= Kyou no yuushoku dakedo, suteiki to tonkatsu to furaido chikin dakede ii karane.
= As for today’s dinner, all I need is just a steak, pork cutlets and fried chicken, OK?
Hi everyone!
I am your guest teacher, 星 ( = Hoshi) from Poland.
I am having a great life here. !niconico!
Today’s lesson is how to use けど ( = kedo)
けど ( = kedo) is a casual form of けれども ( = keredomo)
I think many of you know the usage of けど ( = kedo) as “but” .
In this lesson, I will try to cover more usages of けど ( = kedo) including colloquial ones.
★ How to form:
verb plain form (present tense/past tense) + けど ( = kedo)
* 行く ( = iku) to go + けど ( = kedo)
行くけど ( = ikukedo)
* 行かない ( = ikanai) no tot go + けど ( = kedo)
行かないけど ( = ikanai kedo)
(past tense)
* 行った ( = itta) went + けど ( = kedo)
行ったけど ( = itta kedo)
* 行かなかった( = ikanakatta) + けど ( = kedo)
( = ikanakatta kedo)
★You add のだ ( = noda) / んだ ( = nda) to emphasize your feeling or contrast more.
Also, the sentence with のだ ( = noda) / んだ ( = nda) sounds more explanatory.
んだ ( = nda) is a casual contraction of のだ ( = noda)
* 行くのだけど ( = ikuno dakedo)
行くんだけど ( = ikun dakedo)
*行かないのだけど (= ikanai noda kedo)
行かないんだけど (= ikanain dakedo)
*行ったのだけど ( = ittanodakedo)
行ったんだけど ( = ittandakedo)
*行かなかったのだけど ( = ikanakattanodakedo)
行かなかったんだけど ( = ikanakattandakedo)
☆ na- adjective + だ ( = da) + けど ( = kedo)
* きれい ( = kirei) beautiful + だけど ( = dakedo)
きれいだけど ( = kirei dakedo)
( past tense )
*きれい ( = kirei) beautiful + だった ( = datta) + けど ( = kedo)
きれいだったけど ( = kirei datta kedo)
☆ i-adjecitve ~い (= i) + けど ( = kedo)
*かわいい (= kawaii) cute + けど ( = kedo)
かわいいけど ( = kawaii kedo)
( past tense ) ~かった ( = katta) + けど ( = kedo)
* かわいかったけど ( = kawaikatta kedo)
★ na-adjective 〜な ( = na) + のだ ( = noda) /んだ ( = nda)
* きれいなのだけど ( = kireina no dakedo)
きれいなんだけど ( = kirei nandakedo)
(past tense) 〜だった ( =datta) + のだ ( = noda) /んだ ( = nda)
* きれいだったのだけど ( = kirei datta no dakedo)
きれいだったんだけど ( = kirei dattan dakedo)
★ i-adjective 〜い ( = i) + のだ ( = noda) /んだ ( = nda)
* かわいいのだけど ( = kawaii no dakedo)
かわいいんだけど ( = kawaiin dakedo)
(past tense) 〜かった ( = katta) + のだ ( = noda) /んだ ( = nda)
* かわいかったのだけど ( = kawaikatta no dakedo)
かわいかったんだけど ( = kawaikattan dakedo)
★ noun +だ ( = da) + けど ( = dakedo) /(past tense) だった ( = datta) + けど (= dattakedo)
* 試験 ( = shiken) an exam + だ ( = da) + けど ( = dakedo)
試験だけど ( = shiken dakedo)
(past tense)
試験だったけど ( = shiken datta kedo)
(past tense)
試験だったんだけど ( = shiken dattan dakedo)
(more polite)
★ noun +ですけど ( = desu kedo) /(past tense) でしたけど (= deshita kedo)
* 試験 ( = shiken) an exam + ですけど ( = desu kedo)
→試験ですけど ( = shiken desu kedo)
(past tense)
試験でしたけど ( = shiken deshita kedo)
試験だったんですけど ( = shiken dattan desu kedo)
★ noun + な (= na) + のだ ( = noda) /んだ ( = nda)
試験なのだけど/試験なんだけど ( = shiken nano dakedo /shiken nan dakedo)
(more polite)
試験なんですけど ( = shiken nan desu kedo)
(past tense)
試験だったんですけど ( = shiken dattan desu kedo)
★How to use:
1) to show the contrast: but / although / even though
Ex. 今週は暇だけど、来週は忙しい。
= Konshuu wa himada kedo, raishuu wa isogashii.
