= Shukudai wo shita koto wa shita no desu ga ningen ga tabete shimaimashita.
= I did do my homework but my “human” ate it.
= inu wa inu demo taberareru inu wa naanda?
= What the edible dog is?
= Shukudai wo shita koto wa shita no desu ga ningen ga tabete shimaimashita.
= I did do my homework but my “human” ate it.
= inu wa inu demo taberareru inu wa naanda?
= What the edible dog is?
= Mainichi, undou suru to kimete imasu.
= I make it a rule to do my exercises every day.
= Neko ga ichiban kawaii ni kimatteru desho.
= Of course cats are the cutest. Duh!
Lila : 「お腹すいたなあ…」
= Onaka suita naa…
= I’m hungry…
= Ah! Myuuto shiwasureta.
= Oops. I forgot to mute the mic.
Olaf: 「画面がフリーズしています。」
= Gamen ga furiizu shite imasu.
= My screen has frozen.
Maggie: 「それでは会議を始めます。おもちゃをしまってください。」
= Soredewa kaigi wo hajimemasu. Omocha wo shimatte kudasai.
= OK, let’s start the meeting. Please put away your toys.
Elsa: 「やばっ!みんなに見えてるのかなあ…」😱
= Yabah! Minna ni mieteru no kanaa.
= Oh no! I wonder if everybody can see me.
= Nihongo wa tanoshii ne.
= Japanese is fun, isn’t it?
= Sore na.
= You said it!
:-P 「宿題手伝ってよ。」
= Shukudai tetsudatte yo.
= Help me with my homework!
= Ima, muripo!
= Not now!
= Ne, kamacho.
= Play with me!
= Kiiro to orenji to aoi iro wo shita kireina sensei wa, daaare da?
= Who is the beautiful yellow, orange, and blue teacher?
= Zuutto issho ni itene.
= Stay with me forever.
「よく遊びよく学べ 」だよ!
= “Yoku asobi yoku manabe” dayo!
= “Play hard and study hard”, OK?
= Nihongo, ganbatterujan!
= I see you really working hard on studying Japanese.
= Watashi no iu toori ni mainichi, nihongo wo benkyou shinai to koukai shimasuyo.
= I bet you will regret if you don’t study Japanese every day.