Japanese Slang Lesson for fun! (2018~2020)


= Nihongo wa tanoshii ne.

= Japanese is fun, isn’t it?


= Sore na.

= You said it!


 :-P 「宿題手伝ってよ。」

= Shukudai tetsudatte yo.

= Help me with my homework!


= Ima, muripo!

= Not now!



= Ne, kamacho.

= Play with me!


無断転載禁止(All rights reserved)

Hi everyone!

We have three cute guest teachers, Babi, Kevin and Hannah from Brazil today.

They are going to teach you some Japanese slang.


Maggie has been tweeting buzz words or colloquial expressions on Twitter for quite a while (so you should follow us!→ Maggie Sensei Twitter), but she hasn’t made a slang lesson here since 2015!

So today we are going to learn a lots of new slang words and colloquial expressions. Most of these come from mainly from 2018* ~2020, so they’re super fresh! 

(*Some of them could be earlier than 2018)

Note: Many of them have spread from JK (a slang for 女子高校生 = joshi koukousei = high school girls ) in social media and the speed of the changing trends is very quick! That means even relatively new slang words may be outdated in a few months. Some of them, however, may survive for generations to come. Time will tell.

Anyway, lots of these words are just for writing in social media so they might sound strange if you use them in your speech.

Anyway, studying slang words and observing the trends is always fun! I hope you enjoy this list!


★ It has been trendy to shorten words to communicate in short message or LINE message in the past few years.

For example:

了解 = りょうかい = ryoukai = OK/ I got it.

りょ ( = ryo)

And some even shorten this and write

⏩ り ( = ri)

まじ / マジ?= Maji? = (slang word) Really? Seriously?

ま?/ マ? = Ma?

それ、まじ/マジ? = Sore, maji?

= Are you serious? / Is that right? (For what you just heard or read)

⏩ そマ? ( = so ma?) 

これ、まじ/マジ?= Kore, maji?

= Is this real? / Really? (for the information /news that what you just read)

⏩ こマ? ( = ko ma? 

よろしく(お願いします)= yoroshiku (onegai shimasu.)

= Thank you/Thank you in advance/ Nice to meet you. / Please do ~.

⏩ よろ = yoro

★ Using alphabet letters

This is for writing only. You change some hiragana letters to alphabet letters.

For example しい = shii sounds like “C” / = i  or いい = ii sounds like “E

so instead of typing these words all in hiragana, you write:

おかしい = okashii

おかC = okashii =  Funny!

むずかしい = muzukashii

⏩ むずかC = muzukashii = Hard/Tough/Difficult!

かわいい = kawaii

かわE = kawaii = Cute!

かっこいい = kakkoii

⏩ かっこE = kakkoii =  Cool!

すごい = sugoi

すごE (←すごい = sugoi) = Awesome! / Great!

* わくわくする = wakuwaku suru

wkwkする = wkwk suru = to be excited/thrilled /psyched

You might see it with emoji like this

* (*・ω・*)wkwk

* KP = 乾杯 = かんぱい = kanpai = Cheers! 🍻

* MJK =  マジか?= Majika? = Are you serious?/ Seriously?

* PP (pp)

the verb form:

* ppになる = pp ni naru to get a little panicked (only for writing)

It is from a slang word  プチパニック = puchi panikku

プチ ( = puchi) is from a French word,  “petit” = small/a little

パニック ( = panikku) is “panic”.

★ Using numbers

These hashtags are often used on Twitter/Instagram.

* #3150 

→From サイコー (最高 = さいこう = saikou ) = Awesome! /Great!/ It’s the best

* #397

→From→サンキューな = sankyuu na = Thank you!


I already explained the following in my previous slang lesson, but we can review.

lol/So funny!

1)(笑) = wara : You just use one kanji 笑う = わらう = warau = to laugh

2)  w / www….

(from the first letter of romaji for  笑う = “W“arau

= to laugh  / 笑い = “W”arai = laughter)

3)  = くさ = kusa = (literal meaning) grass

(Because the letter “w” looks like grass.)

4) 草生えた = くさはえた = kusahaeta

= (literal)  grass has grown / grass grew


* 草生える = kusahaeru = grass grows

Now let me add the following three expressions for “lol

* 草原 = sougen = the literal meaning “grass field/prairies/grassland”. It has

森生える = mori haeru = (the literal meaning) “woods/forestgrow(s).

