How to use 後 = あと ( = ato)


= Sanpo no ato wa oyatsu ne.
= Give me a snack after we take a walk.
= Ato, miruku mo wasurenai de!
= And don’t forget to give me some milk.
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How to use なんか ( = nanka)

= Teka, nanka, saikin isogashiin dayone.
= I don’t know why but I’ve been busy, you know.

= Hora mite! Watashi, tonderu yo!
= Look! I am flying!
= Nanka, hen!
= Something is strange…
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How to use よく ( = yoku)


= “Yoku” no tsukaikata ga yoku wakaranai node oshiete kudasai.

= I don’t know how to use “yoku” well. Can you teach me?


= Yoku kikareru shitsumon desu ne.

= I get the question often.


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How to use ては / では ( = tewa / dewa)

Pinkie :ふぁ〜 = Fahh… (Yawning sound)


= Mainichi, asonde wa nete, asonde wa nete…mou saikou! 

= I spend every day playing and sleeping and playing again and going back to sleep. What a life! 



= Mousukoshi, nihongo no benkyou, ganbaranakute wa ikemasen yo.

= You have to try a little harder to study Japanese, OK?


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