= Minna no nihongo mo gungun nobiruyo!
= I bet your Japanese will grow bigger and bigger.
Hi everyone! 元気?= Genki? = How are you doing?
This is Super Basic Words Review Lesson Part 7.
If you want to check all the previous lessons, check these.
Now, in this lesson you can review all the words that I taught on Twitter past two months.
This time I focused on verbs. Unlike my other lessons, this is a very simple format but I hope it helps all of you who have been learning one word per day on Twitter with me.
Follow me on Twitter if you want to keep learning!
Also I have been making basic mini-lessons on Facebook. If you are interested, please check it out!
OK, as with these beans, if you keep “watering” them, I am sure your Japanese “grow”.
Are you ready?
1) to repair = 修理する= しゅうりする= shuuri suru
Ex. repair charge
= 修理代
= しゅうりだい
= shuuri dai
2) to call on the phone = 電話をかける= denwa wo kakeru
:rrrr:Ex. to make a long distance call
= 長距離電話をかける
= ちょうきょりでんわをかける
= choukyori denwa wo kakeru
3) to swim = 泳ぐ = およぐ = oyogu
:rrrr:Ex. to swim in a river
= 川で泳ぐ
= kawa de oyogu
4) to pick (up) = 拾う = ひろう = hirou
:rrrr:Ex. -1) to pick up trash
= ごみを拾う
= ごみをひろう
= gomi wo hirou
:rrrr:Ex. -2) to get a taxi
= タクシーを拾う
= タクシーをひろう
= takushii wo hirou
5) to prepare = 準備する= じゅんびする= junbi suru
:rrrr:Ex. to prepare the papers
= 書類を準備する
= shorui wo junbi suru
6) to break = 壊す = こわす = kowasu
:rrrr:Ex. to break a toy
= おもちゃを壊す
= おもちゃをこわす
= omocha wo kowasu
7) to forgive = 許す = ゆるす = yurusu
:rrrr:Ex. hard-to-forgive
= ゆるしがたい
= yurushi gatai
8) to find = 見つける = mitsukeru
:rrrr:Ex. to find a job
= 仕事を見つける
= しごとをみつける
= shigoto wo mitsukeru
9) to invite = 招待する = しょうたいする= shoutai suru
:rrrr:Ex. to invite a friend to one’s house
= 友達を家に招待する
= ともだちをいえにしょうたいする
= tomodachi wo ie ni shoutai suru
10) to return = 返す = かえす = kaesu
:rrrr:Ex. to pay back one’s debt
= 借金を返す
= しゃっきんをかえす
= shakkin wo kaesu
11) to win= 勝つ= かつ= katsu
:rrrr:Ex. to win easily
= raku ni katsu
12) to lose = 負ける= まける= makeru
:rrrr:Ex. to lose a game
= 試合に負ける
= しあいにまける
= shiai ni makeru
13) to give up = あきらめる(諦める)= akirameru
:rrrr:Ex. not to give up on your dream
= 夢をあきらめない/諦めない
= ゆめをあきらめない
= yume wo akiramenai
14) to hide, to cover up = 隠す = かくす = kakusu
:rrrr:Ex. to hide a problem
= 問題を隠す
= もんだいをかくす
= mondai wo kakusu
15) to start something = 始める= はじめる= hajimeru
:rrrr:Ex. to start business
= 商売を始める
= しょうばいをはじめる
= shoubai wo hajimeru
16) to pay = 支払う= しはらう= shiharau
:rrrr:Ex. to pay cash
= 現金で支払う
= げんきんでしはらう
= genkin de shiharau
17) to deliver = 届ける = とどける = todokeru
:rrrr:Ex. to deliver the goods
= 品物を届ける
= しなものをとどける
= shinamono wo todokeru
18) to recall, to remember = 思い出す= おもいだす= omoidasu
:rrrr:Ex. to remember one’s childhood
= こどものころをおもいだす
= kodomo no koro wo omoidasu
19) to ignore = 無視する= むしする= mushi wo suru
:rrrr:Ex. to ignore a traffic light
= 信号(を)無視する
= shingou (wo) mushi suru
20) to cross, to go across = 渡る = わたる = wataru
:rrrr:Ex. to cross the street
= 通りを渡る
= とおりをわたる
= toori wo wataru
21) to make a turn = 曲がる= まがる= magaru
:rrrr:Ex. to turn right
= 右に曲がる
= みぎにまがる
= migi ni magaru
22) to pass (the exam) = 受かる= うかる = ukaru
:rrrr:Ex. to pass the exam
= 試験に受かる
= しけんにうかる
= shiken ni ukaru
23) to imagine = 想像する = そうぞうする = souzou suru
:rrrr:Ex. imagination
= 想像力
= souzouryoku
24) to work = 働く= はたらく= hataraku
:rrrr:Ex. to work at a bank
= 銀行で働く
= ぎんこうではたらく
= ginkou de hataraku
25) to run away, to escape = 逃げる= にげる= nigeru
:rrrr:Ex. to escape from one’s enemy
= 敵から逃げる
= てきからにげる
= teki kara nigeru
26) to know, to find out = 知る= しる= shiru
:rrrr:Ex. to know the truth
= 真実を知る
= しんじつをしる
= shinjitsu wo shiru
27) to have ~ as a pet = 飼う = かう = kau
