= Mou yan nacchau, kono atsusa!
=I am sick of this heat!
Today’s lesson is for my dear twitter follower, Deja!
Actually she gave me many good ideas for the lessons. Thank you, Deja!
If you have a request or a question, follow my Twitter (MaggieSensei) and tweet at me or just leave a message in any comment section here. I will make a lesson just for you — but only if I think it will help other people. Right now I have tons of requests and ideas lined up so it may take a time, though.
Anyway, let’s get started.
ちゃう&ちゃった ( = chau and chatta) & じゃう ( = jau) & じゃった ( = jatta)
ちゃう ( = chau) /じゃう ( = jau) mean “will finish” “will be done” and indicates a complete action.
ちゃった ( = chatta) /じゃった(=jatta) is a past tense of ちゃう ( = chau) / じゃう ( = jau) so it means “to have done”, “to have finished”
These are conversational forms of してしまう ( = shite shimau) and してしまった ( = shite shimatta)
They are very casual and sound a bit childish or sometimes girly and cute. But many adults — even older adults — use them as well.
The original form is
〜(し)てしまう= ~(shi) te shimau
~(し)ちゃう= (shi) chau / ~(ん)じゃう ( = (n) jau) (conversational)
past tense
〜(し)てしまった = ~ (shi) te shimatta
~(し)ちゃった (= (shi) chatta ・〜(ん)じゃった ( = (n) jatta) (conversational)
⭐️ How to form :
First make a past tense and delete た ( = ta) ・だ ( = da) and switch with ちゃう ( = chau) / ちゃった ( = chatta)
1) 聞く ( = kiku) = to hear/listen
→聞いた ( = kiita) = heard/ listened / to have heard/listened
→聞い ( = kii) + ちゃう ( = chau) / 聞い ( = kii) + ちゃった(=chatta)
聞いちゃう ( = kiichau) / 聞いちゃった(=kiichatta)
2) 信じる ( = shinjiru) = to believe
→ 信じた ( = shinjita) believed/ to have believed
→信じ( = shinji) + ちゃう ( = chau) /信じ( = shinji)+ ちゃった ( = chatta)
信じちゃう ( = shinjichau) / 信じちゃった ( = shinnjichatta)
3) わかる (= wakaru) = to understand
→わかった ( = wakatta ) = understood/ to have understood
→わかっ ( = waka+ (small tsu) + ちゃう ( = chau)/ わかっ ( = waka + small tsu)+ ちゃった ( = chatta)
わかっちゃう ( = wakacchau) /わかっちゃった ( = wakacchatta)
4) 行く ( = iku) = to go
→行った ( = itta ) = went / to have gone/been
→行っ( = i + (small tsu) + ちゃう ( = chau) / 行っ ( = i+small tsu)+ ちゃった ( = chatta)
行っちゃう ( = icchau) / 行っちゃった ( = icchatta)
5) 飲む = nomu = to drink
→飲んだ = nonda = drank / to have drunken
→飲ん ( = non) + じゃう ( = jau) / 飲ん ( = non) +じゃった ( = jatta)
飲んじゃう ( = nonjau) / 飲んじゃった ( = nonjatta)
6) 踏む= fumu = to step on
→踏んだ = funda = stepped on / to have stepped on
→踏ん ( = fun) + じゃう ( = jau) / 踏ん ( = fun) +じゃった ( = jatta)
踏んじゃう ( = funjau) / 踏んじゃった ( = funjatta)
🔸Basic pattern :
★~てしまう( = teshimau) →ちゃう ( = chau)/じゃう ( = jau)
(negative from ) ちゃわない ( = chawanai) / じゃわない ( = jawanai)
★~てしまった(=teshimatta) →ちゃった ( = chatta)/ じゃった( = jatta)
(negative from ) ちゃわなかった ( = chawanakatta) / じゃわなかった ( = jawanakatta)
to do する( = suru)
Present tense
(formal)してしまう (= shite shimau)
(informal) しちゃう ( = shichau )
Past tense
(formal) してしまった ( = shite shimatta)
(informal) しちゃった ( = shichatta)
1) To finish doing something, to complete some action,
* to do one’s homework = 宿題をする ( = shujuudai wo suru)
Ex. I will finish my homework by tomorrow.
=Ashita made ni shukudai wo shite shimaimasu.
⬇️ (casual)
= Ashita made ni shukudai wo shichai masu.
⬇️ (very casual)
= Ashita made ni shukudai wo shichaotto!
(talking to yourself)
Have you already finished your homework?
= Mou shukudai wo shite shimatta no desu ka?
= Mou shukudai wo shichatta no?
* to eat = 食べる=taberu
Present tense
(formal) 食べてしまう ( = tabete shimau)
(informal) 食べちゃう ( = tabechau)
Past tense
(formal) 食べてしまった ( = tabete shimatta)
→(informal) 食べちゃった ( = tabechatta)
Can I eat this?
=Kore tabete mo iidesuka?
Can I finish eating this?
=Kore tabete shimatte mo ii desuka?
⬇️ (casual)
=Kore tabete shimatte ii?
⬇️ (more casual)
=Kore tabechatte ii?
What!? Did you eat it already?
=Eh!? Mou tabete shimattano?
= Eh!? Mou tabechatta no?
(Negative form )
= Kore tabechawanakatta no?
= You didn’t eat this?
📝Note :
If the stem of the dictionary form ends with ぶ ( =bu) , む (= mu) , ぬ (= nu) or ぐ ( = gu) it becomes じゃう ( = jau ) or じゃった ( = jatta)

2) Express your emotion,
* to be in trouble/ to get bothered = 困る ( = komaru)
Ex. 困ってしまいます。
=komatte shimaimasu.
= I will be in trouble.
Ex. 困っちゃいます。
⬇️(more casual)
Ex. 困っちゃう。
=Komacchau (sounds girly.)
Ex. そんなことをやってもらったら困ります。
=Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komari masu.
= I will be in trouble if you do such a thing.
↓(emphasize more/with more emotion)
Ex. そんなことをやってもらったら困ってしまいます。
=Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komatte shimaimasu.
⬇️ (casual)
Ex. そんなことをやってもらったら困っちゃいます。
=Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komacchai masu.
