= Kaimono ni itte kite kureru?
= Can you go shopping for me?
Sentence Pattern :
→Verb + (し)てきてくれる? ( = ~ (shi) te kite kureru?) = Can you go + ing for me?
When you ask someone to do something for you and come back to you.
(Basic form )
* 買い物に行く
= kaimono ni iku
= to go shopping
= Kaimono ni itte kuru.
= to go shopping
(Simple order)
= Kaimono ni itte kite!
= Go shopping!
:u: Asking someone if they can go shopping for you.
= Kaimono ni itte kite kureru?
= Can you go shopping for me? (and come back)
So when you ask someone to go somewhere to do something for you and you expect them to come back.
Sounds nicer if you add くれる ( = kureru) at the end.
* 見る ( = miru) to see
= Mitekitekureru?
= Can you go check and come back for me?
* 予約をとる
= Yoyaku wo toru
= to make a reservation
= Yoyaku wo totte kite kureru?
= Can you go make a reservation and come back?
Note: polite form :
〜くれますか? ( = Kuremasuka? )
Q: How do you say..”Please go pick up the laundry (and come back)”
Answer : クリーニングを取ってきてくれる?
= Kuriiningu wo totte kite kureru?
(A bit more polite :
= Kuriiningu wo totte kite kuremasuka?
Listening Test!!
Kyou wa risuningu no mini tesuto desu! Onsei wo kiite mondai ni kotaete kudasai ne.
OK, let’s try a mini-listening test! Listen to the sound and answer the questions.
(Please listen!)
Q. 1) どこに友達を買物に行かせましたか?
Doko ni tomodachi wo kaimono ni ikasemasemashitaka?
Where did she send her friend to do her shopping?
2) (友達に)4つのものを頼みましたが、それは何でしょう?
(tomodachi ni) yotsu no mono wo tanomimashita ga sore wa nan de shou?
She asked her friend to buy 4 items. What are they?
(答え)( = kotae) Answers
1. スーパー ( = suupaa) (the supermarket)
2. (1) りんご ( = ringo) (apples)
(2) 牛乳 ( = gyuunyuu) (milk)
(3) 卵 ( = tamago) (eggs)
(4) ドッグフード ( = doggu fuudo) (dog food)
(zenbun) Ima kara suupaa ni itteringo to gyuunyuu to tamago wo katte kite kureru? Sorekara doggu fuudo mo wasurezu ni katte kitene.
(script) Can you go to the supermarket now and buy me an apple (or apples), eggs and don’t forget to buy some dog food!
中級以上 ( = Chuukyuu ijou) Intermediate level
(Please listen!)
= Maggie wa nanto iimashitaka?
= What did she say?
= (Kotae ) 1000 en watashite oku kara otsuri de sukina mono katte iiyo.
= (Answer) I will give you 1000 yen so you can buy anything with the change.
= Minasan zenbu kikitoremashitaka?
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Sensei, I’ve got a question! is this any different than “shite itadakemasen ka?”
This one got me a little bit confused since it seems like both of them are the ways of asking someone for a favor..
Hi Sofia,
First, let’s compare the following examples.
shite kureru? = Can you do ~ for me?
↓ more polite
shite itadakemasuka? = Could you do ~ for me? (polite)
shite kite kureru? = Can you go somewhere and do something for me?
↓ more polite
Shite kite itadakemasu ka? = Could you go somewhere and do something for me?
If you want to learn more about asking for a favor go check this lesson.
Hi! Maggie sensei!
te-form + kureru (or kuru, etc…) can modify a noun? I know that te-form + iru/aru can modify a noun, but… if not, why can not?
Thanks… !happyface! !happyface!
Hi Veron,
Ex. 母が送ってくれたシャツ= The shirt that my mother sent to me.
Ex. いつも友達が貸してくれる自転車が壊れた。= The bicycle that my friend always lends to me got broken.
whoah! Thanks a lot, Maggie sensei! It is much better to study here than in a book… !happyface! !happyface!
One more question…
te-form + kureru (or other) + na-adjective + na + noun…
The te-form and na-adjective modify the noun at the same time?
or the te-form modify the na-adjective and this modify the noun?
Hmm you mean like
The beautiful dress that my mother bought for me.
母が買ってくれた modifies “きれいなドレス”
きれいな modifies ドレス
exactly! I had this doubt, but I do not have it now with your help…
Again, thanks a lot! !BOO!! !BOO!!
OK, problem solved! :)
Hi Maggie-sensei,
I have 3 questions in this topic.
1) 動詞+てくる
The concept of having to explicitly mention doing something and then come back is rather unique for Japanese language. When I first started learning Japanese, I cannot understand the purpose of having to say ‘go do something and come back’. I have also asked Japanese friends but maybe because it is instilled in them since young, it is hard to explain why the need to include てくる. I mean, what is the difference between トイレ二行ってきます and just トイレに行きます?
So I was thinking, whether you could give some scenarios where it is not correct to include てくる? Maybe I can understand it better that way. I also used to think that てくる is for doing something and coming back in a short while; at most within a day (and is that why they always say 行ってきます!?) In that case, is it alright to say 明日日本に行ってきます? I hear my Japanese friends say something like フランスに行ってきました when they came back from abroad. But overseas trip usually last many days and what if one does not yet know when is the time to return?
