= Inu nanoni Viton ga hoshii no?
= Even though you are a dog, you want a Louis Vuitton (bag)?
= Onaji joshi nanoni watashi no kimochi ga wakaranai no?
= How can you — as a woman — not understand how I feel?
Today’s lesson is for Katy who recently requested a lesson on のに ( = noni).
I have a long list of requests, and I’m slowly and randomly going through it. If you’ve requested earlier please wait patiently.
Let’s get started!
🔸 のに(=noni) although, despite the fact, even though
It is used to combine two sentences.
→ (Sentence A) のに ( = noni) + (Sentence B)
Despite the fact (Sentence A), (Sentence B)
For example, if you
= ippai benkyou shita
= studied a lot
The expected result should be
= shiken ni ukatta
= passed the exams
However, if you failed the exam, you would say
= Ippai benkyou shita noni shiken ni ochita.
= Although I studied a lot, I failed the exam.
Another example. As you know I am adorable.
= Maggie sensei wa kawaii
= Maggie sensei is cute
Everybody expects me to be sweet, right? :)
But I am, in fact, very
= kibishii
= strict, severe
So you can say,
= Maggie sensei wa kawaii noni kibishii
= Although Maggie Sensei is cute, she is strict.
So you say something in Sentence A and then you say something that contradicts conditions or consequences in Sentence B.
⭐️ How to form:
🔹 Adjectives
★い ( = i) -adjecive : basic form + のに ( = noni)
* 高い ( = takai) high, expensive, tall + のに ( = noni)
高いのに ( = takai noni)
Ex. 父は背が高いのに僕は低い。
= Chichi wa se ga takai noni boku wa hikui.
= Although my father is tall, I am short.
*美味しい ( = oishii) = delicious + のに ( = noni)
美味しいのに ( = oishiii noni)
Ex. 美味しいのにお腹が一杯で食べられない。
= Oishii noni onakaga ippai de taberarenai.
= Although it’s delicious, I can’t eat it because I’m full.
☆い ( = i)-adjective :past tense
*早い ( = hayai) quick, early, fast →(past tense) 早かった ( = hayakatta) + のに ( = noni)
早かったのに ( = hayakatta noni)
Ex. 昨日は帰りが早かったのに夜遅くまでテレビを観ていたので 眠い。
= Kinou wa kaeri ga hayakatta noni yoru osoku made terebi wo miteita node nemui
= I got home early but since I stayed up late watching TV, I am sleepy.
★ な ( = na) – adjective ~な ( = na) + のに ( = noni)
*きれい ( = kirei) = beautiful, pretty →な ( = na) form きれいな ( = kireina) + のに ( = noni)
きれいなのに ( = kireinanoni)
Ex. この部屋はいつもきれいなのに今日はちらかっている。
= Kono heya wa itsumo kireinanoni kyou wa chirakatte iru.
= Although this room is usually clean, it’s messy today.
*元気 ( = genki) healthy, cheerful, energetic →な ( = na) form 元気な ( = genkina) + のに ( = noni)
元気なのに ( = genki nanoni)
Ex. マギー、いつも元気なのにどうしたの?
= Maggie, itsumo genki nanoni doushitano?
= What is wrong with you? (It’s unlike you not to be energetic/cheerful.)
☆な ( = na)- adjective past tense
*静か ( = shizuka) →past tense 静かだった ( = shizukadatta) + のに ( = noni)
静かだったのに ( = shizukadatta noni)
🔹 Verbs:
★(present tense/ past tense ) basic form+ のに ( = noni)
*する ( = suru) = to do + のに ( = noni) →するのに ( = suru noni)
Ex. いつも彼が料理をするのに今日はやってくれなかった。
= Itsumo kare ga ryouri wo suru noni kyou wa yatte kurenakatta.
= He always cooks, but he didn’t do that for us today.
*書く ( = kaku) = to write → (past tense) 書いた ( = kaita) + のに ( = noni)
書いたのに ( = kaita noni)
Ex. せっかく手紙を書いたのになくしてしまった。
= Sekkaku tegami wo kaitta noni nakushite shimatta.
= Although I wrote a letter, I lost it.
Note : せっかく ( = sekkaku) is often used with のに ( = noni) to emphasize one’s disappointment after all the work or trouble they had.
せっかく~のに ( = sekkaku ~ noni) : after all the trouble you made, the consequence was disappointing. (Check せっかく ( = sekkaku) lesson)
Ex. せっかく料理したのに誰も食べてくれない。
= Sekkaku ryouri shita noni daremo tabete kurenai.