As you can see, both 草原 ( = sougen) and ( = mori) have lots of “grasses” which can be represented an alphabet “w” so they both means “funny”  or something makes you laugh.


* 腹筋崩壊 = ふっきんほうかい = fukkin houkai

腹筋 = ふっきん = fukkin = abdominal muscle + 崩壊=ほうかい = houkai = ruined completely, collapse.

→You laugh so much that one’s abdominal muscles get ruined.


OK, now I will give you bunch of slang expressions in あいうえお ( = a i u e o ) order.

I explained a casual expression, あざっす = Azassu = Thank you! in my 若者言葉 ( = Wakamono kotoba), Young people’s Japanese lesson 10 years ago.

It’s a short way to say:

ありがとうございます = Arigatou gozaimasu.

The past tense of あざっす = Azassu is

あざした = Azashita = Thank you very much.

From ありがとうございました = Arigatou gozaimashita.

The new versions of “Thank you!/Thanks! ” are,

*あざお = Azao

*あざ = Aza

*あざまる = Azamaru

まる ( = maru) means “” = maru = the Japanese punctuation, period.

This is slightly outdated but there was a trend to attach 水産 = すいさん after まる  ( = maru) in 2018 because it sounds similar to an izakaya chain called: 磯丸水産 = いそまるすいさん= Isomura Fishery

 :rrrr: あざまる水産 = Azamaru Suisan = Thank you!

* おはまる = ohamaru = Good morning! (From おはよう= ohayou = Good morning)

* よいちょまる = yoichomaru = Something has good vibes. / It sounds nice. / I’m happy, I feel good.


* あたおか/ アタオカ = ataoka = crazy

It is an abbreviation of  頭(が)おかしい= atama (ga) okashii = crazy

adjective form: あたおか(な) + noun = ataoka(na) + noun = crazy ~

adverb from: あたおかに = ataokani = to do something crazy

Ex. あたおかすぎる = ataoka sugiru = too crazy

Ex. あたおか~ = Ataokaa = That’s crazy!

*あ…(察っし)= Ah, (sasshi) = (For writing)  Oh…, I get it now. /  Oh, I see…/ I get what you mean. / Ah, that’s why../ I can tell. (Implying “Say no more. I know..”)

You write this when you can assume the situation or someone’s feelings,

When someone post a picture of their pet, you may see these words.

These are not typos.


When you talk about some possibility you use the pattern

あり or なしよりのありor なし~

= ari or nashi + yori no + ari or nashi

In this case より ( = yori) means “ close to ~

あり ( = ari): possible

なし ( = nashi): there is no possibility

So when you think about the possibility of something happening, you you have consider whether it’s なし ( = nashi) impossible or あり ( = ari)

なし ( = nashi) ———-<—————————>———あり ( =ari)

* ありよりのあり/ アリよりのアリ

= ari yori no ari

= Absolutely yes/ By all means. / Quite possible

* なしよりのなし/ナシよりのナシ

= nashi yori no nashi

= Absolutely not. / No way! / It’s not gonna happen for sure./Not a chance.

* ありよりのなし /アリよりのナシ

= ari yori no nashi

=  That’s possible but not sure.


* いつメン(イツメン)= itsumen

(→abbreviation of いつものメンバー= itsumo no menbaa = the usual members

= a group of close friends that you always hang out with.

* イッヌ = innu =  doggo 🐶

→From = いぬ = inu= dog )

* ぬこ = nuko = cat 😻

→From = ねこ = neko = cat


* エモい = emoi = emotive, describing something which gives you strong feelings or emotions

Ex. エモい曲 = emoi kyoku = an emotive song

* お写んぽ = oshanpo = to take pictures while taking a walk

It is coined word with 散歩 ( = sanpo) taking a walk and 写真 ( = shashin) pictures

*オナシャスおなしゃす =onashasu  = please ( = do something)

It is from お願いします= onegai shimasu

Ex. RT おなしゃす= RT onashasu = Please retweet.

*鬼リピ = oni ripi = (emphasis) to repeat doing something crazy / to listen to one song/CD or sing one song again and again.

   verb 鬼リピする = oniripi suru

(From the word リピート = ripiito = to repeat→リピする = ripisuru)

= to order/buy something again, to repeat doing ~

* おまいう/おまゆう = omaiu / omayuu

= From お前が言うな  = Omae ga iu na ( rough male speech)

= Look who’s talking! / You should talk!

