自己紹介 = jikoshoukai = self introduction



= Jikoshoukai, onegai shimasu.

= Please introduce yourself.


 = Nanoru hodo no mono dewa…

= I’d rather be anonymous….

Hi everyone! お久しぶりです!= Ohisashiburi desu! = It has been a long time!

Today’s guest teacher remains anonymous.

(Actually one of our students took this picture in Hokkaido.)

He will help me to teach you how to introduce yourself in Japanese.

First “self introduction” in Japanese is:

 :rrrr: 自己紹介 = jiko shoukai

(自己 = jiko = oneself + 紹介 = shoukai= introduction)

When you meet a new group of people,  people quite often ask you to do 自己紹介 = jiko shoukai=self-introduction.
You can use the following phrases not just when you meet someone in person but when you fill out your profile on Twitter, Facebook or blog as well.

You first say hello

Ex. こんにちは!

= Konnichiwa

= Hello!


Ex. はじめまして

= Hajimemashite

= Nice to meet you!

Your name:

 :rrrr: *name  = 名前 = namae

Ex. (私は)マギーです。

= (Watashi wa) Maggie desu.

= I’m Maggie.

Ex. 私の名前はマギーです。

= Watashi no namae wa Maggie desu.

= My name is Maggie.

Note: It is more common to say

“I’m Maggie.” = マギーです。( = Maggie desu.)


Ex. マギーといいます。

= Maggie to iimasu.

=  I am Maggie.

If you want people to call you by a certain name, say


= Maggie to yonde kudasai.

= Please call me Maggie.

more casual


= Maggie tte yonde.

= Call me Maggie.

*Your nationality:

 :rrrr: *国籍 = kokuseki= nationality

Ex. カナダ人です。

= Kanada jin desu.

= I am Canadian.

* Where you are from:

 :rrrr: 出身=shusshin = where you are originally from

Ex. ニューヨークから来ました。

= Nyuuyooku kara kimashita.

= I am from N.Y. City.

Ex. ジャカルタ出身です。

= Jakaruta shusshin desu.

= I am from Jakarta.

Ex. 出身地はマドリッドです。

= Shusshinchi wa Madoriddo desu.

= I am from Madrid. (My hometown is Madrid)


I sometime notice that some people write in their profile (プロフィール= purofiiru) on Twitter or Facebook,


Ex. (country name) から来ました。

= (country name) kara kimashita.

= I am from (country name).

even when they live in that country.

You can only say that when you are outside of your country. Instead of saying you are “from” that country, you should just say your nationality or where you live.

*Where you live:

 :rrrr: 〜に住んでいます= ~ ni sunde imasu. =  I live in ~

Ex. ニューヨークに住んでいます。

= Nyuuyooku ni sunde imasu.

= I live in N.Y. City

Note: As you may notice, we often omit the subject  (Ex. 私 = watashi) in natural Japanese.

*Talk about your interests:

:rrrr: 趣味 = shumi = one’s interests,  hobby

Japanese people often ask what you are interested in.

Ex.  趣味はなんですか?

= Shumi wa nan desuka?

= What are you interested in?

Ex. 趣味は料理です。

= Shumi wa ryouri desu.

= I like cooking.


The literal meaning of 趣味=shumi is a hobby.

Ex. 趣味は釣りです。

= Shumi wa tsuri desu.

= I like fishing.


Ex. 釣りが趣味です。

= Tsuri ga shumi desu.

Ex. 日本のアニメが好きです。

= Nihon no anime ga suki desu.

= I like Japanese animation.

Ex. 特に「ワンピース」が大好きです。

= Toku ni “Wanpiisu” ga daisuki desu.

= I especially love “One piece”.

*What you do now:

Ex. 今、〜大学で日本語を勉強しています。

= Ima, ~  Daigaku de nihongo wo benkyou shiteimasu.

= I am studying Japanese at ~ University.


= Daigakusei desu.

= I am a college student.


= Kaishain desu.

= I am an office worker. (Literally: I am a company person.)

When you describe your job, you can also say,

 :rrrr: 〜をしています ( =~ wo shiteimasu)

instead of saying

 :rrrr: (name of the job)です。( = desu)

Ex. 弁護士です。

= Bengoshi desu.

= I am a lawyer

Ex. 弁護士をしています。

= Bengoshi wo shiteimasu.

*Talk about Japanese or Japan.

Ex. ずっと独学で日本語を勉強しています。

= Zutto dokugaku de nihongo wo benkyou shiteimasu.

= I have been studying Japanese on my own.

If you just came to Japan, you can say

Ex. まだ日本に来たばかりです。

= Mada nihon ni kita bakari desu.

= I just came to Japan.

