Hi everyone!
= Kono Hokkaidou bentou oishisou deshou!
= Doesn’t this Hokkaidou “bento” look yummy?
I sure can’t wait to eat this!!
So today’s focus grammar pattern is,
V+きれない ( = kirenai) = not be able to finish doing something (because there is too much/there are too many .)・not be able to do something completely.
*Note : The kanji for きれない ( = kirenai) is 切れない ( = kirenai). I will write in hiragana in this lesson.
!heartsippai! How to form :
★食べる = taberu = to eat
1) verb ます ( = masu) form
食べます = tabemasu
2) delete ます ( = masu)
食べ = tabe
3) add きれない ( = kirenai)
食べきれない = tabekirenai
= not be able to finish eating (because there is too much)
Ex. こんなに食べきれない。
= Konnani takusan tabekirenai.
= I can’t eat this much.
We usually use this expression when we can’t finish doing something or complete something (because there are too many/much something). Or you can’t fully do something.
Ex. こんなぶ厚い本は一日ではとても読みきれない。
= Konna buatsui hon wa ichinichi dewa totemo yomikirenai.
=There is no way that I can finish reading this thick book in one day.
Ex. 手紙に書くことが多くて書ききれませんでした。
= Tegami ni kaku koto ga ookute kakikremasen deshita.
= There were so many things to write in the letter that I couldn’t write them all.
Ex. パスワードがたくさんあって覚えきれない。
= Pasuwaado ga takusan atte oboekirenai.
= I have so many passwords that I can’t remember all of them.
Ex. 一年後、マギー先生には数えきれないほどたくさんのファンレターが届くだろう。 :)
= Ichinengo Maggie sensei niwa kazoekirenai hodo takusan no fan retaa ga todokudarou.
= Maggie Sensei will receive countless fan letters in one year.
Ex. 両手に抱えきれないぐらいいっぱいのプレゼントをもらう。
= Ryote ni kakaekirenai gurai ippai no purezento wo morau.
= to get tons of presents (that one can’t even carry)
Ex. そうとは言いきれません。
= Sou to wa iikiremasen.
= I can’t clearly say that.
Ex. 彼女に僕の気持ちを伝えきれなかった。
= Kanojo ni boku no kimochi wo tsutaekirenakatta.
= I couldn’t tell her enough how I feel about her.
Ex. 彼にはどんなに感謝しても感謝しきれません。
= Kare niwa donnani kansha shite mo kansha shikiremasen.
= I can’t thank him enough. (Direct translation : No matter how much I thank him, it won’t be enough.)
:k: From the dialogue above :
:maggie-small: 「お弁当を食べるのが待ちきれません!」
= Obentou wo taberu no ga machikiremasen!
= I can’t wait to eat my boxed lunch!!
= Sonnani hitori de tabekirenai desho.
=I bet you can’t eat all that yourself. (It is too much for you)
待ちきれない = machikirenai = not to be able to wait
Ex. マギーに会うのが待ちきれない。
= Maggie ni au no ga machikirenai.
= I can’t wait to see Maggie.
Ex. 新曲が出るのが待ちきれない。
= Shinkyoku ga deru noga machikirenai.
= I can’t wait until they release a new song.
Ex. お昼ご飯が待ちきれません。
= Ohirugohan ga machikiremasen.
= I can’t wait for the lunch.
Ex. 明日まで待ちきれない。
= Ashita made machikirenai.
= I can’t wait ’til tomorrow.
Now V+きれない ( = 切れない = kirenai ) is a negative form of ~きる ( 切る = kiru)
Although we don’t say 待ちきる ( = machikiru), when we complete something or finish doing something regardless its amount, we say
:n: V+きる ( = 切る = kiru) =to have successfully done/completely finished doing something
A lot of time it involves the feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment.
Ex. 5つのコース料理を食べきった。
= Itsutsu no kousu ryouri wo tabekitta.
= I finished eating the whole five course meal.
You may find some food or drink in a small portion pack that is called
= Tabekiri saizu
= small size of package or small portion of food that you can easily eat up.
= Nomikiri saizu
= small size of package or small portion of beverage that you can easily drink up.
Note : In this case 〜きり ( = 切り= kiri) is used as an adjective.
Ex. フルマラソンを走りきった。
= Furumarason wo hashirikitta
= I managed to run the full marathon.
= Ikkyoku zenbu utaikiru.
= to be able to sing the whole song.
Ex. 喉が乾ききっている。
= Nodo ga kawakikitte iru.