= After I went to all the trouble of cooking, nobody is eating.
Ex. お金がないのに旅行に行くの?
= Okane ga nai noni ryokou ni ikuno?
= You don’t have any money, but you’re going on a trip?
🔹 noun
★noun + な ( = na) + のに ( = noni)
Ex. 犬 ( = inu)=a dog →犬な ( = inu na) + のに ( = noni) : even though, despite being a dog
犬なのに ( = inu nanoni)
Ex. 犬なのに日本語を教えている。
= Inu nanoni nihongo wo oshieteiru.
=Despite being a dog, (she) teaches Japanese.
⇨ From the picture above :
= Inu nanoni Viton ga hoshii no?
= Even though you are a dog, you want a Louis Vuitton (bag)?
= Onaji joshi nanoni watashi no kimochi ga wakaranai no?
[Literal translation: Even though you are a woman, don’t you understand my feelings?
= You are a woman as well and you still don’t know how I feel?
Note : There is a trend to use 女子 ( = joshi) more than 女性 ( = josei) in colloquial Japanese.
★ past tense →noun + だった ( = datta) + のに ( = noni)
* 花 ( = hana) flowers +だった ( = datta) = 花だった ( = hanadatta) + のに ( = noni)
花だったのに ( = hanadatta noni)
Ex. きれいな花だったのに枯れてしまった。
= Kireina hanadatta noni karete shimatta.
= The flowers were beautiful, but they wilted.
🔹 Others :
*ばかりな/ばかりだった + のに ( = noni)
◼︎Present tense:
●ばかり ( = bakari) + な ( = na) + のに ( = noni)
Ex. 食べたばかりなのにもうお腹がすいた。
= Tabeta bakari nanoni mou onaka ga suita.
= I just ate, but I am already hungry.
◼︎ past tense :
●ばかりだった ( = bakaridatta) + のに ( = noni)
Ex. あの二人はこの間、結婚したばかりだったのにもう別れたらしい。
= Ano futari wa konoaida kekkon shita bakari datta noni mou wakareta rashii.
= I heard even though they (those two) just got married, they already got divorced.
We often drop the main clause and finish the sentence with のに ( = noni).
You can show your feelings of disappointment, regrets and discontent to the listener.
🔹 Conditional :would have/ could have
(もし)〜たら〜のに = (moshi) ~ tara ~ noni = (If 〜 , ) subject would have/could have do something.
You tell people that you could have done something,
Ex. (もし言ってくれたら)手伝ってあげたのに…
= (Moshi itte kuretara) Tetsudatte agetanoni…
= (If you had told me) I would have helped you…
Ex. もし彼が来るとしっていたらそのパーティーに行ったのに…
= Moshi kare ga kuru to shitteitara sono paatii ni itta noni…
= If I had known he would have come to the party, I would have gone…
📝 Note : Now can you tell the difference between the following sentences?
A ) 誕生パーティーに行けたらいいのに
= Tanjou paatii ni iketara iinoni.
B) 誕生パーティーに行ったらいいのに
= Tanjou paatii ni ittara iinoni.
(*誕生パーティー = tanjou paatii = birthday party)
A) I wish I could go to the party.
B) I wish someone would go to the birthday party / You should go to the party. (suggestion to other people.)
Please go check my たら ( = tara) lesson for the details.
⭐️ to express one’s feeling of disappointment.
Ex. せっかく宿題をしたのに…
= Sekkaku shukudai wo shita noni…
= After all the trouble of doing my homework…
⭐️ to complain to someone or give someone a suggestion:
Ex. あれだけ勉強しなさいって言ったのに….
= Aredake benkyou shinasaitte itta noni!
= (Why didn’t you study even though) I told you to study million of times.
= Motto nihongo no benkyou wo sureba ii noni.
= You should study Japanese more.
= Motto nihongo no benkyou wo sureba yokatta noni.
= You should have studied Japanese more.
Ex. だから言ったのに!
= Dakara itta noni!
= (That’s why) I told you so.
Finally there is one more way to use のに ( = noni) (←の ( = no) nominalizing a verb + に ( = ni) expressing a purpose)
⭐️ in order to, for , to do something, for the purpose of doing something
How to form :
verb (basic form ) + のに ( = noni)
*買う ( = kau) + のに ( = noni) = 買うのに ( = kau noni) in order to buy
Ex. そのコンサートのチケットを買うのに1時間も並ばなければいけなかった。
= Sono konsaato no chiketto wo kau noni ichijikan mo narabanakaereba ikenakatta.
