= Maggie sensei, chotto shitsumon ga arun desu ga…
Ms. Maggie, I have a little question to ask…
:maggie-small: 「う〜ん…今、ちょっと…」
= Uun… ima chotto…
= Umm …. now??
Today’s key word is ちょっと ( = chotto)!!
You might say “I know that! It is eeeeasy!!”
Let’s see some examples here.
= Chotto komarimasu.
= I am sorry but it would be a problem for me.
( You are obviously annoyed but by adding chotto, it sounds softer.)
• あの人はちょっとね…。
= Ano hito wa chotto ne….
= That person is a bit…/ kind of…
(Usually negative. So we can assume the person is a trouble.)
(This chotto doesn’t mean “a little”. The speaker is bragging about his girlfriend in a modest way by using ちょっと(=chotto.))
Note : ちょっとした ( = chotto shita) :adjective
Ex. ちょっとしたことだけど、すごく嬉しい。
= Chotto shita koto dakedo sugoku ureshii
= It’s a small (minor) thing but I am very happy!
Ex. 私の父はちょっとした会社の社長だ。
= Watashi no chichi wa chotto shita kaisha no shachou da
= My father is a president of a quite big/well-known company.
(It hints that the company is big or famous.)
Ex. 彼の作品ってちょっとしたもんだね。
= Kare no sakuhin tte chotto shita monda ne.
= His work is not bad at all!
(もん ( = mon) is a casual way of saying 物 = もの ( = mono) things.
ちょっとした物 ( = Chotto shita mono) could be a small something as its literal meaning but sometimes we use it as “pretty good“)
= Maggie sensei, chotto shitsumon ga arun desu ga…
= Maggie Sensei, I have a little question to ask…
= Uun…ima chotto…
= Umm…. now???

•「明日、暇?」( = Ashita hima?) Are you free tomorrow?
= Ashita wa hima dakedo anata to tsukiaitaku wa arimasen.
= I am free tomorrow, but I don’t want to go out with you!
(This answer is too straight! )
• 明日は用事があるのでだめです。
= Ashita wa youji ga aru node dame desu.
= I have plans tomorrow, so I can’t go out with you.
(We do say this but it sounds still a bit too straight.)
= Ashita wa chotto youji ga atte
= I have something to do tomorrow so….
= Ashita wa chotto isogashikutte.
= I am busy tomorrow so….
= Ashita wa chotto tsugou ga warukutte .
= I am not available tomorrow so….
= Ashita wa chotto
= Tomorrow is….(not convenient)
We don’t finish the sentence to make it sound softer. We have to read between the lines which is expressed with “…” = 点点点 or てんてんてん ( = ten ten ten) dot dot dot part.
= Shuumatsu hikkoshi no tetsudai shite kureru?
= Can you help me move this weekend?
= Shuumatsu wa isogashii kara tetsudaemasen.
= I am busy this weekend, so I can’t help you. (too direct.)
= Shuumatsu wa chotto isogashii desu.
= I am a bit busy this weekend.
= Gomennasai. Shuumatsu wa chotto
= I am sorry but this weekend is…(→not good for me.)
= Kare to tsukiatte minai?
= Why don’t you go out with him?
= tsukiaitaku arimasen.
= I don’t want to go out with him! (too straight.)
Instead you can say
= Uun chotto enryo shite oku.
= No, thank you! / I would pass… (casual)
= Chotto taipu to wa chigau kara….
= He is not my type so…
= Uun chotto…
= I am sorry but…
Note : Of course, there are girls who are very straight forward!
=muri! muri!!
= No way! Impossible!
= Muri dakara!
= No way! That’s not happening!
•ムリ= 無理 = impossible
•〜(だ)から ( =~dakara) very colloquial
=Raishuu no kinyoubi ni goukon yarundakedo dou?
= ”We are going to have a matchmaking party. Do you wanna come?”
その日は、( = Sono hiwa) that day (is)
→ 忙しいです。( =isogashii desu.) to be busy
→都合が悪いです。(=tsugou ga warui desu.) not convenient
→難しいです。( = muzukashii desu.) to be difficult
= Sono hi wa chotto…
= That day is … → (I am not available on that day…)
= Zannen nagara sono hi wa chotto…
= Unfortunately that day is…→I am sorry, but I am not available on that day.
