Request Lesson : 〜そう = ~ sou = looks (like) 〜, going to ~



= マギーおちそう

= Maggie ochisou!

= Maggie, you are going to fall!


= マギーおもそう

= Maggie omosou…

= Maggie looks heavy…

This lesson is for my dear Twitter follower, Eiji.  

He just learned ~そう=~sou at school and asked me how to use it.

Hope this lesson helps many of you as well.

First, I’ve got a question for you. Can you tell the difference?


= ごごはあめがふりそうだ。

= Gogo wa ame ga furisou da.


= ごごはあめがふるそうだ。

= Gogo wa ame ga furusou da.


= あしたはあつそうだ。

=Ashita wa atsusou da.

4)  明日は暑いそうだ。

= あしたはあついそうだ。

=Ashita wa atsui sou da.

Yeah, it seems to be just a small difference but the meaning is quite different.

1) It seems/looks like it’s going to rain in the afternoon.

2)It is said / They say / I heard it’s going to rain in the afternoon.

3) It seems/looks like it’s going to be hot tomorrow.

4)It is said / They say / I heard it’s going to be hot tomorrow.

1) and 3) are based on your opinion or feelings and it means It looks like ~,  It seems like ~,.

and 2) and 4) are from what you heard. You got that information from other people or another source. It means It is said / They say / I heard… I will teach you these some other time.

So what we are going to study today is 〜そう ( = sou) which means “It looks/seems like ~ ” and “It is about to ~” “be going to ~”

Let’s check the grammar patterns first.

⭐️ Basic patterns:

With adjectives:

:rrrr: Adj + そう ( = sou)

(meaning) *It looks like ~, It seems like ~

with i-adjective

美味し = おいし=oishii = delicious

remove ( = i)そう  ( = sou)

=美味しそう = おいしそう = oishisou =looks delicious

暑い = あつ = atsui = hot

remove い ( = i) +そう ( = sou)

= そう = あつそう=atsusou = looks hot

優しい = やさし=yasashii = sweet, nice

remove (=i) + そう ( = sou) = looks sweet

= 優しそう = やさしそう = yasashisou

眠た= ねむいねむたい = nemui/nemutai = sleepy

remove ( = i) +そう(=sou)

= そう眠たそう = ねむそうねむたそう = nemusou/nemutasou  looks sleepy

🔸 Exception:

(← いい= yoi (ii) = good

remove い ( = i) +( = sa)

=そう =  yosasou = looks good

🔹かわいい = kawaii = cute

Typical mistake: You might think “looks cute” is かわいそう ( =  kawaisou) but that would be wrong.

かわいそう= kawaisou means “poor thing” .

So just be careful not to say,  あなたはかわいそう!= Anata wa kawaisou!

when you see a cute girl! That would mean  “You poor thing!” 😉

Then how do you say “looks cute”?

:rrrr: You don’t use そう = sou   for かわいい = kawaii = cute.

She looks cute! 彼女はかわいい = かのじょはかわいい ( = Kanojo wa kawaii) no need to change or say かわいらしい ( = kawairashii)

🔸  with na-adjective

元気 = げんきな = genkinahealthy, energetic

remove な ( = na)  + そ う( = sou)

=元気そうげんきそう = genkisou =looks healthy, energetic

大切 = たいせつ= taisetsuna = important

remove な ( = na ) + そう ( = sou)

=大切そう たいせつそう= taisetsusou =looks important

静かな = しずか  = sihzukana = quiet

remove な ( = na) + そう( = sou)

=静かそう しずかそう= shizukasou = looks quiet


= これ、おいしそう

= Kore oishisou!

= This looks delicious!

Ex.  彼、優しそうだね。

= かれ、やさしそうだね。

=  Kare yasashisou dane.

=He looks sweet.

:rrrr: Ex. 彼、優しそうな人だね。

= かれ、やさしそうなひとだね。

= Kare yasashisou na hito dane.

It seems like he is a sweet person!

Ex. この映画、面白そうですね。

= このえいが、おもしろそうですね。

= Kono eiga omoshirosou desune.

= This movie looks interesting.