(You have no right to criticize or say so  ~ because you are guilty as well.)

Since it has お前 ( = omae), it will be very rude to use it with someone you don’t know, someone older or superior.

* おまいう案件 = omaiu anken = None-of-your-business matter. / Stay away from this topics because you are guilty as well.

〜おわ= owa = finished ~

* しごおわ = shigoowa /おしおわ = oshiowa = just finished working/Done with work.

It is from 仕事/お仕事終わった = shigoto/oshigoto owatta = I have finished working.

* ばおわ = baowa

= Just finished my work (You use it when you work as a part-time worker)

From ←バイト終わった = baito owatta

* がこおわ = gakoowa

= School is over/ Classes are over.

From ←学校終わった = gakkou owatta

* かまちょ = kamacho = Hey, talk to me. / I want your attention.

It is from


= ( watashi no koto) kamatte choudai

= Give me an attention.

You write it when you need someone’s attention especially when you get bored.

You also use かまちょ ( = kamacho) to describe people who always need someone’s attention.

* 神ってる = カミッテル = kamitteru = to be on a roll / Great! / Awesome

Now this is one of the buzz words in 2016 but you still see the word with   ( = kami)

The real meaning of ( = kami) is “God” but you describe someone/something divine or out of this world.

Ex. ケイさん、神!

= Keisan, Kami!

= Kei-san is God!

And when you see some quality is incredible you attach ( = kami).

* 神回かみかい = kamikai= excellent/the best episode

* 神曲 = かみきょく= kamikyoku = excellent songs

* 神アニメ = かみアニメ = kami anime = great animation

* 神対応 = かみたいおう = kami taiou = excellent response/ dealing with  customers or fans warmly / attentively


How to say かわいい = kawaii = cute

To describe someone/something cute, you say かわいい = kawaii

There are various ways to say “So cute!”/ Adorable!”

ゆめかわ = yumekawa = Dreamy cute

ぎゃんかわ = gyankawa = super cute

ぎゃん ( = gyan) is a dialect in certain areas in Kyuushuu and Western Japan  and it means “very

ぐうかわ = guukawa

It is from the expression “ぐうの音も出ない”= “guu no ne mo denai” = to be lost for words (literal meaning: You can’t even say “guu”)

ぐうの音も出ないぐらいかわいい= guu no ne mo denai gurai = Someone is so cute that you are lost for words.

おしゃかわ = oshakawa = fashionable and cute

Combined word of お洒落 = おしゃれ = oshare = fashionable, fancy + かわいい = kawaii = cute

Ex. このマスク、おしゃかわでしょ!

= Kono masuku, oshakawa desho.

= Isn’t this mask fashionable and cute?

*ガンダ= ganda= to rush to ~ /hasten to ~/do something in a hurry
From →ガンダッシュ= gandasshu  which means 全力疾走(=zenryoku shissou) to run as fast as one can/ to rush 
verb: ガンダする = ganda suru
or ガンダで ( = ganda de) /ガンダして (= ganda shite) + verb
= Ganda de eki ni itta.
= I rushed to the station.

*きびつい = kibitsui = hard, painful

It is a coined word from 厳しい = きびしい = kibishii = tough / hard + 辛い = つらい= tsurai = painful

*ぎゅーする = gyuu suru = to hug

ぎゅう( = gyuu) is a mimetic word to describe squeezing or hugging someone tight.

Ex. ぎゅーして!

= Gyuu shite!

= Hug me!/Hold me tight.


When you see something sweet or someone you have a crush on.

*きゅんです = kyun desu. = My heart skips a beat. ❤️

* 今日イチ

= kyou ichi

From →今日一番 = きょういちばん =kyou ichiban

= the most/the best ~for today

今日イチ ( = kyouichi) + ( = no) + noun

今日イチ (で) ( = kyouichi (de)) + adjective

今日イチ ( = kyouichi) +verb

Ex. 今日イチおもしろい!

= Kyouichi omoshiroi.

= It was the funniest thing that I did / heard / saw for today.

Ex. 今日イチがんばった。

= Kyouichi ganbatta.

= I did my best for today.

* ( = げき= geki) ~

This is not so new and I already introduced this in my last slang lesson but you attach ( = geki) in front of i-adjective or verbs to emphasize the degree.