Ex. 日本に来て1ヶ月になります。

= Nihon ni kite ikkagetsu ni narimasu.

= It has been one month since I came to Japan.

Ex. 日本のことをもっと知りたいです。

= Nihon no koto wo motto shiritai desu.

= I would like to learn more about Japan.

Ex. 日本語がもっと上手になりたいです。

= Nihongo ga motto jouzu ni naritaidesu.

= I would like to improve my Japanese.


People love to help you. But you need to ask them.

Ex. どうぞいろいろ教えて下さい。

= Douzo iroiro oshiete kudasai.

= Please teach me many things. (→I would like to learn a lot form you.)

Ex. 東京で面白いところがあったら是非教えて下さい。

= Toukyou de omoshiroi tokoro ga attara zehi oshiete kudasai.

= If you know any interesting place in Tokyo, please tell me.

Ex. 今、~のフィギュアを集めています。どこか安い店を知っていたら教えて下さい。

= Ima, ~ no figyua wo atsumete imasu. Dokoka yasui mise wo shitte itara oshiete kudasai.

= I am collecting ~’s figures. If you know any cheap shops, please tell me.

Ex. 日本で友達をいっぱい作りたいです。どうぞ友達になって下さい。

= Nihon de tomodachi wo ippai tsukuritai desu. Douzo tomodachi ni natte kudasai.

= I woud like to make a lot of friends in Japan. Please be my friend.

*How to conclude your self introduction.

Ex. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

= Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

= Thank you in advance (for being my friend, for helping me,…etc)


よろしくお願いします。( = yoroshiku onegai shimasu.) is one of the many most

frequently used Japanese phrases but there is no equivalent phrase in English.

When we ask someone for a favor or are just being polite, we say

よろしくお願いします。( = yoroshiku onegai shimasu.) 

for a favor that someone will do for you in the near future.

From the picture above


= Nanoru hodo no mono dewa…

= I’d rather be anonymous….

Sorry. This is not a useful phrase. I just wanted to introduce you an old joke.

This is an cliché when you don’t want to tell people your name jokingly.
It is from Samurai drama.
When a Samurai warrior helps people, people ask their name,


= Semete onamae dake demo (okikase kudasai.)

= Let me at least hear your name…

And the cool Samurai leaves saying

= Nanoru hodo no mono dewa gozaran.

(ござらん( = gozaran) is an old way to say ない ( = nai) / ありません ( = arimasen))

The literal meaning is

I am not worth to tell people my name.

I’d rather stay anonymous.

maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Nihon no tomodachi wo ippai tsukutte kudasaine.

= I hope you can make a lot of Japanese friends.

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  1. Hello, Maggie sensei.

    I have a little question, if I want to say: “It is my first time in Japan”, which particle should I use?
    -日本 に 始めてです。
    -日本 で 始めてです。

    Thank you. 💕

    1. Hello Reych

      Neither one.
      You can say

  2. マギー先生、こんにちは。



    (nick name) と読んでください。
    (home town)出身です。




    I really want to know if this is ok.
    Please correct my grammar..

    1. こんにちは、charcie123

      (nick name) と読んでください。 Different kanji 呼んでください
      お子供が1人います。→ You don’t add お for your own child. 子供が一人います。
      お仕事は(work)でした。→ Again you don’t use お here. 
      It depends on what kind of 仕事 you meant.
      But (work) の仕事をしていました。
      Ex. 経理の仕事をしていました。

      1. マギー先生、文章を直してくれてありがとうございました。😊😊😊

        can I say this


        Is this correct?

        And in a job interview should I really need to include this in my 自己紹介?


        1. Yes. They are correct. (To be honest, the first sentence has two 年 expression so it could be confusing.)
          You can put the two sentences together.
          Ex. 2008年から2013年の3年間日本で検査梱包の仕事をしていました。

          As for your 自己紹介, you can include that information but it is up to you. I think your resume says whether you are single or married.

          1. Maggie sensei thank you so much for your reply..

            Can I ask another question?

            Is there any format when writing a jikoshoukai for job interview?

            If it does have, what should be the content of it that makes a jikoshoukai have impact to the employer.

            I am very sorry if I have so many questions..

          2. I think the one you wrote is good enough for your personal information but for job interview, you should talk about how much you are interested in that job and how you can serve for the company explaining your job experiences, skills, abilities and etc.
            Have you checked my job hunting lesson?