⬇️(more casual)
Ex. そんなことをやってもらったら困っちゃう。(sounds girly.)
=Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komacchau.
( For those who have studied How and when to use ん lesson, you can emphasize more using ん ( = n)
= Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komacchaun desu.
(I will mark other ん (= n) with yellow today.)
See, you show more emotion with ちゃう ( = chau)
Now compare these sentences,
Did you do this, Maggie?
(1) これマギーがやったの?
= Kore Maggie ga yattano?
(2) これマギーがやっちゃったの?
= Kore Maggie ga yacchatta no?
We use (2) to accuse me more. Like “Why did you do that horrible thing!”
So if someone says to you,
= Yacchattane.
It often implies a bit of accusation like you did something wrong or made a big mistake.
And now compare these sentences.
When you see your bus is about to leave,
(3) 「バスが行く!」
= Basu ga iku!
(4) 「バスが行っちゃう!」
= Basu ga icchau!
(4) expresses more emotion.
3) To express how shocked or full of regret you are,
= Shimatta ie ni wasurete kichatta!
=Oh, shoot! I left it at home.
Ex. なんであんなこと言っちゃったんだろう。
= Nande anna koto icchattan darou.
=Why did I say such a thing…
4) To warn,
Ex. そんなに食べると太っちゃうよ!
= Sonnani taberu to futocchauyo!
= Don’t eat so much. You are going to get fat!
5) To suggest something,
Ex. もう、私を置いてっちゃっていいから!
= Mou watashi wo oittechatte iikara!
=Now you can leave without me!
Ex. これ持ってちゃって!
= Kore motecchatte!
=Take this with you!
Ex. だまってもらっちゃおうか?
= Damatte moracchaouka?
=You want to just take it without asking? (Literally “Shall we just take it without asking?)
6) To ask for a permission,
Ex. 本当に頂いちゃっていいですか?
= Hontou ni itadaichatte ii desu ka?
=Are you sure it’s OK that I take this?
Ex. マギー、これ食べちゃっていい?
= Maggie, kore tabechatte ii?
=Maggie, can I eat (all of) this?
(Then I would say 「食べちゃダメ!」( = Tabecha dame! ) = No! You can’t eat it”)
7) To describe what is happening,
ちゃって(い)る ( = chatte (i) ru)
←(formal) てしまっている ( = te shimatte iru)
= Aa koko ga kowarechatterun da.
=Oh, this is the broken part!
Now you understand more aboutmy previous lesson, イッちゃってる=icchatteru
8) To make you sound cuter or mischievous,
ちゃう ( = chau) and ちゃった ( = chatta) sounds a bit childish and girly so it has the effect of making you sound cuter or mischievous.
= Mite! Kore kacchatta ♥!
=Look what I bought♥
= Anata ga suki ni nacchatta ♥
= I came to like you.
= Icchatta!
=There! I said that!
Ex.4)「バレちゃった?」or 「わかっちゃった?」(When someone got your secret.)
= Barechatta? or Wakacchatta?
=Now you caught me. / Now you know./ Was it obvious?
Ex.5) じゃあ、電話番号、教えちゃおうかな!
= Jaa denwa bangou oshiechaou kana!
=Then should I give you my phone number?
For that reason, if we hear a man keep using these ちゃう(=chau) and ちゃった(=chatta), we might think he is
= Are? Oshare shichatte dou shichatta wake?
=Wow! You’re all dressed up. What’s the occasion?
Ex. もう、(彼らに)言っちゃってよ、言っちゃって!
= Mou ( karerani) icchatteyo, icchatte!
=Now just tell them, tell them!
From the pic.
= Mou yan nacchau, kono atsusa!
=I am sick of this heat!
•やんなっちゃう( = yannacchau) : very casual
いやになる ( = iyani naru)
=to get fed up with, tired of, sick of something, enough for …., drive someone crazy
= Yani naru
⬇️(more casual with more emotion.)
= Yani nacchau
⬇️(more casual)
=Yan nacchau
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori, From Maggie Sensei
= Mou sorosoro natsu ga owacchau hazu na noni madamada kono atsusa wa tsuzuiteimasu.
= The summer is supposed to be over soon but it is still hot.
もう、体が参っちゃう!= Mou karada ga maicchau! =I am wrecked!
!to right! (If you want to learn another typical casual suffix なきゃ&なくちゃ ( = nakya & nakucha) suffix, go check this lesson!)
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I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hi, thanks for all the good info.
Just wanted to point out a small oversight. (Sorry if it’s already been mentioned, I didn’t have time to read all the comments)
You write,
>>First make a past tense and delete た ( = ta) ・だ ( = da) and switch with ちゃう ( = chau) / ちゃった ( = chatta)<<
Since ちゃう is a contraction of 〜てしまう it would make sense to think of making the conjunctive form and delete the て/で instead of making the past tense.
Thus one can go from 食べてしまう to 食べちゃう and see the logic behind the contraction.
Hi Niwashikun
You are right. You can also make ちゃった form from te-form.
Sorry, I can’t edit my comment… I meant 「聞いてなちゃう」
Hi there,
I am trying to understand a use of ちゃう. I’ve heard 「聞いちゃいねえ」and it was translated as “they’re not listening”. I don’t know how a negative construction would happen, but my prediction would be 「聞ってなちゃう」. Could you help clear this up?
Please and thank you.
Hello Anon505
The negative form is
やっていない (I didn’t do)
→(casual) やっちゃいない
聞いていない not listening
Casual →聞いちゃいない
The suffix might have confused you.
Male speech (rough) ない changes ねえ
I ran into this sentence
Could you please help me understand what kind of ちゃう is that?
Original sentence こんな建物を昔に作ってしまうなんて →作っちゃうなんて
作る means “to build” but by adding しまう・ちゃう you add the meaning of “accomplish of a task (of building this kind of architecture”
Hi Maggie,
Hope you are well.
I came across this sentence today and I think it is related to ~ちゃう but just wanted to make sure:
“No matter how much they both work together, it doesn’t mean they should send a troublesome child to another school in the country.”
I’ve also never seen ~だからって – is this a casual form of ~からと言って?
