How to use しか & だけ ( shika & dake) & だけしか ( = dakeshika)



= Kinou wa, kujikan shika nete inai kara motto nesasete.]

= I ONLY slept for nine hours, so please let me sleep a little longer.



= Zurui! Conner dake, kawaii no kiteru.

= Not fair! Only you are wearing something cute.


= Kyou dake kuma ni narasete yo.

= Let me be a bear just for today.

Hi everyone!
Today we have these wonderful guest teachers, Conner Sensei (Brown doggie) and Buster Sensei (black doggie).
We are angel buddies. They volunteered to make a lesson with me for their loving sister who has been self-studying Japanese.
Just looking at their pictures, we can tell they are much loved by their family.


Hello!! We are Conner and Buster! Nice to meet you! はじめまして!= Hajimemashita.
We will teach you だけ ( = dake) and しか ( = shika) today.
They both mean  “only/ just” in Japanese but they are not interchangeable.

★The main difference:

You use だけ ( = dake) in both negative and affirmative sentences and しか ( = shika)  is only used in negative sentences.

A) 財布に百円だけある。

= Saifu ni hyaku-en dake aru.

= There is only 100 yen in the wallet. That’s all there is.

= I only have 100 yen in my wallet. That’s all I have.

B ) 財布に百円しかない。

= Saifu ni hyaku-en shika nai.

= There is only 100 yen in the wallet. There is nothing else.

= I only have 100 yen in my wallet. I have nothing else.

Note: The nuance difference:
The speaker feels more positive with 100 yen in A)

C) 百円だけあげる。

= Hyaku-en dake ageru.

= I will give you just 100 yen.

D)  百円しかあげない。

= Hyaku-en shika agenai.

= I will give you just 100 yen. (I won’t give you more than 100 yen.)

Note: C) is more positive. D) sounds cheap and C) sounds more generous.

E)  日本語は「お腹がすいた」だけ知っている。

= Nihongo wa  “Onaka ga suita” dake shitte iru.

= The only Japanese I know is “I’m hungry”

F) 日本語は「お腹がすいた」しか知らない。

= Nihongo wa “Onakaga suita” shika shiranai.

= I only know “I’m hungry” in Japanese. (Nothing else)

Note: E) is more positive and confident.

G)  このページだけ勉強した。

= Kono peeji dake benkyou shita.

= I just studied this page.

H) このページしか勉強していない。

= Kono peeji shika benkyou shiteinai.

= I didn’t study anything except this page.

Note: H) is more insecure.


You can combine it with other particles.

だけ( = ni dake) /だけ ( = dake ni)

だけ ( = to dake) だけ ( = dake to )

だけ( = dake wo)

だけ  (= dake ga )


しか ( = ni shika)

しか ( = de shika)

しか ( = to shika)

までしか (= made shika) , etc.

(X You don’t say しか ( = shikani) 、しか (= shika wo)、しか ( = shika ga)

Ex. 彼は女の子だけ優しい。/ 彼は女の子だけ優しい。

= Kare wa onna no ko dake ni yasashii. / Kare wa onna no ko ni dake yasashii.

= He is only nice to girls.

Ex. 彼は、女の子しか優しくない。

= Kare wa, onna no ko ni shika yasashiku nai.

= He is only nice to girls. (He is not nice to boys.)


Ex. Connerだけ愛している。

= Conner dake wo aishite iru.

= I only love Conner. (Nobody else)

Ex. Connerしか愛せない。

= Conner shika aisenai.

= I only love Conner. I can’t love anybody else./ I am not capable of loving anyone else other than Conner.

Note: You can’t say Connerしか( = Conner shika wo)



= Watashi dake ga kanojo no himitsu wo shitte iru.

= I am the only one who knows her secret.

Ex. しか彼女の秘密を知らない。

= Watashi shika kanojo no himitsu wo shiranai.

= I am the only one who knows her secret. (Nobody else knows.)