  3. 皆さん こんにちは、日本語ではひらがな、カタガナ、漢字として三つの文字があって覚えて置くのが大変です。特に漢字は大変で「日本語は分かりますか?」と聞いているときいつも「まだまだです。」と答えています。日本語にはもし、漢字がないとひらがな、カタガナでも日本語を伝えていくのは出来ないでしょうか。

    1. こんにちは!
      Ex. ははのはは、しろい。


      1. メールの返事、どうもありがとうございます。
        は =歯
        は =Particular(wa)
        はは の は は しろい。
        漢字がない国にとして、日本語には漢字が一番 難しいところです。


          1. 気持ちは分かって頂いて、ありがとうございます。

          2. 本当にこのサイトにきてくれるみなさんは、がんばって勉強しているといつも感心(かんしん)しています。
            (NOTE FOR YOU: 気持ちは→気持ちを・ご相談に入ります→ご相談します。)

  4. Hello sensei ,
    thank you so much for the information
    I just want to ask you that is there should include the information of family members and their professional qualifications etc??

    1. Of course you can include the information of family member.
      Ex. 四人家族です。
      = There are four people in my family./ We are a family of four.

      Ex. 兄が二人います。
      = I have two older brothers.

      As for their professional qualifications, I don’t think it is necessary.

    2. 恋人や家族や先生や友達などに使う時にどれが正しいでしょうか。



      1. Do you understand how you feel?

        私の気持ちがわかる? (友達や家族と話すとき)
        私の気持ちがわかりますか? (中間)

        Can you understand how you feel?(I want you to understand how I feel.)


  5. Hi maggie sensei, i am only a begginner,a new student in japanese school.can you please help me/teach me how to introduce myself in proper way. My sensei gave me a notes,but some of those are different from the web that i searched. Please help. Thanks!

    1. @Cutieannohj

      Hi, there are so many ways of introducing yourself.
      Follow some of the basic form and make a couple of sentences. I can check them for you.

      Ex. わたしは(name)です。I am ~
      (Place)にすんでいます。 I live in ~
      まだにほんごをべんきょうしはじめたばかりです。= I just started to study Japanese.
      しゅみは〜です。= I like doing ~ (talking about your interests)
      and finish the introduction

  6. Hello Maggie sensei,
    I am Krishna das Mukherjee,from india. I want to study in japnese language, I allredy start it but face a problem in kanji. so if you teach me? great for me.

    thaking you
    Krishna das mukherjee

    1. @krishna das mukherjee

      Hi, Kirishna,
      If you use Twitter, follow me on Twitter. I have been tweeting kanji once in a while.
      But the best way to learn kanji is to get a kanji book and study constantly. I know it is a pain but it is so much fun to be able to read Japanese. And I believe you can do it.

    1. @just a novel lover’s

      nani nani?
      I think it is
      Depends on the context.
      It could be
      *We have been seeing each other (=dating) for a long time.
      *I have known her/him/them for a long time.
      *We have been friends for a long time.
      Or if the speaker is talking about how long something will take,
      *Something will take a long time
      There could be other possibilities but I hope one of these fit in the context.

    2. it’s an introduction, sensei

      here is the full sentence that macho-sensei says, 俺がお前たちの担任のラングだ!武術の授業を取る奴らとは、長い付き合いにあるな!これからよろしくな、ははははは!

      1. @just a novel lover’s

        OK, then that means
        I am your homeroom teacher. (I am new here but) I have already known some of you who have been taking my martial class for a long time.

      2. hmmm… that could work if the teacher is teaching a second year student

        but this is a first year student Maggie-sensei so I don’t think it’s work in here…

        hmmm…., aha! sensei, sensei. Can I translate this words 武術の授業を取る奴らとは、長い付き合いにあるな! to “For you fella’s who take martial arts class, you will have a long relationship with me!” ? so he is telling them in round about manner that he is teaching Martial Arts Class.

        1. Majidesuka, Watashi no translation wa seikaitte, ureshiina~ ^^

          *sob* Me attending sensei lesson are not in vain at all !gejigeji!

          yeah, sensei. That’s the downside of Web Novel, the author don’t have an editor to check his work T_T.

          thanks sensei, for answering my question and making all of this fun lesson ^^

  7. マギー先生,ご苦労様です

    1. @Ash


  8. Hi, Maggie-sensei!

    I had a quick pronunciation question (as I am a lowly beginner with little idea of what she is doing). !ase! 

    I have heard “masu” (apologies–this computer doesn’t have a Japanese keyboard) pronounced with and without the long “u” sound in “su”–an example of w/o would be “arigatou gozaimasu”, and an example of with would be “onegai shimasu”. Similarly, I know that “desu” (such as in “watashi wa….desu”) does not pronounce the “u” sound in the “su” letter, but I am unsure if other verb suffixes (such as V + dasu) also follow this rule.

    If that was clear at all, could you please help me with some examples? I would be very much obliged. !greenapple! 

    Arigatou gozaimashita!!!

    1. @Kaitlyn

      Hello Katlyn!

