How to use the verb 取る = とる = toru


= Chotto, soko no omocha totte kurenai?

= Hey, can you pass me that toy over there?

Hello everyone!

Today’s lesson is a request lesson from one of my dear Patrons. Her sweet kitty, Tarou-Sensei will be the guest teacher. Look at him! He is gorgeous! ❤️

We are going to focus on the verb 取る = とる = toru.



First とる ( = toru) has many different kanji

とる ( = toru). 

Let’s look at some of the most common ones.

撮る →to take a picture, to shoot a movie

Ex. 写真を撮る 

= shashin wo toru

= to take a picture

録る →to record, to tape 

Ex. うまく音が録れていなかった。

= Umaku oto ga torete inakatta.

= The sound was not recorded right. 

採る →to pick fruits, gather, hire, adopt

Ex. 山にきのこを採りに行ってきます。

= Yama ni kinoko wo tori ni itte kimasu.

= I am going mushroom hunting in the mountains.

盗る →to steal

Ex. 人の物を盗ってはいけません。

= Hito no mono wo totte wa ikemasen.

= Don’t steal anything. 

捕る →to catch (small animal, fish, etc.)

Ex. うちの猫がねずみを捕ってきた。

= Uchi no neko ga nezumi wo totte kita.

= My cat caught a mouse and brought it home. 

摂る →to take nourishment

Ex. 栄養を摂る 

= eiyou wo toru 

= to take nourishment 

And the one we are going to study today is

取る →to take (in general), get, pick, take away, pass, etc.

There are so many different meanings and compound verbs with 取る( = とる = toru).  I will cover as many as possible.

★ to take, to pick up, to choose, to pass 

*  取りに行く = とりにいく = tori ni iku = to go pick up something

Ex. 今日、クリーニング屋に服を取りにいきます。

= Kyou, kuriininguya ni fuku wo tori ni ikimasu.

= I am going to the cleaners to pick up my clothes. 

* 電話を取る = でんわをとる = denwa wo toru  = to pick up the phone

Ex. 今、手が離せないから誰か電話、取って!

= Ima, te ga hanasenai kara dareka denwa, totte!

= I am tied up right now. Can somebody pick up the phone?

★ to take/put something in ~ 

* 手に取る = てにとる = te ni toru = to take something in one’s hand

(At the store) 

Ex. どうぞ、お手に取ってご覧ください。

= Douzo, ote ni totte goran kudasai.

= Please feel free to pick it up and take a look. 

★ Idiomatic expression:

* 手に取るように = てにとるように = te ni toru you ni = clearly 

Ex. 娘の気持ちは、手に取るようにわかります。

= Musume no kimochi wa, te ni toru you ni wakarimasu.

= I understand how my daughter feels clearly. 

Ex. お好きなパンをお皿にお取りください。(polite) 

= Osukina pan wo osara ni otori kudasai. 

= Please take any bread you like and put them on your plate.

Related word:

→ 取り皿 = とりざら = torizara = (small) extra plates (to share the food) 

Ex. 大きい方を取る

= ookii hou wo toru

= to pick the bigger one

Ex. 塩を取ってくれる?

= Shio wo totte kureru?

= Can you pass me the salt?

Ex. あの子に彼を取られた。

= Anoko ni kare wo torareta.

= She took/stole my boyfriend.

You also say:

* 横取りする = よこどりする = yokodori suru 

= to steal, to take something from someone (You can use it with a person.)


= Anoko ni kare wo yokodori sareta.

= She took/stole my boyfriend. 

★to take, to have, to make something:

* 出席を取る = しゅっせきをとる = shusseki wo toru  = to take attendance 

Ex. 今から出席を取ります。

= Ima kara shusseki wo torimasu.

= I am going to take attendance now. 

* 連絡を取る = れんらくをとる = renraku wo toru 

 = to contact ~ / to get in touch with ~

Ex. 私から彼に連絡を取ってみます。

= Watashi kara kare ni renraku wo tottemimasu.

= I will try to contact him.

* 食事を取る = しょくじをとる = shokuji wo toru  = to have a meal 

Ex. 朝から食事を何も取っていません。

= Asa kara shokuji wo nanimo totteimasen.

= I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning. 

* 席を取る = せきをとる = seki wo toru  = to get / reserve a seat/table 

Ex. (お店に)先に行って、席を取っておいて。

= (Omise ni) Saki ni itte, seki wo totteoite.

= You go ahead and get our table. 

