= Yoku, seikaku mo iishi, kiryou mo iitte iwareru no.
= People often tell me I have a nice personality AND good looking.
= Omake ni tottemo kenkyo desho.
= On top of that, I am also very modest, right?
= Yoku, seikaku mo iishi, kiryou mo iitte iwareru no.
= People often tell me I have a nice personality AND good looking.
= Omake ni tottemo kenkyo desho.
= On top of that, I am also very modest, right?
= Dare yori mo tomodachi ga taisetu dayo.
= I care about my friends more than anybody.
= Doukan!
=I agree!
= Misty, watashi no omocha kakushita desho.
= Misty, you hid my toy, didn’t you?
= Minky koso, watashi no oyatsu kakushita desho.
= You, too, hid my snack, didn’t you? Minky.
= Doite yo.
= Move over!
= Jaa, watashi mo ryokou ni tsuretetteyo.
= Then take me along for the trip too!
= Sonna ookina suika hitori de taberarenai desho.
= You know you are not going to be able to eat a watermelon that big by yourself, right?
= Taberarenai koto wa naiyo.
= I wouldn’t say it is impossible. (I could eat it.)
= Dipper Sensei, kyou wa nani wo oshiete kureru no?
= Dipper Sensei, what are you going to teach us?
= Ima, nani wo oshieru ka kangaete iru tokoro desu.
= I am thinking about what to teach now.
= Dokokara kitano?
= Where are you from?
= Nattou sukI?
= Do you like Natto?
= Ohashi tsukaeru?
= Can you use chopsticks?
Tofu: え~と…
= Ehhhhto
= Well……
= Itsumo kirei ni shiteirune.
= You always make yourself so clean, don’t you?
= Maane!
= I guess so.
= Sumimasen. Nihon wa doko desuka?
= Excuse me. Where is “Japan”?
Fella: 「まっすぐ行って、左に曲がって下さい。」
= Massugu itte, hidari ni magatte kudasai.
= Go straight and turn left.
= Kuji ni mooningu kooru onegai shimasu.
= May I have a wake up call at 9:00 please.