How to use 〜てある ( = te aru)


Shadow 「窓が開けてあるから外がよく見えるよ。」

= Mado ga akete aru kara soto ga yoku mieru yo.

= The window has been kept open so I can see outside very well.


= Ah, asoko ni inu ga iru!

= Oh, there is a dog over there.


Chibi : 「今日はベッドメイキングがもうしてあったよ。」

= Kyou wa beddo meikingu ga mou shite attayo.

Bed has been already made for today.


= Mama, arigatou!

= Thanks, Mom!

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How to use 〜し ( = shi )



= Neko wa asonde kurenaishi,  Mama wa isogashii shi, kyou wa hitori de nani wo shiyou kana.

= Cats won’t play with me,  and Mom is busy… I wonder what should I do by myself today…

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