という ( = toiu ) + こと/と/わけ/もの/のに ( = koto/to/wake/mono/noni) ,etc.



= Minasan kyou wa watashi no tanjoubi da to iu noni keiki mo naino desu ka?

= “It’s my birthday today, everyone! But you don’t even have a cake for me???”


= Sensei, keiki to iu keiki wa sakki minna tabeta ja nai desu ka!

“Miss, but you just ate all the cakes we had!”

Hi, 皆さん、日本語の勉強がんばっていますか?

= Minasan nihongo no benkyou ganbatte imasuka?

Are you studying Japanese hard?

Good!! We received another request from R-san a couple of weeks ago.

 In my studies of the Japanese language, I have come across several expressions involving と言う such as; と言うこと,と言うと、と言うもの,と言う訳だ and so-on so-forth. I have a lot of trouble knowing when to use these expressions and how they can be appropriately combined in sentences. Particularly, the difference between と言うのに and just plain old のに confuse me. Please, if you don’t mind could you explain these differences? It could make a great lesson to sort out the different と言う phrases! ありがとうございます


Umm…I have to warn you before you read this lesson,…it is going to be another long long lesson, but I still won’t be able to cover the whole thing because there are tons of usages of という ( = to iu).

Let’s check the simple function of ““( = to) first.

When we quote what somebody has said we use “” ( = to)+言う ( = iu)

Maggie said, “I’m hungry”.


= Maggie wa “Onaka ga suita” to itta.

Maggie said that she was hungry.


= Maggie wa onaka ga suita to itta.)

We usually use Kanji for 言う ( = iu) here.

Note : The casual form of と ( = to) is って ( = tte)

Ex. マギーがお腹がすいたって言ってるよ。

= Maggie ga onaka ga suita tte itteruyo .

Maggie says she is hungry.

Go check my indirect/direct speech lesson for more details. 

OK, it seems bottomless… but let’s jump into the deeper world of “toiu”. Ready?

🔸という ( = toiu)

(Note : いう=  Hiragana is more common)

(1) To be called, said, named:


= Kore wa nan to iu inu desu ka?

What’s this dog? (What kind of dog is this? / What is the name of this dog?)

More casual : なんていう犬ですか?

= Nante iu inu desu ka?)


 = Furenchi burudoggu desu.

It is a French Bulldog.

2) この犬はマギーという名前です。

= Kono inu wa Maggie to iu namae desu.

This dog’s name is Maggie.

3) 私は、マギーといいます。

= Watashi wa Maggie to iimasu.

= I am Maggie. (I am called Maggie)

More casual


 = Maggie-tte iu no!

4) マギーという犬に英語を教わりました。

 = Maggie to iu inu ni eigo wo osowarimashita.

I have learned English from a dog who was called Maggie./whose name is Maggie.

More casual :


= Maggie tte iu unu ni….

5) 昨日、ゆかりという人に会いました。

= Kinou yukari toiu hito ni aimashita.

= I met a person named Yukari.

More casual :


= Yukari tte iu hito ni…


 = Anata ga benkyou shiteiru gakushuu saito wa nanto iu saito desu ka?

What is the name of the learning site you are studying?


= Maggie sensei dotto komu toiu saito desu.

It is a site called Maggie sensei.com

More casual :


= Maggie sensei dotto comu tte iu..

(2) When you define something/someone:

1) あなたみたいな人を意地悪というんですよ。

= Anata mitai na hito wo ijiwaru to iun desuyo.

A person like you is called “mean”

More casual :


 = Ijiwaru tte iun desu yo.

2) 英語で「知的」は、なんといいますか?

 = Eigo de “chiteki” wa nan to ii masu ka?

= How do you say “chiteki” in English?

「知的」は英語で”intelligent” といいます。

 = “Chiteki” wa eigo de “intellingent” to ii masu.

“Chiteki” in English is “Intelligent”.

3) これは漫画というよりも立派な文学だ。

= Kore wa manga toiu yori mo rippana bungaku da.


 = Kore wa manga dewa naku rippana bungaku da.

This is not just a comic book but an excellent literature!

(3) When you emphasize something or some idea:

• 日本という国は不思議な国だ。

= Nihon toiu kuni wa fushigi na kuni da.


= Nihon wa fushigi na kuni da.

Japan is a country that is mysterious.


= Kyou toiu hi wa mou konai. 


= Kyou wa mou konai

= The day which is today won’t come again.


 = Anata toiu hito wa、…)

あなたは... ( = Anata wa…)
You are such…

(This looks like an unfinished sentence, and it is, but in Japanese, you don’t have to finish this particular sentence. The listener will realize you are saying that you are impressed or disappointed with them.)

(4) Referring to some number :

Numbers+ という ( = toiu) (+ noun)  : reaching certain numbers, meaning a lot.


= Nanbyaku toiu hito ga sono saigai de nakunatta.

= Hundreds of people have died in the disaster.

• 児童一人あたり1万円というお金が国から支給されることになった。

= Jidou hitori atari ichimanenn toiu okane ga kuni kara shikyuu sareru koto ni natta.

= The government will provide 10,000 yen per child from now.

• 数千万ドルという資金がそのプロジェクトに費やされた。

= Suusenmandoru toiu shikin ga sono purojekuto ni tsuiyasareta.

They poured thousands of dollars (of fund money) into the project.

(5) They say / People say~  : (Formal / Literal)

• あれからこの村の人々は皆いなくなったと言う。

= Arekara kono mura no hitobito wa mina inaku natta toiu.

They say that after that everybody in this village disappeared.

• 動物好きの人に悪い人はいないと言う。

 = Doubutsu zuki no hito ni warui hito wa inai to iu.

They say that there are no bad people among animal lovers.

(6) a function as a relative pronoun.:

*Basic pattern 1.

<Aという( = toiu) B: B that / which is (or verb)A>

Note: A could be a noun or a sentence.

• あなたが好きだという気持

= Anata ga sukida toiu kimochi

the feelings that I like/love you

• 何が起こるかわからないという恐怖

= Naniga okoru ka wakaranai toiu kyoufu.

the fear that we can’t  predict what is going to happen

• 物が豊富にあるという生活

 = Mono ga houfu ni aru toiu seikatsu.

= the life where there is an abundance of things.

• 大もうけできるという話

 = Oomouke dekiru toiu hanashi.

a deal in which you can make a lot of money

Let’s try! 

There is a rumor that Maggie got married.

There is = ある ( = aru)

There is B that is A.

Aという( = toiu)    B  が ( = ga)  ある ( = aru)

A :  Maggie got married
B: a rumor

Maggie got married という ( = toiu) ”a rumorがある ( = ga aru)



 = Maggie wa kekkon shita toiu uwasa ga aru.

There is a rumor that Maggie got married.

Did you get it?

Keep trying!

I have received an email that says the meeting was canceled.

I have received 受け取った ( = uketotta)

A という ( = toiu) B( = wo) 受け取った。( = uketotta)

A : the meeting was canceled

会議が (or は)中止になった 

 = Kaigi ga/wa chuushi ni natta

B: an email メール


会議が (or は)中止になったというメールを受け取った。

= Kaigi ga/wa chuushi ni natta toiu meiru wo uketotta.

*Basic Pattern 2

To make a nominal phrase:

〜というの( =~  toiu no) + は/が     ( = wa/ga) {subject}+ subordinate sentence.


= Aredake benkyou shita noni shiken ni shippai shita toiunowa shinjirarenai.

I can’t believe (the fact) that I failed the exam after studying so much.

失敗したのは ( = shippai shitanowa) *2 (*1 emphasizes more than *2)


 = Neko ga suki(da) toiu nowa hontou nano?

 Is it true that you like cats?

• 英語が嫌いなのに勉強すると言うのはどうして?

= Eigo ga kirai nanoni benkyou suru toiu nowa doushite?

How come you study English if you hate it?


 =Benkyou surunowa doushite?

(7) When you repeat something,

*DというDは   ( = D toiu D wa〜),

You can emphasize your quote or it can add a meaning of “all” or “everything”.

• 今度という今度はがまんできない。

Kondo to iu kondo wa gaman dekinai.

I can’t stand it this time.

(Emphasizing “this time!” )

• お金というお金はすべて賭けにつぎ込んでしまった。

Okane toiu okane wa subete kake ni tsugikonde shimatta.

= I spent ALL my money gambling.


Hoteru toiu hoteru wa subete shirabeta ga dokomo manshitsu datta.

= I checked ALL the hotels but all of them were booked up.

(8) When it is…/ In case of ..  :  ~という時  ( = ~ to iu toki)

• さあという時  ( = saa to iu toki) / いざという時 ( = iza to iu toki) at a critical moment, in an emergency

• いざというときは電話してね。

 = Iza toiu toki wa denwa shitene.

Call me when you are in trouble.

• さあという時の為にお金を少し用意してある。

 = Saa toiu toki no tame ni okane wo sukoshi youi shite aru.

I have put aside some money in case of an emergency.


🔸ということ ( = to iu koto) :

(1) Attaching it to a phrase transforms the phrase into a noun and creates a relative clause.

• 冬に北海道に行ってみればどんなに寒いかということがわかるだろう。*1

= Fuyu ni hokkaidou ni itte mireba donnani samui ka to iu koto ga wakaru darou.

= If you go to Hokkaido in the winter, you will see how cold it is there.


 = …donnani samui ka ga wakaru darou.

*Note : *1 emphasizes the cold weather more.

• 子供に会えないということがどれだけ辛いかあなたにはわかりません。

= Kodomo ni aenai to iu koto ga doredake tsurai ka anataniwa wakarimasen.

= You have no idea how hard it is not to be able to see your own child.


= Kodomo ni aenai koto ga doredake…

Note: When you use words like どれだけ (doredake) or どんなに (donnani), you often add か (ka) to accentuate the depth of emotions.


= Dekinai to wakatte itemo mazu yatte miru to iu koto ga taisetsu desu.

Even if you know you can’t do it is important to at least try once.

← やってみることが…  ( = yatte miru koto ga..)


(2) To summarize /boil down something, That means,

• あなたも旅行に行くということは明日は、私一人なんですね。

= Anata mo ryokou ni iku to iu kotowa ashita wa watashi hitori nandesu ne.

= You are also going traveling. That means I will be alone tomorrow.

• A「大きな台風が近づいています。」

= Ookina taifuu ga chikazuite imasu.

= There is a big typhoon coming.


 = To iu koto wa ashita wa dare mo gakkou ni konai toiu koto desu ne.

That means nobody is coming to the school tomorrow. Am I right?


= Sou iu koto desu.

= That’s right. (That is what I meant.)


 = Anata niwa kono shigoto wa muzukashii kamo shiremasen ne.

= Maybe this job is too difficult for you.


 = To iu koto wa douiu koto deshouka?

That means what? /What do you mean by that?


(3) What I know is, I’ve heard that, They say…:

ということだ/です ( = ~to iu koto da/desu)   * です ( = desu) is more formal

• マギー先生は今、忙しいということなのでまた出直します。

= Maggie sensei wa ima isogashii to iu koto nanode mata denaoshimasu.

