「私は女子力UP! みんなは語彙力UPね!」
= Watashi wa joshiryoku appu! Minna wa goiryoku appu ne!
= I will work on the “Woman Power” and you guys should work on the “Vocabulary Strength”, OK?
Hi, everyone! This is a follow-up lesson for my Twitter followers.(Maggie Sensei Twitter)
This series started when one of my Twitter followers asked me to tweet one basic word every day in March 2011. I had no idea I would still be doing this over a year and a half later. Feel free to send me a message on Twitter if you want me to continue this series. If not, let me know what you would like to learn next.
I guess they are not “Super” basic words anymore. But vocabulary will be one of your strengths on your journey to mastering Japanese.
These are the old lessons. Hope you’ll visit these lessons again and again.
I focused on the verbs in this Part 9.
Before we start, let’s check the picture above.
🐶「私は女子力UP! みんなは語彙力UPね!」
= Watashi wa joshiryoku appu! Minna wa goiryoku appu ne!
= I will work on “Woman Power” and you guys should work on “Vocabulary Strength”, OK?
*UP(= appu ) is from of course English word, “up” It means “to increase“, “to strengthen“, “to empower”, and “to build.”
*(subject) は〜、(subject)は〜 = (subject) wa~,(subject) wa ~ : the particle は(=wa) is often used to show the contrast of things.
*語彙= ごい = goi = vocabulary
+ 力= りょく = ryoku = power, strength
*Now what I want to focus on today is this word:
女子力= joshiryoku : It is one of the trendy words that you often hear/see on TV or in the fashion magazines.
The literal translation is “Girls’ power” or “Female Power”
You will hear
= Motto joshiryoku wo appu sasenaito.
= I should work on my “Girl’s power”
Or you see some advertisements for cosmetic products,
= Kore de joshiryoku appu!
= You can empower your “Girl’s power” with this (product.)
So what do you need to do in order to build your 女子力 ( = joshiryoku) ?
It varies depending on your interpretation but, for example: u:
🔹 To work on your physical appearance or fashion :
To be keen on fashion: Always have the motivation to improve your fashion sense. (Not just outer fashion but also your underwear.)
🔹To work on your inner beauty
To be attentive or nice to people around you.
🔹 To empower your work skills.
🔹 To be interested in high-quality products or things with we associate with “high class”.
So in short, the strength to become a good woman (like me! :) )
💚 Week 69
1) to receive = 受け取る = うけとる= uketoru
to receive a letter
= 手紙を受け取る
= てがみをうけとる
= tegami wo uketoru
2) to hold, to have, to carry = 持つ = もつ = motsu
to hold chopsticks
= 箸を持つ
= はしをもつ
= hashi wo motsu
3) to advance, to progress = 進む=すすむ = susumu
to move forward
= 前に進む
= まえにすすむ
= mae ni susumu
4) to be pleased = 喜ぶ=よろこぶ = yorokobu
to be delighted by one’s victory
= 勝利に喜ぶ
= しょうりによろこぶ
= shouri ni yorokobu
5) to feel sadness = 悲しむ=かなしむ = kanashimu
