= Jinsei, nanakorobi yaoki dayo.
= Life has its ups and downs. you know.
Hi everyone! I am Nian Nian! I came back here to teach you Japanese and life.
Today we will learn many expressions with number.
There are so many 四字熟語=よじじゅくご= yojijukugo = four-character compounds with a number.
But I will choose the ones that I hear/read in our daily life.
All the words are in numerical order. If the word contains two numbers, I will put in the first number.
I will omit the etymology but try to give you an example sentence as much as I can.
Many of my example sentences are pretty colloquial.
★ 0.5 / a half = 半= はん=han
* 半人前
= hannin mae
= novice, half-baked, half-fledged
★ 1 = 一 = いち = ichi
* 一を聞いて十を知る
= いちをきいてじゅうをしる
= Ichi wo kiite juu wo shiru
= A word is enough to the wise.
* 紅一点
= こういってん
= kouitten
= the only woman in the group
Ex. このクラスでは紅一点でみなに大事にされています。
= Kono kurasu dewa kouitten de mina ni daiji ni sarete imasu.
= I am the only girl in this class and everybody cares about me.
* 一か八か
= いちかばちか
= ichi ka bachi ka
= to take a chance, risk
Ex. 失敗するかもしれないけれども一か八かやってみます。
= Shippai suru kamo shirenai keredomo ichi ka bachi ka yatte mimasu.
= I may fail but I will take a chance and do it.
* 一石二鳥
= いっせきにちょう
= isseki nichou
= Kill two birds with one stone
Ex. 自転車で学校に行けば、交通費はいらないし健康にもいいから一石二鳥だ。
= Jitensha de gakkou ni ikeba, koutsuuhi wa iranai shi kenkou ni mo ii kara isseki nichou da.
= If I go to school by bike, I don’t need to pay the transportation and it is good for my health. So it’s killing two birds with one stone.
= いっぽいっぽ
= ippo ippo
= step by step
* 一長一短
= icchou ittan
= having merits and demerits.
* 一朝一夕
=icchou isseki
= in a short period of time, in a single day
Ex. 日本語は一朝一夕には上達しない。
= Nihongo wa icchou isseki niwa joutatsu shinai.
= You can’t improve your Japanese in a short period of time.
* 一攫千金
= いっかくせんきん
= ikkaku senkin
= getting rich quick
Ex. 一攫千金を狙ってラスベガスにでも行こうかな。
= Ikkaku senkin wo neratte Rasubegasu ni demo ikou kana.
= Maybe I should go to Las Vegas to get rich quickly.
= いちやづけ
= ichiya zuke
= cramming the night before an exam.
Ex. テスト勉強、何もしていないからまた一夜漬けしないと。
= Tesuto benkyou, nani mo shite inai kara mata ichiyazuke shinai to.
= I haven’t studied for an exam at all so I have to cram all night again.
* 一喜一憂 = いっきいちゆう = ikki ichiyuu = being (feeling) happy and sad by turns
Ex. あの頃は彼からのメールの内容で一喜一憂していた。
= Anokoro wa kare kara no meiru no naiyou de ikki ichiyuu shiteita.
= I used to feel happy and sad by turns with the context of his email.
* 一目瞭然
= いちもくりょうぜん
= ichimoku ryouzen
= obvious, very clear
Ex. 彼女が彼のことを好きなのは一目瞭然だ。
= Kanojo ga kare no koto wo sukina no wa ichimoku ryouzen da.
= It is so obvious that she likes him.
* 一生懸命
= いっしょうけんめい
= isshoukenmei
= to do something really hard
Ex. マギー先生は毎日一生懸命、みなに日本語を教えています。
= Maggie sensei wa mainichi isshoukenmei, mina ni nihongo wo oshiete imasu.
= Maggie sensei teaches you Japanese every day trying hard.
* 無一文
= むいちもん
= muichimon
= to be broke
Ex. 高い車を買って無一文になった。
= Takai kuruma wo katte muichimon ni natta.
= I bought an expensive car and now I am broke.
* 一番
= いちばん
= ichiban
= No.1, the best
Ex. この店のステーキは一番です。
= Kono mise no suteiki wa ichiban desu.
