How to use the particle で ( = de)


= くるまのしたでなにしてるの?

= Kuruma no shita de nani shiteruno?

= What are you doing under the car?


= このあつさでまいっちゃう。

= Kono atsusa de maicchau.

= This heat is killing me.

Hi everyone! Today’s guest teacher is Lily from Malaysia.

Today’s lesson is how to use the particle ( = de) .

There are so many ways to use this particle. I will explain as much as I can

in this lesson.

🔹How to form:

noun + ( = de) 

noun + adverbial particle (Ex. だけ/のみ = dake/nomi =  just) + ( = de) 

🔹How to use:



1)  To indicate the location of an action/event/accident:  (doing something/something takes a place )/specific point to do something: at/in/on.

2) Method/tool/mean: action is done by/with ~ , to do something using ~ , something happened by ~ .

3) Ingredients/materials/components: Something is made of/made out of/made from ~ .

4) Cause/reason/purpose:  because/due to/for ~ .

5) The basis for an evaluation (quality) or a condition.

6) Indicating a specific time/time period/required time when something is done/finished/can be done/reaches to the limit.

7) Talking about the price/cost/total amount/quantity.

8) per/at a rate of: What you get/do/pay per unit.

9) Indicating doing something as a group/a unit: Doing something together or by oneself.

10) even (with)   + いい = de + ii = ~ is just fine/good enough (compromising).

11) among / the most ~ in (category/group/choices) / indicating superlative or comparative relationships.

12) Describing the state/condition/manner of action, Doing something wearing/putting on ~ .

13)  Indicating one’s choice among available options./Expressing preference/Making a request among options.


1)  To indicate the location of an action/event/accident:  (doing something/something takes a place )/specific point to do something: at/in/on.

Ex. ここ何をしているの?

= ここでなにをしているの?

= Koko de nani wo shiteiru no?

= What are you doing here?

Ex. マギーは家ビールを飲んでいます。

= マギーはいえでビールをのんでいます。

= Maggie wa ie de biiru wo nonde imasu.

= Maggie is drinking beer at home.

Ex. その靴はどこ買えるの?

= そのくつはどこでかえるの?

= Sono kutsu wa doko de kaeru no?

= Where can I buy those shoes?

Ex. A: 「日曜日、どこ待ち合わせする?」

= A: にちようび、どこでまちあわせする?

= A: Nichiyoubi, doko de machiawase suru?

= A: Where should we meet on Sunday?

B: 「郵便局の前会おうか。」

= B: ゆうびんきょくのまえであおうか?

= B: Yuubinkyoku no mae de aou ka?

= B: Shall we meet in front of the post office?

Ex. 渋谷の駅事故がありました。

= しぶやのえきでじこがありました。

= Shibuya no eki de jiko ga arimashita.

=There was an accident near Shibuya Station.

Ex. この会社10年働いています。

= このかいしゃでじゅうねんはたらいています。

= Kono kaisha de juunen hataraite imasu.

=  I have been working at this company for 10 years.

Ex. 浅草母に、日本のお土産を買わなくてはいけません。

= あさくさでははに、にほんのおみやげをかわなくてはいけません。

= Asakusa de haha ni, nihon no omiyage wo kawanakute wa ikemasen.

= I have to buy Japanese souvenirs for my mother in Asakusa.

(In the taxi)

= ここでおろしてください。

= Koko de oroshite kudasai.

= Please drop me off here.

(In the elevator)

Ex. 10階おります。

= じゅっかいでおります。

= Jukkai de orimasu.

= I’ll get off at the 10th floor.

Ex. もっといい環境働きたい。

= もっといいかんきょうではたらきたい。

= Motto ii kankyou de hatarakitai.

= I want to work in a better environment.

Ex. ベッドの上飛び跳ねてはいけません。

= ベッドのうえでとびはねてはいけません。

= Beddo no ue de tobihanete wa ikemasen.

