学校 ( = gakkou) : School related Japanese



=Nanka (or Nanika) monku arimasu ka?

“Any objection?” 

I think many of you have taken Japanese or other language classes. Perhaps some of you have had experiences teaching English or other languages in Japan.

But I, Maggie-sensei, am your teacher here!! So please respect me!

So today we’ll learn about school related Japanese vocabulary.


学校  (  = gakkou) school

語学学校 ( = gogaku gakkou) language school

cf. 英会話スクール ( = eikaiwa sukuuru) English school

専門学校  ( = senmon gakkou) professional training/ career college

Ex. 私は、語学学校に通っています。

= Watashi wa gogaku gakkou ni kayotte imasu.

I go to a language school.

:rrrr: 通う ( = kayou) = 通学(する) ( = tsuugaku suru) = go to school, to commute

保育園   ( = hoikuen) nursery school

幼稚園  ( = youchien) kindergarten

小学校  ( = shougakkou) elementary school

中学校  ( = chuugakkou) junior high school

高校  ( = koukou) high school

大学  ( = daigaku) university

短期大学  ( = tanki daigaku) junior colldege, 2 year colldege

short form 短大  ( = tandai)

4年制大学  ( = yonensei daigaku) 4 year colldege, university

大学院  ( = daigakuin) graduate school


学位  ( = gakui) diploma

学士  ( = gakushi) bachelor

学士号  ( = gakushi gou) bachelor degree

修士  ( = shuushi) master

修士号  ( = shuushi gou) master degree

修士号を取る  ( = shuushi gou wo toru.) to get a master degree

博士号  ( = hakase gou) Doctor of Philosophy degree

:mm: Note: Japanese education system:

義務教育 ( = gimu kyouiku) compulsory education :

:rrrr: 9 years (elementary and junior high school)

→• 6 years in elementary school (from age 6 to 12 years)

→• 3 years in junior high school (from age 13 to 15 years)


• 3 years in high school (from age 16 to 18)


• 2 years in junior college or

• 4 years in university

予備校  ( = yobikou) cram school for university

塾  ( = juku)(学習塾  =gakushuu juku)cram school

公立  ( = kouritsu) public

Ex.立高校  ( = kouritsu koukou) public high school

私立  ( = shiritsu/watakushiritsu) private

男女共学  ( = danjo kyougaku) co-education or 共学 ( = kyougaku)

男子校 ( = danshikou) boy’s school

• 女子校 ( = joshikou) girl’s school

中高一貫教育  ( = chuukou ikkan kyouiku) unified school programs(continuous study from junior high school to high school)

教育  ( = kyoiku) education

語学教育  ( = gogaku kyouiku) language education

幼児教育  ( = youji kyouiku) child education


先生 ( = sensei)  teacher

Note 1): We always address teachers with their name +  先生.

Ex. マギー先生 ( = Maggie sensei) They never call teacher with さん( = san)like マギーさん ( = Maggie san) “Miss Maggie”)

Also some other occupations could be called 先生  ( = sensei) such as doctors, lawyers, politicians,novelists and artists, etc.

Note 2): If you are a techer, you are not supposed to address yourself to others ” 先生” because the word sensei has feeling of respect and we don’t use honorific expression for yourself. So you say or you write in a document 教師 ( = kyoushi) instead of 先生 for your occupation. But we do hear in daily conversation people addressing yourself 先生.

(Ex. If you deal with children, you call yourself, your name+ 先生

担任 ( = tannin) teacher in charge/homeroom teacher

←担任の先生 ( = tannin no sensei) homeroom teacher

教授  ( = kyouju) professor

助教授  ( = jokyouju) associate (assistant) professor

講師  ( = koushi) an instructor

校長(先生) ( = kouchou (sensei))  principal

教頭(先生)(=kyoutou (sensei)) vice principal

学長  ( = gakuchou) president of the university

学部長  ( = gakubuchou) dean


学生  ( = gakusei) student

生徒  ( = seito) student

小学生  ( = shougaku sei) elementary school student

中学生   ( = chuugaku sei) junior high school student

高校生  ( = koukou sei) high school student

大学生  ( = daigaku sei) university student

大学院生 ( = daigakuin sei) graduate school student

予備校生 ( = yobikou sei) preparatory school student

塾生 ( = juku sei) cram school student

1年生 ( = ichi nen sei) first year grade, first-year student, freshman

2年生  ( = ni nen sei) second grader, second-year student, sophomore


 = kare wa koukou ni nen sei desu.

 “He is a second-grader in high school.”