= My throat is dried out. (I’m very thirsty)
We also use きる ( = kiru) with stative verbs or state of mind to express extremeness.
* 疲れる ( = tsukareru) to be tired
疲れきる = tsukarekiru = to be extremely tired
Ex. 彼女は疲れきった顔をしていた。
= Kanojo wa tsukarekitta kao wo shiteita.
= She looked extremely tired.
*信じる ( = shinjiru) = to believe
信じきる ( = shinjikiru ) = to believe something/someone completely
Ex. 彼は上司のことを信じきっていた。(usually negative)
= Kare wa joushi no koto wo shinjikitte ita. = He really trusted his boss.
* あきらめる = 諦める = akirameru = to give up
Ex. 彼女のことがあきらめきることができない。= あきらめきれない。
= Kanojo no koto ga akiramekiru koto ga dekiinai = akirame kirenai.
= I can’t forget about her completely. / I can’t give up on her completely.
Note : the negative form ( 〜きれない = kirenai) is more common.
マギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
いただきます!!= Itadakimasu!! = Now I’m going to eat this! /Dig in!
= Minna wa nani ka machikirenai mono ga arimasu ka?
= Is there anything that you can’t wait?
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hello Maggie Sensei,
Thank you for your lessons! I can’t express my gratitude enough!!
I was wondering about the different between Verb+Kiru and verb+ageru and verb+owaru
I know they all mean to “finish doing something” but are there any other nuances?
Thanks in advance!
Hello FluffyBooks,
OK, the nuance difference among Verb+Kiru/verb+ageru /verb+owaru are
verb+owaru = just expressing you have done something/you finish something
Ex. 食べ終わる = finish eating (focusing on the action)
Verb+Kiru = There is certain amount/quantity of something and you have cleared them.
Ex. 食べ切る (You finished eating all the food that you were supposed to eat.)
verb+ageru = You complete some work after putting time and energy.
Ex. 論文を書き上げる = finish writing the thesis.
Are these sentences correct?
失礼きった。→What do you mean by 失礼 to leave?
道に、片付けきれないほど、ごみが あります。
こんにちは、Pavithra D
道に、片付けきれないほど、ごみが あります。 OK (または”道には〜”)
部屋で散らかっているものをやっとかたづけきった。 散らかっているものには意思がないので 「散らかっている部屋」の方が自然だと思います。
昨日買った小説は面白くて、一時間で、読み切った。 OK
Hi Sensei,
What’s the difference between using V+きる versus V+とおす when talking about doing something to completion? It seems they have a similar meaning, but the sense I get is that V+とおす expresses that an action is continuous until it is completed while the other just emphasizes it is don’t until the end. Would they be interchangeable sometimes then?
Thank you!
Hello SLD
Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation.
They are similar but とおす requires more will/determination and has a meaning of “to go through something until completion” so you can’t use it with some actions that you can easily do, X飲みとおす・X食べとおす。
守り通す focusing on the process of protecting something
守り切る focusing on the completion of action, protecting.
Hi Maggie Sensei! I really like all your lessons, they’re very helpful. I have a question– what’s the difference between “V+きる”/”V+きれない” and “V+おわる”? Don’t they both have a meaning of “to end/finish”? Maybe they aren’t exactly the same but what’s the main difference between them?
Maggie Sensei, if I want use きる to define a noun, does it have to be in the た-form?
In my Japanese books, the examples are using た-form when it comes to define a noun, like 疲れきった顔, 安心しきった表情, etc
Can I use る-form? And if I can, is there any difference?
It’s already 2015 but I hope you can reply me as soon as possible ;w;
疲れきった and 安心しきった : They both used as an adjective to describe the following noun.
You can’t say 疲れ切る顔/安心しきる表情
Because when you describe the expression, you usually use the tense, (present perfect or past tense in English?) (completely) “(have been) tired/relaxed” ”
There I answered before a new year starts.
Dear sensei! May I ask something a little out of context? It’s about one of the last sentences of the post, the example with “akirameru”
Kanojo no koto GA akiramekiru koto ga dekinai
I don’t understand well the first ga. I would have write:
Kanojo no koto WO akiramekiru koto ga dekinai
Which is literally, the thing of completely giving up on her is not feasible, isn’t it?
Then, I’m a little confused with the first ga, I’ve tried to figure out but I can’t come up with a clear explanation !gejigeji!
Anyway this lesson was amazing!! Very well explained and useful !niconico!
Thank you always!!
