How to use「 もんか」「もんだ」「(だ)なんて」( = monka / monda/ (da)nante)



= Tatta hachikagetsu de kono burogu ga owarida nante dare ga shinjiru to omou no?

= “Who would believe that this blog would finish in just eight months.”


= Demo hitotte angai to shinnjiru mon dayo.

= “But more than you imagine, people are supposed to believe it.”


= Souiu mon ka naa..

= “I wonder if it is true…”

皆さん、今日は! ( = Minasan konnichiwa!) Hello everyone!

We have received a request from C-san recently.


<マギー先生 :先週、日本語の授業で「もんか」、「もんだ」、「だなんて」を勉強しましたが、いつ使えるかどうか、まだ分かりません。その三つの違いは微妙だという気がしますが。。。説明をしてくれませんか?>

She has just learned 「もんか ( = monka), 「もんだ」( = monda), and 「(だ)なんて」( = (da)nante) at school but is not sure how to use them.

All right. I think I can make one lesson to cover all three things. Let’s get started!


🔹 ~もんか ( =~monka)

もんか ( = ~monka) is a casual way of saying ものか ( = ~monoka) (If you end the sentence with it, ものですか  ( = monodesuka) is more polite.)

(1) It shows your strong determination. Sometimes we use it when we talk to ourselves.


 = Makeru monoka/monka

= “I won’t give in!”

(more polite)  


 = Makeru mono desu ka


= Naku ka!/ Nakumon ka !

= I’m not going to cry 

(more polite)


 = Naku mono desu ka  

variation :

:rrrr: •泣くものかと歯をくいしばった。

= Naku mono ka to ha wo kuishibatta.

He tried hard not to cry.

•歯をくいしばる ( = Ha wo kuishibaru) means to clench one’s teeth. We use this quote when we try doing something that’s either very hard to do or hard to endure.

:rrrr: •歯をくいしばってがんばる。

 = Hao kuishibatte ganbaru.

to try really hard to do something.

Note : There is a movie titled なくもんか」 ( = naku mon/monoka) I won’t cry.


 = Zettai ni watashi no keiki wo ageru mono ka!/ agerumon ka!

“There is no way I’m giving him my cake!”

(more polite)


 = Ageru mono desu ka


= Sonna koto wo itte damasareru mono ka!/damasareru mon ka!

= “Even if you say that, you can’t fool me!”

( more polite)


 = Damasareru mono desu ka


=Konna tsurai shigoto darega yarumono ka/yarumon ka!

= Who would (want to) do such hard work?  (Nobody! That’s who!)

(more polite)


 = Yaru mono desu ka

(2) If you use it when referring to other people, it sounds aggressive and challenging.


= Maggie ni sonna koto dekiru mono ka/dekiru mon ka! 


= Dekiru hazu ga nai.

It is impossible for Maggie to do such a thing.There is NO WAY that Maggie can do such a thing.


= Anata ni watashi no kimochi ga wakaru mon/wakarumon desuka!

= You’re not going to know how I feel. / There is no way that you can understand how I feel.

•お前に俺の気持がわかるもんか!(rough/male speech)

 = Omae ni ore no kimochi ga wakaru mon ka!

The same meaning as above but with a much more brutal nuance.

(3) When used in the negative form, it expresses your wish, desire or hope.


= Yarenai mono ka naa.

= I wonder if it is at all feasible…/if I can do it.


 = Nantoka ukaranai mono ka.

I wonder if I can manage to pass the exam..


 = Uchi no ken  ni dezunii rando ga dekinai mono kanaa./dekinai mon kana.

I wish they would build a Disneyland in my prefecture.

(4) When you talk about something you are not sure about — for example, if you’re unsure what to do about something.


= Sore wa donna mono kanaa../donna mon kanaa

= Hum…what to do…/I wonder if it is OK…/I am not sure if it is OK…


 = Maa konna mono kanaa./Konna mon kanaa

= Well, I guess this is all right. / Maybe this is the way it is…


 = Sate doushita monoka/doushita monka…

= Well, what should I do now…


 = Mou hatachi nimo natte sonna koto gurai wakaranai mono kanaa..

You are 20 years old so you should know that by now! 