= I am free this week, but I will be busy next week.
Ex. まだ彼のことが、好きだけど、忘れることにします。
= Mada kare no koto ga, suki dakedo, wasureru koto ni shimasu.
= I still have feelings for him, but I will try to forget about him.
Ex. マギーは犬だけど日本語の先生です。
= Maggie wa inu dakedo nihongo no sensei desu.
= Although Maggie is a dog, she is a Japanese teacher.
Ex. 彼女はかわいいんだけど僕のタイプではない。
= Kanojo wa kawaiin dakedo boku no taipu dewa nai.
= She is cute but not my type.
Ex. 彼はいつもは穏やかな人だけどゲームをやり始めると人が変わる。
= Kare wa itsumo wa odayakana hito dakedo geimu wo yarihajimeru to hito ga kawaru.
= He is usually a calm person but once he starts to play games, he becomes a totally different person.
Ex. 「ねえ、一口食べない?」
= Nee hitokuchi tabenai?
= Hey, you want a bite?
= Oishisou dakedo, onaka ippai dakara iranai.
= It looks good, but I am full so no thank you.
Ex. 散らかっているけど、どうぞ、中に入って。
= Chirakatte iru kedo, douzo, naka ni haitte.
= It is messy but please come in.
Ex. 漢字は苦手だったけど、段々勉強するのが楽しくなってきた。
= Kanji wa nigate datta kedo, dandan benkyou suruno ga tanoshiku natte kita.
= I was not good at kanji but I’ve gradually started to enjoy studying it.
Ex. 少し早いけど、お誕生日おめでとう!
= Sukoshi hayai kedo, otanjoubi omedetou!
= It is a little early but Happy Birthday!
Ex. この部屋は安いけど広い。
= Kono heya wa yasui kedo hiroi.
= This room is cheap but spacious.
Ex. がんばったけど試験に落ちた。
= Ganbatta kedo shiken ni ochita.
= I tried hard but I failed the exam.
* You leave a sentence unfinished with けど ( = kedo) on purpose.
As I often mention, Japanese people tend to avoid straight expressions and leave a sentence unfinished on purpose. The listeners should read between the lines.
Ex. 彼はいい人なんだけど…
= Kare wa ii hito nanda kedo…
= He is a nice person but…
Ex. 「一緒にクラッシックコンサートに行かない?」
= Issho ni kurasshikku konsaato ni ikanai?
= Do you want to go to a classical music concert with me?
= Kurasshikku wa suki dakedo…
= I like classic music but…
2) Other usages of finishing a sentence with けど ( = kedo)
(1) You leave a sentence with けど ( = kedo) to make it sound softer.
Ex. A: 「マギー、電話!」
= A: Maggie, denwa!
= A: Maggie, telephone!
Maggie: 「はい、マギーですけど。どちら様ですか?」
= Hai, Maggie desu kedo. Dochira sama desu ka?)
= Hello I am Maggie. May I ask who’s calling?
Y: 「マギー?私だけど。わかる?」
= Maggie? Watashi dakedo. Wakaru?
= Maggie? It’s me! Do you know who I am?
Ex. 「お名前は?」
= Onamae wa?
= May I ask your name?
= Kyou no rokuji ni yoyaku shita Tanaka desu kedo.
= (Lit: I’m Tanaka who made a reservation for six today.)
= I am Tanaka. I have a reservation for six today.