Many thanks as always,
Hello Peter,
Yes, ちゃえ(←〜てしまえ) is an imperative form of ちゃう (←〜てしまう).
You use this form to tell someone to do something. (You also use it when you talk to yourself)
And as you said だからって is a casual form of だからと言って
Thank you very very much :D
My pleasure. :)
Hi Maggie Sensei!
In this sentence, 「若い男は急いで立ち上がり、二、三の言葉をどもってたちまち行ってしまった」, is the 「しまった」the same as what you’ve written about here? Is it just emphasising the completeness of 「行く」?
Hello Charlie,
行ってしまった: The usage of this てしまった is the completion of action 行く but it also involves the writer’s surprised feelings for something unexpected. (The person was gone in a minute)
Oh okay so unrelated. Thanks!!
No problem! :)
Hello, Maggie-senseio.
Thank you very much for the lesson. I wanted to ask you about the meaning that “ちゃう” has in the verse of this song:
自分で閉ざしてしまうの なぜ
Thank you very much in advance for the help. Nice job! I love your classes, they help me a lot to improve my Japanese.
Hello Juliana,
笑ってしまう→笑っちゃう It means “can’t help laughing”
You can’t control your emotion and cant help laughing. But 笑っちゃう is also used for self-deprecation. You laugh at yourself because you are or the situation is so bad.
Thank you very much! :)
どういたしまして! ☺️
dear Maggie,
can I use 終わる also in place of ちゃう?
for instance: 食べ終わりました
are they both basically the same?
kind regards, Johannes
Dear Johannes,
食べ終わりました is used when you simply state the action, finish eating.
食べちゃった/食べてしまった implies more feelings, such as satisfaction or regrets.
thank you Maggie! ☺️🙏
You’re very welcome! ☺️
Hello Maggie-sensei, I just read the lesson and, if I’m not mistaken, (te) shimau is the same meaning as chau but it’s the formal version of it? Because I don’t see the pattern and I’ve been wondering about this.
Hi Wendy
Hmm I think I explained the pattern in this lesson.
てしまう→(casual form) ちゃう
食べてしまう finish eating
→食べちゃう (casual) finish eating
And they mean the same. I probably don’t understand your question. What pattern you don’t exactly understand?
What I mean is, are there specific situations where using te shimau is more appropriate? Or are they both interchangeable? Because I do see them both being used often and I don’t really notice the difference, like I don’t notice that the other one is more ‘formal’.
I see. They are interchangeable but as I said, ちゃう is more casual.
But it is possible that some people use both patterns when they talk.
For example, when you repeat too many chau in one sentence, it sounds too much so you may mix with しまう
What’s the difference between “おばあちゃんが死んじゃった。” and “(私は)おばあちゃんに死なれた。”? Doesn’t the second one work both as a simple statement and as a sentence with that nuance that I’m sorry about that?
Both express one’s emotion but 死なれた is a passive form. The speaker got negative affects more than じゃった
どういたしまして、Cheng! ☺️
Hi, Maggie sensei.
First, i would like to thank you for explaining this topic this thorough. I’m new to your website and I’ve found it quite helpful.
I’ve got one problem understanding the following sentence 繰り返し何度も零してしまう. It is a part of a song. Here is the context:
春になって 桜が咲いて
いつかが 見えなくなって
Is he expressing his feeling of regret or frustration or something like that?
Hi Shian 333
Welcome to this site!
Is it from some lyrics?
This てしまう is expressing something you can’t control. Can’t help doing something
Is this really correct? I learned the teshimau and chau Form as meaning “accidentally/unintentionally did …” and I cant find the kind of grammar form you describe here anywhere else. Or maybe theyre formed the same way but have different meanings depending on context? Very confusing xD
You mean you just saw the usage “accidentally/unintentionally did …” but not the other usages, such as “finish doing something” or “to do something completely”, etc?
I don’t check other resources but yes, there are more usages of chau. It could be negative, positive or neutral depending on the context.
宿題やっちゃった。(positive expressing satisfaction, joy, relief.)
Thomasが私のごはんを食べちゃった。(negative, anger, frustration)
お茶をこぼしちゃった。(did something accidentally. negative)
電車がいっちゃった (negative, the train is gone, Oh well..)
皿を洗っちゃいましょう。(neutral. Let’s finish some work) ,etc.
Thanks for the fast reply. Yes thats what I meant, but now that I read this lesson I will look out for the differences in meaning.
Its still a little confusing though as according to this lesson the sentence
could also mean Thomas finished eating my meal, right? Maybe you offered it to me before ;D. So I guess its highly dependant on context and maybe the way its said?
For this particular example sentence, it delivers negative meaning. Because the meal was MINE. 😛
But yes, it’s all depending on the context. If you say
ごはんはもう食べちゃった “I already finish eating.”
It is not positive or negative. Just expressing the completion of action.
Hi Maggie Sensei,
I didn’t receive much formal education in Japanese, but as I tried to converse with a Japanese friend, I used something like 邪魔しちゃってごめん, but I don’t know why it sounded so right to me. I couldn’t quite find specific examples differentiating しちゃった、しちゃって and so on and would appreciate an explanation.
Hi ryo,
邪魔しちゃってごめん is a very natural conversational phrase.
邪魔しちゃった originally →邪魔(を)してしまった。(jama (wo) shite shimatta) I bothered/disturbed/interrupt you. (It’s a finishing sentence.)
邪魔しちゃってoriginally →邪魔を(を)してしまって ( jama (wo) shite shimatte)
This て has a function to give a reason for the following ごめん (Sorry) →Sorry for bothering/disturbing/interrupting you.
Hello sensei!
Recently I heard in an online ad that says “shichau nakara”
I searched and I found that nakara (not nagara) means similar to -nai.
Does that mean “[something] shichau nakara” means “not do [something]”? Thank you!
Hi Sharon,
There is no expression”shichau nakara”
I wonder what you heard is “shichaun dakara” (Girl speech) “I am going to do something, OK?”
Ooh, yeah, the person speaking in the clip was a girl. That makes sense!
Thank you sensei <3
Good! 😊
Hi Maggie-sensei, good lesson, love it and thank you so much.
i have a question. what function “chau” for this sentence?