= They say Maggie sensei is busy right now so I will come back again.

• 明日が都合が悪いということでしたら別の日に会いましょう。

= Asu ga tsugou ga warui to iu koto deshitara betsu no hi ni aimashou.

If you say tomorrow is not convenient, let’s get together some other time.


🔸というと  ( = toiuto):

(1) When we speak/talk of something….,


 = Nihongo to iu to mazu nani wo omoiukabemasu ka?

When you hear “Japanese”, what comes to your mind first?


= Ninja!

= Ninja!!


 = Shigatsu to iu to wakareta kare no koto wo kangaete shimaimasu.

April always makes me think of my ex-boyfriend.(←When I hear “April”, I always think about my ex.)

• 最近のベストセラーと言うとやはり村上春樹の”1Q84″だ。

= Saikin no besuto seraa to iu to yahari Murakami Haruki no Ichi-Kyuu-Hachi-Yon da.

The recent best seller is “1Q84” by Haruki Murakami. (←If you ask me what is the recent best-seller novel, it is..)

• 失敗の原因は何かと言うとそれは勉強不足だったからです。

 = Shippai no gen-in wa nanika to iu to sorewa benkyoubusoku dakara desu.

The reason for the failure is because of lack of study. (←If you ask me, the reason (you/I/etc.) failed is because of a lack of study.)

(2) Bring up something and continue something that always happens.:

• このところ休日というといつも仕事だ。

= Kono tokoro kyuujitsu to iu to itsumo shigoto da.

We always have to work on holidays.

Note : というと ( = to iu to), といったら ( = to ittara) and といえば  ( = to ieba) are very similar.
We bring up something and make a definitive statement.

といったら ( = to ittara) emphasizes your opinion more and usually, there is no other alternative.

• 夏といったら/といえばビールだ。

 = Natsu to ittara/ieba biiru da.

There is nothing better than beer in the summer!

• 東京といったら/といえば渋谷だよね。

 = Toukyou to ittara/ to ieba shibuya dane.

When you think of Tokyo you think of Shibuya! (Or you can’t mention Tokyo without immediately thinking of Shibuya.)

• 温泉といったら/いえばお酒だね。

= Onsen to ittara/ieba osake dane.

There is nothing better than Sake in a hot spring!

• 彼の教え方といったら!

= Kare no oshiekata to ittara.

The way he teaches…

(It could be negative or positive.)

• 彼のできることといったらそれぐらいです。

= Kare no dekiru kototo ittara sore gurai desu.

That’s all he can do. (belittle his ability)

Related Lesson: How to use といえば

(2) You can ask a question and answer yourself using というと ( = to iu to) with interrogative words such as “why, when, what, which, how, etc.” and explain things.

• 彼とどうして別れたかというとそれは性格の不一致です。

= Kare to doushite wakareta ka to iu to sorewa seikaku no fuicchi desu..

= The reason I broke up with him was because of a personality conflict.

• いつからそんな風に感じ始めたかというとよくわからないのです。

= Itsukara sonna fuu ni kanji hajimeta ka to iu to yoku wakaranai no desu..

= I don’t know when I started to feel that way.

• 何故かというと…./どうしてかというと...+reason

 = Nazeka to iu to …/Doshite ka to iu to

(If you ask me why…? If I have to explain the reason) the reason is…/It’s because…

いつかというと…( = Itsuka to iu to)    +   place

(If you ask me when it is, ) it is…

どちらかというと…( = Dochiraka to iu to)  +   which one

If I have to choose which one,

どういうことがあったかというと…( = Douiu koto ga attaka to iu to)   +   incident

If I have to explain what happened,/If you ask me what happened, it is…

(3) That means?  To confirm or summarize what other people have just told you.


 = To iu to?

That means? /You mean? /Such as? / So you are saying

Note: It is similar to ということは  ( = to iukoto wa)

Ex. A:


= Korekara wa subete no gyoumu wa goji made ni owaraseru koto ni shite kudasai.

= Please finish all the work by five o’clock from now.

B: 「というと、残業はどうなりますか?」

= To iu to, zangyou wa dou narimasu ka?

= If that’s the case, what is going to happen to overtime work?

🔸 ~というもの ( = to iu mono)

(1)What is called../something..:

• 天ぷらアイスというものを食べた。

 = Tenpura aisu to iu mono wo tabeta.

I ate something called  “Tempura Ice”

• 恋というものは辛いものだ。

= Koi to iu mono wa tsurai mono da.

Love is a painful thing.

(2) To emphasize something :

• 日本語というものがこんなに難しいものだと思いませんでした。

 = Nihongo to iu mono ga konnani muzukashii mono dato omoimasen deshita.

I didn’t expect Japanese would be this difficult.


というわけ/訳だ ( = toiu wake da)

(1) When you explain the reason/cause.

Ex. Cause +というわけ/訳で    ( = to iu wake de)

→Result: Because of ….., the thing is/ the idea is…

• 昨日、夜遅くまで仕事をして寝過ごしました。

= Kinou yoru osoku made shigoto wo shite nesugoshimashita. To iu wake de kyou wa chikoku shimashita.

= I was working late yesterday and I slept over in the morning. And….
(usually a long explanation)
That is why I was late today.

(2) When you explain how things work.

• 今、仕事を片付けてしまえば、明日は楽ができるという訳です。

= Ima shigoto wo katazukete shimaeba asu wa raku ga dekiru to iu wake desu.

= If I finish all the work now, I can have an easy day tomorrow.

(3) In negative sentence ~というわけ/訳ではない ( = to iu wake dewa nai.)  It is not like…/It is not always…

• 職場の皆が冷たいという訳ではありません。

= Shokuba no mina ga tsumetai to iu wake dewa arimasen.

It is not like everybody is cold at work.

• 無理だという訳ではない。

= Muri da to iu wake dewa nai.

= It is not impossible. I am not saying it is impossible.

OK! Last one!!

🔸 というのに ( = to iu noni)>

(1) Even, even if, although, despite

Note: In some cases, you can replace というのに ( = to iu noni) with のに  ( =noni) and the translation will be exactly the same but というのに  ( = toiunoni) emphasizes the meaning more. Also というのに ( = toiunoni) sounds more formal than なのに  ( = nanoni) so we see them.

• まだ朝の4時というのに仕事に行かなければならない。

= Mada asa no yoji da to iu no ni shigoto ni ikanakereba naranai.


 = Mada asa no yoji nanoni…

It is still 4:00 in the morning but I have to go work.

• 明日が試験というのに何も勉強していない。

= Ashita ga shiken da to iu noni nani mo benkyou shiteinai. 

← 明日が試験なのに

 = Ashita ga shiken nanoni.

Even though we have an exam tomorrow, I haven’t studied at all.

• クリスマスというのに誰も遊んでくれない。

= Kurisumasu da to iu noni daremo asonde kurenai.


 = Kurisumasu nanoni….

Even though it’s Christmas, I’ve got no one to spend it with.


= Yamero to iu noni muri ni yatta.

Although I stopped you, you did it anyway.

:rrrr: Note : This case you can’t replace というのに ( = to iu noni) with  のに ( = noni)

⭐️From the picture above:


 = Minasan kyou wa watashi no tanjoubi da to iu noni keiki mo naino desu ka?

= “It’s my birthday today, everyone! But you don’t even have a cake for me???”

• 誕生日だというのに

= Tanjoubi da to iu noni

=Even if it’s my birthday

Note : You can also say 誕生日なのに  (  = tanjoubi nanoni) but 誕生日だというのに  ( = Tanjoubi dato iu noni) emphasizes more.

⭐️ 「先生、ケーキというケーキはさっきみんな食べたじゃないですか!」

= Sensei, keiki to iu keiki wa sakki minna tabeta ja nai desu ka!

= “Miss, but you just ate all the cakes we had!”


= Keiki to iu keiki

=  all the cakes, the whole cake, lots of cakes


Whew!! For those who read all the way, お疲れ様でした! ( = Otsukare sama deshita) Good job! /You must be tired!


maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori =  From Maggie sensei


= Burogu to ittara Maggiesensei no burogu desu.

The best blog of all is Maggie Sensei’s blog!

また来てね!  = Mata kite ne! = Please come back to this site!

!to right! Special note for French speakers.

Marianne translated this lesson into French. I posted on my Facebook page.  Click here.


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  1. こんばんは先生。I swear I’ve seen this usage, but I can’t find it again… can you use というのは before you explain a reason?

    ie. The reason I talk this way is because I grew up in the south. → このような話し方というのは南で生まれて住んでいたんです

    1. こんばんは、Terry!
      The pattern in your sentence,
      Noun + というのは is used to define or explain what it is.
      →Noun means ~

      For your sentence, a more natural way to say it would be

      You can use というのは when you say something and then start a reason with というのは in the following sentence.

      = If you’re coming to Japan, November might be better than September. It’s because there are many typhoons in September.

      1. I see I see. Is the の in このような話し方をするのは just a nominalizer or is ~のは a specific grammar used for prefacing a reason? I might have mixed that up with というのは… is it possible to use with nouns, even if it doesn’t sound as natural in this case, maybe other cases? Can you say このような話し方なのは or would it just be 話し方は?

        Also can I ask why から over のです is more natural there? Would のです be more proper if the context is someone just made fun of your accent? For some reason that was the scenario I was thinking up xD

        1. You are right. The の in このような話し方をするのは a nominalizer.
          And you can say このような話し方なのは ~ からだ

          It is not natural to use のです in this sentence.
          In this sentence, you give the consequence and give the reason in the following sentence.
          If you switch the order to Reason → Consequence, you can use のです in the consequence sentence.
          (彼は/彼女は/the listenerは) 南で生まれて育ったからこのような話し方をするのです。
          If the context is someone just made fun of your accent, you could just say
          I would just say 南で生まれ育ったからそんな話し方をするんだね。

          1. Wait, I thought のです follows the reason, not the consequence? Checking back at that lesson, 先生の例文の二つ:
            のです is paired with the reason here, which is being cold. It has an explanatory tone right?
            So you could say 寒いので、着込みました, right? But you can’t say 着込むのは寒いのです??

          2. The basic pattern is:
            A asks B the reason
            B replies giving/explaining a reason why with のです(〜んです)/からです

            →寒いからです (から emphasizes the reason clearly)

            But when one person explains why they do/did something/why something happened, etc. in one sentence

            (reason) から/ので + (consequence) 〜んです・のです
            寒いから着込んでいるんです。 (adding more explanatory tone)

            And when you flip the order (consequence→ reason)
            着込んでいるのは寒いからです。 is OK but
            it doesn’t sound natural to say
            着込んでいるのは、寒いんです。/Your sentence 着込むのは寒いんです。
            It will be more natural to add から in the following sentence to clarify the reason more.

            Also 着込んでいるのは、寒いんです/着込むのは寒いんです。 sounds like “Bundling up is cold. “

          3. Ooh okay. When you said “it sounds like bundling up is cold” that made it all click. Because から is very explicit in stating a reason, while のです has a variety of meanings. The ~のは is only the sentence topic marker, not a grammar implying consequence, so it doesn’t indicate anything either way. Or at least, that’s how I’ll remember it ^^; 説明してありがとうございます!