= The steak at this restaurant is the best.
* ここ一番 = ここいちばん = koko ichiban = at the critical moment
Ex. 彼はここ一番という時にいつも失敗する。
= Kare wa koko ichiban toiu toki ni itsumo shippai suru.
= He always fails at the critical moment.
* 一事が万事
= いちじがばんじ
= ichiji ga banji
= One instance shows all the rest.
* 一人前
= いちにんまえ
= ichinin mae
= to become a fully qualified person
Ex. まだまだ一人前の先生になるには時間がかかります。
= Madamada ichinin mae no sensei ni naru niwa jikan ga kakari masu.
= It still takes time to become a real (qualified/experienced) teacher.
* 一にも二にも
= いちにもににも
= ichi nimo ni nimo
= above all
* 一押し/一推し
= いちおし
= ichioshi
= one’s highly recommended
Ex. マギー先生のサイトは一押しです。
= Maggie sensei no saito wa ichioshi desu.
= I highly recommend Maggie Sensei’s site.
* 一刀両断
= いっとうりょうだん
= ittou ryoudan
= Literal meaning: to cut somebody in two with a single slash = to take a decisive action/drastic measures
Ex. 政府は一刀両断でこの問題を解決しなくてはならない。
= Seifu wa ittou ryoudan de kono mondai wo kaiketsu shinakute wa naranai.
= The government must solve this problem decisively.
* 危機一髪
= ききいっぱつ
= kiki ippatsu
= close call
Ex. 危機一髪で車の中から飛び出すことができた。
= Kiki ippatsu de kuruma no naka kara tobidasu koto ga dekita.
= I barely jumped out of the car. It was a close call.
* 一日千秋(の思い)
= いちじつ(or にち)せんしゅう(のおもい )
= ichijitsu (ichinichi) senshuu (no omoi)
= to wait for someone/something impatiently
Ex. 彼が日本に来るのを一日千秋の思いで待っています。
= Kare ga nihon ni kuru no wo ichijitsu (ichinichi) senshuu no omoi de matte imasu.
= I have been waiting for him to come to Japan impatiently.
* 聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥
= きくはいっときのはじ。きかぬはいっしょうのはじ
= Kiku wa ittoki no haji, kikanu wa isshou no haji.
= Asking someone about something could be a shame, but not asking and being ignorant is an everlasting shame.
* 一難去ってまた一難
= いちなんさってまたいちなん
= Ichinan satte mata ichinan.
= Out of frying pan into the fire. / one (disaster) after another
Ex. 一難去ってまた一難。水道が壊れたと思ったら電気までつかなくなった。
= Ichinan satte mata ichinan. Suidou ga kowareta to omottara denki made tsukanaku natta.
= One thing after another. Once our water system broke and now we don’t have electricity.
* 一寸先は闇
= いっすんさきはやみ
= Issun saki wa yami
= No one knows what the future holds.
Ex. 不景気でどんなに大きな企業に働いていても一寸先は闇だ。
= Fukeiki de donnani ookina kigyou ni hataraite itemo issun saki wa yamida.
= Due to the bad economy, even if you work for a big company, no one knows what is going to happen.
* 一銭を笑う者は一銭に泣く
= いっせんをわらうものはいっせんにわらう
= Issen wo warau mono wa issen ni naku.
= Those who laugh at 1 sen (unit of length) cry over 1 sen (unit of length).
In modern Japanese we also say
* 一円を笑う者は一円に泣く
= いちえんをわらうものはいちえんにわらう
= Ichien wo warau mono wa ichien ni naku..
* 1ミリ(mm)も = ichimiri mo = (Colloquial) = not at all (literal translation Not even one millimeter)
Ex. 私の気持ちなんて一ミリもわかってないでしょ。
= Watashi no kimochi nante ichimiri mo wakatte nai desho.
= You don’t understand how I feel at all.
★ 2 = 二 = に = ni
* 二度あることは三度ある
= にどあることはさんどある
= Nido aru koto wa sando aru
= What happens twice will happen three times.
* 二つ返事
= ふたつへんじ
= futatsu henji
= to accept some proposal quickly and willingly
Ex. マギー先生に宿題を手伝ってと頼んだら二つ返事で引き受けてくれた。
= Maggie sensei ni shukudai wo tetsudatte to tanondara futatsu henji de hikiukete kureta.
