New! Telephone Japanese


= Moshimoshi, Cookie san imasu ka?

= Hello, Is Cookie-san there?


= Hai, boku desu ga… Dochira sama desu ka?

= This is he. Who is calling please?

Hello everyone. I am Cookie. 元気だった?= Genki datta?  = How have you been?
In today’s lesson we’ll learn how to make a phone call in Japanese and all cellphone related Japanese.
Maggie first made this lesson when she  started this site. At that time smartphones didn’t exist.
It is time to update this lesson with more information.



1)  Basic vocabulary:

* 電話をかける

= denwa wo kakeru

= to make a phone call

Ex. マギーに電話をかける

= Maggie ni denwa wo kakeru

= to call Maggie

* 電話に出る

= denwa ni deru

= to answer the phone


= Kare no ie ni denwa wo kaketara shiranai onna no hito ga deta.

= When I called my boyfriend’s house, some woman that I don’t know answered.

* 電話を切る

= Denwa wo kiru

= to hang up

Ex. 弟にいきなり電話を切られた。

= Otouto ni ikinari denwa wo kirareta.

My little brother hung up on me all of a sudden.

* (someone電話で話す

= (Someone to) Denwa de hanasu

= to talk with someone on the phone

* 電話をかけ直す

= denwa wo kakenaosu

= to call back

Ex. 後でかけ直します。

= Ato de kakenaoshimasu.

= I will call you back later.

* お話し中

= Ohanashi chuu

= The phone is busy / to be on the other line

Ex. いつ彼女に電話をかけてもお話し中だ。

= Itsu kanojo ni denwa wo kakete mo ohanashi chu da.

= Whenever I call her, the line is busy.

* 電話を保留(に)する / 保留中

= denwa wo  horyuu (ni) suru / horyuuchuu

= on hold

* 電話が鳴る

= denwa ga naru

= the phone rings

* 電話で呼び出す

= denwa de youbidasu

= to call on someone

* 受話器

= juwaki

= receiver

* 固定電話

= kotei denwa

= fixed-line phone

* 公衆電話

= koushuu denwa

= public phone

* 電話ボックス

= denwa bokkusu

= phone booth

* 携帯電話

= keitai denwa

= cellphone

* You sometimes just say 携帯 (= keitai)/ ケータイ(=keetai)

Ex. 携帯から電話する

= Keitai kara denwa suru

= to call from one’s cell phone

Ex. 携帯に電話ちょうだい。(conversational)

= Keitai ni denwa choudai.

= Give me a call on my cellphone.

* スマホ (conversational)

= sumaho

= smart phone

Ex. 歩きスマホ

= aruki sumaho

= to talk on the smart phone while walking.

*ガラケー (slang)

= garakee

= flip phone, old fashioned cellphone

(from ガラパゴス携帯= garapagosu keitai = “Galapagos cellphone“)

* ダイヤルする

= daiyaru suru

= to dial

* 電話番号

= denwa bangou

= phone number

Ex. 電話番号を教えてください。

= Denwa bangou wo oshiete kudasai.

= Please give me your phone number.

Ex. 電話番号を教えて。

= Denwa bangou wo oshiete.

= Give me your phone number.

* 電話料金

= denwa ryoukin

= phone bill

* 呼び出し中

= yobidashi chuu

= calling

* 呼び出し音

= yobidashi on

= ringtone

* 着メロ (conversational)

= chakumero

= ringtone for cell phone

* 携帯が鳴る

= keitai ga naru

= the cellphone rings

* 携帯を切る

= keitai wo kiru

= to turn off cell phone

* 携帯の電源を切る

= keitai no dengen wo kiru

= to switch off the power of cell phone


= kengai

= out of range

* 電波が届かない

= denpa ga todokanai

= to have bad reception

* 電話がつながらない

= denwa ga tsunagaranai

= can not get through / can’t be connected

* 間違い電話

= machigai denwa

= wrong number

* 留守番電話

= rusuban denwa

= answering machine


* 留守電

= rusuden

= answering machine

Ex. 留守電を聞く

= rusuden wo kiku

= to hear the message on the answering machine

Ex. 留守電にメッセージを入れる

= rusuden  ni messeiji wo ireru

= to leave a message on the answering machine

Automatic telephone answer:


= Maggie desu. Odenwa arigatou gozaimasu. Tadaima, denwa ni deraremasen. Goyou no kata wa hasshin-on no ato ni messeiji wo douzo.