* 責任を取る = せきにんをとる = sekinin wo toru  = to take responsibility 

Ex. この問題について誰も責任を取りたがらない。

= Kono mondai ni tsuite daremo sekinin wo toritagaranai.

= Nobody wants to take the responsibility for this problem.

 * コピーを取る = コピーをとる  = kopii wo toru  = to make a copy/copies 

Ex. コピーを2枚取ってくれない?

= Kopii wo nimai tottekurenai.

= Can you make two copies? 

 * メモ/ノートを取る = メモ/ノートをとる  = memo/nooto  wo toru = to take a memo/note 

Note: In Japanese  メモ ( = memo) is used for relatively quick and short notes and ノート ( = nooto) is used when you take notes in the class. 

Ex. 彼は授業中、ノートを何も取らないのに成績がいい。

= Kare wa jugyouchuu, nooto wo nanimo toranai noni seiseki ga ii.

= Even though he doesn’t takes any notes during the class, his grades are good. 

* 免許を取る = めんきょをとる = menkyo wo toru  = to get one’s license 

Ex. いつ、車の免許を取ったの? (casual)

= Itsu, kuruma no menkyo wo totta no?

= When did you get your driver’s license?

* 休みを取る = やすみをとる = yasumi wo toru = to take a vacation/ a day – off.

Ex. 明日から1週間休みを取ります。

= Ashita kara isshukan yasumi wo torimasu.

= I am going to take a week off from tomorrow. 

* 時間を取る = じかんをとる = jikan wo toru = to take time

Ex. ごめんなさい。準備に時間を取りすぎました。

= Gomennasai. Junbi ni jikan wo torisugimashita.

= It took too much time to prepare. 

* 点を取る = てんをとる = ten wo toru = to score, to get marks

Ex. お母さん、テストでついに100点取ったよ! 何か買ってよ。( casual)

= Okaasan, tesuto de tsuini hyakuten totta yo! Nanka katteyo.

= Mom, I finally got 100 points on the test. Buy me something. 

* 注文を取る = ちゅうもんをとる = chuumon wo toru = to take an order

Ex. あそこのテーブルのお客さんの注文を取ってきて。

= Asoko no teeburu no okyakusan no chuumon wo tottekite.

= Take an order from the customer at the table over there. 

★to remove, to take off, to take away ~ from ~ 

* 値札を取る = ねふだをとる = nefuda wo toru = to take the price tag

Ex. 彼女に値札を取らずにプレゼントを渡してしまった

= Kanojo ni nefuda wo torazuni purezento wo watashite shimatta.

= I gave a present to my girlfriend without taking off the price tag by accident. 

*しみを取る = しみをとる = shimi wo toru  = to remove a stain 

Ex. コーヒーのしみはなかなか取れない。

= Koohii no shimi wa nakanaka torenai.

= It is hard to remove coffee stains.

* 汚れを取る = よごれをとる = yogore wo toru  = to remove dirt / stains (from ~)

Ex. この洗剤はよく汚れが取れる。

= Kono senzai wa yoku yogore ga toreru.

= This detergent removes dirt well.

* 化粧を取る = けしょうをとる = keshou wo toru  = to remove one’s make-up.

Ex. 化粧を取らずに寝てしまった。

= Keshou wo torazu ni neteshimatta.

= I fell asleep without taking my make-up off.

Note: You also say 化粧を落とす = けしょうをおとす = keshou wo otosu

* 痛みを取る = いたみをとる = itami wo toru  = to remove/kill the pain

Ex. 鎮痛剤を飲んだら30分で痛みが取れた。

= Chintsuuzai wo nondara sanjuppun de itami ga toreta.

= I took a painkiller and the pain was gone in 30 minutes.

* 帽子を取る = ぼうしをとる = boushi wo toru = to take off a hat

★ to keep ~ 

* バランスを取る = バランスをとる = baransu wo toru = to keep balance 

Ex. バランスの取れた食事

= baransu no toreta shokuji

= well-balanced meals

★to take away :

* ~から~を取る = ~ kara ~ wo toru =  to take ~ away from ~ 

Ex. マギーから肉を取ると怒るから気をつけてね。

= Maggie kara niku wo toru to okoru kara ki wo tsuketene.

= If you take meat from Maggie, she is going to get angry so be careful.

Note: If you use the kanji 盗る ( = とる = toru), it means “to steal meat from Maggie.” (That’s a serious crime! 🐶🍗) 

★to take something in a certain way (talking about one’s feelings) 

Ex. 今、言ったことを悪く取らないでね。

=  Ima, itta koto wo waruku toranaide ne.

= Don’t take what I just said the wrong way. 