Note: To make it sound more polite or formal, you use が ( = ga)
→マギーですが ( = Maggie desu ga)
→田中ですが ( = Tanaka desu ga)
(2) To express your emotions: The speaker could show the feelings such as anxiety, frustration, anger, etc.
Ex. A: 「山田さんに5千円返してもらった?」
= Yamada san ni go-sen-en kaeshite moratta?
= Have you gotten 5,000 yen back from Mr. Yamada?
= Did Mr. Yamada pay you back?
B: 「ううん、まだ。もう何回も言ってるんだけど….」
= Uun, mada. Mou nankai mo itterun dakedo…
= No, not yet. I have asked him so many times but…
Note: After this けど ( = kedo), we can tell B is repeating what A has asked. B omitted, “まだ返してくれない = mada kaeshite kurenai”)
Ex. 母:「ちょっと、手伝ってくれない?」
= Haha: Chotto, tetsudatte kurenai?
= Mother: Can you give me a little help?
= Musume: Ima, benkyou shiterun dakedo…
= Daughter: You know I am studying right now…
Ex. A:「昌が、仕事がないってこぼしていたよ。」
= Masa ga, shigoto ga naitte koboshite itayo.
= Masa was complaining that he couldn’t find a job.
B: 「彼は才能は、あるんだけどね。」
= Kare wa sainou wa arun dakedone.
= I know he has talents but you know…
Ex. 友梨は失恋したばかりだから今日は飲み過ぎなければいいんだけど…
= Yuri wa shitsuren shita bakari dakara kyou wa nomisuginakereba iin dakedo..
= Yuri has just got a broken heart so I hope she doesn’t drink too much…
(3) To make your point / to complain / to express your feelings (colloquial)
Note: The intonation is much stronger than the usage of asking for a favor.
* Making your point. (conversational)
Ex. 私だってがんばっているんですけど。
= Watashidatte ganbatte irun desu kedo.
= I am doing my best, you know.
Ex. 今、自分のことでいっぱいなんだけど。
= Ima, jibun nokoto de ippai nandakedo.
= I have my hands full with my own things, you know.
* Talking back: “So what?” (conversational)
Ex. 先生: 「少しは勉強したら?」
= Sensei: Sukoshi wa benkyou shitara?
= Teacher: Why don’t you study a little?
You: 「今日はもうマギー先生のツイッター読みましたけど。」
= Kyou wa mou Maggie sensei no tsuittaa yomimashita kedo.
= But I’m telling you, I’ve already read Maggie Sensei’s tweet for today.
= Maggie sensei tte dare?
= Who is Maggie Sensei?
You: 「犬ですけど。」
= Inu desu kedo.
= She is a dog. (So what?)
Ex. 僕はオタクだけど。それがなにか?
= Boku wa otaku dakedo. Sore ga nani ka?
= I am a geek (nerd). Do you have a problem?
* Complaining (conversational)
Ex. 昨日も私がお皿を洗ったんだけど。
= Kinou mo watashi ga osara wo arattan dakedo.
= I washed the dishes yesterday too.
Ex. もう1時間も待ってるんだけど。
= Mou ichijikan mo matterun dakedo.
= I have been waiting for one hour already, you know.
Ex. テーブルが汚いんだけど。
= Teiburu ga kitanainda kedo.
= The table is dirty you know.
Ex. ちょっと、痛いんだけど!
= Chotto, itain dakedo.
= It hurts!
Ex. そんなことどうでもいいんだけど。
= Sonna koto doudemo iindakedo.
= I really don’t care about that.
* Expressing your emotions. (conversational)
Ex. わ~恥ずかしいんだけど。
= Waa~ Hazukashiin dakedo.
= Goosh! This is sooooo embarrassing!
Ex. ちょっと、美味しいんだけど!
= Chotto, oishiin dakedo!
= Wow! It is so delicious!
Ex. マギーの彼氏、かっこいいんですけど。
= Maggie no kareshi, kakkoiin desukedo.