Note: You can’t say しか ( = watashi shika ga )

★How to form:

*noun + だけ (= dake)

Ex. (= neko)  a cat  + だけ (= dake)

* verb plain form (present/past)

Ex. する( = suru) to do

した ( = shita)/ していた ( = shiteita) ,etc. + だけ  ( = dake)

*verb plain form + こと (=koto) + だけ (= dake)

したこと (= shite ita koto) / していたこと(=shiteita koto ) + だけ ( = dake) 

* i-adjective plain form ( present/ past)

* ( = i) / past かった ( = katta) + だけ (= dake)

Ex. 怖い ( = kowai) scary

怖い ( = kowai ) / past tense 怖かった ( = kowakatta ) + だけ  ( = dake) 

* a-adjective plain form (present/past)  ~な

*きれいな ( =kireina) beautiful

きれいな (= kireina )/ past tense きれいだった ( = kiredatta ) + だけ (= dake) 

☆How to form しか ( = shika)

* noun + しか ( = shika)

*( = inu) a dog  + しか ( = shika)

* verb plain form /  noun form ~ こと ( = koto)

Ex. する (= suru) + しか ( = shika)

Ex. すること ( = surukoto) doing  + しか ( = shika)

* adjective noun form ~さ (= sa)  若さ(= wakasa) youth  + しか ( = shika)

OK, I will give you more examples:

* だけ ( = dake): You can use it in affirmative sentences

(You also use のみ ( = nomi) in formal sentences. I will explain this later.)

Ex. 「1時間だけ時間をちょうだい。」

= Ichijikan dake jikan wo choudai.

= Give me just one hour. (That’s all I need.)


= Ichijikan dake nara iiyo.

= If it just takes one hour, then fine.

Ex. 美味しいものだけ食べたい。

= Oishii mono dake tabetai.

= I just want to eat delicious things.

Ex.  ちょっとの間だけそっとしておいて。

= Chotto no aida dake sotto shiteoite.

= Please leave me alone for a moment.

Ex. お砂糖、少しだけいれてください。

= Osatou, sukoshi dake irete kudasai.

= Please add just a little bit of sugar.

Ex. その時だけはみんな静かだった。

= Sono toki dake wa minna shizuka datta.

= Everyone was quiet just at that moment.

Ex. 子供だけで出かける。

= Kodomo dake de dekakeru.

= Going out just kids

Ex. このお菓子はここだけで食べられます。

= Kono okashi wa koko dake de taberaremasu.

= You can eat this sweet only here. (nowhere else)

Ex.  「今度の土曜日、空いてる?」

= Kondo no doyoubi, aiteru?

= Are you free this coming (or next) Saturday?


= Gomennasai. Sono hi dake wa isogashii desu.

= I’m sorry. I am busy on that particular day.


Ex. 玉ねぎだけ食べられない。

= Tamanegi dake taberarenai.

= I can eat anything but onions.

Ex. この漢字だけ読めない。

= Kono kanji dake yomenai.

= I can’t read just this kanji.

Ex. 食べることだけが楽しみだ。

= Taberu koto dake ga tanoshimi da.

= Eating is the only pleasure I have.

Ex. 納豆だけは嫌いだ。

= Nattou dake wa kirai da.

= I just don’t like Natto.  (fermented soybeans)

= I like anything but Natto.

Ex. あいつだけは許さない。( rough)

= Aitsu dake wa yurusanai.

= I will never forgive him.

Ex. 一緒にコーヒーだけ飲んで家に帰った。

= Issho ni koohii dake nonde ie ni kaetta.

= We just had some coffee and went back home.

Ex. あの子はかわいいだけで中身がない。

= Anoko wa kawaii dake de nakami ga nai.

= She is just cute. She has no substance.

Ex. 彼はうちが貧しいだけで心は貧しいわけではない。

= Kare wa uchi ga mazushii dake de kokoro ga mazushii wake dewa nai.

= He is only from a poor family, but that doesn’t mean his heart is poor.