:rrrr:Ex. to have a dog as pet
= 犬を飼う
= いぬをかう
= inu wo kau
28) to get used to ~, to adjust oneself to ~= 慣れる= なれる = nareru
:rrrr:Ex. to get used to one’s new life
= 新しい生活に慣れる
= あたらしいせいかつになれる
= atarashii seikatsu ni nareru
29) to save (money), to accumulate = 貯める= ためる= tameru
:rrrr:Ex. to save money
= お金を貯める
= おかねをためる
= okane wo tameru
30) to give a reply, to answer = 返事をする= へんじをする= henji wo suru
:rrrr:Ex. to get back to someone by telephone
= 電話で返事をする
= でんわでへんじをする
= denwa de henji wo suru
31) to straighten up, to put away = 片付ける = katatsukeru
to put away a toy (toys)
= おもちゃを片付ける
= omocha wo katatsukeru
32) to make a mess = 散らかす= chirakasu
to mess up a room
= 部屋を散らかす
= heya wo chirakasu
33) to arrive = 着く = つく = tsuku
to arrive on time
= 時間通りに着く
= jikan doori ni tsuku
34) to go out = 出かける= dekakeru
to go out for a drink
= 飲みに出かける
= nomi ni dekakeru
35) to spend the time = 過ごす= sugosu
to spend a fun time/ to have a good time
= 楽しい時間を過ごす
= tanoshii jikan wo sugosu
36) to worry, to be concerned = 心配する = shinpai suru
to worry over trifles
= つまらないことを心配する
= tsumaranai koto wo shinpai suru
37) to put on, to get dressed = 着る= きる= kiru
to put on one’s clothes
= 服を着る
= ふくをきる
= fuku wo kiru
38) to pick, to choose = 選ぶ= えらぶ= erabu
to choose a picture(s)
= 写真を選ぶ
= しゃしんをえらぶ
= shashin wo erabu
39) to place/to put something = 置く= おく= oku
to put a book on a shelf
= 本を棚に置く
= ほんをたなにおく
= hon wo tana ni oku
40) to be late = 遅れる= おくれる= okureru
to be late for the class
= 授業に遅れる
= じゅぎょうにおくれる
= jugyou ni okureru
41) to trust = 信用する = しんようする= shinyou suru
trustable information
= 信用できる情報
= しんようできるじょうほう
= shinyou dekiru jouhou
42) to doubt = 疑う = うたがう= utagau
to not believe one’s ears
= 耳を疑う
= mimi wo utagau
43) to count = 数える= かぞえる= kazoeru
to count heads(the number of people)
= 人数を数える
= ninzuu wo kazoeru
44) to appreciate = 感謝する=かんしゃする= kansha suru
to thank someone from one’s heart
= こころからかんしゃする
= kokoro kara kansha suru
45) to stay at = tomaru =泊まる= とまる= tomaru
to stay at one’s friend’s house
= 友達の家に泊まる
= tomodachi no ie ni tomaru
46) to explain = 説明する=せつめいする=setsumei suru
to explain in detail
= 詳しく説明する
= くわしくせつめいする
= kuwashiku setsumei suru
47) to battle, to fight = 戦う= たたかう=tatakau
to fight against the enemies
= 敵と戦う
= teki to tatakau
48) to ride, to get on = 乗る=のる= noru
to get on a train
= 電車に乗る
= でんしゃにのる
= densha ni noru
49)to get together = 集まる= あつまる= atsumaru
many people gather
= 多くの人が集まる
= ooku no hito ga atsumaru
50) to recommend = 勧める = すすめる = susumeru
the movie that Maggie recommends
= マギーがすすめるえいが
= Maggie ga susumeru eiga
51) to wait = 待つ= まつ = matsu
to wait for one’s friend(s)
= 友達を待つ
= ともだちをまつ
= tomodachi wo matsu
52) to hear, to listen to =聞く = きく = kiku
to hear someone’s opinion
= 〜の意見を聞く
= ~ のいけんをきく
= ~ no iken wo kiku
52) to break, to split = 割る= わる = waru
to break a plate
= 皿を割る
= さらをわる
= sara wo waru
53) to heat up = 温める= あたためる = atatameru
to heat up something in a microwave
= 電子レンジで温める
= でんしレンジであたためる
= denshirenji de atatameru
マギー先生より= Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Minna no nihongo mo taiestsu ni sodatete ne.
= Please take good care of your Japanese.
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
割れる intransitive verb
割る transitive verb
壊れる intransitive verb
壊す transitive verb
You use 割る・割れる for something fragile, such as dishes, glasses, mirrors, etc.
壊す・壊れる is for machines- computers, watches, TV and etc. or toys and so on.
支払う と はらう は ちがいますか。
ありがとう ございます。
払う and 支払う both mean “to pay” but 支払う is used in more formal situation and used for “fee” or “bills” that you have to pay such as electric/water/gas bills, tax , fine, and etc.