How to use なかなか ( = nakanaka)



= Boku nakanaka ikemen desho!

= Don’t think I am a fairly handsome guy?


Khloe: 「こんなかわいい猫はなかなかいないよ」♩

= Konna kawaii neko wa nakanaka inaiyo!

= I bet you can’t find a cute cat like me easily.

/ It is not easy to find a cute cat like me, you know!

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とんでもない = Tondemo nai



= Neko to issho ni asobu nante tondemo nai!

= There is no way that I would play with cats.


Pilou: 「僕がモルモットを食べようとするなんてとんでもないよ!」

= Boku ga morumotto wo tabeyou to suru nante tondemo naiyo!

= There is no way that I would try to eat a guinea pig.



= Ikemen desu ne.

= You are very handsome!!


= Ieie, tondemo nai desu.

= Not at all.

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How to use 〜てある ( = te aru)


Shadow 「窓が開けてあるから外がよく見えるよ。」

= Mado ga akete aru kara soto ga yoku mieru yo.

= The window has been kept open so I can see outside very well.


= Ah, asoko ni inu ga iru!

= Oh, there is a dog over there.


Chibi : 「今日はベッドメイキングがもうしてあったよ。」

= Kyou wa beddo meikingu ga mou shite attayo.

Bed has been already made for today.


= Mama, arigatou!

= Thanks, Mom!

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