あたり & はずれ ( = atari & hazure ) + Bonus Video lesson (Paper Rabbit Rope 2)



= Ima no kare chotto hazure dattakamo…

= My current boyfriend could be a bad choice..

Today’s focus words are,

当たり= あたり= アタリ=atari

外れ = はずれ = ハズレ= hazure

We use it often for a quiz show or game.

当たり! = あたり! = アタリ! =You are right! Bingo!

外れ!= はずれ! = ハズレ!= Your guess (answer) is not right! You made a mistake!

Note: When someone won a big prize or guess something difficult correctly, we say 大当たり= ooatari!

A :「マギーの好きな食べ物は何でしょう!」= Maggie no sukina tabemono wa nandeshou! = Guess what Maggie’s favorite food is!

B :「ステーキ?」= suteiki! = Steak?

A  :「外れ!」= Hazure = Nope! (Not correct!)

C :「からあげ君?」 = Karaage kun?  = Fried chicken nuggets (from Lawson, a convenience store.)

D :「当たり!」 = Atari! = Bingo!

Ex. 当たりくじ = winning number, lucky number

Ex. 外れくじ = a blank, numbers that didn’t win


We often use it when we eat food.

For example if there are a variety of cakes and you picked a good one, you say

これ当たりだった!= Kore atari datta.

Or when you picked a bad one, you say

はずれだった= Hazuredatta.

Sometimes we use it figuratively like in the picture above.


= Ima no kare chotto hazure dattakamo…

= My current boyfriend could be a bad choice..

Which means, Maggie wonders if she made a bad choice or picked the wrong boyfriend = ハズレ= hazure!


verb :u:

当たる = ataru = to win a prize, lottery, to guess something right

Ex. 予想が当たる

= yosou ga ataru

= to guess something right

Ex. 宝くじに当たった

= takarakuji ni atatta.

= won the lottery

Ex. 懸賞に当たる

= kenshou ni ataru

= to win a prize

Ex. 懸賞でハワイ旅行に当たる

= kenshou de Hawai ryokou ni ataru.

= to win a trip to Hawaii (usually by taking part in a campaign — like collecting bottle caps or seals off a product and sending them in to the manufacturer, etc.)

外れる = hazureru = to draw a blank, to not guess something right

Ex. 予想が外れる

= yosou ga hazureru

= didn’t guess something right

Ex. 宝くじに外れた。

= takarakuji ni hazureta.

= drew a losing ticket

See the literal translation of  当たる= ataru = is to hit and 外れる = hazureru = is to miss

Ex. 曲が当たる

= kyoku ga ataru

= the music became a hit

Ex. 新商品が当たる

= shinshouhin ga ataru

= the new product was a hit

Ex. 占いが当たる

= ataru uranai

= one’s fortune came true

Ex. 占いが外れる

= uranai ga hazureru

=one’s fortune doesn’t come true

Ex. 試験の山(ヤマ)が外れた

= shiken no yama ga hazureta

= failed one’s speculation for the exam.

To understand this one, first you should also know the idiom 山(ヤマ)をかける = yama wo kakeru = to study only one area of material that you think will appear on a test because you don’t have time to study everything.

We use it when we choose things, sometimes we pick the right one and sometimes we pick the wrong one. That is called,

!to right! 当たり外れ = hit or miss, used to describe a situation where some of the choices are winners and some are losers


:ii:   オマケ! = Omake =Bonus Video Lesson!


I once used  紙兎ロペ = Kamiusagi Rope = Paper Rabbit Rope’s video for 若者言葉 レッスン= Wakamono Kotoba Lesson = Young People’s Japanese lesson.

Since they have more videos, I then got a request to make a lesson using another clip of theirs. Also they say 当たり外れ=

atari hazure, so please pay attention to it.

The way they talk is very vulgar and it is full of slangy expressions.

So I will teach you this but please be careful when you use these expressions. Only use them in situations and with people who you are sure you won’t offend.

This clip is interesting because you can see the contrast between the way young people talk and the way old people talk.

(But I have to admit that the way the old guy in the video talks is a bit overly old-fashioned.)



= Kamiusagi Rope

= Paper Rabbit Rope


=Kami Risu Akira

=Paper Squirrel Akira

Note : アキラ ( =Akira) is older than ロペ ( = Rope) he is called 先輩 ( = senpai) senior.


Clip title : ガチャガチャ編

= Gachagacha hen

= Episode of  “Gachagacha”

Note : ガチャガチャ = gachagacha = is a clatter sound.  It is also the name of a machine from which you buy little toys in a capsule.