(←How can you not know that at 20 years of age!?)


🔹 ~もんだ  ( = monda)

~もんだ  ( = ~monda) is a casual way of saying  ~ ものだ。( = ~monoda)

(more polite)  ~ものです。(  = mono desu)

(1) Telling your opinion of how things should be /supposed to be or what people are supposed to do /should do.

Ex. 人は~するものだ。/するもんだ。

= Hito wa ~ suru mono da/suru monda

= People are supposed to + verb.


 = Jinsei nante sonna mono da./sonna monda 

Such is life. / That’s the way life is.


= Souiu mon/mono desu./ Douiu mon desu.

That’s how it (life/things) goes.


 = Fuyu wa samui mono da/samui monda 

Winter is supposed to be cold.

(So don’t complain!/So what is wrong with it?)


= Otona ni naru to iu no wa iyana koto ga attemo gutto koraeru mono da.

→(more polite)


= koraeru mono desu.

You should be able to put up with everything while you are growing up.


 = Shigotoba wa itsumo kirei ni shite itai mono dane./kirei ni shite itai mon dane.

We should always keep our workplace clean.

I think the workplace should always be clean.

(2) When you are surprised or impressed with a fact. (either being impressed or disappointed)


 = Anna hidoi koto wo yoku ieta mono da/ieta mono da.

How could he say such a horrible thing!/I can’t believe he said that horrible thing!


 = Yatte mireba dekiru mono  dane./dekiru mon dane.

→(more polite)  できるものですね。 

 = dekiru mono desu ne.

=  We are supposed to be able to do it if we give it a try, huh?

•人は、会ってみないとわからないものだ /わからないもんだ。

 = Hito wa atte minaito wakaranai mono da./wakaranai monda

We won’t know that person until we actually see him.

→(more polite)


= Wakaranai mono desu ne.


 = Kare mo nakanaka yarumonda ne./yarumon dane.

= He is not bad at all. (I am impressed!)

→(more polite)


= Yaru mono desu ne.

(3) When you are proud of something,

•どんなもんだい!  (casual/male speech) 

= Donna mon dai!

Look what I just did! (Proudly)  casual


= Donna mondai to iwanbakari no taido

The proud attitude

(4) When you recall what you used to do.


 = Izen kanojo to ano mise ni yoku ano mise ni nomi ni itteita monoda./itetita monda.

I used to go drinking with her at the bar.


 = Mukashi wa kinjo de hito ni attara dareni demo aisatsu wo shiteita mono da./aisatsu wo shiteita monda.

In the old days we would greet anybody we met while walking in the neighborhood.

(5) When you wish something :


 = Hayaku atatakaku natte hoshii mono da./hoshii monda

= I wish it would get warmer soon.

(6) When you explain the reason : 〜もんだ+から( = mondakara) or 〜ものだ+から( = mono dakara)


 = Denwa de nagabanashi shiteita  mono dakara osoku nacchatta/nagabanashi shiteita mon dakara osoku nacchatta. Gomenne.

I am sorry I’m late. I had a long telephone call.


🔹 (だ)なんて ( = (da)nante)

(だ)なんて  ( = (da)nante) can be replaced with なんか  ( = nanka) in many cases.

But if I try explaining all of the differences between “nante” and “nanka” here, 日が暮れる  ( = higa kureru) it will be “tomorrow! so I won’t do it here. Basically just know that we use it for emphasis.

(1) When you are fed up with something or look down on something or someone:


= Anta nante/nanka daikirai!

=I hate YOU!


 = Kare nante/nanka dounattemoii.

= I don’t care what happens to him.


= Gakkou nante/nanka ikitaku nai.

I really don’t want to go to SCHOOL.


= Shigoto nante/nanka doudemo ii.

I don’t care about WORK!


= Ahita ame danante tsuite nai naa..

It is too bad /We have no luck that it is going to rain tomorrow.


 = Anata nante aitakunai 

= I don’t want to see (meet) someone like YOU!

Note : When you refer to yourself, it makes you sound more humble.


= Watashi ni nante/nanka yasashiku shinaide.

 = Don’t be nice to a person like me.

(2) To bring up something unexpected or to re-quote what you have found out with surprise.