= Hello this is Maggie. Thank you for calling. I can’t take a call now. Please leave a message after the beep.

* 回線

= kaisen

= telephone line

Ex. ただいまの時間、電話の回線が混み合っております。そのままお待ちになるか、しばらくたってからおかけ直しください。

= Tadaima no jikan, denwa no kaisen ga komiatte orimasu. Sonomama omachi ni naru ka, shibaraku tatte kara okakenaoshi kudasai.

= The line is busy at the moment. Please hold on or try again later.

* 不在着信

= fuzai chakushin

= missed call

Ex. 不在着信が入っていた

= Fuzai chakushin ga haitte ita.

= I got a missed call

* 着信拒否

= chakushin kyohi

= blocking certain phone calls


2) Cellphone related vocabulary

(I added hiragana for this list.)

★ Contract:  

* 契約 = けいやく = keiyaku = contract

* 新規契約 = しんきけいやく = shinki keiyaku = new contract

* 機種変更 = きしゅへんこう = kishu henkou = changing model, upgrade one’s cellphone

* 他社からの乗りかえ = たしゃからののりかえ = tasha kara no norikae =  switching carrier from other company

* 下取り = したどり = shitadori = trade-in

* 料金 = りょうきん = ryoukin = rate

* 月額料金 = げつがくりょうきん=getsugaku ryoukin = monthly rate

* 割引 = わりびき= waribiki = discount

* 分割払い = ぶんかつばらい = bunkatsu barai = installment payment

* 24回払い= にじゅうよんかいばらい= nijuu yonkai barai = 24 payments

* 一括払い = いっかつばらい = ikkatsu barai = one-time payment

* 月割(り)= つきわり = tsukiwari = monthly installments

* データ定額プラン= データていがくプラン = deeta teigaku puran = flat-rate data plan

* かけ放題 = かけほうだい = kakehoudai = unlimited call

* 保証 = ほしょう = hoshou = guarantee

* 暗証番号=あんしょうばんごう=anshou bangou = PIN code

* 本人確認書類= ほんにんかくにんしょるい= hon’nin kakunin shorui = ID

* 銀行振込 = ぎんこうふりこみ= ginkou furikomi = bank transfer

* クレジットカード支払い = クレジットカードしはらい= kurejitto kaado shiharai = credit card payment

* 手数料 = てすうりょう = tesuuryou = commission

★ Features / Functions:

* 機能 = きのう = kinou  = features, functions,

* 機種 = きしゅ = kishu = model  

* 充電 = じゅうでん = juuden = charging

* 充電器 = じゅうでんき = juudenki = battery charger

* 画面 = がめん = gamen = display, screen

* 待ち受け画面 = まちうけがめん = machiuke gamen = standby display

* 着信音 = ちゃくしんおん = chakushin = ringtone

* 仕様 =しよう = shiyou = specification

* 画素 = がそ = gaso = pixels

* 電池 = でんち = denchi /バッテリー = batterii = batteries

Ex. 電池/バッテリーがなくなってきた。/ (more poliet) きました。

= Denchi/Batterii ga nakunatte kita./kimashita.

= The battery running low.

 :rrrr: You can also say なくなりそうだ。( = naku nari souda) / ( more polite) なくなりそうです。( = naku nari sou desu.)

Ex. 電池/バッテリがなくなった。/ (more polite) なくなりました。

= Denchi / Batterii ga naku natta / nakunarimashita.


電池/バッテリー切れだ。/ (more polite) です。

= Denchi / Batterii gire da./ desu.

= My battery died.

* 通信 = つうしん = tsuushin = communication

* 防水 = ぼうすい = bousui  = water proof

* 音楽再生 = おんがくさいせい = ongaku saisei = play music

* メール送受信 = メールそうじゅしん = meiru soujushin = send/receive messages

* 受信 =じゅしん = jushin = receive messages

* 送信 =そうしん = soushin = send messages

* 迷惑電話の拒否 = めいわくでんわのきょひ = meiwaku denwa no kyohi = rejecting/blocking  unwanted phone calls

* 迷惑メール = めいわっくメール = meiwaku meiru = junk mail

* 接続 = せつぞく = setsuzoku = connection

* 容量= ようりょう = youryou = storage size 

容量不足 = ようりょうぶそく = youryou busoku = Not enough storage 

Ex. 携帯の容量がもうないです。/ 容量不足です。

= Keitai no youryou ga mou nai desu. / youryou  busoku desu.