= Your boyfriend is SOOO handsome, Maggie.
(4) to ask someone for a favor/permission in a subtle way.
Ex. すみません。もう閉店時間なんですけど….
= Sumimasen. Mou heiten jikan nandesu kedo…
= I am sorry but it is already time to close the store/restaurant. (Would you leave now?)
Ex. 千円貸して欲しいんだけど…
= Sen-en kashite hoshiin dakedo…
= I would like to borrow 1,000 yen (If it is OK)
= Could you lend me 1,000 yen (if it is OK)?
Ex. ちょっと寒いんだけど。
= Chotto samuin dakedo…
= It’s a bit cold you know. (Can you do something about it?)
Ex. 明日、友達と遊びに行きたいんだけど。
= Ashita, tomodachi to asobini ikitain dakedo.
= I would like to go out with my friend tomorrow, you know.
( Can I go out with my friend?)
Ex. 携帯をなくしたんですけど。
= Keitai wo nakushitan desu kedo.
= I lost my cellphone….( Could you help me find it?)
Ex. 渋谷駅に行きたいんですけど…
= Shibuyaeki ni ikitain desu kedo…
= I would like to go to Shibuya station. (Could you tell me how to get there?)
Ex. これ一つ、欲しいんですけど…
= Kore hitotsu, hoshiin desu kedo…
= I would like one of these… (Can I buy one?)
3) Introductory remarks: to bring up some topics / Regarding ~ , as for ~
⭐️ How to form:
* noun + だ ( = da) + けど ( = kedo)
* noun ( + の ( = no) + こと ( = koto)) + だ ( = da) + けど ( = kedo)
to emphasize the feeling/ to make it sound more explanatory
* noun + なんだ ( = nanda) + けど ( = kedo)
* noun + の ( = no) + こと ( = koto) + なんだ ( = nanda) + けど ( = kedo)
* verb plain form + の ( = no) / ん (=n) + だけど ( = dakedo)
It may not be appeared in the translation but you bring up the topics with けど ( = kedo)
Ex. 明日だけど、待ち合わせ時間どうする?
= Ashita dakedo, machiawase jikan dousuru?
= As for tomorrow, what should we do?
You can also say,
= Ashita no koto nandakedo, machiawase jikan dousuru?
= As for tomorrow, what time should we meet?
Ex. 麻理の誕生日のことなんだけど、どうする?
= Mari no tanjoubi no koto nandakedo, dousuru?
= As for Mari’s birthday, what should we do about it?
= What should we do about Mari’s birthday?
Ex. 「彼のことだけど、聞いた?」
= Kare no koto dakedo, kiita?
= As for him, did you hear anything about what happened?
= Did you hear about him?
= Uun, watashi mo kininatte irun dakedo..
= No but I am concerned about him, too, you know.
Ex. A: 「明日はいよいよデートだね。」
= Ashita wa iyoiyo deeto dane.
= We are going to finally go out on a date tomorrow.
B:「そのことだけどちょっと話があるの。」(female speech)
= Sono koto dakedo chotto hanashi ga aruno.
= Regarding that thing, we need to talk.
:n: You can also bring up a topic using a verb.
* topics+ けど ( = kedo) + what to do/ what you did
Ex. 明日、うちでお寿司パーティーを開くんだけど来ない?
= Ashita, uchi de osushi paatii wo hirakun dakedo konai?
= You know I am going to have a sushi party tomorrow at home. Do you want to come?
Ex. 先週、みんなで花見に行ったんだけど楽しかった~!
= Senshuu, minna de hanami ni ittan dakedo tanoshikattaa.
= I went to see cherry blossoms with everybody. It was so much fun!
Ex. 彼の親に会ったんだけどすごく優しかった。
= Kare no oya ni attan dakedo sugoku yasashikatta.
= I saw his parents. They are really nice.
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie
= Hoshi Sensei, arigatou!
= Thank you, Hoshi Sensei.
= Watashi mo kawaii kedo, hoshi sensei mo kawaiine.
