お金 ( = Okane) Money related lesson!



= Moukarimakka?

“How’s business?”


=Bochibochi dennaa.. 

“Just getting by..”

Today we will start with 大阪弁  ( = Osaka-ben) Osaka dialect!

Personally I love the sound of Osaka-ben. It sounds fun and friendly!  It sounds very familiar because we hear it all the time on the お笑い番組 ( = Owarai terebi bangumi) TV comedy shows.

Check my previous lesson 笑う ( = warau) to laugh

The dialogue in the picture is a typical phrase in a business scene in Osaka. Everybody in Japan knows it even if they are not from Osaka so as  まいど(毎度)!  ( = maido). (It literally means “every time” but it means “Hi!“)  We sometimes joke around using the phrases.


 = Maido! Doudekka? Moukari makka?


If I need to “translate” into  標準語  ( = hyoujungo)   (standard Japanese) it would be like this :

今日は!(or どうも!)調子はどうですか?商売の方はうまくいっていますか?

 = Konnichiwa! (or Doumo!) Choushi wa doudesuka? Shoubai no hou wa umaku itte imasuka?

“Hi, how is it going? How’s business?”



= Moukarimakka?

=  “How’s business?”

儲かる  ( = moukaru) means to make money, to make a profit

Ex. ギャンブルで儲かる 

 = ganburu de moukaru

 to make lots of money gambling

~まっか?( = makka?)    

 Osaka dialect  = ~ますか?  ( = masuka?)

So the direct translation will be “Are you making lots of money?” “How is your money situation?”

How’s business?

It is originally from a common greeting of  浪花の商人   ( = Naniwa no akindo) Osaka area’s merchants Osaka people has a reputation of being business-oriented and tight with money like bargaining here and there. I wrote in my previous lesson of  労る  ( = itawaru) that Japanese people tend avoid to be too direct. So I think it is interesting that they use this straight forward question naturally.

You are supposed to answer to this question if the business is going relatively well,


 = Bochibochi dennaa?

“Just getting by.” “So-so!”


= Maa maa desu.



 = Maa nantoka yatte imasu.


ぼちぼち ( = bochibochi) little by little, slowly, soon


= Bochibochi kaerimasu.

I will get going.  (Not in a hurry way.)


 = Bochibochi benkyou shimasu.

I will study little by little.

でんなあ  ( = dennaa)  Osaka dialect ですねえ ( = desunee)

If you are not making money or not doing well, you say :

「あきまへんわ!」 Osaka dialect

= Akimahen wa 

Average Japanese

= だめです。( = Damedesu) /上手くいっていません。( = Umaku itte imasen.) 

= Not at all! Not doing good..

OK! Enough for Osaka dialects.

Today’s lesson is about MONEY!!


金 かね  (  = kane) /きん ( = kin)

かね( = kane) for money and きん ( = kin) refers gold

 (Ex. 金のネックレス  ( = kin no nekkuresu) gold neckless)

We usually say お金  ( = okane) for money. If you say 金    ( = kane), it sounds blunt and not sophisticated.

1)  金が欲しい   ( = Kane ga hoshii)

2) お金が欲しい ( = Okane ga hoshii) I want money.

→2) sounds more polite. 

🔸 <Money related expressions!>

お金がかかる ( = okane ga kakkaru) to cost money

Ex. 子供の教育にお金がかかる。

= Kodomo no kyouiku ni okane ga kakaru.

A child’s education costs a lot of money.

お金がある ( = okane ga aru)   to have money

Ex. あの家にはあり余る程、お金がある。

 = Ano ie ni wa ariamaru hodo okanega aru.

That family is loaded. 

:rrrr: あり余る ( = ariamaru)=more than abundant, roll in

• 金持ち( = kanemochi) rich  =  豊か  ( = yutaka)  = 裕福  ( = yuufuku) 貧乏  ( = binbou)  =  貧しい ( = mazushii)  poor

Ex. 彼の家は金持ち豊か/裕福だから何でも買える。

 = Kare no ie wa kanemochi/yutaka/yuufuku  dakara nan demo kaeru.

His family is rich so that he can afford anything.

• 持つ ( = motsu) to hold, to have

Ex. うちの子供はお金を持たせるとすぐに使ってしまう。

= Uchi no kodomo wa okane wo motaseru to suguni tsukatte shimau.

As soon as I give my kid money, he spends it right away.

• お金がない   ( = okane ga nai) not to have money

Ex. 今月は全くお金がないです。

 = Kongetsu wa mattaku okane ga nai desu.


 = Kongetsu wa mattaku okane ga arimasen.

I don’t have money at all this month.


• お金が足りない   ( = okane ga tarinai) short of money

Ex. ちょっとお金が足りないから貸してくれる?

 = Chotto okane ga tarinai kara kashite kureru?

I am a little short (on money). Can you lend me some?