= I have no space left on my cellphone.

* 使用可能= しようかのう= shiyou kanou = available (storage)

* 音声入力=おんせいにゅうりょく= onsei nyuuryoku = dictation

★ Settings:

* 設定 = せってい = settei = setting

* 一般 = いっぱん= ippan = general

* 機内モード = きないモード = kinai moodo = airplane Mode

* パスワード入力 = パスワードにゅうりょく= pasuwaado nyuuryoku = enter one’s password

* モバイルデータ通信 = モバイルデータつうしん= mobairu deeta tsuushin =cellular data

* 通知 = つうち = tsuuchi =notification

* おやすみモード= oyasumi moodo = (literal meaning: sleeping mode) Do Not Disturb

* 非通知 = ひつうち = hitsuuchi = anonymous call

* 画面表示と明るさがめんひょうじとあかるさ = gamen hyouji to akarusa = display and brightness

* 壁紙 = かべがみ = kabegami = wallpaper

* 連絡先 = れんらくさき = renraku saki = contacts

* アプリ= apuri = app.

* 情報 = じょうほう = jouhou = information

* 検索 = けんさく = kensaku = search

* 機能制限 = きのうせいげん = kiou seigen = Restrictions

* 言語と地域 = げんごとちいき = gengo to chiiki = language and region

* 指紋認証 = しもんにんしょう = shimon ninshou =  (fingerprint authentication) Touch ID

* WiFi同期 = ワイファイどうき= waifai douki = WiFi syncing

* 初期化 = しょきか= shokika = formatting

* 更新 = こうしん= koushin = update

3) Telephone conversation:

★When you call someone, you say

もしもし = moshi moshi = hello

★When you answer, you also say


= moshi moshi

= Hello

or just say


= hai

= Yes

and give them your name.

(name) です

= (name) desu.

Ex. 田中です

= Tanaka desu.

= This is Tanaka speaking.

★When they answered the phone without telling their name, make sure if you are calling the right person

Ex. 三木さんですか?

= Miki-san desu ka?

= Is this Miki-san?

Ex. 三木さんでしょうか?(polite)

= Miki-san de shou ka?

= Is this Miki-san?

Ex. 三木さんでいらっしゃいますか?(very polite)

= Miki-san de irasshaimasu ka?

= Is this Miki-san?

* If you are calling someone who lives with family

★Basic pattern:

(Family name) のお宅ですか?

= (Family name) no otaku desu ka?

= (Literal meaning) Is this (Family name)’s house/residence ?

Ex. 田中さんのお宅ですか?

= Tanaka-san no otaku desu ka?

= Is this Mr. Tanaka’s residence?

(more polite)

Ex. 田中さんのお宅でしょうか?

= Tanaka san no otaku de shouka?

= Is this Mr. Tanaka’s residence?

★Answering the phone:

If you are the person, you say,


= Hai, sou desu.

= Yes I am./ Yes, it is.

* If you work for a company,store, oor restaurants, answer with the company or store name.

Ex, はい、犬猫商事です。

= Hai, Inuneko shouji desu.

= Hello, this is Inuneko Shouji.

Ex お電話ありがとうございます。こちらはニャンニャンレストランです。

= Odenwa arigatou gozaimasu. Kochira wa Nyan Nyan resutoran desu.

= Thank you for calling. This is Nyan Nyan restaurant.

If it is a wrong number, you say

Ex. いいえ、違います。

= Iie, chigaimasu.

= No, it is a wrong number.

Ex. いいえ、何番におかけですか?

= Iie, nanban ni okake desu ka?

= No, ( we are not) What number are you calling?

When you know you called the right number, you greet each other.

* おはようございます

= Ohayou gozaimasu

= Good morning

* こんにちは

= Konnichiwa

= Hello/ Good afternoon

* こんばんは

= Konban wa

= Good evening

If you are talking to a company who you have business with or someone who has been taken care of you, you say

* いつもお世話になっております

= Itsumo osewa ni natte orimasu.

= (Thank you for everything that you have done for us.)

* いつもお世話になります。

= Itsumo osewa ni narimasu.

It is one of the phrases that doesn’t have an exact translation and it changes the meaning depending on the context but it simply shows your appreciation.  It is typical formal greeting especially in business situation.

They also say お世話になっております ( = Osewa ni natte orimasu.) when they hear your name.

If they say that first, you can repeat the same phrase or add こちらこそ ( = kochira koso) the same here

* こちらこそお世話になっております。

= Kochira koso osewa ni natteorimasu.