Although there is a slight nuance difference, なんて  ( = nante) and  だなんて  ( = danante) are exchangeable in many cases.(Usually, we use だなんて ( = danante) when we quote what someone has said and we use なんて ( = nanate) to refer just the fact you have found out. )


 = Ashita kara furansu ni iku (da)nante urayamashii desu.

I’m so jealous that you’re going to France tomorrow.


= Kare ga watashi no koto suki (da) nante (odoroita)

I am surprised to hear he likes me.


= Kyuu ni tazunete kuru  (da) nante bikkuri suru janai!

= You surprised me by coming over suddenly.

(←I am very surprised by the fact you visited me all of a sudden. )


= Asa kara tabete nai (da) nante daijoubu?

= You haven’t eaten anything this morning? Are you all right?

•もうこのブログに来ない (だ)なんてひどい!

 = Mou kono burogu ni konai da nante hidoi!

= It is horrible that you are no longer coming to this blog!


 = Maggie ga annna koto wo iu (da)nante kangae mo shinakatta.

I didn’t expect Maggie would have said such a thing. (I am shocked…)


 = Ano paatei ni hyakunin mono hito ga kita da nante.

I can’t believe 100 people went to that party!


 = Boku wa kimi wo isshou mamoru yo(da) nante iwanakereba yokatta.

= I shouldn’t have said I would protect you for the rest of my life.

(3) To give some examples of one’s idea. For example, things like..


= Ryokou ni iku nara guamu nante dou?

= If you go traveling, how about a place like Guam?


 = Kaojo ni purezento nara hanataba nante dou?

= If you want to give your girlfriend a present, how about something like a flower bouquet?

Please check more information in my なんて  ( = nante) lesson here.


(How to use なんて (  =  nante)


:maggie-small: From the picture above :


= Tatta hachikagetsu de kono burogu ga owarida nante dare ga shinjiru to omou no?

= “Who would believe this blog would finish in just eight months.”


= Demo hitotte angai to shinnjiru mon dayo.

•案外  ( = angai) : more than you think /  unexpectedly

= “But people believed it more than I imagined (they would).”


 = Souiu mon ka naa..

“I wonder if it is true…”


  <Test Yourself!>

Fill in the blanks using:

:rrrr: もんか  ( = monka)

:rrrr: もんだ  ( = monda)

:rrrr: (だ)なんて  ( = (da) nante)

Good luck!   😉

1)明日、日曜日なのに、仕事がある(    )かわいそう!

= Ashita nichiyoubi nanoni shigoto ga aru (           ) kawaisou!

= You poor thing. You have to work tomorrow even if it’s Sunday.

2)何があってもこのブログをやめる(    )!

 = Nani ga atte mo kno burogu wo yameru  (                 )!

I will never quit this blog no matter what.

3)日本語は毎日、こつこつと勉強すれば上達する(    )。

 = Nihongo wa mainichi kotsukotsu to benkyou sureba joutatsu suru (               )

Your Japanese is supposed to improve if you study steadily every day.

4)あなた(    )恵まれているから、私の気持はわからないのよ!

 = Anata (                ) megumarete iru kara watashi no kimochi wa wakaranai noyo!

You are too wealthy so you will never understand how I feel.

5)昔はよく図書館で彼女と一緒に勉強をした(    )

= Mukashi wa yoku toshokan de kanojo to issho ni benkyou wo shita (          )

I used to study with her in the library in the old days.

6)こんな遅い時間に電話をしてくる(     )何かあったの?

= Konna osoi jikan ni denwa wo shitekuru (           ) nanika atta no?

What are you doing calling me this late? Does something happen?




1) なんて/だなんて = nante/danante

2) ものか/もんか= monoka/monka

3) ものだ/もんだ = monoda/monda

4) なんて = nante

5)  ものだ/もんだ = monoda/monda

6) なんて = nante

frenchbulldogマギー先生より  = Maggie sensei yori =  From Maggie-sensei


= Watashi no ressun ga matamoya nagasugiru danante iwanai dene.


= Jibun no mono ni suru niwa bunshou wo ippai tsukutte miru no ga ichiban. Komento ni irete kurereba naoshimasu.

