= Yukari mata ukkari misu ga attayo.
= Yukari, you made another careless mistake.
= Sumimasen…
= I’m sorry…
I have been giving my Twitter followers a daily quiz.
The other day, I gave them a translation exercise, and they didn’t seem to know some of the words. Today I’ll make lessons out of the key words.
The first one is ミスる = misuru
ミス (= misu) means a mistake, a blob
Synonyms :
★ noun : 失敗 ( = shippai)→ verb : 失敗する ( = shippai suru),
★ noun :間違い ( = machigai)→ verb : 間違える ( = machigaeru)
★ noun :へま ( = hema)→ verb : へまをする ( = hema wo suru)
★ noun :しくじり ( = shikujiri) → verb : しくじる ( = shikujiru)
ミス ( = misu) came from an English word, “to miss” or “a mistake”
*ミスがある = misu ga aru = There is a mistake
*ミスがない = misu ga nai = There are no mistakes
*ミスをする = misu wo suru = to make a mistake, to make a boo-boo
*ミスを犯す = misu wo okasu = to make a mistake
Ex. ミスが一杯ある。
= Misu ta ippai aru.
= There are a lot of mistakes.
As you can see in the picture,
:yy: うっかりミス ( = ukkari misu) is a careless (thoughtless) mistake.
Ex. うっかりミスをなくさないといけません!
= Ukkari misu wo nakusanai to ikemasen!
= You have to prevent making careless mistakes.
Ex. これはうっかりミスだ。
= Kore wa ukkari misu da.
= This is a careless mistake.
Serious mistake is called
= juudai misu
= a blunder, serious mistake
Ex. 重要な仕事だからくれぐれもミスのないように。
= Juuyouna shigoto dakara kuregure mo misu no nai you ni.
= This is a very important job so please be careful not to make any careless mistakes.
Now we shorten it and say ミスる ( = misuru) in colloquial Japanese.
Ex. 仕事でミスった。
= Shigoto de misutta.
= I made a mistake at work.
Ex. 今日はぼうっとしていてミスってばかりだ。
= Kyou wa boutto shiteite misutte bakarida.
= I have been spaced out all day, and I’ve kept making mistakes.
So now go back to the quiz I made for Twitter,
「ミスっちゃった! 」
= Misucchatta!
:l: I made a boo-boo!!
We have more coined verb like this.
We have already studied
:w: ググる = guguru ←Google
= to google
:w: サボる = saboru ←sabotage
= to skip school or work on purpose or to be lazy
I will teach you some new ones. Are you ready?
:kkk: トラブる = traburu ←trouble
to have troubles.
Ex. ちょっとトラブったので遅れます。
= Chotto torabutta node okuremasu.
= I am having a little trouble so I’ll be late.
:s: デコる = dekoru ←decoration
to decorate
Ex. 携帯、自分でデコっちゃった。
= Keitai jibun de dekocchatta.
= I decorated my cell phone by myself.
:ii: メモる = memoru ←memo(randum)
to take a note, to write down !memomemo!
Ex. いいの?メモらなくて。
= Iino? Memoranakute?
= You don’t want to take notes?
Ex. ちょっとメモっておくわ。
= Chotto memotte oku wa.
= I will write it down.
!yflower! タクる = takuru ←taxi
to take a taxi
Ex. もう最終出たからタクって帰る。
= Mou saishuu detakara takutte kaeru.
= The last (train or bus) has already left so I will take a taxi home.
:w: ハモる (= hamoru ) ← harmony
to harmonize
We use it when we sing together.
Ex. よくハモってたね。
= Yoku hamotte tane.
= You harmonized very well.
:k: ダブる = daburu ← double
to have the same two things by chance
Ex. 昨日買ったものと同じ本をもらったの。ダブったから1冊あげる。
= Kinou katta mono to onaji hon wo morattano. Dabuttakara issatsu ageru.
= I got the same book that I bought yesterday. Since I have two now, I’ll give you one.
パニクる = panikuru ← panic
to get panicked.
Ex. 今日は、抜き打ちテストがありみんなパニクってた。
= Kyou wa nukiuchi tesuto ga ari minna panikutteta.
= We had a pop quiz and everybody panicked.
These are not originally from foreign words but they are coined verbs as well.