= (It is us who have to say thank you for everything you have done for us.)

★Tell them who is calling.

Ex. 田中です。

= Tanaka desu.

= This is Tanaka.

Ex. 田中ですが

= Tanaka desu ga

= This is Tanaka.

Ex. マギーと申します (formal)

= Maggie to moushimasu.

= This is Maggie

Ex. マギーと申しますが

= Maggie to moushimasu ga

= My name is Maggie.

(Between friends)

Ex. マギーだけど

= Maggie dakedo

= This is Maggie.

Note: You often continue your talk with ( = ga) / more conversation けど ( = kedo)
(It doesn’t mean “but” . It just softens your speech. )

It will be better to add more information if you can.

(company name or  where you belong to ) (name)

= (company name or  where you belong to ) no (name)

Ex. ワンワン学校のマギーと申します。

= Wanwan gakkou no Maggie to moushimasu.

= This is Maggie from Wanwan school.

or the relationship with the person who you want to talk to

Ex. マックスさんの友人のマギーと言います。

= Max -san no yuujin no Maggie to iimasu.

= I am Max’s friend, Maggie.

Note: If you are calling early in the morning, you say

Ex. 朝、早くから申し訳ありません。(polite)

= Asa,  hayaku kara moushiwake arimasen.

= Sorry to call you (so) early in the morning

Ex. 朝、早くごめんなさい。

= Asa,  hayaku gomen nasai.

= Sorry to call you (so)  early in the morning.

If you are calling late at night

Ex. 夜、遅く申し訳ありません。

= Yoru, osoku moushiwake arimasen.

= I am sorry to call you ( so)  late at night.

Ex. 夜、お休みのところを申し訳ありません。

= Yoru, oyasumi no tokoro wo moushiwake arimasen.

= I am sorry to call you when you are sleeping/resting.

Ex. 夜、遅くごめんなさい。

= Yoru, osoku gomen nasai.

= Sorry to call you this late.


Ask them to put through to someone who you want to talk to.

Ex. マックスさんはいらっしゃいますか? (polite)

= Max-san wa irasshaimasu ka?

= Is Max-san there?

Ex. マックスさんはご在宅でしょうか?(formal)

= Max-san wa gozaitaku deshou ka?

= Is Max-san home?

Ex. マックスさんはいますか? (standard)

= Max-san wa imasu ka?

= Is Max there?

Ex. マックス君いますか?

= Max kun imasu ka?

= Is Max kun there?

Ex. マックスいる?(casual)

= Max iru?

= Is Max there?

→You only use it when someone you know very well answers the phone.

If someone in the family answers the phone and you are sure who that person is you can say

Ex. 奥様はいらっしゃいますか? (polite)

= Okusama wa irasshai masu ka?

= Is your wife home?

Ex. ご主人はご在宅でしょうか? (formal)

= Goshujin wa gozaitaku deshou ka?

= Is your husband home?


= Otousama wa irasshai masu ka?

= Is your father home?

Ex. お父さんいる?(casual/ talking to children)

= Otousan iru?

= Is your Dad there?

Calling a company: You add job title or department or section name.

Ex. 営業部の加藤さんをお願いいたします。

= Eigyoubu no Katou-san wo onegai itashimasu.

= I’d like to speak to Mr. Kato in the sales department.

Ex. マックス課長はいらっしゃいますか?

= Max kachou wa irasshai masu ka?

= Is Mr. Max, the section manager, there?

If you want to talk to someone in charge.

Ex. 担当者の方はいらっしゃいますか?

= Tantousha no kata wa irasshaimasu ka?

= Is the person in charge there?

Ex. 担当者の方とお話しできますか?

= Tantousha no kata to ohanashi dekimasu ka?

= May I speak to a person in charge?

★Answering the phone:

If you are the person they want to talk to:

Ex. 私です。

= Watashi desu.

= It’s me.

(The same kanji but 私です= わたくしです (= watakushi desu). is more polite.)

If it is a company, you say your name

Ex. はい、私が田中です。

= Hai, watakushi ga Tanaka desu ga…

= Yes, Tanaka speaking.  (literal meaning:  I am Tanaka)

You add which department you are working for.


= Hai, eigyou no Tanaka desu.

= Yes, This is Tanaka from Sales department  speaking.

If the caller doesn’t tell you who they are:

Ex. どちら様でしょうか?

= Dochira sama de shouka?