★to order in (food) 

Ex. お腹がすいたからピザでも取ろうか?

= Onaka ga suita kara piza demo toru ka?

= I am getting hungry. Why don’t we order pizza or something?

★ to wrestle (Sumo)

* 相撲を取る = すもうをとる =  sumou wo toru  = to play sumo

相撲取り = すもうとり = sumoutori = a sumo wrestler 

★ to age

* 年を取る = としをとる = toshi wo toru = to get older 

Ex. うちの犬は、年を取って耳が遠くなってきた。

= Uchi no inu wa, toshi wo totte mimi ga tooku nattekita.

= My dog is getting older so his hearing is going.

★Idiomatic expresson

* 機嫌を取る =きげんをとる = kigen wo toru = to butter up ~/to humor ~ 

Ex. 彼は上司の機嫌を取ってばかりいる。

= Kare wa joushi no kigen wo tottebakariiru. 

= He is always buttering up his boss.

* 取るに足らない = とるにたらない = toru ni taranai = insignificant, trivial

Ex. そんなことは取るに足らない。

=  Sonna koto wa toru ni taranai.

= That’s nothing important.

★Compound verbs:

First when you make a verb from two verbs, you change the first verb to masu-stem and connect them. You don’t have to change the form of the second verb.

* 引く = ひく = hiku 

→(masu form) 引きます = ひきます = hikimasu 

→(delete ます ( = masu) ) 引き = ひき = hiki

 + 取る = とる = toru 

引き取る = ひきとる = hikitoru = to receive, to pick up, to take back, to take in

* 取る = とる = toru 

→(masu form) 取ります = とります = torimasu 

→(delete ます ( = masu) ) 取り  = とり = tori

 + 付ける = つける = tsukeru 

取り付ける = とりつける = toritsukeru = to attach, to install , to mount 

Since we are at it, let’s study how to make the noun form.

First make a compound verb and change the second verb to masu-stem.

* 引き取る = ひきとる = hikitoru

→(masu form) 引き取ります = ひきとります = hikitorimasu

→(delete ます( = masu) ) 

→(noun form) 引き取り/引取 = ひきとり = hikitori  = pickup, receiving, accepting

* 取り付ける  = とりつける = toritsukeru 

→(masu form) 取り付けます = とりつけます = toritsukemasu

→(delete ます( = masu) ) 

→(noun form) 取り付け = とりつけ = toritsuke = installment, installation, attachment 

Note: You sometimes omit hiragana. 

* ひきとり = hikitori →引き取り or 引取 

* とりつけ = toritsuke →取り付け or 取付

★Compound verbs: verb masu-stem + 取る ( = とる = toru)

受け取る ( = うけとる = uketoru) 

noun form: 受け取り = うけとり = uketori

1) to receive something from someone

It is a formal way to say もらう ( = morau)

Ex. 予約したチケットは窓口で受け取ってください。

= Yoyaku shita chiketto wa madoguchi de uketotte kudasai.

= Please receive the ticket you reserved at the window.

Ex. お釣りをまだ受け取っていません。

= Otsuri wo mada uketotteimasen.

= I haven’t got the change back yet.

Ex. 荷物を受け取ったが忙しくてまだ開けていない。

= Nimotsu wo uketotta ga isogashikute mada aketeinai.

= I received a package, but I have been too busy to open it. 

Note: The action of 受け取る ( = uketoru) is passive and simply “to receive/take something that someone offers/hands out”.

* 引き取る = ひきとる = hikitori = to pick up, to go pick up ~ , to collect ~ / to claim / to take back / to take custody of  ~ / to retrieve, withdraw

noun form: 引き取り = ひきとり = hikitori

Ex. 古い家具や古着、いらなくなった家電製品などを引き取ります。

= Furui kagu ya furugi, iranakunatta kadenseihin nado wo hikitorimasu.

= We will (come)collect your old furniture, used clothes, unwanted home electric appliances, etc.

Ex. 電車の中の忘れ物を引き取りに来ない人が多い。

= Densha no naka no wasuremono wo hikitori ni konai hito ga ooi. 

= There are many people who leave their belongings behind on a train and never come pick them up.

Ex. 保健所から子猫を引き取った。

= Hokenjo kara koneko wo hikitotta.

= I adapted a kitten from an animal shelter.

Ex. どうぞお引き取りください。

= Douzo ohikitori kudasai.

= I must ask you to leave. 

