= Saa, kiai wo irete ikuyo.
= OK, let’s roll up our sleeves!
無断転載・複写を禁じます.(All rights reserved)
Hi everyone!
I am 寅次郎 ( = Torajirou)! Your guest teacher for today.
Today’s lesson is all about expressions using 気 ( = き).
There are many!
Maggie made a couple of lessons using 気 in past!
Introduction lesson on 気
気にする vs. 気になる = ki ni suru vs ki ni naru
Some people have been asking her to make a lesson that covers more 気 ( = ki) expressions, and we’ve finally made another one!
First let’s review the definition of 気 ( = ki) is
→feelings, one’s energy, sprit, mind
Something you can’t see, but it is very important in order to live and connect with other people.
There are so many expressions. I will do my best to cover as many as possible.
Ready? Here we go!
★ 気が~ = きが~ = ki ga ~
* 気が合う = きがあう = ki ga au = to get along
Ex. 私達は、会った時から気が合った。
= Watashitachi wa, atta toki kara ki ga atta.
= We hit it off since we first met.
* 気が大きくなる = きがおおきくなる = ki ga ookiku naru
= to get carried away / to feel uninhibited / generous / can also describe feeling of doing something brave
Ex. 海外旅行に行くとなぜか気が大きくなってぜいたくをしてしまう。
= Kaigai ryokou ni iku to naze ka ki ga ookiku natte zeitaku wo shite shimau.
= I don’t know why, but when I travel abroad, I feel like buying expensive things and splurging.
* 気がおかしくなる = きがおかしくなる = ki ga okashikunaru/気が変になる = きがへんになる = ki ga hen ni naru = to go crazy, to lose one’s mind
Ex. 2週間もホテルに隔離すると考えただけで気がおかしくなる。
= Nishuukan mo hoteru ni kakuri suruto kangaeta dake de ki ga okashiku naru.
= Just thinking about quarantining for two weeks at a hotel makes me crazy.
* 気が治まる = きがおさまる = ki ga osamaru = to become calm/peaceful / to feel better
Ex. 彼に言いたいことを言ったらやっと気が治まった。
= Kare ni iitai koto wo ittara yatto ki ga osamatta.
= After telling him what I wanted, I finally felt better.
* 気が重い = きがおもい = ki ga omoi = to feel down
Ex. 明日の会議のことを考えるだけで気が重い。
= Ashita no kaigi no koto wo kangaeru dake de ki ga omoi.
= Just thinking about the meeting tomorrow brings me down.
* 気が利く = きがきく = ki ga kiku = attentive, thoughtful
Ex. A: 「お酒のつまみを作ったからどうぞ。」
= Osake no tsumami wo tsukutta kara douzo.
= Here are somethings to nibble on for the drinks I made.
B: 「気が利くね。ありがとう!」
= Ki ga kiku ne. Arigatou!
= You are thoughtful! Thanks!
* 気が変わる = きがかわる = ki ga kawaru = to change one’s mind
A: 父:「なんでも買ってあげるよ。」
= Chichi: Nandemo katte ageru yo.
= Father: I’ll buy you anything.
= Kodomo: “Jaa, ki ga kawaranai uchi ni, otousan, kore katte!
= Child : OK, before you change your mind, buy me this, Dad.
* 気が立つ = きがたつ = ki ga tatsu = to be irritable, to be on edge
Ex. 彼は今、試験前で少し気が立っている。
= Kare wa ima, shiken mae de sukoshi ki ga tatte iru.
= It’s right before the exam, so he is a little edgy.
*気が済む = きがすむ = ki ga sumu = to feel better
Ex. 子供には気が済むまで好きなことをやらせたほうがいい。
= Kodomo niwa ki ga sumu made sukina koto wo yarareta hou ga ii.
= You should let your children do things they like until they get satisfied.
* 気がする = きがする = ki ga suru = to get a feeling/feel like
Ex. 今日、なんかいいことがあるような気がする
= Kyou, nan ka ii koto ga aru you na ki ga suru.
= I feel like something good will happen today.
* 気がつく =きがつく = ki ga tsuku
= to notice / to realize / to be attentive / to be observant
You also say 気付く = きづく = kizuku
Ex. 学校に着いて携帯を忘れたことに気がついた。(or 気づいた)
= Gakkou ni tsuite keitai wo wasureta koto ni ki ga tsuita. (or kizuita)
= I noticed that I had forgotten my cellphone when I arrived at school.