= Who is calling please?

Ex. どなた様ですか?

= Donata sama desu ka?

= Who is calling please?

Ex. どちら様ですか?

= Dochira sama desu ka?

= Who is calling please?

Ex. お名前を頂けますでしょうか?

= Onamae wo itadake masu deshou ka?

= May I ask your name, please?

 Ex. 失礼ですが、どちら様でしょうか?

= Shitsurei desu ga, dochira sama deshou ka?

= Who is calling, please.

★If you didnn’t hear well:

Ex. 申し訳ございません。もう一度、お名前を頂けますでしょうか。(polite)

= Moushiwake gozaimasen. Mou ichido, onamae wo itadakemasu deshouka?

= I am sorry. Could I have your name again?

Instead of telling them their voice is too small, you can say

Ex. すみません、お電話がちょっと遠いのですが。

= Sumimasen, denwa ga chotto tooi no desu ga.

= I am sorry. The connection seems to be bad.

To tell a caller you can’t talk right now.

Ex. すみません、今、電車の中ですので後からかけ直します。

= Sumimasen, ima, densha no naka desu node ato kara kakenaoshimasu.

= I am sorry. I am on the train right now so I will call you back later.

Ex. ごめん。今、運転中だから後からかけ直す。(casual)

= Gomen. Ima, untenchuu dakara ato kara kakenaosu.

= Sorry. I am driving right now. Let me call you back later.

Ex. ごめんなさい。今、手が離せないから後からかけ直します。

= Gomennasai. Ima, te ga hanasenai kara ato kara kakenaoshimasu.

= Sorry. I am tied up right now. Let me call you back later.

★Passing the phone to someone

* If that person is there


= Hai, shoushou omachi kudasai.

= Yes, she/he is. Please hold the line.

Ex. 少々、お待ち頂けますか?

= Shoushou, omachi itadakemasu ka?

= Could you wait a little, please?


= Hai, chotto omachi kudasai.

= Yes, she/he is. Please hold the line.


= Hai, ima, kawarimasu.

= I’ll put him/her on the line.


= Hai, tadaima, otsunagi shimasu. Sonomama  omachi kudasai.

= I’ll put you through now. Please hold the line.


★ If that person is on another line or busy


= Tadaima, hokano denwa ni dete orimasu.

= He/She is on another line.

Ex. 今、お話し中です。

= Ima, ohanashi chuu desu.

= He/She is on another line.

Ex. ただいま、取り込んでおります。

= Tadaima, torikonde orimasu.

= He/She is tied up right now.

Ex. 今、手が離せないようです。

= Ima, te ga hanase nai you desu.

= He/She seems to be tied up right now.

★If that person is out,

Ex. 今、おりません。

= Ima, orimasen.

= He/She is out now.

Ex. 今、おりませんが。

= Ima, orimasen ga.

= He/She is out now.

(by adding (= ga) it sounds a little softer and express that you are willing to listen what the person wants to say.)

Ex. 今、出かけておりますが。

= Ima, dekakete orimasu ga.

= He/She is out now.

Tell them that person is busy at the moment.

Ex. 申し訳ございません。田中はただいま、会議に出ております。

= Moushiwake gozaimasen. Tanaka wa tadaima, kaigi ni dete orimasu.

= I am sorry. Tanaka is now in the meeting.

Ex. ただいま、接客中です。

= Tadaima, sekkyaku chuu desu.

= He/She is now with a client at the moment.

It is customary to refer to a person who work in the same company with job title or with family name without さん ( = san)

Ex. 申し訳ございません。社長は今、席を外しております。

= Moushiwake gozaimasen. Shachou wa ima, seki wo hazushite orimasu.

= I’m sorry.  He/She (company president) is away from his/her desk right now.

Ex. 田中は今、出かけております。

= Tanaka wa ima, dekakete orimasu.

= Tanaka is out right now.

Ex. 生憎、出張中です。

= Ainiku, shucchouchuu desu.

= I am sorry but he/she is on a business trip.

(生憎 = あいにく (= ainiku) literally means “unfortunately”)

And tell the person when they will be back or they won’t come back that day.

Ex. 3時までには戻ります。

= San-ji made niwa modorimasu.

= He/She is supposed to be back by three.

Ex. 5時頃に戻る予定です。

= Goji goro ni modoru yotei desu.

= He/ She is supposed to be back around five.

Ex. 本日はもう退社いたしました。

= Honjitsu wa mou taisha itashimashita.

