味  ( = aji) ★Tastes related expressions ★



= Kono kukkii nani aji?

=What flavor is this cookie?


= Biifu aji!

= Beef flavor!

 Hi everyone! Today’s guest teacher is Grotto Sensei. He’s a 2 year old Boston Terrier.
Many people mistake French bulldog and Boston Terrier. But like Grotto Sensei, they are slimmer than us.

Grotto Sensei has a nice cousin Emmett



grotto and cousin

Ohhh how cute…. !heart3!

It looks like they are leading great dog lives.


= Jaa Grotto Sensei onegai shimasu!

= OK, Grotto Sensei, please go ahead!


Hi I’m Grotto. I’m your teacher today. :P

Today‘s lesson is to build your vocabulary.

 I will teach you all the taste related words and expressions.



⭐️  = aji = taste

味が薄い = aji ga usui = not to have much taste

*味が濃い = aji ga koi = to have a strong flavor

*味がない= aji ga nai = to have no taste

You can describe flavors with   ( = aji)

Ex. 何味のポップコーンが好き?

= Naniaji no poppukoon ga suki?

= What flavor of popcorn do you like?

Ex. カレー味のポテトチップ

= Karee aji no potetochippu

= Curry flavored potato chips

⭐️ 隠し味 = kakushi aji = secret ingredient, hidden flavor

Ex. ここのラーメン屋は隠し味に北海道の昆布を入れています。

= Kokono raamen ya wa kakushiaji ni Hokkaidou no konbu wo irete imasu.

= They use dried kelp from Hokkaido as a secret ingredient.

⭐️風味 = fuumi = flavor, relish

Ex. わさび風味 = wasabi fuumi = wasabi flavored

*風味がある = fuumi ga aru = tasty, savory

*風味がない = fuumi ga nai = bland

* 風味がいい = fuumi ga ii= savory, flavorous

*風味が落ちる = fuumi ga ochiru =to lose flavor

⭐️味付け= ajitsuke = seasoned, flavored

Ex. 醤油で味付けをする

= Shoyu de ajitsuke wo suru

= to season with soy sauce

*味気(の)ない = ajike ( no ) nai = dull, flat, dreary

Ex. 味気ない生活 = ajikenai seikatsu = boring / dull life


⭐️後味= atoaji = aftertaste

* 後味がいい = atoaji ga ii = to leave a good aftertaste in one’s mouth

* 後味が悪い = atoaji ga warui = to leave a bad / disagreeable taste in one’s mouth

Ex. このワインは後味がすっきりしている

= Kono wain wa atoaji ga sukkiri shiteiru.

= This wine has a clean finish

➡️ We also use it to refer your uncomfortable feelings after experiencing something unpleasant.

Ex. この間、親友と些細なことで喧嘩したので後味が悪い。

= Kono aida, shinyuu to sasaina koto de kenka shita node atoaji ga warui.

= I had a fight over trifles with my best friend the other day and it left a uncomfortable taste in my mouth.

⭐️味わう = ajiwau = to taste, to appreciate

Ex. せっかく時間をかけて作った料理なのだから味わって食べてね。

= Sekkaku jikan wo kakete tsukutta ryouri nano dakara ajiwatte tabete ne.

= It took me a long time to cook, so please enjoy the taste.

➡️ to try, to experience, to enjoy, to suffer

Ex. 勝利を味わう

= Shouri wo ajiwau

= to enjoy a victory

Ex. 一度、ビジネスクラスの旅を味わうとなかなかエコノミークラスに戻れないかもしれない。

= Ichido, bijinesu kurasu no tabi wo ajiwau to nakanaka ekonomii kurasu ni modorenai kamo shirenai.

= Once I experience traveling in business class, it might be harder to travel in coach again.

Ex. 自分が痛みを味わらないと人の痛みはわからない。

= Jibun ga itami wo ajiwaranai to hito no itami wa wakaranai.

= If you have never had pain yourself, you won’t understand other people’s pain.

:ii: 味をしめる = aji wo shimeru = to acquire a taste, to come to know the taste of success,  (When you once get to taste success.)