Ex. メールを見なかっただけで無視をしたんじゃないよ。

= Mairu wo minakatta dake de mushi wo shitan ja nai yo.

= It’s simply because I didn’t see your text. I didn’t ignore you.

Ex. 彼とは家が近かっただけです。

= Kare to wa ie ga chikakatta dake desu.

= I used to live close to him. That’s all.

Ex. ゲスト先生は、犬と猫だけなんですか?

= Gesuto sensei wa, inu to neko dake nan desuka?

= Are the guest teachers just dogs and cats?

From Maggie: That’s not true. Other animals are welcome! :maggie-small:

*だけではなく ( = dake dewa naku) Not only ~ but also

Ex. これは、子供だけではなく大人も楽しめるゲームです。

= Kore wa kodomo dake dewa naku otona mo tanoshimeru geimu desu.

= Not only children but adults can also enjoy this game.

Ex. Busterは今日だけではなく昨日もよく寝ていた。

= Buster wa kyou dake dewa naku kinou mo yoku nete ita.

= Buster was sleeping a lot not just today but also yesterday.

Ex. マギーはかわいいだけではなく心も美しい。 :) 

= Maggie wa kawaii dake dewa naku kokoro mo utsukushii.

= Maggie is not only cute but also has a beautiful heart.

From Maggie: Well said, Conner and Buster! !niconico!

* しか ( = shika) : You use it in negative sentences.

Ex. この車は二人しか乗れない。

= Kono kurumwa wa futari shika norenai.

= This car only fits two people. (Only 2 people fit.)

Ex. 朝は、ヨーグルトしか食べない。

= Asa wa, youguruto shika tabenai.

= I only eat yogurt for breakfast. (Nothing else.)

Ex. あなたのことしか考えられない。

= Anata no koto shika kangaerarenai.

= I only can think about you. (Nobody else)

Ex. この部屋は (or には)犬しか入れません。

= Kono hewa wa (or niwa) inu shika hairemasen.

= Only dogs can come in the room.

Ex. マギー先生のサイトでしか勉強しない。

= Maggie Sensei no saito de shika benkyou shinai.

= I only study with Maggie Sensei’s site. (Nowhere else.)

Ex. 私には若さしかない。

= Watashi ni wa wakasa shikanai.

= I only have youth. (That’s all I have.)

Ex. 彼女のために、祈ることしかできない。

= Kanojo no tame ni, inoru koto shika dekinai.

= The only thing I can do for her is to just pray.

Ex. 今の彼女には彼しか見えない。

= Ima no kanojo ni wa kare shika mienai.

= (She can’t think about anything else) She only can see him. (She only thinks about him.)

Ex. 今は、待つことしかできない。

= Ima wa, matsu koto shika dekinai.

= The only thing I can do now is wait.

Ex. 私なんてただの犬の先生でしかない。

= Watashi nante tada no inu no sensei de shika nai.

= After all, I am just a dog teacher. That’s all I am.

Ex. あの子は着飾ることしか考えていない。

= Anoko wa kikazaru koto shika kangaete inai.

= She just thinks about dressing up. (That’s the only thing that she can think of. Nothing else.)

Ex. もう彼と話し合うしかないね。

= Mou kare to hanashiau shika naine.

= We just need to talk to him. (There are no other options.)

だけしか ( = dake shika) only, just, just limited to ~.

Now, you can combine だけ ( = dake) and しか ( = shika) .

だけしか ( = dakeshika)

The function is the same as しか ( = shika).  だけ ( = dake) emphasizes しか ( = shika)

You only use だけしか ( = dakeshika) in negative sentences.

だけしか ( = dakeshika) and しか ( = shika)

Basically, they mean the same but だけしか ( = dakeshika) emphasize the meaning more.

Note: You only use だけしか   ( = dakeshika) in a negative sentence.

Ex. 1) 朝から、パンしか食べていない。

= Asa kara, pan shika tabete inai.

