プチ ( = puchi) (Mini Lesson )

= Kono rouru keiki puchipura dakedo oishii ne.
= This rolled cake is inexpensive but it’s good, isn’t it?

Hi everyone! Have you ever tried コンビニスイーツ  ( =  conbini suiitsu. = sweets that you can buy at convenience stores) in Japan?
I am not a big fan of them but I love プレミアムいちごのロールケーキ ( =  puremiamu ichigo no rouru keiki) “Premium strawberry rolled cake !onpu!
Today’s one of the focus word is プチ ( = puchi), petite.   
プチプラ( = puchipura) is abbreviated form of プチプライス ( = puchi puraisu )“petite price” and it means inexpensive, reasonable price and it is often used for accessories, make-up products or clothes for young women.  The word プチ ( = puchi) came from a French word, “petite” and it means “small, mini. short, a little” It has been a trend for the past several years to add プチ ( = puchi) to certain words. It makes the word sound  lighter, less serious, more fashionable or trendy. I think women use it more than men because it sounds cuter. 
But actually the word プチ( = puchi) has been a key word for marketing and we often it in advertisements.
プチギフト = puchi gifuto = small gifts

プチお土産 = puchi omiyage = a little souvenir,a small gift

Ex. これプチお土産!(casual) 

= Kore puchi omiyage! 

= This is a small gift for you!

プチホテル = puchi hoteru = a small fancy hotel

プチ自慢 = puchi jiman = some little thing that you can brag about. one’s little claim to fame

Ex. 私のプチ自慢はマギー先生のサインを持っていることです。 

= Watashi no puchijiman wa Maggie sensei no sain wo motte iru koto desu. 

= My little claim to fame is that I have Maggie Sensei’s autograph.   

プチ旅行 = puchi ryokou = a short trip

Ex. 明日からプチ旅行に行きます。 

= Ashita kara puchi ryokou ni ikimasu. 

= I will go on a short trip from tomorrow.    

プチ留学 = puchi ryuugaku = studying abroad in a  short period time    

Ex. 「カナダに留学してたの?すごいね!」

= Kanada ni ryuugaku shitetano? Sugoine!

= You have been in Canada to study? Wow!


= Un, demo puchi ryuugaku dayo.

= Yes, but it was just a short period of time.

プチ断食 = puchi danjiki = mini fasting diet    

プチダイエット = puchi daietto = on  a casual diet.   

Ex. 今、プチダイエット中だから甘いもの食べられないの。 

= Ima daietto chu dakara amai mono taberarenaino. 

= I am on a casual diet so I can’t eat sweets.  

プチ整形  = puchi seikei = mini facelift, quick facelift    

プチ休暇 = puchi kyuuka = a short vacation    

プチ家電 = puchi kaden = small size home electrical appliances   

プチ鬱 = puchi utsu = light depression    

Ex. 今、ちょっとプチ鬱なんだ…
= Ima chotto puchi utsu nanda…
= I am a bit depressed right now.
maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei 
= Minna no puchi jiman wa nan desu ka?
= What is your little claim to fame?


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  1. Hello!
    I just discovered this blog 2 days ago while googling a more thorough explanation of “~teotsu” and my God, this is fantastic!
    I love the adorable dog icon, I love your explanations, I love your lessons. Thank you so much, you cannot imagine how much I appreciate you doing this!
    You're amazing!


    1. @Vex

      Hi Vex! Welcome to Maggie Sensei’s site!
      Thank you for your nice message. I am VERY happy to hear you like my lessons.
      There are many lessons here so please come visit us again.


  2. I was just wondering Yukari-sensei, if you have anything on OR could possibly explain (thoroughly? :D) the difference between やる and する, because I’ve heard them being used almost interchangeably…

    1. @Daisy

      Hello Daisy! We don’t have the lesson on the difference between やる and する yet. Sure! We will put it on the list. But there are still over 40 lessons to release so please wait, OK? (Or we might post the lesson on Facebook. Do you follow us on Facebook?)

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