= It is best to make a lot of sentences yourself. If you leave it in the comment section, I can correct it for you.

 For those who prefer a short beginner’s lesson, follow me on Twitter! I’ll post a mini-lesson with a pic. almost every day!

Maggie-Sensei Twitter



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  1. Hello Maggie先生,

    strictly speaking, 負けるもんか translates into I won’t lose!
    To give up is rather 諦める. So your sentence I won’t give up! would be 諦めるもんか


    Thanks for the lesson

    1. Hello xellpan

      負けるもんか My translation is “I won’t give in.” (the literal translation “I will never be beaten!/ I won’t lose”)
      But you are right. You can translate “I won’t give up” as 諦めるもんか
      Though the translation could be the same there is a nuance difference
      諦めるもんか means “I won’t give up” (on something I want to achieve or on someone/something).
      負けるもんか means “I won’t lose” (to anyone, any team, myself, or hardship).
      It’s about standing strong and refusing to be defeated, whether by external challenges or inner struggles.

  2. This lesson is very informative, but I read that もん is childish/only used by children. Is this true or is that a different use of the word もん than in this lesson? Thanks!

    1. Oh also, if もん is childish, is writing the full thing out like もの or ものです considered not childish? Thanks! (Sorry I forgot to add this to the original comment)

      1. Hi Sean,
        Ah that childish  もん is different from these.
        The  もん form that I introduced in this lesson is just casual form of もの and not childish.

  3. Hi Maggie San. I am watching and reading 千と千尋の神隠し. In the film, 千尋 says ‘前の方が、いいもん’。I like my old school….She has just seen her new school and in a depressed way says.. 前の方が、いいもん。I’m just wondering what number this phrase would come under in your excellent lesson! Thanks! Ashley

    1. Hello Ashley

      Ah, OK I don’t think I explain the usage of the suffix もん in this lesson.
      ~もん is a suffix that children or girls use o express some reason (Because ~ / ‘Cause ~ ) or stress the feelings.
      (だって)〜もん = (I did it /I think that way ) because ~

  4. Hi Maggie! I found this sentence o a JLPT test page but I don’t understand the meaning of ものか here: あの人には分からないのだろう、今の生活の安定がいかに危ういものか。Thanks and keep up the hard work!

    1. Hi Miriam

      This is an inverted sentence.

      So this もの is nominalizing what comes before.
      今の生活の安定がいかに危ういもの (= 今の生活の安定が危ういものだということ/今の生活の安定が危ういということ =) “(the fact that) how unstable the current life is”

      + あの人には分からないのだろう。 = He/She probably doesn’t know / He/She may not know.

      how unstable the current life is.

      1. I see, and what would be the difference if ことか was used instead of ものか sinceこと is also a nominalizer. Thank you very much Maggie sensei!

        1. OK,
          Let me rephrase it to understand better.

          He doesn’t understand that my work is hard.

          What he doesn’t get is “my work is hard”

          He doesn’t know that my work is a hard thing.

          What he doesn’t get is “my work is a hard thing”

    2. Hello Miriam,
      let’s make a little change in the order structure of this sentence, then you will understand the meaning of ものか easier.

      The pattern 「いかに/どんなに~~~ものか」 puts more emphasis (and feelings of the speaker) in the sentence. In this case the speaker is concerned, because somebody doesn’t realize, how much his/her current stability in life is in danger.

      Here’s an example I found in the Internet:


      1. Thank you very much Maggie Sensei! I think I understand now. Thanks for your fast reply and for your patience.

  5. たった、8ヶ月でこのブログが終わりだなんて誰が信じると思うの?
    “Who would believe that this blog would finish in just eight months.”

    Hi Maggie,

    I have a question about this sentence. I don’t understand why it means the English sentence above.
    When I read it, I can only understand the sentence as:
    “Who do you think would believe that this blog would finish in just eight months?”
    Kind of like the speaker is playing a prank on the readers, to see who would fall for this prank and believe it.

    Because in my mind the と思うの part means “… do you think… ?”
    And then 誰が信じると思うの means “who do you think would believe… ?”

    If I wanted to say “Who would believe that this blog would finish in just eight months.”
    then I would translate it as –

    I feel this is another one of those subtle Japanese nuances that is hard for a foreigner like me to understand.

