How to use といえば ( = toieba) & Casual Expression ~っちゃ〜 = ~ ccha ~


= こそだてはたいへんといえばたいへんだけどたのしいです。

= Kosodate wa taihen to ieba taihen dakedo tanoshii desu.

= Raising a child is rather hard but it is fun at the same time.

Hello everyone! I am your guest teacher, Tompok. I am breastfeeding my baby, Rose.

We are going to study

* A といえば B  ( = A to ieba B)

* A といえば A  ( = A to ieba A)

and the casual version

* AっちゃA  ( = A ccha A) today.

といえば ( = to ieba) is JLPT N3 to N2 level grammar but we will include many casual example sentences that you’ll hear in conversation as well.

⭐️ A といえば B  (A と言えば B= A to ieba B

🔸How to form:

verb (casual form: present, past, progressive form, etc.) / noun / adjective + といえば = to ieba

🔸How to use:

1. When you explain what A is / talk about A: A is B

Ex. A: 「ねえ、ChatGPTってなに?」

= Nee, ChatGPT tte nani?

= Hey, what is ChatGPT?

B: 「ChatGPTといえば今、話題になっているAIじゃないの?」

= 「ChatGPTといえばいま、わだいになっているAIじゃないの?」

= ChatGPT to ieba, ima, wadai ni natteiru AI janaino?

= ChatGPT is AI that everyody is talking about, right?

Ex. 5月の台風といえばかなり珍しいと思う。

= ごがつのたいふうといえばかなりめずらしいとおもう。

= Gogatsu no taifuu to ieba kanari mezurashii to omou.

= I think typhoons in May are pretty rare.

Ex. 姫路城といえば白鷺城とも呼ばれている美しいお城です。

= ひめじじょうといえばしらさぎじょうともよばれているうつくしいおしろです。

= Himejijou to ieba Shirasagijou tomo yobarete iru utsukushii oshiro desu.

= (Literal translation) Speaking of Himeji Castle, it is a beautiful castle also known as “White Egret Castle”.
Himeji Castle is a beautiful castle also known as “White Egret Castle”.

2) Speaking of ~ / Talking about ~ / Which reminds me ~

When you bring up a topic and give new information or ask a question which is related to the subject that someone has just mentioned.

Someone just mentioned Osaka.


Ex. 「大阪といえば、来週ユニバに行くんだ。」

= おおさかといえば、らいしゅうユニバにいくんだ。

= Oosaka to ieba, raishuu yuniba ni ikunda.

= Speaking of Osaka, I am going to Universal Studios next week.

Someone just mentioned a movie.


Ex. 映画と言えば、スーパーマリオの映画、観た?

= えいがといえば、スーパーマリオのえいが、みた?

= Eiga to ieba, suupaa mario no eiga, mita?

= Speaking of movies, did you see The Super Mario Bros. movie?

Someone just said お金がない = おかねがない = okanega nai = not having money/out of money / being broke

Ex. 「お金がないといえば、マギーまたゆかりからお金を借りていたよ。」

= おかねがないといえば、マギーまたゆかりからおかねをかりていたよ。

= Okanega nai to ieba, Maggie mata Yukari kara okane wo kariteitayo.

= Speaking of not having money, Maggie was borrowing money from Yukari again.

Someone just mentioned that they cried.


Ex. 泣いたといえば、スラムダンクは泣いたよね。

= ないたといえば、スラムダンクはないたよね。

= Naita to ieba, Suramu Danku wa naita yone.

= Speaking of having cried, Slam Dunk made me cry.

Someone just mentioned that some place is crowded.


Ex. 混んでいるといえば、新しいモールに先週行ったんだけどすごい人だった。

= こんでいるといえば、あたらしいモールにせんしゅういったんだけどすごいひとだった。

= Konde iru to ieba, atarashii mooru ni senshuu ittan dakedo sugoi hito datta.

= Speaking of crowded places, I went to the new mall last week and it was very crowded.

Someone just said that something is delicious.


Ex. おいしいといえば、駅前にできたラーメン屋行った? めちゃめちゃ美味しいよ。

= おいしいといえば、えきまえにできたラーメンやいった?めちゃめちゃおいしいよ。

= Oishii to ieba, ekimae ni dekita raamenya itta? Mechamecha oishii yo.