      I hope I got your question right but
      Each hiragana letter has its own sound.
      です= で+ す = de+ su
      ます= ま+す= ma+ su

      However when we pronounce, we don’t enunciate the sound す(=su) and です(=desu) sounds like “des” and ます(=masu) sounds like “mas”
      I wish I could add the sound file here but I can’t so please check other lessons that have audio files to check the pronunciation.

      1. Kaitlyn

        I usually hear Nihonjins pronounce the long “SU” at work when they are speaking to customers and on formal setting
        I don’t know if it’s a rule or just a cultural thing where in they put stress on “SU” on certain occasions
        Some people probably don’t even realise it because it just comes out naturally
        Our receptionist would say “ohayougozaimas” to me but would say “ohayougozaimasUー” to an important person

        don’t worry about it too much
        it could also be just a personal preference

        just my 2 cents

  9. マギー先生!

    I recently discovered your site, and you have helped me further my japanese studies a lot ^_^ どうもありがとう!


  10. good morning dear maggie sensei and everyone. i just would like to greet you dear

    maggie sensei and maam yukari a belated merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    thank you so much for everything you have done for us especially for answering my

    questions. i have been checking out your lessons for the past few months and i really

    find them so informative and entertaining. this sounds corny but, thank you so much for

    saving me from my anxieties and sleepless nights. i am really grateful to you for

    patiently making lessons and answering my questions with beginner-friendly-explanations

    all this time. i hope that this year will be a year full of happiness for you

    dear maggie sensei and for maam yukari.

    1. @obakasan000

      Happy New Year!!
      Your sweet message is the best New Year’s gift for us.
      Though we don’t know anybody in person but we feel like we know everybody who visits this site (especially the ones who leave the comments) and we really care about all of you.
      We have been learning a lot from your questions,too.
      I hope this new year will bring you loooots of happiness.

      Love you!!!

  11. マギー先生、こんにちは!いつも教えてくれてありがとう!このレッスンが便利だったようにこれから日本の友達に作る。

    1. @ocd

      (このレッスンが便利だったようにこれから日本の友達に作る。→Did you want to say “I would like to make Japanese friends using what I learned in this lesson? If so このレッスンで学んだことを使ってこれから日本の友達を作りたいです。/ If you meant “This lesson was useful to make Japanese friends, say このレッスンは日本の友達を作るのに役立ちます。)

      First since you said よろしくお願いします (the polite form) in the last sentence, you should stick to the polite form.
      ocdという。→ocdといいます。/ ocdです。
      えと、一番新しい言語を習うのが大好きなし・・・。→えーと is a very casual way to say “well”. I think you don’t need it here. 新しい言葉を勉強するのが大好きです。
      9ヶ月、独学で日本語を勉強する。→(You have been studying Japanese on your own for 9 months, right?) 9ヶ月、独学で日本語を勉強しています。(If you say 独学する, it means “I am going to study on my own for 9 months9
      って日本に来たい。→You don’t start the sentence with って. I wonder what you wanted to say in the beginning. Maybe “That’s why”? If so, だから But in this case, how about
      いつか日本に行ってみたいです。= I would like to go to Japan.
      Note for you: 来たい is “want to come” so you should say “want to to go = 行きたい” instead.

      将来、是非中国語も勉強したい。→Good. Just make it to polite form.将来、是非、中国語も勉強したいです。

      1. I was going to make it casual but in the last moment I automatically copied どうぞよろしくお願いします and when I noticed, it was too late, I already posted it ;;
        Yeah I’ve been studying Japanese by myself for 9 months.
        Really? I remember I saw some tweets where the start with って
        Ah, so many mistakes …

        1. @ocd

          I think I told you before but learning from your mistakes is the best way to improve your Japanese.

          You don’t start a sentence just with って.
          What you saw on Twitter could be っていうか or ってか. It is a casual expression to rephrase what you have just heard or “actually” Or っていうことで、っていうわけで (=That’s why…). They are all very casual. (I made a lesson about it once.)

          OK, so you want to make it sound more casual. When you write casual sentence, you want to sound friendly not too blunt.
          Finishing です・ます is not necessary too formal but if you want to change some sentences more casual,

          1. I remember but at times I think I’m perfectionist, so…
            Thank you very much ;; Really?
            I’ll keep it in mind, actually all your lessons I write down to better remember. I’m really happy that you’re teaching us Japanese, doubt that I would have reached so far without you. !heart3!

          2. @ocd


  12. エドワードと申します。アメリカ人ですけど、留学生で京都に住んでいます。日本に3年間にいるが、俺の日本語は全然だめだと思います。

    1. @エドワード


      2)「ござる」よく聞ける。→ 聞けるはto be able to hearという意味になります。エドワードが言いたかったのは 


      1. マギー先生、

        1. @エドワード


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