= Kuji ni mooningu kooru onegai shimasu.
= May I have a wake up call at 9:00 please.
Hi everyone!
We have a little kitten teacher, Ella先生 ( = Ella sensei) from Sweden again.
Meow again everyone! !niconico!
Today I will teach you basic Japanese phrases that you can use at the hotel.
Maggie Sensei already explained how to book a hotel and all the basic hotel related vocabulary in her 予約 ( = yoyaku) lesson.
So I will focus on mainly how to check in and check out at a hotel.
Some of you asked to make a lesson because they work for a hotel and they have Japanese customers. So I hope this lesson helps both those of you who stay at hotels and those of you who work at hotels.
When you check in:
If you stay in a big hotel in a city, you don’t have to worry about speaking Japanese. There are almost always staff members on hand who speak good English.
However, if you stay in a local hotel or Japanese style inn ( 旅館 = ryokan = Japanese inn / 民宿 = minshuku = Japanese style small pensions), you may have to communicate with them in Japanese.
★Before you check in:
Calling the hotel:
(H = Hotel people)
Ex. 「こんばんは。今夜予約を入れているマギーポップコーンですが、到着が遅れます。」
= Konbannwa. Konya yoyaku wo irete iru Maggie Popcorn desu ga, touchaku ga okuremasu.
= Good evening. My name is Maggie Popcorn and I have a reservation for tonight. I will be arriving late tonight.
Ex. H : 「何時位になりますか?」
= Nanji gurai ni narimasu ka?
= How late will you be?
= Juuichiji sugiru to omoimasu.
= I will get there after 11:00.
Ex. H : 「かしこまりました。それでは気をつけていらして下さい。」
= Kashikomarimashita. Soredewa ki wo tsukete irashite kudasai.
= I see. We hope you get here safely.
Ex. 「こんにちは。 空港からの行き方を教えていただけませんか?」
= Konnichiwa. Kuukou kara no ikikata wo oshiete itadakemasen ka?
= Hello, could you tell me how to get there from the airport?
Ex. 「今、東京駅にいるのですが、ここからどうやって行ったらいいですか?」
= Ima, Toukyou eki ni iru no desu ga, koko kara douyatte ittara ii desu ka?
= I am at Tokyou Station now. How can I get there?
After you arrive at the hotel.
Ex. H. 「いらっしゃいませ。」
= Irasshaimase.
= Welcome!
Ex. H. 「ようこそワンワンホテルへ。」
= Youkoso WANWAN Hotel ye.
= Welcome to Wanwan hotel!
Ex. H. 「お荷物はこちらでお預かり致します。」
= Onimotsu wa kochira de oazukari itashimasu.
= We will keep your luggage here.
In Japanese style hotel, you may have to take off your shoes at the entrance
= Ohakimono wa kochira de oazukari itashimasu.
= We will keep your shoes here.
They will take care of your shoes so you just change into slippers.
Note: The staff uses the polite お履き物(=ohakimono) instead of the of the standard 靴 (= kutsu) to refer to the guest’s shoes.
Before we learn some of the longer phrases, let’s learn some useful basic expressions:
Ex. 「日本語があまり話せないので…」
= Nihongo ga amari hanasenai node…
= I don’t understand Japanese well, so…
and continue…
Ex.「 英語でお願いします。」
= Eigo de onegai shimasu.
= In English please.
Ex. 「英語でいいですか?」
= Eigo de ii desuka?
= Can I talk to you in English?
Ex. 「英語のわかる方はいらっしゃいますか?」
= Eigo no wakaru kata wa irasshaimasu ka?
= Is there anybody who can speak English?
Ex. 「英語の話せる人はいますか?」
= Eigo no hanaseru hito wa imasu ka?
= Is there anybody who can speak English?
But hey, we are all learning Japanese. You should give it a try and communicate in Japanese. If you are a beginner, you can ask them to speak slowly.
Ex. 「ゆっくり話してください。」
= Yukkuri hanashite kudasai.
= Please speak slowly.
And if you can’t catch some important information, number, address or map, you can always ask them,
Ex. 「ここに書いてください。」
= Kokoni kaite kudasai.
= Please write it down here.
Ex. 「ここに地図を描いてください。」
= Kokoni ni chizu wo kaite kudasai.