  2. Hi Maggie Sensei,

    I had a question regarding the “determine” use of という in these sentences:
    If you go to Hokkaido in the winter, you will see how cold it is there.
    You have no idea how hard it is not to be able to see your own child.
    Even if you know you can’t do it is important to at least try once.

    a.) What does “determine” mean here?
    b.) Could の be used in place of こと here? I know that often の can replace nouns, but I also know that というのは and ということは are different grammars. When can you use の in place of こと?
    Because I heard these two kinds of sentences are equivalent:
    “I know that he didn’t come to the party”

    Are there other examples where you can do this replacement?
    As in, perhaps these two are these equivalent?:
    “I hate the fact that I don’t know yet”

    Again, thank you so much, this is tricky grammar for me and helped a lot =)

    1. Hi Silas

      Good questions.

      a.) What does “determine” mean here?

      →I’m sorry. It is an old lesson but I think I meant “define”. Either way, let me revise it and add more explanation later.

      Anyway, you use ということ attaching to a phrase and make the phrase into a noun.

      b.) Could の be used in place of こと here?

      →Yes, you can rephrase the sentences with の in the usage (1)

      まだ分からないということが嫌だ OK
      まだ分からないというのが嫌だ OK  or simply 分からないのが嫌だ

      By using という, it adds more explanatory tone.

  3. やっぱり!

    Something was puzzling me about という, and I thought that Maggie Sensei would have the answer.

    A beginner in any language first learns words and some stand-alone sentences. But, in daily life, people have conversations. They say things in response to what someone else has said, and often speak in half sentences. While watching TV I have recently noticed that という can be the first word that a person uses when saying something. This did not make sense to me, considering that a beginner learns to use という for quotes, definitions and so on, where という is in the middle of a sentence.

    But, you give some examples in “(2) To summarize /boil down something” which fits what was puzzling me:
    A: 「大きな台風が近づいています。」
    B: 「ということは、明日は誰も学校に来ないということですね。」

    という is being used to connect the meanings of two sentences/phrases, and in this case there are two different speakers and B is replying to and completing/modifying the thought of A.

    Unfortunately, I still cannot translate spoken Japanese quickly enough to always be able to connect a series of spoken sentences. But, I’m always learning something, so there is progress.


    1. Hi Michael,

      Yes, you do start the sentence with ということは when you summarize what you just heard/read in conversation.
      Another colloquial/casual way to say ということは is
      You may not learn this in the textbooks but you use/hear this a lot in conversation. 😉

      1. Textbooks (and web resources) have their uses, for explaining the basic rules. Also, most language learning resources seem to focus on JLPT levels and .. JLPT4-5の問題点は、語彙の多くが観光客にとって役に立たないことです. But that is a different story. :-)

        It’s probably impossible to learn how to speak from reading a book of rules. Especially because I am teaching myself, I occasionally am victim of what I learned first, since I don’t have anyone to warn me about complications. という was one example of this.

        An even bigger problem for me was the particle けど. You wrote about it, saying “I think many of you know the usage of けど ( = kedo) as “but”.” Exactly. That was my problem. When listening to real conversations, I got the impression that ですけど was the most frequent way in which people end their sentences. They couldn’t always mean “but”. And once again your examples gave me a deeper insight into how the Japanese language works in practice.


  4. Hello maggie sensei,

    I have a doubt, i recently discovered this expression という感じ
    which is very similar to かんな、こんな感じ、こういう感じ、そういう感じ。
    so iwant to know what is the difference between という感じ and こう/そう/ああいう感じ
    and こんな感じvsこんな vs このような/こういう感じ

    sorry for lots of questions at once🙏
    It is confusing me and hloding back to learn new grammer.
    Once again sorry sensei for lots of question these past few days.

    I’am thankful that i found a wonderful teacher like you💖🙏

    1. Hello Ritesh

      と is used when you quote something
      Ex. もう食べられないという感じだった。
      = It was like “I can’t eat anymore.”

      1) (casual) こんな→こういう→(more formal) このような感じ like this (referring something/someone right in front of you.)
      2) (casual)そんな→そういう→(more formal)そのような感じ like that (referring something/someone a little bit farther than こういう)
      3) (casual)あんな→ああいう→(more formal)あのような感じ like that (referring something/someone far from you.)

      I hope this answers your questions. :)

  5. In these lyrics “dog eat dog world”だと言う聞かせ someone said it means I tell myself it is a dog eat dog world. I am not understanding why it means that. I thought it was “I hear [someone] say this” or “it is said/we are told”.

    1. Hi Ash

      I think there is a typo in your sentence
      1) (someone)に言い聞かせる = to tell(or persuade) someone that ~ / to do ~
      2) (自分に)言い聞かせる = “to tell oneself ~ ”

      So the translation is right. I tell myself it is a dog eat dog world.

      1. Ha ha, I didn’t notice the typo. Good eye Maggie. Thank you for your response. Now it makes perfect sense! :)

  6. Hello マギー先生!

    I have a question that I’d love some help with. It is this particular sentence:


    Sadly I don’t have much more context to go with it, as that is the full sentence and it’s just listed as someone’s hobby. It is about someone who reads a lot, so I don’t think it’s trying to say that “he’s on a quest to find a book called ‘monogatari'”, though.

    I’m guessing the use of という here is the one you have written in (7), “When you repeat something” … so I suppose it’s trying to emphasize 物語, but even knowing that I’m not sure how to interpret this sentence?

    My first guess it’s supposed to be something like ‘the story to end all stories/the ultimate story’, like he’s hoping to find the best story ever? Otherwise I’m not sure how else I could take it, and it’s so hard with the lack of context other than knowing this is a person who loves to read….

    I’d appreciate any help!

    1. Hello k,

      I think this sentence is using
      AというA expression which means “the whole/ all sorts of/everything”
      Ex. 犬という犬が好きです = I like all the dogs.
      So pursue 物語という物語 = 全ての物語 = all the stories/all sorts of stories

  7. Helloマギー先生


    What does this “かというと” mean here?

    1. こんにちは Milk

      You use 〜かというと to bring up some question, in this case “whether this fish is representative fish for Japan or not” and answer in the same sentence. (in this case, しっくりこなくても仕方ない = We can’t really say that . )

      1. I see! Is this form only in writing or could it be said in conversation? Is there any other forms that are similar to this?

        1. It is a little formal but you hear it in conversation as well.
          The similar expression is
          〜かと言われると/言われたら・ 〜かと聞かれたら  When you say/you ask me / When it comes to

          Ex. A) 「その店はおいしくないの?  」
          B ) 「おいしくないかと言われると・聞かれたら、そうだね。おいしくないかなあ。」

  8. Maggie Sensei

    Please help me with this paragraph:


    Is といって working as と言う or 居る. To my thinking I think it is working as the first one, but if it so, why not use という。Is it because て is helping with the continuation of the sentence?


  9. Hello Maggie Sensei,


    for the empty blank above I am not sure if the answer is either
    ではなく or というより。

    What can the explanation for each of them be? ではなく means definitely NO, so maybe that is correct, but then also というより means not quite…
    Thx in advance

    1. Hello again Mark

      ではなく No, he/she is not a junior high school student. (negating “he/she is not a junior high school student”)
      というより mean “or rather” so it is a wrong answer.

      For example, if you are assuming
      He looks like a high school student rather than a junior high student.
      Then you can use というより

  10. Hi sensei, your lesson is really amazing.

    I don’t quite understand why って is in this sentence. (it’s from the manga)


    Is it there just to emphasizes the part before から or it does have another purpose?

    1. WoW

      Hi WoW!
      Do you know the expression
      ~からといって? (I guess I haven’t made the lesson yet. Maybe I will make one for in near future.)

      Just because we kissed once, it doesn’t mean I (like you.)
      So this って is
      一度くらいキスしたからといって→(casual) 一度くらいキスしたからって
      quoting the fact “一度キスをした”

      1. So, it is somewhat different from という and should be considered as a different expression right?

        Thank you very much, I think I’ll wait for the からといって lesson from sensei then (゚∀゚)

        1. Right. という and からといって are different. But といって and からといって are similar. = Though ~,
          I will make a lesson on it for you sometime so please wait.
          As for more usage of って, you may want to check my って lesson. The link is here.

  11. Hello! I have a quick question. I studied Japanese in college for several years, and it was never properly explained to me the difference in meaning between something like “よく和食を食べる人がある” and “よく和食を食べるという人がある”

    Can you please enlighten me? I feel like I’m just not grasping something incredibly simple about the slight difference in purpose and meaning here.

    1. Hello Zach

      OK, first the verb should be いる not ある
      (You use いる. Noun がいる・ある いる for living things, people, animal/ ある for object in general.)
      In this case という is to quote
      よく和食を食べる人がいる  There are people who eat Japanese food.
      よく和食を食べるという人がいる There are people who say that they eat Japanese food.

      1. Thank you! I actually know the difference between iru and aru. It’s not a mistake I usually make. I must not have been thinking very much when I wrote those example sentences. Kind of embarrassing actually haha

        Anyways, thank you for the explanation! I think the fact I see it frequently without kanji really throws me sometimes, since I forget that’s the verb being used technically. I’ll keep practicing!

  12. Hello again, Maggie-Sensei :)
    I have some questions regarding ということ
    I have seen a question regarding this in the comments but I did not understand it properly.
    1)明日は誰も来ません。Answer: ということは私、一人ですか (Can I also use ということで instead?)
    2) When do I have to use this in combination and when not: –ということは …..ということです?
    3) Is there a difference between 明日は誰も来ません。Answer: ということは私、一人ですか
    明日は誰も来ません。Answer: ということは私、一人だということです?
    Basically, when do I have to use this grammar without ということですin the end and when with ということです in the end

    1. Hi Sam

      1) No, you can’t use ということで
      While you use ということは for both statement or questions, you don’t use ということで in a question.
      ということは that means…(summarize what other people or yourself said)
      ということで that’s why/ so/therefore (what you are going to do)
      So if you change the sentence a little, you can use ということで
      Nobody is coming tomorrow. Therefore/So I decided to spend the time by myself.

      2) For example, when you explain or give a definition of verbs.
      But you don’t have to use という
      By using という, it adds more explanatory tone.
      So unless you are explaining the deep meaning or giving some definition, it may sound too dramatic.

      3) I think you meant to say 私、一人だということですか?

      (1) A 明日は誰も来ません。B ということは私、一人ですか
      (2) A 明日は誰も来ません。B ということは私、一人だということですか?

      They both mean the same but you can express more feelings (such as surprise) more with ということ

      1. Regarding your examples in:
        1) Can I also use それで or だから as a conjunction instead?

        2) If that is the case, can I also use というものはor のは instead of ということは
        3) But I heard also that the ということ at the end is also used, when you want to confirm sth, for example: 部長に30分ほど遅れると伝えてください ANSWER: はい、わかりました。30分ほど遅れるということですね without the ということは at the beginning of the sentence. What is the difference here compared with your examples?

