= Mainichi ichigo tsubuyaiteruyo!
= I have been tweeting one word per day!
Hi, everyone!
Many of you may have already followed me on Twitter. (Maggie Sensei)
This lesson is for all my twitter followers who have been studying Super Basic Words with me every day.
For those of you who don’t know about this, I have been tweeting a super basic word every day and giving a weekly quiz on Sundays — all on Twitter.
Time flies and it has been a half year since I started doing this.
I would like to encourage you to review all the words you have learned so far. They are all random so you can start with any word but if you haven’t seen the first review lesson, go check here!
If you are a beginner, don’t worry about the kanji. Just hiragana is fine to start with. And if you are an advanced beginner, try to learn how you read the kanji and example words.
がんばって!= ganbatte! = Good luck!
From the picture above :
= Mainichi ichigo tsubuyaiteruyo!
= I have been tweeting one word per day!
•一語 = ichigo = one word
•つぶやく= tsubuyaku = to tweet (on twitter)
It’s Twitter lingo. The literal meaning of つぶやく= tsubuyaku is to murmur. )
つぶやいてる = tsubuyaiteru (a casual form of つぶやいている= tsubuyaite iru = tweeting)
1) a mirror = 鏡 = かがみ = kagami
to look in a mirror
= 鏡を見る
= かがみをみる
= kagami wo miru
2) a chair = 椅子= いす = isu
to sit on a chair
= 椅子に座る
= いすにすわる
3) a desk = 机 = つくえ = tsukue
on the desk
= 机の上
= つくえのうえ
= tsukue no ue
4) a vacuum cleaner = 掃除機 = そうじき = soujiki
to vacuum
= 掃除機をかける
= そうじきをかける
= soujiki wo kakeru
5) a refrigerator = 冷蔵庫 =れいぞうこ=reizouko
to open the refrigerator
= 冷蔵庫を開ける
= れいぞうこをあける
= reizouko wo akeru
6)a washing machine = 洗濯機 = せんたくき= sentakuki
to machine-wash
= 洗濯機で洗う
= せんたくきであらう
= sentakuki de arau
!CHECKHEART! Week 11 :
7) sky = 空 = そら= sora
blue sky
= 青空
= あおぞら
= aozora
8) cloud = 雲 = くも = kumo
= 雲一つない
= くもひとつない
= kumo hitotsu nai
9) rainbow =虹= にじ= niji
over the rainbow
= 虹の向こう
= にじのむこう
= niji no mukou
10) the moon = 月 = つき = tsuki
crescent moon
= 三日月
= みかづき
= mikazuki
full moon
= 満月
= まんげつ
= mangetsu
11) the sun = 太陽 = たいよう = taiyou
= 太陽の光
= たいようのひかり
= taiyou no hikari
(or 日光 = にっこう= nikkou)
12) star(s) = 星 = ほし=hoshi
a shooting star
= 流れ星
= ながれぼし
= nagbareboshi
boucingheart! Week 12 :
13) clothes = 服 = fuku
to put on one’s clothes
= 服を着る
= ふくをきる
= fuku wo kiru
14) a jacket / outerwear = 上着 = うわぎ = uwagi
to take off one’s jacket
= 上着を脱ぐ
= uwagi wo nugu
15) shoes = 靴
a pair of shoes
= 一足の靴
= いっそくのくつ
= issoku no kutsu
= くついっそく
= kutsu issoku
16) socks = 靴下= くつした = kutsushita
to put on one’s socks
= 靴下をはく
= くつしたをはく
= kutsushita wo haku
17) gloves = 手袋 = てぶくろ = tebukuro
to put on one’s gloves
= 手袋をはめる
= てぶくろをはめる
= tebukuro wo hameru
18) a hat = 帽子 = ぼうし= boushi
to put on one’s hat
= 帽子をかぶる
= ぼうしをかぶる
= boushi wo kaburu
!CHECKHEART! Week 13 :
19) name = 名前 = なまえ = namae
to fill out one’s name
= 名前を記入する
= なまえをきにゅうする
= namae wo kinyuu suru
20) address = 住所 = juusho
current address
= 現住所
= genjuusho
21) occupation = 職業 =しょくぎょう = shokugyou
a variety of professions
= さまざまなしょくぎょう
= samazamana shokugyou
22) hobby, interests = 趣味 = しゅみ= shumi
to have diverse interests
= 多趣味
= たしゅみ
= tashumi
23) birthday = 誕生日 = たんじょうび= tanjoubi
Happy Birthday!
= (お)誕生日おめでとう!
= (O)tanjoubi omedetou!