= Please draw a map here.
OK, let’s check in!!
Start with greetings. Remember these basic greetings in Japanese?
= Ohayou gozaimasu.
= Good morning.
= Konnichiwa
= Good afternoon.
= Konbanwa
= Good evening.
Ex. 「チェックインお願いします。」
= Chekkuin onegai shimasu.
= I would like to check-in.
Ex. H. 「お名前をお願いします。」
= Onamae wo onegai shimasu.
= May I have your name please?
Ex. H. 「お名前をお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか。」(more polite)
= Onamae wo oukagai shite mo yoroshii deshouka?
= Would you mind if I asked your name please?
= Maggie Popcorn desu.
= I am Maggie Popcorn.
Ex. 「予約したマギーポップコーンと言います。」
= Yoyaku shita Maggie Popcorn to iimasu.
= I have a reservation. My name is Maggie Popcorn.
Ex. 「今日から3泊、ネットで予約したマギーポップコーンと言いますが。」
= Kyou kara sanpaku, netto de yoyaku shita Maggie Popcorn to iimasu ga.
= My name is Maggie Popcorn. I made a reservation for three nights from today on Internet.
Note: 1 night = 1泊 ( = ippaku), 2 nights = 2泊 ( = nihaku), 3 nights = 3泊 ( = sanpaku), 4 nights =4泊 ( = yonhaku)….
Ex. H. 「今日から3泊でシングルルームのご予約を頂いているマギーポップコーン様ですね。」
= Kyou kara sanpaku de singururuumu no goyoyaku wo itadaite iru Maggie Popcorn sama desu ne.
= Ms. Maggie Popcorn. You have a reservation for a single room for three nights from today. Is that right?
Note :
シングルルーム ( = singuru ruumu) a single room / ダブルルーム( = daburu ruumu) = a double room / トリプルルーム ( = toripuru ruumu) a triple room
Ex. H. 「予約確認書はお持ちですか?」
= Yoyaku kakuninsho wa omochi desu ka?
= Do you have a confirmation sheet of your reservation/ booking confirmation?
As I mentioned above, if you need to make a reservation, go see Maggie Sensei’s 予約 ( = yoyaku) lesson on how to make a reservation.
In case you don’t have a reservation
= Yoyaku wo shiteimasen ga, konban, tomaremasu ka?
= I don’t have a reservation, but can I stay tonight?
Ex. 「今晩、空いている部屋はありますか?」
= Konben, aite iru heya wa arimasu ka?
= Can I get a room tonight?
Ex. 「一泊、素泊まりでおいくらですか?」
= Ippaku sudomari de oikura desuka?
= How much is the room charge (without breakfast)?
Note : 素泊まり(=sudomari) means to stay at room with no meals, just room
Ex. 「一泊、朝食付きでおいくらですか?」
= Ippaku, choushoku tsuki de oikura desuka?
= How much is the room charge with breakfast?
If the place looks a bit suspicious, you could at least ask,
Ex. 「お部屋を見せて頂けますか?」
= Oheya wo misete itadakemasu ka?
= May I see a room?
Ex. 「もっと大きな部屋はありますか?」
= Motto ookina heya wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have a bigger room?
Ex.「 この部屋でお願いします。」
= Kono heya de onegai shimasu.
= I’ll take this room
If you get there early:
= Chotto hayai desuga, chekkuin dekimasu ka?
= It is a little early but could I check in?
Ex. H.「少々お待ちください。」
= Shoushou omachi kudasai.
= Just a moment please.
Ex. H. 「申し訳ございません。3時になりませんとお部屋の準備ができません。」
= Moushiwake gozaimasen. Sanji ni narimasen to oheya no junbi ga dekimasen.
= We are sorry, but the room won’t be ready until 3:00.
Ex. 「わかりました。それでは荷物をチェックインまで預かって頂けますか?」
= Wakarimashita. Soredewa nimotsu wo chekkuin made azukatte itadakemasu ka?
= OK, then could you hold my (our) luggage until check-in?
Ex. H. 「かしこまりました。」
= Kashikomarimashita.
= (Literal meaning ) I got it.
=Yes, madam / Yes, sir.