        I have also a question to というのが
        このエアコンは、もともと業務用で、パワーがあるので、広い部屋でも短時間での温度調節が可能というのが最大の長所です. What does it mean here? is the “NO” particle a substitute for エアコン or is it something differen?

        I am really sorry for so many questions but I do really struggle with them and really appreciate your efforts!
        Happy new year by the way :)

        1. Happy New Year,too, Sam! ☺️


          If B is surprised I guess you can use それで or だから
          B: 「それで・だから私、一人ですか 。」
          But 私一人なんですね。・私一人なんですか will be more natural.

          Also you can use だから in the following case


          2) You don’t say 生きるというものは・理解するというものは

          But if you refer to a noun, you can use もの
          Ex. 人生というものは

          3)You can repeat what you heard with ということは


          If the person say

          You don’t repeat the same thing with ということは
          X ということは誰も来ないんですね。
          X ということは部長は30分ほど遅れるんですね。

          You use ということは to follow up based on what you heard.

          Ex. ということは会議は時間をずらした方がいいですね。

          It might be easier to think this way

          The part in the 「」 modifies 長所

          I would like to explain more but the comment section is limited so I’ll stop here. ☺️

          1. 2) But what about のは instead of ということは ?

            So の of というのが is just replaced with 機能 andが would be the particle for the noun basically? Did I get it right?

            Thank you again in advance :)

          2. First, I wrote 機能 instead of 長所 in my previous comment. Sorry. I fixed it.
            It may change your question so let me explain again.

            「もともと業務用で、パワーがあるので、広い部屋でも短時間での温度調節が可能(A) 」 というのが「最大の長所(B) 」です

            When you explain what B (最大の長所) is

            AがBです  A should be a noun. (Explain the functions first) and in the next line この機能が最大の長所です。
            AのがBです When A is a verb or adjective add の to nominalize. ~可能なのが最大の長所です。
            AというのがBです When A is a relatively long sentence which ends with a verb or adjective, you can quote with というの 〜〜可能というのが最大の長所です。

  13. Hi Maggie, I was wondering if you can expand on the use of といえば. I recently saw a video and they used the examples:

    So I understand that maple trees and Momiji manjū are related because the manjū is shaped like a maple leaf in Hiroshima. But what exactly is the sentence trying to do here? When I try to find a translation of といえば what I get is “speaking of”. I think in English it would be weird to say “Speaking of maple leaves, Momiji manjū.” The listener would be left thinking “…what about it??”
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but is what they are saying (implied): “When I think of maple trees, I think of Momiji manjū.”?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Hi Kayla

      といえば has a meaning of “Speaking of ~” but it is also used when you mention something typical or typical image that you associate with certain place, person, etc.

      When I think of ~ / When it comes to ~ , the first thing that comes to my mind is ~
      Or I always associate Y with X.

  14. Hello Maggie-sensei,

    I am having a hard time trying to understand what the gentleman in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbnv4GE4XZk&t=614s&ab_channel=%E9%BE%8D%E3%81%8C%E5%A6%82%E3%81%8F%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%82%B8%E3%82%AA%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%8F) says at 7:09, how does the “to ittara” make any sense here? [If you need context, you wouldn’t have to go beyond, 6:50] I understand what each word individually means but the whole sentence together just doesn’t make sense (nareteiru to ittara okashii n desu kedo). Also while you’re at it, can you please explain what he means by the word Mawasu at 7:02 means? Does it figuratively mean to attempt something new? Thank you in advance :)

    1. Hi Moses,

      The literal meaning is
      It might sound strange if I say “We got used to it/We are familiar with each other” but..
      と is to quote
      いったら If I say
      “慣れてる” (nareteru): What you are quoting
      You use this pattern
      for example
      I’d be lying if I said ~

      回す means “to manage to do multiple things” but in this case he probably meant for shooting (カメラを回す)

  15. Hi Maggie Sensei,

    Can I clarify the following:

    1. [こけし]というお土産を買った
    2. [こけし]と言われたお土産を買った

    Sentence 1 was the correct answer, but I am also trying to understand why Sentence 2 is not correct?

    Literally translated, Sentence 2 sounds like “I bought a souvenir that was called “Kokeshi” “, correct?


  16. Sensei:

    Watching this anime (https://anjsub.com/watch-cowboy-bebop/?v=episode04) I came across わけ。
    But I cannot figure out quite exactly why he would use わけ。

    7:44でもって これがそのテロ集団の

    In my opinion, I think he uses it to summarize with aa conclusion. I mean she is the leader of the terrorist group, that is her name and the reason of the group. But then is it necessary to use わけ in there. What would happen if I omitted? Why not only トゥインクル・マリア・マードックってだ。?


  17. Hi Maggie, thanks for the lesson! There’s just one sentence that’s stumping me.

    = Although I stopped you, you did it anyway.

    I thought we had to quote commands with ように like
    =Although I told you to stop you did it anyways.

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding what your English translation. To me, “Although I stopped you, you did it anyway.” seems like


    Either way I’m still not sure how to use a command form like 書け with と.

    In hindsight I’m wondering if your sentence was a direct quote like 「やめろ」というのに….

    1. Hello Brett,
      Maggie is on vacation right now, so I allow myself to answer your question.

      First please notice the difference between やめろ and やめる.
      The direct translation of やめろというのに is “Although I said stop!”. This imperative form (in combination with this pattern) is very emphatic, expressing strong will by a command.

      The やめるように in やめるように言うのに無理にやった doesn’t imply this nuance; it sounds more like an advise, showing what somebody said to someone => 患者さんにタバコをやめるように言うのに、彼が吸っていては説得力がない.

      The imperative form in combination with という should be interpreted as a strong advise/command or strongly insisting on something, showing also frustration of the speaker. Check the examples below.

      1. 私にどうしろっていうんだ!?=> What do you want me to do!? / Tell me what to do! / What the hell should I do!?
      2. 夫が離婚しろと言うのに… => Though my husband insist on divorcing…
      3. 多くの大人が勉強しろと言うのにはきっと、とても大事な理由があるはずだ。 Many adults have surely an important reason behind insisting others on studying.
      4. だから行かないように言ったのに! What’s why I told you not to go (there), but you didn’t listen!

      Hope I could clarify things up.

      1. Thank you 天人! That did clarify things. You’re very thorough. Sorry for not saying so earlier. I didn’t get an email notification that someone responded

  18. Hi Maggie

    Great lesson as always. I was just wondering about what is the difference between these two sentences:


    I wrote the former sentence in an essay but it got corrected to the latter one. Could you please explain the nuance?


    1. Hi Cake,
      To be honest, I don’t quite get why your teacher corrected it.
      Though ものだという+noun (Ex. 〜ものだという考え方がある) is common we see ものだという。pattern as well.
      You should ask your teacher first.

  19. Hi Maggie,

    This lesson is really long, and I have a lot of questions. Can you please answer me?

    1) can I say
    あれからこの村の人々は皆いなくなったって instead of あれからこの村の人々は皆いなくなったと言う
    動物好きの人に悪い人はいないって instead of 動物好きの人に悪い人はいないと言う

    2) can I say
    あなたが好きだ気持 instead of あなたが好きだという気持
    何が起こるかわからない恐怖 instead of 何が起こるかわからないという恐怖
    物が豊富にある生活 instead of 物が豊富にあるという生活
    大もうけできる話 instead of 大もうけできるという話 ??

    3) I’m sorry but I didn’t understand the part of というと which says “Bring up something and continue something which always happens”

    1. Hi Eliza
      You can say in casual speech
      But these could sound a little too light (I mean when you tell someone what you heard.)

      But the closest ones to という are
      These sounds slightly more explanatory.

      2) あなたが好きだ気持 →あなたが好きな気持ち
      The rest are fine.

      という add more serious tone, though.

      • このところ休日というといつも仕事だ。

      So in this sentence, you bring up the topics, which is 休日 and tell the listener what always happens in 休日

  20. It appears there might be a typo in one of the English sentences:

    X Please finish all the work by five o’clock from now.
    Please finish all the work by five o’clock from now *on*.

    I also wonder if it might be more natural in English to express the sentence this way:

    From now on, please finish work by five o’clock.

  21. Thanks for another lesson Maggie-sensei. It looks like という is used for so many things. It must be SO common in Japanese.

    I just want to ask about one of the example sentences.
    • 明日が試験だというのに何も勉強していない。
    • Even though tomorrow is exam, I have not studied anything.

    I often see sentences like these and it confuses me. They use the continuous tense rather than past tense.
    Shouldn’t it be 勉強していなかった or 勉強しなかった, rather than 勉強していない?
    We are talking about the past here (I haven’t studied), so shouldn’t we use past tense?

    1. Hello Dennis,
      we can consider that the ~ていないpattern refers to the present perfect tense in English. As you already know, the present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past (=> because something happened/occurred in the past, we can experience now the result of that).

      Here’s an example:
      ①子供:「まだ食べていない」 (= “No, I haven’t yet” => we can assume that the speaker just woke up and will soon eat his breakfast).
      ②子供:「まだ食べない」(=”I’m not going to eat yet” => this implies the will of the speaker and tells us that the speaker is – probably – not hungry. He will eat his breakfast later).


  22. I have one question Maggie Sensei, what does ということat the end of a sentence mean?I don’t quite understand its usage in this context: 字面にするとうまく伝わらないかもしれませんが、身振りよろしく歌にのせて返したということ。Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply ^^

    1. Hi Pedro,

      You use ということ(です) at the end of a sentence to explain the definition.
      It/That means ” ~~~~”
      Q: 〜とはどういうことですか?
      A: That means 身振りよろしく歌にのせて返した

  23. Hi Maggie!
    Is 「と言う」 and 「って言う」 formal/literary, or is it also used in everyday conversation? For example, if I want to tell my friends, “They say that Americans smile more than others” would saying 「アメリカ人は他のひとよりもっと笑うっていう」 be okay? Or should I add a の at the end? Would that change the meaning because of the emphasis?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Charlotte

      If you change the sentence a little, it is possible to finish the sentence with って
      アメリカ人は他の国の人よりもっと笑うって/or 笑うんだって。

      1. Thank you Maggie! So would the #5 form of と言う・って言う (They say/People say~) be seen more in books and narrations, rather than conversations?

  24. Hi Maggie!

    I have a question regarding the differences between 「~という意味」and 「~の意味」 when they are used in explanatory contexts. I have several reference books which use both of these, but I am unsure of the specific conditions that require the use of one or the other.

    From my understanding, the former is for defining something, whereas the latter is used to elaborate on what the concept is about/indicate what it represents.

    Red is a color that looks like blood. [“means” – definition]

    Red represents “danger”. [“has the meaning of” – elaboration/representation]

    Would this be an accurate way of interpreting it?

    Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

    1. The main difference is
      という意味= It means ~
      の意味 = the meaning of ~
      Red represents “danger”. I would say 赤は「危険」を意味する。(or simply use other verb 赤は「危険」を表す)

      If you want to use ”〜の意味” You can say for example
      Ex. 赤は「危険」の意味で使われる。

  25. こんにちはマギー先生!
    I have a small question: you mention that というcan be used as a relative pronoun. However, I was wondering when/in what situation you would use という?

    because couldn’t you also write this example:


    マギーが結婚した噂がある。 ?