    1. Hi Dennis,

      誰がVerbと思う? is a set phrase (Who would do ~ / Nobody would do ~
      Ex. そんなこと誰がやると思う?
      = Who would do such a thing? )
      but you can say 誰が信じる?/ 誰が信じるっていうの? (誰も信じないよ/信じやしないよ)

      Maybe it will be easier to think this 思う is like “guess”
      Guess who would believe it. (Nobody would.)
      Guess who would do such a thing. (Nobody would.)

      1. Hi Maggie,

        Thank you. I understand what you mean. But if I wanted to say –
        “Who do you think would believe such a thing?”

        How would you put this in Japanese?

        Sorry about posting 3 times… I think I clicked on the wrong reply button and my message went to the wrong place…

        1. Ahh I see your point now.
          You are right. More accurately the closest translation would be
          “Who do you think would believe such a thing?”

          Who would believe such a thing?

          1. Oh, thanks very much Maggie sensei.

            So in your sentence 誰がそんなこと信じるっていうの?… the last part (っていうの?) is the concept you explained in the って lesson, right?

  6. マギー先生へ、
    Is it true that you can sound whiny but cute when using もんだ, for example when you tell someone you’re sad or upset? Not because of them necessarily, but can you say 『悲しいもんだ』when you want them to feel sorry for you?
    I’m a young female who would like to know how to sound cute and even somewhat childish, but I don’t want to overdo it.

    1. こんにちは、Karin
      Ah I think you meant 悲しいんだもん

      I think I have covered the usage of もん in a couple of other lessons. (For example 理由 lesson, etc.)
      〜もん is used to make your point. (kind of childish but young women use it too.)

      だって〜もん Because ~
      It is a kind of cute way to give a reason.
      Ex だって悲しんだもん ‘Cause I’m sad.

    2. Hi Maggie,

      Thank you. I understand what you mean. But if I wanted to say –
      “Who do you think will believe such a thing?”

      How would you put this in Japanese?

    3. Hi Maggie,

      Thank you. I understand what you mean. But if I wanted to say –
      “Who do you think would believe such a thing?”

      How would you put this in Japanese?

  7. Hello,
    thanks for all your lessons! Would you mind explaining the word muku (向く)? I have seen it in many sentences like your expression of the day 気が向いたらいつでも遊びに来て. But also when I hit the sentences search on Jisho it looks like there are many different meanings and possible use cases for this word.

    Thanks and keep up the good work here.

    1. Hi Hitokage!

      向く means
      1) to turn certain direction , towards ~ , to face ~
      前を向く = face forward
      この家は東を向いている = This house is facing east.
      こちらを向いて = Look this way.

      2) to be suitable for ~ / to be good at ~

      この仕事は私に向いている/ 向いていない
      = I am good at this job/ This job isn’t for me. I am not good at this job.

      And 気が向く is an idiomatic expression
      to feel like doing, to feel inclined to do ~

  8. Hello Maggie-sensei,

    I am a bit confused about the meaning of “yoku” in the following example:
    あんなひどいことをよく言えたもん(or もの)だ。
    What does is mean exactly?

    Also, what is the function of か in ものか? Is it a question particle in the end of the sentence or something else?

    1. Alina

      Hi Alina!
      This よく has a sarcasm.
      Usually よく言えた means “well said” but the speaker is sarcastic. →How could you say the horrible things?

      か in ものか
      expresses one’s strong feelings. (will/belief): I bet/There is no way

      If you are talking to someone: I bet you can’t do that.
      If you are talking about yourself: There is no way that I can do that.

      1. Thank you! I see the sarcasm there. So, よく is from いい.

        The か is still a bit confusing to me. I understand that it is used to put a stress on some emotion, but I don’t understand it’s grammatical function. Does it have some kind of counterpart in English? Like maybe “Such a thing I can do… not” or something like that. It helps me when I try to translate as literally as possible.

        I am sorry, you made a whole lesson about this topic and I still don’t quite get it completely… :/

        1. @Alina

          First, I will make よく lesson for you soon.
          There are a few different usages.