!yflower! Tell them your requests:
Ex. 「すみません。予定が変わったので2泊に変更して頂けますか?」
= Sumimasen. Yotei ga kawatta node nihaku ni henkou shite itadakemasu ka?
= I am sorry. My plans have changed. Could I change my reservation to two nights?
= Moushiwake gozaimasen. Sounarimasu to kyanseruryou ga hassei itashimasuga. Yoroshii deshouka?
= We are very sorry. But in that case, we have to charge you a concellation fee.
= Kyanseru ryou wa oikura desu ka?
= How much is the cancellation fee?
= Shitsuryou no kyuujuppaasento to narimasu.
= It is going to be 90 % of the room charge.
= Wakarimashita.
= I see.
Ex. 「二部屋続きの部屋にして頂けますか?」
= Futaheya tsuduki no heya ni shite itadakemasu ka?
= Could we have connecting rooms?
= Bebii beddo wo irete itadakemasu ka?
= Could we have a crib in the room?
= Bebii beddo wo onegai shiteitano desuga.
= We asked you to set a crib in the room.
Ex. H. 「はい、ご用意できております。」
= Hai, goyoui dekite orimasu.
= Yes, it is ready.
= Umi ga mieru heya ni shite kudasai.
= We would like to have an ocean view room.
= Moshi dekitara yamaga mieru heya ni shite kudasai.
= If possible, we would lie to stay in a room with a mountain view.
Note : You can also say 山側 ( = yamagawa) = mountain side/view, 海側 ( = umigawa) = ocean side/view + の部屋 ( = no heya) a room on/ with ~
Ex. 「上の方の階の部屋にして下さい。」
= Ue no hou no kai no heya ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like a room on an upper level floor.
Note: 下の方の階=shita no hou no kai = a room on lower level floor.
Now your room is ready.
Ex. H. 「お部屋の準備ができましたのでチェックイン頂けます。」
= Oheya no junbi ga dekimashita node chekkuin itadakemasu.
= The room is ready so you can check-in now.
Ex. H. 「お手数ですがこちらにご記入下さい。」
= Otesuu desuga kochira ni gokinyuu kudasai.
= I am sorry to trouble you but could you fill this out?
Ex. H. 「こちらのご宿泊カードにご記入頂けますか?」
= Kochira no goshukuhaku kaado ni gokinyuu itadakemasu ka?
= Could you fill out the registration card?
Ex. H. 「パスポートをお預かりしてもよろしいでしょうか?」
= Pasuppooto wo oazukari shite mo yoroshii deshouka.
= May I have your passport please?
Ex. H. 「ありがとうございます。それではパスポートの方をお返し致します。」
= Arigatou gozaimasu. Soredewa pasupooto no hou wo okaeshi itashimasu.
= Thank you very much. Here’s your passport.
Ex. H. 「お部屋は禁煙フロアーで宜しかったでしょうか?」
= Oheya wa kin’en furoaa de yoroshikatta deshouka?
= Would like your room on a non-smoking floor?
Note : 喫煙フロアー = kitsuen furoaa = smoking floor
禁煙室 = kinnenshitsu = non-smoking room,
喫煙室 = kitsuenshitsu = smoking room
Ex. H. 「お支払いはどの様になさいますか?」
= Oshiharai wa donoyou ni nasaimasuka?
= How would you like to pay?
= Kurejitto kaado de onegai shimasu.
= I would like to pay with a credit card, please.
= Genkin de onegai shimasu.
= I would like to pay cash.
H : 「お支払いはご予約頂いた際のクレジットカードでよろしかったですか?」
= Oshiharai wa goyoyaku itadaita sai no kurejitto kaado de yoroshikatta desuka?
= Would like to pay with the same credit card that you used for reservation?
= Ryoukin niwa choushoku wa fukumarete imasuka?
= Is breakfast included in the fee?
Ex. H. 「いいえ。御朝食は含まれておりません。」
= Iie. Gochousyoku wa fukumarete orimasen.
= No. Breakfast is not included.
Ex. H. 「はい、御朝食は含まれております。」
= Hai, gochoushoku wa fukumarete orimasu.
= Yes, breakfast is included.
Ex. H. 「御朝食と御夕食が含まれています。」
= Gochoushoku to goyuushoku ga fukumarete imasu.
= Breakfast and dinner are included.