= Gomennasai sono hi wa chotto…
= I am sorry but I am not available on that day…
= Sono hi wa chotto muri
= I can’t make it that day!
Note : ちょっと ( = chotto) a bit + 無理 ( = muri) impossible might sound strange. Although it isn’t grammatically correct we do hear this phrase often.
= Nomikai ga arimasu ga kimasen ka?
= Would like to join us for drinks?
(飲み会 = nomikai = a drinking party)
= Ikitaku arimasen.
= I don’t want to go.
= tsugou ga warui desu.
= I am not available.
= Konkai wa chotto enryo shite okimasu.
= I’m sorry, but I ‘m going to have to pass this time.
= Konkai wa chotto enryo sasete kudasai.
= I’m sorry, but let me a pass this time.
= Konkai wa chotto enryo shite okuyo) for men
= I’ll pass this time.
Note : The ending with ~おくよ (~okuyo) is for man. The ending with ~しておくわ ( = ~shite okuwa) is for women.
•「ごめん!今回はちょっと勘弁して!」 (casual)
= Gomen! Konkai wa chotto kanben shite!
= I’ll pass this time. Let me pass this time.
And you apologize,
•ごめんなさい。( = gomennasai) I am sorry
•すみません。( = sumimasen) I am sorry
•ごめん!( = gomen) Sorry! (casual)
Then you can follow up :
=Mata no kikai ni onegai shimasu.
= Please ask me again, Next time, Give me a rain check!
=Mata no kikai ni!
= Next time! / Some other time.
= Mata sasotte kudasai.
= Please invite me again.
= Mata sasotte!
= Invite me again!
This is the typical “procedure” of declining someone’s invitation.
:ee: <How to receive annoying phone call for sales.>
= Ima chotto te ga hanasenai node.
= I am tied up right now so…
:n: Extra Information : In a romantic situation
When you ask a girl for a date :
= Nichiyoubi doraibu ni ikanai?
= Do you want to take a drive this Sunday?
= Kondo no yasumi dokoka asobini ikanai?
= Do you wanna go out with me next holiday?
and if she says
=Minna to issho dattara…
= If it is in a group…(→I prefer to go out in a group.)
That means she is not comfortable being alone with you, and there is less chance for a romantic relationship (yet).
Also when you ask her for a second date and she says
=Kondo wa minna de ikimasho!
= Why don’t we go out in a group next time!
Again, this probably means the romantic outlook is… not sunny. Sorry! ;-)
:i: <How to avoid giving people your personal information>
When you don’t want to say anything personal you can also use ちょっと ( = chotto)
=Dochira e odekake desu ka?
Where are you going?
= Chotto soko made
= I will just go somewhere around here.
Note : You don’t have to specify the place you are going.
= Dou ka shita no?
= What is wrong?
= Chotto iroiro atte
= Many things happened so…. / I had some problems so.. / for many reasons
= Chotto gotagota shite ite.
= I have been busy for many things so…. / I have been having some problems so..
Also when you don’t want to ask all the personal details,
• いろいろ大変でしたね。
= Iroiro taihen deshita ne.
= I feel sorry that you have been through many things
Please go check 労るレッスン ( = Itawaru ressun)
In the lesson, I mentioned a line which you can say to a person who has just lost their family
• (この度は、)ご愁傷様でした。
= goshuushou sama deshita.
= Sorry for your loss. My condolences.
You could also just say,
•この度は…( = kono tabi wa…)
Note : この度 ( = konotabi) means “this time“
Because Japanese language is 曖昧 ( = aimai) ambiguous and we use 遠回しな言い方 ( = toomawashi na iikata ) round about expressions, sometimes it causes misunderstanding with people who are not familiar with this custom.
For example, you made some business proposal to a company and they say :
• 考えておきます。
= kangaete okimasu
= We’ll think about it.
• 少し考えさせて下さい。
= Sukoshi kangae sasete kudasai.
= Let me(us) think a little. Give us some time to think about it.
• 検討させて下さい。
= Kentou sasete kudasai.
= Let us review/go over this.