= When I asked Maggie sensei to help with my homework, she said yes right away.
(From Maggie: Not happening….😆)
* 武士に二言はない
= ぶしににごんはない
= Bushi ni nigon wa nai
= Samurai warriors do not change their minds
Ex. 孫:「おじいちゃん、本当にハワイに連れていってくれるの?」
Mago = Ojiichan, hontou ni hawai ni tsurete itte kureru no?
Grandchild = Grandpa, are you really going to take me to Hawaii?
Sofu = Bushi ni nigon wa nai yo.
Grandfather = As we say, Samurai worries don’t change their mind. (I will fulfill what I promised.)
* 二束三文/ 二足三文
= にそくさんもん
= nisoku sanmon
= (to sell/buy something) really cheap/ something that’s worth very cheap, dirt cheap, for a song
Ex. こんな二束三文の中古のコンピューターに10万円も払ったの?
= Konna nisoku sanmon no chuuko no konpyuuutaa ni juuman en mo haratta no?
= You paid 100,000 yen for this worthless used computer?
* 二人三脚
= ににんさんきゃく
= ninin sankyaku
= Literal meaning: a three‐legged race, two people work together
Ex. これからは、二人三脚で結婚生活を楽しく送って下さい。
= Kore kara wa, ninin sankyaku de kekkon seikatsu wo tanoshiku okutte kudasai.
= From now on, I hope you two enjoy your married life together.
* 二者択一
= にしゃたくいつ
= nisha takuitsu
= a choice between two things
* 二番煎じ
= にばんせんじ
= niban senji
= Literal meaning: the second brew of tea. / to do/copy something that someone has already done
Ex. そんな「進撃の巨人」の二番煎じの様なアニメは絶対に流行らない。
= Sonna shingeki no kyoji no niban senji no you na anime wa zettai ni hayaranai.
= That cheap rehash of “Attack of Titan” won’t be popular.
* 二階から目薬
= にかいからめぐすり
= Nikai kara megusuri
= Literal meaning: eye drops from the second floor / ineffective, useless
* 二枚目
= にまいめ
= nimaime
= a cool and handsome guy
Ex. ケンのお兄さん、二枚目だね。
= Ken no oniisan, nimaime dane.
= Ken’s brother is cool and handsome.
* 二の舞
= にのまい
= ninomai
= to repeat the same mistake that someone made. / Committing the same mistake/error.
Ex. 去年の二の舞にならないように今年はしっかりバーベキューパーティーの準備をしよう。
= Kyonen no ninomai ni naranai you ni kotoshi wa shikkari baabekyuu paatei no junbi wo shiyou.
= I will do my best and prepare for the BBQ party this year trying not to make the same mistake that I made last year.
* 二の足を踏む
= にのあしをふむ
= nino ashi wo fumu
= to be reluctant, to have second thoughts
Ex. どうしてもカラオケに行くというと二の足を踏んでしまう。
= Doushite mo karaoke ni iku to iu to nino ashi wo funde shimau.
= I can’t help feeling reluctant when it comes to going to Karaoke.
* 瓜二つ
= うりふたつ
= uri futatsu
= be like two peas in a pod. The literal meaning is “to be like two melons”, to be exactly alike
Ex. 見て、マギーと瓜二つのフレンチブルがいるよ。
= Mite, Maggie to urifutatsu no furenchi buru ga iru yo.
= Look! There is a French Bulldog just like Maggie.
* 天は二物を与えず
= てんはにぶつをあたえず
= Ten wa nibutsu wo ataezu
= Literal meaning: God does not give two gifts/ God does not bless a person twice.
Ex. 「マギー先生、計算が遅いですね。」
= Maggie sensei, keisan ga osoi desune.
= You are so slow when you calculate.
Maggie「天は二物を与えずって言うでしょ。私はきれいだから計算できないの。 😀 」
= Ten wa nibutsu wo ataezu tte iu desho. Watashi wa kirei dakara keisan dekinaino.
= We say “God does not give two gifts”, right? I am beautiful so I can’t calculate, you know.