Ex. 「この料金には税金とサービス料は含まれていますか?」
= Kono ryoukin niwa zeikin to saabisuryou wa fukumarete imasuka?
= Does the price include tax and service charges?
Ex. H. 「朝食は下のレストランをご利用下さい。」
= Choushoku wa shita no resutoran wo goriyou kudasai.
= Please have breakfast in the restaurant downstairs.
Ex. H. 「こちらが朝食チケットになります。」
= Kochiraga choushoku chiketto ni narimasu.
= Here’s a coupon (voucher) for your breakfast.
Ex. 「朝食は何時から何時までですか?」
= Choushoku wa nanji kara nanji made desu ka?
= (Literally: From what time to what time is breakfast?)
= What time do you serve breakfast?
Ex. H. 「朝食バイキングは朝7時から10時までご利用頂けます。」
= Choushoku baikingu wa asa hichiji kara juuji made goriyou itadakemasu.
= There is a breakfast buffet from 7 am to 10 am.
Many traditional Japanese hotels have a public bath in the hotel.
Ex. H. 「大浴場が4階にございます。」
= Daiyokujou ga yonkai ni gozaimasu.
= There is a big public bath on the 4th floor.
:tulip2: Cultural note 1)
There is usually a bathroom in your room. If you stay in a small Japanese inn, you may have to take a bath in 共同風呂 = kyoudou buro = a communal bathroom.
A big traditional Japanese inn provides a (bathing) bathroom for each individual room and also a big public (bathing) bathroom in the hotel.
大浴場 = daiyokujou = a large (big) public bath
“public” doesn’t mean unisex = 混浴 = konyoku.
*女風呂 = onna buro = bathroom for women
*男風呂 = otoko buro = bathroom for men
*家庭風呂 = kateiburo = family bathroom
*露天風呂 = roten buro = an open-air bath
*温泉 = onsen = hot spring
:yy: Cultural note 2)
Many big Japanese hotels have a couple of restaurants. And traditional Japanese inn serve food either in a restaurant, a banquet room (宴会場 = enkaijou) or serve the meal in the room. It is nothing like a room service menu that you imagine. Usually they serve you a great amount of full course dinner.
Ex. H. 「お夕食はお部屋にお持ち致しますが、何時がよろしかったでしょうか?」
= Oyuushoku wa oheya ni omochi itashimasuga, nanji ga yoroshikatta deshouka?
= We will serve your dinner in your room. What time would you like it?
Ex. 「それでは7時にお願いします。」
= Soredewa hichiji ni onegai shimasu.
= Then 7:00 please.
Ex. H. 「それではお部屋は20階の2200号室になります。こちらがルームキーです。」
= Soredewa oheya wa nijukkai no nisen nihyaku goushitsu ni narimasu. Kochira ga ruumu kii desu.
= So your room will be 2200 on the 20th floor. Here’s your key.
Some old style inns may ask you to leave a key at the reception when you go out.
Ex. H. 「こちらがお部屋の鍵になります。お出かけの際にはフロントにお預け下さい。」
= Kochira ga oheya no kagi ni narimasu. Odekake no sai niwa furonto ni oazuke kudasai.
= This is your room key. Please leave your key at the front desk when you go out.
After you checked-in
Ex. H. 「お荷物はこちらでしょうか?」
= Onimotsu wa kochira deshouka?
= Is this your luggage? / Is that all your luggage?
= Hai, sou desu.
= Yes, it is/ they are.
Ex. H. 「お荷物はお部屋の方にお持ち致します。」
= Onimotsu wa oheya no hou ni omochi itashimasu.
=We will bring your luggage to your room.
Ex. H. 「お部屋に御案内致します。」
= Oheya ni goannai itashimasu.
= We will show you to your room.
Cultural Note :
If you stay in a traditional Japanese inn, your room has tatami mats and no beds.
If it is a nice place, the 仲居さん ( = nakaisan) maid, housekeeper, will take care of preparing the futon for bed later and bringing you dinner to your room.
And if you stay at 旅館 ( = ryokan) = traditional Japanese inn / 温泉旅館 ( = Onsen ryokan) traditional Japanese inn with hot spring, they provide free 浴衣 ( = yukata) casual kimono.