= He/She has already left the office.

Ex. 先ほど、出かけました。

= Sakihodo, dekakemashita.

= He/She just left a little while ago.

★Asking them to leave a message.

Ex.よろしければ、かわりにご伝言を承りますが (polite)

= Yoroshikereba, kawari ni godengon wo uketamawari masu ga.

= Would you like to leave a message?


= Godengon wo uketamawarimashou ka?

= Would you like to leave a message?

★Asking them what is about

* You may want to check what is about before putting them through.


= Donoyou na goyouken de shouka?

= What is this regarding?


= Goyouken wa?

= What is about?

* Or ask them if they want the person to call them back.

Ex. 会議が終わりましたら、折り返しお電話するように申し伝えましょうか?

= Kaigi ga owarimashitara, orikaeshi odenwa suru you ni moushitsutaemashou ka?

= Would like me to tell him/her to call you back after the meeting?


= Modorimashitara orikaeshi odenwa suru you ni tsutaemasu.

= I will tell him/her to call you back when he/she returns.

★When you ask them to call back later.

Ex. あと10分ぐらいしたら戻りますのでおかけ直し頂けますか?

= Ato juppun gurai shitara modorimasu node okakenaoshi itadakemasu ka?

= He/She will be back in about ten minutes. Could you call him/her back?

★ If you want to leave a message

☆Basic pattern:


= Sore dewa ~ to otsutae kudasai.

= In that case, please tell him/her ~~~


= Soredewa ashita no kaigi wa sanji kara ni narimashita to otsutae kudasai.

= In that case, please tell him/her the meeting will be from 3:00 tomorrow.

Ex. では、私から電話があったことだけお伝えください。

= Dewa, watashi kara denwa ga atta koto dake otsutae kudasai.

= OK, then please just tell him/her I called.

Ex. 大した用事でないので大丈夫です。またかけます。

= Taishita youji denai node daijoubu desu. Mata kakemasu.

= It is not a big deal so don’t worry. I will call him/her back again.

Ex. それではまた5時ごろに改めてお電話いたします。

= Soredewa mata goji goro ni aratamete odenwa itashimasu.

= In that case I will call him/her back around five.



= Soredewa dengon wo onegai dekimasu ka?

= Then could I leave a message?

Ex. それでは、戻られましたらお電話を頂けますか?

= Sore dewa, modoraremashitara odenwa wo itadakemasu ka?

= Then could I ask him/her to call me back when he/she returns?

Ex. 会議が終わりましたらお電話頂くようお伝え頂けますか?

= Kaigi ga owarimashitara odenwa itadaku you otsutae itadakemasu ka?

= Could you tell him/her to call me back after the meeting?

★How to respond.

Ex. かしこまりました。(formal)

= Kashikomarimasita.

= Certainly

Ex. わかりました。

= Wakarimashita

= All right.

Ex. お電話番号をいただけますか?

= Odenwa bangou wo itadakemasu ka?

= May I have your phone number?

Ex. お電話番号とお名前をもう一度頂けますか?

= Odenwa bangou to onamae wo mouichido itadakemasu ka?

= May I have your phone number and your name again?

Ex. 市外局番からお願いいたします。

= Shigai kyokuban kara onegai itashimasu.

= From the local number please.

★to confirm the number and the name

Ex. 鈴木商事の田中様ですね。

= Suzuki shouji no Tanaka sama desu ne.

= Mr/ Ms. Tanaka from Suzuki Shoji. Is it correct?

Ex.繰り返します。XXX-XXXX ですね。

= Kurikaeshimasu. XXX-XXXX desu ne.

= Let me repeat. It’s XXX-XXXX, right?

Ex.復唱いたします。お電話番号、XXX-XXXX ですね。

= Fukushou itashimasu.Odenwa bangou XXX-XXXX  desune.

= Allow me to repeat it. /Let me repeat it. Your phone number is  XXX-XXXX . Is it correct?

* When you call a company, store, restaurants, tell them what is about.

Basic pattern:


= ~ ni tsuite okiki shitai no desu ga.

= I would like to ask about ~


Ex. 税金についてお伺いしたいのですが。(polite)

= Zeikin ni tsuite oukagai shitai no desu ga.

= I would like to ask about tax.

Ex. 購入した製品ついてお聞きしたいのですが。

= Kounyuu shita seihin ni tsuite okiki shitai no desu ga.

= I would like to ask about the product that I bought.