* 二足の草鞋を履く = にそくのわらじをはく
= nisoku no waraji wo haku
= Literal meaning: to wear two pair of sandals.
→to be engaged in two different businesses at the same time.
Ex. 彼はサラリーマンと作家の二足の草鞋を履いている。
= Kare wa sarariiman to sakka no nisoku no waraji wo haite iru.
= He is a business man and a writer at the same time.
* 二兎を追う者は一兎も得ず
= にとをおうものはいっともえず
= Nito wo ou mono wa itto mo ezu
= He who runs after two hares will catch neither. / Fall between two stools.
* 二の句が継げない
= にのくがつげない
= ni no ku ga tsugenai
= dumbfounded, at a loss for words
★ 3 = 三 = さん = san
= さんどのめしよりすき
= sando no meshi yori suki
= (literal meaning) to like something more than three meals = to love something more than anything.
Ex. 三度の飯よりこのゲームが好きだ。
= Sando no meshi yori kono geimu ga suki da.
= I love this game more than anything.
* 仏の顔も三度まで
= ほとけのかおもさんどまで
= Hotoke no kao mo sando made.
= Literal meaning: Buddha will forgive you just three times.
→Even the patience of a saint has limits.
* 三度目の正直
= さんどめのしょうじき
= Sando me no shoujiki
= Third time does the trick. , the third time’s a charm
Ex. 日本語能力試験の1級に2回失敗しているけれども三度目の正直でもう1回受けてみようかな。
= Nihongo nouryokushiken no ikkyuu ni nikai shippai shiteiru keredomo sando me no shoujiki de mou ikkai ukete miyou kana.
= I failed JLPT N1 twice but I guess I should try one more time as the third time’s a charm so…
* 石の上にも三年
= いしのうえにもさんねん
= Ishi no ue ni mo sannen
= Literal meaning: Three years on a stone.
→Perseverance will win in the end./ Patience wins out in the end.
Ex. 「日本語難しいしもう勉強するのやめようかなあ。」
= Nihongo muzukashii shi mou benkyou suru no yameyou kanaa.
= I wonder if I should stop studying Japanese because it is difficult.
= Mada hajimeta bakari janai. Ishi no ue ni mo sannen dayo.
= You have just started. Patience wins out in the end.
* 早起きは三文の徳
= はやおきはさんもんのとく
= Hayaoiki wa sanmon no toku
= The early bird gets the worm
* 三つ子の魂百まで
= みつごのたましいひゃくまで
= Mtsugo no tamashii hyaku made
= What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.
* 三拍子揃う
= さんびょうしそろう
= sanbyoushi sorou
= meeting all three important conditions, being ideal
Ex. かっこよくて、お金持ちで優しいなんて三拍子揃っている人いるのかなあ。
= Kakkoyokute, okanemochi de yasashii nante sanbyoushi sorotte iru hito iru no ka naa.
= I wonder if there is a guy who is handsome, rich and sweet.
* 三枚目
= さんまいめ
= sanmaime
= (literal meaning) an actor who plays comic roles →a funny person
Ex. 彼は三枚目でいつも人を笑わせている。
= Kare wa sanmaime de itsumo hito wo warasete iru.
= He is a funny person and always makes people laugh.
* 三日坊主
= みっかぼうず
= mikka bouzu
= quitter, a person who quits what they started quickly, and easily.
Ex. 私は三日坊主で何をやっても続かない。
= Watashi wa mikka bouzu de nani wo yatte mo tsuzukanai.
= I am a quitter and nothing lasts.
* 三行半/三下り半
= みくだりはん
= mikudari han
= Literal meaning: three lines and a half → a divorce note
Ex. 課長は奥さんから三行半/三下り半をつきつけられたみたいだよ。
= Kachou wa okusan kara mikudarihan wo tsukitsukerareta mitai dayo.
= You know the section manager got a divorce note from his wife.
* 三人寄れば文殊の知恵
= さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ
= Sannin yoreba monju no chie
= Literal meaning: If three people get together, (even if they are not smart) they can create wisdom.
→English expression: Two heads are better than one
★ 4 = 四 = よん (=yon) / し ( = shi)
* 四の五の言う
= しのごのいう
= shi no go no iu
= to complain about trivial things.