= Don’t jump on the bed.

😺From the picture above:


= くるまのしたでなにしてるの?

= Kuruma no shita de nani shiteru no?

= What are you doing under the car?

何してるの?なにしてるの? = Nani shiteru no? is a casual contraction of 何をしているの? = なにをしているの? = Nani wo shite iru no?)

Note:1)  When you indicate the location of existence of things/people, you use ( = ni) with

いる/います = iru/imasu (someone is ( + location)  = There is/are + person/people) /Someone is in ~

ある/あります = aru/arimasu (something is (+location) = There is/are + object(s)) ~/Something is in/at/on ~

住んでいる/住んでいます = すんでいる/すんでいます = sunde iru/sunde imasu =  to live in ~

Ex. 日本住んでいます。

= にほんにすんでいます。

= Nihon ni sunde imasu

= I live in Japan.

Ex. マギー先生は、今、京都います。

= マギーせんせいは、いま、きょうとにいます。

= Maggie Sensei wa, ima, Kyouto ni imasu.

= Maggie Sensei is in Kyoto now.

Ex. A: 「ドギー銀行は、どこありますか?」

= A: 「ドギーぎんこうは、どこにありますか?」

= Doggie Ginkou wa, doko ni arimasu ka?

= Where is Doggie Bank?


= Asoko ni arimasu yo.

= It’s over there.

However, when you talk about the location of the event, you use で

Ex. ドッグス&キャッツのコンサートは、どこありますか?

= Doggs & Cats no konsaato wa, doko de arimasu ka?

= Where is the Dogs & Cats concert being held?

If you want to learn more about the difference between ( = ni)  vs ( = de) , check this lesson.

→Link  Click here

Note 2) You use ( = wo)  with some movement verbs such as 散歩する = さんぽする/走る = はしる = hashiru /歩く= あるく= aruku /飛ぶ = とぶ = tobu /渡る = わたる= wataru, etc.

Ex. 天気がいい日は、公園散歩します。

= てんきがいいひは、こうえんをさんぽします。

= Tenki ga ii hi wa, kouen wo sanpo shimasu.

= I take a walk in the park on sunny days.

Ex. 雨の中、校庭走らされた。

= あめのなか、こうていをはしらされた。

= Ame no naka, koutei wo hashirasareta.

= They made me run in the schoolyard in the rain.

(Literally: I was made to run in the schoolyard in the rain.)

Ex. 森の中歩いていたら熊が出てきた。

= もりのなかをあるいていたらくまがでてきた。

= Mori no naka wo aruite itara kuma ga dete kita.

= A bear came out while I was walking in the forest.

Ex. 飛ぶ夢を見た。

= そらをとぶゆめをみた。

= Sora wo tobu yume wo mita.

= I had a dream I was flying in the sky.

Ex. 新しいスーパーはこの橋渡ってまっすぐ行ったところにあります。

= あたらしいスーパーはこのはしをわたってまっすぐいったところにあります。

= Atarashii suupaa wa kono hashi wo watatte massugu itta tokoro ni arimasu.

= The new supermarket is straight ahead after crossing this bridge.

2) Method/tool/mean: action is done by/with ~ , to do something using ~ , something happened by ~ .

Ex. 店員: 「現金お支払いですか?」

= てんいん: 「げんきんでおしはらいですか?」

= Ten’in: Genki de oshiharai desu ka?

= Shop clerk: Will you be paying in cash?

客: 「いえ、クレジットカード払います。」

= きゃく: 「いえ、クレジットカードではらいます。」

= Kyaku: Ie, kurejitto kaado de haraimasu.

=  Customer: No, I’ll pay with a credit card.


= A: 「わかやままでなん(なに)でいきますか?」

= Wakayama made nan (nani) de ikimasu ka/

= A: How do you get to Wakayama?


= 「でんしゃでいきます。」

= Densha de ikimasu.