* 気が遠くなる = きがとおくなる = ki ga tooku naru = losing consciousness / to feel overwhelmed
Ex. 気が遠くなるような時間をかけてこの映画は作られた。
= Ki ga tooku naru you na jikan wo kakete kono eiga wa tsukurareta.
= This film was made over an overwhelmingly long time.
* 気が咎める = きがとがめる = ki ga togameru = to feel guilty
Ex. 友達に内緒で京都に行くのは気が咎める。
= Tomodachi ni naisho de Kyouto ni iku nowa ki ga togameru.
= I felt bad keeping it a secret from my friend that I had gone to Kyoto.
* 気が長い = きがながい= ki ga nagai = patient
Ex. えっ?1日荷物が来るのを待っていたの?本当に気が長いね。
= Eh? Ichinichi nimotsu ga kuru nowo matte ita no? Hontou ni ki ga nagai ne.
= What? You were waiting for the package all day? You really are patient.
Related expression: 気の長い話 = きのながいはなし = ki no nagai hanashi
= something that takes a long time to complete which requires one’s patience
Ex. この寺の修復にはあと5年はかかるとのこと。随分、気の長い話だ。
= Kono tera no shuufku niwa ato gonen wa kakaru tono koto. Zuibun, ki no nagai hanashi da.
= They said it will take another five years to finish fixing this temple.
It is a long and slow process (which requires patience).
* 気が短い = きがみじかい = ki ga mijikai = short tempered
Ex. 彼は気が短くてちょっとしたことですぐに怒る。
= Kare wa ki ga mijikakute chotto shita koto de sugu ni okoru.
= He has a short temper and gets angry easily.
* 気が違う = きがちがう = ki ga chigau = to go crazy
Ex. 仕事が忙しすぎて気が違いそうだ。
= Shigoto ga isogashisugite ki ga chigai sou da.
= I have been so busy with work, and it has been driving me crazy.
* 気が散る = きがちる = ki ga chiru = to get distracted
Ex. 勉強中、気が散るから他のところでゲームしてよ。
= Benkyouchuu, ki ga cchiru kara hoka no tokoro de geemu shite yo.
= I can’t focus on studying. Play that game somewhere else.
* 気が詰まる = きがつまる = ki ga tsumaru = to feel oppressed/suffocating
Related word: 気詰まり = きづまり = kizumari (noun)
Ex. あの子と二人でいると気が詰まりそうだ。
= Anoko to futari de iru to ki ga tsumari souda.
= I feel like I am suffocating when I am alone with her.
* 気が進まない = きがすすまない= ki ga susumanai = not feel like doing something/not up for something, reluctant
Ex. この話、気が進まなかったら断ってもいいんだよ。
= Kono hanashi, ki ga susumanakattara kotowatte mo iin dayo.
= If you don’t feel like doing it, you can just say “No”.
* 気が付く = きがつく = ki ga tsuku
1) to notice/realize
Ex. あれ?いつからいたの?全然気が付かなかった。ごめんね。
= Are? Itsukara ita no? Zenzen ki ga tsukanakatta. Gomenne.
= Umm? How long you have been here? I didn’t notice at all. I’m sorry.
2) attentive ( = 気が利く = ki ga kiku)
Ex. A: はい、ビールのおつまみどうぞ。
= Hai, biiru no otsumami douzo.
= Here’s something snacks for your beer.
B: 気が利くねえ。ありがとう!
= Ki ga kiku nee. Arigatou!
= You read my mind. Thank you!
* 気が張る = きがはる= ki ga haru = to be tense
Ex. 発表会の間、ずっと気が張っていた。
= Happyoukai no aida, zutto ki ga hatte ita.
= I was tense the whole time during the recital.
* 気が触れる = きがふれる = ki ga fureru = to go crazy
Ex. こんな寒い日にタンクトップで出かけるなんて気が触れたのかと思った。
= Konna samui hi ni tankutoppu de dekakeru nante ki gafureta no ka to omotta.
= I thought you went crazy going out in a tank top in this cold weather.
* 気が晴れる = きがはれる = ki ga hareru = to feel better
Ex. 気が晴れるまで彼に言いたいことを言った。
= Ki ga hareru made kare ni iitai koto wo itta.
= I told him everything that I wanted to say until I felt better.
* 気が早い = きがはやい= ki ga hayai = hasty (a person who prepares for something too early) / it is too early to do something
Ex. 日本に行くのは来年なのにもう用意しているの?気が早くない?