to be deeply saddened
= 深く悲しむ
= ふかくかなしむ
= fukaku kanashimu
6) to make, to create = 作る=つくる = tsukuru
to cook dishes
= 料理を作る
= りょうりをつくる
= ryouri wo tsukuru
💚 Week 70
7) to continue, to keep doing something = 続ける= つづける= tsudukeru
to keep reading
= 読み続ける
= よみつづける
= yomitsudukeru
8) to wrap = 包む= つつむ= tsutsumu
to wrap a present
= プレゼントを包む
= プレゼントをつつむ
= purezento wo tsutsumu
9) to leave something, someone (behind), to save = 残す= のこす= nokosu
to leave a message
= 伝言を残す
= でんごんをのこす
= dengon wo nokosu
10) to feel, to sense = 感じる= かんじる= kanjiru
to feel stressed
= ストレスを感じる
= ストレスをかんじる
= sutoresu wo kanjiru
11) to have a talk, to have a conversation = 会話する= かいわする= kaiwa suru
to have a pleasant conversation
= 楽しく会話する
= たのしくかいわする
= tanoshiku kaiwa suru
12) to hand out = 配る= くばる= kubaru
to hand out flyers
= チラシを配る
= chirashi wo kubaru
💚Week 71
13) to sink = 沈む = しずむ= shizumu
The Sun sinks
= 太陽が沈む
= たいようがしずむ
= taiyou ga shizumu
14) to float = 浮く= うく= uku
to float in the water
= 水に浮く
= みずにうく
= mizu ni uku
15) to take, to choose, to have = 取る= とる= toru
to take an order
= 注文を取る
= ちゅうもんをとる
= chuumon wo toru
16) to fall down, to trip over =転ぶ= ころぶ= korobu
to fall down on a snowy road
= 雪道で転ぶ
= ゆきみちでころぶ
= yukimichi de korobu
17) to turn on, to put on = つける= tsukeru
to turn on the light
= 電気をつける
= でんきをつける
= denki wo tsukeru
18) to come to an end, to finish = 終わる = おわる= owaru
The TV show comes to an end.
= テレビばんぐみがおわる
= terebi bangumi ga owaru
💚 Week 72
19) to take out, to serve, to eject = 出す = だす= dasu
to serve a meal
= 食事を出す
= しょくじをだす
= shokuji wo dasu
20) to straighten up, to put away= 片付ける = かたづける = katazukeru
to put away a dish
= 皿を片付ける
= さらをかたづける
= sara wo katazukeru
21) to blow = 吹く = ふく = fuku
the wind blows
= 風が吹く
= かぜがふく
= kaze ga fuku
22) to answer, to reply = 答える = こたえる= kotaeru
to answer a question
= 質問に答える
= しつもんにこたえる
= shitsumon ni kotaeru
23) to learn = 習う = ならう= narau
to learn English
= 英語を習う
= えいごをならう
= eigo wo narau
24) to tell, to communicate, to transmit= 伝える = つたえる = tsutaeru
to give out the information
= 情報を伝える
= じょうほうをつたえる
= jouhou wo tsutaeru
💚 Week 73
25) to win = 勝つ= かつ= katsu
to win a game
= 試合に勝つ
= しあいにかつ
= shiai ni katsu
26) to lose, to get defeated = 負ける= まける= makeru
to lose on purpose
= わざと負ける
= わざとまける
= waza to makeru
27) to make a reservation = 予約する= よやくする= yoyaku suru
to book a hotel
= ホテルを予約する
= ホテルをよやくする
= hoteru wo yoyaku suru
28) to cook = 料理する= りょうりする= ryouri suru
to cook quickly
= 手早く料理する
= てばやくりょうりする
= tebayaku ryouri suru
29) to decorate = 飾る= かざる= kazaru
to decorate a room with flowers
= 部屋を花で飾る
= へやをはなでかざる
= heya wo hana de kazaru
30) to steal = 盗む = ぬすむ= nusumu
to steal a car
= 車を盗む
= くるまをぬすむ
= kuruma wo nusumu
💚 Week 74
31) to be able to, to be completed, to be ready = 出来る= できる= dekiru
to be able to write in Japanese
= 日本語で書くことができる。
= Nihongo de kaku koto ga dekiru.