Ex. 四の五の言っていないで早く勉強しなさい。
= Shi no go no itte inai de hayaku benkyou shinasai.
= Stop complaining and study now.
* 四苦八苦
= しくはっく
= shiku hakku
= to struggle with something, to flounder around
Ex. 昨日は、ネットがつながらずに一日中、四苦八苦していた。
= Kinou wa, netto ga tsunagarazu ni ichinichi juu, shiku hakku shitieta.
= I lost my Internet connection yesterday, and I had a hard time trying to connect it all day long.
* 四六時中
= しろくじちゅう
= shirokuji chuu
= always, twenty-four hours a day, day and night.
Ex. 上司に四六時中、監視されているみたいだ。
= Joushi ni shirokujichuu, kanshi sarete iru mitaida.
= I feel like my boss watches me twenty-hours a day.
* 四面楚歌
= しめんそか
= shimensoka
=to be surrounded by enemies on all sides
★ 5 = 五 = ご = go
* 五里霧中
= ごりむちゅう
= gori muchuu
= Literal meaning: to be in a fog
→ to be bewildered, to lose one’s bearings
* 五臓六腑
= ごぞうろっぷ
= gozou roppu
= Literal meaning: internal organs and the bowels → deep into one’s heart
Ex. このお酒、うまいなあ。 五臓六腑に沁みわたるよ。(male speech)
= Kono osake, umainaa. Gozou roppu ni shimi wataru yo.
= Oh… this sake is so delicious.
Literal meaning: It seeps into my internal organs.
→It hits the spot.
* 五本の指に入る
= ごほんのゆびにはいる
= gohon no yubi ni hairu
= one of the best five, five best ~
Ex. 彼はこの大学の五本の指に入る優秀な教授です。
= Kare wa kono daigaku no gohon no yubi ni hairu yuushuu na kyouju desu.
= He is one of the five best professors in this university.
* 五分五分
= ごぶごぶ
= gobu gobu
= fifty-fifty, evenly matches
Ex. この試合に勝つかどうか、五分五分だ。
= Kono shiai ni katsu ka douka, gobugobu da.
= Whether we will win this game or not is fifty-fifty.
★ 6 = 六= ろく= roku
* 第六感
= だいろっかん
= dairokkan
= one’s gut feeling, the sixth sense, a hunch
★ 7=七= なな/しち= nana, shichi
* 七転び八起き
= ななころびやおき
= nanakorobi yaoki
= Literal meaning : Fall down seven times, get up eight times.
→to have ups and downs in one’s life
(You also say 七転八起 = しちてんはっき = shichiten hakki )
Ex. 人生、七転び八起き
= Jinsei, nanakorobi yaoki
= Life has its ups and downs.
* 親の七光り
= おやのななひかり
= oya no nanahikari
= having a great influence of parents’ fame.
Ex. 彼女は親の七光りでこの会社に入った。
= Kanojo wa oya no nanahikari de kono kaisha ni haitta.
= She got into this company due to nepotism.
* 七不思議 = ななふしぎ = nanafushigi = the seven wonders
Ex. 犬や猫がどうやって日本語を教えているかは世界の七不思議の一つです。
= Inu ya neko ga douyatte nihongo wo oshiete iru ka wa sekai no nanafushigi no hitotsu desu.
= How dogs or cats teach Japanese is one of the seven wonders.
★ 8 = 八= はち/はっ/や= hachi, hah/ya
* 八方美人
= はっぽうびじん
= happou bijin
= a person who tries to please everyone. Everybody’s friend (negative).
Ex. 彼女は八方美人で誰にでも優しい。
= Kanojo wa happou bijin de dareni demo yasashii.
= She is sweet to anybody.
* 八方塞がり
= はっぽうふさがり
= happou fusagari
= to be up against the wall, to be stuck in one place
* 八つ当たりをする
= やつあたりをする
= yatsuatari wo suru
= take it out on someone. vent out one’s anger on someone for no reason
Ex. 彼女にふられたからって僕に八つ当たりをするなよ。(male speech)
= Kanojo ni furareta karatte boku ni yatsuatari wo surunayo.