As many of language resources might say, it doesn’t always mean they actually think about it, and it could be indirect way of saying “No!” or at least that there is not much of a chance.
We try to avoid saying “No!” to people immediately face to face and tell them we will think about it.
But there are cases when we actually need time to take matters into consideration and say these quotes. So it depends on the situation. I guess we have to observe the speaker’s facial expressions and everything.
Note : Sometimes we add 前向きに ( = maemukini) positively to add more possibility.
• 前向きに検討いたします。
= Maemuki ni kentou itashimasu.
= We will think about this (and see if we can make this work out).
We also hear the followings in a business situation:
• 善処致します。
=Zensho itashimasu.
= We’ll see what we can do./We will try to deal with the matter in an appropriate manner.
• 努力致します。
=Doryoku itashimasu.
= We will do our best.
• 努力したいと思います。
= Doryoku shitai to omoimasu.
= We will try to do our best.
OK, after buying some time to decline, finally they may say,
• いろいろ検討したのですが、…
= Iroiro kentou shita nodesu ga…
= After reviewing ..
• 考えさせて頂いたのですが、…
= Kangaesasete itadaita no desu ga…
= We thought about this but..
• 考えたんだけど
= Kangaetan dake do
= I thought about this but… (casual)
They might say things s little bit more clearly,
• やはり今回は難しいという結論に至りました。
= Yahari konkai wa muzukashii toiu ketsuron ni itarimashita.
= As we had expected, we came to a conclusion that it would be very hard to do/accept this time.
(This means “NO!“)
You can also finish in the middle of the sentence ;
• 大変申し上げにくいのですが、...
= Taihen moushiagenikui no desu ga..
= It is very difficult to tell you but… (=It means “NO!“)
:jjj: <How to response when you disagree>
It is all matter of intonation.
= Soudesunee…
= Well….
= Ossharu koto wa wakaru no desuga…
= I know what you mean but…
If you really want to say it is really difficult to achieve, you can say,
= Sore wa chotto kibishii desunee…
= It seems a bit difficult/tight.
:s: < Other 曖昧 + ぼかし表現 ( = aimai +bokashi hyougen) + Ambiguous + obscure expressions>
There are many more words that make our statements purposely ambiguous. I will teach you some of them here and include very slangy expressions.
*こちら/そちら/あちら ( = kochira / sochira / achira) I, we, our side/you, they/they
We sometimes omit pronouns and substitute them with こちら ( = kochira) / こっち ( = kocchi) I, we, our side, more casual, そちら ( = sochira)/そっち ( = socchi) you, they, more casual, and あちら ( = achira) / あっち ( = acchi) they more casual
• あちらさんもいろいろ大変みたいですね。
= Achira san mo iroiro taihen mitai desune.
= They seem to have a lots of problems…
• こちらもちょっと忙しくって…。
= Kochiramo chotto isogashikutte….
= We(I) have been a bit busy as well and…
• こっちはいいけどそっちはどうなのよ?
= Kocchi wa iikedo socchi wa dounano?
= We (My side is/I am ) are OK but how about you(them)?
*〜程 ( ~ = hodo) Even if you know the precise number, you add 程 ( = hodo) and make it sound vague.
• 一週間旅行に行きました。
= ishuukan ryokou ni ikimashita.
= isshukan hodo ryokou ni itte kimashita.
= I went traveling for a week.
*〜でも( = ~demo)
• お茶を一緒に飲まない?
= Ocha wo issho ni nomanai?
= Do you want to have a cup of tea with me? (=Do you want to go to a coffee shop or something?)
= Ocha demo dou?
= How about having a cup of tea?
• 映画に一緒に行きませんか?
= Eiga ni issho ni ikimasenka?
= Do you wan to go see a movie with me?
=Eiga demo dou?
= How about going to see a movie?
〜でも( = ~demo) makes your suggestion sound very light.
:h: More colloquial expressions :
The following expressions are very colloquial and many of them are all grammatically wrong but you will hear these often in daily conversation especially among young people.
*〜とか ( = ~toka) (colloquial)
= Kare to deito shita?
= Did you go out with him?
= Kare to deito toka shita?