Basically you can spend all day long in 浴衣 ( = yukata). You can go take a public bath inside of the inn, go eat breakfast, lunch or dinner or walk around inside the place in 浴衣 ( = yukata), and you can even sleep in it.
Asking for favors:
Ex. 「320号室ですが、ミックスサンド一つとコーンスープを持って来てくれますか?」
= Sanbyaku nijuugoushitsu desuga, mikkusu sando hitotsu to koon suupu wo motte kite kuremasu ka?
=Could you bring one mixed sandwich and a corn soup to room 320?
= Toiretto peepaa ga nakunatta no desu ga, motte kite itadakemasu ka?
= We ran out the toilet paper. Could you bring some (to our room)?
= Potto no choushi ga okashii nod emite itadakemasen ka?
= There is something wrong with the thermos pot. Could you take a look at it?
= Kichouhin wa dokoni azuketara ii desu ka?
= Where can I keep my valuables?
Ex. H 「お部屋にセーフティーボックスがございます。」
= Oheya ni seefutii bokkusu ga gozaimasu.
= There is a safe box in the room.
Ex. H. 「こちらでお預かり致します。」
= Kochira de oazukari itashimasu.
= We will keep it for you here.
Ex. 「セーフティーボックス*の使い方がわかりません。」
= Seefutii bokkusu no tsukaikata ga wakarimasen.
= I don’t know how to use the safe.
(We also say 金庫 = kinko)
= Taoru wo koukan shite kudasai.
= Could you change the towel please?
= Oheya no souji wo shite kudasai.
= Please clean the room.
Ex. 「荷物を手伝ってくれますか?」
= Nimotsu wo tetsudatte kuremasu ka?
= Can you help me with my luggage?
Ex. 「荷物を部屋まで取りにきてくれますか?」
= Nimotsu wo heya made torini kite kuremasu ka?
= Could you come to our room and take our luggage?
Ex.「 2020号室のマギーポップコーンですが、ポーターお願いします。」
= Nisen nijuu goushitsu no Maggie Popcorn desu ga pootaa onegai shimasu.
= This is Maggie Popcorn in the room 2020. Could send us a porter please?
Ex. 「シャツをクリーニングに出したいのですがいつ出来ますか?」
= Shatsu wo kuriiningu ni dashitai no desu ga itsu dekimasu ka?
= I’d like to send my shirt to the dry cleaners, but how long will it take?
Ex. 「隣の人が騒がしいのですが。」
= Tonari no hito ga sawagashii no desuga.
= The people in the next room are too loud.
Ex. 「部屋が通りに面してうるさいので別の部屋にして頂けませんか?」
= Heya ga toori ni menshite urusai node betsu no heya ni shite itadakemasen ka?
= Our room is facing the street and is too noisy. Could you change our room, please?
Ex. 「あと1泊できますか?」
= Ato ippaku dekimasu ka?
= Can I stay one more night?
Ex. 「一日早くチェックアウトしたいのですが。」
= Ichinichi hayaku chekku auto shitai no desuga.
= I would like to check out one day early.
= Konomise no yoyaku wo toritai no desuga.
= I would like to make a reservation (of this establishment).
= Takyuubin de tsugi no hoteru made nimotsu wo okuritai no desuga.
= I would like to send my luggage to the next hotel by door-to-door delivery service.
Ex. 「WiFiは使えますか?」
= Wifi wa tsukaemasu ka?
= Can I use WiFi here?
Ex. 「部屋でWiFiは使えますか?」
= Heya de WiFi wa tsukaemasu ka?
= Can I use WiFi in my room?
Ex. H. 「はい、すべてのお部屋で無料のWiFiがご利用頂けます。こちらのパスワードを入力下さい。」
= Hai, subete no oheya de muryou no WiFi ga goriyou itadakemasu. Kochira no pasuwaado wo nyuuryoku kudasai.
= Yes, all the room has free WiFi access. Please enter this password.
Ex. H. 「WiFiはロビー以外は有料となります。」
= WiFi wa robii igai wa yuuryou to narimasu.
= We will charge WiFi access outside of the lobby.
= Ashita, asa, hayai node takushii wo yoyaku shite kudasai.
= I have to leave here early tomorrow morning so could I reserve a taxi?
Ex. H. 「何時にどちらまで行かれますか?」
= Nanji ni dochiramade ikaremasu ka?