安い = yasui

delete the last  ( = i)


attach ( = geki) → 激安= げきやす= gekiyasu) = super cheap

怒る=おこる= okoru = to get angry

delete the last る ( = ru)


2) attach attatch ( = geki)

激おこ= gekioko = super angry 😡

* 激ムズ/むず

= げきムズ/むず

= gekimuzu

= super difficult/hard

(*むず is from 難しい = むずかしい = muzukashii = difficult)

Ex. 試験、激ムズだった。

= Shiken, gekimuzu datta.

= The exam was extremely difficult.

Ex. 激ムズゲーム

=  gekimuzu geemu

= a super difficult game.


* 〜しか勝たん = ~ shika katan

*(Something/Someone*) しか勝たん = ~ shika katan

= Nothing/Nobody can beat ~

=  ~ is the best/ ~ FTW (for the win) 

(It originally means ←~しか勝たない= ~ shika katanai)

You can use it when you describe something/someone you love, your favorite idol, food, song, show…basically anything you like or enjoy doing.

Ex. マギー先生しか勝たん 😁

= Maggie Sensei shika katan.

= Maggie Sensei is the best! /Maggie Sensei FTW

*じわる / ジワる = jiwaru

From ジワジワくる = jiwa jiwa kuru

= Getting funnier and funnier or provoking one’s emotion with time / Something grows on you

Ex. この写真ジワる!

= Kono shashin, jiwaru!
= The longer you look at the picture the funnier it gets.

* すばら = subara = Great, wonderful

From 素晴らしい=すばらしい=subarashii = wonderful, great

Ex. すばらです。= Subara desu. = That’s great! / You are great!

It has been trendy to shorten words to communicate in short message or LINE message in the past few years.

* すこ = suko = From 好き = すき= I like

Ex. まじこれすこ!💓

= Maji kore suko!

= I really like this.

* だいすこ = daisuko = I love/I like ~ very much


* 即レス = そくレス = sokuresu

= quick response, immediate reply

( = そく = soku = immediately + レス = resu = from “response”)

* マジレス = maji resu

= serious response, reply

(真面目な = まじめな = majime na = serious + レス = resu = response)


*それな  (σ・ω・)σ

= sorena

(responding to what you just heard/read)

= You are right. / Exactly / I agree./You said it.

(Note: See the emoticons that you often see with それな ( = sorena)?


(╭☞• ⍛• )╭☞

It shows that you are pointing the listener with both of your index finger when you say that.


* タピる

= tapiru

= to drink  タピオカティー/タピオカミルクティー  ( = tapioka tea / tapioka milk tea) = bubble (milk) tea / boba (milk) tea / pearl (milk) tea

There has been a big trend that many young people (especially high school girls) line up to get bubble tea in Japan. They even created a new verb.

Ex. タピった = tapitta  (past tense) drank  bubble tea

Ex. タピりたい = tapiritai = want to drink bubble tea

* チキる = chikiru

= to chicken out / to get cold feet

Ex. チキった =  chikitta = chickened out

Ex. チキらないで= chikiranaide / チキるな= chikiru na (stronger)

= “Don’t chicken out!”


* チルする= chiru suru = to chill out

* チルってる = chirutteru = chilling out

* チルい = chirui = (adjective) relaxing



= Tsuboru

From  笑いのツボにはまるわらいのツボにはまる= Warai no tsubo ni hamaru

= to have a laughing fit

(past tense)


= Tsubotta

You can use this expression when you got kick out of something or someone cracks you up.


*詰んだ = つんだ = tsunda = I‘m stuck. / I got stuck (and don’t know what to do)

Ex. ケータイのバッテリー切れて詰んだ!

= Keitai no batterii kirete tsunda.

= My cellphone’s battery is dead. It’s over for me.


*尊い = とうとい= toutoi = amazing, priceless, breathtaking, awesome, precious, adorable, beautiful..

You can use it casually to describe anime characters, idols and etc.

Ex. 笑顔が尊い 🙏= egao ga toutoi = Her/His smile is priceless. 


FYI Original meaning of 尊い ( = toutoi )  is noble, precious, valuable

Ex. 尊い命

= とうといいのち

= toutoi inochi

= precious life


* 懐い/ナツい / なつい = natsui

From →懐かしい = なつかしい = natsukashii

= That brings back memories! / Good old days!

When you see or hear something that brings back memories from the past.

Ex. わあ、ドラクエ! ナツい!