= I had to stand in line over one hour to get a ticket for the concert.
*行く ( = iku) + のに ( = noni) = 行くのに ( = ikunoni) in order to go
Ex. 旅行に行くのに5万円必要だ。
= Ryokou ni iku noni gomanen hitsuyouda.
= I need 50,000 yen to go traveling.
Ex. タクシーで駅まで行くのにいくら位かかりますか?
= Takushii de ekimade ikunoni ikura gurai kakarimasu ka?
= How much will it cost to the station by taxi?
Ex. ここに来るのにどの位の時間がかかりましたか?
= Kokoni kuru noni donogurai no jikan ga kakarimashitaka?
= How long did it take to get here?
Ex. 上級のレベルにたどりつくのにどれだけ勉強をしなければいけないことか….
= Joukyuu no reberu ni tadoritsuku noni doredake bennkyou wo shinakereba ikenai kotoka…
= I wonder how much I should study in order to reach advanced level….
= Kono keiki wo tsukuru noni tamago ga ikutsu irimasu ka?
= How many eggs do we need to make this cake?
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Aah okyuuryou wo zenbu tsukawanakatta ano Ruiviton no baggu ga kaetanonina.
= Ahh…If I hadn’t spent all my salary, I could have bought that Louis Vuitton bag.
Special note: If you speak French, Marianne translated this lesson in French. Go check my FB page.
Comment et quand utiliser のに ( = noni)
Merci! Marianne! ❤️
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hello Maggie!
Your lessons are great as always, but I have a question about のに in the meaning of “would have… / could have…”
Does the verb have to be in the casual (た) form of past tense or I can also use the polite form (い)ました+のに?
For example:
I think it would be better to point it out in the article, it might help someone else.
Hello Bogdan
Ah good question.
You can use ました+ のに in formal conversation when you tell someone that you could have done something.
If you have told me, I could have bought a ticket for you.
I guess you can say 日本にいたら、チケットの数枚を買いましたのに。 for your own regret but
日本にいたらチケットを数枚買ったのですが… might sound more natural.
Got it, thank you ^^
どういたしまして ☺️
Hello Maggie-sensei!
Thank you so much for providing us with such good lessons that are easy to understand! I stumbled across a sentence recently including 「のに」. It goes like this:
I have two questions. The first one is about what is the difference between ための and ために, the second is if the な (after 本気に) and the 、 have some function inside that sentence or you can remove them without having any problem.
Hello Lazerel,
1) There is a hidden noun after 為の
マスターと僕の戦いのための(練習 or もの)なのに
Since the word 練習 is already mentioned, you don’t have to say 練習 again and just say ための
(You can sometimes rephrase it with もの as well)
You often omit the noun and just use の
(Check my の lesson if you want to learn more. The link is here.)
So though you use の instead of the nouns 練習/もの, ための is considered as a noun so you use なのに
Noun + なのに
2) Is it one phrase? There is no space between 本気にな and 落ち込む?
If so, I think it is a typo. 本気に落ち込む (本気に is an adverb which modifies the following verb, 落ち込む)
I wish to suggest a correction.
Original Version:
How much will it cost to the station?
How much will it cost to go to the station by taxi?
Hello JLearner
Thank you for the correction. I will fix it right away. ありがとう!
In this song, Blue-Fujifabric, there’s this part that confuses me a bit
「まとめた言葉 単純なのにな
What does the な after なのに means? To me it sounds like it doesn’t add anything because i can’t understand it, but i know i’m most likely wrong. Is it another structure? Or something related to のに?
It may not appear in the translation of this な.
You use the suffix な when you express what you feel or think.
Check this lesson. How to use な/なあ
Hi Maggie sensei!
I read from your lessons that both noni and kedo has “although/even though” meaning. I am just wondering how are they different from each other?
Is there a difference between the two sentences?
Hello Matthew!
The translation is the same but なのに shows stronger contrast so the speaker expresses surprised feelings more.
Thank you as always for answering questions!
Anytime! :)
I just search for のに usage and saw this website, I think I must include you as one of my senseis now.
Anyway, 質問があります。 i saw one of the comments about なければいいのに。you said that it means *you shouldn’t eat* but なければならないはなければなりませんでしょ?meaning, *must* so 食べなければならない means you must it?
