How to use あげく ( = ageku)















= Sanzan itazura shite asonda ageku tsukarete nechatta yo.

= After playing around and being a naughty puppy, he fell asleep.

Hi everyone!

Today’s guest teacher is Puppy-sensei.

Though he is a small puppy he will teach you a kind of tough word. あげく= 挙句/揚句 (= ageku)

So here we go! 


Hi, I am Puppy! よろしくね (= Yoroshiku ne)  Nice to meet you!

I slept well so it is time for me to teach you.

 !star! How to form:

verb past tense  +  あげく ( = ageku) +(( =ni)) +   result

suru verb noun form (doing something)  + (= no) + あげく ( = ageku) + ( = ni) + result

Ex. 勉強した ( = benkyou shita) + あげく ( = ageku)

Ex. 勉強 ( = benkyou)  +  ( = no) あげく ( = ageku)

:rrrr: After much doing something, in the end +  result

So あげく ( = ageku) means  “in the end / finally / after all that effort / as a result / on top of all that ~”  .

 :rrrr: After doing something (for a long time) or working hard, in the end + the result*

*Usually the result is unfavorable, negative, or contradicted.

Ex. いろいろ考えたあげく今年は日本に行くのをやめた。

= Iroiro kangaeta ageku kotoshi wa nihon ni iku no wo yameta.

= I thought and thought and decided not to go to Japan this year.

Ex. ずっとメールや電話でやり取りしたあげく、注文をキャンセルされた。

= Zutto meiru ya denwa de yaritori shita ageku, chuumon wo kyanseru sareta.

= After all the back and forth via email and on the phone, they ended canceling the order.

Ex. 徹夜で勉強したあげく寝坊をして試験を受けられなかった。

= Tetsuya de benkyou shita ageku nebou wo shite shiken wo ukerarenakatta.

= After studying all night, in the end, I overslept and couldn’t take an exam.

Ex. 30分も待ったあげく欲しかったゲームが売り切れで買えなかった。

= Sanjuppun mo matta ageku hoshikatta geimu ga urikire de  kaenakatta.

= After waiting a good 30 minutes, the game that I wanted was sold out and I couldn’t buy it.

Ex. 彼らは、周りの人を巻き込んで大げんかをしたあげくいつの間にか仲直りしていた。

= Karera wa, mawari no hito wo makikonde oogenka wo shita ageku itsuno mani ka nakanaori shite ita.

= After having a big fight involving all the people around them, they made it up before anyone even knew it.

Ex. 彼女を長い間待たせたあげく結婚しなかった。

= Kanojo wo nagai aida mataseta ageku kekkon shinakatta.

= After keeping her waiting for a long time, I (or he) didn’t marry her after all.

Ex. 毎日3時間も残業したあげく給料はたったこれだけなんて信じられない。

= Mainichi sanjikan mo zangyou shita ageku kyuuryou wa tatta koredake nan te shinjirarenai.

= I can’t believe my salary is only this much after working three hours overtime every day.


It is often use a word 散々=さんざん ( = sanzan ) a lot / much / for a long time / repeatedly

Ex. さんざん迷ったあげく何も買わなかった。

= Sanzan mayotta ageku nani mo kawanakatta.

= After spending all that time trying to decide whether I should buy it or not, I ended up not buying anything.

Ex. 彼女は、さんざん文句を言ったあげく1日で仕事をやめてしまった。

= Kanojo wa, sanzan monku wo itta ageku ichinichi de shigoto wo yamete shimatta.

= After all that complaining, she quit her job just like that after only one day.

Ex. 彼はさんざん酔っ払ったあげく勘定を払わずに帰ろうとした。

= Kare wa sanzan yopparatta ageku kanjou wo harawazu ni kaerou to shita.

= After getting so drunk, he almost left without paying the check.


= Karera wa sanzan nonde tabeta ageku kataduke mo shinai de dete itta.

= After drinking and eating a lot, they left without putting things away.

📝 Note:

1) You also say あげく( = agekuni). It stresses the meaning slightly more.

2)  挙句の果てに= あげくのはてに ( = ageku no hate ni). : 

 :rrrr: After all the efforts, hardship + result. (It sounds much stronger than あげく(=ageku ni) .)

Ex. さんざんデートにお金を使ったあげくふられた。

= Sanzan deeto ni okane wo tsukatta ageku furareta.

= I got ditched after all the money I spent on dates.

 :rrrr: (stronger feeling)


= Sanzan deeto ni okane wo tsukatta ageku ni furareta.

 :rrrr: (much stronger feeling)


= Sanzan deeto ni okane wo tsukatta ageku no hate ni furareta.

Ex. 苦労して育てたあげくの果てにそんなことを子供に言われるなんて。

= Kurou shite sodateta ageku no hate ni sonna koto wo kodomo ni iwareru nante.

= After all the hardships I went through raising my child, I can’t believe he/she would say such a thing.

= (If the speaker is talking to their child)  After all the hardship I went through raising you, I can’t believe you could say such a thing.

*あげく ( = ageku ) + ( = no) + noun

Ex. あれだけ時間をかけたあげく作品がこれなの?

= Aredake jikan wo kaketa ageku no sakuhin ga kore nano?

= Is this the result after spending all that time? This is it? (Not happy about the work.)

Ex. 考えたあげく結論

= Kangaeta ageku no ketsuron

= A conclusion after thinking about something for a long time.


maggie-senseiギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Puppy Sensei, arigatou!

= Thank you, Puppy Sensei!


= Shikkari nemutte mata ashita, ippai asonde ne.

= Sleep tight and play a lot again tomorrow.


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  1. 先生、
    複雑な問題について、さんざん考えたあげく に、解けなくなった。

    1. 「さんざん考えた」という結果が「解けなくなった」というのは時は、逆説の接続詞を使います。

  2. Hello Maggie sensei,

    As for the sentence in the song “In the end” like:
    “I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it does n’t even matter” 。

    Which grammar to use to express the “in the end” here?

    Is it あげく or 末?


    1. I would use 結局 for “in the end”

  3. Hi Maggie Sensei,
    Can I ask a stupid question? When you say ‘出ていった’, is the ‘いった’ part from 行く / 行った? Just asking because you wrote it in kanji further up and then hiragana in that example, so I wasn’t sure if it was just pronounced the same but not the same kanji. Hope that makes sense!

    1. Hi Cindy

      Ah, yes, the kanji is 行く
      出て行った The pronunciation is the same. (I can change the hiranagan to kanji if it confuses you)

  4. After all that complaining, she quit !koujichuu!  [his] :rrrr: [her] job just like that after only one day
    thank you Maggie sensei !nemui!

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