Ex. 今日、そちらに落とし物をしたのですが。

= Kyou, sochirani otoshimono wo shita no desu ga.

= I left something there today./ I dropped something there.

Note: For the reservation Japanese, check my 予約 ( = yoyaku) lesson.

Then they will put you through to the right section.

Ex. それでは係のものにおつなぎいたします。そのままお待ちください。

= Soredewa kakari no mono ni otsunagi itashimasu. Sonomama omachi kudasai.

= I will put you through to a person in charge. Please hold the line.

Ex. 担当部署におつなぎいたします。

= Tantou busho ni otsunagi itashimasu.

= I will put you through to the section in charge.

After they put you through, they say

Ex. お話しください。

= Ohanashi kudasai.

= Please talk now.

When you put through a call to someone in the office.

Ex. 田中さん、お電話です。

= Tanaka san, odenwa desu.

= Tanaka-san. You got a phone call.

Ex. 田中さん、ワンワン学校のマギー先生からお電話が入っています。

= Tanaka-san, Wanwan gakkou no Maggie sensei kara odenwa ga haitte imasu.

= Tanaka-san, you got a call from Maggie Sensei from Wanwan school.

Ex. 内線5番にお電話です。/お電話入っています。

= Naisen go-ban ni odenwa desu. / odenwa haitte imasu.

= You got a call on line five.

* 内線 = ないせん= naisen = extension

★When you hang up

If you are talking to your friend, you can say goodbye the same way you would in person.

Ex. じゃあね。

= Jaane.

= See you./ Talk to you later.


= Jaa matane.

= I’ll see you again. / Talk to you later.

Ex. じゃあ、おやすみ

= Jaa, oyasumi

= OK, good night.

Ex. また明日

= Mata ashita.

= See you tomorrow.

Ex. また電話ちょうだい

= Mata denwa choudai.

= Call me again.

Ex. また電話してね。

= Mata denwa shitene.

= Call me again.


= Mata denwa shimasu.

= I will call you again.

Ex. また電話するね。

= Mata denwa suru ne.

= I will call you again, OK?

(more formal)

Ex. それでは失礼します。

= Soredewa shitsurei shimasu.

= (Literal meaning: Please excuse myself.)

= Good bye then.

Ex. ありがとうございました。失礼いたします。

= Arigatou gozaimashita. Shitsurei itashimasu.

= Thank you so much. Good bye.


= Soredewa, yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.

= Thank you very much.

(You say this when you ask someone for a favor. “Thank you in advance”)

Ex. ごめんください。

= Gomenkudasai.

= Good bye.

*Note:You don’t usually say this in business situation.

You also say ごめんください ( = gomen kudasai) when you visit someone’s house. “Hello / Anybody home?”)

maggierainbow125マギー先生より = Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Moshimoshi, Maggie desu. Moshi muzukashii shitsumon ga attara tadaima, rusu ni shite orimasu.

= Hello, this is Maggie. If you’ve called  to ask me a difficult question, I am not home.




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  1. Hello Maggie sensei.
    I am impressed with your esson. Not just but with a full of explanation and break down. WOW..

    May I ask you how to tell a person on the line.

    (Could you hold on, I would put your through my husband)
    Formal and polite way to say it

    Thank you

    1. Hi Betty,
      OK, I’ll show you the variations.
      If someone calles your company and wants to talks to her husband and you transfer the phone call you say
      I’ll put you through to YOUR husband:
      = Shoushou omachi kudasai. Goshujin ni otsunagi itashimasu.

      If her husband is close to you, you say,
      = Shoushou omachi kudasai. Goshujin ni kawarimasu.

      And if someone calls your house and wants to talk to your husband, you say

      = Shoushou omachi kudasai. Shujin ni kawarimasu.

  2. I always become very impressed by Maggie’s hability and patience to post such relevant and abrangent content.

    Thank you very much!

    God bless you!

  3. Maggie Sensei How to convey message to your Japanese supervisers? For example If I want to convey that ,” XXXsan asked to call back. .” how to say this?

    1. Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation.
      There are a couple of ways to say that but
      XX様(or さん)よりお電話があり折り返しお電話くださいとのことです。
      = xx sama ( or ~ san) yori odenwa ga ari orikaeshi odenwa kudasai tono kot odesu.

      If XX is your client use 様 ( = sama9

  4. Just an interesting note…
    If you merely say 失礼ですが, the person will immediately identify himself.
    It’s like magic!