Ex. 友人にお金を貸したら味をしめて何度も借りにくる。

= Yuujin ni okane wo kashitara aji wo shimete nandomo karini kuru.

= I once lend money to my friend, he come to borrow money often.


⭐️  味わい= ajiwai = flavor, tastes

*味わいがある= ajiwai ga aru = to be full of flavor,

*味わい豊か = ajiwai yutaka = rich taste, tasteful

Ex. 彼の絵は下手だがなにか味わいがある

= Kare no e wa heta daga nani ka ajiwai ga aru.

= His pictures are bad, but they’re somehow interesting.  

*味見する= ajimi suru = to taste something

Ex. 味見させて

= Ajimi sasete!

= Let me taste it.


Here are words that describe tastes. A lot of them have other meanings.


⭐️甘い = amai = sweet

➡️ to be easy, to spoil, to indulge

Ex. 人生そんなに甘くない。

= Jinsei sonnani amakunai.

= Life is not that easy.

Ex. 考えが甘いよ。

= Kangae ga amai yo.

= It is so naive to think that way.

Ex. 彼女を甘くみてはいけない。

= Kanojo wo amaku mite wa ikenai.

= Don’t underestimate her.

Ex. 相手が子供だと思って甘くみていたら大変だ。

= Aite ga kodomo dato omotte amaku miteitara taihen da.

= If you underestimate them, thinking they are just children, you will regret it.

Ex. マギー先生はイケメンの生徒に甘い。 :)

= Maggie Sensei wa ikemen no seito ni amai.

= Maggie Sensei is easy on handsome students.


*( ~から)甘い汁を吸う

= (  ~kara)  amai shiru wo suu

= to milk profits from someone / make a good thing out of something

*甘い関係 = amai kankei = sweet close relationship

*甘い言葉= amai kotoba =sweet words

Ex. 甘い言葉にひっかかってはいけない。

= Amai kotoba ni hikkakatte wa ikenai.

= Don’t be deceived by sweet words.

* 甘い声= amai koe = sweet voice


= Sonna amai koe wo dashite onegai shite mo muda dayo.

= It won’t happen even if you beg me with that sweet voice.

*甘やかす =  amayakasu = to spoil, to indulge

Ex. 子供を甘やかす親が多い。

= Kodomo wo amayakasu oya ga ooi.

= There many parents who spoil their children.

*甘ったるい= amattarui = too sweet, sugary(negative)

Ex. そんな甘ったるいやり方で部下に接したらなめられますよ。

= Sonna amattarui yarikata de buka ni sesshitara nameraremasu yo.

= You will be scoffed if you handle your subordinates in such a sugary way.

*甘口 = amakuchi = sweet (tastes)

Ex. 甘口カレー

= Amakuchi karee

= mild curry

⭐️辛い = からい= karai = spicy, hot

*辛口 = karakuchi = dry, salty

Ex. このワインは辛口だ。

= Kono wain wa karakuchi da.

= This wine is dry.

➡️ harsh, outspoken

Ex. 辛口評論家 = karakuchi hyouronka = harsh commentator

⭐️塩辛い =  shiokarai = salty

➡️(more conversational/ dialect )  塩っぱい   ( = shioppai) / しょっぱい  ( = shoppai) 

⭐️酸っぱい = suppai = sour


= Kuchi wo suppaku shiteiu

= to tell someone so many times

Ex.  あれだけ口を酸っぱくして言ったのにまだ彼は授業中、携帯を切らない。

= Aredake kuchi wo suppaku shite itta noni mada kare wa jugyouchuu, keitai wo kiranai.

= No matter how many times I told him, he still doesn’t turn off his cellphone during the class.

  ⭐️甘酸っぱい = amazuppai = sweet-and-sour

*甘酸っぱい経験 = amazuppai keiken = a sweet-and-sour experience

Ex.  初恋の甘酸っぱい経験は誰にでもあるものだ。

= Hatsukoi no amazuppai keiken wa dare nidemo aru monoda.

= We all have sweet-and-sour experiences.