Hello Rhi,
Ahhh good question. I wrote the example sentence without thinking.
But you can say
= Kanojo no koto wo akiramekiru koto ga dekinai.
As you say we usually use を for an object marker.
But sometimes we switch it with が
Ex. アイスクリームが欲しい = Aisukuriimu ga hoshii = I WANT ice cream
Ex. アイスクリームが食べたい= Aisukuriimu ga tabetai = I want to eat ice cream
Actually 好き=suki is an adjective but
Ex. アイスクリームが好きです。= Aisukuriimu ga sukidesu = I like ice cream.
Ex. アイスクリームが食べきれない= Aisukuriimu ga tabekirenai = I can’t finish eating icecream
Good, I will be alert so I can get used to switched particles !DANCING!
ありがとう boucingheart! boucingheart!
You can’t replace を with が all the time but just remember sometimes there are cases that we do.
Maggie 先生のおかげで「きれない」と「きる」を使い始めます。でも質問が聞きたいんです。「fully understand」か「not fully understand」といいったら、この文法を使われますか?例えば:
– その質問を分かりきれなかった。I didn’t (wasn’t able to) fully understand that question.
– そのところを分かりきった。I fully understood that point.
でも「分かりきった」= obviousという意味で使うことは多いですよ。
= It is really obvious. (Everybody knows that.)
Ex. そんなのはわかりきったことだ。
= It is too obvious.
– そのところを分かりきった。I fully understood that point.
Very useful explanations and examples, Thank you! Website bookmarked! :)
Where does omoikitte come into all this? to one’s hearts content right? and harikitte, to go all out, are they specific variations of the same kirenai/ kiru thing?
It will be easier to think
思う=to concern, to worry, to think about something a lot →思い切る= to stop/finish worrying about something/what is going to happen and just do something.= take risk and do something.
張る = to yank something (such as a string, a rope, etc.) →張り切る= Describe your exciting feelings to do something as if you yank a string (or rope) all the way (completely).
Hello maggie sensei
Can you please explain kiranai and give me an example?
So kirenai and kiranai are different?
Thanks in advance.
There are some expressions that you always use きらない
入りきらない= hairikiranai = won’t be able to fit, won’t hold
煮え切らない= niekiranai = indecisive
But besides that きらない is usually used to show your will. You won’t complete, do something on purpose
= Aete zenroku wo dashikiranai
= Won’t do one’s best on purpose
= Zenryoku wo dashikirenai
= not be able to do one’s best
maggie sensei arigatou ^^
thank you for explaining this lesson.
i have a question:
i noticed that you wrote “desho” once with ou ending and once without, is there a difference?
thanks in advance
Hello Kuroi Neko-chan,
でしょ is a casual form of でしょう. It is a tag question.
待ちきれない= machikirenai = I can’t wait.
待ちきれないでしょ(う)= Machikirenai desho(u) = You can’t wait, can you? = I bet you can’t wait.
食べきれない(=tabekirenai) = tabekirenai
食べきれないでしょ(う)(=tabekirenai desho(u)) You can’t finish eating, can you? = I bet you can’t finish eating.
(a little note for you : ここには→ここの学校の生活)
初めてのコメントですが去年からマギー先生を見つかってよかった。すごく便利だと思う。日本語はまだうまくないからすまない ^^;
全然、失礼なことではありませんよ。普段、日本語を教えているかということですか?日本語はこのサイトだけで教えています。私は”犬”だから普段は犬の生活をしていますよ。:) 少しでも日本語を勉強しているみんなの役にたてばうれしいです。
Wow, このサイトを見つけたところですが, これからのところは、マーギ先生の説明が楽しいし、面白いし、簡単だし、大好きですよ。
Sometimes, I have a hard time choosing between が and は in sentences with more than one clause. Did I use them correctly this time?
Thanks! :D
Hello James, こんにちは!
OK, you can’t use 笑う and きれない. Because 笑う is an action that you can’t complete.
If you say 笑いきれない, it means “You have started to laugh and you can’t finish/complete laughing.”
So 彼がお尻から落ちた時、私は笑えなかった。 = I couldn’t laugh when he fell on his butt.
次のレッスンが待ちきれないっす! (笑)
ハハハ、完璧(kanpeki)!!楽しみにしていてね! U^ェ^U
Hi Maggie thank’s for this lesson! Is quite interesting, especially no ga kirenai! Nihon ni iku no ga machikirenai n desu.
Hello PukiPuki!
Nihon ni iku no ga machikrendesu! → Good! :)