32) to mix / to blend something = 混ぜる= まぜる= mazeru
to mix eggs and milk
= 卵と牛乳を混ぜる
= たまごとぎゅうにゅうをまぜる
= tamago to gyuunyuu wo mazeru
33) to reduce, to decrease = 減らす = へらす= herasu
to lose weight
= 体重を減らす
= たいじゅうをへらす
= taijuu wo herasu
34) to increase = 増やす=ふやす= fuyasu
to increase one’s income
= 収入を増やす
= しゅうにゅうをふやす
= shuunyuu wo fuyasu
35) to carry, to transport = 運ぶ = はこぶ= hakobu
to carry passengers
= 乗客を運ぶ
= じょうきゃくをはこぶ
= joukyaku wo hakobu
36) to scold, to reprimand = 叱る=しかる= shikaru
to scold a child
= 子供を叱る
= こどもをしかる
= kodomo wo shikaru
💚 Week 75
37) to decline, to turn down = 断る = ことわる= kotowaru
to decline an offer
= 申し出を断る
= もうしでをことわる
= moushide wo kotowaru
38) to be in love = 恋をする= こいをする= koi wo suru (also 恋する= koi suru)
to be in love with a beautiful woman
= 美しい女性に恋をする
= うつくしいじょせいにこいをする
= utsukushii josei ni koi wo suru
39) to participate, to join = 参加する = さんかする= sanka suru
to participate in a contest
= コンテストに参加する
= コンテストにさんかする
= kontesuto ni sanka suru
40) to get drunk, to get travel-sick= 酔う = よう= you
to get airsick
= 飛行機に酔う
= ひこうきによう
= hikouki ni you
41) to like something, someone = 気に入る = きにいる= kiniiru
one’s favorite music
= お気に入りの音楽
= おきにいりのおんがく
= okiniiri no ongaku
42) to celebrate = 祝う= いわう= iwau
to celebrate one’s birthday
= 誕生日を祝う
= たんじょうびをいわう
= tanjoubi wo iwau
💚 Week 76
43) to throw away, to dump = 捨てる= すてる= suteru
Ex. to throw away trash (garbage)
= ごみ(ゴミ)をすてる
= gomi wo suteru
44) to pay = 払う = はらう= harau
to pay money
= お金を払う
= おかねをはらう
= okane wo harau
45) to think, to consider = 考える= かんがえる= kangaeru
to think about one’s future
= 将来について考える
= しょうらいについてかんがえる
= shourai ni tsuite kangaeru
46) to be lost, to wander, to hesitate to do s.th = 迷う= まよう= mayou
to get lost / to lose one’s way
= 道に迷う
= みちにまよう
= michi ni mayou
47) to pray, to wish = 祈る = いのる = inoru
to pray for safety
= 無事を祈る
= ぶじをいのる
=buji wo inoru
48) to wash = 洗う = あらう = arau
to wash one’s hands
= 手を洗う
= てをあらう
= te wo arau
💚 Week 77
49) to break up, to part = 別れる = わかれる = wakareru
to break up with one’s boyfriend
= 彼と別れる
= かれとわかれる
= kare to wakareru
50) to acquire, to obtain = 手に入れる= てにいれる= te ni ireru
to get a cheap ticket
= 安いチケットを手に入れる
= やすいチケットをてにいれる
= Yasui chiketto wo te ni ireru
51) to plant = 植える = うえる= ueru
to plant seeds
= 種を植える
= たねをうえる
= tane wo ueru
52) to transfer/ connect, to change= 乗り換える = のりかえる= norikaeru
to change trains
= 電車を乗り換える
= でんしゃをのりかえる
= densha wo norikaeru
53) to be effective, to work = 効く = きく = kiku
effective medicine
= よく効く薬
= よくきくくすり
= yoku kiku kusuri
54) to endure, to withstand = 耐える = たえる= taeru
to withstand pressure
= 圧力に耐える
= あつりょくにたえる
= atsuryoku ni taeru
💚 Week 78
55) to raise, to grow = 育てる = そだてる= sodateru
a) to raise a child
= 子供を育てる
= こどもをそだてる
= kodomo wo sodateru
56) to be careful, to watch out = 気を付ける= きをつける = ki wo tsukeru
to watch one’s mouth
= 言葉に気を付ける
= ことばにきをつける
= kotoba ni ki wo tsukeru
57) to conduct, to perform, to carry out = 行う = おこなう= okonau
to conduct an experiment
= 実験を行う
= じっけんをおこなう
= jikken wo okonau
58) to hit, to beat, to bang = 打つ = うつ= utsu
to hit a ball
= ボールを打つ
= ボールをうつ
= bouru wo utsu