          As for か, the translation changes depending on the context or you don’t actually translate it so it is hard to give you the equivalent English words.

          The example sentences in my previous comments
          If you are talking to someone: I bet you can’t do that./You are nog going to make it, I am sure. → So I guess you can express もんか with “I bet/ I am sure”
          If you are talking about yourself: There is no way that I can do that./YOU can’t do that. →” There is no way” expresses もんか
          They both express the speaker’s strong opinion.

          1. Thank you, sensei. Thats the confusing thing though – そんなことできるものか sound to me like “I bet you CAN do that”. Otherwise it would have been できない. Again, in my head ;)

            Looking forward to the よく lesson! :)

          2. OK,
            There is no way that I can do it.
            そんなことできるか! (rough/male speech)

            All of these of a sentence implies the meaning “できるわけがない = There is no way that I can do it”
            So grammatically it might be easier for you to think bring up the topics first and negate the possibility.
            Do you think I can do it? No way! → There is no way that I can do it.

            Anyway か has many functions. “or” “asking question” “express one’s strong feelings (usually talking back the listener, deny what the listener has just said.”
            Will add it on the request lesson ,too.

          3. Asking and then negating it actually does help to understand it better, thank you! How about this one (not sure though if this is the right place to post this question, but since it has もの in it…):

            欲しいものなど もう何もない

            It is from a song. The last sentence is really confusing. The official translation is “there is nothing more important than you”. So I can see “important thing” there (大切なもの), but where is this negation “there is nothing”? To me this sentence sounds literally “Besides you [there are] important things ans so on”. It is like the author is saying “you are not that important, because besides you there are also other important things” which I know is very wrong…

          4. You’re very welcome!

            OK, your new question…
            The last part 何もない is omitted because it is repeated.

            As you said など has a meaning of “and so on””and etc.” but there is a usage

            A などない = There is no such a thing as A

          5. Oh, one last thing: would it be possible for you to add a few audio recordings so that we could hear the intonation in your もの/もん example sentences? I wonder if the か at the end is pronounced like a question, or an exclamation… :)

          6. Thank you, that really did help a lot! I think I will stick with “you think I will cry? No way/as if!”

  9. Konnichiha Maggie Sensei, O~Hisashi Buri Deshou Ne
    _Sensei, I Found Some Sentences End Up With Something Like (~To Kita Mon Da), But I Don’t Know What It Exactly Means Or Used For? O~Negai Shimasu…

    1. @Kibounokata

      ~ときたものだ/きたもんだ。( = to kita monoda/ kita monda)

      V/ Noun(+だ)/ adjective + ときたもんだ expresses one’s feelings (usually negative) such as surprise, disgust, frustration, etc.

      This きた doesn’t mean “to come”. It could be “saying things like” “demanding things like ~ ” “doing something like ~ ” “end up with ~”

      For example, there is person who always thinks about himself and never helps others.
      But when he is a trouble, he asks for help.

      Ex.1A 彼は、いつも自分のことしか考えていないのに困ったときだけ助けてくれという。

      (You just state the fact.)

      Ex.1B 彼は、いつも自分のことしか考えていないのに困ったときだけ助けてくれときたもんだ。
      (It shows one’s feelings more)

      Also it means “on top of that” “what’s more”

      = On top of the fact that we don’t have any money, he/she wants go to traveling.
      (he/she is saying something like traveling)

  10. やっほ :pika: 、また私ですけど。
    ねー、マギー, could you tell me if you can see any difference (meaning, nuance, etc.) between 「~てよかったものの」 and 「からいいようなものの/からよかったものの」?

    Here’s a sentence:


    1. @天人

      Hi, 天人さん、元気?

      1) 雨が降らなくてよかったものの
      2) 雨が降らなかったからよかったものの

      They mean the same and I guess people use them both forms.
      However, I would use 2) form. It is a set phrase.
      (から give a reason) and 1) somehow sounds unnatural.

      I could be wrong but people use てよかったものの because we mix the form with
      (I’m glad that ~ )
      (雨が降らなくてよかった)I am glad it didn’t rain.

      For that reason, the difference between 1) and 2) is 1) is more conversational than 2)

      (FYI I don’t know if I will post it here but I am working on yokatta lesson right now.)