= B: I’m taking the train.

Ex. この寿司は、箸食べても手で食べてもいいです。

= このすしは、はしでたべてもてでたべてもいいです。

= Kono sushi wa hashi de tabetemo te de tabete mo ii desu.

= You can eat this sushi with chopsticks or with your hands.

Ex. 帽子が風飛ばされた。

= ぼうしがかぜでとばされた。

= Boushi ga kaze de tobasareta.

= My hat was blown away by the wind.

Ex. 彼らは、素晴らしい演奏会場を沸かせた。

= かれらは、すばらしいえんそうでかいじょうをわかせた。

= Karerwa wa, subarashii ensou de kaijou wo wakaseta.

= They electrified the venue with their brilliant performance.

Ex. すみません。英語話してくれますか?

= すみません。えいごではなしてくれますか?

= Sumimasen. Eigo de hanashite kuremasu ka?

= I’m sorry. Could you speak in English?

Ex. 善意聞いたのに誤解をされた。

= ぜんいできいたのにごかいをされた。

= Zen’i de kiita noni gokai wo sareta.

= I was misunderstood even though I asked with good intentions.

Ex. その映画は、去年、テレビ見ました。

= そのえいがは、きょねん、テレビでみました。

= Sono eiga wa, kyonen, terebi de mimashita.

= I watched that movie on TV last year

3) Ingredients/materials/components: Something is made of/made out of/made from ~ .

Ex. この歯ブラシは竹作られています。

= このはブラシはたけでつくられています。

= Kono haburashi wa take de tsukurarete imasu.

= This toothbrush is made of bamboo.

Ex. 自然素材できたTシャツが欲しい。

= しぜんそざいでできたTシャツがほしい。

= Shizen sozai de dekita T-shatsu ga hoshii.

= I want a T-shirt made of natural materials.

Ex. そのグループは高校生のメンバー構成されています。

= そのグループはこうこうせいのメンバーでこうせいされています。

= Sono guruupu wa koukousei no menbaa de kousei sareteimasu.

= The group is composed of high school students.

Ex.このサイトは皆さんへの愛満ちています。(From Maggie) 🩷

= このサイトはみなさんへのあいでみちています。

= Kono saito wa minasan eno ai de michite imasu.

= This website is filled with love for everyone. (From Maggie) 🩷

4) Cause/reason/purpose:  because/due to/for ~ .

Ex. 渋滞遅れます。

= じゅうたいでおくれます。

= Juutai de okuremasu.

= I’ll be late because of traffic.

Ex. 自転車の事故怪我をした。

= じてんしゃのじこでけがをした。

= Jitensha no jiko de kega wo shita.

= I got injured in a bicycle accident.

Ex. 出張大阪に行きます。

= しゅっちょうでおおさかにいきます。

= Shucchou de Oosaka ni ikimasu.

= I’m going to Osaka on a business trip.

Ex. 今日は、風邪お休みします。

= きょうは、かぜでおやすみします。

= Kyou wa, kaze de oyasumi shimasu.

= I will take the day off because I caught a cold.

😺 From the picture above:


= 「このあつさでまいっちゃう。」

= Kono atsusa de maicchau.

= This heat is killing me./I’m exhausted by the heat.


🔸~ちゃう ( = chau)  is a casual way to say ~てしまう ( = te shimau)

(check this lesson

How to use ちゃう/ちゃった ( = chau/chatta)

→Link  click here

🔸参る ( = まいる = mairu ) has many meanings.

参る ( = まいる = mairu)  in this sentence means “to be overwhelmed by heat/to be exhausted by heat” (→the usage 4)

1) to go/come (humble expression)

Ex. 只今、参ります。

= ただいままいります。

= Tadaima mairimasu.

= I am coming right now.

2) to worship at a shrine or temple.

Ex. 神社へ参る

= じんじゃへまいる

= Jinja e mairu.