= I only ate a piece of bread. That’s all I had.

→Emphasizing the fact that you only had a piece of bread more.

Ex. 2) 朝から、パンだけしか食べていない。

= Asa kara, pan dake shika tabete inai.

= I only ate a piece of bread. That’s all I had.

Ex. 前売り券を持った人だけしか入れません。

= Maeuriken wo motta hito dake shika hairemasen.

= Only the people who have advanced tickets are allowed to enter.

Ex. 自分にだけしかできないことがある。

= Jibun ni dake shika dekinai koto ga aru.

= There are things that only you can do.

 !star! Sometimes you put a particle between だけ ( = dake) and しか ( = shika)


= Onaji keiken wo shita hito dakeni shika watashi no kimochi wa wakaranai.

= The only people who would understand my feelings are the one who had the same experiences. (Nobody else.)

Ex. このお菓子は北海道だけしか買えないの?

= Kono okashi wa Hokkaidou dakede shika kaenaino?

= You can buy these sweets only in Hokkaido?

⭐️ のみ ( = nomi)

のみ ( = nomi) is a formal way to say だけ ( = dake)

Ex. 日曜日だけ休みです。

= Nichiyoubi dake yasumi desu.

= I only have a day off on Sundays.

(more formal/literal)


= Nichiyoubi nomi yasumi desu.

You often see it in a written form.

Ex. 飲み放題!女性のみ千円。

= Nomihoudai! Josei nomi sen en.

= All you can drink. ¥1,000 only for women.

maggie-senseiギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei

Conner先生、Buster先生、ありがとう! !heart3! 

= Conner Sensei, Buster Sensei arigatou!

= Thank you, Conner Sensei, Buster Sensei!


= Mata kono saito de shika benkyou dekinai ressun wo issho ni tsukurimashou ne.

= Let’s make a lesson together again that you can only find here.


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  1. Something that helped me understand しか is comparing it to the English “[anything] except,” because this also uses a negated verb in English. I think it also properly conveys that “only this and nothing else” nuance.

    ie. I can’t see anything except the sea

    The following fragment for some reason confused me thoroughly until I thought of it that way:
    Train cars that must not be boarded except for by women

    Probably because I was just converting the sentence in my head to:
    Then I try that with the second sentence:
    ??? なんてこと…

    Maybe this will help someone likeminded ^^;

    1. That’s a good way to interpret the sentence pattern with しか〜ない. Since the verb is in a negative form, it can be confusing for many learners. Thinking of it as “[anything] except” is a helpful way to understand the meaning.Thank you for sharing. ☺️

    1. こんにちは、Terry

      There are many differences but here’s the confusing difference.

      だけ is just/ only
      ばかり = on going action/ emphasizing the quantity or frequency of the activity.

      = Maggie eats nothing but meat
      = Maggie mainly eats meat. It suggests a focus on meat but doesn’t necessarily mean she eats nothing else.

      Ex. このサイトの先生は犬だけだ。
      The teachers on this site are only dogs.
      Ex. このサイトの先生は犬ばかりだ。
      The teachers on this site are mainly dogs.
      It implies that while dogs are the majority or main focus, there might be other animals (such as cats, mice, etc.) also serving as teachers on the site.

  2. こんにちは!マギーせんせい。ゲスト先生になりたい!どうすればいいですか。ースキ

  3. Greetings Maggie Sensei.

    In regards to this sentence…

    Ex. Connerしか愛せない。

    Could you explain to me what senai means, or what it is a conjugation of please? I am not familiar with it.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Jimmi

      愛せない is from
      愛する = あいする = to love
      potential form
      愛せる = あいせる = to be able to love
      negative potential form
      愛せない = あいせない = not be able to love

  4. Hello Maggie Sensei!
    I thought i understood the しか~ない pattern but today i came across this sentence which has me stumped.

    I understand it means “he only knows how to study”. but I don’t understand why; that 能のない is very confusing to me, and feels very different from the examples here.