3年生  ( = san nen sei) third grader, third-year student, junior

4年生  ( = yo nen sei) fourth grader, fourth-year student, senior

留年 ( = ryuunen) to repeat a year (the same grade)

留年する ( = ryuunen suru)

浪人生 ( = rounin sei) a student who failed an entrance examination for university

浪人 ( = rounin) originally a samurai who doesn’t have their masters and wander around, now refers to students between high school and university — who are studying in order to pass university exams.

Ex. 彼の息子は浪人している。( = kare no musuko wa rounin shiteiru.)

一浪 ( = ichi rou) first year after you failed2浪 ( = ni rou) 2nd years after you failed..

Ex.一浪する。( =  ich rou suru.)

クラスメート ( = kurasu meeto) classmate

同級生 ( = doukyuu sei) classmate

先輩  ( = senpai) senior, It refers to an older grade student

後輩  ( = kouhai) junior It refers to an younger grade student

Cultural note: Traditionally they have to show respect to older people in Japan. They have built this senpai-kouhai (superior-inferior, older-younger) relations in schools, companies and society in Japan. Sometimes it is very strict especially in sports clubs in schools. Kouhai (juniors) have to obey their senpai, seniors.

<To enter or graduate from a school>

入学  ( = nyuugaku) entrance、enter a school

卒業  ( = sotsugyou) graduate


= Maggie wa “Wanwan shougakkou” wo yatto sotsugyou shita

“Maggie finally graduated “bowwow elementary school.”

入学式  ( = nyuugaku shiki) entrance ceremony

卒業式  ( = sotsugyou shiki) graduation ceremony

Culture note :
In Japan, they sing as graduation songs, 「蛍の光」( = Hotaru no hikari) (“Auld Lang Syne”,a Scottish folk song) or 「仰げば尊し 」( = Aogeba toutoshi, which shows gratitude and respect to your teachers.) in graduation ceremonies.
They also play 「蛍の光」( = Hotaru no hikari) (“Auld Lang Syne” ) when they close department stores.

大学卒  ( = daigaku sotsu) college graduate

高卒  ( = kousotsu) high school graduate


= Kanojo wa kousotsu da.

=  She is high school graduate.

中卒   ( = chuusotsu)  junior-high graduate
首席  ( = shuseki)  summa cum laude、top of the class

Ex. 首席で卒業する 

 = shuseki de sotsugyou suru.

to graduate summa cum laude

Ex. 彼は〜大学を優秀な成績で卒業しました。

=Kare wa ~ daigaku wo yuushuu na seiseki de sotsugyou shimashita.

He graduated ~ University with excellent grades.


教室  ( = kyoushitsu) classroom

黒板  ( = kokuban) black board

ホワイトボード  ( = howaito boodo) white board


机  ( = tsukue) desk

椅子  ( = isu) chair

ロッカー  ( = rokkaa) locker

クラス  ( = kurasu) class

レッスン  ( = ressun) lesson


• 科目 ( = kamoku) <Subjects>

国語  ( = kokugo) Japanese study

算数  ( = sansuu) arithmetic

数学  ( = suugaku) math

理科  ( = rika) science

化学  ( = kagaku) chemistry

科学  ( = kagaku) science

社会科  ( = shakaika) social studies

体育  ( = taiiku) gymnastics


ゼミ  ( = zemi) seminar (Usually you have to make a group under a professor to study or research something in University.

専攻  ( = senkou) major


= Senkou wa nan desu ka?

“What is your major?”

学部  ( = gakubu) faculty, department

Ex. 文学部  ( = bungakubu)faculty of letters

Ex. 医学部  ( = igakubu)faculty of medicine

Ex. 法学部  ( = hougakubu)faculty of law

Ex. 経営部  ( = keieigakubu) faculty of business administration

文系  ( = bunkei) humanities

理系 ( = rikei) science course

Ex. 彼は理系だ。

= Kare wa rikei da

 He is in the science ( and engineering) majors

<School events>

遠足  ( = ensoku) excursion

修学旅行  ( = shuugaku ryokou) school trip

運動会  ( = undoukai) athletics meets, sports festival

体育祭  ( = taiku sai) athletics meets, sports festival

学芸会  ( = gakugeikai) school play

文化祭 ( = bunka sai) cultural festival

大学祭  ( = daigaku sai)(学祭 =gakusai)school festivals in university

研修旅行  ( = kenshuu ryokou) study/research tour

父兄参観日  ( = fukei sankan bi) the day when parents can observe the class.