(神社にお参りする = じんじゃにおまいりする = Jinja ni omairi suru)

3) to give up/ be defeated

Ex. 参りました。 🙇

= まいりました

= Mairimashita

= I’m beat/defeated/ You won./You got me.

4) to be exhausted


= からだがまいる

= Karada ga mairu

= to be exhausted

5) The basis for an evaluation (quality) or a condition.

Ex. その品質1万円は高すぎる。

= そのひんしつでいちまんえんはたかすぎる。

= Sono hinshitsu de ichiman-en wa takasugiru.

= 10,000 yen is too expensive for that (level of) quality.

Ex. 同じ色もっと大きいサイズはありますか?

= おなじいろでもっとおおきいサイズはありますか?

= Onaji iro de motto ookii saizu wa arimasu ka?

= Do you have a larger size in the same color?

Ex. 今のレベル試験に受かることは無理だ。

= いまのレベルでしけんにうかることはむりだ。

= Ima no reberu de shiken ni uaru koto wa muri da.

= At the current level, it’s not possible to pass the exam.

6) Indicating a specific time/time period/required time when something is done/finished/can be done/reaches to the limit.

The common verbs to use with are, 終わる (= おわる= owaru)  = something finishes /終える  ( = おえる = oeru) to finish/ 完成する ( = かんせいする = kansei suru) to be finished /できる ( = dekiru) to be finished/done/ potential verbs

Ex. A: 「今日は、何時まで仕事ですか?」

= A: 「きょうは、なんじまでしごとですか?」

= A: Kyou wa, nanji made shigoto desu ka?

= A: Until what time do we work today?

B: 「今日は、6時終わります。」

= B: 「きょうは、ろくじでおわります。」

= B: Kyou wa, rokuji de owarimasu.

= B: I finish at 6:00 today.

The nuance difference:


= ろくじにおわります。

= Rokuji ni owarimasu

= finish working at six (focusing the specific time→ six o’clock)


= ろくじでおわります。

= Rokuji de owarimasu.

This ( = de)  implies a sense of accomplishment (In this case one’s work is done ) and reaching a goal.

It is usually used when the speaker thinks 6:00 is a reasonable or expected time for work to end.

Ex. 毎日、定時帰れます。

= まいにち、ていじでかえれます。

= Mainichi, teiji de kaeremasu.

= I can leave at the regular hours every day.

Ex. 彼の新居は、今年の7月完成するらしい。

= かれのしんきょは、ことしのしちがつでかんせいするらしい。

= Kare no shinkyo wa, kotoshi no shichigatsu de kansei suru rashii.

= It seems his new house will be completed in July this year.

Ex. 来年の3月やっと学校を卒業できる。

= らいねんのさんがつでやっとがっこうをそつぎょうできる。

= Rainen no sangatsu de yatto gakkou wo sotsugyou dekiru.

= I can finally graduate from school next March.

Ex. 試験も明日やっと終わる。

= しけんもあしたでやっとおわる。

= Shiken mo ashia de yatto owaru.

= The exams will finally be over tomorrow.

Ex. 1万円何日過ごせるかなあ。

= いちまんえんでなんにちすごせるかなあ。

= Ichiman-en de nannichi sugoseru kanaa.

= I wonder how many days I can live on 10,000 yen.

Ex. あと1時間ぐらい着きます。

= あといちじかんぐらいでつきます。

= Ato ichijikan gurai de tsukimasu.

= I’ll be there in about an hour.

Ex. 1週間本を5冊も読んだ。

= いっしゅうかんでほんをごさつもよんだ。

= Isshuukan de hon wo gosatsu mo yonda.

= I read 5 books in one week!

Ex. 10分できる料理を教えてくれる?

= じゅっぷんでできるりょうりをおしえてくれる?

= Juppun de dekiru ryouri wo oshiete kureru?

= Can you teach me a dish that can be prepared in 10 minutes?