In this episode, Rope and Akira will visit a little store called 小島商店 = Kojima shouten to buy “Ultra Ball”, a type of bouncy ball with this Gachagacha machine.

Open the video in a separate  window and read along with the text.


Beginning of the clip :

You see two Gachagacha machines in front of a store and you can read,

超はねる!= chou haneru = Super bouncing!

超スーパーボール = super “Super Ball”

:rrrr: = chou = “super” , add it before a word to emphasize its meaning.

• ウルトラボール = “Ultra Ball” a name of a bouncy ball. Supposedly it bounces more than Super Ball according to Akira.

• ハンパねー!= hanpanee! = awesome! (Check my ハンパないlesson!)

• 超はねる!= chou haneru = super bouncing!

• ”この商品は、あたりはずれがあり見本以外が98%入っています。”

= Kono shouhin wa atari hazure ga ari mihon igai ga kyuujuuhappasento haitte imasu.

= There are good ones and bad ones among these products . There is a 98 pct chance that you’ll pick a different ball from the samples shown.

Note: It is a funny joke line that you will never see in real life.

As we have studied above, あたりはずれがある = 当たり外れがある = atari hazure ga aru

It means you don’t always get a good one. Sometimes you get a bad one or one that you may not particularly like.

!to right! Script

*紙兎 ロペ = Kami Usagi Rope):R

*紙リス アキラ先輩 = Kami Risu Akira senpai):A

* 店主 = tenshu = a shop owner : O

A :「(う)ん?おっ、すげーウルトラボールだ!わ~すっげえ!」

= N? O, sugee urutora bouru da! Waa suggee!

= Umm? Oh wow! Awesome! Ultra Balls! Awesome!

Note :

すげ〜= sugee すっげえ = suggee= Great! Awesome!(vulgar)すごい= sugoi. Mainly used by young men.

R :「えっ!?なんすかこれ?」

= Eh!? Nansuka kore?

=Eh? What is it?

Note :

なんすか = nansuka ← なんですか?= nandesuka? =What is it?

A :「これ、なんかあ、この間テレビでやってたんだけどお…」

= Kore nankaa konoaida terebi de yattetan dakedoo…

= You know I saw it on TV the other day…

Note :

どお.. = doo …Young people tend to stretch the end of a sentence.

R :「はい」

= Hai

= Yes

A :「あのスーパーボールあんじゃん。」

= Ano suupaa bouru anjan

= There are Super Balls, right?

Note :

あんじゃん = anjan ←あるじゃない = arujanai ←あるよね = aruyone

R :「はい」

= Hai

= Yes.

A :「なんか、スーパーボールの確か30倍とかはねるらしいんだわ。」

= Nanka, suupaa bouru no tashika sanjuubai toka haneru rashin dawa.

= They say it bounces 30 times more than Super Balls.

R :「えっ!?マジっすか?」

= Eh!? Majissuka?

= No kidding!

Note : マジ = maji = slang

In this case it shows your surprise.  “really?”Are you sure?” “No kidding!”

= Majissuka? ←マジですか? = Majidesuka?  っすか =ssuka?
Young people like to finish sentences with っす ( = ssu) instead of です。( = desu) or ます。(=masu)
or っすか?= ssuka? instead of ですか?= desuka?

A :「う~ん、ヤバくね?」

= Uun… yabaku ne?

= Isn’t it awesome?

R : 「ヤバイっすね。」

= Yabaissune.

= Totally!

Note :

ヤバい(イ)= yabai = (slang), you can use both negatively or positively.

negative : dangerous, risky

positive : good, great, delicious, awesome.

~くね = kune?  (vulgar ending) used with i-adjective.

:rrrr:ヤバくね? = yabakune? ← ヤバくない?= Yabakunai?

Ex. 美味しくない?= OIshikunai? = Isn’t it delicious?美味しくね?= Oishiku ne?

Ex. 高くない? = Kawaiku nai? = Isn’t it expensive? → 高くね?= Takaku ne?

A :「だべ?」

= Dabe?

= Isn’t it?

Note :

だべ = dabe ← (そう)でしょ?= (Sou) desho?

だべ = dabe is an ending originally from a dialect of Tohoku area.

Ex. そうだべ? = soudabe? ← そうでしょ?= soudesho?

A :「ちょ、俺一回やるわ、これ。」

= Cho, ore ikkai yaruwa, kore.

= Well, I will try this once.

Note: ちょ = チョ = cho (slang) ← ちょっと = chotto

R :「はい」

= Hai

= Yes.

A :「うーん」

= Uuun

= Umm…

A :「つうかウルトラボール入荷するとかさあ..」

= Tsuuka urutorabouru nyuuka suru toka saa..