2) 〜ていく+〜てくる
Another user has posted similar question so I will read your lesson on that and see if I can understand better
3) マギーはなんと言いましたか
I am not sure if you have done any lesson on this but I always have a problem understanding the proper use of 言う. Because sometimes they use 言いました, sometimes 言っていました.
Sorry for the long post.
1) トイレに行ってきます insinuating that the speaker is going to the bathroom and comes back later.
トイレに行きます just means “I am going to the bathroom.”
I am going to Japan tomorrow. (Just focusing on the trip to Japan. )
I am going to Japan tomorrow. (And eventually I will be back)
It doesn’t matter when the speaker is coming back (short time or long period of time) but the both speaker and listener know the speaker is coming back eventually.
2) Yes, I have a lesson so please read it first.
3) The difference between 言いました/ 言った and 言っていました/ 言っていた
They all could be translated as ”said” but it might be easier to think
言いました/ 言った said (in particular moment in the past)
言っていました/ 言っていた was saying/ had been saying / used to say (either the person was usually saying something or even just one time, describing the situation of saying something more vividly.)
こんにちは maggie先生!
This is a great lesson like always.
I have the the following questions:
1. Can you please explain “wasurezu” for me in ” Sorekara doggu fuudo mo wasurezu ni katte kitene.”
and what is the “ni” after “wasurezu”?
2. What is the vocabulary for “beginner level”?
3. what is “watashite”?
Thanks in advance:)
1. ~ずに is one of the lessons that I am working on right now.
忘れずに is the same as 忘れないで = Don’t forget
~ずに〜する = “to do without doing something.”
Ex. 勉強せずに試験を受ける
= to take exams without preparation.
Ex. 朝食を食べずに出かける。
= To go out without having breakfast.
に here has a function of emphasizing.
2. You mean what is the 初級レベル vocabulary? I have several “Super Basic Words” lessons so please go check them.
3. 渡して=watashite = te form of 渡す= to hand out, hand over = to give something to someone
Ahh.. Maggie sensei.. But you didn’t teach how to use wakkate kita…!! It doesn’t make sense to understand (and come back?)…
I googled for some examples and I think it means “are you beginning to understand?” Am I right..?
わかってくる = to come to understand, getting understand
〜てっくる is different from ~してきてくれる
Check this lesson. 〜てくる&〜ていく
チェックを しました。 「~てくる・~ていく」の レッスンは 本当に 長いね!でも、 分かってきた! ありがとうね、先生!
Hi maggie sensei,
Thank you very much for your website. This
Verb-て-form きて has been bothering me for some time. 先生のおかげで、「Verbて-form きて」の 使うことが やっと分かりました!
This is such a good website, please keep going ^_^
@ phylisscyn
Verbて-form きて」の使い方がわかってきた?(笑)
I am happy to hear that! Thank you for the nice comment!
Great .. ”くれる” is clear now :D plus with a great listening quize, really thanks sensei.
ドッグフード was quite hard to catch hehe specially the part フード。
cc: Sensei, have you explained the use of こと(事) in your website before? i couldn’t understand the use of it until now! it has been bothering me for a long time :/
Hello! Abdullah! Thank you for your first comment here!
こと is used to make verb a noun.
Ex. I love eating.
Ex. I love making people laugh.
Ex. It is important to sleep well.
Feel free to practice here or on twitter. I can correct you.
Cool .. can I use it with adjectives too?
I’ll try to make some sentences, lets see :D
1- 暑いことが好きではない。 / 好きじゃない
> I hate hot weather.
2- サッカーをしていることが好きです。
> I love playing soccer. ( how can I use ます form for this sentence too ? )
> I can’t play tennis very well.
Lots of mistakes haha .. May God be with you sensei XD
Hi Abdullah!!
OK, I will help you correct the sentences.
1. Sorry! In this case 暑いのは好きではない/好きじゃない will be more natural.
2. サッカーをすることが好きです。will be more natural. していること means “being playing”(You can’t use ます with 好き.)
3. How about テニスをあまりうまくプレーすることができません。
(Without こと →テニスがあまり上手(うま)くありません。/下手(へた)です。)
Ex. テニスでボールをバックハンドで打つことが下手(へた)です。
is OK!
FYI I have ということ lesson. link
But I may make “koto” lesson for you sometime.
Thank you for always trying hard!
Thank you so much for correcting senseiii.. seems i really need to work on my poor grammer >< i will make a time for ということ lesson soon inshallah,Seems a long and VALUABLE one.
btw sorry for replying too late, I already put my email account! shouldn't the website send a notification to our e-mails? or we have to check everytime?
Your grammar is not poor at all. Just need a good practice. That’s all.
I once accept your comment, you can post comment without my authorization. It should appear automatically. But if I answer you back here in the comment. I don’t think you will get a notification by email. So I am afraid you have to come and check to the comment section. Sorry!
Shokran sensei : ) Ok then i’ll check whenever i leave a reply.
I am always waiting for you here!
I’ve been so stressed lately because of my poor japanese. I can’t talk well. どうすればいいかな。
this site really helps me!! 分かりやすいね。。。
Thank you for visiting this site! Oh…Please don’t be stressed out. Language is fun to learn and it is only a tool for communication.
You can ask me anything here or follow my twitter. We will practice Japanese together! がんばって!
thank you
Enjoyable ,Thanks.
Arigatou for your commnets,too!
Listening test dekimashitaka?