Ex. あと3日夏休みが始まる。

= あとみっかでなつやすみがはじまる。

= Ato mikka de natsuyasumi ga hajimaru.

= Summer vacation will start in three days.

Ex. あと10名受付を終了します。

= あとじゅうめいでうけつけをしゅうりょうします。

= Ato juumei de uketsuke wo shuuryou shimasu.

= We will stop accepting new applicants after 10 more people.

Ex. 半年JLPT 2級に合格できた。

= はんとしでJLPTにきゅうにごうかくできた。

= Hantoshi de JLPT nikyuu ni goukaku dekita.

= I passed the JLPT N2 after studying for six months.

Ex. この店は狭いから20人いっぱいになる。

= このみせはせまいからにじゅうにんでいっぱいになる。

= Kono mise wa semai kara nijuu-nin de ippai ni naru.

= This store is small that it gets crowded with 20 people

7) Talking about the price/cost/total amount/quantity.

Ex. 全部いくらですか?

= ぜんぶでいくらですか?

= Zenbu de ikura desu ka?

= How much is it in total?

Ex. 全部1万円になります。

= ぜんぶでいちまんえんになります。

= Zenbu de ichiman-en ni narimasu.

= That’ll be 10,000 yen in total.

Ex. このカラオケ屋は、午前中は、割引料金利用できます。

= このカラオケやは、ごぜんちゅうは、わりびきりょうきんでりようできます。

= Kono karaokeya wa, gocenchuu wa

= You can use this karaoke place at a discounted rate in the morning.

Ex. 2千円お腹いっぱい食べられるなんてお得だね。

= にせんえんでおなかいっぱいたべられるなんておとくだね。

= Nisen-en de onaka ippai taberareru nante otoku dane.

= This is such a great deal! I’m so stuffed for only ¥2,000!

8) per/at a rate of: What you get/do/pay per unit.

Ex. こちらのいちごは、1家族2パックまで買えます。

= こちらのいちごは、ひとかぞく2パックまでかえます。

= Kochira no ichigo wa, hitokazoku de nipakku made kaemasu.

= Each family can only purchase up to two packs of strawberries.

Note: You can rephrase this ( = de)  with につき ( = ni tsuki).

Ex. この駐車場は、1時間400円だ。

= このちゅうしゃじょうは、いちじかんでよんひゃくえんだ。

= Kono chuushajou wa, ichijikan de yonhyakuen da.

= This parking is 400 yen per hour.

Ex. 五人一つのグループを作ってください。

= ごにんでひとつのグループをつくってください。

= Gonin de hitotsu no guruupu wo tsukutte kudasai.

= Please form a group of five.

Ex. 客「このすき焼き用の肉はいくらですか?」

= きゃく:「このすきやきようのにくはいくらですか?」

= Kyaku: Kono tsukiyakiyou no niku wa ikura desu ka?

= Customer: How much is this sukiyaki meat?


= てんいん:「ひゃくグラムでにせんえんです。」

= Ten’in: Hyakuguramu de nisenen desu.

= Shop clerk: 2,000 yen for 100 grams.

9) Indicating doing something as a group/a unit: Doing something together or by oneself.

Ex. みんな行こう

= みんなでいこう

= Minna de ikou.

= Let’s go together.

Ex. A: 「日本は、何人行くの?」

= A: 「にほんは、なんにんでいくの?」

= A: Nihon wa, nannin de iku no?

= How many people are you going to Japan with?

B: 「四人行きます。」

= よにんでいきます。

= Yonin de ikimasu.

= Four of us will go. / There will be four of us.

Ex. 五人いっぱい食べてたった1万円なんて、安いね。

= ごにんでいっぱいたべてたったいちまんえんなんて、やすいね。

= Gonin de ippai tabete tatta ichimanen nante, yasui ne.

= It’s so cheap to eat all you want for just 10,000 yen with five people.