— “ときめきぐさ”ちゃう、”ときめきそう”–
is it mean –it’s not read as “tokimeki gusa”, but “tokimeki sou”– ?
Hi nikuman!
That ちゃう is Osaka/Kansai dialect. ではなくて/じゃなくて (Not ~ but ~)
The kanji 草 can be read “くさ/ぐさ/そう”
ときめき草 can be read ときめきそう or ときめきぐさ but ぐさ sound “uncool”
SO “ときめくぐさ”..じゃなくて(ではなくて)”ときめきそう”
Tokimeki gusa,, no I mean “Tokimeki sou”
Not “Tokimeki gusa” but “Tokimeki sou”
Thank you so much sensei for answering my question, sensei’s reply so fast 😄👍
So That ちゃう is Osaka/Kansai dialect.
Understood, once again, thank you so much 😊
You’re very welcome!
Yes, it’s Osaka/Kansai dialect but people in other area also use it jokingly. (A lot of comedians are from Kansai area so it is one of well-known expressions.)
Hi Maggie! Lovely tutorials, you are the best!
I have a question about one of the example sentences.
Some believe it’s supposed to be
これ持ってっちゃって! That is, if the verb is based from 持っていく
If the original verb was just 持つ、then
But 持ってちゃって seemed incorrect. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you so much!
Hi bazz
これ持ってっちゃって is a very conversational expression and it came from これ持っていってしまって
If you just want someone to take something, you say
* これ持っていって (casual 持ってって)
= Take it/them with you.
持っていく = to take something with you
持っていってしまう (持ってっちゃう) involves the speaker’s feelings and しまう(ちゃう) means to finish something.
Ex. 持っていってしまって(casual 持ってっちゃって) Take everything/ the rest with you. (So that I don’t have to take care of the rest anymore/ Something has been here for certain period of time and I don’t need it.)
In your example sentence 「しまった、家に忘れてきちゃった! 」, what is the meaning of 忘れてくる?
Also would it be correct to say 「○○を忘れてちゃった」 instead of 「○○を忘れてた」?
忘れる = 1) to forget something 2) to leave something somewhere by accident
The most natural way to say “Oops, “I left it home” is 家に忘れてきた・きちゃった because the speaker came to where he/she is from home and realized she/he left it home.
忘れる is just that moment when you left something home, 忘れてくる means you left something somewhere and came to where you are.
家に忘れてた only works when you talk about the state in the past. So it is not natural in this case.
Long time no see 😊😉 I was woundering if this 載れちゃすいそー is also a construction of 〜ちゃう?? But would is the いそー standing for? Would you mind helping me ??
ごめなさい i meant 載れちゃいそー
Hi Chii, 元気でしたか?
I don’t know the context but for example
= It could appear in the magazine.
~そう has a meaning of “looks like, appears to be, to be going to”
Click this link → How to use そう
Hey again 😉
Oh 🤦♀️sorry I’ve forgotten something i wanted to ask you about this word 王道 I have seen it quite a lot and it seems to have lots of meanings which confuse me especially when it’s just used like a expression. Could you maybe try to explain it to me ?
王道 the literal meaning is “Royal Road” and it also means “easy way”
Ex. 学問に王道なし (proverb) There is no royal road to learning.( = There are no shortcuts in learning)
However, it is sometimes misused when you want to say
It is such a cliché
in daily conversation.
あ!わあ〜 ありがとございます 😊😉that really cleared things up a little bit for me😉 Thanks for the great explanation 👍
You’re welcome, Chii❤️
I would like to know how to use “to finish stn” in Japanese
As I know “to finish stn” can be used by
Verb-stem + Owaru and Verbてしまうbut I would like to know how to use it correctly and how is it difference ?
Thank you !!
to finish something (transitive verb) 終える( = oeru ) → 終えてしまう ( = owatte shimau) →chau form: 終えちゃう
something finishes (intransitive verb) /* sometimes you use it as a transitive verb to finish something (transitive verb)
→ 終わる ( = owaru ) → 終わってしまう ( = owatte shimau) →chau form:終わっちゃう ( = owacchau)
Hi Maggie-Sensei!
I still can’t grasp the meaning of -te shimau completely because I can’t fully understand the difference of -te shimau when used compared to normal ones. Like for example, if I use -te shimau when asking for permission, what would the difference be when I use -te mo ii?
Does sentences with -te shimau generally mean they’re negative?
My native Japanese teacher can’t explain the meaning of te-shimau as well ;-;
Thanks in advance !!
You mean the difference between てもいい? and しまってもいい? like these?
1) これ食べてもいいですか?
2) これ食べてしまってもいいですか?
1) is simply asking for a permission for an action of eating. “Can I eat this?”. You say that before you eat something.
2) is asking for a permission for eating the whole thing. It implies you eat the last piece of something. You say that either before you eat something or when you are already eating. “Can I finish this?”
So while Vてもいいですか is just asking someone if you can do something or not and you don’t need to fish doing / complete something,
Vてしまってもいいですか? implies if you can finish doing something.
is this correct?
“光栄いやっ” is iya~tsu the opposite form of chatta?
im writing a comic and only know a little japanese ive been using google translate as practice so i dont know if everything is accurate. i want my character to express informally that they are flattered by a compliment.
Is “光栄いやっ” a correct phrase?
I wonder how you got いやっ on Google..
いやっ means “No way!” “Never”(female or children speech for strong negation.)
So you don’t say 光栄いやっ It just doesn’t make any sense.
I am flattered in Japanese is
光栄です。= Kouei desu.
More casual/male speech a little rough
それは光栄だ (= Sore wa kouei da)
Another variation,
If the character just got some compliment, he/she can also say
お世辞でもうれしいな (casual)
(= Oseji demo ureshii na)
(I know you are trying to be nice but) I am flattered
Sensei.. How about chau chau?
It is Kansai dialect.
違う=ちがう= chigau →ちゃう = chau
To emphasize, they say that twice ちゃう、ちゃう = chau chau
Is there a difference between the usage of -chau and -chimau?
Basically they mean the same. They are from てしまう
ちゃう is a sort of cute suffix.