= Waa, Dorakue! Natsui!

= OMG! Dragon Quest! Brings back memories.

* ネガる = negaru = to be negative / to feel negative

Ex. ネガってる = negatteru = being negative

* ポジる = pojiru

1) to be positive

2) to secure one’s spot (Ex. for parades/shows, etc.)


* 映える = ばえる = baeru

= You say “映える!  when you see something that attractive, appealing and worth taking pictures of.

(food, places, scenery, etc.)

It came from

From →インスタ映え = インスタばえ= insuta bae

= instagenic, instagrammable


* パリピ = paripi = (from “Party People“) a partier, a party animal, a person who loves going to parties or throw a party.

→verb パリピる = paripiru = to enjoy the party, to go crazy at a party.

I think this word is getting a little old fashioned now.


* パイセン = paisen

From→先輩 = せんぱい = senpai

= one’s senior/senior colleague (addressing a person who entered the school/joined the company before you / a person who has more experience than you.)

Ex. マギーパイセン = Maggie Paisen 

*ぴえん🥺= pien = Boo-hoo, sobbing, crying (from crying sound)

Ex. 大雨でぴえん 🥺 

= Ooame de pien

= Boo-hoo, It’s raining so hard…

*ぱおん🐘 = paon = crying hard

(another crying sound but it’s stronger than ぴえん ( = pien))

ぱおん ( = paon) is also the sound that an elephant makes “Pawoo!”, some people use the emoticon of elephant. 

*ぴえん🥺こえてぱおん🐘 = pien koete paon

It might be easier to explain this if we look at the kanji origins.


 = “pien” koete “paon”

= The literal meaning: “Paon” passing “Pien”

So the degree of one’s sad or upsetting situation is worse than just sobbing.

 :rrrr: Crying hard over just sobbing /It sucks! / I’m so disappointed.

to be very sad, disappointed or to be suffering because of something that happened



= Pien toorikoshite paon

= (literal meaning) “Paon” over taking “Pien”

(通り越す ( = toorikosu) is often used  to describe  cars passing other cars on the highway.)

 :rrrr: Crying hard over just sobbing

(The same meaning of ぴえんこえてぱおん = pien koete paon)

* 秒で = びょうで = byou de = in a sec/ immediately

Ex. 彼のこと、秒で好きになった。

= かれのこと、びょうですきになった

= Kare no koto, byou de suki ni natta.

= I fell in love with him immediately.


* ~ み = ~ mi

Maggie made a lesson on the difference between さ &  み ( = sa & mi) in past.

When you nominalize an adjective, you use with ( = sa) or ( = mi)

 ( = mi) is used to describe the state of something from a subjective point of view. (It sometimes involves a speaker’s feelings).

面白い ( = omoshiroi) interesting

面白み ( = omoshiromi) the quality of interestingness /something to attract people

The words that you can use ( = mi) is limited but in slang usage, it is more free. You even make a verb with ( = mi).

The common pattern is

~ = ~ mi   (You make an adjective to a noun and then use it as an adjective)

And when you emphasize it, you use the following patterns:

~ is very ~

⏩ ~みが深い = ~ mi ga fukai

⏩ ~みが強い = ~ mi ga tsuyoi

⏩ ~みがすごい = ~ mi ga sugoi

The verb わかる = wakaru = understand

→change it to a slang noun form わかりみ ( = wakarimi) the way one understands, understanding + 深い ( = fukai) deep

Ex. わかりみが深い = wakarimini ga fukai

I totally understand/ I can totally relate to ~

Ex. わかりみ~! = Wakarimii! = I understand you.

Ex. わかりみが強い= Wakarimini ga tsuyoi = I can totally understand you.

* 美味しみが深い = oishimi ga fukai = yummy/very tasty

* やばみ = yabami = from an slang word やばい=ヤバイ= yabai

It is one of the slang words that can be used for many different situations

(dangerous, outrageous, great, yummy, bad, weird, etc.)

Ex.やばみが強い・深い = yabami ga tsuyoi / fukai

= very/really/super dangerous, awesome, delicious, etc.