Ex. 今度、ハワイに行くときは、家族行きたい。

= こんど、ハワイにいくときは、かぞくでいきたい。

= Kondo, Hawai ni iku toki wa, kazoku de ikitai.

= I want to go to Hawaii with my family next time. (as a family )

Note: You can say ( = to)  instead of ( = de) .

They both can be translated “with my family” but the difference is:


= かどくといきたい

=kazoku to ikitai

= I want to go to Hawaii with my family members.


= かぞくでいきたい

= kazoku de ikitai

= I want to go to Hawaii together with my family as one unit.

Expressing the idea of going to Hawaii as a unit with one’s family.

Note: You can use ( = de)  even when you do something by yourself, alone.

* You can use ( = de)  with adverbial particle, such as だけ/のみ/きり ( = dake/nomi/kiri) , etc.

Ex. 子供だけ出かけさせても大丈夫かなあ。

= こどもだけででかけさせてもだいじょうぶかなあ。

= Kodomo dakede dekakesasetemo daijoubu kanaa.

= I wonder if it’s okay to let my kids go out by themselves.

Ex. 彼女と二人きりどこかに行きたい。

= かのじょとふたりきりでどこかにいきたい。

= Kanojo to futarikiri de dokoka ni ikitai.

= I want to go somewhere alone with her.

It indicates a unit to do something. So even if you are talking about doing something by yourself you can still use で.

Ex. 週末は一人琵琶湖に行きます。

= しゅうまつはひとりでびわこにいきます。

= Shuumatsu wa hitori de biwako ni ikimasu.

= I am going to Biwako on the weekend by myself.

Ex. A: 「手伝おうか?」(Casual)

A: 「てつだおうか?」

= A: Tetsudaou ka?

= A:Do you need any help?

B: 「大丈夫。一人できるよ。」

= B: だいじょうぶ。ひとりでできるよ。

=B: Daijoubu. Hitori de dekiru yo.

= B: I’m good. I can do it by myself.

10) even (with)   + いい = de + ii = ~ is just fine/good enough (compromising).

Ex. マギー先生いい。

= マギーせんせいがいい。

= Maggie Sensei ga ii.

= I want Maggie Sensei. (Nobody else)

Ex. マギー先生いいよ。

=  マギーせんせいでいいよ。

= Maggie Sensei de iiyo.

= I don’t mind if Maggie Sensei is my teacher.

( = ga)  expresses one’s strong desire/preference and ( = de)  expresses one’s feeling of compromising or sometimes it gives a sense of looking down on someone/something so you have to be careful when to use it.

Ex. これでいいです。

= Kore de ii desu.

= This is fine.

Ex. A:「何か作ろうか?何が食べたい?」

= A:「なにかつくろうか?なにがたべたい?」

= A: Nanika tsukurou ka? Nani ga tabetai ?

= A:Shall we make something? What do you feel like eating?


= B:「かんたんなものでいいよ。」

= B: Kantanna mono de iiyo.

=B: Something simple is fine.

⭐️Check the related lesson: How to use で(も)いい &  がいい

 Link: Click here

11) among / the most ~ in (category/group/choices) / indicating superlative or comparative relationships.

Ex. マギーが世界一番好き!!

= マギーがせかいでいちばんすき!!

= Maggie ga sekai de ichiban suki!!

= I love Maggie the most in the world!

Ex. クラス一番背が高い人は誰ですか?

= クラスでいちばんせがたかいひとはだれですか?

= Kurasu de ichiban se ga takai hito wa dare desu ka?

= Who is the tallest person in the class?

Ex. この中私に一番似合うのはどれ?

= このなかでわたしにいちばんにあうのはどれ?

= Kono naka de watashi ni ichiban niau no wa dore?

= Which one of these suits me the best?

12) Describing the state/condition/manner of action, Doing something wearing/putting on ~ .