ちまう is a rough male speech.
Hello Maggie-sensei! Although I read most of this lesson, I can’t still get the meaning of this message sent to me. :'(
What does しちゃいます mean in this sentence?
Hi りつこ
That しちゃう is used when you can’t control yourself/ you can’t help doing something.
→(casual contraction)
Speaking of ~, I automatically do ~ / I can’t help doing ~
Speaking of the Philippines, I automatically think of bananas. (I can’t help linking the image to bananas.The first image that I get is bananas.)
I had a lesson with my Japanese teacher from italki on the 22nd of November. Today I had a Japanese friend check my notes to make sure my conjugations were correct and the example sentences I used for the different ways ちゃう/ちゃった were also correct.
I was wondering if you would be able to confirm some things for me. :3
・~でしまいます(じゃう) isn’t really used and can sound awkward and it’s sounds more natural to go with the original ます ending of the verb.
・~でしまいます(じゃう) includes a feeling of going against one’s own will.
Hi 184.
Well I don’t know what you wrote in your note but
・~でしまいます(じゃう) isn’t really used and can sound awkward and it’s sounds more natural to go with the original ます ending of the verb.
→It depends on the context.
We do say
Ex. そんなことをしたら死んでしまいますよ。
(casual) そんなことをしたら死んじゃうよ。
when you give an advice.
・~でしまいます(じゃう) includes a feeling of going against one’s own will.
I found a few words with しちゃ in front of them.my dictionary says that is a ちゃう variation.but I can’t find an explanation for why it.please help
ちゃ is a casual way to say 〜しては
Ex. そんなことをしてはいけません。
= You shouldn’t do such a thing.
→(casual contraction)
Ex. そんなことをしちゃいけません。
= Sonna koto wo shicha ikemasen.
こにちわ 元気ですか
このページはめっちゃ面白くてすごいですよ。 本当にありがとうございます
Hello jehdal
Sorry for the late answer. I guess me and Maggie haven’t noticed your question, because sometimes there are so many of them…
Depending on the context ちょっとどうしちゃったんだよ二人共 could mean: “Hey, what’s going on with you, guys!” / “Hey, what’s wrong with you, guys!” / “Hey, what happened, guys!”
@jehdal / 天人
Thank you 天人さん for answering jehdal’s question.
Sorry jehdal! I didn’t notice your question until I saw 天人さん’s comment now.
Good to have have you here, 天人さん!
I’m always here for you and for those, who loves to learn Japanese.
I check your site almost every day, learning something new; people have many questions and their questions (your answers) are a good source of information in order to improve my Japanese.
Regretfully because of my work I don’t have much time, like before, to learn Japanese. But I try to make up 0,5 – 1 hour/day to spend my free time with my passion.
Please explain to me how to use “とんでもない”
Also, these forms “すごい=すげー/すげぇ” ”やばい=やべ” Can females use this type of verbs “やべ/すげー” or is it only for males? and please correct my spelling.
先生、is it possible to add a highlight feature in the comment section? I think it will be more easier to point out something..
Thanks in advance.
Hi kuroineko,
I don’t think I can add a the highlight feature in the comment section. Sorry.
You say とんでもない when you deny something strongly.
Ex. 冬に海で泳ぐなんてとんでもない。
= There is no way to swim in the ocean in winter.
Ex. 「お母さん、明日の夜、遊びに行ってもいい?」
= Mom, can I go out tomorrow night?
= No way.
Ex. A「Bさんの日本語は上手ですね。」
= Your Japanese is very good.
B. 「とんでもないです。」
= Tondemo nai
= That’s not true. (being humble)
“すごい=すげー/すげぇ” ”やばい=やべ” Can females use this type of verbs “やべ/すげー” or is it only for males?
It is possible but men use it more. If a girl says すげー/すげぇ/やべー, their parents or adults around them are most likely reprove them.
As for question 3, I mean in this sentence “みんな 真剣な顔して きばっちゃって” what exactly is “ちゃって” and why is it at the end? Is it a complete sentence?
I have two questions:
1. As for “ちゃう” form, can you please tell me which age group can use it?
2. what is the difference between うるさい and だまれ?Please tell me the exact meaning of “うるさい” does it mean “you’re noisy/annoying/ or shut up? I’m confused >_<
Thanks in advance.
Ah.. OK, we finish a sentence with ちゃって on purpose in the following cases.
(1) When you point out something.
どうしたの?真面目な顔しちゃって。= What’s wrong? You look very serious. (By using ちゃって it lightens up the seriousness.)
(2) When you explain some reason.
I’m sorry I’m late. I overslept so…
(3) When you describe something.
= His room is always messy (so you know)…
Q1) I would say younger people tend to use more than older people. But older people also use it.
Ex. ご迷惑かけちゃってごめんなさい。= I am sorry that I trouble you.
Q2) うるさい is just saying “something is too loud” / “annoying” and だまれ is “Shut up!”
So they are different. If someone listens to the music and it is too loud, you can’t say だまれ because they are not talking. You would say うるさい
When someone complains a lot or talks back to you, you can say both うるさい・だまれ or even both.
Thank you so much for answering my questions. You are the best teacher :-D
However, I know that when talking to yourself, you would use “おう/よう or it depends on the word” at the end. For example, “何をつくろうかな/どうしよう”, but in the case of “宿題をしちゃおっと” is the ending “っと” used to express talking to oneself? and please give me another example for this.
I have the following questions:
1. “だまってもらっちゃおうか?” You want to just take it without asking?
if “黙る” means “to be silent, what exactly is the word for “shut up”? Because usually they would translate this verb as “shut up” I’m confused.
2. To describe what is happening,ちゃって(い)る form
Can you please explain it more and give more examples?
3. How to use “ちゃって” as a connector between sentences. I heard people use it at the end of the sentence and then start a new one ending with “ちゃって” what is this grammar point? is it a connector?
4. 先生、 you mentioned that when men use “ちゃう” form a lot, they would be called “shallow”. Does that mean that men cannot use them? is it only for females to sound cute?
5.Please give me another example of “いやになる/やになる”
〜っと ending is a very causal way to express your will. It doesn’t matter if other people are listening or not. It is often use when you decide what to do right before you say that.
