タメ口 ( = Tameguchi) /タメ語 ( = Tamego)+ヤバい ( = Yabai) Slang
= Maggie sensei, kyou no ressun, yabakattassu!
= Miss Maggie! Your lesson today was totally awesome!
:maggie-small: 「なれなれしいなあ…」
= Narenareshii naa…
= He is way too casual with me!
明けましておめでとう!( = Akemashite omedetou) Happy New Year!
= Akemashite omedetou!
= “Happy New Year!”
= Otoshidama wa?
= “Where is your New Year gift money for me?”
節約 ( = setsuyaku) + もったいない( = mottainai)
:maggie-small: 「今月は厳しいなあ…」
= Kongetsu wa kibishii naa..
= “This month is kind of tight..”
:maggie-small: 「まだ使えるのに…」
= Mada tsukaeru noni..
= “It is still usable…”
(I can still play with the ball!)
= “It is a pitty to throw it away and waste it.”
ぼやく ( = boyaku) + 流行語 ( = ryuukou go)
:maggie-small: 「どうしてクリスマスに働かなきゃいけないの?」
=Doushite kurisumasu ni hatarakanakya ikenaino?
=”How come I have to work at Christmas?”
風邪 ( = kaze) = Cold & Covid Related Lesson!
酔う ( = you) Getting drunk :Drink related lesson Part 2
= Watashi wo yowasete dousuru tsumori?
= ”What’s your point in trying to get me drunk?”
酒 Sake : Drink related lesson Part 1
Blood types 血液型 ( = Ketsueki gata) Japanese culture
血液型 ( = ketsueki gata) Blood type
:) 「マギー先生の血液型は何ですか?」
= Maggie sensei no ketsuekigata wa nan desu ka?
= “What is your blood type, Miss Maggie?”
:maggie-small: 「え〜と、A? B? C???」
= Eeto, ei? bii? cii???
= “Let me see, A? B? C???”
重い( = omoi)
:maggie-small: 「お帰りなさい!ご飯にする?おやつ?それともお風呂?」
= Okaerinasai! Gohan ni suru? Oyatsu? Soretomo ofuro?
= “Hi hon, Do you wanna have dinner first? A snack? How about a bath?”
= Kore, mi~nna anata no tame ni katte kita noyo!
= “I bought all of these just for you!”
:h: 「君は重たいんだよ!」
= Kimi wa omotain dayo!
= “You do too much for me!”