Ex. そんな格好出掛けてはいけません。

= そんなかっこうででかけてはいけません。

= Sonna kakkou de dekaketewa ikemasen.

= You shouldn’t go out dressed like that.

Ex. 子供の頃は、裸足庭を駆け回っていた。

= こどものころは、はだしでにわをかけまわっていた。

= Kodomo no koro wa, hadashi de niwa wo kakemawatte ita.

= When I was a child, I used to run around the garden barefoot.

Ex. 薄着出かけたので風邪をひいた。

= うすぎででかけたのでかぜをひいた。

= Usugi de dekaketa node kaze wo hiita.

= I caught a cold because I went out lightly dressed.

Ex. 店の外は開店を待っている人いっぱいだった。

= みせのそとはかいてんをまっているひとでいっぱいだった。

= Mise no soto wa kaiten wo matte iru hito de ippai datta.

= There were many people waiting outside the store for it to open.

Ex. 悪い姿勢長時間座ると腰が痛くなる。

= わるいしせいでちょうじかんすわるとこしがいたくなる。

= Warui shisei de choujikan suwaru to koshi ga itaku naru.

= Sitting for a long time with bad posture can make your lower back hurt.

13)  Indicating one’s choice among available options./Expressing preference/Making a request among options.

Ex. 店員:「お飲み物は?」

= てんいん:「おのみものは?」

= Ten’in: Onomimono wa?

= Shop clerk: What would you like to drink?


= きゃく: 「ああ、じゃあ、コーヒーで…」

= Kyaku: Aa, jaa, koohii de…

= Customer: Let’s see. OK, I’ll have coffee…

Note:  The difference between



= Koohii wo onegaishimasu



= コーヒーでおねがいします。

= Koohii de onegai shimasu


While コーヒーをお願いします ( =コーヒーをおねがいします = Koohii wo onegaishimasu) is a straightforward request for coffee.

→You want to order specifically coffee.

コーヒーでお願いします ( = コーヒーでおねがいします。= Koohii de onegai shimasu) emphasizes choice of coffee among other options.

Ex. 店員:「ご注文はお決まりですか?」

= てんいん「ごちゅうもんはおきまりですか?」

= Ten’in: Gochuumon wa okimari desu ka?

= Shop attendantAre you ready to order?


= きゃく: 「ハンバーガー、セットでおねがいします。」

= Kyaku: Hanbaagaa, setto de onegai shimasu.

= Customer: I’d like a hamburger set/combo, please.

This ( = de)  implies the customer had other options on the menu and chose a set/combo.

(At a sushi restaurant)

Ex. わさび抜きお願いします。

= わさびぬきでおねがいします。

= Wasabi nuki de onegai shimasu.

= Without wasabi, please.

(Buying a T-shirt)

Ex. 色は赤、大きさは、Lサイズでお願いします。

= いろはあかで、おおきさは、Lサイズでおねがいします。

= Iro wa aka de, ookisa wa eru saizu de onegai shiamsu.

= I’ll have the red one with a large size, please.


= 「で」のつかいかた、いっぱいありましたね。では、このへんでおわりましょう

= “de” no tsukaikata, ippai arimashita ne. Dewa, kono hen de owarimashou.

= There are many ways of using で ( = de) ! OK,I guess we should wrap it up here.


マギー先生より = マギーせんせいより = From Maggie Sensei

Lily先生、ありがとう! = Lilyせんせい、ありがとう! = Lily Sensei arigatou!

= Thank you, Lily Sensei.


= あついけど、からだにきをつけてすごしてくださいね。

= Atsuikedo, karada ni ki wo tsukete sugoshite kudasaine.

= Take care of yourself in this heat, OK?


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  1. Hey man I was really struggling again. Could you tell me what the function of the で is here? Thanks as always, I appreciate the help.


    1. Hi Matias
      the particle で indicates the condition or method for screening various movies.

  2. Hello Maggie Sensei,

    I found this sentence a while ago on stack exchange:
    ”Ami just went out as we passed each-other” Is the translation apparently.