食べなければならない = 食べなければいけない = I must eat/ You must eat / ~ must eat
Now 〜ばいいのに changes the meaning
If someone is reluctant to eat something, you tell them
食べればいいのに or 食べたらいいのに = You should eat./Why don’t you eat this. (But the listener wouldn’t eat.)
but if someone is eating something that they shouldn’t (Ex. they are on diet, etc.) you say
食べなければいいのに = You really shouldn’t eat that.
I just started studying N3 now and upon checking all the grammar patterns, I saw this ~ばいい so i will be studying that. and thank you for explaining that to me.
どういたしまして、Ran! 日本語の勉強、楽しんでがんばってくださいね。🐶💕
この はしを つくるの___ 4年 かかりました。
私にとって、もし ”に” を使えば、英語でーIt took 4 years for this bridge to be built(in order to be built) という意味だと思います。 そして、もし ”を” を使えば、英語でーthe building of this bridge took 4 years.
そうですね、答えは、やはり 「に」です。英語の in order to ~ の考え方で合っています。
Another great content. Thank you for this lesson. I just have a question about the 「のに」as “in order to”. From what was written above, i saw the sentence :
Would it be possible for you to differentiate the following sentences:
1. 旅行に行く「のに」5万円必要だ
2. 旅行に行く「のために」、5万円必要だ
3. 旅行に行く「には」5万円必要だ
Hi JP Arcilla,
1. OK
2. 行くために (You use の after a noun. So You can also say 旅行のために)
3. OK
So basically, all are the same? There is no difference, even in nuance?
They mean the same but ために emphasizes the purpose more.
That makes perfect sense. Thank you very much!
Anytime! 😊
Hey Maggie Sensei. I came across this phrase.
Which was translated as. If you’re going to make excuses just don’t eat it at all.
I’m confused because I thought 食べなきゃ is short for must eat. So thinking about it, should it be ” Even though you should eat” The combination of なきゃ+ いいのに is throwing me of. Could you help clear this up?
Hi Des,
OK first
When you express your desire that someone should do something but they don’t in reality, you say
Ex. 食べたらいいのに / 食べればいいのに = You really should eat ~ (But they don’t eat)
And when you express your desire that someone shouldn’t do something but they do in reality, you say
〜なければいいのに ・(more casual) なきゃいいのに
Ex. 食べなければいいのに / 食べなきゃいいのに = Don’t eat ~ (But they eat)
Ohhhh! That helps so much! Thanks Maggie Sensei! So なければ is just a negative form? Like the negative of ければ。
That’s right. That’s a negative form.
So the literal translation of 食べなきゃいいのに(食べなければいいのに) is “It would be good if you didn’t eat~.
Hello Maggie-sensei!
I’ve been reading tons of your lessons now that I am learning by myself.
I thank you for that.
However, you made a mistake. You are not adorable. Please modify that example.
Haha, kidding.
Really enjoying your lessons!
Thanks from Argentina!
Hi Rino
I am glad to hear you enjoy reading my lessons but sad to hear your mean joke.😭
Just kidding. (^_−)−☆
Thank you so much!!!
🐶 💕 💕
What a wonderful refresher on のに! I love using your blog as a great resource to help me recall grammar. I can tell you take a lot of time out to plan these and it’s very much appreciated!
Thank YOU for your kind words, Errol! 😊
hi Maggie先生,
I have a question about the use of のに in the sentence below! I originally wrote
しまったのは but my Japanese friend corrected me. In the example below is ‘noni’ used just to reinforce the regret of Dave for leaving his phone in the convenience store?
Hello Angus,
First 携帯(けいたい)を忘れてしまったのに気がつきました
This のに is different from the one I explained in this lesson (→although, though, even if)
の is for nominalization (to make a noun from a verb, in this case “(the fact) that I have forgotten/have left (my cellphone)” )
に is for an indirect object marker. I realized, notice ~に気がつく
The basic pattern is
Noun/ verb noun form (Verb+(こと or の)) + に+ 気がつく
Ex. 彼に気がつく to realized his presence.
Ex. 彼がいないことに気がつく。
= 彼がいないのに気がつく = to realized that he isn’t there.
I have just one question.
If i want to say “i made breakfast even though my hand hurts”, what sounds more natural?
Do we have to use past tense in the part where noni is or is it okay to use present tense there?
