「”犬”生、楽しもうよ! 」
= “Ken”sei, tanishimou yo!
= Let’s enjoy our dog life!
Hi everyone! I spent my summer vacation in Canada and met this lovely friend, Dawson at a wonderful B&B in Charlottetown in Prince Edward Island.
I asked her to be our guest teacher and she said “ワン !CHECKHEART! ! = Wan!” means “I’d love to! ❤️ ” in doggie language.
Hi I am Dawson! I am going to teach a lesson related to
Does this kanji look familiar? It should! It is one of Maggie Sensei’s favorite kanji.
OK, let’s study!
1) 楽しい = たのしい= tanoshii = fun
Ex. ポケモンGo!は楽しい。
= Pokemon Go! wa tanoshii.
= Pokemon Go! is fun.
Ex. 日本語を勉強するのは楽しい。
= Nihongo wo benkyou suru nowa tanoshii.
= Studying Japanese is fun.
Ex. Dawsonは楽しい。
= Dawson wa tanoshii.
= Dawson is fun.
Ex. 毎日、楽しいことを考えて過ごしなさい。
= Mainichi, tanoshii koto wo kangaete sugoshinasai.
= Spend time thinking about something fun every day.
Ex. 一緒にいると楽しいな。
= Issho ni iru to tanoshii na.
= It’s fun to be with you!
Ex. 昨日は、とっても楽しかったです。ありがとう!
= Kinou wa, tottemo tanoshikatta desu. Arigatou!
= I had a lot of fun yesterday. Thank you!
2) 楽 = らく = raku = easy, comfortable
adverb: 楽に = らくに= rakuni = easily, comfortably
adjecitve: 楽な= らくな= raku na = easy, comfortable
Ex. この靴は楽だ。
= Kono kutsu wa raku da.
= These shoes are comfortable to wear.
Ex. どうぞ楽にしてください。
= Douzo raku ni shite kudasai.
= Make yourself comfortable.
Ex. 今の仕事はすごく楽だ。
= Ima no shigoto wa sugoku raku da.
= The current job is so easy.
Ex. 飛行機に乗る時は楽な格好をしていった方がいい。
= Hikouki ni noru toki wa raku na kakkou wo shite itta hou ga ii.
= You should wear something comfortable (when you will be ) on the plane.
3) 楽々 = らくらく = rakuraku = easy, comfortable
verb: 楽々する= らくらくする = rakuraku suru = to feel ease
adverb: 楽々と= らくらくと= rakuraku to = easily, comfortably, effortlessly
Ex. 子供がやっと大学を卒業して楽々した。
= Kodomo ga yatto daigaku wo sotsugyou shite rakuraku shita.
= Our children finally graduated from university. I feel like I can relax now.
Ex. 試験が終わって楽々した。
= Shiken ga owatte rakuraku shita.
= The exam is finally over. I feel much more relaxed now. / I can relax now.
Ex. このスーツケースは軽量なので子供でも楽々と動かせる。
= Kono suutsukeisu wa keiryou nanode kodomo demo rakuraku to ugokaseru.
= This suitcase is so lightweight that even a child can move it easily.
Note: You can also say 楽に動かせる = raku ni ugokaseru. 楽々と = rakurakuto emphasizes the meaning of “easiness” more than 楽に ( = rakuni)
But you can not say,
❌ 楽々としてください。 (wrong)
= Rakuraku to shite kudasai.
= Please make yourself comfortable.
You say 楽にしてください。= raku ni shite kudasai.
4) 楽ちん/楽チン= らくちん/らくチン= rakuchin (colloquial)
= Kuruma de ittara rakuchin nanoni.
= It would be much easier if we went there by car.
Ex. 電子レンジを使うと料理も楽チンだ。
= Denshirenji wo tsukau to ryouri mo rakuchin da.
= Cooking is easy if you use a microwave oven.
Ex. 楽チンレシピ
= Rakuchin reshipi
= Easy recipes.
5) 楽勝 = らくしょう= rakushou = the literal meaning is “to win easily”, easy, a piece of cake
Ex. 今度の試験は楽勝だった。(casual)
= Kondo no shiken wa rakushou datta.
= This time the exam was a piece of cake.
Ex. A: 「運転免許、取れたの?」
= Unten menkyo, toreta no?
= Did you get your driver’s license?
B: 「うん、楽勝!」(casual)
= Un, rakushou!
= Yeah, it was a piece of cake!
6) 楽しむ = たのしむ = tanoshimu = to enjoy, to have fun
From the picture:
「”犬”生*、楽しもうよ! 」
= “Ken”sei*, tanishimou yo!
= Let’s enjoy our “dog” life!
* Note: If you are a human you say 人生= jinsei= (human) life.
Ex. それではみなさん、ステージを楽しんでください。
= Sorede wa minasan, suteiji wo tanoshin de kudasai.
= OK, everyone. Please enjoy the show.
Ex. どうぞお楽しみください。(polite)
= Douzo otanoshimi kudasai.
= Please enjoy.
To a person who is already traveling or who is going to travel soon.
Ex. 旅行、楽しんでください。
= Ryokou tanoshinde kudasai.
= Enjoy the trip.
To a person who is going to travel soon.
Ex. 旅行、楽しんできてください。
= Ryokou, tanoshinde kite kudasai.
(Literal meaning: Please go have a nice trip.)