= Speaking of delicious, have you been to the new ramen shop in front of the station? It is super delicious.

Someone just mentioned that something was cheap.


Ex. 安いといえば、このジェケット、いくらだったと思う?

= やすいといえば、このジャケット、いくらだったとおもう?

= Yasui to ieba, kono jaketto, ikura datta to omou ?

= Speaking of something cheap, how much do you think this jacket cost?

Someone just talked about going through something hard / painful / tough


Ex. 辛かったといえば、去年、怪我で決勝戦に出られなかったのは辛かったなあ。

= つらかったといえば、きょねん、けがでけっしょうせんにでられなかったのはつらかったなあ。

= Tsurakatta to ieba, kyone, kega de kesshousen ni derarenakatta nowa tsurakatta naa.

= Speaking of the tough experiences, it was very hard when I got injured and couldn’t play in the final game last year.

Someone just mentioned that something is convenient / useful


Ex. 便利といえばこのアプリ使ったことある?

= べんりといえばこのアプリつかったことある?

= Benri to ieba kono apuri tsukatta koto aru?

= Speaking of something useful, have you ever used this app?

3)Bringing up something typical

A といえば B  = A to ieba B

When it comes to A I always think of B/When you hear the word A, the first thing you think of is B / Speaking of A , B comes to mind

It is commonly used to express the idea of association or immediate connection between A and B. It implies that B is strongly and commonly associated with A.

So B is often something that people generally or typically associate with A. It can be something famous, typical, or widely known in relation to A.

However, it’s also possible to bring up something that has a personal association for the speaker.

Ex. 日本の夏といえば祭りです。

= にほんのなつといえばまつりです。

= Nihon no natsu to ieba matsuri desu.

= Speaking of Japanese summers, the first thing that comes to mind is festivals.

Note: You can also use といったら ( と言ったら) = to ittara instead of といえば ( = toieba).


= にほんのなつといったらまつりです。

= Nihon no natsu to ittara matsuri desu.

A: 「北海道といえば味噌ラーメンだよね。」

= ほっかいどうといえばみそラーメンだよね。

= Hokkaido to ieba miso raamen dayone.

= When it comes with Hokkaido, the first thing that comes to mind is miso ramen.

/The first thing I think of when it comes to Hokkaido is miso ramen. / The first thing I think of when I think of Hokkaido is miso ramen.

B: 「違うよ。北海道といえばいかめしだよ。」

= ちがうよ。ほっかいどうといえばいかめしだよ。

= Chigau yo. Hokkaidou to ieba ikameshi dayo.

= No, ikameshi (squid rice) comes first.

Ex. 京都で行きたいところといえばやっぱり清水寺です。

= きょうとでいきたいところといえばやっぱりきよみずでらです。

= Kyouto de ikitai tokoro to ieba yappari Kiyomizudera desu.

= The place I would like to visit the most in Kyoto is without any doubt Kiyomizu Temple.

Ex. 子供に人気のゲームといえば ポケモンです。

= こどもににんきのゲームといえばポケモンです。

= Kodomo ni ninki no geemu to ieba pokemon desu.

= When it comes to popular game among children,  Pokemon comes first.


A: 「どこかいい温泉ない?」

= どこかいいおんせんない?

= Dokoka ii onsen nai?

= Do you know any good hot springs?

B: 「温泉といえば熱海じゃない?」

= おんせんといえばあたみじゃない?

= Onsen to ieba Atami janai?

= When it comes to hot springs,  it’s got to be Atami, right?

Ex. ハワイのお土産といえばなんといってもコナコーヒーだ。

= ハワイのおみやげといえばなんといってもコナコーヒーだ。

= Hawai no omiyage to ieba nanto ittemo Konakoohii da.

= When it comes to a gift from Hawaii, no matter what you say, the first thing that comes to mind is Kona coffee.

Ex. 海のミルクといえば牡蠣です。

= うみのミルクといえばかきです。

= Umi no miruku to ieba kaki desu.

= Oysters are known to be milk of the sea.

⭐️ AといえばA ( = Aと言えばA) = A to ieba A

🔸How to form: 

* verb (casual form: present, past, progressive form, etc.) / noun / adjective

It often follows the conjunction such as  ( = ga)/けど ( = kedo) = but

🔸How to use:

You accept that A is true, but you may not completely agree with it or support it wholeheartedly.