Hi Ellen,
Interesting question.
Technically it should be past tense but actually you say both
痛かったのに作った and 痛いのに作った.
このレッスンありがとうございました!めっちゃ分かりやすいで便利だと思います。質問一つだけあります!what does it mean when “なのに” is at the beginning of the sentence? A friend told me:… しかもあなたはすごく優しいです。なのに僕を選んでくれてありがとう。please I hope you to respond me and thank you 先生!
Ah, I see this is a tricky one.
なのに in that sentence means ~ なのに ”regardless (previous sentence)/but / yet”
So the previous sentence express how great you are. You are ~ and also very sweet.
By using なのに in the following sentence, the readers can tell this writer thinks he doesn’t deserve this person.
I am not that good/I am not as good as you are/I don’t deserve you but you chose me. Thank you.
I still don’t understand what のに means in this sentence.
Hi Ryan,
First you need a particle に, an indirect object marker, for something+ に+ 気がついた, to notice something
When you nominalize a verb, you use こと or の (more casual)
音がすること / 音がするの making sound
Therefore you say 音がするの( or 音がすること) + に+ 気がついた。
I often didn’t understand why のに was used at the end of a sentence. It seems so simple now
よかった〜 :)
How can you tell if its ‘i work in order to have money’ or ‘i work even though i have money’?
Can it be applied to both meanings?
And is it better to use よう or ため instead of の in 1st case?
Hello Ananas,
“to work even though one has money”
As you guessed,
to work in order to have money
Hi Sensei! Thank you for your lessons!
What is the meaning of のに in this sentence?
Hi Virgo,
寒いのに in that sentence means “even in this cold weather”
So, the whole sentence will be something like “You’re working hard despite this cold”?
Hi Maggie sensei, and thank you for the lesson.
Could you please explain the use of のに in this sentence?
both “even though” and “in order to” seem not to fit.
even though i buy clothes i was undecided between this and that.
in order to buy clothes i was undecided between this and that.
Hi ジャン
It will be easier to think this のに
First you use に with 迷う
and the first の is used to nominalize a verb
買う= to buy 買う = buying something (as a noun)
The literal translation
I was in the state of undecided of buying my clothes.
→I couldn’t decide what clothes to buy.
My girlfriend wrote this to me, and it seems like a different use of のに than you’ve discussed:
I think this means, “If nothing will change, there’s no point in talking。”
But it seems like から or 変らなかったら or something would fit better. Is のに acting like から in this sentence?
I appreciate you and your site!
のに means “though/even though” but in this case, “anyway” works.
Here’s the nuance difference:
変わらなかったら If nothings changes (after trying something)
変わらないから We don’t need to talk because nothing will change. (to give a reason why there is no need to talk)
変わらないのに We don’t need to talk. Nothing will change anyway.
I hope you are not fighting with your girlfriend. 😉
Hi Maggie sensei,
I have a confusing about のに. Would you mind answering me?
If I want to say ” sorry, though you are a good girl, I can not love you”
Am I correct to say it with のに
Or is けど more suitable?
But I am not confident in the phrase I use also “恋人になるのができないです”. It must be so strange !!!
Thanks in advance, Maggie sensei
Hi Bella,
1)I would use けど for that sentence.
(A person’s name)はいい子だけど、
2)I am a bit confused because the English translation is I can not love you (好きになれない) but your Japanese sentence means
“I can’t be your boyfriend”. If that is what you meant
恋人になるのができないです。 should be 恋人・彼氏(カレシ)になることはできないです。
But more natural way to say that is 付き合うことはできない。
Ex. 君/ Girl’s name はいい子だけど付き合うことはできない。ごめん。
Hi Maggie sensei,
It have never been clear to me until you.
Thanks from the heart :3
You are star, Maggie sensei.
Great!! You’re very welcome, Bella! <3
What usage would のに fall under in a sentence like “ネクタイを結ぶのに手間取ってしまって”? It seems like it’s used like ‘because’ in some sentences. Is it like a negative version of だから?
That’s the last usage of のに in my lesson.
in order to, for , to do something, for the purpose of doing something
手間取る = to take a long time
It took me a long time to tie the necktie.
How do you tell when のに means “although/even though” and when it means “in order to”? I find this rather tricky.
Also, could you make a lesson on verb-る+に(は) which I suppose has the same meaning as ために but I have no way to confirm that. Thanks.