給食  ( = kyuushoku) school lunch (Mainly for elementary school.)

学食 ( = gakushoku) school cafeteria

:mm: Cultural note:

In Japanese schools (besides universities and cram schools), usually students stand up, bow and sit down beginning of the class all together for .
A student on a daily duty is called 日直 ( = nicchoku) and he/she say the followings:

「起立( = kiritsu) “All rise!”

(  =rei) “Bow!”

着席( = chakuseki) “Sit down!”


= Chakuseki shite kudasai.-

=  “Please sit down!”

放課 ( = houka) break time

放課後 ( = houka go) after school

職員室 ( = shokuin shitsu) teachers’ room

チャイム  ( = chaimu) bell

Ex.チャイムが鳴る ( = chaimu) ring the bell

(In many Japanese schools, when class starts or ends, you hear the bell.)


成績  ( = seiseki) grades

Ex.よい成績を取る ( = yoi seiseki wo toru) to get a good grade

Ex.成績が悪い  ( = seiseki ga warui) bad grade

オール5 ( = ooru go) A+

(Note: 5 is the best grade in Japanese elementary school.)

A+ = エープラ ( = ei purasu or ei pura)


 •試験  ( = shiken) exams

テスト  ( = tesuto) test

期末テスト  ( = kimatsu tesuto) end-of-term exam

中間テスト  ( = chuukan tesuto) mid-term exam

小テスト  ( = shou tesuto) quiz

抜き打ちテスト  ( = nukiuchi tesuto) pop quiz

追試  ( = tsuishi) make-up exam

入学試験  ( = nyuugaku shiken)(入試 = nyuushi short form

卒業試験  ( = sotugyou shiken) graduation exam

受験する  ( = juken suru) to take an (entrance) exam.

受験勉強  ( = juken benkyou) studying for entrance exam.

受験戦争  ( = juken sensou) entrance exam war、 race

受験地獄 ( = juken zikoku) examination hell

:jjj: Cultural note:

The competicion for entrance exams has been very severe in Japan. If you get in a good high school, there is more chance to get in a good university and get a good job in future. It has spreaded to even preschool ages. 「お受験」( =ojuken) is a word for those children who are forced to take an entrance exams for a good elementary school. There is a special school for those lower aged children to pass the exam and they teach social manners and specific knowledges to get in a good elementary schools.

合格  ( = goukaku) to pass (the exam)

合格する  ( = goukaku suru) to pass (the exam)

受かる  ( = ukaru) to pass

有名高校に受かった。 ( = Yuumei koukou ni ukatta.) “I have passed a famous high school.”

Also パスする ( = pasu suru) to pass

試験にパスする  ( = Shiken ni pasu suru.) to pass the exam.

不合格  ( = fugoukaku) to fail

落ちる  ( = ochiru) to fail

Ex. 試験に落ちる  ( = shiken ni ochiru) to fail the exam.

単位  ( = tan-i) credit

Ex. 単位を取る  ( = tan-i wo toru) to get courses credit

Ex. 単位が足らない  ( = tan-i ga tarinai) not earn sufficient credits

Ex. 単位を落とす  ( = tan-i wo otosu) to fail a class


レポート  ( = repooto) report 

作文  ( = sakubun) composition

論文  ( = ronbun) thesis

卒業論文  ( = sotsugyou ronbun) graduation thesis

宿題  ( = shukudai) homework

予習  ( = yoshuu) prep

復習  ( = fukushuu) review

研究  ( = kenkyuu) study, research

研究する  ( = kenkyuu suru) to study, to research

リサーチ  ( = resaachi) research


出席する  ( = shusseki suru) to attend 

欠席する  ( = kesseki suru) to be absent

ずる休み  ( = zuru yasumi) play hooky

:mm: Useful sentences for teachers!


=”Saa, kyou no ressun wo hajimemashou.”

= “OK, let’s start today’s lesson”


=”Soredewa shusseki wo torimasu.

= “OK, I’ll have a roll call.”


=~san wa kyou wa kesseki desu ka?


= Oyasumi desu ka?

Is ~ absent today?”


= Purinto wo kubari masu.

= “I’ll pass out the handouts!”


= Kurikaeshite itte kudasai.

= “Please repeat!”


= Ato ni tsuite itte kudasai.

= “Repeat after me!”


= ~ wa nihongo (~ go) de nanto iimasu ka?

= “How do you say ~ in Japanese (other language)?”