24) telephone = 電話 = でんわ= denwa
telephone number
= 電話番号
= でんわばんごう
= denwa bangou
25) rocks, crags = 岩= いわ= iwa
rocky, craggy
= 岩だらけ
= iwadarake
26) ocean, sea = 海 = うみ = umi
beach, seashore
= 海辺
= umibe
27)mountain(s) = 山 = やま = yama
mountain climbing
= 登山
= とざん
= tozan
28) landscape, view = 景色 = けしき = keshiki
beautiful scenery
= 美しい景色
= うつくしいけしき
= utsukushii keshiki
29) lake = 湖=みずうみ
lakeside,the edge of a lake
= 湖のほとり
= みずうみのほとり
= mizuumi no hotori
30) nature = 自然 = しぜん = shizen
to protect nature
= 自然を守る
= しぜんをまもる
= shizen wo mamoru
31) head = 頭 = あたま= atama
= 頭がいい
= あたまがいい
= atama ga ii
32) hair = 髪= かみ= kami
black hair
= くろかみ
= kurokami
blond hair
= 金髪
= きんぱつ
= kinpatsu
33) face = 顔 = かお = kao
= 顔色
= かおいろ
= kaoiro
34) eyebrows = 眉= まゆ = mayu
to frown
= 眉をひそめる
= まゆをひそめる
= mayu wo hisomeru
35) nose = 鼻 =はな= hana
to blow one’s nose
= 鼻をかむ
= はなをかむ
= hana wo kamu
36) mouth = 口 =くち= kuchi
to have a big mouth
= 口が軽い
= くちがかるい
= kuchi ga karui
37) neck = 首 = くび = kubi
to be fired
= 首になる
= くびになる
= kubi ni naru
38) shoulders = 肩 = かた = kata
to have stiff shoulders
= 肩がこる
= かたがこる
= kata ga koru
39) arms = 腕 = うで = ude
to gain in skill / one’s skill improves
= 腕が上がる
= ude ga agaru
40) lower back = 腰 = こし= koshi
= 腰が低い
= こしがひくい
= koshi ga hikui
= 腰の低い
= こしのひくい
= koshi no hikui
41) legs, feet = 足 = あし = ashi
both feet
= 両足
= りょうあし
= ryouashi
42) fingers = 指 = ゆび = yubi
thumb, first toe
= 親指
= おやゆび
= oyayubi
43) stomach = 胃 = い = i
stomach medicine
= 胃薬
= いぐすり
= igusuri
44) 心臓 = しんぞう = shinzou
to have a lot of nerve
= 心臓が強い
= しんぞうがつよい
= shinzou ga tsuyoi
45) blood = 血液 = けつえき = ketsueki (also called 血 = ち= chi)
blood type
= 血液型
= けつえきがた
= ketsuekigata
46) blood pressure = 血圧 = けつあつ = ketsuatsu
to have low blood pressure
= けつあつがひくい
= ketsuatsu ga hikui
47) throat = 喉 = のど = nodo
= 喉が渇く
= nodo ga kawaku
48) muscles = 筋肉 = きんにく = kinniku
muscle ache
= 筋肉痛
= きんにくつう
= kinnikutsuu
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Naratta kotoba wo tsuatte bunshou wo tsukutte mitene.
= Try to make sentences using the words you have learned.
例えば = tatoeba = For example,
Ex. マギー先生は頭がいいです。 :)
= Maggie sensei wa atama ga iidesu.
= Maggie Sensei is intelligent.
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
I am wondering what’s the difference between さまざま and いろいろ. Can I say いろいろな職業?
Thank you!
Hi Jack!!
様々(さまざま)is a bit more formal than 色々(いろいろ)but you can say
However, the cases like this,
Ex.いろいろ有り難う。= Thank you for everything
you can’t say
I have a follow-up question: For example 色々 means various, but it’s written “color-color”. Somehow this seems weird, because the meaning of the Kanji 色 has no real connection to the meaning of 色色. Also it’s used twice.
There are a few more of these I know, e.g. 益々 and 元々.
I have two questions:
1) Are these words colloquial? Can I use them in a business negotiation or do they sound childish (double-syllables always sound childish in english, e.g. you could never say “This tree is old-old!”)
2) Are there more of these words that use the same kanji twice? Is there a connection to 擬声語 ?
Thank you!
OK, let me answer your questions.
1) No. They are not colloquial and you can use them in business/formal situations. And they don’t sound childish.
2) There are tons of words with 々
人々 = hitobito = people
日々 =hibi = everyday, day by day
年々= nennen= each year, every year
木々 = kibi = trees
別々 = betsubetsu = separately
But they are not necessary onomatopoeic words.
Many of onomatopoeic words are written in hiragana or katakana but you are right. But you are right. There are some onomatopoeic words in kanji with 々
It’s good you try to understand kanji a bit more.
To answer your question about 色色, “形形色色” is a very common Chinese idiom. 形形色色 means all kinds, all shapes, all sizes, all forms, etc. Hope this helps!
*状況 = circumstance, situation
Ex. 社会状況 = social circumstances
*状態 = condition
Ex.健康状態= condition of health
*情報= information
Ex. 情報がない = lack of information