!yflower! テンパる = tenparu
to get nervous (from mah-jong term)
Ex. 何テンパってるの?
= Nani tenpatteru no?
= Why are you so nervous?
!yflower! コクる = kokuru ←告白する = kokuhaku suru
to confess, to tell someone that you love him/her for the first time.
I have mentioned in my 愛している = aishiteiru lesson
Ex. 彼女にコクったら断わられた。
= Kanojo ni kokuttara kotowarareta.
= I told her how I feel (for the first time), and she turned me down.
!yflower! 事故る = jikoru ← 事故を起こす = jiko wo okosu, 事故に遭う = jiko ni au
to have a car accident
Ex. 今、事故っちゃったからこれから警察に行きます。
= Ima jikocchattakara korekara keisatsu ni ikimasu.
= I just got into a car accident, so I will go to the police now.
:kkk: きょどる = kyodoru ← 挙動不審 ( = kyosou fushin)
= to act or behave suspiciously, in a strange way
= Aitsu ano toki kanpeki ni kyodottetana.
= He was acting weird…
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Kyou no ressun wa ikaga deshitaka?
= How did you like today’s lesson?
= Chanto memotte ne.
= Please take notes, OK?
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hi!! Maggie Sensei!! !BOO!! !BOO!!
what’s the meaning of this? is formal speech?
verb stem + koto nasaru (example. kami ga moe koto nasaru)
PS: Sorry for putting the question anywhere…
Hi Veron,
なさる(=nasaru) is an honorific way to say する(=suru) verb
I don’t quite get your example sentence but for example
= Donna koto wo shite iru no desuka?
= What do you do? / what do you do for a living?
→(more polite)
= Donna koto wo nasatte iru nodesuka?
not worry! I understood
very thanks, Maggie Sensei! !niconico! !niconico!
I just want to say “thank you” for making and keeping this Site.
You are helping me improving my english and japanese.
I am honestly wishing the “Maggie Sensei”-Team (and Maggie) the very best.
God bless you
with kind regards
Ohhhh Thank you so much for your nice comment!!
Just to know that someone in Germany has been studying my lessons made my day.
I will try to make more and more lessons!!
Danke schön!
Ich bin es, der zu danken hat.
(engl.: “It is me, who got to thank you”)
(**when I made it….
Is できる almost always interchangeable with 作る to mean "to make"?
Like 友達を作る = 友達ができる (make friends)?
“ヤフる” もありますよ。(「ググる」のレッスンでも紹介しています。)でもおっしゃる通り、ググるの方がよく使われます。
As for the last question, できる and 作る are not always interchangeable.
友達を作る and 友達ができる are both translated as “to make friends” but できた has more feeling of achievement like “I got a friend”, “I could make a friend!”.
Ex. 小学校に入ったら友達が出来るかなあ。
You can’t replace 出来る with 作る here.
When you made a cake, you will say 出来た!or 作った!and both are translated as I made it but
but again when you say “出来た!” you show more feelings of achievement.
Hum.. I wonder if I answered your question…
Hi, Maggie. Im ella from tokyo. I saw your site on Google, ur blog is interesting and i want to improved my Nihongo.
Hi, Ella! Thank you for visiting this site! Hope you come back here to learn more Japanese.
Another great lesson マギー先生:)But about うっかりミス、it says in my dictionary that it can also mean “an honest mistake” so couldn’t the above caption also b. “Yukari, you’ve made another honest mistake”, but that doesn’t make much sense:/
Anyway, it was a great lesson:)がんばってや!!!
We usually use うっかりミス as careless mistakes.
“honest mistake”means “unintentional” mistake, right?
So either way, Yukari has to pay attention more and shouldn’t make any careless mistakes. Because she always does. :)
Thank you for visiting the site again!
There were some new ones on here I didn’t know before! I’ve also heard these but I don’t know how often they’re used:
マクる: to go to mcdonalds
オケる: to go to karaoke
ハゲる: to go to ハーゲンダッツ(I can’t spell it in English 笑)
Haha! I have never heard them actually used but ハゲよう! sounds funny! You can create your own word as well!
Ex. マギる = magiru! = to go visit Maggie Sensei’s site!
Thank you for teaching me new words!
This is really interesting Maggie! Thank you :)
Hi Amanda! Thank you for checking the lesson! Hope you can use some of these verbs from now.