= I am cute, but you are also cute, too, Hoshi Sensei.
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
As always, thank you for your lessons. I’m suppose to have an N2 level but I still have doubts when it comes to けど😅.
Can you use it with ますform?
For example: 食べられますけど、あまり好きじゃありません。
Or 行きませんでしたけど、行きたかったです。
Thanks again!
Hi Noraneko
Since けど is a casual form, if you want to use the polite form with the following verbs
食べられますけれども or 食べれますが+ あまり好きじゃありません。
行きませんでしたけれども or 行きませんでしたが+ 行きたかったです。
might be more natural but yes, people do use masu-form with けど in conversation.
maggie sensei, i love you but this is impossible for me to read lol. i always have o copy and paste it and then reformat it because my brain refuses to process the information lo;. but anyways, thank you for your lessons.
Hello zee
Sorry to hear it is impossible for you to read this lesson. 😢
If you try to learn the whole lesson at once, it might be hard.
I hope you can come back here just to get a piece of information. 😉
こんにちは、 Nassima
= Nee hitokuchi tabenai?
= Hey, you wanna a bite?
Shouldn’t it me “Hey, you want a bite?” or “You wanna bite?”
Thanks for spotting the mistake. I fixed it. :D
I still can’t understand the kedo / dake dou parts of this.
I was watching xxholic and hemawari-san asked watanuki what his birthday was and he says shi gatsu tsuitachi dake dou.
It is this usage
2) Other usage of finishing a sentence with けど ( = kedo)
So instead of saying 4月1日です。
dakedo/desu kedo add the nuance of softness of the speech.
There’s some mistake on the part of
かわいかったんだけど ( = kawaiku nakattan dakedo)
Could you please correct it? Romaji is a past negative but hiragana is just past tense.
Thank you.
Hi Nate
Thank you so much for spotting the mistake. I fixed it. ありがとう!
Hello Nihon Scope,
You can translate it as: “Well, it’s on April the 1st…”
Unfinished sentences are very common in Japanese, as Maggie said.
As always, your lessons are great and it benefit many people.
I have two questions:
1. “Making your point. (conversational)
Ex. 私だってがんばっているんですけど。
My question is what is~だって?私だって?I always hear it but I dont know its function.
2. My second question is けど used when we want that we are the best? Be arrogant?
Or its used when we dont have much confidence in what we do?
Or both?
Thank you so much in advance.
1. Ah I haven’t made a lesson on だって yet? Maybe I should make one soon.
Anyway だって means 1) to give a reason “because”. (I mentioned this usage in my 理由lesson.)
2) even/ also / to emphasize what comes before in this case 私
私だってがんばっているんですけど。 implies “It may not appear that I try hard but I do try hard, too, you know.”
2. Not necessary being arrogant. It is just to make your point. So even if you don’t have any confidence, you try to make someone understand that you ARE trying hard.
Thank you very for the great lesson!
I hope it helps you understand the usage. :)
Thank you so much it cleared up my confusion.
Yes, please make a lesson on だって and 間・間に I really need them
I have other questions please.
1.What to use in Japanese to show we have a strong will to do something? Is there a grammar point with this function?
2. Since けど is not used to show arrogance, what can we use instead?
By the way, can I make some suggestions?
1. To edit our comments after “post”
2. Ability to search for our own comments in this site because it’s more convenient this way.
Thanks in advance.
1.You can use present tense with a word like 絶対に/きっと to show your strong will.
And you can attach some casual suffix.
きっと勝つぞ(ぞ is for a male speech)
2. You could show “arrogance” with your intonation.
I don’t know about arrogance but if
〜って言っているじゃないですか。/〜って言っているじゃない。/ (male speech)
express one’s annoyed feelings more.
3. There seems to be a plug in to allow you to edit/search your comments.
I will tell our web developer to have that plug-in. The problem is I used to have tons of plug-ins and got hacked the webpage from some of the plug-ins. So we have been very cautions.