It is true that someone does A / something is A to some extent ~( but  ~)  / If you ask me if someone does / something is A (but ~ ) / I suppose A / in a way / sort of ~

Ex. 彼のことが好きだといえば好きだがよく口喧嘩をするよ。

= かれのことがすきだといえばすきだがよくくちげんかをするよ。

= Kare no koto ga sukida to ieba suki daga yoku kuchigenka wo suru yo.

= If you asked me if I like him, yes I do like him, but we often argue.

Ex. A: 「痛い?」

= いたい?

= Itai?

= Does it hurt?

B: 「痛いといえば痛いけど大したことないよ。」

= いたいといえばいたいけどたいしたことないよ。

= Itai to ieba itai kedo taishita koto nai yo.

= I suppose it does hurt, but it is not a big deal.

Ex. A: 「外は寒い?」

= そとはさむい?

= Soto wa samui?

= Is it cold outside?

B: 「寒いと言えば寒いけど..」

= さむいといえばさむいけど…

= Samui to ieba samui kedo.

= I suppose it is cold but…

It implies “If I have to say whether it is cold or not, it is cold but it is not that cold.”

Ex. A: 「宿題はやった?」

= しゅくだいはやった?

= Shukudai wa yatta?

= Did you finish your homework?

B: 「やったと言えばやったけど、合っているかどうかは全く自信がないなあ。」

= やったといえばやったけど、あっているかどうかはまったくじしんがないなあ。

= Yatta to ieba yatta kedo, atte iru ka doukawa mattaku jishin ga nai naa.

= Well, I did it, but I am not confident I got them right.


A: 「会議の資料はできましたか?」

= かいぎのしりょうはできましたか?

= Kaigi no shiryou wa dekimashita ka?

= Have you finished the meeting materials?

B: 「できたといえばできたのですが最終チェックが終わっていません。」

= できたといえばできたのですがさいしゅうチェックがおわっていません。

= Dekita to ieba dekita no desuga saishuu chekku ga owatte imasen.

= I can say that it’s done, but the final check hasn’t been completed yet.

Ex. 母:「お父さんからお小遣いもらったの?」

= はは: おとうさんからおこづかいもらったの?

= Haha: Otousan kara okozukai morattano?

Mother: Did you get your allowance from your dad?


むすこ: 「もらったといえばもらたんだけどぜんぜんたりないよ。」

= Musuko: Moratta to ieba morattan dakedo zenzen tarinaiyo.

= Son: I did get it, but it was not enough.


A: 「今日は暑いね。」

= きょうはあついね。

= Kyou wa atsuine.

= It’s hot today, isn’t it?

B: 「暑いといえば暑いけどエアコンをつけるまでもないね。」

= あついといえばあついけどエアコンをつけるまでもないね。

= Atsui to ieba atsui kedo eakon wo tsukeru mademo naine.

= I guess it’s hot, but it’s not turn-on-the-air-conditioning hot


A: 「お弁当美味しかった?」

= おべんとうおいしかった?

= Obentou oishikatta?

= Was the boxed lunch good?

B: 「うん、美味しいといえば美味しかったんだけどちょっと味が薄かった。」

= うん、おいしいといえばおいしかったんだけどちょっとあじがうすかった。

= Un, oishii to ieba oishikattandakedo chotto aji ga usukatta.

= Yeah, I would say it was delicious, but it was a little bland.

Ex. 失格といえば失格だがチャンスはまだある。

= しっかくといえばしっかくだがチャンスはまだある。

= Shikkaku to ieba shikkau daga chansu wa mada aru.

= It’s true that I’m disqualified, but there is still a chance.

When you give the ambiguous reply which can be yes and no.

Ex. A: 「今、時間ある?」

= いま、じかんある?

= Ima, jikan aru?

= Do you have a moment?

B: 「う~ん…あるといえばあるし、ないといえばない..」

= Uun, aru to ieba arushi, nai to ieba nai.

= Hmm, yes and no.

A: 「お腹すいてる?」

= おなかすいてる?

= Onaka suiteru?

= Are you hungry?

B: すいているかといえばすいているしすいていないといえばそんなにすいてない。

= Suiteiruka to ieba suiteiru shi suitenia to ieba sonnani suitenai.

= If you ask me if I’m hungry, I am and if you ask me if I’m not hungry, I’m not that hungry.

