R.I.P Maggie Sensei
September 20th,2005〜March 24th,2014
I will support you from Dog Heaven.
R.I.P Maggie Sensei
September 20th,2005〜March 24th,2014
I will support you from Dog Heaven.
= Kyou wa suwatta mama ressun wo shimasu.
= I will give you a lesson sitting down.
= Kouhii douzo!
= Here’s your coffee.
= Douzo okamai naku…
= Please don’t trouble yourself.
= Koohii nomenain dakedo…
= I don’t drink coffee but…
Cookie : 「ねえ、マギーのうちに遊びに行っていい?」
= Nee, Maggie no uchi ni asobini itte ii?
= Hey, can I come over to your house, Maggie?
= Soshite tomete kureru?
= And can I stay over?
Maggie : 「え〜〜〜と…」 !sleepy!
= Eeeeee to…
= Weeeeelll…..