= Don’t take it out on me just because you got dumped by your girlfriend.
* 腹八分目
= はらはちぶめ
= Literal meaning: to be 80% full (in your stomach).
= Conversational meaning: eat moderately
= harahachibume ni isha iraszu
= Light suppers make long life.
Ex. もっと食べたいけど、腹八分目がいいっていうからもうやめておく。
= Motto tabetai kedo, harahachibume ga iitte iu kara mou yamete oku.
= I would like to eat more but I’d better stop now as we say “Eat moderately.”
★ 9 = 九= きゅう ( = kyuu) / く ( = ku)
* 九死に一生を得る
= きゅうしにいっしょうをえる
= kyuushi ni isshou wo eru
= barely escape death, narrowly survive
* 九分九厘
= くぶくり
= kubukuri
= almost certainly
★10 = 十 = じゅう(=juu) / とう(=tou)
* 十人十色
= じゅうにんといろ
= juunin toiro
= So many men, so many minds, everyone has his own interests and idea
* 十中八九
= じゅっちゅうはっく
= jucchuu hakku
= nine out of ten
→most probably
* 十年一昔 = じゅうねんひとむかし
= juunen hitomukashi
= A lot can change in 10 years.
Ex. 十年一昔と言うけれども、この辺も随分変わりましたね。
= Juunen hitomukashi to iu keredomo, kono hen mo zuibun kawarimashitane.
= As we say ten years can bring a lot of changes, but it has changed a lot around here.
★ 18 = 十八= じゅうはち= juuhachi
* 十八番
= じゅうはちばん/おはこ
= juuhachiban / ohako
= one’s specialty, one’s favorite trick
Ex. この曲は私の十八番です。
= Kono kyoku wa watashi no ohako desu.
= This song is my specialty.
★ 50 = 五十 = ごじゅう= gojuu
* 五十歩百歩
= ごじゅっぽひゃっぽ
= gojuppo hyappo
= There is not much difference between the two.
Ex. どちらのチームも五十歩百歩だ。
= Dochira no chiimu mo gojuppo hyappo da.
= There is not much difference between the two teams.
★ 75 = 七十五 = ななじゅうご /しちじゅうこ= nanajuu go/ shichijuu go
* 人の噂も七十五日 = ひとのうわさもしちじゅうごにち
= hito no uwasa mo shichijuu go nichi
= Literal meaning: gossip lasts just 75 days.
→(English saying) A wonder lasts but nine days
★ 80 = 八十 = はちじゅう = hachijuu
* 八十の手習い (or we also say 六十の手習い)
= はちじゅうのてならい(ろくじゅうのてならい)
= hachijuu no tenarai (rokujuu no tenarai)
= It’s never too late to learn.
★ 100 = 百 = ひゃく= hyaku
* 百聞は一見にしかず
= ひゃくぶんはいっけんにしかず
= hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu
= Seeing is believing
Ex. とっても素敵なドッグランが出来たよ。施設が整っていて最高だよ。百聞は一見にしかず!是非、行ってみて。
= Tottemo sutekina dogguran ga dekitayo. Shisetsu ga totonotte ite saikou dayo. Hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu. Zehi itte mite.
= A very nice dog run has just opened. It has great facilities. You’ve got to see it! Please check it out!
* 酒は百薬の長
= さけはひゃくやくのちょう
= sake wa hyakuyaku no chou
= Sake is the best of all medicines.
* 百も承知
= ひゃくもしょうち
= hyaku mo shouchi
= to know something very well, to be fully aware of
Ex. 毎日、漢字を勉強した方がいいなんて百も承知だ。でも時間がないんだよ。(male speech)
= Mainichi, kanji wo benkyou shita hou ga iinante hyaku mo shouchi da. Demo jikan ga nain dayo.
= I KNOW that it is best to study kanji every day. But I don’t have time.
* 百発百中
= ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう
= hyappatsu hyakuchuu
= infallible, always hitting the bull’s-eye
Ex. あの占い師は 百発百中で当たる。
= Ano uranaishi wa hyappatsu hyakuchuu de ataru.
= That fortuneteller is very accurate and whatever he/she said, it comes true 100 pct.