= You know, like this store has started to deal with Ultra Balls and stuff,

Note :

つうか=tsuuka or ツーカ = tsuuka (slang) ← というか = toiuka,
actually, I mean, you know, what I mean is,

R :「はい」

= Hai

= Yes.

A :「ちょっと久々にあれだわ。林商店見直したわ。」

= Chotto hisabisa ni aredawa. Hayashishouten minaoshitawa.

= You know I now see Hayashi Shoten in a different light.

Note :

久々に = hisabisa ni = to do something which you haven’t done for a while, for the first time in many years

見直す = minaosu = to reevaluate something in a good way

R : ハハハハ…

= Hahahaha…

R :「そうっすねえ。」

= Soussunee.

= You are right.

A :「おお…おお出た!よっしゃあ~!」

= Oo.. Oo! deta! Yosshaa!

= Yeah… Oh! It came out! Goodie!

Note :

よっしゃあ〜!= Yosshaa! = Yay! Goodie! Great! I got it!  I made it!

We say this when we achieve something or are happy. Like やったー!= Yattaa! = Yay!

A :「あれ!?」

= Are!?

= What?

A :「えっ!?」

= Eh!?

= What!?

A :「なんだこれ?」

= Nanda  kore?

= What is this?


= Eh!? Nandayo kore!

= What? What is this?

O : 「えっ?どうしたんすか?」

= Eh? Doushitansuka?

= Eh? What happened?

A :「え~俺、今これウルトラボールのやつやったよなあ。」

= Eee. Ore ima kore urutora bouru no yatu yatta yonaa.

= Umm? I just did the one with Ultra balls, right?

Note :

〜のやつ = no yatsu = one with …

R :「はい」

= Hai

= Yes.

A :「え~っ!?オッサン!オッサン!あれ!?オッサ~ン!」

= Eeeeeh!  Ossan,! Ossan! Are!? Ossaan!!

= Whaaat!? Old man! Old man! What? Old man!!

Note :

オッサン = ossan (vulgar) Originally from Osaka area ← おじさん = ojisan

O : 「はい、はいはいはい..も~っ!なんじゃ騒々しい!」

= Hai, haihaihai..mooo! nanjasouzoushii

= Yeah, yeah, yeah… Well! What’s the commotion? You guys are so loud!

Note :

なんじゃ = nanja!  a kind of corny way of old man’s talk ← なんだ = nanda!

騒々しい = souzou shii  = loud

A :「いやいや騒々しいじゃねえよ、マジで!これどういうことだよ!なあ!」

= Iyaiya souzoushii janeeyo. Majide! Kore douiu kotodayo! Naa!

= No, no… Don’t tell me we are loud. I am serious! What do you mean by this? Hey!

Note :

~じゃねえよ= janeeyo (vulgar) ~ではないよ = dewa naiyo

なあ = naa = a rude way to say “Hey!”

A :「これお前、お子様ランチのあのピラフの上にささってたやつだろ、これ!なあ!」

= Kore omae, okosama ranchi no ano pirafu no ue ni sasatte yatsu daro, kore! Naa!

= This is the thing stuck on top of the children’s lunch plate rice, isn’t it. Hey!

Note :

お子様ランチ = okosama ranchi = typical lunch plate for children. Usually they stick a paper flag made with a toothpick  on top of the rice.








ピラフ = rice pilaf, flavored rice

A :「明らかにここささってた跡がついてるっしぃ..」

= Akiraka ni koko sasatteta ato ga tuiterusshii.

= Obviously there is a mark to prove it was stuck here.

Note :

ささる = sasaru = to stick

= ato = a mark

A :「いやいや、なんとか言えよ!俺、ウルトラボール…」

= Iyaiya nantoka ieyo! Ore urutorabouru…

= No, no….say something! I (wanted an) ultra ball…

Note :

言えよ = ieyo  (strong command of “Say something!”)


= Jibun no omoidoori ni naran koto mo arujaroga!

= Things don’t always go the way you like.

Note :

思い通りにならん= jibun no omoidoori ni naran ←思い通りにならない = omoidoori ni naranai

= can’t be like as you had expected.

あるじゃろが!= aru jaro ga (old man’s talk / old fashioned)あるだろうが! = Aru darou ga!

A :「あっ!?」

= Ah!?

= What!?

O : 当たり外れがあるのが人生の醍醐味じゃないんかあ!そうじゃろう!」

= Atari hazure ga aru no ga jinsei no daigomi ja nainkaa! Soujarou!

= Winning and losing is part of the fun of life right?

Note :

当たり外れ= atari hazure (See above for the explanation.)