:rrrr: 言語  = gengo) language(s)

~( = ~go) language

フランス語  ( = furansu go) Frenchスペイン語  ( = supein go) Spanish語  ( = eigo) English中国語  ( = chuugoku go) Chinese韓国 ( = kankokugo) Koreanオランダ語 =oranda go) Dutchドイツ( = doitsu go)German


= Atte imasu.

= “It’s correct.”


= Machigatte imasu.

= “It’s not correct.”


= Mite kudasai.

= ”Please look!”


= Kiite kudasai.

= “Please listen!”


= Itte kudasai.

= “Please say/speak”


= Yonde kudasai.

= “Please read!”


= Shikkari benkyou shitekite kudasai.

= “Please study hard!”


= Mou sukoshi ookina koe de itte kudasai.

= “Please speak a bit louder.”


= Hakkiri hatsuon shite kudasai.”

= “Please pronounce clearly.” “Please enunciate!”


= Kanarazu fukushuu wo shitekite kudasai.

= “Please be sure to review!”


= Shukudai wa sanjuu yon peiji wo yatte kite kudasai.

= Please study p.34 for homework.”


= Nani ka shitsumon wa arimasuka?) (arimasenka?)

= “Do you have any questions?”


= Senshuu no tokoro de nanika shitsumon wa arimasenka?)

= “Do you have any questions about last week class?”


= Kore de owari masu.)

= “Let’s finish here.”

:w: Useful phrases for students:

遅刻 ( = chikoku) to be late


= Chikoku shite sumimasen.

= “I am sorry I am late.”

早退(=soutai) to leave early


= “Kyou wa soutai sasete kudasai.

= “Please let me leave early today.”


= Tsuzuri (or superu) ga chigatte imasu.

= “The spelling is wrong.”


= Tsuzuri (or superu) wo oshiete kudasai.)

= “Please tell me how to spell ~.”


= Tsuzuri (or superu) wa dou kakeba ii desu ka?

= “How do you spell ~?”


= ~ wa douiu imi desu ka?

= 〜はどういう意味か、教えて頂けますでしょうか? more polite

= ~ wa douiu imi ka oshiete itadakemasu de shouka?

= “What does ~ mean?” (“Could you tell me the meaning of ~, please?”)


= ~ no imi wo oshiete kudasai.

= 〜の意味を教えて頂けますでしょうか? more polite

= ~no imi wo oshiete itadakemasu de shouka?

“Please give me the meaning of ~. ” (“Could you~ tell me the meaning of ~, please?”)


= ~ni tsuite oshiete kudasai.

•〜について教えて頂けますでしょうか?)more polite

= ~ni tsuite oshiete itadakemasu deshouka?

“Please teach me about ~” (“Could you~”)


= Konshuu no shukudai wa nan desu ka?

=“What is this week homework?”


= Dokokara dokomade ga shukudai de shou ka?

= “From where to where is our homework?

= Sumimasen. Shukudai wo wasure mashita.

= “Excuse me. I forgot my homework.”


= Nouto wo wasure mashita.

= “I left /forgot my note book”


= Sensei, shitsumon ga arimasu

= “Mr. /Ms. ~, I have a question! “


= Shitumon shitemo iidesu ka?

= “Can I ask you a question? “


= Shitsumon shitemo yoroshii deshou ka?

= “May I ask you a question?”


= Hatsuon wo mou ichido oshiete kudasai.

= “Please teach me/us the pronunciation again.”


= ~ no imi ga wakarimasen.

= “I don’t understand the meaning of ~ “


= Sumimasen,. Mattaku wakarimasen. Mou ichido oshiete itadakemasu ka?

”Excuse me. I don’t understand at all. Could you teach me again?”

:maggie-small: says in the picture above:


= Nanka (or Nanika) monku arimasu ka?

=  “Any objection?” “Any complaints?” ” Do you have something to say?”

文句 = monku) complaints

Ex. 文句がある。( =Monku ga aru.) I have a bone to pick.

Ex. 彼女はいつも文句ばかり言っている。

 = Kanojo wa itsumo monku bakari itte iru.

She is always complaining (bitching).

frenchbulldog Maggie先生より  =Maggie sensei yori =  From Maggie-sensei



= Soredewa kyou no ressun wa kore de owarimasu. Nanika shitsumon wa arimasen ka?

Eh? Maggie sensei wa nande sonnani utsukushii no desu ka tte? Sore wa jibun demo wakarimasen. Shizen ni kou nan desu.

=OK, we will finish today’s lesson now. Any questions? What? How come Maggie-sensei is so beautiful? Well, I don’t know the answer myself. That’s the way I am….