= Nihon ni iku nowa rainen nano ni mou youi shite iru no? Ki ga hayaku nai?
= You are going to Japan next year and are already preparing for the trip? Isn’t it too early?
* 気が抜ける = きがぬける = ki ga nukeru = transitive verb: (drink) to go flat / (people) burnt out
Ex. JLPTの試験が終わったら気が抜けてしまった。
= JLPT no shiken ga owattara ki ga nukete shimatta.
= I felt burned out after the JLPT exam
Note: You also use 気が抜ける = ki ga nukeru when carbonated /fizz drink goes flat.
Related Expression: 気を抜く = きをぬく = ki wo nuku = intransitive verb: to relax, to let one’s guard down
Ex. 最後まで気を抜いてはいけない。
= Saigo made ki wo nuite wa ikenai.
= Don’t let your guard down to the end. / Stay focused to the end.
* 気が滅入る = きがめいる = ki ga meiru = to feel depressed
Ex. 気が滅入ったときはいつもこの音楽を聞きます。
= Ki ga meitta toki wa itsumo kono ongaku wo kikimasu.
= I always listen to this music when I feel depressed.
* 気が紛れる = きがまぎれる = ki ga magireru = to distract one’s mind from something
Ex. 辛いときは、気が紛れるから体を動かした方がいい。
= Tsurai toki wa, ki ga magireru kara karada wo ugokashita hou ga ii.
= When you are having a hard time, you should do some exercise to distract yourself.
* 気が向く = きがむく = ki ga muku = to feel like doing something
Ex. 気が向いたら明日、鎌倉に行ってみようかな。
= Ki ga muitara ashita, Kamakura ni itte miyou kana.
= I guess I am going to Kamakura if I feel like it tomorrow.
* 気が休まらない = きがやすまらない = ki ga yasumaranai = can’t relax
Ex. 休みでも仕事のことを考えると気が休まらない。
= Yasumi demo shigoto no koto wo kangaeru to ki ga yasumaranai.
= I can’t feel relaxed if I think about work even on my day off.
* 気が緩む = きがゆるむ = ki ga yurumu = to relax and stop being careful and alert
Ex. 試験が終わるといつも気が緩んでしまい勉強しなくなる。
= Shiken ga owaru to itsumo ki ga yurunde shimai benkyou shinaku naru.
= Whenever the exams are over, I get too relaxed and stop studying.
* 気が楽 = きがらく = ki ga raku = feeling at ease
Ex. マギーに話したら気が楽になったよ。
= Maggie ni hanashitara ki ga raku ni natta yo.
= I feel better after talking to you, Maggie.
(Related word)
→気楽な = きらくな = kiraku na = (adjective) easy/comfy/ easygoing /happy-go-lucky
Ex. 週に3日しか働かなくていいなんて気楽な仕事だ。
= Shuu ni mikka shika hatarakanakute ii nante kiraku na shigoto da.
= It is an easy job just working three days a week.
→気楽に = きらくに = kirakuni = (adverb) comfortably
Ex. 街で私を見かけたら気楽に声をかけてください。
= Machi de watashi wo mikaketara kiraku ni koe wo kakete kudasai.
= If you happen to see me in town, please feel free to talk to me./please don’t hesitate to talk to me.
Ex. もっと気楽にいこうよ。
= Motto kiraku ni ikou yo.
= Take it easy. / Don’t be so hard on yourself.
★気を~ = きを ~ = ki wo
* 気を入れる = きをいれる = ki wo ireru = to concentrate on ~ / put one’s heart into ~
Ex. もっと気を入れて仕事をしないと明日まで終わらないよ。
= Motto ki wo irete shigoto wo shinai to ashita made ni owaranai yo.
= You must put more heart into your work or you won’t finish it by tomorrow.
Similar expression: 気合いを入れる = きあいをいれる = kiai wo ireru (Explanation towards the end of this lesson.)
* 気を落とす = きをおとす= ki wo otosu = to get depressed, to feel down
Ex. 成績が下がったからってそんなに気を落とさないで。
= Seiseki ga sagatta karatte sonna ni ki wo otosanai de.
= Don’t let it drag you down so much just because your grades went down.
* 気を取り直す = きをとりなおす = ki wo torinaosu = to pull oneself together
(After failing or making a mistake)
Ex. 気を取り直してもう一度がんばりましょう。
= Ki wo torinaoshite mou ichido ganbarimashou.
= Let’s pull ourselves together and try again.