    1. Hello Giando,

      First you know this pattern
      家には、食べるものがりんごしかありません。 I only have an apple to eat at home./ I have nothing but an apple to eat at home.

      Now, 能 means “skill, ability, talent, merits”

      〜しか能のない+ noun

      is an idiomatic expression which means
      a person who has no skill besides~ (some sort of skill) / ~ is the only skill that one has

      He has no skill/ability besides studying / Studying is the only skill that he has. →He only knows how to study (but not something else.)

      →彼は勉強するしか能のない人間 = He is the person who only knows how to study but nothing else.

  5. hi maggie sensei!!

    if i want to say:
    even though emily is my best friend, i dont only play with her (i also play with other people). For example, I also hang out with maria and tom often afterschool.

    can i say:
    emilyさんが私の親友ですけど、 emilyさんだけと遊びません。たとえば、ほうかごmariaさんとtomとよく遊びます。

    thank you!!

    1. Hello Rush,
      エミリーさんは私の親友ですが、彼女だけと遊ぶわけではありません。 (遊びません is fine but わけではない is more natural.)

  6. Hej Maggie先生。
    I love how you explain the things and there is so many difference way.

    But i have one question.
    if you want to say, ex. I’m the only one who doens’t know her secret.
    i have tried. I’m not sure if it’s right.

    you have this sentence:
    私しか彼女の秘密を知らない ( I’m the only one who know her secret (only I know her secret))

    but what if i want to say, I’m the only one who doesn’t know her secret (I only don’t know her secret))
    is this correct.

    it is right?

    i hope you will explain and answer.

  7. Hi Maggie sensei! I can’t figure out what だけで means in some of your example sentences like 「メールを見なかっただけで無視をしたんじゃないよ」or 「彼はうちが貧しいだけで心は貧しいわけではない」or 「あの子はかわいいだけで中身がない」. Could you mind explaining why there’s a で and what it means with だけで?

  8. Hi Sensei, I’ve heard this phrase around quite often.


    However, this seems to be illegal usage of しか right? I need to convert 待つ into a Noun form (待つこと) before I can combine the phrase.

    Hope you can advise. Thanks.

    1. Hi Jake

      You can use
      verb plain form + しかない
      待つしかない = You just need to wait (You can’t do anything else)
      When the following verb is できない you use こと
      verb plain form + こと+しか
      待つことしかできない  “the all you can do is to wait (There is no choice) “

  9. Hi, Maggie sensei.
    Can You help me with this sentencie, please?
    一人と一人でしかないん だろう

    1. Sorry. I don’t do the translation in the comment section. Also I need to know more context but
      Just assuming from the sentence, “It’s probably just one-to-one after all.”

        1. Sorry. Maybe I made you misunderstand. As I wrote in the description in Maggie’s Room, I don’t do the translation on this site.
          Though I would like to help everybody here (on this site), if I do the translation for one person, it will lead to many people.
          Hope you understand.

  10. Hi Maggie

    Great lesson as always. I just have a question about だけ in general.
    I was talking to someone (messaging) telling them they reply really quickly to me. Then they said


    I’d never seen this form used before so I was wondering what the difference is between

    暇だけだよ and 暇なだけだよ


    1. Hi Cake,
      The translation is
      暇なだけ= I just have nothing to do. That’s all.
      In this case, 暇な is na-adjective so when you use だけ,
      ~な+だけ and you don’t say 暇だけ

      きれいな きれいなだけ Ex. この料理は見かけがきれいなだけで美味しくない。= This dish just looks beautiful but not delicious.

      if it’s i-adjective
      Ex. 辛いだけ= tsurai dake dayo = It just painful

  11. Hi maggie!First of all thank you so much for all the explanations you do. One question in this regard. I’ve heard before that either しか or たけ is used in the following regards:
    – 1 is used for whenever there are many students in a class, for example, and only one traveled on golden week.So out of all students, only one traveled.
    – 2 is when it’s only one traveled, regardless of how many there were.