      1. ゲンキだよー。教えてくれてありがとうー。
        Emm 2) sounds unnatural or 1)?
        Because you said that からいいようなものの/からよかったものの/からいいものの is a set phrase and you would use 2) form @___@

        Btw, depending on context 雨が降らなくてよかった can also mean: I’m glad it doesn’t rain, ne?

        1. @天人

          Oops! I mean 1) sounds unnatural. (Sorry. I fixed the mistake.)
          Sorry to make you confused.

          雨が降らなくてよかった= I am glad it didn’t rain. (It is not raining when the speaker is talking or the speaker is recalling the day when it didn’t rain )

          1. ありがとう、マギー!
            I’m very happy that you are always there for me \^o^/
            Thank you so much once again and till next time ^o^

  11. I came to this page after hearing the song 思えば遠くへ来たもんだ 故郷離れて四十年 by 海援隊
    A very good old song. What does the title mean?

    もんだ followed a past tense so it should be “(4) When you recall what you used to do.” right.

    So I think it mean “I recall coming from far away, have been separated from my home town for 40 years”, is it not?

    1. @Pete
      Yes, this もんだ is recalling the past.
      You got the meaning right.
      (Now I think of it) I have come very far from my hometown for 40 years.

  12. Hi there !JYANE! This one is kinda old but I was just brushing it up a bit and found something that I don’t get well. It’s a general doubt about ni(wa) triggered from something I’ve read in this lesson. I’ll try to make my point across !DANCING!
    I can use ni(wa) to target someone, right? Like “for Maggie” = “Maggie ni” (or “Maggie no tame ni” which I know is more polite and structured). Also I’ve read “Maggie ni” (or niwa most of the time) to refer to Maggie’s point of view, her position, you know, like “ni totte”. So I was wondering if I can use just “ni” to say “for Maggie”, meaning both “for her sake, targeting her/something for her” and “from her point of view”.
    And here’s comes the problem on the lesson:
    On the “monka” part, which I understand well I think, these 2 sentences use “ni” and I just can’t translate:
    “Maggie ni sonna koto dekiru mon/mono ka!”
    “Anata ni watashi no kimochi ga wakaru mon/mono desuka”

    I really struggle with NI particle :roll:
    I hope I’m not bothering, while learning a language it is sooo usual (at least for me) to get stuck into something and rack your brains for little things! :3

    1. @Rhi

      Hello again,
      Good question!
      When you use potential verbs (or verbs which have potential meaning), we sometime use に/にも/には

      1. Woooh at last!! Hahaha thank you so much. I suspected something about this usage of ni but of course without confirmation it’s impossible to figure out !JYANE!

  13. こんにちは、メギーさん。



      1. Maggie Sensei:

        How is と working in the sentence that Jessi wrote? Is is quotative?


        1. Hi David,

          It is an old comment but right. Basically you distinguish もの and 物
          You use kanji 物 for object/something tangible (It means “things”)
          When you are talking about the idea, reason (something intangible) like the ones in this lesson, you use hiragana.

          1. Sensei, I meant the particle と. I mean she could have just as easily written:


            instead of :


            Why does Jessi feel the need to use と?


          2. Oh sorry. I guess I didn’t read your question well.
            Aは、〜です。 = A is ~
            When you define what A is, you say とは
            This と is to quote
            Let me add what has been omitted after と


  14. Hi sensei,

    Thanks for your useful lessons (as always) !

    Regarding this lesson, I have 2 questions:
    1. I often heard that “monka”, “monda” is associated with female speech, is it true? Is it common for both guys & girls to use “monka”, “monda” this way?
    2. Also, what is the level of politeness of “monodesuka”? I mean, the “desu” form is polite, but can I use it with older people without making them feel I’m a little too rude?

    Thank you.

    1. @Lupe

      Sorry that it took me a while to get back to you. I was on vacation.
      1. もんか and もんだ are both for men and women. But since if you finish the sentence with もんか it sounds strong (even for a man) so women should avoid using it verbally.
      もんだ will be OK if you add ね, よね or なあ ,etc.

      2. ものですか also sound strong and as I wrote, it could be very aggressive so avoid using it with older people or upper level people.