何をつくろうかなあ→そうだ、今日は天ぷらをつくろう! I am going to cook Tenpura today.→(casual)今日は天ぷらをつくろっと! Oh maybe I should make a Tenpura today.
Compare to つくろう、つくろっと gives an impression that you just got the idea what to cook.
So when you compare 宿題をやろう・やってしまおう:やっちょう (A) and 宿題をやろうっと・やってしまおっと・(やっちゃおっと)(B), while A shows your will that you are going to do homework in general, you use B, when you were doing/talking about something else and you just remembered you have to do your homework. Oh, I guess I have to finish my homework.
1. Ah… OK, though だまってもらっちゃおうか?” is VERY casual,
“V+てもらおうか/V+てもらいましょうか/V+てもらっちゃおう” are sort of command form.
Do something
It shows the listener owes the speaker to do something. It may sound polite but it sounds very demanding.
だまってもらおうか・だまってもらいましょうか・だまってもらっちゃおうか= I want you to shut up = So it means “Shut up!”
2. For example
Ex. 答えがみえちゃっているんですけど。
= Kotae ga miechatte irunndesukedo.
= I can see the answer. (You are showing the answer)
Ex. ストレスがたまっちゃって…
=Sutoresu ga tamachatte.
= I am stressed up.
3. I don’t understand your question well.
You mean finish a sentence with ちゃった and then continue with ちゃって?
I can’t think of any example.. Sorry.
4. No. men can use it but overusing ちゃう sounds shallow. That’s all.
5. OK,
Ex. 毎日雨ばっかりでいやになっちゃう。
Ex. 勉強、勉強でいやになっちゃう。
Hope I answered your questions (except 3)
先生!!おひさしぶりです!!元気でしたか? :-D :-D
I hope you are fine and everything is well. Thank you always for supporting us and helping us to learn this wonderful language.
I have the following questions:
1. 明日までに宿題をしちゃおっと。You said (when talking to yourself), can you please explain this form? (ちゃおっと)?
2. In this sentence”Did you have dinner already?”
How to use “ちゃう” form here?
3. “そんなことをやってもらったら困ります。” what is the meaning of “やってもらったら” here?
4. “忘れてきちゃった” what is “きちゃった”?
Thanks in advance. !JYANE!
OK, let me see your questions…
1. 宿題をしちゃう is a casual form of 宿題をしてしまう(to finish doing my homework/to have my homework done)
This is a very casual speech but when you talk to yourself showing your will, you say
宿題をしてしまおっと = I guess I will finish my homework.
And the casual contraction of してしまう is しちゃう so you can also say
I will show you other examples. りですね!はい、元気ですよ。kuroinekoさんも元気でしたか?
OK, let me see your questions…
1. 宿題をしちゃう is a casual form of 宿題をしてしまう(to finish doing my homework/to have my homework done)
This is a very casual speech but when you talk to yourself showing your will, you say
宿題をしようかな = I guess I am going to do my homework.
Use 〜(し)てしまう(to have done something / to finish doing something) form.
宿題をしてしまおうかな = I guess I will have my homework done.
You can also say
宿題をしてしまおっと = I guess I will finish my homework.
And the casual contraction of してしまう is しちゃう so you can also say
You may not learn this in your textbook but we say this often in casual conversation.
Ex. I guess I will go to sleep now.
Use 〜(し)てしまう(to have done something / to finish doing something) form.
↓ Showing your stronger will in a casual way
Ex. I guess I am going to eat this.
Use 〜(し)てしまう( to finish eating)
↓ Showing your stronger will in a casual way
2) Did you have dinner already →もう夕食食べちゃった?
3) We usually use V+てもらう when you receive some favorable action from others.
But we sometimes use V+てもらう for negative situations.
In this case, やってもらったら困る is sarcasm. You insinuate the feeling of “I will be in trouble if you are free to do such a thing.”
Other examples
Ex, そんなところに書いてもらったら困ります。
You shouldn’t write it in such a place. (I will be in trouble.)
4) 忘れてきちゃった is a casual contraction of 忘れてきてしまった= to have left something you need somewhere
OK, I guess that’s all.
Hope I answered your questions.
おやすみなさい zzz
Hi! Can you explain the -chattari form please?
I’ve heard it in a form but cannot understand it.
Great lesson! I do have one question, and I apologize in advance if it was discussed in the article. Can you make chatta or chau negative, and if so how do you form it? Thanks in advance!
Hello Alaina,
Apology accepted.
Present negative:
~ちゃう=>~ちゃわない =>食べちゃわない/食べちゃわん (~ちゃわん more casual)
Past negative:
To fully understand ~てしまう I advise you to read the whole lesson.
Does that translate into “Shall we become officially married couple ?”
Hello Aaron!
Yes, that is what that means. (Or “Should we be getting married?”)
It is a light way to suggest marriage.
1.A: やちゃったね
B:えぇぇ、わたしじゃない/ わたしではありません
Are there any difference between じゃない and ではありません in terms of meaning and usage? If there is, how do we use them, say, for the above example?
2.How should we address someone? For example, 渡辺リオ. Do we address her as 渡辺さん or リオさん if we first met each other?
Happy New Year! Aki!
1) じゃない is much more casual than ではない
I have a lesson on that theme. Please check じゃない&んじゃない
2) It depends on the person but generally speaking if you see someone for the first time, it will be safe to address them with family name with さん 渡辺さん
But if that person introduce themselves with their first name, you can call that person first name with さん リオさん
Is there any particular way of knowing the formation of different verb using chau~? For example; wakacchatta, barechatta,icchatta, kacchata ( Some with one ‘c’ and some with 2’c’) Confusing~~~
I added the formation part for you. Please check. :)
Thank you so much for your consideration. :) It is the part when you add the small tsu that confuses me. I am having problem as to which verb to add small tsu or vice versa.
OK, if you have a problem with って then you might want to review how to make て-form as well. You can always check the verb lists but there is a way to remember the basic ones with a song.
Go google the te-song. You will figure out when you use っ, ん,い and exception in a fun way.
Here is the lyrics. It will be easier to remember with songs. There are a lot of videos on Youtube.