59)to move, to make a movement = 動く = うごく= ugoku
to move slowly
= ゆっくりと動く
= ゆっくりとうごく
= yukkuri to ugoku
60) to pass, to go by = 経つ= たつ= tatsu
Time passes
= 時が経つ
= ときがたつ
= toki ga tatsu
💚 Week 79
61) (rain/snow) to come down, to fall = 降る = ふる= furu
to rain
= 雨が降る
= あめがふる
= ame ga furu
62) to pull, to drag= 引っ張る = ひっぱる= hipparu
to pull someone’s hair
= 〜の髪を引っ張る
= ~ no kami wo hipparu
63) to break, to fold = 折る = おる= oru
to break one’s bone
= 骨を折る
= ほねをおる
= hone wo oru
64) to get fat, to put on weight = 太る = ふとる = futoru
to gain weight from eating too much
= 食べ過ぎで太る
= たべすぎでふとる
= tabesugi de futoru
65) to get angry = 怒る = おこる = okoru
to be red with anger
= 真っ赤になって怒る
= まっかになっておこる
= makka ni natte okoru
66) to turn around, to pass, to forward = 回す = まわす= mawasu
to spin a top
= こまを回す
= こまをまわす
= koma wo mawasu
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Doushi wo ippai oboemashitane. Ato wa tsukatte renshuu shite itte kudasaine.
You have learned many verbs. Now you can practice using them.
最後に、Twitterのフォローをしてくれているみんな、大好きです。 ❤️
= Saigo ni Twitter no forou wo shite kurete iru minna daisuki desu.
= Last but not least, I love all my Twitter followers!
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hello, can you tell me what’s the difference between MORAU and UKETORU,
Thanks in advance :)
Hello 123,
OK, the difference between もらう(=morau) and 受け取る(=uketoru)
1) 誕生日に毎年、彼からバラの花をもらう
= Tanjoubi ni maitoshi kara bara no hana wo morau
= I get roses from my boyfriend (or him) every year on my birthday.
Focusing on the fact that I got a favor from him.
2) 花屋からそのバラの花を受け取る
= Hanaya kara sono bara no hana wo uketoru
= I received those roses.
I simply receive them as an action from the flower shop or a delivery person.
(When someone hand out something and you receive it/them, you use 受け取る=uketoru)
3) 結婚したとき叔父からお祝い金をもらった。
= Kekkon shita toki oji kara oiwaikin wo moratta.
= When I got married, ←I got some gift-money from my uncle(←my uncle gave me some gift-money. )
Focusing on the fact that I got a favor from my uncle.
4) 父は、年金を受け取っている。
= Chichi wa, nenkin wo uketotte iru.
= My father has been receiving pension.
Just focusing on the fact that he is getting pension. Government pays him money and he accepts/takes it.
言語に関して, ときどき難しいからあきらめたくなるような気分になるでしょう. それでもマギー先生のおかげでこれから私は毎日頑張り続きます.
♥みんな, 頑張ってね♥
@Remi Ayumi Lee
@Remi Ayumi Lee
ただいま〜!! !JYANE!
@Laura T
Hi Laura! コメントありがとう!! :h:
Love Maggie sensei!
永遠にマッギ先生サイトを祈る!I want to say ” I wish maggiesensei.com stay with us forever” please correct.
Could you also give examples of male voice? because male voices are so tough to understand.
永遠にマッギ先生サイトを祈る!→マギー先生のサイトが永遠に(or ずっと)続きますように。
We are sorry. this site is created by Maggie and Yukari and both of us are girls so that we can’t have male voices. I will try to make more listening exercises instead using TV commercials or movie preview on Facebook. ごめんね。
And we love you,too! !CHECKHEART!
Thank you for your correction, sensei
Yes that’s what I meant. Examples from YouTube files or something like that^^.
ありがとうございます! :)
今回もず〜〜っとQuiz perfectでしたね!You are the best!! !Vsain!