    Not sure if I make sense. Would love to hear back from you.

    Kind regards!

    1. Hi LC

      I can’t really tell the difference between 1) and 2) but
      If only one student student travelled during GW, you can say either

  12. ahoy maggie.

    So,,, with しか。

    If you are say for example having a conversation (hopefully with someone else(ʘᗩʘ)..

    And your talking about how say:

    “Max is rude to everyone”. (can you add) “あぁ、Maryにしか。。。いつも丁寧ねぇ

    thankyou for your time.

    1. Hi Shaun!

      You want to say “Max is rude to everyone except Mary (He is only polite to Mary)?
      = Mary ni dake reigi tadashii ne.
      = Mary ni dake teinei dane.

      If you want to use しか

      1. I have no way to make an example here.
        But In a normal conversation between two people, would it ever be unusual to not finish the sentence?

        instead just trail of with だけ or しか, (because you both kinda know what would be said)?

        love ya work maggie, thankyou for your time.

        1. Hmm I wonder if this is what you are asking but, you sometimes leave the sentence unfinished with だけ in casual conversation.
          A: 「いつ洗濯するの?」 =When do you do your laundry?
          B: 「日曜だけ。」 Just Sunday

          C: 「マギーだけを愛してる」 I only love you Maggie.
          Maggie: 「本当に私だけ?」 Just me? Sure?

          But you don’t finish the sentence with しか/だけしか

  13. 先生、ご質問よろしいですか?


    1. Hi はる
      1 is not natural. 2 is better.
      You can also say 幸子さんは明るいだけではなく親切な人でした。
      (The first part 明るいだけではなく, doesn’t have to be past tense.)

      (Note for you:If you are talking about your own question, ご質問→質問: Just say 質問してもいいですか?(more polite よろしいですか)

  14. Hi Maggie!
    This time I need some of your help ^ ^
    It’s about 動詞ル形+だけ+動詞テ形

    Could you please explain this pattern (when is it used and what does it imply [the nuance]) with some examples?
    As far as I remember, you’ve mentioned that it stresses the meaning of the verb…

    I found this one on the Internet「誘うだけ誘ってプランを具体化させない」and I think it means the speaker will not let realize/materialize someone’s plan of inviting someone somewhere.
    Maybe a good translation of 動詞ル形+だけ+動詞テ形 would be “if it comes to~~” What do you think?

    I found also 「聞くだけ聞いてみたら?」 which means: “it doesn’t hurt to ask”
    Is this the same kind of usage of this pattern?

    Looking forward to your reply :)


    1. Hello 天人!

      All he/she does is asking out (and suggesting something) and never carries out the plans.
      or He/She just asks out someone and doesn’t carry out the plans.

      For example a boy asks a girl out.
      “I know a good Italian restaurant. Do you want to go there with me?”
      The girl says yes but the boy never carries out the plan, making a reservation, setting the time and going to the restaurant with the girl.

      So VだけVて〜 implies “just do something and wouldn’t do something.”

      = I just said things I needed to say and came home.
      Implies the speaker just said whatever things he/she needed to say and didn’t listen to others and left the place and came home.

      You use this form for a suggestion or asking someone to do something

      The closest translation is “It never hurts to ask.” = Just ask. You won’t lose anything.

      You can use this form to ask for a favor.
      Just hear me out! / Please just listen to me. (implies “You don’t need to do anything else. Just listen and decide what to do.)

      1. Ah, this wonderful feeling of being enlightened by Maggie <3
        Thank you very much.

        I made an example using 動詞ル形+だけ+動詞テ形, would you please take a look on it?
        1) 甘い言葉言うだけ言って、一度約束したことを実行することになると、彼はまったく何もしない。

        Thanks again and see ya next time, Maggie!

        1. おはよう、天人!