•お金に困る  ( = okane ni komaru)  be pinched for money

Ex. 彼はちょっとお金に困っている様子だった。
= Kare wa chotto okane ni komatte iru yousu datta.
He seemed to be pinched for money.
•お金が乏しい  ( = okane ga toboshii) to be scarce of money
Ex.  今月はお金が乏しい。
= Kongetsu wa okane ga toboshii
This month is tight.
 = Kongetsu wa kibishi
= Kongetsu wa saifu ga kibishii 
*財布  ( = saifu) wallet
= 今月は(お金が)苦しい
= Kongetsu wa (okane ga) kurushii
We also say 金銭的に ( = kinsenteki ni)  money wise  instead of  お金が ( = okane ga)
Note : 金銭 ( = kinsen) money  formal
Ex.  金銭トラブル
 = kinsen toraburu
money involved troubles
*銭  ( = zeni) also means money but it is old fashioned. But we use it with other kanjis.
Ex. 無銭飲食   ( = musen inshoku) eat at a restaurant and leave without paying.

•お金を使う  ( = okane wo tsukau) to spend money

Ex. 彼女はブランド用品を買うのに湯水の様にお金を使う。
 = Kanojo wa burando youhin wo kau noni yumizu no you ni okane  wo tsukau.
She splurges money for brand-name items.
Note: 湯水の様に ( = yumizu no youni)  like hot water spend money like water
お金の使い道  ( = okane no tsukaimichi)  The way you spend money

現金   ( = genkin) cash

小銭   ( = kozeni) small change

Ex.  (小銭に)崩して下さい。

= kozeni ni kuzushite kudasai.

Could you break this?

硬貨  ( = kouka) coin

コイン  ( = koin) coin

5(五)円玉  ( = goen dama)  5 yen coin  10(十)円玉  ( = juuen dama) 10 yen coin  / 50(五十)円玉  ( = gojuuen dama)  50 yen coin /100(百)円玉  ( = hyakuen dama)  100 yen coin 500(五百)円玉  ( = gohyakuen dama) 500 yen coin

Also you can call the coins as  〜円硬貨 ( = en kouka) or コイン ( = koin)

(お)札  ( = (o)satsu) bill

千円札  ( = sen en satsu)  1000 yen bill /1万円札   ( = ichiman en satsu) 10,000 yen bill

札束  ( = satsutaba)  a wad of bills

ピン札  ( = pinsatsu)  crisp banknotes, a brand new bill without wrinkles

(We have to use ピン札 ( = pinnsatu) to use as a gift money for happy occasions.)

• はした金 ( = hashistagane) chicken feed

• 大金  ( = taikin)  lots of money

Ex.  株で儲けて大金を手にする。

 = Kabu de moukete taikin wo te ni suru.

To make lots of money in the stock market.

資金  ( = shikin)  funds

Ex. その政治家は資金集めで苦労している。

 = Sono seijika wa shikin atsume de kurou shiteiru.

The politician has been suffering from fundraising.

お金を貯める  ( = okane wo tameru) to save money

あの人は相当  (or しこたま*)お金を貯めているという噂だ。

= Ano hito wa soutou (or shikotama) okane wo tamete iru toiu uwasa da.

=They say he has hoarded up money.

(Note: しこたま= shikotama = casual/slightly negative

貯金  ( = chokin) savings

貯金をする ( = chokin wo suru) to save money
Ex. マギーはコツコツ貯金をしている。
= Maggie wa kotsukotsu chokin wo shiteiru.
Maggie is scrimping and saving.
Ex. 貯金が底をつく。
 = chokin ga soko wo tuku.
Run out of savings (literally: to hit the bottom of your savings)
🔸Bank related words :
• 銀行 ( = ginkou) bank
• 銀行預金  ( = ginkou yokin) bank savings
• 預金する ( = yokin suru)  to deposit money
• 通帳  ( = tsuuchou) 預金通帳  ( = yokin tsuuchou) bank book
• 預金口座  ( = yokin kouza)  銀行口座  ( = ginkou kouza)  bank account
• 口座番号 ( = kouza bangou) account number
• 普通預金 ( = futsuu yokin) ordinary account
• 当座預金  ( = touza yokin) account current
• 支店番号  ( = shiten bangou) branch number
• キャッシュカード  ( = kyasshu kaado) cash card
(銀行)振込  ( = ginkou furikomi) bank transfer
verb :振込みする ( = furikomi suru)  to transfer money
• 引き出し ( = hikidashi)  withdrawing money
verb :引き出しする ( = hikidashi suru) to withdraw money
• 引き落とし  ( = hikiotoshi) withdrawing money
verb :引き落としする ( = hikiotoshi suru) to withdraw money
• 利子 ( = rishi)  interest
Ex. 利子がつく ( = rishi ga tsuku)  to earn interest
• 利率   ( = riritsu) interest rate
• 手数料  (  =  tesuuryou) commission
🔸 Cultural note : 
How to hand out money as a gift to people:
It is considered to be rude to hand out gift money without putting it in the envelope in Japan.
That is called 裸銭   ( = hadaka sen).
裸  ( = hadaka) means naked, bare or raw.  So 裸銭  ( = hadaka sen) means “bare money” which is not in an envelope.
So when you hand out money without envelope, we apologize saying,
 = Hadakasen de gomennasai
I am sorry that I didn’t put this money in the envelope.
or simply
=(Kore)Hadaka de gomennasai.
= Mukidashi de gomennasai
=Sorry that I am exposing this money.
We have a custom of giving money gift in certain situations. And each situation has an appropriate envelope to put money in :
お年玉 ( = otoshidama)   New Years gift money for kids
ポチ袋 ( = pochi bukuro)    Check our New Year’s Lesson!
お見舞い ( = omimai) get well money
You can use a simple white envelope and write down お見舞い  ( = omimai) on it.
お祝い ( = oiwai) for celebration
祝儀袋  ( = shuugi bukuro) or のし袋   ( = noshibukuro) for happy occasions with red and white or gold string ornaments
水引 mizuhiki )