* 気を利かせる = きをきかせる = ki wo kikaseru = to be tactful
Ex. 気を利かせて二人だけにしてあげた。
= Ki wo kikasete futari dake ni shite ageta.
= I tactfully left them alone together.
* 気を配る = きをくばる = ki wo kubaru / 気配り(を)する= きくばり(を)する= kikubari (wo) suru = to be attentive/considerate towards ~
→(Related word) 気配り = きくばり = kikubari: (noun) consideration for others’ feelings
Ex. あの喫茶店のスタッフはいつもお年寄りや子供に気を配ってくれる。
= Ano kissaten no sutaffu wa itsumo otoshiyori ya kodomo ni ki wo kubatte kureru.
= That coffee shop staff is always attentive towards the elderly and children.
* 気を使う = きをつかう = ki wo tsukau = to pay attention to another’s needs
Note: You sometimes use different kanji 気を遣う( = きをつかう = ki wo tsukau) to give the nuance of being more considerate towards other people.
→(Related word) 気遣い = きづかい = kizukai・気遣う = きづかう = kizukau
Ex. 彼といるとあまり気を使わないから楽だ
= Kare to iru to ki wo tsukawanakute ii kara rakuda.
= I feel comfortable being with him because I can be myself.
Ex. お気遣いありがとうございます。(polite)
= Okizukai arigatou gozaimasu.
= Thank you for being so considerate.
* 気をつける = きをつける = ki wo tsukeru = to be careful / to take care
Ex. 体に気をつけてね。
= Karada ni ki wo tsukete ne.
= Take care of yourself.
* 気を持たせる = きをもたせる = ki wo motaseru = to make someone expect something, give someone a little hope
Ex. 気を持たせるようなことを言ってごめん。実は、彼女がいるんだ。
= Ki wo motaseru you na koto wo itte gomen. Jitsu wa, kanojo ga irunda.
= I am sorry if I said something that lead you on. Actually I have a girlfriend.
* 気を引く = きをひく = ki wo hiku = to attract someone’s attention
Ex. 彼女の気を引くためにいろいろなことをやってみたが無駄だった。
= Kanojo ni ki wo hiku tame ni iroirona koto wo yatte mita ga muda datta.
= I tried many things to attract her attention but it was all in vain.
* 気を揉む = きをもむ = ki wo momu = to worry about/to fuss over/to get anxious
You also say 気が揉める = きがもめる = ki ga momeru
Ex. 両親は、私の仕事が見つからないので気を揉んでいた。
= Ryoushin wa, watashi no shigoto ga mitsukaranai node ki wo monde ita.
= My parents were worried about me because I couldn’t find a job
* 気を回す = きをまわす = ki wo mawasu = to be suspicious, to read too much into things
Ex. 「気を回しすぎだよ。誰も悪口なんて言っていないよ。」
= Ki wo mawashi sugi dayo. Dare mo waruguchi nante itte inai yo.
= You are reading too much into things. Nobody was talking behind your back.
* 気を許す = きをゆるす= ki wo yurusu = to be off one’s guard/to open up one’s mind/ feel easy with someone
Ex. 新しい職場の人にはなかなか気を許すことができない。
= Atarashii shokuba no hito niwa nakanaka ki wo yurusu koto ga dekinai.
= It is not so easy to let my guard down with the new co-workers.
* 気をよくする = きをよくする = ki wo yoku suru = to be pleased / to be in a good mood
Ex. 彼は、みんなに褒められて気をよくしている。
= Kare wa, minnani homerarete ki wo yoku shite iru.
= Everybody praised him, so he has been in a good mood.
* 気を楽にする = きをらくにする = ki wo raku ni suru
Ex. これは、仕事とは関係ない話なので気を楽にしてください。
= Kore wa, shigoto towa kankeinai hanashi nano de ki wo raku ni shite kudasai.
= This is not related to work so please relax.
★気に~ = きに = ki ni
* 気に入る = きにいる = ki ni iru = to like something/someone
Ex. マギーは新しいおもちゃがかなり気に入っているようだ。
= Maggie wa atarashii omocha ga kanari ki ni itte iru you da.
= Maggie seems to like her new toy.
Ex. 弟は気に入らないことがあるとすぐに泣く。
= Otouto wa ki ni iranai koto ga aru to sugu ni naku.
= My little brother cries as soon as there’s anything he doesn’t like.
