= Kore de kotoshi wa shigoto osame desu!
= This is the last work of the year.
メリークリスマス!Merry Christmas everyone!
This is going to be my last lesson for the year.
Thanks again to everybody who has been supporting this blog. ありがとう!!= Arigatou!!
This is the Super Basic Words Review Lesson Part 5.
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Before I start the review lesson, we need to learn today’s key word.
It’s 〜納め (= ~ osame )= finishing or finalizing something, the last activity for a while
You will hear this expression often towards the end of the year. It refers to “the last activity (of the year).” or “things you won’t do for a while”.
★仕事納め= shigoto osame = Usually refers to the last work of the year.
Ex. 今日で仕事納めです。
= Kyou de shigoto osame desu.
= This is the last day of work of the year.
Ex. 多くの会社は12月29日が仕事納めだ。
= Ooku no kaisha wa juunigatsu nijuukunichi ga shigoto osame da.
= Many companies’ last day of work is Dec. 29th
!to right! How to form this word with a verb :
Make a ます(=masu) form and delete ます(=masu) and add 納め(=osame)
★飲みます(=nomimasu) +納め(=osame)
飲み納め = nomiosame = the last drink of the year (or You won’t drink for a while from now on)
★歌います(=utaimasu) + 納め(=osame)
歌い納め = utai osame = the last song (I’ll sing) of the year (or You won’t sing for a while) (Ex. Karaoke, etc.)
★買います(=kaimasu) + 納め(=osame)
買い納め= kai osame = the last buy of the year (or You won’t buy for a while in certain period.)
Ex. 2011年、買い納め
= Nisen juuichinen kaiosame.
= The last shopping of the year 2011.
Note : It may not mean “of the year” but activity that you won’t do for a while. And you can be creative using many verbs.
Though it won’t work with all the verbs, it makes things sound more dramatic! :)
Ex. 明日から試験勉強が始まるから今日で遊び納めだ!
= Ashita kara shiken benkyou ga hajimaru kara kyou de asobi osame da.
= Since I have to study for the exams from tomorrow, this is the last day I’ll be able to play today.
Ex. しばらくダイエットするから今日が美味しいものの食べ納めだ。
= Shibaraku daietto surukara kyou ga oishiimono no tabeosame da.
= I will be on diet for a while so today is the last day to get to eat yummy food for a while.
★見納め= miosame = see ~ for the last time
Ex. 桜も見納めだ。
= Sakura mo miosameda.
=This is the last chance to see the cherry blossoms.
★年貢の納め時= nengu no osame doki
The original meaning is the time to pay the annual land tax in the old days.
But we use it now when we have to compensate what we have done, it is time to get serious, no time for fooling around, it is time to give up what you have been doing.
In old detective shows, the police arrests a criminal saying,
= Kore de omae mo nengu no osamedokida!
= This is it! / The game is over. It is time for you to pay what you have done. / The jig is up.
Also when someone who was not into marriage finally gets marriage, they say
Ex. そろそろ私も年貢の納め時かな。(female speech)
= Sorosoro watashi mo nengu no osamedoki kana.
= I guess it is time for me to get marriage.
= Kore de Maggie mo nengu no osamedoki dane.
= You have to determined to get married, Maggie.
(Implying maybe I am fooling around or enjoying being single or refusing to get married for a long time, but now it is time to get married.)
Anyway, this lesson is your 勉強納め!(= Benkyou osame! ) Last study of the year!
Here we go!
⭐️ Week 36
1) hour(s), time = 時間= じかん = jikan
2 hours
= 二時間 or 2時間
= にじかん
= nijikan
2) number series of digits= 番号= ばんごう = bangou
telephone number
= 電話番号
= でんわばんごう
= denwa bangou
3) fare, fee = 料金 = りょうきん = ryoukin
taxi fare
= タクシー料金
= タクシーりょうきん
= takushii ryoukinn
4) amount = 量 = りょう = ryou
to reduce the amount
= 量を減らす
= りょうをへらす
= ryou wo herasu
5) a half = 半分 = はんぶん = hanbun
to cut a cake in half
= ケーキを半分に切る
= ケーキをはんぶんにきる
= keiki wo hanbun ni kiru
6) whole, entirety = 全体 = ぜんたい= zentai
the whole country
= 国全体
= くにぜんたい
= kuni zentai
⭐️Week 37
7) to be in trouble = 困る= こまる = komaru
to have trouble making a living
= 生活に困る
= せいかつにこまる
= seikatsu ni komaru
8) far = 遠い = とおい = tooi
far back, far in the past
= 遠い昔
= とおいむかし
= tooi mukashi
9) close, near = 近い = ちかい = chikai
near future
= 近い将来
= ちかいしょうらい
= chikai shourai
10) correct, right = 正しい = ただしい = tadashii
the right way
= 正しいやり方
= ただしいやりかた
= tadashii yarikata
11) quiet, calm, docile (for people/animal) = 大人しい= おとなしい = otonashii
a quiet baby
= 大人しい赤ちゃん
= otonashii akachan
12) dangerous, risky = 危ない= あぶない = abunai
one’s life is in danger
= 命が危ない
= いのちがあぶない
= inochi ga abunai
⭐️Week 38
13) to be embarrassed, embarrassing = 恥ずかしい= はずかしい= hazukashii
an embarrassing story
= 恥ずかしい話
= はずかしいはなし
= hazukashii hanashi
14) detailed = 詳しい= くわしい = kuwashii
detailed explanation
= 詳しい説明
= くわしいせつめい
= kuwashii setsumei
