How to use 〜ことは〜が/〜には〜が/〜は〜でも ( =koto wa ~ ga/ niwa ~ ga/~ wa ~ demo)




= Shukudai wo shita koto wa shita no desu ga ningen ga tabete shimaimashita.

= I did do my homework but  my “human” ate it. 


= inu wa inu demo taberareru inu wa naanda?

= What the edible dog is?

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Web Conference Japanese

Lila : 「お腹すいたなあ…」

= Onaka suita naa…

= I’m hungry…


= Ah! Myuuto shiwasureta.

= Oops. I forgot to mute the mic. 

Olaf: 「画面がフリーズしています。」

= Gamen ga furiizu shite imasu.

= My screen has frozen. 

Maggie: 「それでは会議を始めます。おもちゃをしまってください。」

= Soredewa kaigi wo hajimemasu. Omocha wo shimatte kudasai.

= OK, let’s start the meeting. Please put away your toys.

Elsa: 「やばっ!みんなに見えてるのかなあ…」😱

= Yabah! Minna ni mieteru no kanaa.

= Oh no! I wonder if everybody can see me. 


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Japanese Slang Lesson for fun! (2018~2020)


= Nihongo wa tanoshii ne.

= Japanese is fun, isn’t it?


= Sore na.

= You said it!


 :-P 「宿題手伝ってよ。」

= Shukudai tetsudatte yo.

= Help me with my homework!


= Ima, muripo!

= Not now!



= Ne, kamacho.

= Play with me!


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