= What time would you like the taxi and where would like to go?
= Konohen ni oishii osushiyasan wa arimasu ka?
= Are there any good sushi restaurants around here?
= Hoteru shuuhen no chizu wo itadakemasu ka?
= May I have a map for the area around the hotel?
Ex. 「東京の地下鉄の路線図はありますか?」
= Toukyou no chikatetsu rosenzu wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have a route map for the subway in Tokyo?
Ex. 「ホテルのカードを下さい。」
= Hoteru no kaado wo kudasai.
= Please give me a card of this hotel
(They usually have a card with their address and phone number written on it.)
When you go out, the hotel staff may say:
Ex. H. 「いってらっしゃいませ」
= Itterasshaimase.
= It literally means “Please go.” but it means “Have a nice day.”
Ex. H. 「お気をつけていってらっしゃいませ。」
= Okiwo tsukete itte rasshaimase.
= Please take care. / Have a nice day.
You can say
= Itte kimasu.
= literally means “I am going”. But it means “I’ll be back. / See you later.”
= Chekku auto no ojikan desuga…
= It’s already check-out time so…
Ella 「あと1泊します。」
= Ato ippaku shimasu.
= I will stay one more night.
When you are checking out.
= Checkku auto onegai shimasu.
= Check out, please.
= Checku auto shitai node seisan onegai shimasu.
= I would like to check out. / (Could you make me) a bill please.
= Nangoshitsu desuka?
= What room?
Ex. 「お部屋番号をお願い致します。」
= Oheya bangou wo onegai itashimasu.
= Your room number please.
= Sen happyaku kyuujuu goushitsu desu. / Ichi hachi kyuu rei goushitsu desu.
= The room 1890.
Ex. H. 「ミニバー、お部屋のお電話はご利用されましたか?」
= Minibaaa, oheya no odenwa wa goriyou saremashita ka?
= Did you use minibar or telephone in the room
= IIe tsukatte imasen.
= No, I didn’t.
Ex. 「ビールを1缶飲みました。」
= Biiru wo hitokan nomimashita.
= I had one can of beer.
Ex. H. 「それではこちらになります。お間違いなければサインの方、お願い致します。」
= Sore dewa kochira ni narimasu. Omachigai nakereba sain no hou, onegai itashimasu.
= Here you are. If there is no mistake, please sign.
Ex. 「これは何の料金ですか?」
= Kore wa nan no ryoukin desuka?
= What’s this charge for?
Ex. 「すみません。計算が間違っていると思うのですが。」
= Sumimasen. Keisan ga machigatte iru to omou no desu ga.
= I am afraid there is a mistake on the bill.
Ex. H. 「こちらはサービス料になります。」
= Kochira wa saabisu ryou ni narimasu.
= This is a service fee.
Ex. H. 「大変失礼致しました。すぐに修正致します。」
= Taihen shitsurei itashimashita. Suguni shuusei itashimasu.
= We are very sorry. We will revise this right away.
If you left your valuables you can say:
Ex. 「預けた貴重品をください。」
= Azuketa kichouhin wo kudasai.
= Please return my valuables.
= Sumimasen. Sanji made nimotsu wo azukatte itadakemasu ka?
= Excuse me. Could you keep my (our) luggage until 3:00?
Ex. H. 「はい、それではあちらでお預かり致します。」
= Hai, soredewa achira de oazukari itashimasu.
= Certainly. We will keep them over there.
Ex. H. 「何時頃、お戻りですか?」
= Nanji goro, omodori desu ka?
= Around what time will you be back?
Ex. 「4時頃戻ります。」
= Yojigoro modorimasu.
= I (We) will be back around 4:00.
= Takushii wo yonde kudasai.
= Please call a cab.
Ex. H. 「タクシーをお呼び致しましょうか?」
= Takushii wo oyobi itashimashou ka.
= Would like us to call you a taxi?
Ex. 「はい。お願いします。」
= Hai, onegai shimasu.
= Yes, please.
Ex. 「空港までどうやって行ったらいいですか?」
= Kuukou made douyatte ittara ii desuka?
= How could I get to the airport?
If you like the hotel, you can tell them:
Ex. 「お世話になりました。」
= Osewa ni narimashita.
= Thank you for taking care of us (during the stay).
