Echo 「それはそうと、ご飯まだ?」
= Sore wa sou to, gohan mada?
= By the way, where’s my dinner?
Echo 「それはそうと、ご飯まだ?」
= Sore wa sou to, gohan mada?
= By the way, where’s my dinner?
= Kono ressun wa owaru made neru wake ni wa ikimasen.
= Until I finish this lesson, I can’t just go to bed.
= Onegaai. Neko tawaa katte!
= Pretty pleaaaase. Buy me a cat tower.
= Sonna kawaii kao de iwaretara kawanai wake ni wa ikanai naa.
= If you ask me with that cute face, I have no choice but to buy you one.
/ How can I not buy one if you ask me with that cute face?
= Akarui uchi ni ippai asobou yo!
= Let’s play a lot while it’s still light!
= Koinu no uchi wa yaritai koto wo nandemo yatta hou ga iin datte.
= I heard I should do anything I want while I am still a puppy.
= Watashi no koto sukinara motto kamatte yo.
= If you like me, pay more attention to me.
= Maggie Sensei wa ressun tsukuranai no?
= Isn’t Maggie Sensei making a lesson?
= Maggie no koto dakara sabotterun janai no?
= You know how Maggie is. She’s probably slacking off.
「DLPT (犬語能力試験)1級 合格したよ。」
= DLPT (Inugo nouryoku shiken) ikkyuu goukaku shitayo.
= Hey, I passed DLPT (Dog Language Proficiency Test) Level 1.
= Nanka, tokuige dane.
= You look so proud.
= Sorosoro choushoku wo itadaite mo yoroshii deshouka.
= Could we have breakfast now if it’s possible?
= Onaka ga suite mairimashita.
= We are getting hungry.
= Otesuu okake shimasu.
= Sorry to trouble you.
= Boku ni nihongo nante oshierarekkonai yo.
= There is no way that I can teach Japanese.
= Haruka sensei doko?
= Where’s Haruka-Sensei?
= Shii!
= Shh!
= Koko ni kakurete itara mitsukarikkonai karane.
= If I hide here, there is no way that they can find me.
= Bero ga deteru yo.
= Your tongue is sticking out.
= Iino, hottoite.
= Just leave me alone!
Parker: ベー
= Beeh
= Jibun datte shita, dashiteru jan.
= You should talk. You are sticking out your tongue, too.
= Chotto kono kouen de chotto asonde ikou yo.
= Why don’t we play in this park a little?