醍醐味 = daigomi = the real joy, pleasure

A :「なに、言ってるんだ、オメエ….」

= Nani itterunda omee…

= What the hell are you talking about?

Note :

オメエ = omee (vulgar)お前 = omae (vulgar) = you

A :「ちげーよ、だったらこのウルトラボールの柄がちげーとか大きさがどうとかそういう当たり外れはいいけどこれ反則だろ!」

= Chigeeyo, dattara kono urutorabouru no garaga chigee to ka ookisa ga doutoka souiu atarihazure wa iikdoe kore hansoku daro!

= That is not true. It is OK to pick a winning or losing design or a big or small ultra ball but this is wrong!

Note :

ちげーよ = chigeeyo (vulgar)ちがうよ = chigauyo = It is not true.

反則 = hansoku = offense against a rule


= Haa, washiga kodomo no koro dattara ooyorokobi shitotta ganou . Ima no ko wa yare terebigeemu yara naniyara

= When I was a kid, I would have been thrilled. Children in this modern days are… you know video games, etc.

Note わし = washi = “I(old fashioned way to call your self.) For old men

A :「いくらオッサンが子供の時でもよお、このイギリス国旗はねえだろ~!」

= Ikura ossan ga kodomono toki demo yoo, kono igirisiu kokki wa needaroo!

= Even in your childhood, there is no way you’d have gotten this British flag..

Note :

いくら〜でも = Ikura ~ demo = even though , even if, although

ねえ =nee (vulgar) ない= nai

ねえだろ = needaro (vulgar) ←ないだろう =  naidarou ←ないでしょう = naideshou = There is no way to …

よお = yoo (vulgar) (=ne)

ねえだろ = needaro (vulgar)ないだろう= naidarou

O : 「君はイギリス好きか?」

= Kimi wa igirisu suki ka?

= Do you like England?

A :「あっ!?」

= Ah!?

= What?

O :「君はイギリスが好きかと聞いとるんじゃ!」

= Kimiwa igirisu ga sukika to kiitorunja!

= I am asking you if you like England or not.

Note :

聞いとるんじゃ! = kiitorunja! ← 聞いているんだ! = Kiite irunda!

じゃ = ja ending is used by old people or in old time stories.
You might have seen it in manga an old guru says, そうじゃ = souja = You are right. It is correct!, なんじゃ = nanja? = What is it?, etc.

A :「あ~まあ好きっちゃ好きかな~サッカーつえ~し」

= Aa maa sukiccha suki kanaa.. sakka tsueeshi.

= Well, if I have to say, I would say I like it because they are good at soccer and…

Note :

好きっちゃ好きかな= sukiccha suki kana ← 好きかと聞かれたら(言われたら)好きかな = suki kato kiaretara (iwaretara) suki kana.. = If you ask me whether I like it or not, I would say I like it.

つえーし= tsueeshi (vulgar)強いし = tsuyoishi = Because (they are) strong

O : 「そっか!よかったのう!」

= Sokka! Yokattanou!

= Oh, good! (I’m happy for you!)

Note :

そっか = sokka ←  そうか = souka = I see

よかったのう = Yokatta nou ← よかったね = Yokatta ne.

Old old people end the sentence with のう = nou.

Ex. そうですね= soudesune →そうだのう= Souda nou

そっか = sokka is a colloquial expression of そうか = souka so it is funny that this old guy uses both young people and old people languages.

A :「ああ..いやいやよくねえよ。あぶねっ!なんかぐちゃぐちゃっとされるところだった。オッサン!おい!」

= Aa.. iyaiya yokuneeyo. Abune! Nanka guchaguchatto sareru tokoro datta. Ossan! Oi!

= Um… No, no… It’s not good! Man, that was close.  Oh my. I was almost trapped. Old man! Oi!

Note :

よくねえよ = yokuneeyo (vulgar) ← よくないよ = yokunaiyo

あぶねっ! = Abuné! (vulgar) ← あぶない = abunai = It was so close! ( the literal meaning is risky or dangerous. )

ぐちゃぐちゃにする = guchagucha ni suru = to mess up

R :「先輩、もうほっといて映画館行きましょうよ!」

= Senpai, mou hottoite eigakan ikimashouyo!

= Senpai, let’s leave it and go to the movie theater!

Note :

ほっておく = hotte oku = to leave someone or something alone

The caption reads,


= tsuzuku

= to be continued

maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Watashi ateru no jouzu nandayo. Mite, Mite!

= I am good at guessing, Look! Look!



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  1. I just spent the last 15 minutes bursting out in laughter thanks to you. Great video. It’s great to see proper, slang Japanese, which is so damn difficult to find.

    Sydney, Australia

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