* つらみ = tsurami = from an adjective  辛い = つらい = tsurai = hard, tough

Ex.つらみが深い = tsurami ga fukai = So hard


* むりぽ = muripo = No way!/ I can’t take it./ Impossible

It is an abbreviation of a colloquial expression 無理っぽい= murippoi = It seems impossible


* 萌え断 = もえだん = moedan

From →萌える断面 = moeru+ danmen

= attractive, lovely, adorable, appealing +  cross-section

= eye-catching / appealing cross-section


*モヤる = moyaru

(From やもや/モヤモヤする= moyamoya suru)

= something bothers you / feeling annoyed / uneasy / to have mixed feelings

* 陽キャ = youkya = happy person, happy personality

It is from 陽気な ( = youkina) happy, outgoing, diplomatic, communicative

+ キャラ = kyara = (from キャラクター=kyarakutaa)  personality

*陰キャ/インキャ = inkya = otaku, introverted, geeky not communicative, gloomy, quiet + person/personality

From 陰気な = inkina = gloomy,  キャラ ( = kyara) personality

* よき = yoki = good

Note: よき ( = yoki) is old Japanese which means よい ( = yoi) / いい( = ii)

You are supposed to use it with a noun.

よき ( = yoki) + noun

Ex. よき日  (literal)= yoki hi = good day 

Ex. 今日もよき日を! 

= Kyou mo yoki hi wo!

= May you have a good day.

It is an old literary expression, so you usually only hear it in formal speech, but colloquially, you can use it casually. So instead of saying いいね (= iine) Good!/Nice! / Great!, you can use the following.

Ex. よき歌!= Yoki uta! = Nice song!

Ex. よき! = Yoki! = Great!/ Nice!

Ex. よきよき = Yoki yoki = Great!!

Ex. よき甘さ = Yoki amasa = The sweetness is just perfect.

Ex. よきこと = Yoki koto = That’s a good thing. / That’s nice.

Ex. どちらでもよき = Dochirademo yoki = Either way is fine.

Advanced? のき = noki = Someone created the opposite of よき ( = yoki) with English word,

No”. “ = No” + ( = ki)

Ex. よき?のき?どっち?

= Yoki? Noki? Docchi?

= Yes or No? Which one?


* ラスボス = rasubosu

=  Final Boss (From video games)


* リアタイ= riatai = to watch on live

From リアルタイム = rearutaimu = real time = live

* リアタイする = riataisuru

= to watch / listen to a program / stream / game live

* リアタイ中 = riataichuu

= watching / listening ~ live now

* リアタイ待機中 = riatai taikichuu

= waiting for a live program to start


*レベチ = rebechi

(←From レベルが違う=レベルがちがう= reberu ga chigau )

=(to be) on another level

Ex. レベチのかっこよさ

= Rebechi no kakkoyosa

= Super cool!

When you emphasize the difference more:

*ジゲチ = jigechi

(←From 次元が違う = じげんがちがう = jigen ga chigau 

Literal meaning of 次元 = jigen = dimension )

=(to be) on another level

Ex. このゲーム、ジゲチすぎる!

= Kono geemu, jigechi sugiru!

= This game is better than anything else.


* 沸いた = waita = I’m psyched! / So excited!

The literal meaning of 沸いた ( = waita)  is “It has boiled .”

Some use the kanji 湧いた= waita= gush out, spring out


*ワンチャン = wan-chan

= It is from ”one chance

= There is a possibility / There is a chance/ When you expect something happens.

Ex. ワンチャンあるかも

= Wanchan aru kamo.

= It could happen. / I might have a chance (to do something)


= noo-chan

= This comes from the English: “No chance

= No possibility/ Not a chance.


マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


Babi-Sensei, Kevin-Sensei and Hannah-Sensei shika katan.

= Babi-Sensei, Kevin-Sensei and Hannah-Sensei are the best!

I hope you enjoyed this lesson.


= Jaane, Resu owa~~!!

= OK, My lesson is over.

* I just made a new word!

レッスンおわり= Resson + owari = Lesson + (is) +  Over.


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Part 2: Click here

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  1. * #3150

    →From サイコー (最高 = さいこう = saikou ) = Awesome! /Great!/ It’s the best

    * #397

    →From→サンキューな = sankyuu na = Thank you!

    What do these numbers have to do with the words?

    1. Hello Nyad
      It is based on the sound
      Some Japanese words can be typed in numbers.
      3 = san + 9 = kyuu = san kyuu = It sounds like “Thank you”
      + 7 = nana = na = Thank you na!

      Or use the part of the sound
      3 = sa(n) + 1 = i(chi ) + 5 = go→ko + 0 = o = o = sa i ko o

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