V + たて ( = tate)

= Kono pan  yakitate dayo!
= This bread is freshly baked.
みなさん、こんにちは!= Minasan Konnichiwa! = Hi, everyone!
Before I begin, let me tell you about the updates.
As you know, I now can post new lessons but we have lost a lot of pictures and sound files on Maggie Sensei’s site.
I have reposted almost all the pictures and I am now working on the sound files. So please wait until I finish recording all of them. The good news is, that you will be able to hear all the sound files with your phones or tablets. 
Also, I have been fixing the old lesson format as well as deleting flashy highlights. Hope you notice the difference. 
OK, will keep posting review lessons from my Facebook lessons.
Today’s word is 〜たて ( = ~ tate) (*The kanji is 〜立て ( = tate).)
verb + たて ( = tate)
verb + たて  ( = tate) means ”newly/ freshly/ just did something”. By adding の ( = no) you can use it as an adjective.
It is similar to
⭐️ How to form :
1) verb plain form*焼く = yaku = to bake
2) make ます ( = masu) form
:rrrr: 焼きます = yakimasu)
3) delete ます ( = masu)
:rrrr:焼き ( = yaki)

4) add たて  ( = tate)

:rrrr:焼きたて = yakitate

Ex. このパンは焼きたてです。/ 焼きたてだ。

= Kono pan wa yakitate desu/ yakitate da.

= This bread is just baked.

(Similar to このパンは焼いたばかりだ焼いたばかりです。

Note : *です ( = desu)  is more polite

の  ( = no) + noun

Ex. 焼きたてのパン  yakitate no pan)  freshly baked bread

(Similar to 焼いたばかりのパン = yaita bakari no pan)

From the picture above :

= Kono pan  yakitate dayo!
= This bread is freshly baked.
:rrrr: Note :  〜だよ ( = dayo) is a casual suffix. Both men and women can use.
= Kun kun
= Sniff Sniff


1) 覚える = oboeru = to learn, to memorize

2) ます ( = masu) form

:rrrr:覚えます = oboemasu


3) delete ます ( = masu)

:rrrr: 覚え

4) add たて ( = tate)

:rrrr:覚えたて = oboetate = just learned

Ex. 覚えたての単語

= oboetate no tango

= The word that (subject) has just learned

(Similar to 覚えたばかりの単語 = oboeta bakari no tango)

Ex. この単語は覚えたてです。

= Kono tango wa oboetate desu.

= (This is the word I have just learned.) I just learned this word.

(Similar to この単語は覚えたばかりです。= Kono tanbo wa oboeta bakari desu.)

It won’t work with all the verbs but I will show you the common ones :

(If it doesn’t work, try to use ばかり= bakari))


*揚げる = ageru = to fry

:rrrr: 揚げたて= agetate = freshly fried

Ex. 揚げたてのポテトは美味しい。

= Agetatete no poteto wa oishii

= The freshly fried potatoes are good.

Ex. このポテトは揚げたてだ。

= Kono poteto wa agetate da.

=This potato is freshly fried.

(Similar to このポテトは揚げたばかりだ= kono poteto wa ageta bakari da.)


Note : We often see/hear Vたて ( = tate) in advertisements because “freshly made something” sounds very catchy. But when you use it with people, it adds the nuance of lacking experience.

* おろす = orosu = to start using something new

:rrrr: おろしたて= oroshitate = brand new

Ex. おろしたての靴

= oroshitate no kutsu

= a brand-new pair of shoes

*絞る= shiboru = to squeeze

:rrrr:絞りたて= shiboritate = just squeezed

Ex. 絞りたてのジュース

= Shiboritate no juusu

= freshly squeezed juice

Ex. 絞りたての牛乳

= Shiboritate no gyuunyu

= freshly squeezed milk

*炊く= taku = cook

:rrrr: 炊きたて ( = takitate)

Ex. 炊きたてのごはん

= takitate no gohan

= just cooked rice

*いれる= ireru = to make (coffee)

:rrrr: いれたて ( = iretate)

Ex. いれたてのコーヒー

= iretate no koohii

= a freshly made coffee

*なる= naru = to become

:rrrr: なりたて ( = naritate)

Ex. なりたての医者

= naritate no isha

= a novice doctor

*塗る= nuru = to paint

:rrrr:塗りたて = nuritate = just painted

Ex. ペンキ塗りたて

= Penki nuritate

= Just Painted.