    So I was wondering if you could explain WHEN you would need to take the extra step and add という。
    Sorry if I worded this in a confusing way, I tried my best!

    1. こんにちは、ClarificationSeeker!

      1) マギーが結婚した噂がある。
      2) マギーは結婚したという噂がある

      2) is quoting what kind of rumor there is. Let me rephrase it so that you can see what kind of emotion is behind it.
      「マギーが結婚したよ/ マギーは結婚したんだって/ マギーが結婚したらしいよ, etc.」という噂がある

      2) sounds more explanatory and emphasizes what comes before.
      You use it when you expresses emotions such as your surprised feelings or when you think the listeners/readers don’t know that information.

      3) 誰も

  26. Dear Sensei, I am confused with the certain examples which has the ‘da’ affixed to ” to iu noni”..Can you enlighten me on this? Any difference even if it is without the ‘da’?

  27. Konnichiha, Maggie-Sensei, Mata Watakushi Desu
    Actually I’m Confused Between (Towa) & (Nante/Da Nante), They Sounded Kind Of Similar To Me!
    *Could You Please Show Me In Which Circumstances We Use Each One Of Them?
    *Besides, Is It True That: (Towa) Is A Collocial Abbreviation To (To iu No Ha)?
    * Does (To iu No Ha) = (To iu Koto/Mono Ha)?
    *Moreover, Putting (No/N/Nano/Nan) Right Before (Towa) Makes Sense? Ex: “Subarashii Ninja Seifuku Ga Oru N Towa Na!”

    Haha Asked Too Much :mrgreen:

    1. @kibounokata

      I’m sorry… I just told other visitors but I can only deal with one or two simple questions here.
      Luckily I already have lessons on two subjects so please check the links.

      Q1* Could You Please Show Me In Which Circumstances We Use Each One Of Them?

      * とは:
      When you explain something/talk about the definition.
      = Jinsei towa nani ka wo kangaeru.
      = To think what the life is.
      = “Nankai” to wa “muzukashii toiu koto desu.
      = “難解: Nankai” means “difficult”.

      When you quote what you just heard.
      = Zenbu okane wo tsukatte shimatta towa douiu koto?
      = What do you mean you spent all the money??

      * ということ
      Please check this lesson

      * なんて/だなんて
      I have a lesson. Please check it.

      Q2*Besides, Is It True That: (Towa) Is A Collocial Abbreviation To (To iu No Ha)?
      Q3* Does (To iu No Ha) = (To iu Koto/Mono Ha)?

      There are cases that you can replace them and you shorten というのは to とは but I wouldn’t say とは is colloquial.

      When you can’t replace them:
      When a speaker says something and continue explaining.

      Bla bla bla.

      So while とは is just explaining the definition/meaning, というのは explains the reason besides definition/meaning
      →It is because….

      In that usage, you can’t replace it with ということ・ものは

      Q4*Moreover, Putting (No/N/Nano/Nan) Right Before (Towa) Makes Sense? Ex: “Subarashii Ninja Seifuku Ga Oru N Towa Na!”

      No, it doesn’t make sense.

      Hope this helps…

      1. As Always, You Gave Me What I’ve Been Exactly Looking For Dear Sensei, Though I Found Many English Sentences Haven’t Mentioned Me An Exact [Translation] To (To Ha) & (To iu No Ha), However You Show Me A Way To Deal With The Both.
        _TASUKARIMASHITA! Arigatou Gozaimasu Maggie-Sensei, O Deha !happyface! !formingheart3!

  28. Dear Maggie Sensei

    I have a problem about how to use To iu koto da and To iu imi da, if I’m right the meaning of these mean “mean” right?

    and I have seen a lots of Japanese Animation and Series use Dou iu koto da and Dou iu imu da to describe “what does it mean ? so is that different to use it?”

    Please give me a trick how to use it properly.

    Thank you very much

    1. @Toongtang

      Hi Toongtang

      Ahh good point.
      The translation of

      1) Dou iu koto da
      2) Dou iu imi da

      could be the same.
      “What do you mean (by that)?”

      But you sometimes distinguish the usages as follows.
      1) asking for why it happened. (process / background)
      2) asking for the real intention of what someone has just said.

  29. there is one of the という variants i see a lot(TV,internet,interviews,books) but i never understand the meaning. how to use “ということで”?. sometimes i see ということで in the middle of a phrase and sometimes solely.

    1. @ivan

      ということで is used when you conclude the result.
      (You explain some situation / reason )
      ということで〜 therefore

        1. @ivan

          ということで is a little formal but you can use in a daily conversation.
          If you want to make is sound very casual, you say てことで / ってことで

  30. Hello, hello~ !ohisama!
    Maggie, please tell me, if we can use 「ってゆーか」 in the context of: “by the way”?
    For example Speaker B asks Speaker A about something. Speaker A answers that he doesn’t know the answer and then he adds “By the way, who are you?” because he doesn’t know speaker B.


    1. @天人

      are all very conversational expressions and people (young people) use pretty randomly.
      It is supposed to be used when you mention something related to your previous sentence but some people just use it as “By the way”.

      1. Thank you very much, Maggie!

        Another question. 女の子 means “a girl”. (I don’t know, how to put my thoughts in words…) how old max. can be a 女の子? If a girl is – let’s say – 18 yo, can we say to her 女の子?

        1. @天人

          Haha there isn’t a specific rule but generally speaking, 女の子 is from a baby to…..early 20s.
          女子 might be more common for 20s~ 30s.
          I am 女の子 forever, though. :)

          1. 了解、ありがとうー! boucingheart!
            相変わらずピンピン元気ですよーん♪ :maggie-small:

            PS 遅ればせながら、謹賀新年、マギーさん!

  31. Hi sensei,
    How can ask if the sentence in the quotation marks is correct? For example, I want to ask if the sentence: “the apple is red” is correct or not, is it 「りんごは赤いです」という正しいですか or「りんごは赤いです」という言葉は正しいですか。And does it also work if I say I have heard that “the apple is red” by saying「りんごは赤いです」という句を聞いています。
    Sorry if this is confusing(*_*)

    1. @Bob

      Hi Bob,
      You can say

  32. という is one of the most confusing pieces of grammar for me. I have two questions regarding this

    It seems when you’re modifying a noun with a clause with という. It seems you could just put the relative clause before the noun instead.

    *From one of your examples*

    何が起こるかわからないという恐怖 Is there a difference using 何が起こるかわからない恐怖

    Second question if possible. The usage “That means” I’m not sure of the grammar pattern here. It seems that you could put ということは at the start for “This/That means that” or putting it after a clause to mean “Sentence means that” And than at the end of sentence 2 I see ということです like in example ということは、明日は誰も学校に来ないということですね。 But in the example before it has no ということです and it’s just あなたも旅行に行くということは明日は、私一人なんですね。 Which I assume is just casual のです at the end. So how’s it work exactly?

    Sorry for the long questions. I seem to ask a lot of questions and I apologize for doing so. Not many people to discuss these problems with. Thanks in advance.

    1. @Shen

      Hello Shen,
      It seems you could just put the relative clause before the noun instead.
      True. It is a subtle difference but
      The difference between
      何が起こるかわからないという恐怖 and 何が起こるかわからない恐怖 is
      ~という is more explanatory it describes 恐怖 more vividly.

      2) Oh sorry. It is an old lesson but I think I didn’t give you any example sentence for ということは(=That means..)
      I will add some later.
      It is a very conversational usage but when someone tells you something and when you summarize what you just hear, you start with ということは

      1. Ah. If I may ask. for 2) What would be the written version of it? And you don’t need anything to end the sentence I assume?

        1. @Shen

          2) Just repeat what you just heard.


          Ex.A: 「 明日は誰も来ません。」
          B: 「ということは(or というと)私一人ですか?」
          → 「明日誰も来ないということは私一人ですか?」

          But it is kind of annoying to repeat what someone says so we tend to start the conversation from ということ(というと) skipping the quote.

          1. Hello, I apologize for posting again but after thinking about it a bit I was still slightly confused.

            If ということは is basically shortening what was said before and than S2 talks about what that means…. Why is ということです used at the end? I see ということです used at the end without ということは at the start and sometimes as you posted ということは is at the start without ということです at the end

            Example: 明日のパーティーに行けないっていうことか。
            Does that mean you can’t go to the party tomorrow? The end being the shortened version I assume of ということ without ということは at the start…

            And than as was posted before without ということです あなたも旅行に行くということは明日は、私一人なんですね。
            So basically what determines what is left out and what is used?

            Sorry for being a bother. Thanks in advance.

          2. @Shen

            Hi Shen,
            You can say
            ということは(1) 〜〜〜ということ(2) です。
            (1) summarizing what the speaker just said/heard
            (2) The speaker is concluding something.

            OK, I will make a dialogue.
            A: 「明日は、とても忙しいです。」
            B: 「((明日はとても忙しい)ということは、) 明日のパーティーに行けないっていうことか。」(Assuming A can’t go to the party based on the fact A is busy.)

            A: 「Bさん、明日は夜まで仕事をして下さい。」
            B: 「((明日は夜まで仕事がある)ということは、)明日のパーティーに行けないっていうことか。」(Assuming A can’t go to the party based on the fact that B has to work tomorrow evening.)

            ということです あなたも旅行に行くということは明日は、私一人なんですね。
            I will check your previous comment later but you can’t start the sentence with ということです
            ということです should come to the end of a sentence to conclude something.

          3. Hello, thanks for the reply. あなたも旅行に行くということは明日は、私一人なんですね。 was actually my example . The ということです was not part of it. May have looked that way :p It was just showing the lack of it at the sentence.

            I think I may be over thinking it or making it more difficult than it should be.

            From reading a lot of examples and wondering a bit I’m going to guess that ということです used without ということは is basically just going “so you mean that” or “so that means” skipping the introduction of what you’re talking about. And used together it goes “Judging from the fact A, B”

            Could be wrong as usual. I’m quite slow with this apparently.

          4. Nice! Alright I want to thank you for taking up your time. I’m going to go hide now in embarrassment :P

  33. Thanks for this great lesson, it’s old, but soooo important. The various uses of という where a big mystery for me for quite some time, and you unraveled them all, thats amazing.

    Since it’s such a long lesson, I found some typos that have been hiding for half a decade. Not anymore! :i:

    “会議が(or は)中止となった(=Kaigi ga/wa chuushi to natta)
    会議が(or は)中止になったというメールを受け取った。(=Kaigi ga/wa chuushi ni natta toiu meiru wo uketotta.”
    :rrrr: These two sentences should have the same partikel for didactic reasons (“to natta” or “ni natta”).