You can usually tell by the context but
although/even though V+ のに
The verb which comes before can be dictionary form, past tense, progressive form, past progressive form
negative form
Plus other 助動詞 (auxiliary verb)
Ex. 読みたいのに/読みたくないのに/読むことになっているのに etc.
in order to ~/ to do something : The verb which comes from のに is more limited.
(negative form)
You can also tell by what kind of sentence follows.
この本を読むのに5時間かかった。(It took me five hours to read a book)
うちの子は、漫画は読むのに小説は読まない。(My child read a comic book but not a novel. Showing the contrast)
I added your request to the list. :)
Thank you very much Sensei!!!
It was very helpful!
You’re very welcome, Angelica💕
WOW! I’m so happy I found your website. You explained it so well. I had such a hard time understanding this. Thank you so very much.
Hi Sandy! I am so happy that you found this site, too!
Hope you come back here again and again! :)
Hi Maggie sensei,
I have the following sentence that uses “のに” and not sure which category it belongs to.
Basically, this article is about Japanese are strict in following rules.
ま、そこまで「きまり」を守らなくてもいい のに と あきれながら も、この「きまり」に対する 厳格さには感動を覚えた。
I roughly understand the meaning of the sentence but not sure how “のに” work in this
= it is better not to obey rules
「きまり」を守らなくてもいい のに
= “even though” it is better not to obey rules ?
そこまで「きまり」を守らなくてもいい のに
This のに is to express one’s feeling. The closest category will be
→to complain to someone or give someone a suggestion:
So the speaker is saying “(I think) They don’t have to obey the rules that much.”
Thank you very much Maggie sensei. It makes sense now.
As always, you have been very helpful.
You’re welcome, Ken! :)
Whenever you have time, What exactly is the difference between…
『のに』と『には』? to mean the same as for the purpose of?
Maggie, こんにちは
My friend wrote in an email: … 来ればいいのに? I take this to mean ‘why don’t you come?’ But I’m not sure how to use this structure. I get のに pretty much as a conjunction as you have explained, but not the one n my friends email. Can you help?
来ればいいのに means “You should come (anyway)!”
Maybe you turned down your friends’ invitation once, right? So they know you can’t come or it is difficult for you to come but they are trying to convince you again showing their feelings that they really want you to come.
Ohayou sensei! ^^
sensei, in けど、私がどんな話をしてもスライムさんは面倒くさがらずに真摯に話を聞いてくれた。話が進むにつれていつの間にか、これまでため込んでいた愚痴や村の子供のことなど聞いて気持ちのいいことじゃないことも結構言ったのに。
is のに in that paragraph are the type that dropped their main clause?
and the clause that is dropped is スライムさんは面倒くさがらずに真摯に話を聞いてくれた ?
so the last sentence are actually 話が進むにつれていつの間にか、これまでため込んでいた愚痴や村の子供のことなど聞いて気持ちのいいことじゃないことも結構言ったのにスライムさんは面倒くさがらずに真摯に話を聞いてくれた。 ?
@just a novel lover’s
Ah, we sometimes do invert subject and object in literature. So that のに goes to 話を聞いてくれた
hehehe, thanks Maggie-sensei ^^
ah, I almost forgot
what do you think about the way that girl talk sensei?
is that normal, casual, or too polite for a 19 years old girl?
Quick question sensei!! When using “noni” to say “in order to; to do something”, is it compulsory to use the “no”? Can I say “neru niwa mada hayai” (to say it’s still early to go to bed) or is it necessary to use “neru noni mada hayai” ? I’ve been wondering if I can’t use the particle “ni” after a verb without nominalization. If it’s possible, what’s the difference with and without the “no”? Makes it a bit confusing with the other meaning of noni for me :/
Thank you!
Hi Sarah
You can say both 寝るにはまだ早い(=Neru niwa mada hayai) and 寝るのにはまだ早い (=neru no niwa mada hayai)
We sometimes omit “の” for that usage when it is used as a subject. And the meaning is the same.
Other example
食べるのには困らない →食べるには困らない
(But のには is more common)
Arigatou! What do you mean with the taberu sentence? komaru means to be in trouble, right?
Oh sorry! I didn’t write the translation.
You use that phrase when you have enough money and no need to worry about “eating”
食べること implies “to live”
Ahh hahahaha, Ok, now makes all sense.
Thank you!
You’re welcome! :D
「If it’s only cooking, we could have fun…」ようなものかな。
To put into context my language exchange partner previously said.