With verb,

🔹 Verb + そう ( = sou)

(meaning) It is about to  verb, It is going to ~, Looks like it is going to ~, almost +verb, when you assume some possibility

→連用形 = れんようけい = renyoukei  (verbs with nominal ending: masu-stem) and add そう (=sou)

する = suru = to do し ( = shi) そう( = sou)

そう ( = shisou)

降る = ふる = furu  = rain, snow (fall from the sky)

ふり  ( = furi) +そ う( = sou)

降りそう=ふりそう =  furisou 

泣く=なく = naku  = to cry

→ 泣き なき ( = naki) + そう ( = sou)

泣きそう なきそう = nakisou

死ぬ = しぬ ( = shinu) = to die

→ 死に =しに ( = shini) + そう( = sou)

死にそう しにそう= shinisou

起きる おきる = okiru = to get up

→ 起き おき ( = oki) + そう ( = sou)

起きそう おきそう

来る =くる  = kiuru = to come

→ 来 き ( = ki) + そう ( = sou)

そう そう = kisou

Ex. お腹がすいて死にそう!

= おなかがすいてしにそう

= Onaka ga suite shinisou!

= I’m dying (of hunger)./I am starving to death.

Ex. 授業中に眠りそうだった。

= じゅぎょうちゅうにねむりそうだった。

= Jugyouchuu ni nemurisou datta.

= I almost fell asleep during the class.

Ex. 彼があまりに優しいので泣きそうになった。

= かれがあまりにやさしいのでなきそうになった。

=Kare ga amari ni yasashii node nakisou ni natta.

=He was so sweet that I felt like crying.

Ex. バルサがまたリーグ優勝しそうだ。

= バルサがまたリーグゆうしょうしそうだ。

= Barusa ga mata riigu yuushou shisou da.

=Looks like Barça is going to win the league again.

Ex. くじけそうになったらいつでもこの曲を聞いて!

= くじけそうになったらいつでもこのきょくをきいて

=Kujikesou ni nattara itsudemo kono kyoku wo kiite!

=Whenever you get discouraged, listen to this song!

📝 For more advanced learners :

Other verb form :

There is another pattern with potential form 可能形 = かのうけい = kanoukei  ( = can-verb そう  (= sou).

It means “It seems like 〜can do ~” “~ able”, assuming someone’s potential

やりそう = yarisou = about to do something, tend to do something, doable

:rrrr: やれそう  = yaresou  = It seems like possible to do something”

書きそう= かきそう = kakisou = about to write, looks like s.o. is going to write, writable

:rrrr: 書けそう = かけそう =  kakesou = It seems like someone can write, It seems possible to write.

勝ちそう = かちそう = kachisou = about to win, winnable

:rrrr:そう = katesou  = It seems like someone can win

Ex. なんか、やれそうな気がしてきた。

= なんか、やれそうなきがしてきた。

= Nanka yareasou na kiga shitekita.

=I feel like I can do it! /  I feel like it is possible to do it/ …it is feasible

Ex. これ、私でも作れそう

= これ、わたしでもつくれそう

= Kore, watashi demo tsukuresou!

Even I can make(cook) this.

Ex. もう食べられそう

= もうたべられそう?

= Mou taberaresou?

= Is it ready to eat now? / Do you think we can eat now? / Are you ready to eat now?

Ex. ねえ、今日来られそう

= ねえ、きょうこられそう?

= Nee kyou koraresou?

Hey, do you think you can make it today?


With nouns???

We don’t use そう ( = sou) with a noun.

She looks like Maggie!

❌ 彼女、マギーそう! = かのじょ、マギーそう( = Kanojo Maggie sou!)  →wrong! 

We say 彼女、マギーみたい! = かのじょマギーみたい ( = Kanojo Maggie mitai!)


🐶 From the picture above:


= マギーおちそう

= Maggie ochisou!

= Maggie, you are going to fall!

:rrrr: verb : 落ちる = おちる =  ochiru = to fall落ちそう = おちそう = ochisou = about to fall


= マギーおもそう

= Maggie omosou..

