How to use ために ( = tameni)
= Biyou no tame ni mou nemasu.
= I am going to have my beauty sleep now.
How to use まで ( = made)
= Koko made kawaii sensei wa inai desho.
= I bet you can’t find this cute teacher.
Onomatopoeia & Mimetic words (擬音語 & 擬態語 = ぎおんご&ぎたいご = giongo & gitaigo))
= Kyou wa ichinichi gorogoro shimasu.
= I am going to lie around doing nothing today.
How to use わけにはいかない ( = wake ni wa ikanai)
= Kono ressun wa owaru made neru wake ni wa ikimasen.
= Until I finish this lesson, I can’t just go to bed.
= Onegaai. Neko tawaa katte!
= Pretty pleaaaase. Buy me a cat tower.
= Sonna kawaii kao de iwaretara kawanai wake ni wa ikanai naa.
= If you ask me with that cute face, I have no choice but to buy you one.
/ How can I not buy one if you ask me with that cute face?
How to use うちに & うちは ( = uchi ni & uchiwa)
= Akarui uchi ni ippai asobou yo!
= Let’s play a lot while it’s still light!
= Koinu no uchi wa yaritai koto wo nandemo yatta hou ga iin datte.
= I heard I should do anything I want while I am still a puppy.
敬語 ( = けいご= keigo) Honorific Form
Humble Japanese (謙譲語 = kenjougo )
= Sorosoro choushoku wo itadaite mo yoroshii deshouka.
= Could we have breakfast now if it’s possible?
= Onaka ga suite mairimashita.
= We are getting hungry.
= Otesuu okake shimasu.
= Sorry to trouble you.
How to use 間 & 間に ( = aida / aida ni)
= Oishisoo
= Looks yummy!
「ねえ、ママがいない間に食べちゃおうか。 」
= Nee, Mama ga inai aida ni tabechaou ka.
= Hey, why don’t we eat that while Mom is away.
「賛成! 」
= Sansei!
= Good idea!
「あれ?私のごはんがない… 」
= Are? Watashi no gohan ga nai…
= Hum? My meal is gone.
「え!?僕はママがいない間、ずっと寝ていたから知らないよ。 」
= Eh!? Boku wa Mama ga inai aida, zutto nete itakara shiranai yo.
= What? I don’t know anything ‘cause I was sleeping the whole time you were gone.
How to use にとって ( = ni totte)
= Inu ni totte taisetsu na koto wa yoku asobi, yoku nete, yoku taberu koto desu.
= The important things for dogs are to play well, to sleep well and to eat well.