How about,
“It would be fun if we just cooked.”
“Just cooking would be fun”
Would 1時のに起きたばかりよ be correct?
こんばんはせんせい。。”のに”と ”くせに” の使い方と意味は同じですか。
doumo arigatou maggie sensei.. :)
You can’t use くせに when you are talking about yourself, Ex after all that work, although I did this….(+ disappointed result)
○せっかく作ったのに… (x せっかく作ったくせに..)
But sometimes you can use them both and the translation is the same. However, くせに sounds much stronger.
くせに is usually used to accuse someone or look down on someone.
a) 犬のくせに日本語を教えている
b) 犬なのに日本語を教えている
a) sounds much stronger and I would take it as an insult so you have to be careful when to use.
そうですか.. はい、分かりました..
どういたしまして!joikoiもいい週末を過ごして下さいね。 :h:
「のに」も「ために」も二つとも”in order to/for” の意味で使います。だから同じ意味で使えます。
I love this site, it helps me alot in learning japanese.
Just one question,”whats the meaning of yappari and how to use it”.
@Hubert Hansean
Thank you for your comment! Right now I’m on vacation so that I can not give you the link but I made a mini lesson on yap pari. Please go to “Index for Mini lesson” and find the lesson under ヤ行(yagyou).
Thank you very much!
Just one question: is there any difference between のに and ように as “in order to” use, or can they be interchangeable?
Thanks in advance! ^^
Hi Mimi!
I know the translation for the certain function of のに and ように are both “in order to” but while のに is used to refer to simple procedure, method to do something or how much time it takes, ように is used when people try to make things work as they want so they are not interchangeable.
Ex. このケーキを作るのに卵が何個いりますか?
→can’t say このケーキをつくるように卵が何個いりますか?
But if you try to make a difficult cake,
Ex. こんなケーキが作れるようにがんばります。
(You can’t say こんなケーキが作れるのにがんばります。)
I have よう lesson made so pleas check it.
I write entries in lang-8 to study japanese, and because I like it a lot.
Some people always correct me with this のに, so I was searching what was the use of のに, thank you very much, now I understand.
Note: Lang-8 is a site where you write entries in one language that you are learning and then native speakers correct that entry, I have learned a lot because of that.
日本語を勉強しるのに(Maybe it’s typo but just in case..)
またこのサイトにも勉強しにきてね。 !happyface!
OK, just fix 興味があってる→興味がある
A) althoughの「のに」
B) in order to/to/forの「のに」
First A) is used to connect two contradicted sentences. I think you already got this one so no problem, right?
B) is usually used to indicate(or suggest) how to do it, what you need to do, how much time/money it takes/costs to do something/to go somewhere.
Ex. いつもは会社に車で行くのに今日は電車で行く。(two contradicted sentences:いつもは車で行く vs 今日は電車で行く)
Ex. 今日は道が混んでいるから会社に行くのに電車で行った方がいいよ。(suggestion: Because the streets are crowded today, you should use the train to go to the office. )
Ex. スプーンを使った方が便利なのにどうして箸(はし)を使うの?(two contradicted sentences:スプーンを使うvs 箸を使う)
Ex. 茶碗蒸(ちゃわんむ)しを食べるのに箸を使うのは難しい。(方法 : It is difficult to use chopsticks to eat “Chawanmushi”)
あとは参考までに= Just for your information,
These are grammatical differences :
1) While A) is used with adjectives, nouns or verbs, B) is only used with verbs.
2) A) usually has two contradicted facts or consequences.
3) While A) can be finished with のに without finishing the sentence, we almost never finish the sentence in B)
4) We can use both present tense/past tense in A), we only use present tense in B)
Feel free to make a sentence using the last “noni” here. I can always correct you.
Thank you very much!
ほとんど使い方は完璧(かんぺき)です。
わからなかったのに、わかります!→(to be more clear why don’t you add “before” and “after”) 前はわからなかったのに今はわかります。
このサイトは日本語を勉強するのに、いい勉強になります!→We don’t say 勉強するのにいい勉強になる because it’s redundant. How about something like このサイトは日本語を勉強するのに役に立ちます。
Hi, katy! I am glad that you checked this lesson.
What do you mean by the second “のに” =ふたつめの”のに”
The conditional one? Or the one “in order to”? You didn’t understand well and you want more explanation?
If you have a question, just let me know,OK? I will add some explanation. :grin: