How to use から ( = kara)


= しごとおわったからおふろにはいるね。

= Shigoto owatta kara ofuro ni hairune.

= I’m done with my work so I am going to take a bath, OK?


= わたしは、ひるねしてからはいるよ。

= Watashi wa, hirune shite kara hairuyo.

= I am going to take a bath after taking a nap.

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How to use どう ( = dou)



= さいきん、ちょうしどう?

= Saikin, choushi dou?

= How’s life been treating you? 



= Doumokoumo naiyo. Kono atsusa nantoka shite yo.

= It has been horrible. Do something about this heat!

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How to use 場合 ( = ばあい = baai)













= わたしとかのじょ、どっちがすき?

= Watashi to kanojo, docchi ga suki?

= Who do you like better? Me or her?


= こういうばあいどうしたらいいんだろう…

= Kona baai wa doushitara ii no kanaa…

= I wonder what I should do in this kind of situation…

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