★masu form
い・ち・り 「って」
び・み・に 「んで」
き 「いて」 ぎ 「いで」
し 「して」
例外 行きます 「行って」
Ex. 買います= かいます
The letter before ます is い so it will use って
past tense : 買った
★dictionary form :
う・つ・る 「って」
ぶ・む・ぬ 「んで」
く 「いて」 ぐ 「いで」
す 「する」
例外 行く 「行って」
Ex. 散る = ちる = the last letter is る so you use って
past tense 散った= ちった
Ex. 読む= よむ= the last letter is む so you use んで
past tense : 読んだ
Thank you so much!! :)
Can you tell me what kind of construction is -てもらっちゃ and it’s translation?
The sentence is 忘れてもらっちゃ 困るよ! The context is a bullied person that forgot her past and meets with the man that bullied her. He attacks her and when she remembered him this was what he replied, the next sentence is that her father arruined his life.
girl: 久保山君…
man: お~ そうだよ
man: 忘れてもらっちゃ 困るよ!
man: 俺の人生 お前の親父が 全部 狂わせたんだ!
I would like to know if the full sentence is 忘れてもらては or if it’s a construction with しまう or if it’s another shortening.
Thank you in advance and sorry if here is not the place to ask about it. BTW, do you have now a Maggie room?
Hello Ana! Sorry, currently Maggie’s Room is down but will put it back eventually. Meanwhile, feel free to leave a comment or question any comment section or contact me on Facebook or Twitter.
忘れてもらっちゃ困る is a casual contraction and it is from
Usually もらう is “to have someone to do something for you” so you could just say
But when we use the verb like 困る, we use もらっては to add a feeling of sarcasm and emphasize what action cause the problem.
So the translation is just
“If you forget about it, I will be in trouble” → Don’t forget about it!
*(unfavorable action) (し)てもらっては困る→〜もらっちゃ困る
Ex. こんなところに荷物を置いてもらっちゃ困る。
= Konna tokoro ni nimotsu wo oite moraccha komaru.
= Don’t leave your bags (personal belongings) here.(I will be in trouble.)
Ex. 好きな様にやってもらっても困ります。
= Sukina you ni yatte moratte mo komarimasu.
= You can’t just do anything you want. (I will be in trouble.)
Thank you so much! I couldnt understand why he used the verb morau in this situation but now I understand.
GREAT!! よかった〜!!
Hello Maggie先生,
I’m confused by two example sentences; is
「これ持ってちゃって」 short for
「これ持っていてしまって」 ? If so, is there a difference to
「これ持っちゃって」 ?
Does the small っ in 「もう、私を置いてっちゃっていいから!」 come from いく, or is it a mistake?
Thank you for your time, I really like the site!
Hi negi!! OK,
1) これ持ってっちゃって came from これ(を)持っていってしまって(ください)
Your sentence これ持っちゃって is from これ(を)持ってしまって(ください)and it means “to hold something”
2) 「もう、私を置いてっちゃっていいから!」
It is a very casual contraction and we sometimes skip い
So the verbs were 持っていく and 置いていく.
Then shouldn’t it be 「これ持ってっちゃって!」?
As the difference is very subtle when spoken, can one assume that …て(っ)ちゃって is usually from …いく+しまって, in other words, is …ている+しまって ever used?
Sorry, there was a typo. You are right. 持ってっちゃって
*持っていって(しまって)→持っていっちゃって→持ってっちゃって = Take it with you
*持って(しまって)→持っちゃって = Hold it
*置いていって(しまって)→置いていっちゃって→置いてっちゃって = Leave it here
*置いて(しまって)→置いちゃって = Put it here.
As for your question,
If the form ~ いる+しまう ever used…
You can express what is happening now with ~てしまっている (~ちゃっている)instead of いる+しまう
Hello, sensei!
I have a doubt with the meaning of 「そんなことをやってもらったら困ります」. Does it mean “You’ll get in trouble if you do something like that (for me)”?
Thank you very much for this lesson, Sensei!
PS: There’s a little mistake in
「Ex. そんなことをやってもらったら困ってしまいます。
=Sonna koto wo yatte morattara komari masu.」
Hi Orti! Thank you for spotting the mistake and sorry I didn’t put the translation there.
I will be in trouble if you do that.
どういたしましてと同時に有り難うございます ^^
would it be a different structure if you wanted to say “you will be in trouble if you do that”? or is it “I will be in trouble…..” just because the subject isn’t mentioned?
I know Japanese is sometimes confusing because we often skip the subject and unlike Spanish, we can’t always tell the subject by the conjugation of the verbs.
But in this case, やってもらう is a key word here. Someone does something for/to me.
And it is not natural to use 困っちゃう if the subject is you unless you add でしょ (aren’t you, won’t you) etc.
You will be in trouble if I do that, won’t you?
I will be in trouble if you (or someone) do(does) that.
aah, I see, it’s more complicated than what I tought, but I hope it’s just a matter of practice
That’s right. You will know if you keep learning more sentence patterns. がんばって!
first of all, i love your page, i always read it, and it helps me a LOT! thanks ^^
but i have a quick question about しちゃう.(maybe its a bit silly question ><") at the part "express your emotions", do you use it just with bad things?? like you wrote, when you miss the bus, or you are in trouble, or did something wrong. is it emphasize the emotions just about bad things?
こんにちは!Sacchan! !happyface!
Thank you for your nice comment! I am glad to hear my site helps you.
Oh, it is a good question. No, しちゃう can be used for neutral or positive things as well.
I separated “expressing one’s emotions” and “To finish doing something, to complete some action” but you can express your emotion when someone complete an action.
For example
もう宿題終わっちゃったの? You are impressed that someone has finished the homework.
これもらっちゃった!= I got this from (someone) (You are happy or bragging.)
試験に受かっちゃった!= I got to pass the exam! (Happy feelings.)
Thank you so much~
It’s clear now! you helped me a lot!
Great!! よかった〜!! !happyface!
Thanks so much for this lesson. My Japanese grammar book teaches all kinds of lofty ideas about elevated usage and so on, but doesn’t really go into this kind of colloquial Japanese. It’s nice to be able to watch anime, drama and so on and think ‘ah, I just learned that!’.