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  1. Maggie-先生、こんにちは。

    I am trying to translate the following:
    “Due to absences in our student’s group (ゼミ), I could not deliver our research paper earlier.”

    My try:

    I have problems with: “some absences in our student’s group”.
    Is it colloquial to say it so: 『同級生のゼミ欠勤に付』, in Japanese? :-s

    I didn’t mention “our” in Japanese, as it is obivious that I am talking about our study group. ;-)

    Thank you so much | どうもありがとうございます m(_ _)m

    1. Hi アレックス

      * 付き is usually used in written form and it is too formal. I would use ために・ので

      * 欠勤 is for work.
      欠席 is for missing the classes.

      * deliver → You mean “to submit”?
      If so, ⇨提出

      *some absences in our student’s group
      You wanted to say a few students were absent?
      同級生 is classmate.
      ゼミ生 a student who belonged to a seminar but you belong to the same seminar, you can say for example

      ゼミで欠席者*が数名いた為(or ので) 、研究論文を提出するのに時間がかかってしまいました。
      (or 欠席する人が)
      If you couldn’t make it time to the fixed date

  2. Hello ~
    It’s the first time I write a comment, and want to say that I really love your work and blog. ♡
    Also I want to ask if you can do one post about 数学, how to pronounce it because so far I didn’t find much info.
    About add, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimal point.
    Thank you so much!
    Take care.

    1. Hello Ana,
      I made a mini lesson on Twitter/Facebook or Pateron but I haven’t posted it here.
      Since I can’t give you a link here (I don’t remember when I posted..) here is the basic vocabulary.

      * 計算 = けいさん = keisan = calculation
      * 足し算 = たしざん = tashizan = addition
      → 1 + 2 = 3
      = 1 足す 2 は、3 = いちたすには、さん
      = ichi tasu ni wa san 
      * 引き算 = ひきざん = hikizan = subtraction
      → 4 – 3 = 1
      = 4 引く 3 は、1 = よんひくさんは、いち
      = yon hiku san wa ichi
      * 割り算 = わりざん= warizan = division 
      → 6 ÷ 2 = 3
      = 6 割る 2 は、3 = ろくわるには、さん
      = roku waru ni wa san
      * 掛け算 = かけざん = kakezan = multiplication 
      → 2 x 3 = 6
      = 2 掛ける 3 は、6 = にかけるさんは、ろく
      = ni kakeru san wa roku 

      分数=ぶんすう=bunsuu = fraction

  3. Maggie 先生,
    When students walk into the 職員室, WHAT do they say?
    1.) 失礼します
    2.) 名前 & 何年ー何組
    3.) something ???????? 先生の名前お願いします.

    Everyday, week after week, I hear the same thing but I canNOT understand the 3rd sentence *cry* I’ve asked my Japanese friends and they have NO idea what I’m talking about or can’t remember it…. I’ve heard this thousands of times but still cannot hear it…..

    To me, it sounds like… “だれ-だれ先生, いいよっがてきました”? But those are not words hahahaha….
    I already know: “だれ-だれ先生,いらっしゃいますか?” but they are saying something different….

    Please help!
    Thank you so much <3


    1. Hi Ali,

      So they are not saying,
      (name)先生いらっしゃいますか? huh?

      Guessing from the few words that you heard, I will give you two possibilities.

      1) 〜先生に用があってきました。
      = 〜Sensei ni you ga atte kimashita.
      (I am here to talk to ~ sensei.)
      用がある I have things to talk to ~

      If not 1)
      2) ~~先生に呼ばれてきました。
      = ~ Sensei ni yobarete kimashita.
      = ~ Sensei told me to come here.) 
      呼ばれて is a passive form of 呼ぶ (よぶ)to call

      I assume they are saying 1). Listen to them carefully again and let me know.

      1. マギー先生,
        You’re absolutely right! “sensei ni you ga atte kimashita” <– this must be what they're saying!
        I listened to them SUPER closely today at school (haha) And I could hear "~YOU GA atte kimashita"this time!!!

        It makes total sense now! :D After all these years, the mystery is finally solved THANKS TO YOU!
        I can't thank you enough D,x You're the BEST!

        1. Hi Ali,

          Oh great!!! Problem solved!
          Now you can use the word 用(よう)
          Ex. When someone asks you to do something together and you are busy,

          = Sumimasen, sono hi wa chotto you ga arimasu.
          = Sorry. I already have plans that day.