*洗う= arau = to wash

:rrrr: 洗いたて ( = araitate) just washed

Ex. 洗いたてのシャツ

= Araitate no shatsu

= freshly (newly) washed shirt

*取る= toru = to take

:rrrr: 取りたて ( = toritate)

Ex. 免許取りたて = menkyo toritate = just got a driver’s license

Ex. まだ免許取りたてなので運転に自信がない。

= Mada menkyo toritate nanode unten ni jishin ga nai.

= I just got a driver’s license so I am not comfortable driving.

*出来る= dekiru = to be done

:rrrr: 出来たて= dekitate = just made, just finished, freshly made

Ex. この料理は出来たてほやほやです。

= Kono ryouri  wa dekitate hoyahoya desu.

= This dish is freshly made. (Just got out of the stove/oven)

Note : ほやほや( = hoyahoya) is an onomatopoeic word to describe something fresh from the oven and steaming hot.

Also, it is used to describe something/someone new.

新婚ほやほや = shinkon hoyahoya = a couple just got married.

maggie-senseiマギー先生より= Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei yori


= Kono ressun wa dekitate hoyahoya desu.

= This lesson is freshly made and steaming hot!

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  1. Regarding the application of ~たて as a verb suffix, you write
    ”It won’t work with all the verbs but I will show you the common ones ”

    Could you please elaborate more on that? What verbs and why? Could you please provide examples for verbs that cannot be conjugated with “-tate” as a suffix and only “bakari” can be applied? Thank you!

    1. Hello Emi

      For example 走る・泣く・考える…..and many more. You can’t say 走りたて、泣きたて、考えたて

  2. Maggie sensei , i’d like to know what is the difference between vstem+上げる and vstem+終わる?
    I’m still confuse how and in what condition i should use them .

    1. @Ran

      Hi Ran

      V+終わる = You use it when you finish doing something./Something finishes
      V+上がる When you “complete” some work./to finish “up” something

      For example, when you are writing a book and finish writing.

      書き終わる= It simply means you finish writing.
      書き上げる = It also means “you finish writing” but it implies you have worked so hard writing the book or you “finally” complete your work.

  3. Sensei,
    Many thanks for the clear explanation.
    How is Verb(masu form) + たて different from Verb(masu form) + あげる (Ex: 書き上げる、焼き上げる)。
    Both mean “just completed” so, am not sure when to use which one!!

    Thanks a ton!

    1. @Veena

      Sorry for the late reply. I was resting until I get to Dog Heaven.
      OK, while V+たて focuses on the condition or results where something has “just” finished/done
      you use V+あげる when you you do something until you complete/finish it.So it usually requires certain effort or time.

      Ex. 書き立ての本 = A book that you just finished writing. (Something you have just done/finished)
      Ex. 長年かけてやっとこの本を書き上げた = I finally finished writing this book over the years. (to complete something making efforts or spending certain time.)