= So? Did you go out with him or something?
=Doraibu ni ikimasen ka?
= Do you want to take a drive somewhere?
=Doraibu toka iku?
= How about taking a drive somewhere?
= Ashita wa hima desuka?
= Are you free tomorrow?
= Ashita toka hima?
= Are you free tomorrow or…?
Usually 〜とか ( = ~toka) means “etc.”. We use this to make it sound like there are other choices.
You can also use it when you suggest something.
•この方法でやってみるとか (したら?)…
=Kono houhou de yatte miru toka(shitara)…
= How about giving this (way) a try..?
or tell someone what you have assumed.
= Kono jikan wa ginkou yatteinai toka…
= I have a feeling that the banks are closed around this time…
Check とか ( = toka) lesson for more details.
*〜の方/ほう ( = ~no hou) (colloquial)
You can hear this at a convenience store or restaurant as well as their way of “formal” Japanese.
• お料理はもうお持ちしてもいいですか?
= Oryouri wa mou omochi shitemo ii desu ka?
= Oryouri no hou wa mou omochi shite mo ii desu ka?
= May I bring out your dishes now/already?
• お弁当は温めますか?
= Obentou wa atatame masu ka?
= Obentou no hou atatame masu ka?
= Do you want us to warm up your lunch (food)?
(Please check the coffee shop conversation lesson!)
• 結婚生活は上手くいっていますか?
=Kekkon seikatsu wa umaku itte imasuka.
=Kekkon seikatsu no hou wa umaku itte imasuka?
= How is your married life?
* 的には ( = tekiniwa) very colloquial
=Watashi wa sou omoimasu.
= That’s what I think.
=Watashi teki niwa sou omoimasu.
= That’s just what I think.
= Maggie wa dou omou no?
= What do you think, Maggie?
= Maggie teki niwa dou omou no?
= What about you, what do you think, Maggie?
You add 的には ( = tekiniwa) to the subject to make it sound softer.
Note: For more details, check 的 ( = teki) lesson.
*っていうか ( = tte iuka) / つーか ( = tsuuka) / てか ( = teka) actually very colloquial
= Jissai no tokoro maggie sensei wa ii sensei nano?
= Is Ms. Maggie actually a good teacher?
= Tteiuka saaMaggie sensei wa ii sensei nano?)
= Is Ms.Maggie actually a good teacher?
(っ)ていうか ( = (t)tteiuka) /つーか ( = tsuuka) てか ( = teka) are originally from というか ( = toiuka) or rather / rather to say. We use this when we want to take back our words and rephrase them, add something, or deny what someone has just said.
Also we start a sentence with this when we want to explain something,
“What I mean is..”/ ”I mean..”/ “I know what you mean but..”/ “You know..”
or simply when you change the subject like
それはいいけど ( = Sore wa iikedo) / それはおいといて.. ( = Sore wa oitoite)
I know what you mean but/be that as it may
Ex. っていうか明日どうすんの?
= Teiuka ashita dousunno?
= That’s fine, but what are you going to do tomorrow?
Ex. 明日、っていうかこれからどうするの?
= Ashita, tte iuka korekara dousuru no?
= What are you going to do tomorrow, I mean now (that we’ve just talked, etc.)?
*〜みたいな….。( = ~mitaina…) like, I think… very colloquial
= Kare mo mouchotto ganbareba yokatta noni..mitaina…?
= I mean like..he should have tried a little harder or something…..
(You say this after you express your opinion or feeling and add 〜みたいな….。( = ~mitaina…)and finish the sentence.)
マギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie-sensei
= Kono ressun no hou doudeshitaka?
= How did you like this lesson?
=”Chotto” toiu teema deshitaga chittomo “chotto” dewa nakatta desune.
= The theme was “Chotto” but it was not “chotto” at all , huh?
= Watashi teki niwa tottemo yaku ni tatsu to omoundakedo…
= I personally think it is very useful but…
= Nihonjin no hanashikata no okufukasa ga wakaru mitainana..
= Like you know..it could help you to understand the depth of the way Japanese people speak..
=Jibun demo kaite itara chotto iratto sihte kichatta..