(It is expressing that the speaker’s level of hunger is somewhat moderate.)

Casual Expression:

⭐️ A っちゃ A  ( = A ccha A)

A といえば A ( = A to ieba A ) →(casual way) A っちゃ A  ( = A ccha A)

* How to form:

noun / verb (dictionary form, potential form, etc.) / adjective + っちゃ ( = ccha) + verb (dictionary form) / adjective  ( + けど = kedo)

Ex. A: 「あんな高級ホテルに泊まれていいなあ。」

= あんなこうきゅうホテルにとまれていいなあ。

= Anna koukyuu hoteru ni tomarete iinaa.

= I’m jealous that you get to stay at such a luxury hotel.

B: 「高級っちゃ高級だけど値段の割に大したことないよ。」(←高級といえば高級

= こうきゅうっちゃこうきゅうだけどねだんのわりにたいしたことないよ。(←こうきゅうといえばこうきゅう
= Koukyuuccha koukyu dakedo nedan no wari ni taishita koto naiyo. (←Koukyuu to ieba koukyuu)

= I suppose it’s a luxury hotel, but it is not that great for the price.

Ex. たけし:  「お酒強い?」

= たけし:  おさけつよい?

= Takeshi: Osake tsuyoi?

=Takeshi:  Can you hold your alcohol?

B: 「強いっちゃ強いけど、たけしほどじゃないよ。」(←強いといえば強い

= つよいっちゃつよいけど、たけしほどじゃないよ。(←つよいといえばつよい

= Tsuyoiccha tsuyoi kedo, Takeshi hodo janai yo. (←Tsuyoi to ieba tsuyoi)

= (Talking to Takeshi) I would say I can but not as much you can.

Ex. A: 「日本語話せるの?」

= にほんごはなせるの?

= Nihongo hanaseru no?

= Can you speak Japanese?

B: 「話せるっちゃ話せるけど漢字は全然読めない。」(←話せるといえば話せる

= はなせるっちゃはなせるけどかんじはぜんぜんよめない。(←はなせるといえばはなせる

= Hanaseruccha hanaseru kedo kanji wa zenzen yomenai. (← Hanaseru to ieba hanaseru)

= I suppose (you could say that) I can, but I can’t read kanji at all.

⭐️Slang expression: ありっちゃあり = ariccha ari

*ありっちゃあり = ariccha ari (←ありといえばあり = ari to ieba ari)

Note: あり/アリ( = ari) is a slang word that means something is acceptable, possible, or not a bad idea

Check the related lesson:

ありっちゃあり ( = ariccha ari) is a common colloquial expression used when someone sees or hears something they kind of like or find acceptable. The translation can vary depending on the context, but it generally conveys a sense of approval, openness, or acceptance. It implies that while it may not be perfect or ideal, it is still considered acceptable or not a bad idea.

Ex. 夏休みに日本に行くのもありっちゃありだなあ。

= なつやすみににほんにいくのもありっちゃありだなあ。

= Natsuyasumi ni nihon ni iku nomo ariccha ari danaa.

= Going to Japan in summer vacation is actually not a bad idea.

Ex. スーツにスニカーもありっちゃありだと思う

= スーツにスニカーもありっちゃありだとおもう。

= Suutsu ni sniikaa mo ariccha ari dato omou.

=  I think wearing sneakers with a suit could work.

Ex. 海外で仕事を見つけるのもありっちゃありだよな

= かいがいでしごとをみつけるのもありっちゃありだよな。

= Kaigai de shigoto wo mitsukeru nomo ariccha ari dayo na.

= Finding a job overseas could be possible.

(Though finding a job overseas may not be guaranteed or ideal, it is still considered a viable or possible option.)


マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei yori


= Tompok Sensei, Rose-chan arigatou.

= Thank you Tompok Sensei and Rose-chan.

日本語と言えば、maggiesensei.comですよね。 😉

= にほんごといえば ですよね。

= Nihongo to ieba desu yone. 

= When it comes to Japanese language, the first thing that may come up with is, right?


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  1. かわいい犬といえば、マギー先生ですね!

    PS, I think there is a typo in both these sentences:

    Ex. 安いといえば、このジェケット、いくらだったと思う?
    = やすいといえば、このジャケット、いくらだったおおもう?

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