  4. Hi Maggie sensei!, please help me. How should I say this in japanese ” Igraduated in ~~university major in finance and pursue another units for teaching program ” arigatou gozaimasu sensei!

    1. Hi May

      check my job hunting lesson. Click here

      I don’t do the translation in the comment section but
      The basic pattern is
      university name 大学(department name 学部)卒業 (graduated)
      university name 大学(department name 学部) 専攻:+ what you majored in 卒業 (graduated)
      * additional information in your case→pursue another units for teaching program 
      Maybe the system is different but →Does that mean you have a teacher’s license?

      1. We need another 18 units (if your not a 4 yr graduate of education) that covers all the major subjects of teaching for us to qualify in taking licensure exam in teacher. It is actually” certificate in teaching program”. Sumimasen sensei, im not good in english >.< Anyways, thank you very much for prompt response. You are an angel 😇 i'll check the link about job hunting . ありがとうございます😊😊😊

  5. Hi Maggie Sensei!
    I was wondering how you would say girl’s school, boy’s school and coeducational school.

    1. Hi Naomi

      Coeducation is as I wrote in the lesson
      男女共学 = だんじょきょうがく= danjo kyougaku or simply 共学 = きょうがく = kyougaku = coeducation

      I will add the following two. :)
      女子校 = じょしこう = joshikou = girl’s school
      男子校 = だんしこう = danshikou = boy’s school

  6. Hello Maggie-sensei! 質問があります!

    How do I tell someone what subject(s) I studied in college? Specifically, I majored in Math Education (how to teach math effectively to young students).

  7. Hi Maggie sensei,
    How do you Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4, Period 5, Period 6.

    1. 1st period = 一時間目 = いちじかんめ = ichijikan me
      2nd period = 二時間目 = にじかんめ = nijikan me

      So number + 時間目= じかんめ = jikan me

      1. Konichiwa Maggie Sensei!

        I’ve actually been dying to know how you say things in Japanese like “Class 1-2” and “1st Years”, but I haven’t been able to find any reliable sources. Tasketekudasai!

        1. @Caity

          Konnichiwa, Caity
          1st year is as I wrote in the lesson, you say 一年生(いちねんせい)
          Class 1 is 一組(いちくみ)Class 2 二組(にくみ)
          Class 1 of first year is 一年一組 = 1年2組 = いちねんにくみ= ichinen nikumi

  8. Konichwa miss maggie,

    I am a uni student in Brisbane and find there are quite a lot of Japanese students here as well, most of them speak English but some do not.
    Unfortunately when everyone is in the library studying for exams and tests sometimes people forget how loud they are being. It’s easy to remind the English speaking students though not so easy to remind the Japanese speaking students that don’t speak all that much English.
    I was wondering if you would be able to help me out with some very polite ways of asking if the girls would please be able to speak a little bit quieter because I am trying to study.
    I am asking you because I do not want to google translate something as it could come across as rude and I do not wish to be rude in any way! Any other helpful things to say in this situation would be much appreciated as well.
    Domo arigatou!

    1. @Holly

      Hello, Holly

      I am very sorry to hear the Japanese students are too loud.
      Please be able to speak a little bit quieter because I am trying to study.
      = Benkyou shitai node mou sukoshi shizuka ni shite itadakemasu ka?

      You can add すみません ( = sumimasen) / ごめんなさい( = gomennasai) when you talk to them.

      Hope they get quieter.

  9. Konnichiwa Maggie sensei. Thnak you for the lesson. Just want to clarify the usage of gakusei and seito, since both refer to students; as well as sensei and kyoushi. Is kyoushi only used to refer to your profession as a teacher and not in any other situations ?

    Domo arigatou !

    1. @Mike

      OK, to be more precise, 学生 is used to refer to college students and 生徒 is for younger students who go to junior high and high school, private institutes.
      教師 is usually for teachers who work for school besides 家庭教師(=katei kyoushi) home tutors. 先生 is a more general word for people who teach things.

  10. Can’t use katakana on my keyboard for some reason, but this is /the/ Hari-chan.

    I had a question. In my school, every year they group us up and have us make dance routines. There’s a girl who just transferred from Japan last year and, while I’ve introduced myself, she doesn’t really speak much (but nods or shakes her head) when I say something in Japanese, so I don’t really know how to address her…

    Gah, I got off track! Anyway, I wanted to know how I could either explain the dances better (like, “quickly slide back” or “turn to the left”) or ask if she has any ideas. Le help?