          甘い言葉”を”言うだけ言って / Or if that person asking someone out with sweet words, you can say 甘い言葉で誘うだけ誘って

  15. Hi. Thank you for all your effort. I’ve learned a lot. I found the next sentence in a song: “boku wa kimi wo omou shika nai”.
    Then, the verb can be before ” shika” and “nai” in every sentence or just in certain cases?
    It would be the same as boku wa kimi shika omoimasen? Thanks.

    1. verb plain form + しかない means there is no choice but doing ~ / the only think one can do is to ~

      It should work with any verbs..(If I come up with any exceptions, I will add them here.)

      taberu shikanai
      iku shikanai
      suru shikanai….

      1) boku wa kimi wo omou shika nai
      2) boku wa kimi shika omoimasen

      are different.
      1) The only thing I can do is to think about you. (Nothing else)
      2) I will just think about you. (Nobody else)

  16. Hi Maggie-sensei..

    I have a question.. 私なんてただの犬の先生でしかない. It is an example above, I just wanna ask why is で used after the sensei?

    1. Hi Leo,

      Nでしかない is an expression to belittle someone/something in this case “myself” It means “I am nothing but just a dog teacher”

          1. 1 more question maggie sensei.. I got lost in the difference of this 2 sentences that I made.. it goes like this..

            “Kore ga yaru shika nai” & “Kore deshika yaranai” and is it right that I putted de in here? ..

          2. Leo
            I wonder if you meant these two sentences.
            これをやるしかない?= Kore wo yaru shikanai = There is no choice. I have to do this. (Obligation/You are under pressure)
            これだけしかやらない = Kore dake shika yaranai = I only do this.(Nothing else) (You do just one thing. You decide on your own)

            Your sentences
            Kore ga yarushika nai. = これがやるしかない = You use が after これ. That mean “これ” is a subject. “This one” should do. There is no choice. (That means you refers to someone with これ which is pretty rude.)
            Kore deshika yaranai” これでしかやらない Since you put で after これ, it means “with this” “method”. I only do it using this.

  17. Hi sensei!

    Really good page and really detailed! Love it very much!

    I would have a question regarding this lesson. I read it here, that “dake” goes before “ga” like: クラシックだけが聞きます.

    However, I met with this sentence: あの人は英語がだけ分かります. So I think this must be a bad usage of “dake”, right? Can you please confirm it?

    Best Regards!

    1. Also, in this sentence: 美味しいものだけ食べたい
      Can I put the “wo” particle or I cannot. Or if I want, I can just omit it?
      like this: 美味しいものだけを食べたい

      Thanks again!

      1. Yes, you can say 美味しいものだけを食べたい
        As I mentioned in my previous comment, you tend to drop certain particles in conversation but it is originally 美味しいものだけを食べたい

    2. Hello Inside27,

      When you use だけ with a particle, you have to be careful where to put a particle.
      クラッシック(音楽)を聞く = to listen to the classical music.
      You only listed to the classical music
      (In conversation, you sometimes drop the particle を

      英語がわかります or 英語はわかります (when you show the contrast)

      He/She understand just English.

      1. Maggie, what Inside27 means is the order of usage of the particles; whether if it changes the context, or not.
        => あの人は英語!がだけ!分かります VS あの人は英語!だけが!分かります

        I think that がだけ focuses more on what it comes before => 英語
        and だけが focuses more on what it comes after => 分かります

        What do you think?

        1. @天人

          You don’t say あの人は英語がだけ分かります
          The position of が is wrong.
          The possible positions are
          あの人だけが英語がわかります。Just that person understand English/ Only that person does understand English.
          あの人は英語だけがわかります。He/She understand only English
          あの人は英語がわかるだけです。He/She is just understand English.

  18. Hi, Maggie sensei
    I don’t understand clearly the meaning of these two sentences:
    1. 自分だけを信じる。
    2. 自分を信じるだけ。
    Please explain them for me sensei.