Ex. 「とても快適でした。」
= Totemo kaiteki deshita.
= It was very comfortable (to stay here.)
Ex. 「また来ます。」
= Mata kimasu.
= I (We) will be back.
****マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Ella Sensei, arigatou!
= Thank you, Ella Sensei.
= Konya wa yukkuri oyasumi kudasai.
= Have a nice rest tonight.
:maggie-small: お知らせ = Oshirase = Special Note for everyone
Yukari and I will take a vacation from this Friday. That means we won’t be able to answer your comments or questions until August.
Hope you all have a great summer vacation! :)
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Hello Maggie Sensei,
Finally, I can again visit Japan. Since my first visit there has been a question that I have been wondering about. How would a Japanese person ask for their room key?
I knew only about 73 Japanese words (and numbers) on my first trip. I asked reception how to ask for my key and was told that just saying the room number was OK. So, 363 = san roku san. And, yes, it worked. I always got my room key. In one case, in Kansai, the receptionist replied to “363” with “363で”.
I want to do better this time. I notice that you use 号室. So, it would be better to say:
363号室おねがいします, or
Using overly polite language (in any language) sometimes creates complications for me, but would
“363号室のかぎ呉れてもらえますおねがいします” be OK? That’s not something I would want to say 3 times a day for a week.
Thanks, Michael
Hello Michael,
It is great hear that you can finally come back to Japan. :)
They both work.
→You don’t say もらえます+おねがいします togehter.
→(more polite) 365号室のかぎいただけますか?
Every day will be your great opportunity to practice your Japanese so try different way every time.
Thanks again for your comments. Yes, I am curious about how I will manage this time with my Japanese language “skills”. My biggest problem now is not being able to practice speaking, except to myself.
For example, with “号室” I of course pronounce it “Gō shitsu”. Native speakers say something that sounds like “Gō sts” to me. It is all part of the fun of learning a language.
I have one more question (if you don’t mind), which I will post somewhere else.
I’m sure they will understand your pronunciation. (I wish I could link the audio here)
Hello Maggie sensei,
Update on the reality of speaking a language!
I went to 4 different hotels. Three of them gave me a key card. I never had to ask for a room key. At the 4th hotel the reception staff recognized me after 2 days and usually gave me my room key even before I asked for it.
Sometimes, speaking Japanese can be very easy.
Hi Michael
I hope you got to speak Japanese while you were in Japan. Are you still in Japan?
Hello Maggie,
I am no longer in Japan, unfortunately.
There were a lot of opportunities to speak Japanese, and to make a lot of mistakes.
Most of my day to day practical dealings were in Japanese — hotels, restaurants and so on. Probably as a result of my listening practice (watching TV) my passive comprehension was quite good, within the limits of my vocabulary. I could understand some things even when I wasn’t paying 100% attention. Also, all your examples in your lessons taught me to not depend on knowing just a few fixed sentences.
This made daily life feel more normal, because I could understand more of what was going on around me. And this meant more freedom in what I could do (not limited to tourist-friendly English) and also resulted in some more human interactions.
On the other hand, the complication was that my passive comprehension was a lot quicker than my ability to speak (it took more time to remember words), so my speaking speed was always lagging behind what I could understand. It was frustrating, but just a matter of needing more practice talking in the real world.
My concerns about not being understood were completely unfounded. It was obvious that my ‘accent’ (in other words, my sloppy pronunciation) sometimes confused a Japanese listener. It was actually better for me to speak slowly and clearly.
Thank you for sharing your precious experiences in Japan.
I am glad to hear you got to interact with Japanese people and use Japanese.
I do believe all your experiences will motivate you to learn Japanese more.
Hey Maggie Sensei,
I wonder if you have certain book about this learning for sale? Honestly, i’d rather to read a book instead of staring at the “bright” screen monitor.
Hi Puspa,
I know staring at the bright screen monitor is a pain, huh?
I’ve been working on e-book but when I got the book done, will consider publishing a paper book. (^_−)−☆
Hello 先生!
I was just wondering: in your sentence「シャツをクリーニングを出したいのですがいつ出来ますか?」, why is it クリーニングを instead of クリーニングに ?
I’m asking sooo many questions lately, sorry about that… I’ll limit myself a bit I promise!