= Please have a nice trip.
Ex. 旅行、楽しんできて!
(Literal meaning: Go have a nice trip.)
= Ryokou, tanoshinde kite!
= Have a nice trip!
7) 楽しみにする = たのしみにする = tanoshimi ni suru = to look forward to, to be excited about something
Ex. 久しぶりに会えるのを楽しみにしています。
= Hisashiburi ni aeru no wo tanoshimini shite imasu.
= I am looking forward to seeing you for the first time in a long time.
Ex. 明日のデート楽しみにして(い)るね。(casual)
= Ashita no deeto tanoshimini shite(i) rune.
= I look forward to our date tomorrow.
Ex. 日本行きをずっと楽しみにしていたのにキャンセルになって残念だ。
= Nihon iki wo zutto tanoshimi ni shite ita no ni kyanseru ni natte zannen da.
= I had been looking forward to my trip to Japan so it was disappointing that it got cancelled.
Ex. すごく面白いもの買ったから明日、持ってくるね。楽しみにしていてね。
= Sugoku omoshiroi mono katta kara ashita, motte kurune. tanoshimini shite itene.
= I got a really interesting thing so I will bring it tomorrow, OK? You are going to love it.
8) お楽しみに = おたのしみに= otanoshimini = You’re going to love it. It is going to be awesome!
(Note: It means the same as 楽しみにしていて= Tanoshimini shite ite)
You say that before you show/ do something fun or great. You are pretty certain that the listener will love it. It is going to live up to the listener’s expectations.
Ex. A: 「マギー先生、次のレッスンはどんなレッスンですか?」
= Maggie Sensei, tsugi no ressun wa donna ressun desu ka?
= Maggie Sensei, what is your next lesson about?
Maggie: 「お楽しみに!」
= Otanoshimini !
= You are going to love it. / It is going to be a good one!
Ex. どんな料理が出るかはお楽しみに!
= Donna ryouri ga deruka wa otanoshimini ni!
= ( I won’t tell you what kind of food will be served but )You will love the food.
Ex. カナダのお土産あるからね。お楽しみに!
= Kanada no omiyage aru kara ne. Otanoshimi ni!
= I got you a souvenir from Canada. You are going to love it.
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Dawson Sensei, arigatou!
= Thank you, Dawson Sensei!
= Minna, korekara mo nihongo wo tanoshinde benkyou shite kudasai ne.
= I hope you all continue to enjoy your Japanese studies!
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hi maggi sensei, if I were to want to say, learning/studying Japanese is a little difficult but I think it’s fun, would the following be correct? (Please go easy on me I haven’t learnt kanji yet)
Nihongo wo benkyou wa chotto muzukashii desu kedo tanoshii to omoimasu!
Hi Joe,
You can say either
Nihongo no benkyou wa ~ (the rest is fine)
Nihongo wo benkyou suru no wa (the rest is fine)
2) 楽 = らく = raku = easy, comfortable
adverb: 楽に = らくに= rakuni = easily, comfortably
adjecitve: 楽な= らくな= raku na = easy, comfortable
Maggie 先生! Thanks again for an amazing lesson!
Ive lived in Japan for 3 years now, and I didn’t know about “RAKU”!!! I only knew 楽 as TANO-shii.
RAKU-NI can be used as an adverb… Can you show an example of that?
For example, We can say “分かりやすい” to mean “easy to understand”. Can we do the same thing with “raku”? –> “楽に分かります” ???
Hi Ali!
Oh good. You learned something new here. :)
Hmm I would say わかりやすい is more natural. I guess it’s because わかる is something you do in your head and you tend to use 楽に (easily) for more physical tasks.
Thank you! This is the best website to learn Japanese, really! It’s helping me a lot! 本当ありがとう :D
Thank YOU for your nice message,too! これからもよろしくね!😘
= Kuruma de ittara !koujichuu! [rakuchi]
rakuchin nanoni.
Thank you!!!! I fixed it. ありがとう! boucingheart!
Hi Maggie!
I found this site accidentally while searching how can I translate “ついでに”.
Actually I am studying English in Australia.
So your explanation is very useful for me too.
I’m looking forward to next update!
Take care♪
@Hayato Kamoi
Hi Hayato!
Yo, Maggie sense
I find your blog by accident, and actually I really love it, I learned many kanji here, but please continue learning. My best regards..
@Rick shimizu
Yo Rick,
I’m glad you found this site,too.
Hope you come back here soon again.
Hi Maggie! Your article about the particle “shi” was quite illuminating! I found your site via a Google search looking for an explanation of “shi”, and I will definitely be going through your blog for more.
I really appreciate how approachable and fun your explanations are, and how you give so much detail and nuance without ever being too dense.
Anyway, keep up the good work マギー先生!
Jack Wolfe
Hello, Jack!
Thank you for your nice comment. I’m so happy that you found this site.
Hope you come back here often.
これからもよろしくね! :)
MagggieSensei !CHECKHEART! :purple: ,
Thank you so much! !heart3! !formingheart3! I am learning something new again today because of your good deed! :tulip2: Please keep up your awesome work, we people are so lucky to have an awesome person like u in this world! !happyface! Thank you!!! boucingheart! :w:
Hello TheLearningGal,
Thank YOU so much for your nice comment. !heart3!
I am very lucky to have you here,too!!
これからもよろしくね! boucingheart!