→Idiomatic expression:  

*息を引き取る = いきをひきとる = iki wo hikitoru = breathe one’s last, to pass away

Ex. 彼は、息を引き取るまで奥さんのことを心配していた。

= Kare wa, iki wo hikitoru made okusan no koto wo shinpai shite ita.

= He worried about his wife to the end.

* 奪い取る = うばいとる = ubaitoru = to take/steal something by force 

Ex. 私から食べる楽しみを奪い取らないで。

= Watashi kara taberu tanoshimi wo ubaitoranaide.

= Don’t take away my pleasure of eating.

* 勝ち取る = かちとる = kachitoru = to win 

Ex. 国民の信頼を勝ち取るのはどの政党だろうか?

= Kokumin no shinrai wo kachitoru no wa dono seitou darou ka? 

= I wonder which political party will win the public trust? 

* 買い取る = かいとる = kaitoru = to buy, to buy out, to purchase 

noun form : 買い取り/ 買取 = かいとり = kaitori 

Ex. この古本を全て買い取ってくれますか?

= Kono furuhon wo subete kaitotte kuremasuka?

= Can you buy all these used books?  

* 下取る  = したどる = shitadoru = to trade ~  in/ turn in

noun form : 下取り/下取 = したどり = shitadori = trade-in

Ex. 古いコンピューターを下取りに出す

= Furui konpyuutaa wo shitadori ni dasu

= to trade in an old computer

* 聞き取る /聴き取る = ききとる = kikitoru = to listen / to catch what someone says

noun form : 聞き取り/聴き取り = ききとり = kikitori 

Ex. 日本語を聞き取る力をつけたい。

= Nihongo wo kikitoru chikara wo tsuketai.

= I would like to strengthen my Japanese listening skills. 

★ Compound verbs with 取り ( = tori) + verb dictionary form

* 取り合う = とりあう = toriau = to compete for something, fight over ~ 

noun form :  取り合い = とりあい = toriai 

Ex. 子供達はゲームの取り合いをしていた。

= Kodomotachi wa geemu no toriai wo shiteita.

= The children were fighting over a game. 

* 取り扱う = とりあつかう = toriatsukau = to handle /to have ~ for sale

noun form : 取り扱い/取扱 =  とりあつかい = toriatsukai 

Ex. この商品は現在、取り扱っていません。

= Kono shouhin wa genzai, toriatsukatteimasen. 

= Currently we don’t have this product for sale. 

Sign says:

Ex. 取扱注意 

= toriatsukai chuui 

= Handle with Care

* 取り上げる = とりあげる = toriageru = to take something away from someone/to pick up

Ex. メディアは、この問題を大きく取り上げた。

= Media wa, kono mondai wo ookiku toriageta.

= The media covered this issue widely. 

Ex. 母に漫画を取り上げられた。

= Haha ni manga wo toriagerareta.

= (Literal translation) I had my comic book taken away by my mother. 

= My mother took a comic book away from me.

* 取り急ぐ =  とりいそぐ = toriisogu = to hurry

 →You usually use it as an adverb 取り急ぎ = とりいそぎ = toriisogi = in hurry (in business letter). 

After giving someone some information, you can say:

Ex. 明日の会議は中止になりました。取り急ぎご連絡まで。

= Ashita no kaigi wa chuushi ni narimashita. Toriisogi gorenraku made.

= This is a quick note to inform you that the meeting for tomorrow was cancelled.

* 取り入れる = とりいれる = toriireru = to adapt, to take in ~ 

Ex. 流行を取り入れたデザイン 

= Ryuukou wo toriireta dezain.

=The design that adapt to new trend.

* 取り掛かる = とりかかる = torikakaru = to get started

Ex. さあ、仕事に取り掛かろうか。

= Saa, shigoto ni torikakarou ka.

= OK, let’s get to work! 

* 取り返す =  とりかえす = torikaesu = to take something back 

noun form: 取り返し = とりかえし = torikaeshi

Ex. 盗まれた財布を取り返したい。

= Nusumareta saifu wo torikaeshitai.

= I want to get back my stolen wallet. 

★Idiomatic expression: 

* 取り返しのつかない = とりかえしのつかない = torikaeshi no tsukanai = irretrievable, something one can’t recover, can’t be undone

Ex. 取り返しのつかない失敗をしてしまった。

= Torikaeshi no stukanai shippai shite shimatta.

= I made a fatal mistake. 

* 取り替える = とりかえる = torikaeru = to switch, to replace, to exchange

noun form:取り替え/取替 = とりかえ = torikae 

(At the hotel) 

Ex. タオルを新しいものに取り替えてください。

= Taoru wo atarashii mono ni torikaete kudasai.

