Culture Lesson お月見 ( = otsukimi ) (Mini Lesson)
=Ah! Usagi ga omochi tabeteru!
=Ah! A rabbit is wating mochi (pounded rice cake)!
Age related lesson! :さばを読む ( = saba wo yomu)
= Maggie sensei, ikutsu?
= How old are you, Maggie Sensei?
= Nisai!
=Two years old!
Request Lesson : 〜そう = ~ sou = looks (like) 〜, going to ~
= マギーおちそう
= Maggie ochisou!
= Maggie, you are going to fall!
= マギーおもそう
= Maggie omosou…
= Maggie looks heavy…
台所 ( = daidokoro ) : Things around the kitchen
=Dareka watashi no teryouri taberu yuuki aru?
=Anybody have the guts to eat my homemade dishes?
大人買い ( = otonagai ) (Mini Lesson)
= Sumimasen. Soko no omocha, hashi kara hashi made zenbu kudasai.
= Excuse me. May I have all the toys, from one end (of the shelf) to the other.
郵便 ( =yuubin) * At the post office
「航空便でラブレターが届いたの boucingheart! 」
= Koukuubin de raburetaa ga todoita no.
=I got this love letter by airmail♥
着る ( = kiru) : How to say wear or put on in Japanese
Request lesson : ちゃう & ちゃった = chau & chatta
Request Lesson : When and how to use ん ( = n ) (です・のです・んです = desu・ nodesu・ndesu)
= Maggie Sensei korekara dokoni ikun desu ka?
= Where are you going now, Maggie Sensei?
= Ima kara kaimono ni ikunda.
= I’m going shopping now.