= Maggie looks heavy…

:rrrr: adjective : 重い = おもい = omoi  = heavy そう = おもそう =  omosou = looks heavy


There is another usage of そう ( = sou)  = I heard/ They say

Check this lesson. Link →Click here


maggie-sensei マギー先生より = マギーせんせいより = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= わたしをみると「おいしそう!」っていうひとがおおいんだけど…

=Watashi wo miruto “Oishisou!” tte iu hito ga ooin dakdo..

=Many people say I look delicious when they see me…


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  1. Hey Sensei, I was wondering if you could help me with this, because I can’t find much of any information about this but, how do you express looking or seeming without the nuance of hearsay or conjecture. For example, “old-sounding music” would usually be translated as something along the lines of “古そうな音楽”, but doesn’t that have the nuance of guessing or conjecture based on personal opinion? What I want to express in “old sounding music” would be music that sounds old because you know the styles that old music used, so what you’re stating is essentially a fact. Would そう still be what you use, our would it be something like “古く聞こえる音楽”? Or something else entirely (maybe involving ふう)? What about 見える, can you use く and に forms to express appearance? Sorry if this is hard to read, thanks a bunch :)

    1. Hello Sean

      Yes, you can say 古く聞こえる音楽 (the music that sounds old) but you can also just say 古い音楽 as your opinion. There is an expression, 古くさい音楽 which sounds negative.
      You don’t use 見える for music.

  2. Hello Maggie-Sensei,

    You said in your lesson
    連用形 = renyoukei (verbs with nominal ending) and add そう=sou
    but it seems it is the same as ____ (polite form stem verb i.e. by removing ます)そう or are there some exceptions I don’t know?
    In your examples:
    •する → し + そう = しそう, so from します
    •降る → ふり +そう=降りそう so from 降ります
    •泣く→ 泣き + そう= 泣きそう so from 泣きます
    •死ぬ → 死に =しに + そう= 死にそう so from 死にます
    •起きる → 起き+そう= 起きそう so from 起きます
    •来る → 来 +そう= 来そう so from 来ます

    Is the rule ます-stem form + そう correct, or the nominal ending verbs are different sometimes from the ます-stem form? If yes, what verbs could that be?

    Thank you a lot Sensei ♡

    1. Hello Gaspatcher

      I usually use the term masu-stem when I explain ”How to form” but I guess I used the term 連用形 in this lesson for some reason.
      Yes, they are the same. :)
      Ex. する
      1) make masu-form →します
      2) delete ます →masu-stem し
      3) attach そう  →しそう

      But as I mentioned in this lesson, そう can be used with other verb forms such as potential forms. (Also ~てしまう/ (casual ) ちゃう :落ちてしまいそう (落ちちゃいそう). )

  3. Hello maggie sensei!
    I always see this getting used but I cant quite get what it meant. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks!


    1. Hello Matthew

      It looks ~ is about to ~ but actually not

      ( = 泣きそうに見えるけれども泣かない)
      It seems like someone is about to cry but he/she doesn’t (cry)

      ( = 雨が降りそうだけれども降らない)
      It looks like rain but it doesn’t rain.

  4. Hi Maggie,

    I came across the ~てきそう form for the first time today.

    I think it means “~ is likely to happen” (e.g. 落ちてきそう – likely to fall). Is that correct?

    And, can I ask, is this a form of ~てくる or is it another construct altogether?

    Many thanks as always,

    1. Hello Peter,

      Yes, it is from てくる (落ちてくる)

      Other example
      雨が降ってくる  →雨が降ってきそう

      You can also use ていく with そう

      Related Lesson てくる・ていく

      1. Hi Maggie,

        Many thanks!

        I don’t think I’ve never seen ~でいきそう before either…are these forms quite rare or have I just been unlucky not to come across them?