  5. Hello Maggie-sensei, what is the best way or common ways Japanese uses to ask the other party to repeat what he/she just said if I couldn’t catch it?
    Based on what I learned in school, I would have said: もう一度言ってください.
    But I assume, as with most cases, a native would say it differently.

    May I know what is a PHS phone? See it mentioned quite often on company’s websites.

    1. @changkh

      Hello, changkh
      Q:What is the best way or common ways Japanese uses to ask the other party to repeat what he/she just said if I couldn’t catch it?

      Are you talknig to someone on the phone, as I wrote

      (The connection seems to be bad. Could you repeat what you said again?)


      PHS? I haven’t heard of it for a long time. It is a kind of old fashioned movile phone.
      I think there are still a couple of companies selling them but very few.

  6. @天人
    I’m getting confused now hhh
    Is their a difference in terms of meaning between ( you ni ) and ( you )? I saw an axample with ( you ni):

    and what do you mean by using (to)? do you mean like ( 自分のもの素晴らしい旅行の話をしてくれるよう と 頼んだ。)?

    Is there a difference between ( you/ ni ) and ( to )?

    I’m excited to know ^^

    1. As I said, …よう without に doesn’t change the meaning.
      When you use 敬語 together with よう then it sounds just better when よう is used without に – but that’s my personal opinion.
      Normally the full form of the pattern is …ようにと… The particle と describes the subject’s wish – as an advice – towards his interlocutor. However very often と is simply omitted.

      …してくれるように頼んだ。 => Most natural
      …してくれるように、と頼んだ。 => Natural.
      …してくれるよう、と頼んだ。 => It is acceptable, but very rarely used.

      1. I got it now..
        actually, I’ve never heard of ( you nito ) before even in most formal Japanese dramas hhhh.. I’m familiar with ( you ni ) from maggaie sensei’s lessons.. that’s why I wanted to make sure..

        thank you for your patience with me :yy:

  7. I have a question about this sentence:

    Ex. 会議が終わりましたらお電話頂くようお伝え頂けますか?

    = Kaigi ga owarimashitara odenwa itadaku you otsutae itadakemasu ka?

    = Could you tell him/her to call me back after the meeting?

    I think it should be ( Odenwa itadaku you ni otsutae itadakemasu ka ?

    corrent me if I’m wrong …
    I always check your site for new lessons ^^


    1. Hello roro,
      the pattern ように(と) works also very good without part. 「に(と)」=> お父さんに、自分のもの素晴らしい旅行の話をしてくれるよう(にと)頼んだ。

      ( `・∀・´)ノヨロシク

      1. 暖かい言葉ありがとうございます。
        One of my principles of life’s philosophy is: “Knowledge without sharing it with others is a useless knowledge.”
        That’s why I’m trying to help as much as I can.

        ( `・∀・´)ノヨロシク

  8. こんにちわ Maggie-sensei. !niconico! 

    だれかと一生に話したいです (skype etc.)
    そしてとっても寂しいよ 俺にたすけてくれ
    どうか わたしにネットでと友達作る方をおしえて。 :cryingboy:
    かわい女の子で友達なればさいこうです。 boucingheart!

    (私は18歳です, しょうねんだよ)

    1. @Ofiris


          1. なるほど ありがとうございました 先生

            あのねぇMaggie先生 頼みがある 「どうかおれのメル友になれ おねがいだよ」 と言ったらどうする?
            おれは自分を高める おれは日本語を高める だから力を貸してくれ

            So,send a mail my e-mail, if you want to help me. What I am need is practising Japanese with someone.


          2. @Ofiris

            日本語の資格? それは誰にもありますよ。

            おれのメル友になれ → 私だからいいけど(笑)日本の女の子の友達欲しかったら男言葉は知らない人に使うと乱暴に聞こえるからちょっと気をつけた方がいいかもしれませんよ。
            I don’t know well but some of my students use “Hello Talk”, etc to make Japanese friends.
            To communicate with me, follow me on Twitter. We can chat there.

  9. 電話で話すといつも緊張しちゃうけど、とても役に立つレッスンです!またありがとう、マギー先生!

    Ex.よろしければ、かわりにご伝言を承りますが (polite)

    = Yoroshikereba, kawari ni godengon wo uetamawari masu ga.-> uketamawari masu. (Kが抜けているだけです)

    1. @らわ

      スペルミス、見つけてくれてありがとう!確かに電話は相手の顔が見えないから緊張しますね。このレッスンで練習してね! :)

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