* かわいさ余って憎さ百倍
= かわいさあまってにくさひゃくばい
= kawaisa amatte nikusa hyakubai
= The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
* 百害あって一利なし = ひゃくがいあっていちりなし
= hyakugai atte ichiri nashi
= All pain, no gain
Ex. たばこは百害あって一利なしだと思います。
= Tabako wa hyakugai atte ichiri nashi dato omoimasu.
= I think smoking does much harm but no good.
★ 800 = 八百 = はっぴゃく= happyaku
* 嘘八百
= うそはっぴゃく
= uso happyaku
= a pack of lies
Ex. あの噂は嘘八百だ。
= Ano uwasa wa uso happyaku da.
= That rumor is full of lies.
* 八百長
= やおちょう
= yaochou
= fixed game (match)
Ex. あの野球選手は八百長疑惑で捕まった。
= Ano yakyuu senshu wa yaochou giwaku de tsukamatta.
= That baseball player was arrested on suspicion of involvement of match-fixing.
★ 1,000 = 千 = せん= sen
* 千秋楽
= せんしゅうらく
= senshuuraku
= the final (closing) day of a show, Sumo tournament
* 千里眼
= せんりがん
= senrigan
= clairvoyance, second sight
* 海千山千
= うみせんやません
= umisen yamasen
= to have all kinds of experience in life so that he/she has a knack to survive. Street smarts.
* 千里の道も一歩から = せんりのみちもいっぽから
= senri no michi mo ippo kara
= A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
= せんさばんべつ(まんべつ)
= Sensa banbetsu (manbetsu)
= an infinite variety
★ 10,000= 万=まん= man
* 万事休す
= ばんじきゅうす
= banji kyuusu
= The jig is up
Ex. 会議の資料をすべて家に忘れてしまい万事休すだ。
= Kaigi no shiryou wo subete ie ni wasurete shimai banji kyuusu da.
= The jig is up! I left all the papers at home for the meeting.
* 万に一つ
= まんにひとつ
= man ni hitotsu
= chance in a million
Ex. 万に一つの失敗も許されない。
= Man ni hitotsu no shippai mo yurusarenai.
= It is not allowed to make even one single mistake.
*万が一 = まんがいち = manga ichi = just in case
Ex. 万が一、日本で困ったことがあったら電話を下さい。
= Manga ichi, nihon de komatta koto ga attara denwa wo kudasai.
= In case you have some problem in Japan, please call me.
* 風邪は万病の元 = かぜはまんびょうのもと
= kaze wa manbyou no moto
= A cold may lead to all kinds of illnesses.
マギー先生 より= Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
Nian Nian先生ありがとう!
= Nian Nian sensei arigatou!
= Thank you, Nian Nian sensei.
= Nihongo no benkyou wa taihen kamo shirenaikeredomo, mainichi ippo ippo, susunde ikou ne.
= I know studying Japanese might be hard but let’s move forward step by step.
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
i was so worried about your site being down for a week :v im glad it’s up again !heartsippai! !heartsippai!
Hi Naim, Sorry to make you worry.
Actually we still need to work on our site. Wish us luck!
Hello! It’s a bit late, but happy new year! Anyway, thanks for the lesson. Today a have specific questions. I read the sentence 自分の顔に対する捉え方は他の人のと比べれば全く違うという結果を出すとよく聞くね
And I can understand most of it. I am just having a hard time understanding the 対する捉え方 part?
I know the general meaning of both words, I just don’t understand how they’re being used here.
捉え方 means “the way to grasp something”, “the way to perceive something”, right? I guess my problem is mostly with 対する and how it is being used here.
Happy New Year, reid!
捉え方 means “the way to grasp something”, “the way to perceive something”, right?
対する has a various meanings. on, against, about,
In this case 自分の顔に対する捉え方 is just “how you see your own face””the way you see your own face”
Hmm now I think I get it. Thanks a lot!
You’re welcome.
It basically says The way how you see your face and how other people see your face are totally different.
“icchou itttan”
“That cheap rehash of “Attach of Titan” won’t be popular.”
“Attack on Titan”
“niho ashi wo fumu”
“I can’t help feeling reluctant when it come to going to Karaoke.”