        1. You mean my example
          でいきそう from 飛んでいきそう?

          First as I explained in the lesson
          Vて(で)くる/ Vて(で)いく
          express the movement / change coming toward you (てくる) and going away from you (ていく)
          飛んでいく  tondeiku = to fly away from where you are/ to rush to somewhere
          飛んでくる tondekuru = something/someone is flying towards you

          By adding そう you can express
          as if something is flying away from where you/something is about to fly away (飛んでいきそう = tondeikisou )
          as if someone is rushing towards you (飛んできそう = tondekisou)

  5. Hello Maggie Sensei,

    I am confused about the ending 2 parts:

    だろう and という
    He is saying: “I heard that the price will not go much”

    だろう means to wonder, and という means だそうだ (I heard it from someone/somewhere)
    Is my understanding correct?
    Why do they need a だろう then?
    Why is he saying he heard that the price will go up from someone, and he also wonders?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Mark
      だろう in that sentence doesn’t mean “wonder”
      It shows the assumption/guess for the future. (I think) It will ~ (in this case, the assumption is “the price of the land won’t go up”)

  6. Hello Maggie Sensei,
    In the book I have it has 2 meanings of そう
    様態 and 伝聞。

    The examples they give are:

    様態 – Mode, Manner
    My questions for this one is how did they change しまう to しまい?
    しまいます is the verk, then you take off the mas and then you get しまい。
    Then add そう but if you do it this way, isn’t the meaning that you get a feeling for yourself? Is that what Mode. Manner is? 自の気持ち = 様態?

    伝聞 – Reported speech
    I don’t understand why is this reported speech, (or hearsay) the meaning is:
    I was told to wait( feeling bad ) but why is there a そう here? It means I heard that I was told to wait. Or does it mean I heard that I was GOIN to wait, something that will happen in the future?

    Thx in advance

    1. You can tell by the verb form
      verb dictionary form/past tense (しまう・しまった) + そうだ = 伝言(Report speech) I heard ~
      verb masu-stem (しまい) + そうだ = will going to get /about to do ~ (talking about the possibility)

  7. Hello Maggie sensei!
    I have 2 questions:

    The first question:
    I read somewhere that you can make a negative sentence with そうだ and a
    い-Adjective 2 ways:
    1. Change そうだ/です to そうじゃない/ではない
    Ex. そのケーキは美味しそうじゃない。
    2. Change い-adj. to negative → replace い with さ → add そうだ
    Ex. そのケーキは美味しくなさそうだ。
    First of all, is this even right? Second of all, is there a difference in nuance? If so, what is it?

    The second question:
    What is the difference between そう and よう?

    1. Yes, you can say both
      1) そのケーキは美味しそうじゃない。
      2) そのケーキは美味しくなさそうだ。
      They mean the same (The cake doesn’t look delicious) but 1) is more straightforward so it sounds stronger.

    1. Hi Lai,
      It doesn’t matter if it’s i-adjective,na-adjective or verb.

      (i-adjective/na-adjctive/verb)+ そうな modifies a noun.

      i-adjective やさしそうな+人 ( noun)
      na-adjective 元気そうな+声 (noun)
      verb  受かりそうな+予感 (noun)

      FYI 〜そうに modifies a verb

  8. Hi Maggie Sensei,

    I had a question about some of the questions you answered in the comments,

    A comment from Miburi asked if it was possible to use そうwith past tense on 痩せたそう, and you responded with –
    ” “Maggie, you seemed to have lost weight” is 痩せたみたい
    そう is only used to describe the current or sometime future condition.”

    but a comment from Orti also asked if you could use そう with verbs in the past tense and you responded with –
    ” Yes you can use そう with a past tense.

    i was wondering why you could say 酔っていたそう but not 痩せたそう

    1. Hi Milk

      If you have heard some information which happened in past, you can use そう with past tense.
      I heard you have lost weight. 痩せたみたいだね。/I heard the driver was drunk. 運転手は酔っていたそうだ。
      Miburi’s question was,“Maggie, you seemed to have lost weight”. That was from speaker’s point of view so 痩せたみたいだね is more natural.

  9. 先生、どもありがとうございました。But, I’m unable to understand the difference between “naisou” and “nasasou”. Example:

    1) お金がないそうです。
    2) お金がなさそうです。

    Please help me. 🙏

    1. 1) I heard someone doesn’t have money. (You got the information from someone/somewhere.)

      2) That person seems like he/she doesn’t have money. (You are assuming.)