    “tugikonde” :rrrr: “tsugikonde”
    “mannshitu” :rrrr: “manshitsu”
    “Iza toiu toki wa dewa shitene.” :rrrr: “Iza toiu toki wa denwa shitene.”
    “benkyou busoku” not a real typo, but the space should be removed because it’s a compound word which changes the usual pronunciation of 不足.
    “kyuujitu” :rrrr: “kyuujitsu”

    And one tiny question: is the だ before というのに obligatory or can it be omitted? i.E. 明日が試験というのに何も勉強していない。

    1. @Zetsuboumanadeshi

      Thank you my spell check angel!
      I haven’t checked this lesson for five years.
      I should change the format as well when I have time.
      As for your question,
      明日が試験というのに is possible.
      だ emphasizes the fact more.

  34. Can to iu and tte (the structures for expressing that somebody said something) be used with sou desu (I heard that…) ?

    1. @Sakurai

      When you pass along a message, You use verb + “そうです”(=soudesu)

      Ex. 明日、試合があるそうです。
      = Ashita, shiai ga aru soudesu.
      = I heard there is a game tomorrow.

      Ex. 彼はもう日本にはいないそうです。
      = I heard he is no longer in Japan.

      “I heard someone said ~~~”
      Ex. マギーがSakuraiはとてもいい人だと言っていたそうです。
      = I heard Maggie was saying Sakurai is a very nice person.

  35. Maggie, I got a question :pika:
    In this song:
    貴方が行ってしまったら When you’re gone
    どうやったら私は生き続けられると言うの? How can I even try to go on

    貴方が行ってしまったら When you’re gone
    やってはみるけど、どうしたら乗り越えられるっていうの? Though I try how can I carry on

    why is here used this と言うの / っていうの?
    どうやったら私は生き続けられる(の)か VS どうやったら私は生き続けられると言うの? の違いは?

    ヨロシク! !riceball! 

    1. @天人

      You use ~というの?(more casual: 〜っていうの)when you accuse /complain/ showing strong emotions towards the listener. (How could I ~? implying it is difficult to do so. )
      It looks like a question but it is actually you just want to vent out your emotion.
      So it sounds much stronger than regular question form.

  36. こんにちは、マギー先生!
    1. a function as relative pronoun
    動詞を使えば良い?例文: やってみると怖がる (I’m scared to try )
    2. when you determine smth
    3.when we speak/talk of something
    4.bring up smth and continue smth which always happens
    「家に帰るというとゲームを遊ぶ」を言いたければ、良い?この場合は「というと」か「~と conditional」のどれを書いた方がいいのがよく分からなかった。
    I really want to write complicated sentences but to scared ;;

    1. @ocd


      1. Your sentence 「やってみると怖がる」means “If A tries, A gets scared” and と is a conditional particle. ~すると〜 
      (If you do something, something will happen)

      You wanted to make an example sentence with
      A could be a verb or adjective but B should be a noun

      *怖いという気持ち= the feeling of being scared / that you are scared
      *やりたいという気持ち the feelings that you want to do

      2. 「難しい」で強調すれば「ということ」か「といもの」を使えばいい?だが「ということ」は「事」のところを使われただけの?
      Sorry. I don’t understand your question well.

      But when you define something, there are cases that you can use というもの

      However there are a lot of difference between them. It is too complicated to explain the difference here so if I have a chance, I will make a lesson on というもの

      3. No, you can’t. 

      When you hear “Japanese”, what comes to your mind first?

      について means “about”
      = What do you think about Japan?

      にとって means “for”
      = Japan is a special country for me.

      4. 「家に帰るというとゲームを遊ぶ」→It won’t work..
      But if you always plays games on your day off, then you can say


      (1)多分このレッスンというものがこんなに長くて難しいけどずっと数日勉強していたのにちゃんとわかると疑うんだ。→疑うんだ means “I doubt” You are not sure if you will be able to understand this? If so このレッスンは長くて難しいけどずっと何日も勉強したらわかるのかなあ。
      2)だから疑いを解くように少数質問を聞きたい。→疑いを解くために but just say わからないところをはっきりさせるために、少し質問をしたいです。

      Good job!!!

  37. Thank you for this great lesson! I was able to understand well^^

    As I read through the comments, I saw this sentence:


    What does “とは” mean? And how do you use it?

    1. @Marianne

      Hi Marianne,
      When you hear/find out something you didn’t expect, you say
      ~~~とは知らなかった to show your surprise feelings.

      So by using とは you can express the feeling “I had no idea””I didn’t think it was coming”

      Ex. マギーが犬だったとは… = Maggie is a dog? (I didn’t think it was coming…)
      Ex.彼がそんなことをする人だったは意外だ。(=Kare ga sonna koto wo suru hito datta towa igaida) I didn’t expect he would do such a thing.

  38. good evening dear maggie sensei and everyone. question about specific sentence.

    kirei datte kotoba mune ni tsukisasatta

    is this the shortcut for “kirei da to iu kotoba”?

    in case that is correct,

    does the “anata wa” has been omitted and – kirei datte kotoba will be = words like “you are beautiful”

    or i cannot assume that, and the translation would be – kirei datte kotoba = words which are beautiful

    and i need to see 「kirei da」tte kotoba / “kirei da” tte kotoba, in order to get (words like “you are beautiful”)

    oh i am terribly sorry for bringing it up for the third time, (i guess the conflict is not yet resolved) T_T.

    while i was posting this question i’ve realized, “to negai” was used by the singer and i am wondering my she did not use “to iu negai”?

    so sorry dear maggie sensei please don,t get irritated by me T_T.

    1. Hello again,
      kirei datte kotoba mune ni tsukisasatta ==> 「綺麗だ」って言葉胸に突き刺さった。=His “you are beautiful” just stuck in my mind / heart.
      I see you like Alas Love – Suzuki Airi. I like it, too.

      1. thank you so much 天人さん, .n_n. wow that’s good to know… to be honest, i really like c-ute especially 矢島舞美様. if it is okay, i would like to ask, do you live in japan?

        1. Unfortunately I don’t live in Japan, I live in Poland – it’s a strange country in Central Europe.
          But maybe one day my dream will come true and I will live in Japan.
          Who knows, who knows. Life is full of surprises!

          1. oh, i thought you were an american because your english is great…(you must have noticed that my english is bad hehe)…

            i hope that it will come true.. n_n.. 天人さん.

  39. Maggie-sensei, how do you quote more than one sentence? Is it possible to do that in a single sentence?

    For example: あの人たちは「美味しい!」と「甘い!」と言いました。

    Is that correct?

    1. @fluffymoochicken

      Hi, fluffymoochicken!
      It depends on the context but in this case, I wouldn’t connect two sentences with ”と” .
      Just connect with ” 、” (or even with out ” 、” )

      Ex, 彼らは、口々に「美味しい!」、「甘い!」と言いました。

  40. こんにちは、マギー先生!
    I think you have explained everything what could be explained about という in an outstanding way. Great job!

    I’ve got two small questions:
    1. I’m just wondering about the following grammar construction: ~というはず、 ~というべき、~というともり.
    a) In what kind of situations would you use という+はず、という+べき、という+つもり?
    (I’m sure that it is used in quotations: ex.「はい、いいですよ。」というはずがありません。I think, it might be used also in explanation like というわけ. How about other possibilities?)

    2. Is there a difference between というと~ 、ということは~ and というわけで~ ?
    例)マギー先生: 明子さんの家族は今四人です。
    私: というと、赤ちゃんが生まれましたね!


    I think those three expressions can be used interchangeable and the meaning will be still almost the same (= which means / this means / so).


    1. @天人

      1. a) という+はず

      (I’m sure that it is used in quotations: ex.「はい、いいですよ。」というはずがありません。
      →Yes it is correct.
      と言うはず is usually used to quote someone’s speech.

      Someone is supposed to say ~~~~
      Someone should say ~~~~
      The speaker expect someone says ~~~~

      b) という+べき = should say, call , would say, call

      Ex. それが法律違反というべきかどうかわからない。
      Ex. おかしいことはおかしいというべきです。
      Ex. これも運命というべきなのだろうか。

      c) ~というつもり to be going to say ~~~

      Ex. 全部私がやりますというつもりはありません。
      Ex. 彼女に愛しているというつもりです。
      Ex. 自分は間違ったことは何もしていないというつもりですか?

      2. ~というと I already explained in the lesson so please read it again.

      マギー先生: 明子さんの家族は今四人です。
      ( ということは= That means) You can’t use というと (Speaking of~)

      You use というわけで when you explain some reason. In this case you are not explaining any reason.

      1. ご回答ありがとうございました。

        一つ気になることがありますが。先生は私が最後の述べた文章では、「You can’t use というと」と言いましたね。実はこれは「どんな時どう使う」という教科書から取られた例文です(家族の名などをちょっとchangeしたのだけれど). この「というと」という言い回しは相手の言った言葉を受けて、それが自分の思っている内容と同じかどか確かめる時に使うものです。先生が言った通りの”To confirm what other people has just told you.”と同じ意味である。『「というと」の前を省略して接続的に使う場合もある』とある。ならば、「というと、赤ちゃんが生まれたのですね。」は「明子さんの家族というと、赤ちゃんが生まれたのですね。」=> 確認 = 正解文章(だと思います)。違うかな?

        1. @天人
          そうですね、「というと」で文を始めることもありますが、この例はなんか違和感があるんですよね。多分、というとのspeaking ofの方の意味につながるからかなあ。「ということは」の方がよく相手の言っていることを受けて結論に結びつけるときにわかりやすく伝わる自然だと思いました。
          でも語学書にそう書いてあるのならそういう使い方も合っているのだと思います。”語学書様”に異論を唱えるつもりはありません。逆に教えてくれてありがとう! :)

  41. こんにちは、先生!最近、日本語に訳し方が分からなくて困っている英語の文法がありますが、手伝っていただけませんか?ここから、英語で説明します。The grammar I’m talking about is “I know that” or of the like. I think in Japanese it’s called 接続詞。For example, “I didn’t know that you were moving to Japan!” or “I just realized that you were standing right behind me. You scared me!” I don’t know how to translate that “that” into Japanese correctly.

    1) 君が日本に引っ越しをするということを知らなかった。
    2) 君が真っ直ぐ僕の後ろに立っていたということを気づいたばかりだわ。驚いたよ!

    Those are my translations but they’re probably wrong. Could you please translate them for me?

    1. @Campbell Carsley

      I didn’t know that you were moving to Japan!”
      1. 君が日本に引っ越しをするということを知らなかった。
      →Correct!! Good job.

      You can also use “なんて” if you want to express the surprised feelings.

      “I just realized that you were standing right behind me. You scared me!”
      2. 君が真っ直ぐ僕の後ろに立っていたということを気づいたばかりだわ。驚いたよ!
      1) 真っ直ぐ→すぐ後ろに
      2) Since you use 僕, the speaker is a boy right? Then avoid using だわ suffix because it is for women.
      The direct translation is
      But the natural way to say this sentence is
      Again you can use なんて to show your surprise.

      So overall you can use “ということ” for “that clause” but be careful with the particles.
      You have to choose pick the right particle depending on the verb.