⭐️ 甘辛 い =  amagarai= salty-sweet, spicy and sweet

(甘辛 = amakara)

⭐️苦い = nigai = bitter

*苦い経験 = nigai keiken = bitter experience

Ex.  人生の苦い経験から何かを学ばなくてはいけない。

= Jinsei no nigai keiken kara nanika wo manabanakutewa ikenai.

= We have to learn something from our own bitter experiences.

⭐️: ほろ苦い = horo nigai = slightly bitter, bitter-sweet

Ex.  ほろ苦い思い出

= horonigai omoide.

= bitter sweet memory

⭐️渋い = shibui = bitter, astringent

Ex.  このお茶は渋い。

= Kono ocha wa shibui.

= This tea is bitter.

*渋い顔 = shibui kao = sour face

Ex.  長いお休みを取ると上司に渋い顔をされる。

= Nagai oyasumi wo toru to joushi ni shibui kao wo sareru.

= My boss will put on a sour face if I take a long vacation.

➡️ stingy

Ex.  社長はお金に渋い。

= Shachou wa okane ni shibui.

= The president of my company is stingy.

➡️tasteful, quiet, low-keyed

Ex.  その服、渋いね!

= Sono fuku, shibui ne!

= Your clothes are very classy.

(conservative, understated by in good tastes)

 Ex. ジョージクルーニが好きなの?渋いね!

= Jouji Kuruunii ga suki nano? Shibui ne.

= You like Gorge Clooney? You have nice taste.

 ( This 渋い ( = shibui ) is one of the difficult words to translate.

We usually used this word to describe someone not too young but has a refined taste.)

Ex. 将棋が趣味なんて渋いね。

= Shougi ga shumi nante shibui ne.

= So you like playing “shougi” (Japanese chess)? That’s cool!

Note : 渋い趣味 = shibui shumi = classy and cool tastes (but not something young people would be interested in)


⭐️ 美味しい= oishii = delicious

Ex.  これ美味しいですね。

= Kore oishii desune.

= This is delicious, isn’t it?

 ( more casual )

Ex.  これ美味しいね。

= Kore oishii ne.

= This is delicious, isn’t it?

⭐️旨い/うまい = umai = delicious, tasty

Ex. うまい! ( male speech )

= Umai!

= Delicious!

Other words that we use to describe tastes:

When you read a package of Japanese food or sweets, you will see these words often.

⭐️ あっさり

= assari

= light, plain

Ex.  何かあっさりしたものが食べたい。

= Nanika assari shita mono ga tabetai.

= I want to eat something light. ( not too heavy )

⭐️ さっぱり= sappari = refreshing, light

Ex.  コーラかなにかさっぱりした物が飲みたい。

= Koora ka nanika sappari shita mono ga nomitai.

= I would like to drink something refreshing such as a cola.

⭐️こってり = kotteri = thick, heavy, rich

Ex.  この豚骨ラーメンはこってりしている。

= Kono tonkotsu raamen wa kotteri shiteiru.

= This Pork Ramen (soup) is richly-texture.

⭐️ まろやか = maroyaka = mild

Ex.  まろやかな酒 = maroyaka na sake = mild sake

⭐️ 濃厚 = noukou = heavy, thick

Ex.  濃厚なクリーム = noukou na kuriimu = rich cream


maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Grotto Sensei, arigatou!

= Thank you, Grotto sensei!


= Biifu aji no kukkii oishikatta?

= Was the beef flavored cookie good?


= Kondo wa chikin aji no kukkii ga moraeru to iine.

= I hope you can get chicken flavored cookies the next time.


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  1. Hello again, Maggie!
    I’ve always wondered what 渋い tastes like. Somewhere (perhaps in a dictionary?) I read that 渋い is the taste of unripe persimmon (柿) fruit. Unfortunately, I’ve never had any occasion to taste persimmon fruit, let alone unripe persimmon fruit. Are there other things that taste 渋い? Maybe dry wine or strong black tea?