  10. Hello Maggie sensei,

    Can I say the following 2 sentences with そう・よう

    Then, when going with verb, could you teach me more which case verb is OK only with そう and which case verb is only OK with よう。

    Thank you sensei as always!

    1. Hello, 元気?
      (Small mistake: だれが→だれか)
      They are both possible but B1 is more natural.

      The difference is the speaker is more certain in B1.
      B1: I think someone is in the classroom.
      B2: I’m not sure but it is possible that someone is in the classroom.

      1. Hello Maggie sensei,

        Thank you for helping me that point.
        Could you show me more about the case that only よう is possible but そう is impossible please !
        I am unable to categorize them.

        Thanks Maggie sensei for always being kind !

        1. OK, for example, you say

          When you want to say “It looks like ~ ” (assumption), you can use よう with a past tense but you can’t use そう with a past tense.

          It looks like someone was in the classroom.

          誰かここにいたようだ。 or いたみたいだ
          But if you say
          誰かここにいたそうだ it means I heard someone was here.

          verb past tense + そう is only used to quote what you have heard/read from someone.

  11. Hello, Maggie-sensei!一人で日本語を習うから、時々マギー先生の便利な記事を読む。ありがとうその記事を :)
    では、今漫画が訳したに「怖がられそう」を見つけた。怖がるは「to scare」、られ(る)は potential or passive voiceそして「そう」!
    So, “if you had taken your mask out it would have been scary?”

    下手な日本語を誤る xD

    1. Hello Eudald

      The person who takes off the mask is the listener, “you”?
      If so,I think you got the meaning.
      “If you had taken off your mask, they (people around you or particular people depending on the content) would be very scared.

  12. thank you Maggie sensei
    I have one simple question
    can I use ~なさそうです for negative verb or it is only used for negative adjective

    1. You can use verb なそう


      When you use ない (there isn’t / S doesn’t have something)

      Also there is another negative form but it has slightly different.
      When you are expecting something but it is not going to happen

  13. 今日は、先生!ちょっと質問がありますが…

    Would it be correct to say the difference of using the adverbial form of an adjective and that of ~そう is as follows:
    悲しく笑う – to smile sadly
    悲しそうに笑う – to smile seemingly sadly
    悲しくなる – to become sad
    悲しそうになる – to seem to become sad (or maybe a slightly different sense, like to become what seems to be sad?)

    Also, is it possible to use hearsay ~そう as an adjective? As in:
    面白いそうな映画 – the movie that I heard is good
    面白いそうな映画を見たい – I want to watch the movie that I heard is good.


    1. こんにちは、frankie!

      悲しく笑う – to smile sadly → OK
      悲しそうに笑う – to smile seemingly sadly→ OK
      悲しくなる – to become sad→ OK
      悲しそうになる – to seem to become sad (or maybe a slightly different sense, like to become what seems to be sad?→ That’s right! )

      Also, is it possible to use hearsay ~そう as an adjective? As in:
      面白いそうな映画 – the movie that I heard is good → The meaning changes but you say 面白そうな映画 (The movie which looks interesting) the speaker thinks the movie is interesting.

      面白いという映画 / その映画は面白いらしい ( I heard that movie is interesting.)

      面白いそうな映画を見たい – I want to watch the movie that I heard is good.→ 面白いという 面白そうな映画

      面白いそう→面白そう Looks/ Sounds interesting
      面白いらしい I heard it’s interesing
      For some reason 面白いらしい映画をみたい doesn’t sound natural, though. I would say 面白いという・言われる映画を観たい。

  14. Thank you for your lessons, Maggie sensei! I find them very useful.

    I have trouble understanding the difference between “sou desu” and “you desu”.



    When do we use sou and you?

    1. @Yan

      Hi Yan!
      Basically when you judge from the appearance/what you see, you use そう and when you judge things by having observed them or gathering information, you use よう.

      彼、優しそうな人です。 He looks sweet. (The speaker/writer is judging him by his appearance.)
      彼、優しいような人です。→It should be 彼は、優しい人のようです。(According to what the speaker/writer has been observing, he seems like a nice person.)