    1. @Hari-chan

      It is very nice of you to try to communicate with the Japanese girl in Japanese. I bet she is very happy even if she is not that communicative.
      Eventually she will get used to the school and opens up more.
      Actually when you teach someone dancing, you just show the movement but here are some example sentences that you may use

      こうして!Do like this
      こうやって動(うご)いて!Move like this
      わかる? Do you understand?
      右(みぎ)に動(うご)いて Move towards right
      左(ひだり)に動いて Move towards left
      右(みぎ)にターンして Turn right
      左ひだりにターンして Turn left
      もっと早(はや)く Do it more quickly
      もっと遅(おそ)く Do it more slowly
      手(て)をこうやって動かして = Move your hands like this

      1. Thank you! I actually tried this– and I guess I said everything right, ’cause she got the steps. Again, arigatou!

  11. Thanks for the lesson. I watched gokusen!! Great drama. If im not mistaken i didn’t watch the gokusen 1 but i watched the other 2 (kamenashi kazuya’s and haruma miura’s). I love gouksen 3 more :)
    Haven’t have the chance to watch gokusen the movie yet.

    1. @アリナ

      There are a lot of school related TV dramas but gokusen is one of most popular dramas. It is fun to learn Japanese through TV dramas!

  12. O.O I am so glad that I found this web site! I’ve been wanting to learn Japanese for 10 years, (And to think, I’m only 17 xD) but there aren’t any places around my home to learn it, or any people who speak it… I have a feeling your site will help me out while I wait for college~

    If you don’t mind, I do have one question Maggie sensei. How would a teacher say “listen!”? You know, like if some kid was trying to ask a question and kept rambling on (like me xD) and the sensei finally snapped and said “listen!” or “listen to me!”. I don’t know any command tense xD

    1. @Angie,

      I am so glad that you found this site,too!
      As for your questions, the verb “to listen” is 聞く=kiku. So the command form is 聞いて!=kiite or 聞いて下さい。(=kiite kudasai) (polite) and if it is very strong command 聞け=kike! (mainly used by male teachers)
      So “Listen to me!” is “先生(or 私)の言うことを聞きなさい!or 聞け!”(=Sensei (or watashi) no iu koto wo kikinasai or kike!) : Some Japanese teachers call themselves, “sensei” .
      we usually say 静かに(して)!(=Shizukani(shite))! or 静かにしなさい!(=Shizuka ni shinasai!)=Be quiet!/Shut up!= instead of saying Listen!.

      FYI here are some rules how to make command form.
      *to do : する=suru→して!=shite→して下さい。=shite kudasai →(stronger command for men) しろ!=shiro!
      *to talk : 話す=hanasu→話して!=hanashite→話して下さい。=Hanashite kudasai →(stronger command for men) 話せ!=hanase!
      *to look : 見る=miru→見て!=mite→見て下さい。=mite kudasai →(stronger command for men) 見ろ!=miro!
      *to write : 書く=kaku→書いて!=kaite→書いて下さい。=kaite kudasai →(stronger command for men) 書け!=kake!
      and so on.

      Please feel free to ask questions.

  13. OMG. So much useful information. Got my 2 kids in school and I never know what’s going on. This will help me so much to translate their monthly schedules. 3 years in the dark. Cannot wait until August comes to put these words int use.
    Laura T

    1. @Hello, Laura!
      Thank you for visiting! I am glad to hear you can use this lesson! Please do not to hesitate to ask me any questions.

  14. I’m confused… in the romaji is it supposed to say ‘konshuu’?
    今週の宿題は何ですか?」(=Kyou no shukudai wa nan desu ka?) “What is this week homework?”

    thanks for posting these i really enjoy them, esp. when they supplement what i am learning in class, we just learned some of these words so its like extra review for me ^_^

    1. kagami7-san

      Sorry! That was a “うっかり” (=ukkari : careless) typo. (I must have changed the original sentence as always! ) I have fixed it now. Arigatou!
      I am thrilled to hear that you use this site for your additional study.
      学校の勉強もがんばって下さいね!(=Gakkou no benkyou mo ganbatte kudasaine.) Good luck on your study at school as well!

  15. ユカリさん、





    1. Mikaさん、

      ほとんどが分かっている。->ほとんど分かります。is more natural.

      後は完璧!(=Ato wa kanpeki!!) Peeeeerfect!!!すご〜〜〜い!!Mikaさん、やった〜!!

  16. 遅くなくて答えて、すみません!









    1. Mikaさん、
      「たくさんのことを学びました」。or 「習いました。」の方が自然かもしれません。
      それから「習得する」(=shuutoku suru)という言葉もありますよ。

  17. たくさん教えしてくれて、ありがとうございます!