    And I hear the で here indicates situation? But I don’t know how one would parse or translate it? It does not indicate location nor time so how would one translate it? I’ve even tried to look for grammar guides talking about it but no one does. I am completely stuck and lost now… I feel like I’m back on 0 :(

    1. Hello Mathias

      If you want to categorize this で, maybe “12) Describing the state/condition/manner of action” would work.
      で indicates the situation or condition under which the action (in this case, Ami-san going out) took place.
       →入れ違い describes the situation how Ami has left while the listener is coming back.

      1. Thanks for the nice comment on your buymeacoffee page :)
        There was one specific point I was confused by, and I hope it’s fine to ask this here as well.
        But according to stack exchange here:

        確認で functions as ”condition marker” which still confuses me. It seems much more closer related to the purpose function as you mentioned on this post in my honest opinion. Could you take the time to check that link and give me your opinion? If ”for confirmation” is a condition could you elaborate how? Or is it just a purpose marker here? Thanks again.

        1. Hello Mathias
          Ahh, it was you! 😮
          Sorry for the confusion. Just so you know, I’ve never deleted your comments as spam—that must have been someone else.
          Thank you so much again for the coffees! ☕️🩷
          And of course, feel free to ask me questions here anytime. ☺️

          It depends on the context but for example,
          the particle で indicates the purpose, meaning “in order to confirm” or “for confirmation.”
          If you rephrase it, 確認のため
          So you are right. It is the purpose marker.

          1. Thanks for the reply :)
            I see, so it isn’t condition but the purpose marker thanks for the answer!
            And you’re welcome for the coffees! I had another last question that still bugged me cause I read this in stack exchange:

            ”というわけで in the middle of a sentence is NOT interchangeable with というわけであって, というわけであり or というわけでして, so I think this type of で is a particle that marks a condition/scope.”

            But I am confused, I thought the で in というわけで was for ”reason” and not condition?

          2. OK, when you explain the reason, you say:
            〜というわけだ / (polite) というわけです

            わけ = noun
            だ / です = auxiliary verb (助動詞)
            As you know, the te-form can be used to connect sentences, meaning “and” or “so.”
            The te-form of this auxiliary verb (だ) is で in this case.

            So, in というわけで, the で is the te-form of the auxiliary verb だ, and it means “and/so.”

  3. こんばんは、マギー先生!
    This was a very useful guide and helped me a lot. I thought I knew all the usages of the ”de” particle but after coming back I only had like 80% of it.

    I have a question for you though which has been bothering me for a while, there is a specific usage I just can’t grasp. I’ve been trying to get my head wrapped around it but my brain just is not able to.

    The concept of ”追加で” is confusing me. Some say it is the ”means/method” of an action while some say it is the conditional/scope marker (Which I still don’t understand)
    Could you explain to me how it works in these three sentences if you got the time?



    食べ物で言ったら…寿司がいい (another usage I’m confused by)

    Kind regards – Kevin

    1. Hi Kevin

      追加で Maybe it will be easier to think this で as a method (by means of an addition)
      → で shows that ordering A is done by adding it as an extra item.
      →で indicates that the preparation of additional dollar bills is done by adding them as an extra step.

      But you are right. This で could be interpreted as a function of conditional marker.
      (the condition being ordering something extra)

      In this case, I would say it belongs to 13)Indicating one’s choice among available options./Expressing preference/Making a request among options.

      1. P.S. last question. With the ”追加で頼むといくらですか?” Example in mind, since you mentioned it could be conditional. How would one translate the ”追加で” here? Would ”by means of” still be viable?

          1. Yeah after looking back I had a feeling, thanks for clarifying! Now I feel more confident to continue with input.

  4. マギ先生のサイトで、いつも新しいものを学んでいます。ありがとうございます :)


    1. こんにちは、ルナ

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