      雨が降りそうです。It looks like rain. /It is about to rain.
      雨が降るようです。It will probably rain. / It is likely to rain.

      There is one more
      雨が降るそうです。( I heard it will rain.)

      1. Many thanks for your explanation.

        ## 彼、優しいような人です。→It should be 彼は、優しい人のようです。##

        Regarding the above sentence, I don’t quite understand why the first sentence is wrong. According to your explanation in the “よう”-lesson:

        A (adjective / verb) + ような ( = you na) + B (noun / person) = B (noun/person) which looks /seems (like) A

        Doesn’t yasashii + youna + hito mean “a person who seems kind”?

        1. @Yan

          I see your confusion. I added the note for you in my ような lesson.

          adjective + ような+noun / person works when you quote or express your feelings.

          Ex. 誰かが彼は優しいようなことを言っていた。
          Someone was saying he seems like a sweet person.

          Ex. 彼は、私には優しいような気がする。
          = I feel like he is sweet to me.

    1. @finnien

      Yes, you say あふれそう ( = afuresou) about to overlow
      Ex. お風呂のお湯があふれそうです。
      = Ofuro no oyu ga afuresou desu.

  15. Hi Maggie Sensei,

    How does あとで話そう translate into “Let’s talk later” based on this lesson.

    I understand the following points from what you taught.
    1. “looks like”
    2. “It seems like 〜can do ~” “~ able”

    But I’m not sure how this “そう” in this sentence means “let’s”.

    Thank you,

    1. @Steven

      Hi Steven

      This そう is different. It is a volitional form of verb.
      1) Let’s do ~ ‘when you are talking to others”
      2) I am going to do ~ / I will do ~ ( showing your will)
      行く iku → 行こう ikou
      聞く kiku → 聞こう kikou
      する suru → しよう shiyou
      話す hanasu → 話そう hanasou

  16. Any tips for remembering the difference between the two そうです? I keep mixing them up and using the wrong verb conjugations.

    1. @Myisha

      Focus on the form before そうです
      If it is a plain form, I heard ~ /Someone told me ~

      Ex. 重い = omoi = 重いそうです。 I heard it’s heavy.
      Ex. 雨が降る= ame ga furu = 雨が降るそうです。 I heard it is going to rain.

      (重そう = Looks heavy / 雨が降りそう= Ame ga furisou= It looks like it is going to rain soon.)

  17. Hi Maggie-sensei! Thanks for the explanations regarding そう.
    I have a question: what about te-form + そう?
    Does it have the meaning of “It looks like it is engaged in that particular activity/state”?
    For example, パンを買ってそうだ。 Does it mean, “It looks like (they are) currently buying bread”?
    Any clarification would be appreciated.

    1. @Jeremy

      Hi Jeremy
      I think what you meant is this pattern.
      →casual contraction てそう
      OK, パンを買っている+そうだ。→パンを買っていそうだ→(casual contraction) パンを買ってそうだ
      Ex. 彼女はお弁当は作らずに毎日パンを買って(い)そうだ。
      She appears to be a person who buys bread everyday without making boxed lunch.
      If you want to say
      “It looks like (they are) currently buying bread”?

  18. 先生 どうも ありがとう ございます。 、、、、、、、、、、

  19. 先生、助けてください!
    I am teaching senior Japanese for the first time, and one of the sections in the textbook is about using そうな and そうに, and I am struggling to explain the difference to them.
    It has been a few years since I have used my Japanese, so getting it all back is difficult!

    1. @Stephanie

      Hi Stephanie,

      Are you a Japanese teacher?

      そうな modifies a noun and is used as an adjective.
      a wallet which is almost falling from a bag.落ちそうな modifies 財布(さいふ)
      almost crying face
      泣きそうな modifies 顔(かお)face

      そうに modifies a verb and it is used as an adverb

      to eat something happily

      美味しそうに modifies a verb, 食べる

      It is often use with a verb ~なる
      〜そうになる = to become/ come to almost ~


  20. そうやっていつも迷っちゃうんだから How about it here?

    My attempt is: that’s how we are going to get lost because of you.

    I’m a super novice..
    Thanks anyway!!