You have to write these↓ down on the envelope with your name. :u:
Ex. 結婚祝い  ( = kekkon iwai) money as a wedding gift新築祝い ( = shinchiku iwai) housewarming gift, 御出産祝い ( = shussan iwai) baby gifts etc.
御礼 ( = orei) to show your appreciation
お香典  ( = okouden) condolence money for a funeral
香典袋( = kouden bukuro) with black and white string ornaments.
You can buy these special envelopes at a stationery store or even at a convenience store.
One last thing!
🔸How to receive money gift in an envelope :

It is considered to be very rude to open up gift money in front of the person who has just given it to you. As I mentioned before it is also impolite to unwrap a gift that someone brings you as soon as you receive it in a formal situation. So if you receive it, just say thank you with appreciation and put it aside carefully.


frenchbulldog マギー先生より  = Maggie-sensei yori =  From Maggie-sensei


= Nihon no ginkou wa rishi ga tottemo hikuino.

The bank interest rates are very low in Japan.


= Dare ka watashi no taisetu hyakuen wo yonhyaku paasento no riritsu de ichinen azukatte kurenai ?

=Anybody wants to keep my precious 100 yen(=$1.00) for a year at 400% interest?




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  1. If you are still around to answer questions…
    How would you say “I think I am all paid up.” as in “I don’t think I owe any more money.” Is there a Japanese equivalent of “paid up” or “caught up”? Also, I assume (like in English), it would be different for a bank/business to tell you, “You are paid in full.”

    Thanks in advance, I am having a hard time looking this one up.

    1. Hello Christopher

      Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation.
      paid up in Japanese is 支払いが済む= しはらいがすむ= shiharai ga sumu / noun form 支払済 しはらいずみ shiharaizumi
      I think I am all paid up = もう支払いは済んでいると思います。= Mou shiharai wa sunde iru to omoimasu.
      You are paid in full. 全額支払っています。( zengaku shiharatte imasu.) /全額支払い済みです。(Zengaku shiharaizumi desu.)

      1. 人々は忙しくなって、それは大丈夫ですです。

  2. @Maggi-sensei:
    How do I say “Money can buy anything, even happiness” in Japanese?
    Is there any idiom that reflects this kind of sentiment/nuance in Japanese?

    1. @John

      Hi John,
      You can say “愛があればなんでも買える。幸せさえも。”
      It is not an idiom but the the common phrase we have has an opposite idea.
      愛でお金は買えない。= You can’t buy love with money.

  3. Maggie, thanks a lot for your lessons.

    I have a question. Are 利子, 利息 and 金利 synonyms?

    1. @Jane

      Hi Jane!
      They are all “interest” in English and some Japanese don’t distinguish them but to be more specific,
      利子 : interest for your 預金 = bank saving、
      利息 : interest for 借入金 貸付金、debt, loan、
      金利 : interest rate for your loan, or saving

  4. hehe sensei you should teach that too! sensei is so wise ne :)
    what all countries have you visited? I love travelling!!!

    1. @Aki

      I love traveling,too!
      I have been to Holland, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the US, Purto Rico, Australia, Hong Kong.
      There are so many countries I have never visited in the world…but I tend to go to the same place again and again.

      1. wow, that’s awesome!!! out of all those any favorites? or favorite new food you got to try or something?^^

        you know sensei I am not jealous that you’ve been to any of those… I am just jealous that you live in Japan !! いいな。。。>。< (笑)

        1. @Aki

          Haha, I knew you would say that! You would like to go to a country where 亀 lives!
          My favorite place is Hawaii no matter what!

  5. so 小銭 includes 5 yen 20 yen 50 yen coins??
    I hate small change -.- like pennys here! they are absolutely worthless and you will probably lose them…. and yeah I know we have a saying “a penny saved is a penny earned” but still…
    Maggie sensei, what do you you think of small change? めんどくさいな? :)

    1. @Aki
      小銭 includes 5 yen 20 yen 50 yen or even 100 yen coins.
      Yes! I agree! It’s めんどくさい!We have a saying, 一円を笑うものは一円に泣く,too.
      Actually I am very good at getting rid of all the coins when I go traveling abroad, though… It is like a game for me.

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