  4. Maggie 先生、ありがとうございます!

    1. @Linh
      (a little correction : レーソン→レッスン)

  5. Thank you sensei. :D I went through all of them but still there is much reviewing to be done on my part, I have to admit. :) Also, I have some questions written down in a word document which I kind of left hanging until the end, just in case the questions would answer themselves with a following, already existing lesson from sensei. :) So I will be writing some questions for some lessons in the following days. :D

    1) So I guessed that kanji out of the blue. XD That was my impression sensei, that if it had a kanji form it wasn’t used very often so sensei didn’t find it necessary to feature it. :) It may be just me wondering about things which may not be very useful. XD But then I have to admit that after climbing that huge wall which comes to be the process of learning kanji, kanji tend to help in remembering words and their pronunciations when you memorize or are able to remember the kanji that form the words. Kanji sometimes help to remember words, right sensei? :)

    2) Thank you sensei. The place in which I looked that word up had that word with that kanji, but it didn’t have the definition sensei provided. :)

    3) Oh, sensei always seems to kindly correct comments so I thought that one was correct. XD That sentence makes a lot of sense to me. :D And it is a complex sentence I will enjoy studying. :)

    Thank you sensei. :)

    1. @NecroMadMat

      1) You have a good point! Maybe I should add kanji in that lesson anyway. You are right. Kanji help many people to remember words.
      3) I am usually “strict” correcting sentences but I guess I was “nice” at that time. I should remember there are people who also study in the comment section.

      1. Right sensei. hmm, I still feel kind of guilty of encouraging sensei to go through even more work considering how detailed sensei’s lessons already are. ^^’ I think it is a great idea, maybe if the kanji is not used much in practice, sensei could just mention the kanji in the beginning of the lesson and then go the normal way for the rest of the lesson. I have seen sensei do this before in some lessons, so this idea actually comes from you sensei to be honest. :) Just a suggestion. :)

        1. @NecroMadMat

          No, I really appreciate your suggestion. I should have included that information. This lesson came from the Facebook lessons. I thought I included more information but obviously I didn’t include the kanji part. Thank you!!!

  6. Sensei now that I finished the mini lessons I came back here to review “comprehensively” and, guess what!? I have more questions! XD

    1) Does ~tate by any chance have a kanji? For example, the one for “立つ”, maybe?

    2) おろす

    Likewise, does this verb have a kanji as well? I tried looking up this verb but none of the ones I found gave the meaning of “to start using something new”, so maybe the kanji form (if it has one) would help me differentiate it among the others. :)

    3) Sensei, from the comment section:


    Reading sensei’s response to this comment, I kind of get the impression that this sentece means something like: “tate is a “rare” (sukunai?) word but were you able to use it”. Actually I can’t translate this sentece very well, there are some things I don’t get. For example:

    a) sukunai kotoba: Does it really mean rare word? Maybe there is something being ommited that I don’t get.

    b) tsukawareta: This is the part I get the least. Is this supposed to mean: “were you able to use it?” Or maybe “was it used”?

    Maybe if sensei could give me a translation of the sentence it could be enough. XD

    Thank you sensei. :)

    1. @NecroMadMat

      You finished all the lessons now. お疲れ様!! I don’t know how many people have studied all the lessons. I am very impressed!
      OK, let me answer your questions.
      1) Yes, ~たて has kanji 立て. Some of the ~たて words are more common with hiragana so I didn’t write kanji.
      2) orosu = 下ろす/ Oroshitate = 下ろし立て.
      3) Actually I didn’t correct the comment but I figured out the meaning.
      I think what the person meant was
      = You wrote the verbs that we use with ~tate are limited compared to “~bakari” but do you use that word often?

  7. I’d just like to tell you how much I love your blog !
    I’m going to study in Japan for the following months and to be honest, it really makes me nervous since my japanese level isn’t, well… incredible. But each time I visit your website, it gives me hope and makes me feel like I want to learn everything and start a conversation with any random japanese passing by.
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you Maggie Sensei ! You may not realise how much your lessons can mean to someone… I can tell you : a lot.

    Thanks for all \^o^/

    1. @Flo
      Ohhhhh how sweet….
      Your message made my day!
      You already have a great attitude to learn other languages. You will learn so many new things while you stay in Japan.
      Nobody will bite you so don’t worry. Just relax and enjoy your study in Japan. :)

  8. 素晴らしいレッスンわよ!サイトはまた元気になったとてもうれしいよね!