    1. @dRyW

      Hi dRyW!
      That そう means “that way””so””that”

      そうやって= like that
      いつも= always
      迷っちゃうんだから(colloquial) I (or You) can’t decide (迷う also has a meaning to lose one’s way)

      そうやって = like that

  21. This was very useful and detailed. Thank you. I know you covered 重そう which is the adj + ending removed + そう but I was wondering what about if someone says “Maggie, you seemed to have lost weight”. I was thinking you could say something like “痩せたみたいです” but is it possible to use そう because its the past tense so I’m not sure if that makes sense. 

    1. @Miburi

      Hello Miburi!
      Good point! “Maggie, you seemed to have lost weight” is 痩せたみたい
      そう is only used to describe the current or sometime future condition.
      If I am working on a diet and I think it may work, I can say 痩せそう。
      And if you see someone who looks skinny you can say

      1. Thank you 先生! You explained it very well. 「細そう」はかなり言いにくいですね。
        I was wondering from the comment below, “彼はいつもセーターを着ていそうだ。”
        Can we use any action form that’s present tense or future with そう? like くれる=くれそう
        For instance, “it seems like he’s always teaching me English.”
        彼はいつも私に英語を教えてくれそうです。 Does that make sense?

  22. sensei, how do you say something like, “it seems he always wear sweaters.” and “she seems to never forget my birthday.”

    1. @Campbell Carsley
      If you want to translate those sentences with そう
      “it seems he always wear sweaters.”

      “she seems to never forget my birthday.”

      How’s that?

  23. 先生, I have a question about some variations on the “it looks like…” structure. How should I complete this:

    (丁寧体 / 普通体)
    A) It looks like it’s going to rain – 雨が降りそうです。 / 雨が降りそうだ。
    * No doubt here… I hope.
    B) It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain – 雨が降りそう_____。 / 雨が降りそう_____。
    * I /think/, based on some research, it might be 雨が降りそうもありません。 / 雨が降りそうもない。 Right? But I’m not sure about the も or why it’s there. そうではありません / そうではない would make a lot more sense for a beginner like me =p
    C) It looked like it was going to rain – 雨が降りそう_____。 / 雨が降りそう_____。
    * My guess, based on another comment: 雨が降りそうでした。 / 雨が降りそうだった。
    D) It didn’t look like it was going to rain – 雨が降りそう____。 / 雨が降りそう____。
    * No clue on this one. If the も thing’s right, then, maybe: 雨が降りそうもありませんでした。 / 雨が降りそうもなかった。

    By the way, do all those forms even exist?


    1. @Gabe

      Hello Gabe,

      A) It looks like it’s going to rain – 雨が降りそうです。 / 雨が降りそうだ。


      B) It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain – 雨が降りそう_____。 / 雨が降りそう_____。
      * I /think/, based on some research, it might be 雨が降りそうもありません。 / 雨が降りそうもない。 Right? But I’m not sure about the も or why it’s there. そうではありません / そうではない would make a lot more sense for a beginner like me =p

      It is possible to say 降りそうではありません / 降りそうではない but 降りそうもない/降りそうもありません are more common.
      When you use そう in a negative sentence, we often add も to stress the meaning.
      “も” has a function to emphasizing the phrase. Not even close to ~/ It seems like there is no way ~

      We also say

      降りそうにもありません。/降りそうにもない (stronger)

      C) It looked like it was going to rain – 雨が降りそう_____。 / 雨が降りそう_____。
      * My guess, based on another comment: 雨が降りそうでした。 / 雨が降りそうだった。


      D) It didn’t look like it was going to rain – 雨が降りそう____。 / 雨が降りそう____。
      * No clue on this one. If the も thing’s right, then, maybe: 雨が降りそうもありませんでした。 / 雨が降りそうもなかった。

      Right. Those are correct.

  24. Hi Maggie! Im confused wich is correct:
    I know that we also can use 行きそうにもありません
    What do you think?

    1. @PukiPuki

      Hi PukiPuki!!
      Those are very confusing. In conversation we say them both but grammatically 行かなそう is correct.