“it comes”
“Mite, Maggie to urifutatu no furenchi buru ga iru yo.”
“Kinou wa, netto ga tsunagarazu ni ichinichi juu, shiku hakku shitieta.”
“= せんさばんべつ
“banbetsu” or “せんさまんべつ” or both, there seems to be an infinite variety of pronunciations :)
= Sensa manbetsu”
Thank you!!!!!! boucingheart! :maggie-small:
Fixed them all.
I was so scared when your site was down, because it is brilliant and I love it so much! Thank you for your great work. And Happy New year!

Happy New Year, Rin!
I guess I made too many lessons here so the site is getting heavier. We have to fix the major problem sometime soon but I am happy to be able to make lessons again.
ああ、またNian Nian ですか?光栄です!! 最近、マギー先生のウェブサイトが見られなくて、悲しかったんです!また面白いレッスンを作ってもらって、ありがとうございます! 今回のトッピング、深いですね。私にとって、一番好きな四字熟語は「一期一会」です!
こんにちは、 Jane!
Nian Nian先生は本当にかわいい先生ですよ。そしてがんばって一緒にレッスンを作ってくれました。
Maggie sensei..
I have a long list of request lessons..If possible:
naosara尚更/ issou 一層
V-te irareru
nomi (only)
X ni taishite,
wake when it comes in the end of the sentence
and I want to know the difference between tabemono and taberumono >> I find them both translated to food when watching dramas!!
Also, the meaning of sore ni taishite??
that’s all maggie sensei..
Iknow I’m asking too much.. but I’m asking you because you’re my number one teacher
thank you boucingheart! boucingheart! boucingheart!
I will add your requests on the list that I have.
But will try to explain some of them here when I have more time tomorrow.
OK, will try to explain some of your questions here.
* irassharu
is an honorific way of saying iru
Ex. 明日は家にいますか?
= Ashita wa ie ni imasu ka?
= Are you home tomorrow?
= Ashita wa ie ni irasshai masu ka?
Ex. 普段は何をしていますか?
= Fudan wa nani wo shite imasu ka?
= What do you usually do?
→(polite) 普段は、何をされていますか?
= Fudan wa, nani wo sarete imasuka?
= Fudan wa, nani wo shite irasshaimasu ka?
*ja = casual contraction of では
Ex. 今日はお休みではないですか?
= Kyou wa oyasumi de wa nai desu ka?
= Isn’t it a day-off today?
→(casual) 今日はお休みじゃない?
= Kyou wa oyasumi janai?
*nomi (only): literal / formal
だけ(= dake) is more common in conversation
Ex. 女性のみ
= Josei nomi
= Only women
Ex. ほとんどの飲み物は300円ですが、ビールのみ600円です。
= Hotondo no nominono wa sanbyaku en desu ga, biiru nomi roppyakuen desu.
= Almost all the drinks cost 300 yen but only beer costs 600 yen.
* X ni taishite= against/ towards ~/ in contrast with
Ex. 彼は私に対して冷たい。
= Kare wa watashi ni taishite tsumetai.
= He is cold towards me.
Sore ni taishite = in contrast with that/ by contrast
Ex. 兄は、運動神経がいいですが、それに対して私はスポーツが大嫌いです。
= Ani wa, undoushinkei ga ii desu ga, sore ni taishite watashi wa supootu ga daikirai desu.
= My older brother is very athletic. By contrast, I hate sports.
*wake when it comes in the end of the sentence
Usually you say “wake desu/ wake da” but you omit desu/da in conversation.
You use “wake” when you explain how things work or when you give a reason.
That is why ~~
~ to iu wake desu/da – It is because ~
* I want to know the difference between tabemono and taberumono >> I find them both translated to food when watching dramas!!
When you talk about food in general, you use “tabemono”
But you use taberu mono, for example
Ex. Do you have anything to eat?
= Nanka taberu mono aru?
* Also, the meaning of sore ni taishite??
I explained in the above
thank you sooo much maggie sensei..
I really wish I can thank you in person ^^
take care :w:
My pleasure, Roro. :)
your site was down for about aweek.. I’m happy to see your lesson again :tulip3:
thank you maggie sensei boucingheart!
I know. I missed you all!