= Umm…somehow I’m getting annoyed by writing this…
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hello Maggie Sensei,
I have a question regarding表現.
What does 表現 mean in the following phrase?
My guess:
I picked up this candy. This candy is like the flowers in the park?
Hi Mark,
表現 in that sentence means “depict” (The sweets that depict the red camellia flowers that I always see in the park)
Hello Maggie sensei,
I have a slightly stupid question. What is the meaning of の in this sentence:
Is it supposed to be a nominalizer? I can’t quite tell. Thank you for the lesson!
Hello Vit,
If you just tell the fact, you say 検討しました
When you explain the reason or stress the meaning, you use の.
I have a lesson on の・ん usage. Click this link.
In one of my favorite Japanese dramas, long vacation, sena-kun says to minami when she asks him to marry her (they have just met): “kanbenshite kudasai!” 😊
勘弁して has a couple of meanings
“I am sorry / Please forgive me” or “Give a break / Spare me / Are you kidding me?”
In that case, she meant the later. “Oh please, give me a break..”
Thanks for this wonderful explanation, Maggie-sensei. Though I still feel like I have to re-read it a couple of times before really grasping it :cryingboy:
Anyways, if it’s not too much to ask, I was wondering what it does mean in this case? “(あ、いや…帰るんじゃなくて…)今からちょっとな!” the context is just someone else asking him 家帰るのか?
Hi, Kano!
So someone asking that person if he is going back home now.
The speaker doesn’t want to tell that person what he is going to do/where he is going,
(Ah, no I am not going home) I have something to do.
So in this case, ちょっとな(male speech)
I see! Thank you so much!
You’re very welcome! ❤
Hello, maggie sensei! This is my first time replying to one of your lessons !niconico! !niconico! I had watched this drama called 明日、ママがいない and heard this phrase ちょっと離してよ! have you ever done a lesson on 離す? I don’t understand it really. :cryingboy:
I have to see the scene but I assume someone is hold on to a speaker or something and the speaker tells that person
“Let me go! / Let it go!”
役に立つレッスンありがとうございます ^^
「そのうち行きたくなるかもしれない」この文章の問題は「そのうち」よりも ”行きたくなるかもしれない”の部分です。
A) そのうち行きます。= I will go there sometime (soon).
B ) そのうち行くかもしれません。= I might go there sometime (soon).
C) そのうち行きたくなるかもしれません。= I might want to go there sometime (soon).
A>B>C>D の順で話し手の気持ちが読み取ることができます。
そう、マイク”的”にはこのレッスン、役に立ったのね。www よかった! :)
wow, tottemo helpful Maggie sensei AS ALWAYS
^ o ^ and this is SO important cause the last thing you want is to go to another country, unintentionally offend people, and not even know it (cause knowing japanese, they probably won’t even react to it they’ll just get offended and be quiet about it…)
and such a loooong lesson… otsukaresama!!
so またの機会に!can that be used for any kind of invitation (like goukon etc) or only for nomikai?
and ごたごた is busy?
and this form of the verb with -reba, like がんばれば nanka “I wish…” ne? I’ve seen it a few times and it seems like it always gives out that kind of feeling ne…
Hi Aki! Yes, you can use またの機会に for any invitations.
ごたごたしていて…: Yes it means you are busy taking care of some problems or troubles. When you have some troubles but you don’t to give others any details, you say ごたごたしていて…
The last question : ?? -reba? I wish? Which verb are you talking about?
thank you~!
ah I was just wondering about that reba ending (it’s called conditional form of the verb ne?) and it’s sometimes used as “If… then…” right?
so I was wondering if you had a lesson on that conditional verb or if you could explain it to me really quick? :) conditional form ga wakaranaiyo ~_~
Oh I see. れば!! It can be used for conditional sentence and also suggestions,etc.
Conditional forms is complicated. But I am working on たら(Remember you asked me before?) right now so will include some more information in that lesson.
hai ^~^ perfect da yo! thank you so much!!
Hi Maggie先生
有り難うございました。 ^_^
(Note : 先生はこのレッスンを詳しく作られて本当に素晴らしいでした。→先生は、こんな詳しいレッスンを作られて本当に素晴らしいです。(→ホント?”ちょっと”うれしいかも…!!)