  42. I see… Now is completly clear for me :) どうもありがとうございました、マギー先生!

    Sorry, but since I discovered this page, about 2 months ago, I have asked several questions, in different posts. Is there any way for me to find all my questions?

    And again, thank you very much!

      1. 私の質問を探して教えてくれてどうもすみません。将来の質問をノートにメモを書いて置こうと思っています。

  43. こんにちはマギー先生、
    after using という grammar, I have found several sentences where they use past tense といった and I don´t understand why.


    Is といった used because they talk about several sports in the first sentence and about several typical japanese things in the second one? Is the only explanation I find, but probably is wrong… Could you explain a little about the use of といった in this kind of sentences?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    1. @Sandra

      Hi Sandra

      That ~といった means “such as~””for example””things like ~” and it is used to give some examples.

      Sports such as tennis, soccer and baseball

      Japanese stuff such as tatami mats and “shouji”(paper door)

  44. こんにちはマギー先生、すみませんが “ということだ” について質問があります。。。
    “つまり。。。ということだ” どういう意味ですか。I have found a lot of sentences using this pattern. I have found that つまり meaning is “in other words”, but what does ということだ add to the meaning of this pattern? Could it be “in other words, it looks like…”?
    For example:
    Could I translate as:
    “Hasn´t Yamada arrived yet? So/in other words, it looks like he will be late again.”


    1. @Sandra

      Hello Sandra!
      Yes, we use つまり〜ということだ pattern a lot.
      つまり means “in short, on other words, that is to say”, etc and summarize what it is said in the previous statement.
      Your translation,
      “Hasn´t Yamada arrived yet? So/in other words, it looks like he will be late again.”
      is just fine.
      Though I would translate,
      Mr. Yamada is not here yet? That means he is late again, huh?
      So つまり is often translated as “That means””I mean””You mean”

      Ex. つまり私がいいたいのは〜ということだ。
      What I mean is blah blah blah.
      Ex. つまり~ということですか?
      So that means blah blah blah?

      Makes sense?

      1. Oh, I see… “That mean…” Yes, I got it :)
        I’m sorry 先生 but there is another sentence I have doubts about.


        I would translate:
        Tanaka called and said that he would be a little late.

        That´s what I understand when I read the sentence, so for me it would have the same meaning with 少し遅れるといいました。

        I guess here ということです meaning it is what you explained before: “(3) What I know is, I’ve heard that, They say…:” but here, Tanaka called and said it, it´s an information he gave about himself, so it´s not a hearsay, so I don´t understand why is ということです used here.

        Sorry 先生 for so long question, and thank you very much in advance!

        1. @Sandra

          Yes, your translation is correct.
          As you said, ということです has a function to pass the information that you have heard or seen to someone.
          It actually means the same as と言いました and we do say

          but while と言いました/言っていました just describes the action of “saying something”,ということです focuses on delivering the message and it sounds more formal than と言いました/言っていました. and we use ということです (or とのことです)) much more in business situations.

          1. Oh! Now I understand why it´s used ということです in this sentence! Both sentences I asked you were together at the same point of ということです in my book, and for me had different meanings, so I was very confused, but now I got both of them!
            You really helped me a lot, マギー先生.


  45. 本当にありがとうございます、先生!I’m glad my sentences weren’t as bad as I thought :D thanks for all the help助かりました。 絶対、このサイトにまた来るよ☆

  46. ああ、わかりました (*^^*) 対照的な時に、”は”が使われるんですね。でも、「知る、知っている」と言ったら、たいてい”を”が使われています。hmmm…. I’m still not quite sure when to use the particle か or particle を when saying “know”. I’ll write some example sentences and can you please correct them? (^_^)

    eg1. (you don’t know how hungry I am)
    eg2. (do you know how to turn on the tv?)
    eg3. (how do you know where maggie hid her bone?)
    最後の例 (I don’t know any shops that fix tv’s not working)

    They’re my example sentences, hopefully they aren’t too bad :) thanks for your help!!

    1. @Campbell Carsley

      This is the best way to master the language.
      All your example sentence are very well.
      My suggestions :

      1) eg.1 It will be more natural to add なんて
      ~ なんて知らないよ。

      2) (I don’t know any shops that fix tv’s not working)
      I would say,


  47. なるほど〜分かりやすく説明してくれてありがとう!添削もありがとう!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) あっ、もうひとつの質問を聞いてもいいかな?日本語で言い方が分からないので英語で言います。When you want to say a sentence using the verb ‘know’ in Japanese, which particle do you use? Because, I’ve seen the particle は and を and also か being used with the verb ‘to know’ (as in 知ってる) Sorry for the long question, but all I want to know is what particle do Japanese people tend to use when they say 知ってる. thanks in advance :)

    1. @Campbell Carsley
      OK, 知る・知っている・(casual contraction 知ってる)
      We usually use the particle “を”
      〜(〜のこと)を知っている(casual contraction 知ってる)

      Ex. マギー先生のサイトを知っていますか?
      = Do you know about Maggie Sensei’s site?
      Ex. 真実を知りたい。
      = I want to know the truth.
      Ex. この携帯の使い方を知らない。
      = I don’t know how to use this cell phone.
      But if you want to show some contrast, you can use は

      Ex. Aは知っていますが、Bは知りませんでした。(= I know A but didn’t know about B)
      Ex. この携帯の使い方は知らない。( I don’t know how to use this cell phone but I know how to use other cell phone.)

      *〜か知らない ~か知っている = to know whether ~ or not/what, who, which, as to
      Ex. 誰が来るか知っていますか?
      = Do you know who is coming?
      Ex. 何時に会うか知らない。
      = I don’t know what time we are supposed to see each other.
      Ex. マギーがどこに骨を隠したか知っている。
      = I know where Maggie hid her bone.

  48. このレッスンも分かりやすくてありがとうございます!でも、疑問があるんです。例えばですね、I want to know why the resources of our once beautiful have been overusedって英語で言いたいとしたら、日本語で言うと、「なぜ美しかった地球の資源は使い過ぎられたということを知りたいんです」という意味になりますか?その文章で「ということ」をつければいいでしょうか?よろしくお願いします(^_^)

    1. @Campbell Carsley




  49. hey im just asking about your sentence
    “Sensei, keiki to iu keiki wa sakki minna tabeta ja nai desu ka”

    I understand the majority of this lesson however this sentence still confuses me mainly the “minna tabeta” i read that us “sensei just now didnt everyone eat all the cake”

  50. 先生が言った通りはもっと自然と思います :P
    But even if it doesn’t sound natural, is か well used in the sentence?

  51. あああ、わかりました!
    では、「問題があるか伝えてください」=Please let me know if you have any problem??

    1. @Orti

      Please let me know if you have any problem.
      How about,
      何か問題があれば言って下さい。/ 何か問題があれば教えて下さい。

      1. ああ、I forgot to hit Reply again

        先生が言った通りはもっと自然と思います :P
        But even if it doesn’t sound natural, is か well used in the sentence?

        1. @Orti

          Could you tell me if there is a problem or not?
          In that case you can say

          Since your sentence was a conditional, it will be better to use れば

  52. 今日は、先生!(^O^)/
    I’ll write my example and what I’m trying to say, here I go!
    ・・お母さんは今日遅く帰っていたと言った= Mom said that she was going to come home late.

    ・Be called:
    ・・A: あそこに座っている人はなんと言うかな?= What’s the name of the person sitting over there?
    B: たけしという教師です= He’s a teacher called Takeshi.

    ・Define something:
    ・・その紫色のディスクはDVDといいます= Those violet discs are called DVD

    ・・スペイン語という言語は面白い言語ですね= Spanish is an interesting language

    ・・今日の抗議運動は300ぐらいという人が逮捕されてしまった= During today’s protest, 300 people were arrested.

    ・Something heard somewhere:
    ・・A: へビーメタルという音楽を聴くと攻撃的になってしまうという= They say that if you listen to heavy metal you become aggressive。
    B: そういうことは嘘だ!=That’s a lie!

    ・As relative pronoun: 
    ・・昨日、誰もいなかったという海辺を見つけた!=Yesterday I found a beach where there wasn’t anyone.
    ・・ずっと息子を批判しているというのはちょっとひどいだ=It’s a bit severe to be always criticizing your son.

    ・To repeat something:
    ・・毎日という毎日は勉強していたというのに失敗してしまった= Despite of having studied every single day, I failed anyways.

    ・In case of:
    ・・また遅れてしまうという時は君を待つように電話してね=If you are late,please call me so I will wait for you.

    ・When you determine something:
    ・・催しを準備するということが難しいです=It’s difficult to organize a festival
    ・・愛する人が死ぬときまで悲しみということが分からない=You don’t know pain until a beloved person dies.
    ・・英語が好きじゃなくても、そういう言語をわかるということがすごく便利です=Even if you don’t like english, it’s very useful to know a language like that. (I wanted to say “it’s very useful to know a language so widely used around the world” but I couldn’t figure ou how)

    ・To sum up:
    ・・雨があまり降っているということは今日出かけません=It’s raining too much, so I’m not going out today.
    ・・A:彼女と話すとずっと気後れしてよく考えられなくてしまう…=When I talk to her I get all nervous and can’t think well…
      B:ということは彼女が好きみたいんだね(笑)=So it seems that you like her

    ・They say…:
    ・・今彼は病気で寝ているということだから別の日に来た方がいいと思います=They told me that he’s sick and sleeping now, so I think it would be better to come another day.

    ・When speaking about something:
    ・・折り紙作家というと神谷哲史や小松英夫などなどを思い出す=When I hear Origami artist, I remember Kamiya Satoshi, Komatsu Hideo and many more.
    ・・私の大好きなスポーツというとテコンドーだ=My favourite sport is Taekwondo

    ・To mention something that always happens:
    ・・パティオをきれいにしたばかりというといつも雨が降ってしまう=It always rains when I’ve just cleaned the patio
    ・・アメリカといったらマクドナルドだ=If you think in United States, you think in Mc Donald’s

    ・Ask and answer by yourself:
    ・・何回も中国語という言語は日本語より便利だと言われたことがあるが、なぜ日本語を勉強しているかというと大好きだから=I’ve been told a lot of times that chinese is more useful than japanese, but I study Japanese because I really like it.

    ・Which is called…:
    ・・昨日、テルミンというものを始めて見た=Yesterday I saw a theremin for the first time.
    ・・まだ食べたことがないが、ハイチュウというものは美味しいそうだ=I haven’t tried it, but they say that Hi-Chews are delicious.

    ・To emphasize:
    ・・Facebookというものは癖になってしまった=Facebook has become a habit

    ・To explain cause:
    ・・宿題を終えている間パソコンはとつぜん故障してバックアップがなかったから全てはなくなってしまった。という訳で失敗した。= The computer failed suddenly while I was finishing my homework, as I didn’t have any backup everything was lost. That’s why I failed.

    ・In a negative sentence:
    ・・悪い人だという訳ではないが、なぜか彼に信じられない… = I’m not saying he’s a bad person, but for some reason I can’t trust him.
    ・・あなたができないというわけではないけど…任せてくださいね= I don’t mean that you can’t do it but…please leave it to me.