Oh you are right. Thank you for spotting the typo. I must have added shirt later. I fixed the mistakes. Thank you!
And you can ask me questions ANYTIME!! Please don’t limit yourself. (^_−)−☆
Thank you 先生!:D
Hi Maggie,
I just started a job at a hotel in Australia looking for the opportunity to converse with Japanese guests. It was very hard to find a site with useful Japanese phrases for someone who WORKS at a hotel.
This page was fantastic. Extremely helpful! Thank you!!ホテルの日本語-hoteru-no-nihongo-useful-phrases-at-the-hotel/
Hi Jesse
I’m so happy to hear this lesson helps you.
Good luck with your work!!
Omg, thank you! I’m starting a job as a receptionist, and we have quite a few Japanese customers. I wanted to find the proper keigo to greet them etc and this page is a huge help ;u; (now to Learn all of this during my next day off XD)
Thank you again!
Hi Lucille,
Good luck! Hope this lesson help you communicate with your Japanese customers better. :)
I love your website Maggie sensei! It cover so many topic not covered by other website. It’s really helpful. I wish you well and always healthy. お世話になりました!
Hi Lucky indonesia!
I am glad to hear you like our site!
Please come back! :)
Hi Maggie,
What a wonderful lesson as always, my brain is swimming with phrases I need to learn now!
I had a thought, if you got there early and couldn’t check in yet, so asked:
and then you come back later, how do you say something like… I left my luggage with you, can I have it back please?
Asking because when I have done this in England, they usually have a locked room that they put your bag in, so you have to ask for the staff to get it back for you.
On the other hand, when I have been to Spain, the hotels often just have a downstairs room that you can leave your bag in, so you just go there to fetch it yourself when you are ready.
Which is more likely in Japan?
It depends on the hotel but they usually give you 預かり証= あずかりしょう = a luggage ticket for your bag.
So you go to the same counter where you left the bag and show the tag to them and say
= あずけたにもつおねがいします。
= Can I have my bag back?
If they don’t give you any ticket, you go to the reception and ask
= チェックアウトのときににもつをあずかっていただきましたがどこでひきとればいいですか?
= I asked you to keep my bag when I checked out. Where can I pick it up?
With ref to :
Ex. 「一泊、朝食付きでおいくらですか?」
= Ippaku, choushoku tsuki de oikura desuka?
= How much is the room charge without breakfast?
The translation should be “with breakfast”?
Oops!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
I fixed it. :)
Hello, Maggie-sensei. I have a question related to ‘dewa arimasen’. What are the differences between the following four sentences and when (in what situation) should I use each one? Thank you very much!!!
– ペンではありません。
– ペンじゃありません。
– ペンではない。
– ペンじゃない。
Hello Juan!
The difference lies in the level of politeness.
Polite => ではありません
Polite/Semipolite => じゃありません
Causal => では/じゃない
じゃ is the abbreviation of では.
Generally the rule is: the shorter the less polite.
You use Polite language to show respect to others.
@Juan & 天人
Thank you 天人 for answering Juan’s question! ありがとう!
Ex. H. 「お部屋は禁煙フロアーで宜しかったでしょうか?」
[n] furoaa de yoroshikatta deshouka?
[n]nai itashimasu.
[i]iningu wo dashitai no desu ga itsu dekimasu ka?
[mase or masen or masu]
[thug life :xd]
= Oheya wa kinen
Ex. H. 「お部屋に御案内致します。」
= Oheya ni goan
Ex. 「シャツをクリーニングを出したいのですがいつ出来ますか?」
= Shatsu wo kuri
Ex. H. 「タクシーをお呼び
= Takushii wo oyobi itashimasu ka.
Ex. H. 「いってらっしゃい[ませ]」
= Itterasshai[mase].
= It literally means “Please go.” but it means “Have a nice day.”
Ex. H. 「お気をつけていってらっしゃい[ませ]。」
= Okiwo tsukete itte rasshai[masen].
有り難う 御座います マギー先生 ,先生わ最高です !JYANE!
Thank you, zoheb!! You are my spell checker angel! !heart3!
[致]<—–[kanji missing]しましょうか?」
= Takushii wo oyobi [ita]shimasu ka.
Oops! I missed that one. Thank you again for your help! ありがとう!