    1. @お人形さん

      ちょっと前にお人形さんが”Wayback Machine”のサイトをtwitterで教えてくれましたよね。そのお陰(かげ)でたくさんのレッスンの写真を見つけることができました。本当にありがとう!!

  9. 1) Oh I see sensei! V+tate is used in special occasions with specific verbs. :) In other cases I will try using “bakari”, it is a safer bet, isn’t it sensei? :) I will do my best to memorize these examples using “tate”.

    2) Sensei, dictionaries rarely tell you when a word is used in normal conversation or formal/serious/academic-level-flaunting situations. I am so glad sensei is here to tell me these things, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tell which word to use in normal conversation. XD Thank you sensei. :) I will memorize these alternatives for daily conversation. :) And I will try to remember the fancy word I used above in case I feel like dropping a bomb to someone someday. XD

  10. Hi sensei, from the Twitter conversation:

    “Ah, in that case ばかり is better. レッスンを読んだばかりです。”

    Sensei I am trying to get the difference between “V+tate” and “bakari”. I wrote the sentence from Twiter:


    “I just read this new lesson from sensei.”.

    using this example sentence:


    (This is the word I have just learned.) I just learned this word.

    Sensei, I have an idea of how v+tate works but I can’t be sure so I ask sensei for confirmation:

    1) Does v+tate work as some sort of passive form of verb?

    For example, if I take the example above, is it ok to translate “この単語は覚えたてです。” to “This is the word that has been just learned (by me)”

    Likewise, this other example from sensei’s lesson:


    I just got a driver’s license so I am not comfortable driving.

    Maybe I could translate this to: “The driver’s license was just gotten so I am not comfortable driving”.

    Does this make any sense sensei? XD It is like v+tate focus describing the noun instead of the person who makes the action and thus the person is omitted and kind of left to be understood by analyzing the situation?

    2) また後で包括的に復習するつもりですね。

    包括的に→Wow! You know a difficult word. But what did you want to say?

    Sensei I wanted to say “I am planing to make a comprehensive review later on.” but it seems I got it wrong. XD

    Now that I think about it “mata ato de” I think means “again later on” which is not what I wanted to say. ^^’ Also, maybe I should have said “houkatsuteki na fukushuu” instead of “houkatsuteki ni” in order to say “comprehensive review”. But I rather allow sensei to identify all the mistakes there in the sentence and let me know. XD

    Sensei, yoroshiku onegaishimasu. :D

    1. @NecroMadMat

      Hello there!
      1) Ummm not because it’s a passive verb or not but like I wrote in the lesson, the verbs you can use with ~たて are much more limited than ばかり.
      I wrote the basic ones in the lessons and if it doesn’t work use ばかり.
      It may not work to explain 覚えたて but we usually use たて when we emphasize “freshness” or when the condition of something/someone has changed a lot (in a good way when we use it with things.)

      2) Ah I see. 包括的に is a big word which we usually see in the news or thesis.
      How about 総合的に、広い範囲で、まとめて?

  11. Hi Maggie! Welcome BACK! :)
    I have a small question what is the difference between ばかり and たて? ばかり is more official or something? Can we use both of them in speaking and writing or maybe not?

    Thank YOU:)

    1. @PukiPuki

      Hi PukiPuki! Hisashiburi!
      OK, ~
      Compare to ばかり, たて is more limited. You can replace たて with ばかり but you can’t always replace ばかり with たて
      When you talk about your daily actions, you usually use ばかり not たて.
      Ex. I just woke up. 今起きたばかりだ。 not 起きたてだ
      Ex. I just came back home. 今、帰ってきたばかりだ。not 帰ってきたてだ。
      Ex. I just ate. 今、食べたばかりだ not 食べたてだ。
      So たて is used when you describe certain condition more than action itself and we use it when we stress the freshness.

        1. @PukiPuki

          Glad to hear you check my Facebook lessons as well!
          You,too! 楽しい週末を過ごしてね!

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