こちらこそ!Thank you for your comment!
What you learn from grammar books and teachers are essential. But if you don’t know colloquial Japanese, you won’t be able to understand the real conversation because we don’t always talk like a text book.
Hi Maggie-sensei ^^
I just have a question about the conjugation of ちゃう/ちゃった。
I have been told that for verbs like 飲む、読む、遊ぶ etc, when using the casual version of ~てしまいました/しまった they turn into ~じゃった. Is this correct?
全部飲んでいた → 全部読んでしまった → 全部飲んじゃった
“I drank everything!! >..<
Yes, since I wanted to concentrate just ちゃう and ちゃった, I didn’t write about じゃった but maybe I should add the information.
Your sentence is correct
全部飲んじゃった = I drank everything
Oops, for some reason my question didn’t fully send, sorry >.<
I did go on to ask, if it's じゃった for the past-form, then does that mean it is じゃう for the present form?
e.g. 明日に読んでしまいます → 明日に読んじゃう!
I'll finish reading it by tomorrow!
Thank you ^^
I just added the information of じゃう/じゃった
明日に読んでしまいます → 明日に読んじゃう!
じゃうpart is correct. And yes, you can use it for the future.
Just 明日”に” is strange. Either 明日(without particle) or 明日までに is better.
明日までに読んでしまいます。→ 明日までに読んじゃう!
Howdy! Love the site! I have a quick question!
Can you use ちゃう in the emotional sense to express regret for things that are uncontrollable?
For example: 寒くなっちゃった!
Hi!! はじめまして!(かな?)
All very conversational but for example,
“突然(とつぜん= suddenly)寒くなっちゃった”
Hi Maggie-sensei, I have a question. Are these valid Japanese expressions?
It must be some lyrics. 初音ミク?
もうラブラブになっちゃって、means They got lovey dovey.
強烈な味にぶっ飛んで : ぶっ飛ぶ means “to get really surprised with the strong taste (It is a very extreme expression.)
But other words are just play of words so I don’t know if you can learn Japanese from it. But you can see lots of ちゃって from it huh?
Haha, Maggie-sensei, you got it right. It’s the chorus from Ura-Omote Errors. I was trying to clear things up for myself because of all the different contradicting translations and explanations of the lyrics. I always wondered why the composer wrote a lot of ちゃって in there. At least “toushindai no ura-omote” was the only thing I could understand.
Did I say Errors? Sorry, I meant Ura-Omote Lovers.
I guess having lots of chatte in the lyrics gives more upbeat feelings. !onpu!
This is quite sometime already but I want to ask this:
Its short for しまいます&しまいました
But aren’t they use for time when its like you did something and regret something. Or something like It’s not exactly good thing to do. Isn’t it?
Yes, it is. As I wrote in the lesson, “ちゃった” expresses the feeling of regret for the things you have done.
Please read the part in the lesson,
To express how shocked or full of regret you are,
Sorry, I have two questions.
1) I saw a foreigner on a Japanese show answering a question from a Japanese panellist who told him “So do you think the Japanese are a little picky?”:
That means something like: “Well, if I might say so…”. What kind of use is that one?
2) Are 言っちゃった and ばれちゃった always girly? Oooooops, I kind of used them often.
@Cygnus Nazca
I’m on vacation now so I will answer your questions as soon as I come back to Japan!
@Cygnus Nazca
Sorry that it took me a long time to answer your question. Now I am back and able to answer your question with time.
1) 言っちゃえば、そうですね。 Maybe he meant to say→ まあ、そう言っちゃえば、そうですね。It means “I would say yes.””Yo diría que sí ” or he might have tried to translate ”to tell you the truth” in casual Japanese. and he meant to say ぶっちゃけそうですね (very casual)
2) Men can say 言っちゃった、ばれちゃった. If you are young, it is totally acceptable. But I would say don’t over use it. Check my reply to @Vanli
So guys shouldn’t use ちゃう Or ちゃった Tto much because it will make them seem shallow? So then do they use てしまう And てしまった Instead? Or juts try not to use the whole expression all together too much?
Thank you
Don’t worry too much. Many guys use it and it is natural. But don’t overused it. チャラ男 = charao (slang for a shallow guy) has image to use this too much so..
It also depends on how you deliver it,too.
^^Thank you much, sensei. I always forget this word when it comes up.
No problem. Ask me again if you forget it!
BTW what is your favorite manga?
What does バレ really mean, sensei? I see a lot in manga.
You mean バレバレ!? Then it means “too obvious”
ばれる= bareru =some secret is out,
ばれたか! = Now you know (the secret). You caught me.
バレバレのうそ= Obvious lie
Oh…very clear now^^Thank you much, sensei^^
I’ve seen it before in Manga…no wonder I have trouble understanding Manga.
Good!! You’re welcome!! We use it very often. :h:
Oh yesss…I’ll put that on my twitter^^ lol
Thank you much^^
Oh…and one more question, please?
Your example …しちゃおっと。 Why is it おっと?
Good question!!!
~(し)ちゃおっと! is another casual expression to show your intention to finish doing something.
First, have you ever heard these expressions?
Ex. 食べる→食べよっと I am gonna eat!
Ex. 寝る→寝よっと I am gonna sleep!
Ex. 勉強する→勉強しよっと! I am gonna study!
We say this when we talk to ourselves (in front of others)
When you imply finishing the action, you say ちゃおっと = I’m going to have finished + verb
→これ食べちゃおっと! I am going to finish eating this.
→もう寝ちゃおっと! I am going to sleep now.
→勉強しちゃおっと! I am going to have finished studying!
It requires your will to do something or finish something so your previous phrase 疲れちゃう won’t work here.
X 疲れちゃおっと I am willing to get tired.
Can I say, 『疲れちゃった!」?
Yes!! you can say “疲れちゃった” !!
ひさしぶり!日本語のオアシスってなんか素敵(ステキ)♥ ふふ…
(A little correction for you: わかいっちゃいます→わかっちゃいます。 わかいっちゃいました→わかっちゃいました。うまく→よく 本当な→本当の)
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