How to use 知る & わかる ( = shiru & wakaru)

Snowy: 「ちょっとやせたんだけどわかる?」

= Chotto yasetan dakedo wakaru?

= I lost a little weight. Can you tell?


Zoey: 「私の好きな食べ物知ってる?」

= Watashi no sukina tabemono shitteru?

= Do you know what my favorite food is?


= Ninjin dayo!

= Carrots! 


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How to use 次第 ( = しだい= shidai)


= Kigae ga owari shidai ressun shimasu.

= I will start the lesson as soon as I finish changing my outfit.



= Boku no you ni nihongo ga umaku naru ka douka wa minna no doryoku shidai desu.

= Whether your Japanese gets as good as mine or not depends on your efforts.


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