Related word:
* お気に入り = おきにいり = oki ni iri = favorite
Ex. お気に入りの服を着て出かけた。
= Oki ni iri no fuku wo kite dekaketa.
= I went out wearing my favorite clothes.
* 気にかける = きにかける = ki ni kakeru = to be concerned about something/someone
Ex. いつも気にかけてくれてありがとう。
= Itsumo ki ni kakete kurete arigatou.
= Thank you for always thinking about me.
* 気に障る = きにさわる = ki ni sawaru = to annoy, to get one’s nerve / annoying, irritating
Ex. なんで怒ってるの?何か気に障ること言った?
= Nande okotteru no? Nani ka ki ni sawaru koto itta?
= How come you are angry? Did I say something that got on your nerves?
* 気にする = きにする = ki ni suru = to be concerned about ~ / to dwell on~
Ex. A「この間は、ごめんなさい。」
= Kono aida wa, gomennasai.
= Sorry for the other day.
= Zenzen, ki ni shinai de.
= That was nothing. Don’t worry about it.
Related lesson: https://bit.ly/3Dd4GK7
* 気にくわない = きにくわない = ki ni kuwanai = be disagreeable, not to like ~
Ex. 上司は彼の態度が気にくわなかった。
= Joushi wa kare no taido ga ki ni kuwanakatta.
= His boss didn’t like his attitude.
* 気に留める = きにとめる = ki ni tomeru = to pay attention / to give heed to / to take notice
Ex. 道で気分が悪くなってうずくまっていたのに誰も気に留めてくれなかった。
= Michi de kibun ga waruku natte uzukumatte ita no ni dare mo ki ni tomete kurenakatta.
= I felt sick and crouched down in the street but nobody paid attention to me.
* 気になる = きになる = ki ni naru = to be curious, to have something /someone on one’s heart / to worry about / disturbing
Ex. 新しいiPhoneが気になる。
= Atarashii iPhone ga ki ni naru.
= I am curious about/interested in the new iPhone.
Ex. 彼のこと好きなんだけど食べる時に音を立てるのが気になるんだよね。
= Kare no koto sukinan dakedo taberu toki ni oto wo tateru no ga ki ni narun dayo ne.
= I like him but the sounds he makes when he eats bother me.
Related lesson: 気にする ( = ki ni suru)
* 気に病む = きにやむ = ki ni yamu = to dwell on ~ / to worry about something
Ex. 彼は自分がしたことをずっと気に病んでいた。
= Kare wa jibun ga shita koto wo zutto ki ni yandeita.
= He had been dwelling on what he did.
* 気合いをいれる = きあいをいれる= kiai wo ireru
= to get psyched, to motivate oneself / to roll up one’s sleeves / to psych oneself up
From the picture above.
= Saa, kiai wo irete ikuyo.
= OK, let’s roll up our sleeves!
* 気後れする = きおくれする = kiokure suru = to get overwhelmed / to feel daunted / to feel intimidated
Ex. 全校生徒の前で歌うなんて気後れする。
= Zenkou seito no mae de utaunande kiwokure suru.
= I feel intimidated singing in front of all the students.
* 気取る = きどる = kidoru = pretend/ put on airs/ be pretentious
Ex. 彼女はちょっと気取っている
= Kanojo wa chotto kidotte iru.
= She’s putting on airs.
Ex. 気取った店よりも居酒屋で飲んだ方が楽しい。
= Kidotta mise yori mo izakaya de nonda hou ga tanoshii.
= It is more fun to drink at an Izakaya (Japanese style pub) than a pretentious bar.
* 気疲れする = きづかれする = kizukare suru = to feel (mentally) drained
Ex. 上司とご飯を食べると気疲れする。
= Joushi to gohan wo taberu to kizukare suru.
= I feel drained when I have a meal with my boss.
* 気づく/気付く = きづく = kizuku = to realize, to notice
or 気がつく/気が付く = きがつく = kigatsuku
Ex. A:「今、気づいたんだけど髪の毛切った?」
= Ima, kizuitan dakedo kaminoke kitta?
= I just noticed but did you get your hair cut?
= Ki ga tsuku no ga osoiyo. Isshuukan mae dayo.
= It is too late to notice. It was a week ago.
* 気のせい = きのせい = kinosei = just one’s imagination
Ex. A:「今、叫び声が聞こえなかった?」
= Ima, sakebigoe ga kikoenakatta?
= Did you hear someone screaming just now?
= Kino sei dayo. Nani mo kikoenakatta yo.
= That’s just your imagination. I didn’t hear anything.