      How to form ~negative form ない + そう
      1) make a negative form ~ない  食べない
      2) delete い  食べな
      3) add そう 食べなそう

      1. Hi! I ask some jap friends and they don’t know i mean some of them said that is 行かなそう corect and others said that 行かなさそう is correct so it’s quite strange XD Thank you for your quick help! 相変わらず最高!マギー先生

        1. BTW i have small sugestion i think it will be better for us (people who want to learn) if you will put everything i mean how the verb will change or noun it will be easier to learn. Anyway thank you so much!^__^

        2. @PukiPuki

          Yes, because we use 〜なさそう form a lot in conversation. 
          But when you use ない as an auxiliary verb, “there isn’t, there aren’t , to not to have,” you use なさそう

          Ex. 時間がない→ 時間がなさそう (not 時間がなそう)
          and when it is used with an adjective, you also use なさそう
          Ex. 暑くない→暑くなさそう (not 暑くなそう)

          As for your suggestion, I know it would be nice to have a complete conjugation chart here but there are a lot of sites where you can check them out there already so…..

          1. If it’s not used with nouns, then such sentence is incorrect, right?
            スイスの銀行 は 世界で いちばん きんじつな ぎんこう じゃない そうです。

          2. What do you mean by “きんじつ”?

            You don’t say Noun+ そうだ・そうじゃない but you can use with 助動詞(だ・じゃない)
            Noun + だ+そうだ
            Noun + じゃない・ではない+そうだ

      1. いいえ、the ‘thank’ should come from me. (Sorry, don’t know how to write this in 日本語)

        Also, I wish to do a correction if it’s okay…


        I just realised that a small mistake can have a big change in meaning… だから私はちゃんと日本語を勉強します!


        1. @Bearz314
          is correct.
          and the ‘thank’ should come from me. is ありがとうというのは私の方です。

  25. Sensei, I have a question. How do we say “It seemed fun”? Is it “楽しそうだった”? Or is it “楽しかったそう”? I’m not sure both are correct. Please help me! Thank you so much! :D

    1. @egasani

      Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation.
      “It seemed fun”?  = “楽しそうだった”?

      It seemed fun = 楽しそうだった
      I heard it was fun = 楽しかったそうだ。

  26. 今日は、先生!^^
    今日日本語だけで書きます!訂正してください n_n


    AKFGの「君と言う花」で「君らしい色」を聞いたけど、多分ただ曲で使ってもかまいませんでしょう xP


    PS:小さな間違いがあります「書きそう=tabesou = about to write, looks like s.o. is going to write, writable」

    PS2:過去形と「そう」を使ってもかまいませんか? 例えば、「少し間違えたそう」 正しいですか?

    1. @Orti

      OK first I will correct your sentences.( Just minor things. You did great!)
      →名詞に「らしい」を使っても正しいですか?/Or how about 名詞+「らしい」も正しいですか?




      →??(Can you give me the translation here? 何を「使ってもかまわないでしょう」といいたいですか?)
      Now as for your question, らしい, yes, you can use 名詞+らしい
      and you are right, if you say マギーらしい it refers to my personality or what I would do.
      I have to send you another related lesson. らしい

      BTW I will take vacation from tomorrow so I may not be able to answer your question for a week but will get back to you when I come back.

      1. どうも有り難うございます、先生!
        I’ll keep those corrections in mind^^

        With 「使ってもかまわないでしょう」 I was trying to say “Maybe it’s ok to use it only in songs” because songs often say things in a way that we wouldn’t really use in our daily life.

        I’ll check the らしい lesson!
        Have a great time on your vacations, 先生!

        1. @Orti

          I see. Then how about : 多分、歌詞だからそう使うのかもしれませんが。

          Thank you!! Keep studying! !JYANE!

          1. Sensei, I forgot to ask about the 2nd PS.
            Is it possible to use ~そう with verbs in past? I mean, to tell how you think that something happened.
            For example, would 「車で衝突した?酔っていたそう。。。」 make sense?
            Assuming that you’ll read this when you come back…
            I hope you had had great vacations!


          2. @Orti

            Sorry for the late response.
            Yes you can use そう with a past tense.

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