できなかったが→できなかったけれど(or できませんでしたが) *”できなかったが”はちょっと堅いです。written formなら大丈夫!)
Ah! ありがとうございます!
I’m so sorry for not replying back sooner ^_^; I just realized that I spelt the name of the game wrong, so that might be why you aren’t able to find information on it (すみません). It’s お姫さまデビュー (Princess Debut).
To sum it up, it’s about a girl who switches places with a princess who looks exactly like her. The girl then has to dance with all these other princes and socialize with them…so it’s partially a dating sim for girls, too.
I’ve come across a lot of the vocabulary you’ve mentioned already, and that is quite awesome! The only thing I keep tripping on is place names. I know for things such as lake 「湖」 that there’s two ways to pronounce the kanji. When it’s by itself, and when it follows the name of the place. It’s hard, but I think I’ll eventually get the hang of it.
Thank you so much for your help! ^__^
どういたしまして!The name of the places are sometimes confusing. I checked the game. Looks very cute. I added two more words on the previous vocabulary. If you don’t understand the certain word, please let me know.
Good luck on the games!
Just wanted to say ありがとう for this post. I’ve been looking over it a few times the past few days, and it’s been very useful for learning new 漢字。I don’t know how you manage to post so many chokfull lesson each day!
If it’s alright, I have a request. I recently imported a game called お姫さまデーブ, and although it’s for children (specifically girls), there’s a good amount of royalty vocabulary that I’m not familiar with. Could you make a lesson that involves something with お姫や王子や王女? If not, I understand, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt (much) to ask ^^;
こんにちは!Jacki!! Thank you for visiting my site!
Yes, I don’t know how I manage to make these lessons, either! ;-) I mean I am a busy dog. I have to play, hide a bone, eat…etc.
I am not familiar with the game and I couldn’t find any information on the web but I can give you some of the basic vocabulary for today, OK?
お姫様(=ohimesama) /姫(=hime)princess
王子様(=oujisama) / 王子(=ouji)prince
王女様(=oujo sama)/ 王女(=oujo) princess
王様(=ousama )/王(=ou) king
女王様(=jouou sama) /女王(=jouou) queen
お城(=oshiro) a castle/ 城(=shiro)
家来(=kerai)a retainer, servant
騎士(=kishi)a knight
王国(=oukoku) kingdom
舞踏会(=butoukai) dance party, ball
If you have a specific question about certain vocabulary, please do not hesitate to leave a comment and ask me a question.
添削してもらってありがとう!僕がそんなに多い間違いをしたのはハ ズ カ シ イ〜。ごめんね。
(Note : いい育ちを受けましたね。->「育ちを受ける」とは言いません。教育は「受ける」っていいます。「育つ」を使うなら「いい育ち方をしましたね。」でもOK! 添削してもらって->くれて)
前向きに is extremely helpful. I didn’t know there was a positive form. I always thought it was more 微妙 (negative).
前向き is usually positive. Ex.彼女はとても前向きな人だ。(=Kanojo wa tototemo maemuki na hito da.) She is very positive person.
So just saying 考えておきます。or ちょっと考えておきます。may not to have much chance but if someone tells you 前向きに考えておきます。, you can expect more chance.
If someone says「それでは考えておきます。」, we sometimes add「是非、前向きに御検討下さい。」(=zehi maemuki ni gokentou kudasai.) to encourage them to think more seriously to give us more chance.
Comment 有り難う!
オランダの人だったのですね。(TheDutch Gaijinさんも)一度行ったことありますが、オランダの人は英語もぺらぺらだしいろいろな言葉ができる人が多いですよね。羨ましい…
(Note : 何分からないとか->何が /どんなようなことに->どんなことに (or どのようなことに)/何か言いたら->何かを言いたかったら /はっきりで->はっきりと /可笑しいだね。->可笑しいね。or 可笑しいですね。可笑しい=funny. もしinterestingと言いたかったら<面白い>を使ってね。)
Very detailed.
I like :)
Arigatou!! chotto “detaliled” sugitakamo…
Great lesson. Helped me alot and tought me afew things along the way. Thank you.
Thank you !!! Hope you come back here!!!