    1. @Armadillomon

      Hello, Armadillomon!
      Good point! If you haven’t had persimmon, it might be hard to imagine the tastes.
      渋い is also used to describe the taste of astringent red wine. 
      このワインは渋い(Kono wain wa shibui) ・渋味があるワイン(=shibumi ga aru wain)
      Also strong green tea is often described 渋い

  2. I’m Looking for an japanese-english dictionary android app which has audio. I’ve spent days looking for one but it’s just impossible for me. Could you please suggest me one??? (I prefer offline dictionary but online one is okie too)

  3. Dear Maggie Sensei,

    Shitsumon ga arimasu.

    – In supermarket, there is zone for taste free sampling food (lady or men give a little free food to customer). Nihongo de nan to iimasu ka.

    – If they ask the customer to taste, what’ll they say? (Hitokuchi mimasu ka. or tabete mimasu ka.)

    Many Thanks for your kind help in this matter. ^^

    1. @yuyu

      Hello yuyu,

      Q In supermarket, there is zone for taste free sampling food (lady or men give a little free food to customer). Nihongo de nan to iimasu ka.

      That section is called 試食コーナー(=shishoku kounaa) and food tasting is called 試食(=shishoku)

      Q If they ask the customer to taste, what’ll they say? (Hitokuchi mimasu ka. or tabete mimasu ka.)

      I think what you meant is 一口、食べてみますか?(=Hitokuchi tabete mimasuka)
      Other typical phrases are,
      Ex. もしよろしかったらお味見してみませんか?(Polite)
      = Moshi yoroshikattara oajimi shite mimasenka?
      = Would like to taste (this)?

      = Douzo oajimi shite itte kudasaine.
      = Please taste this.

      = hitokuchi ikaga desuka?
      = Would like a bite?

  4. Hi, this is the first time I’ve come across a verb like 接せる (せっせる) which seems to have the small つ. (Sorry, don’t know the exact name for that). This must be pretty rare? Thanks

    1. @Toby

      I think it’s typo and it should be 接する (= せっする= sessuru) = to contact which is pretty common.
      We call っ (小さい「つ」= chiisai tsu)

  5. あ、嵐か。そうです。私は松本潤だけ、嵐には。でもやっぱかわいいね^^アイドル大体みんなかわいいけどさあ、特にジャニーズの。

  6. そうですね。一番かっこいいよ(o^∀^o)マギー先生もゆかり先生も有名人の誰が好き?



  7. @Maggie
    (Please correct me whenever I’m wrong)

    1. @メロ


      私恋のことならへんですよ。→Hmmm どうやって言いたいのかなあ。 You wanted to say “My love is strange”? 私の恋は変ですよ。or The way I love people is different? 私の恋し方は変ですよ。
      男の誰が一番好きって聞いたら→ 誰が一番好きな男性かって聞かれたら)

  8. 勉強になりました(o^^o)♪
    「 初恋の甘酸っぱい経験は誰にでもあるものだ」

    1. @メロ

      苦い経験 implies painful experience. Nothing sweet.
      ほろ苦い経験 bittersweet. Not as hard as 苦い経験 but your hurts must have hurt in certain degree.
      甘酸っぱい経験 sweet-sour implies some “sweet” experiences

      メロの初恋はどれだった? :)

  9. Thanks for teaching. Also please analyze this Japanese phrase ‘Okaerinasai’ for ‘Welcome back’.

    Arigato ! ^J^

    1. @Bobby

      Hello Bobby

      Analyze “okaerinasai”?
      お帰りなさい = okaerinasai = Welcome back home/or where you belong to (company, city, country, etc.)
      It may sound a command form.
      It is said that originally they used to say
      =yoku okaerinasai mashita.
      = I am happy that you came back safely

      and shortened the phrase
      →お帰りなさい = okaerinasai

      Or just say
      お帰り= おかえり= okaeri

      And the person who just came back home says
      ただいま= tadaima
      It is also a short way to say

      = Tadaima kaerimashita
      = I just got home / I’m back now.

  10. Ha! また最初のコメントが俺様のものだ!ソレの後味がいいですね。。。 XD


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