  15. もう分かりました、説明してくれて有り難う! ^_^

    1. LadySapphireさん

      それはもう知っていることはずのに→(これも惜しい!) 知っているはずなのに or 知っていることなのに。 or 両方使う場合は  知っていることのはずなのに
      Maggieもこのサイトで日本語を教え始めてから日本語の奥深さにびっくりです! :shock:
      (Note: 先生に説明してくれて→先生、説明してくれて (先生に説明はexplain to the teacherという意味になります。)

  16. 1) 添削をノートしました
    2) (何をやめないのかな?気になる)
    3) ちょっと質問があります。
       It made me think (どう言いますか?)

    又添削してくれてあろがとう ^_^

    1. LadySapphireさん

      実は、”〜はずだ” と”〜ものだ”は同じ様な意味になるので1つだけでも意味は十分伝わります。
      Ex. わかるはずだ。(He should tell/We expect him to tell) or Ex. わかるものだ。(He supposes to tell) or わからなければいけないものだ。(He should tell)
      Ex. 明日、来るはずの荷物
      Ex. わかるはずのこと


      Ex. 食べれるものだ
      Ex. 可愛いものだ
      Ex. きれいなものだ

  17. はい、皆正解でした!

    では、文章を自分で作ってみます。 間違いがあったら、先生の添削にお任せお願いします。




    1. LadySapphireさん

      全問正解!?すご〜い!!パチパチ””ハ(^▽^*) ハ
      →そんなきれいなドレスを着て(い)るなんて今日デートかなんかある?:キレイなの前に”そんな” とか入れると自然になりますよ。”着ていて”は”着ている”
      「なんて」の前に動詞を入れる時は一般的には基本形でいいです。(する+なんて/食べる+なんて。命令形や引用文は別。Ex. 宿題をやれなんてひどい!)
      2)○ 合ってます!!(何をやめないのかな?気になる)

      (Note : Maggie先生はこのレッスンがよく教えられましたから。→Maggie先生を主語にする場合は、Maggie先生”が”このレッスン”を”よく”教えてくれ”ましたから。先生の添削にお任せお願いします。→先生に添削をお任せします。)

  18. では、約束通り、答えで〜す!!(=Dewa yakusoku doori kotae deeesu!) Here are the answers as I promised.

    Answers :

    1) なんて(=nante)
    2) もんか(=monka) or ものか(=monoka)
    3)もんだ(=monda) or ものだ(=monoda)
    5)もんだ(=monda) or ものだ(=monoda)

    皆、正解だった?(=Mina seikai datta?)
    You got all right?

    1. 全部正しくてよかったね、マギー先生のためはありがとうございました!
      学ぶなんてうれしいんだ (^_^)

  19. maggie san ,I’m not sure how to use ~なんて sometimes .Someone said we can using -nante if someone just kidding.本当ですか?.my BF often said on the final sentence, “~~~なんてねぇ..(笑)”
    Does it mean “I’m kidding/just kidding”?
    Can u explain me more..ありがとう.^^

    1. マリアさん
      You are right! It means, “I’m just kidding” “Just joking!”
      We say something and finish with なんて(ね) to show the listeners that we are just kidding. 
      We also say なんちゃって(=nanchatte) which is more colloquial.

      For example you say something a bit shocking as a joke and then you follow it up by saying なんちゃって!
      Maggie :「私、近所の猫と付き合うことにしたの。」(Watashi kinjo no neko to tsukiau koto ni shitano) I am going to date a cat in the neighborhood..
      You : 「えっ!?」
      Maggie : 「なんてね。/なんちゃって!」(I got you! /I am just kidding. /It’s a joke!)

      Sometimes we use it to cover up the embarrassment of what you have just said trying to make it sound like a joke even if it’s true.
      I think I am falling for you..No, I am just kidding!

      Did I answer your question?

  20. It’s funny to think of Maggie is such dramatic conversations where this is used, “僕は君を一生守るよ(だ)なんて言わなければよかった” lol

    Another great lesson,

    1. Hi jeremy-san!

      Thank you for visiting me again!
      My life is full of dramas! Jeremyさんは、こんな台詞を言ってことはない?

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