* 気まぐれ = きまぐれ = kimagure = whimsical
Ex. シェフの気まぐれサラダ
= Shefu no kimagure sarada
= Chef’s capricious salad
*気前がいい = きまえがいい = kimae ga ii = generous
Ex. A: 「今日、ボーナスが入ったから好きなものをご馳走するよ。」
= Kyou, boonasu ga haitta kara sukina mono wo gochisou suru yo.
= I got my bonus today so I will treat you to anything you like.
= Kimae ga iine. Demo raamen de iiyo.
= You are generous. But ramen is just fine with me.
* 気難しい = きむずかしい = kimuzukashii = bad tempered / a person who is hard to please / crabby
Ex. その俳優は気難しい人なので取材が難しい。
= Sono haiyuu wa kimuzukashii hito nanode shuzai ga muzukashii.
= The actor is a crabby person so it is difficult to interview him/her.
*移り気 = うつりぎ = utsurigi =changing one’s mind often/ capricious/fickle
Ex. 上司は移り気だからまた考えが変わるかもしれない。
= Joushi wa utsurigi dakara mata kangae ga kawaru kamo shirenai.
= My boss is fickle so he might change his mind again.
* 浮気 = うわき = uwaki = cheating
Ex. 雄太くん、彼女に浮気がばれて大変みたいだよ。
= Yuuta-kun, kanojo ni uwaki ga barete taihen mitai dayo.
= I heard Yuta got caught cheating on his girlfriend so he’s in a big trouble.
* 乗り気 = のりき = noriki = being up for ~ / enthusiastic about ~
Ex. 彼女を映画に誘ったんだけどあまり乗り気じゃないみたいなんだよね。(Casual)
= Kanojo wo eiga ni sasottandakedo amari norikijanai mitainan dayone.
= I asked her out to a movie but she doesn’t seem so enthusiastic about it.
Related expression: 気が乗る = きがのる = ki ga noru = to be in the mood
Ex. 彼に映画に誘われたんだけどあまり気が乗らないなあ。
= Kare ni eiga ni sasowaretandakdo amari ki ga noranai naa.
= He asked me out to a movie but I don’t feel much like going.
Note: You can also say 気乗りがしない = kinori ga shinai
* 気が気でない = きがきでない = ki ga ki de nai /
(casual) 気が気じゃない = きがきじゃない = ki ga ki janai = feeling restless / uneasy / anxious
Ex. 試験の結果を聞くまで気が気じゃない。
= Shiken no kekka wo kikumade ki ga ki ja nai.
= I feel uneasy until I get the results of the exam.
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Torajirou Sensei, Arigatou!
= Thank you, Tora-Sensei!
= Watashitachitte, hontou ni ki ga au yone.
= We really get along well, don’t we?
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My pleasure, Budi!


Hello Seiton
Aさんをその(勉強する)気にさせる = to motivate A/ to make A to feel like studying / to lead A to study
Aさんをその(お母さんを手伝う)気にさせる = to make A to help his/her mother/ to lead A to help his/her mother
Itsumo doori, subarashii ressun
, Sensei hontouni arigatou! (I was looking for a long time for some site that would explain this type of expression)
PS.even if it has nothing to do with this lesson, can I ask a question?
In the sentence you wrote (この寺の修復にはあと5年はかかるとのこと。随分、気の長い話だ) what does it mean “とのこと”? could you explain it to me please?
Hello Luli
Thank you for your kind message.
〜とのこと means ということです/ということだ
You use this when you tell someone what you heard/read. In this case, quoting この寺の修復にはあと5年はかかる
Wakarimashita, arigatou gozaimasu Sensei ^_^
Douitashiamshaite, Luli!
There is a discrepancy here…
Ex. 彼といるとあまり気を使わないから楽だ
= Kare to iru to ki wo tsukawanakute ii kara rakuda.
= I feel comfortable being with him because I can be myself.
Is it tsukawanai kara or tsukawanakute ii kara? Or are both correct and mean the same thing?
Thank you for the lesson.
Hi Jimmi
彼に気を使う = to pay attention to his needs/worry about his feelings.
彼に気を使わない = not to pay attention to his needs./not to worry about his feelings. Therefore you can take it easy.→You can be yourself.
The nuance difference is
気を使わないから I don’t worry about his feelings/I don’t pay attention to his needs.
気を使わなくていいから = I don’t have to worry about his feelings/I don’t have to pay attention to his needs.