    ・・毎日練習しているというのにまだサンバを弾けない= Even though I’ve been practising every day, I still can’t play samba.
    ・・ちょっと冷たいだというのにその中で優しい精神がある= Despite he/she being cold, he/she has a kind heart.

    It took me a while to write this down, but I finally made it.(笑)
    To finish this loooong comment, I spotted a few minor mistakes:

    (=Nazeka to iu to …/Doshite ka to iu to)」

    ・「•いつかというと…(=Itsukaraka to iu to)+place」


    1. @Orti


      → 遅く帰ってくると〜

      ・・A: あそこに座っている人はなんと言うかな?
      →なんという人かな? is better
      B: たけしという教師です
      →OK! If you want to make it sound more polite
      たけしさんという先生です。is better.

      ・Define something:



      ・・A: へビーメタルという音楽を聴くと攻撃的になってしまうという

      B: そういうことは嘘だ!=That’s a lie!
      →Good! (But we usually say それは嘘だ)

      ・As relative pronoun: 
      →Umm it is possible if someone was talking about the beach before. But if you simply found a beach without people, you can just say “誰もいない海辺を見つけた。”
      If you hear someone was talking about the beach and telling you a story, you can use という
      Ex. 昨日、サメが出たという海辺を見つけた。


      ・To repeat something:
      ・・毎日という毎日は勉強していたというのに失敗してしまった= Despite of having studied every single day, I failed anyways.
      →We don’t say 毎日という毎日. But the rest of the sentence is good.

      ・In case of:
      ・・また遅れてしまうという時は君を待つように電話してね=If you are late,please call me so I will wait for you.
      →遅れるときは電話(or 連絡)してね。待っているから。


      =催しもの(or we often say イベント)を準備するということは難しいです。

      →It’s OK but 愛する人が死ぬ時に初めて悲しみということが分かる is more natural.

      →OK, a little correction to make it sound more natural.

      ・・雨があまり降っているということは今日出かけません=It’s raining too much, so I’m not going out today.
      →あまり is used with a negative sentence. あまり〜ない
      今日、出かけません is your will, so 雨がいっぱい(すごく/たくさん)降っているので出かけません is more natural. But you can say 雨がいっぱい(すごく/たくさん)降っているということは今日はキャンプは中止だろう。

      →Good! Just ずっと →とても (ずっと is used to describe a time duration.)


      →Perfect! Good job!

      →Just one など 神谷哲史や小松英夫などを〜

      ・・私の大好きなスポーツというとテコンドーだ=My favourite sport is Taekwondo
      →OK, but It is more natural to say 私の大好きなスポーツはテコンドーだ。

      ・To mention something that always happens:
      →It doesn’t work in this case. This function of というと is usually used with a noun
      ・・アメリカといったらマクドナルドだ=If you think in United States, you think in Mc Donald’s


      →Perfect!  (ハイチュウおいしいよ!:) )
      ・To emphasize:


      the rest is perfect!

      →彼は(彼のことは)or 彼を(彼のことを)
      But if you want to make it sound more natural


      However In this case, we just say 冷たいが

      Thank you for spotting the mistakes.

      1. 今日は、先生!添削してくれて本当に有り難うございます!!

        ・Given that “パティオをきれいにしたばかりというといつも雨が降ってしまう” is incorrect, how would you say “It always rains when I’ve just cleaned the patio”?
        ・「ずっと」と「いつも」の違いはどのですか? I’ve been trying to figure out by observing their uses in different examples, but it seems that both ずっと and いつも may be used as “always” or “forever” depending on the context :/
        ・The か used after 寒い in 「冬に北海道に行ってみればどんなに寒いかということがわかるだろう」 and after 辛い in 「子供に会えないということがどれだけ辛いかあなたにはわかりません」 has similar meaning to the one used in the “self questions-answers” made with というと??
        I mean, is it something like “how it is to be/feel (adjective)” or “how (adjective) it is when(something)” depending on the interrogative word preceding the adjective?? Therefore that question is used as the object of the sentence?


        1. @Orti

          1)Given that “パティオをきれいにしたばかりというといつも雨が降ってしまう” is incorrect, how would you say “It always rains when I’ve just cleaned the patio”?

          →Just say, パティオをきれいにするといつも雨が降ってしまう

          2)「ずっと」と「いつも」の違いはどのですか? I’ve been trying to figure out by observing their uses in different examples, but it seems that both ずっと and いつも may be used as “always” or “forever” depending on the context :/

          いつも is all the time, always and it is often used to describe your habitual actions.
          ずっと is as I said, time duration or when you see things will happen continuously for a long time.

          Ex. マギーはいつも仕事をしている。= Maggie is always working.
          Ex. マギーはずっと仕事をしている。= Maggie has been working for a long time.

          Ex. いつもいい友達でいて下さい。= Please always be my good friend.
          Ex. ずっといい友達でいて下さい。= Please be my good friend for good. (You are talking about future from now.)

          3) I don’t know exactly what your question is but

          どんなに寒い”か” = “how cold it is”
          どんなに辛い”か”= how hard it is

          This か shows interrogative words and has a function to quote a question.

          Please let me know how much it costs.

          I don’t know what happened.

  53. Hi, Maggie sensei!
    Could you please tell me what っていうことで means here, because, well, even if I know the words I dont fully understand the conversation.
    It’s from Saurai Sho’s dart trip in 24h tv of this year. Sakurai-san enters in a tabaco shop and it’s full of manekinekos,so he asks why there are so many manekinekos (it looks like a manekineko shop and not a tabaco shop, lol). So she tells:

    Thank you in advance.

    1. @Ana

      Hi Ana!
      OK, っていうことで here has a function to conclude the previous sentence. →As a result, That’s why, therefore
      So in this case,
      Reason :His friend who works for a ceramic shop asked him if he wanted the ceramics that they can’t sell.

      っていうことで= That’s why, That how I started…, As a result, therefore

      Result : He started to take them and ended up like this.

  54. Sensei! Good evening!
    Could you explain me please, how everyone understands what meaning of the word みんな is implied?
    For example, “minna tabeta ja nai desu ka!” you can translate as “But everyone ate it, didn’t they?!”

    1. @b2
      Hi, b2! I’m sorry I’m on vacation and away from Jaoan right now. I can’t answer your question until I go back there. Please wait 10 more days.

    2. @b2
      Sorry that it too me a long time to answer your question. Now I am back to Japan.
      みんな is a casual way of saying 皆(みな)
      It could refer to people, things or issues.
      So the translation is “everyone””everything” “all”

      So みんな食べたじゃないですか。(=Minna tabeta ja nai desu ka) could mean
      “But everybody ate it, didn’t they?” or “You ate everything, didn’t you!”
      You will know which one by context.

  55. Dear Maggie-sensei,
    since I think you are probably the best person to ask for that translation I ask here right away.
    There is a sentence which is simply breaking my neck because I simply have no idea what’s the best way to translate it properly. It’s that one:
    I think it fits best in this category…does it mean “It’s not wrong that I am worried about such a thing right now” or is it “It’s wrong that it is not that case that I am worried about such a thing right now” …..or something totally different..the more often I try to analyze this sentence in my head the more difficult it turns out…Thanks in advance (_-_)

    1. @Doci

      Hi Doci! You got a complicated sentence, huh?
      I would say,
      No, I was wrong. (What I have been doing was wrong.) It is not the right time to worry about such a thing.(Now is not the time to worry about such a thing)

      So the speaker realized “現在こんなことで悩んでいること=worrying about such a thing.” is “間違っている=wrong” and “そんなことをしている場合ではない=it is not the time to do so”.

      Makes sense?

      1. Aah! That makes indeed sense!
        I think the real problem was the “場合ではない” thing…I thought I could translate it literally and didn’t know that its like the same like “時ではない” that’s why no matter how I thought about it..it couldnt make sense at all…
        Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Helped me a lot!! ;)

  56. sensei it is also correct if we write it like this??
    ‘Nanbyaku hito ga sono saigai de nakunatta’

    1. @Faila

      ‘Nanbyaku hito ga sono saigai de nakunatta’
      We don’t say ”Nanbyaku hito” but you could say,

      = Nanbyakunin no hito(tachi) ga sono saigai de nakunatta.
      = Nanbyaku nin mono hito ga sono saigai de nakunatta.
      (~ もの= emphasizing)

  57. Hi! Thank you for this!
    I’m a little confuse:
    the estructure ということです can be used to summarize something you just said without meaning somebody else said or I heard
    Like このじゅうぎょうで満足していないということです。
    That means that you are saying you aren’t satisfied with this situation, emphasizing that, that insatisfaction with the situation is something you mean.
    I don’t know if I explain myself well but I hope you can help me m(_ _)m

    1. @rirachan

      Hi rirachan!
      If you hear this quote from someone else,
      Ex. マギー先生、リラちゃんはこの授業で満足していないということです。

      It is the case (3) I’ve heard…They said…

      If you are telling someone your opinion directly

      It means (1) or (2) When you determine something or summarize (= conclude) your opinion.

  58. •彼の教え方といったら!

    (=Kare no oshiekata to ittara.)

    The way he teaches… (It could be negative or positive.)

    But if you say:


    It will always be negative, right?

  59. It’s a bit hard to understand in the 1st read.. ugh..

    「という」が好きじゃない。。 (T_T)


    みんなさん!「がんばって」ってください。。 (>_<)

    1. @u.kyou

      Haha I know it’s difficult, huh? Don’t try to understand the whole thing at one time. Little by little, OK?

  60. maggie senseiif we want to tell someone,
    I have said to (someone)”…..”
    (gives information for someone that he/she said to somebody that…)

    what the japanese means? how about ~と言われた?

    1. @マリアさん

      Ex. I said Maria “You should study Japanese more!”

      Ex. I told Maria to study more.

      Ex. Maria said to me, “Maggie, you have to be nice to me!”

      Ex. Maria told me to be nice to her.
      →1) マリアは私にもっと優しくしてと言った。
      →2) 私はマリアにもっと優しくしてと言われた。(If you have “I” as a subject, you should translated it in a passive form. So you can use 言われた)

      So if the subject is a person who says something, ~と言った
      If you are told something and make yourself as a subject you can say と言われた。

      Can you translate these?
      He said I was too strict.

      Answers :

  61. Ahhh, I wish I could edit my comment.

  62. Very 分かり易い&包括的な breakdown of という・ということ。
    I think I might have found a small typo(the romaji sentence is also off)
    I suppose the former is more likely though.

    1. @Shimewaza


  63. Thank you so much Maggie sensei! This is very informative!
    These という(=toiu) ということ(=toiukoto) are very complicated but the always appear in daily conversation, I am very confused too, お陰さまで now I get a clearer picture on them…

    Yet I have another question too:
    Apart from という and ということ, “ん” is another topic which I have no way to understand and make use to it, would you mind making a lesson on this topic too?

    Many many many thanks, 大感激!

  64. Nice site you have here, very informative and useful for Japanese newbies like myself! Btw, this statement has a slight mistake:

    3)私は、マギーといいます。(=Watashi wa Maggie to iu.)

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