    Hm, I wanted to say “after he’d left the school” but actually, that’s not very accurate, because after his suicide attempt he just didn’t go back there.

    新しく来た先生は。。。 sounds good, I mean, I wanted to say “substitute teacher” but I didn’t know the right word, but 新しく来た “who newly came” is really very close to it, but it’s also a better translation for “new teacher”.
    Yes, that’s what I meant!



    After all, one day I want to be fluent in Japanese \(^_^)/

    1. Mikaさん
      a new teacher is also 新任の先生(=shinnin no sensei)


      ->ドラマの始めに視聴者(or 見ている人は)はどの生徒達が彼をいじめていたか知りません。



  18. 教えてくれて、ありがとう!


    I don’t know how to sum it up better, it’s a very recent drama movie with Abe Hiroshi and Hongo Kanata.
    It was very interesting so I enjoyed watching it ^^

    My Japanese is still kinda bad

    1. Mika-san


        ->一人”の”学生が…or 学生が一人”

      You mean after “he has gone”?  Then you can also say “彼が去った後”(=Kare ga satta ato )
      If you meant “to graduate” ”彼が卒業した後”=Kare ga sotsugyou shita ato ”彼が卒業した後” or “彼の卒業後”(=Kare no sotsugyou go)

        みんなさん->みなさん=皆さん(=Minasan) But we don’t say 皆さん when we describe a story. We say 皆(=mina) without “san”. (Minasan is when you talk to or address a group of people.) I would say 皆は(その or 彼の 自殺のことを)忘れようとしていました。(=Mina wa (sono or kare no jisatsu no kotowo ) wasure you to shite imashita.)

       -> 新しい(or 新しく来た)先生は生徒達に(彼の自殺のことを)忘れて欲しくありません。(でした。)(=”Atarashii (or Atarashiku kita) sennsei wa seitotachi ni (kare no jisatu no koto wo) wasurete hoshiku arimasen.)


  19. How would you say for example “I’m studying medicine.” or “I’m a medicine student.” in Japanese?

    A lot of new vocabulary in this lesson, but highly useful and interesting!

    I saw the ritual of bowing before the beginning of the class in the drama 青い鳥 and I’ve wondered what the 日直 (also didn’t know that word ^^) was saying, so thanks for this cutural information!

    1. Hello Mika-san
      Sorry! I was out of town and I couldn’t answer you back right away.
      OK, let me answer your questions:
      *to study medicine = 医学を勉強する (=igaku wo benkyo suru.)
      *I am studying medicine =私は、医学を勉強しています。(=Watashi wa igaku wo benkyou shiteimaus.)
      And I am a medicine student is,
      私は、医学部の学生です。(Watashi wa igakubu no gakusei desu.)
      *department of pharmacy is 薬学部(=Yakugakubu)
      *department of science and engineering is 理工学部(rikou gakubu)
      *department of literature is 文学部(=Bungakubu)

      Mikaさんの専攻は何? I am very happy to hear this lesson is useful!

  20. hey don’t you also not refer to yourself as 先生 a profession i forgot what you refer to yourself as if you’re talking about what you do for a living…

    1. Hello, drewbningen-san,

      Good point! I didn’t write about this information but if your profession is a teacher, you don’t usually refer yourself as 先生。You address yourself 教師(=kyoushi) becuase “先生” expresses respect and we don’t use honorific expressions to ourselves.

      -ご職業は何ですか?(=Goshokugyou wa nan desu ka?) “What is your occupation?”
      -教師です。(=kyoushi desu.) “A teacher”

      However we do hear people say “学校の先生です。”(=Gakkou no sensei desu.) in our daily conversation.
      I will add this information in the lesson.

  21. Konnichiha Maggie sensei ! Arigatou as always for this lesson ^^ I remember I saw a drama about school in Japan, I remember this very severe teacher, I think her name was Maya sensei but I’m not sure… Well, it reminds me about it ^^;

    Thanks for the vocabulary & useful phrases :)

    1. Laetitita-san,
      The TV drama you saw could be “女王の教室”(=Jouou no kyoushitsu) starring an actress, Miki Maya?
      There are a lot of TV-dramas about school life and those are called “学園ドラマ”(=gakuen dorama). For example, the long run series, 「3年B組金八先生」(=Sannen biigumi kinpachi sensei). Have you seen “ごくせん”(=Gokusen) ? While “女王の教室” was very serious, “ごくせん” is fun!
      If you have a chance, please watch it!

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