= Please change the towel(s). 

* 取り組む =  とりくむ = torikumu = to tackle, to wrestle with, to work on 

→noun form : 取り組み/取組 = とりくみ = torikumi 

Ex. 今、新しいプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。

= Ima, atarashii purojekuto ni torikundeimasu.

= I am working on a new project.

Ex. 相撲の取組 

= sumou no torikumi

= Sumo match 

* 取り消す = とりけす = torikesu = to cancel/ to take back what one said

noun form :取り消し = とりけし = torikeshi 

Ex. 今言ったことは取り消します。

= Ima itta koto wa torikeshimasu.

= I take back what I just said. 

* 取り壊す =  とりこわす = torikowasu = to tear down 

noun form: 取り壊し = とりこわし = torikowashi  

Ex. 古いビルが取り壊されて公園になった。

= Furui biru ga torikowasarete kouen ni natta.

= The old building was torn down and turned into a park.

* 取り込む = とりこむ = torikomu = to import, to take in, to be busy

noun form : 取り込み = とりこみ = torikomi

(Polite) お取り込み = おとりこみ = otorikomi = to be busy

Ex. お取り込み中、失礼します。

= Otorikomi chuu, shitsureishimasu.

= I’m sorry to interrupt you (when you are busy.) 

* 取り調べる = とりしらべる = torishiraberu = to investigate, to interrogate 

noun form: 取り調べ/取調べ = とりしらべ  = torishirabe

Ex. 警察は、その男を取調べ中だ。

= Keisatsu wa, sono otoko wo torishirabechuu da.

= The police is investigating him right now. 

* 取り出す = とりだす = toridasu = to take something out 

Ex. ディスクを取り出して再起動してください。

= Disuku wo toridashite saikidou shite kudasai. 

= Take out the disk and reboot the computer. 

* 取り違える = とりちがえる = torichigaeru = to mistake something for something

Ex. 空港で他の人のスーツケースを自分のと取り違えそうになった。

= Kuukou de hokano hito no suutsukeesu wo jibun no to torichigaesou ni natta.

= I almost mistook someone else’s suitcase for mine at the airport.

Ex. 意味を取り違えていた。

= Imi wo torichiageteita.

= I got the meaning wrong. 

* 取り憑かれる = とりつかれる = toritsukareru = to be obsessed, to be possessed, to be haunted 

Ex. 彼女は何かに取り憑かれたように作品作りに夢中になっていた。

= Kanojo wa nanika ni toritsukareta you ni sakuhinzukuri ni muchuu ni natteita.

= She was absorbed in making her artwork as if possessed by something.

* 取り除く = とりのぞく = torinozoku = to remove, to get rid of ~ 

Ex. この音楽は不安な気持ちを取り除いてくれる。

= Kono ongaku wa fuanna kimochi wo torinozoite kureru.

= This music helps get rid of anxiety. 

* 取り外す = とりはずす = torihazusu = to detach, to remove, take ~ out of ~

noun form : 取り外し =とりはずし = torihazushi 

Ex. フードを取り外すことができるコートを買った。

= Fuudo wo torihazusu koto ga dekiru kooto wo katta.

= I bought a coat with a removable hood

* 取り戻す =  とりもどす = torimodosu = to recover, to get back 

Ex. 学校を休んでいたから遅れを取り戻さないといけない。

= Gakkou wo yasundeita kara okure wo torikaesanai to ikenai. 

= I have been absent from school so I have to make up for lost time.

* 取り寄せる = とりよせる = toriyoseru = to order something, to place an order, to backorder 

noun form : 取り寄せ = とりよせ = toriyose

(polite) お取り寄せ =  おとりよせ = otoriyose 

Ex. 部品の在庫がないので取り寄せしないといけない。

= Buhin no zaiko ga nai no de toriyoseshinai to ikenai.

= The parts are out of stock so I have to order them. 


= Madamada takusan, “toru” wo tsukatta doushi ga arimasu ga, kyou wa kono hen de.

= There are still many verbs with 取る ( = とる = toru) but let’s wrap it up for today.


マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori  = From Maggie Sensei

太郎先生、ありがとう! = Tarou sensei, arigatou! Thank you, Tarou-sensei! 

私も次のレッスン作りに取り掛かります。= Watashi mo tsugi no ressun zukuri ni torikakarimasu.

= I am going to get to work on the next lesson, too.


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Audio Files for this lesson

Audio Part 1 →Click here

Audio Part 2 →Click here

 :u:   :u:  

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Also just added two new tiers.

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