15) easy = 簡単な = かんたんな= kantanna
easy exercises
= 簡単な練習
= かんたんなれんしゅう
= kantan na renshuu
16) difficult = 難しい = むずかしい = muzukashii
difficult grammar
= 難しい文法
= むずかしいぶんぽう
= muzukashii bunpou
17) sore, painful = 痛い = いたい = itai
to have a headache
= 頭が痛い
= あたまがいたい
= atama ga itai
18) complicated = 複雑な=ふくざつな= fukuzatsu na
complicated relationship
= 複雑な関係
= ふくざつなかんけい
= fukuzatsu na kankei
⭐️Week 39
19) delicious =美味しい= おいしい = oishii
looks delicious
= 美味しそう
= おいしそう
= oishisou
20) taste bad, lame = まずい = mazui
= bad tastes
= まずい味
= まずいあじ
= mazui aji
21) rich, wealthy = 豊かな = ゆたかな = yutakana
rich life
= 豊かな人生
= ゆたかなじんせい
= yutakana jinsei
22) poor = 貧しい = まずしい = mazuashii
poor family
= 貧しい家庭
= まずしいかてい
= mazushii katei
23) common, average, standard = 普通の = ふつうの = futsuuno
an average person
= 普通の人
= ふつうのひと
= futsuuno hito
24) honest = 正直な = しょうじきな = shoujikina
honest way of living
= 正直な生き方
= しょうじきないきかた
= shoujikina ikikata
⭐️Week 40
31) convenient, handy = 便利な = べんりな = benri na
useful function
= 便利な機能
= べんりなきのう
= benrina kinou
32) inconvenient = 不便な = ふべんな = fubenna
an inconvenient place
= 不便な場所
= ふべんなばしょ
33) tough, sturdy = 丈夫な = じょうぶな = joubuna
sturdy children
= 丈夫な子供
= じょうぶなこども
= joubuna kodomo
34) strange, enigmatic, unnatural = 不思議な = ふしぎな = fushigina
curious power
= 不思議な力
= fushigina chikara
35) wasted, in vain, unfruitful = 無駄な = むだな = mudana
fruitless/wasted time
= 無駄な時間
= むだなじかん
= mudana jikan
36) necessary = 必要な = ひつような = hitsuyouna
needed medicine
= 必要な薬
= ひつようなくすり
=hitsuyouna kusuri
⭐️Week 42
37) morning = 朝 = あさ = asa
= 朝食
= ちょうしょく
= choushoku
38) daytime = 昼 = ひる= hiru
lunch break
= 昼休み
= ひるやすみ
= hiruyasumi
39) night = 夜 = よる = yoru
night sky
= 夜空
= よぞら
= yozora
40) a.m. = 午前 = ごぜん = gozen
in the (mid) morning
= 午前中
= ごぜんちゅう
= gozenchuu
41) p.m. = 午後 = ごご = gogo
afternoon tea
= 午後のお茶
= ごごのおちゃ
= gogo no ocha
42) middle of the night = 夜中=よなか = yonaka
= 真夜中
= まよなか
= mayonaka
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Minasan ichinen otsukare sama deshita.
= Thank you for working so hard this year.
= Rainen mo watashi to issho ni nihongo tanoshinde benkyou shimashoune.
= Let’s have fun studying Japanese next year, too!
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hi Matthew,
great lesson, hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu maggie-sensei.
kono saito de tada de nihongo o oshiete kurete arigatou gozaimasu(=^ㅅ^=)
@Belajar Bahasa Jepang
Dou itashimashite! Mata itsudemo kite kudasaine. :)
Now I can say 明けましておめでとう!Kage!!!
Maggie Sensei,
I wanted to let you know that I LOVE your site and keep coming back for more. I learn so much from you guys so please dont ever stop doing the posts :)
I’m learning Japanese from Singapore!
Hi Eri!! Thank you for the nice comment! Hope you keep coming back here from Singapore,too!
Love, you,too!! boucingheart!
Thanks for all the lessons you made. I’ve been reading your blog for almost a year now and I’ll always will. It’s fun and I learn a lot.
Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Advance Happy New Year and more powers to your blog! :D
Ohhh how nice! Thank you for visiting this site over a year! Feel free to leave comments anytime.
And Happy Holidays!!! これからもよろしくね! !happyface!
Hi Maggie sensei,
Thanks for your great lessons.
I have one question:
Is it nomiMosame, or nomiOsame?
Hi Mo! Oops! Thank you for spotting the typo! It is nomi osame! I fixed it! ありがとう!
Please make more entries next year! I can’t wait!
コメントありがとう!!Will make lots of fun lessons next year! 待っててね!
いつも楽しい勉強のこと ありがとうございます!
Thank you for all the great lessons. I always enjoy reading your posts especially with your cute pictures too.
I am really looking forward to your new lessons next year!
Ohhhh how sweet!! Thank you for visiting our site,too!! boucingheart!
Dear Maggie-sensei,
Thank you for this lesson, and for all your your lessons this past year!
I wonder though if you would mind explaining why the particle も is used in so many of the example sentences for ~納め
I can maybe understand for the marriage examples, but for the sakura example why is it 桜も見納め as opposed to say 桜は見納め?
Hi Jess! A good question!
Usually the particle of も is used when we want to say “also” or “and”
犬も猫も好きです。= I like dogs and cats.
マギーもハワイに行くの?= Is Maggie also going to Hawaii?
The も here is an exclamatory particle. You can express your feelings towards cherry blossoms.
It is possible to say 桜は見納めです。”は” is used to distinguish from others so it sounds like something else is still keep going.
Hope I answered your question.
Hi again Maggie!
Thank you for your clear concise answer, that clears it up for me! ( ̄▽ ̄)b