At a coffee shop or a restaurant


!happyface! 「御注文は?」

= Gochuumon wa?

“What would like to order ?”

:maggie-small: 「ステーキ5人前とサラダ3人前お願いします。玉ねぎは抜いて下さい。」

 = Suteiki go-nin mae to sarada san-nin mae onegai shimasu. Tamanegi wa nuite kudasai.

“Five steaks and three salads please. Please hold the onions.”

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「もしもし..」"Moshi moshi.." Telephone conversation


:maggie-small:  「もしもし、マギーと申しますが、王子様いらっしゃいますか?」

 = Moshimoshi, Maggie to moushimasuga, Oujisama wa irassshaimasuka?

Hello! This is Maggie. May I speak to the Prince, please?”

:roll: 「王子はただいま、でかけております。」 

= Ouji wa tadaima dekakete orimasu.

The prince is out at the moment. 

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