い = ふつかよい =  futsukayoi =  hangover

ビール = biiru = beer

飽きる = あきる akiru =  to get tired of something.

うるさい  = urusai = noisy, annoying

妖怪 = ようかい =   youkai =  specter, spook, ghost, goblin, etc.

おっぱい  = oppai =  boobs

いやいやいや… =  Iya iya iya… =  Oh, no, no, no…

散歩に行く?  = さんぽにいく?= Sanpo ni iku?  = Wanna go for a walk?

感謝しています。 = かんしゃしています  = Kansha shiteimasu. =   I appreciate it.

frenchbulldogマギー先生より  = Maggie sensei yori. =  From Maggie-Sensei

長いリストでしょ! =  Nagai risuto desho! =  Isn’t it a long list?

あ〜めんどくさかった! = Ah~ mendokusakatta!  = Boy, it was a lot of work for me…

でも、皆さんも、お疲れ様でした!  = Demo minasan mo otsukare sama deshita! =  But good job everyone!


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  1. 「まさかお前が生き残るなんて、思いもしませんでした」

    大体の場合「まさか」は「no way」とか「can’t be」とかに直訳でいませんね。

  2. わがままはたしかに、「利己的」というような意味が含まれていると感じますが、なんか「自分勝手」とちょっと違いますね。


  3. えと~
    I know that it’s just the Japanese word for England, but I just like the sound of it. I dunno why. XD
    Oh! I also like 水 and 音 because those were the first Japanese words I learned for a haiku in middle school.

    I know. I’m kinda weird. XD


    1. @ハリちゃん

      いいですよ〜! 人それぞれで!=Everyone is different

  4. リストの中で1番好きのはホッチキスです。
    Its sound nice for me.

    1. @アリナ

      Funny to hear your favorite word is ホッチキス (or ホチキス)
      FYI staples are called ホッチキス(ホチキス)の針(shin)

  5. 私の一番好きな日本語の言葉は救急車。 It reminds me of world of warcraft, where when a person whines about something bad that happened, someone else will say QQ, or QQ more, or less QQ more pewpew. Because QQ is supposed to look like two eyes crying. When someone says QQ it kind of means, get over it.

    1. cloudstrife543-san

      救急 sounds like QQ, huh? なるほど!I see..Tashika ni QQ looks like someone is crying..
      But I don’t like a sound of QQ車!

    1. Hello, Harin-san!
      激 and 超 are both use to add the meaning of “super”.

      Usually “激” comes before a noun form and “超” comes before adjetive form.

      1) Super cheap
      People do *激安 (geki yasu)  あのカメラは激安だった。(Ano kamera wa gekiyasu datta) That camera was very cheap.
      *超安い (chou yasui) あのカメラは超安かった。(Ano kamera wa chou yasukatta.) The same meaning.
      2) Super hot/spicy
      *激辛(gekikara)  このカレーは激辛だ。(Kono karei wa gekikara da.) This curry is super hot.
      *超辛い(chou karai) このカレーは超辛い。(Kono karei wa chou karai.) The same meaning.
      3) Super crowded
      *激混み(Gekikomi) 今朝の電車は激混みだった。(Kesa no densha wa gekikomi datta.) The train was super crowded this morning.
      *超混んでいる(Chou konde iru.) 今朝の電車は超混んでいた。(Kesa no densha wa chou konde ita.) The same meaning.

      HOWEVER, they are both slangs so basically there is no rule. People do say
      1-1) 激安い(gekiyasui) 超安 (Chouyasu)
      2-1)激辛い (gekikarai) 超辛(choukara)
      3-1) 激混んでいる(gekikonde iru) 超混む(choukomu)

      If we google “超美味しい” (chouoishii) & “激美味しい” (gekioishii), means “super delicious”,”超美味しい” will get more hits.

      Some adjetives and nouns never take 激 or 超, though. So please search the word you want to use with 激 or 超 on Google and check if they use it or not.

      Oh, one more thing! Sometimes we use them both,
      超激レア (Chou geki rea!) means it is super rare!
      超激安 (Chou geki yasu) Super cheap!
      超激辛 (Chou geki kara) Super hot

      They are kind of fun words, huh?

  6. Sweet, I see that all the favorite Japanese words are here!
    I have a question though, “zenbu” or “zennbu” (the second n to make the ん character) is written as “zembu” in a Japanese dictionary.
    How come? There is no “m” character. And it’s still written as ぜんぶ . I’ve seen this with other words as well, like “kampai” Do you have any idea why?

    Thanks Maggie-sensei!ぜんぶ&eng=&dict=edict&common=on&romaji=onかんぱい&eng=&dict=edict&romaji=on

    1. Hello, TheDutchGaijin-san! Comment arigatou! As for your question,

      全部 ぜんぶ 1) zenbu, or 2) zembu
      乾杯 かんぱい 1) kanpai or 2) kampai
      太田さん おおたさん 1) Outa-san or 2) Ohta-san

      1) form is “Romaji” which Japanese people use. 2) form is for non-native people to pronounce Japanese words.
      2) form could be easier to read Japanese words with.

      Ex. Memphis is “Menfisu” in Romaji. (It’s how Japanese people try to read English words)
      Ex. Combat is “Konbatto” in Romaji.
      But orthographically they use “m”instead of “n” before “b” or “p” when they spell in English.
      So I think you can write in both ways.
      How’s that?
      また来てね! Mata kitene! Please visit me again!

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