    1. @hang

      Hi hang
      1. 自分だけを信じる。
      だけ modifies 自分
      to believe just “oneself”
      2. 自分を信じるだけ。
      だけ modifies “自分を信じる”
      Just “believe oneself”.

  19. Thank you for these lessons! I’ve been randomly searching for sites on how to use “dake” because I can’t really depend only on our school sensei. I have to do self study too, Glad i’ve found a nice reliable Japanese lesson site!

    I just want to ask if this sentence is correct and acceptable:


  20. I would like to ask an out-of-topic question, I just started learning basic Nihon go.
    I once read that we can say “あなたが好きです ~ anata ga suki desu” to say “I like you”.
    The question is, the above clause is a shortened clause, isn’t it? And the complete clause is “私はあなたが好きです ~ Watashi wa anata ga suki desu”, is that correct?
    Thanks for the answers!

    1. @Ary Anandaputra
      Hello Ary Anandaputra

      Yes,that’s right.
      “私はあなたが好きです ~ Watashi wa anata ga suki desu”
      私= watashi = I
      は= wa = particle (topic marker)
      We tend to omit the subject in Japanese.
      →あなたが好きです。= Anata ga suki desu.

  21. hello Maggie sensei..
    recently I added you in Twitter.. I’m the one who guessed those Japanese-English sentences..I’m so happy to be with you boucingheart!

    about this lesson, I’m sure it was posted before, is there any changes in this one.. cause I already have that printed??

    and my name in katakana is read like : Ruwaida it’s an arabic name… do you think it can be turned into kanji.. my name is log and hard..

    1. @Roro

      Hi Roro,
      Oh you followed me on Twitter? よろしくね!:)
      Ah, OK, here’s what happened.
      I usually check the lessons one more time before I release them. But somehow I accidentally published this lesson right after I made it without checking the spelling and etc.
      So I unpublished it again to check. So I doubt there will be a major change in future.

      Hmm let me think. How about 瑠愛多
      RU: 瑠 beautiful jewelry. It is one of common kanji for name with ru
      WAI : Instead of “wai” you could use the sound “AI” 愛 love
      TA : da 多(=ta/da)  a lot
      beautiful jewelry+ a lot of love

  22. !koujichuu!  [Kodokomo] :rrrr: [kodomo] dake de dekakeru
    :rrrr: ごめんなさい。その日だけは忙しいです。」
    [ !koujichuu!  missing !koujichuu! :rrrr: gomennasai ] Sono hi dake wa isogashii desu.
    Ex. メールを見なかっただけで無視をしたんじゃないよ。
    = Mairu wo minakatta dakede !koujichuu!  [de] !koujichuu!  mushi wo shitan ja nai yo.
    Kare to wa ie ga !koujichuu!  chikakatta :rrrr: [chikatta] dake desu

    1. @zoheb

      Thank you!!!!!!! いつも本当にありがとう、zoheb!!boucingheart!

      近かった=ちかかった= chikakatta で大丈夫です。


  23. ううん、分かります!ありがとうございますマギー先生!


  24. こんにちは! マギー先生!なんて素晴らしいレッスンですが、質問があります。
    How do you know when to add a particle to だけ or combine だけ and しか with a particle?

    1. @Myllzz


      You can replace だけ with だけしか in a negative sentence.

      There are all the colors but this one.

      But you can’t use だけしか in an affirmative sentence.
      There is no other colors but this one.
      X この色だけしかある。
      Ex. Connerだけを愛している。
      You can’t say
      X Connerだけしかを愛している。

      G) このページだけ勉強した。
      You can’t say

  25. hi maggie sensei
    I tried to respond to my other post but it wouldn’t work. I’m a boy and my name in katakana would be ケイン
    any interesting suggestions you could give to me to convert my name into kanji

    pls n ty

    1. @kane

      Oh, sorry. You are a boy. And it reads kein. I searched it and they got the similar one but how about
      華 means brilliant
      音 is the same as I have suggested before. You usually read “ね(=ne)” but “いん” is possible for names.

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