OK, will work on your request soon.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this lesson! I have been wondering SO LONG why so many sentences end with “kedo” for no apparent reason (since the usual “but/however” meaning didn’t make sense in those contexts). I cannot thank you enough for clearing up my confusion!!!!
Now you can sleep well! 😉
I have been working on 間・間に lesson but it may take more time because it is a bit complicated.
だって lesson is done. Will release it sometime soon.
Hey maggie, i was just wondering why you put two -て forms next to each other. Maybe you have a lesson on this? Thanks…
Hi Dale
two -て forms next to each other
Before I answer let me confirm your question.
You mean like 行ってて・探してて…etc?
I am confused with ”2) Other usage of finishing a sentence with けど ( = kedo)”.Is the definition of kedo still the same or has another definition?
In the usage 1), I showed the examples of showing the contrast cleary or two contradicted facts.
2) contains, more subtle usages. Ex. マギーですけど… (It doesn’t show any contrast.) , showing more emotions, colloquial usages, etc.
when the speaker picks the phone and says ”maggie desukedo” does it not mean but?I am really confused why is it not mean ”but”
Maggie desu kedo.
This kedo doesn’t have a function to show the contrast or lead to something contradicting.
You add it to either emphasize the feelings or soften the speech.
I didn’t know where to say this, but I really want to thank you for this website and all of the work and effort you put into it.
I’ve been using this site off and on for at least a year now, so I felt it needed to be said.
Thank you for your nice message.
これからもこのサイトを使って日本語の勉強してくださいね。 :)
マギーへ !hamberger!
Thanks for the lesson, there are indeed some new aspects to けど. :test:
So I’ve learned that generally you use けど when you leave something unsaid, which would be to direct if you’d spell it out. But contrasting 2 of your sentences, I wonder what is left unsaid in the second one.
1.ちょっと寒いんだけど。 As you said, the speaker implies he wants something done about it.
2.ちょっと、美味しいんだけど! So what’s implied with this sentence? Your translation sounds like: It’s soo delicious (but I didn’t expect it, I thought it would be bad). Is my interpretation correct? Couldn’t it also mean something like: It’s very delicious, but I don’t want to eat right now?
I’m asking because, if I just want to express my feelings, it seems kind of strange to me to add a けど, as it sounds like I would hold something back, which could lead to misinterpretations. Or is this けど really just an emphasis without any hidden implications?
1. Your interpretation is right.
2. In this colloquial usage, the speaker doesn’t imply anything. It is one way to express your feelings.
But you are right. The intonation is very important.
If you say 美味しいんだけど with no smile, the listener would think “But what? Something wrong??”
I see! :D So far, I’ve always been able to find the answers to my questions here when I want to understand in depth! I absolutely love this site!
こちらこそ、やさしいメッセージありがとう! boucingheart!
With regard to the colloquial usage of けど in order to soften sentences, does that mean that it can be added behind any sentence? For example, if I say “食べたことないですけどね”, does that make sense?
Thank you in advance!
Lots of love,
I wouldn’t say “any sentences” (for example imperative form won’t work with けど) but regular declarative sentences should work with けど. And yes you can say “食べたことないですけどね”.
[hoshiin] desu kedo
[hoshiin] dakedo
[kurasshikku] konsaato ni ikanai
= Kore hitotsu, [hoshin]
Ex. 千円貸して欲しいんだけど…
= Sen-en kashite [hoshinn]
ツイッター !koujichuu! [tsuitta]
Sensei: Sukoshi wa !koujichuu! [benkoyu] [benkyou]shitara?
Issho ni !koujichuu! kurasshiku
!koujichuu! だった ( = katta)
Thank you, my spell checking angel!!! boucingheart!
Happy Mother’s day to your mother dear Maggie sensei and Ma’am Yukari. I hope your mothers and you are having a good time tonight. Thank you so much for being born !JYANE!
Hi orikousan!
Thank you so much for the sweetest message!
Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mother,2u2! :k: