The expressions with まる ( = maru) 


= Kono ressun tsukuru noni maru ikkagetsu kakatta yo.

= It took me a whole month to make this lesson.

Hi everyone! I am the guest teacher today, Peace. I mean, that’s my name: Peace. It’s not just something I am wishing for you! 

I know I have really cute round eyes. 

Expressions with  = まる = maru ・ = まる/えん = maru / en

Hi everyone! Today we are going to study the expressions using the word/kanji = まる = maru/ = まる/えん = maru / en

First, ( = まる = maru) means  circle, round, sphere”.

The adjective is: 丸い = まるい = marui = (something) round 

The Japanese flag is called 日の丸 = ひのまる = hinomaru 🇯🇵

* 丸文字 = まるもじ = marumoji /丸字 = まるじ = maruji= rounded handwriting/rounded styled of print

You might have noticed that some Japanese fonts have “rounded fonts 

Ex. 丸ゴシック体 = maru goshikkutai =  Round Gothic

( = えん = en) also means “circle 

And 円形 = えんけい = enkei = a circular form, round, circle

Ex. 円を描く

= En wo kaku

= to draw a circle

Ex. 半円 = はんえん = han-en = semicircle

The difference: While ( = えん = en) /円い ( = まるい= marui) is 2 dimensional,   ( = maru ), 丸い ( = まるい= marui) could be 2 or 3 dimensional. 

Ex. 円形のテーブル / 丸いテーブル

= enkei no teeburu / marui teeburu 

= A round table 

Ex. 地球は丸い

= ちきゅうはまるい

= chikyuu wa marui

= The Earth is round. 

★ to express a round appearance/design 

*丸々 = まるまる = marumaru = round / chubby / plump

*丸々(と)した = まるまる(と)した = marumaru shita 

Ex. 丸々太った赤ちゃん

= Marumaru futotta akachan

= a chubby baby

Ex. 娘は、今は痩せていますが、子供の頃は丸々太っていたんですよ。

= Musume wa, ima wa yasete imasu ga, kodomo no koro wa marumaru futotte itan desu yo.

= My daughter is slim now but when she was a child, she was chubby/round.

Ex. 丸顔に眼鏡の男性

= Marugao ni megane no dansei

= A man with a round face wearing glasses. 

* 丸み = まるみ = marumi  = roundness

丸みのある = marumi no aru/ 丸みを帯びた = marumi wo obita  

= roundish, sort of round, curvy 

Ex. 丸みのあるデザインの車が今、若い女性に人気があるらしい。

= Marumi no aru dezain no kuruma ga ima, wakai josei ni ninki ga aru rashii.

= I heard the roundish designed cars are popular among young women now. 

* 丸っこい = まるっこい = marukkoi = (casual) roundish 

It is a casual but kind of cute way to describe something roundish.

Ex. 子猫は可愛い丸っこい目で僕のことを見つめていた。

= Koneko wa kawaii marukkoi me de boku no koto wo mitsumete ita.

= The kitten was staring at me (male) with its cute roundish eyes.

*真ん丸 = まんまる = manmaru/ 真ん丸い = まんまるい = manmarui 

= perfectly round 

Ex. 見て!月が真ん丸だよ!🌕

= Mite! Tsuki ga manmaru dayo! 

= Look at the moon! It’s perfectly round! 

( = まる = maru) = “correct / right / OK” 

* = まる = maru / 丸印 = まるじるし = marujirushi = ⭕️ mark 

Ex. 正しい答えに丸 (⭕️)をつけなさい。

= Tadashii kotae ni maru wo tsukenasai.

= Circle the right answer.

While many countries use a check mark as an affirmation mark when they check the applicable box, choose the right answer in the test or mark the correct answer in the test,  you use ⭕️ in Japan. 

And you use mark , ばつ・バツ  ( = batsu)/ ばつ印 ( = batsujirushi) / ぺけ・ペケ ( peke) / ばってん ( = batten) to mark the wrong answer or choose the wrong answer.  

(Note : Sometime you use a check mark is for a wrong answer, too!) 

Other marks: 

* 三角 = さんかく = sankaku = triangle △ mark  = The answer is not totally wrong but it is not correct either./  N/A (not-applicable) 

When teachers mark or evaluate children, they use

*二重丸  = にじゅうまる = nijuumaru = a double circle  ◎ means “excellent” “Great job!” 

*花丸 = はなまる= hanamaru= flower mark 💮  

It is not a real circle but this flower mark (the shape of sakura – cherry blossom 🌸) called 花丸 ( = hanamaru) . 

And inside of 花丸 ( = hanamaru), it says 

大変よくできました = Taihen yoku dekimashita. = Very well done! / Great job!



* まるばつクイズ = maru batsu kuizu /まるばつ問題 = marubatsu mondai 

= True or False Quiz.

The contestants of many quiz shows have まるばつプレート ( = maru batsu preeto) Yes- No plates like these.


🙆‍♂️🙆‍♀️ You can make a big 丸 = maru = circle with your arms to say OK, too.

* 〇〇 = 丸々 = まるまる = marumaru = blah blah, somethingsomething, something or other 

When you give a quiz for fun, you hide the answer with 〇

Ex. 日本で一番高い山は 〇〇山です。

= Nihon de ichiban takai yama wa, 〇〇 san/yama desu.

= The highest mountain in Japan is  blah-blah- mountain. 

*The name of a ship

Many big ships have a name with = まる = maru in Japan.

Ex. 日本丸 = にほんまる = nihonmaru

You might see a logo with one kanji in a circle when part of the company/store name begins with = まる = maru

Ex. 丸山商店 = まるやましょうてん = Maruyama Shouten

The logo might look a little this. ↓  

★Personality: calm, peaceful, easy-going, mild-minded personality 

Ex. 彼は、性格が丸くなった。

= Kare wa, seikaku ga maruku natta.

= He became mellow. 

You can also say 


= Seikaku ga odayaka ni natta.

= He became mellow.

★to work/do things peacefully, smoothly 

* 円満 = えんまん = enman 

円満な = えんまんな = peaceful, smooth, amicable 

円満に = えんまんに= enmanni = peacefully, smoothly, amicably 

Ex. 私たちは、円満な結婚生活を送っています。

= Watashitachi wa, enmanna kekkon seikatsu wo okutte imasu.

= We are having a peaceful married life.

Ex. 彼等は、円満に離婚した。

= Karera wa, enman ni rikon shita.

= They had an amicable divorce. 

Ex. 円満に解決する必要がある。

= Enman ni kaiketsu suru hitsuyou ga aru.

= We need to have an amicable settlement. 

Similar expression to 円満に解決する = えんまんにかいけつする = enman ni kaiketsu suru


= まるくおさめる

= to settle amicably 

Ex. 揉め事を丸く収める

= momegoto wo maruku osameru

= to settle the trouble peacefully 

★the whole, entire 

*   = まる = maru + noun / 丸々 = まるまる = marumaru + noun =  the whole, the entire

Ex. 宿題を終えるのに丸一日*かかった。

= Shukudai wo oeru no ni maruiichinichi kakatta.

= It took me the whole day to finish my homework.

 (* 丸々1日 = marumaru ichinichi) 

Ex. 明日までにこの本をまるまる一冊*読まないといけない。

= Ashita made ni kono hon wo marumaru issatsu yomanai to ikenai.

= I have to read the entire book by tomorrow. 

(*丸一冊 = maru issatsu) 

Ex. まるまる1ヶ月*かかる仕事

= Marumaru ikkagetsu kakaru shigoto

= The task/work that requires the whole month. 

(*丸1ヶ月 = maru ikkagetsu ) 

* 丸々と = まるまると = marumaru to = completely

Ex. ネットの噂を丸々と信じていたがそれは大きな間違いだった。

= Netto no uwasa wo marumaru to shinjite itaga sore wa ookina machigai datta.

= I completely believed the internet rumors but that was a big mistake.

* 丸見え = まるみえ = marumie = full view, completely visible 

Ex. 窓の外から部屋の中が丸見えだ。

= Mado no soto kara heya no naka ga marumie da.

= You can see everything in the room through the windows.

* 丸出し = まるだし= marudashi = fully exposing, being in full view, uncovered

Ex. 方言丸出しで話す

= Hougen marudashi de hanasu.

= to talk in broad dialect (exposing where you are from)

*丸焼き  = まるやき = maruyaki = whole roast 

Ex. 鶏の丸焼き = とりのまるやき = tori no maruyaki 

= a roasted whole chicken  

*丸裸 = まるはだか = maruhadaka = stark-naked / lose all one’s property

Ex.  彼は、事業に失敗して丸裸になった。

= Kare wa, jigyou ni shippai shite maruhadaka ni natta.

=  He failed in business and lost everything. 

*丸ごと = まるごと = marugoto = the whole thing

Ex. かぼちゃをまるごと使ってパイを焼いた。

= Kabocha wo marugoto tsukatte pai wo yaita.

= I baked a pie using the whole pumpkin. 

* 丸齧り = まるかじり = marukajiri = biting into a whole fruit

Ex. りんごを丸齧りする。🍎

= Ringo wo marukajiri suru

= to bite into a whole apple.

*丸呑み = まるのみ = marunomi = to swallow something down

Ex. 大蛇が象を丸呑みした。🐍🐘

= Daija ga zou wo marunomi shita.

= A giant snake swallowed an elephant down.

* 丸投げ = まるなげ = marunage = to leave everything (all the work, responsibility, decision-making) to someone 

Ex. 上司は仕事を部下に丸投げして取引先とゴルフに行ってしまった。

= Joushi wa shigoto wo buka ni marunage shite torihikisaki to gorufu ni itte shimatta.

= The boss left all the work to his subordinators and went to play golf with his clients.

* 丸写し = まるうつし = maruutsushi = to copy everything

Ex. 本を丸写ししてレポートを書いたら先生に怒られた。

= Hon wo maruutsushi shite repooto wo kaitara sensei ni okorareta.

=The teacher got mad at me for copying my report word for word straight from a book.

* 丸儲け = まるもうけ = maru mouke = to make pure profit/gain without any investment

Ex. 子供の頃集めていたおもちゃを売って丸儲けした。

= Kodomo no koro atsumete ita omocha wo utte marumouke shita.

= I sold the toys that I was collecting when I was child and made pure profit. 

*丸腰 =  まるごし = marugoshi  = (origin) unarmed (worrier, samurai) , without wearing a swordto jump into some place/environment without preparation

Ex. その医師は、コロナと丸腰で戦っているようなものだと言っていた。

= Sono ishi wa, korona to marugoshi de tatakatte iru you na mono dato itte ita.

= That doctor was saying they were fighting with Covid-19 unarmed. 

*丸わかり = まるわかり = maru wakari  = understanding completely, too obvious 

Ex. 彼女が近くにくるといつも顔が赤くなるので僕の気持ちは丸わかりだったと思う。

= Kanojo ga chikaku ni kuru to itsumo kao ga akakunaru node boku no kimochi wa maruwakaridatta to omou.

= Every time she gets close to me, my face turns red so I think she totally knows how I feel about her. 

*頭を丸める = あたまをまるめる = atama wo marumeru  = to have one’s head shaved /to become a monk 

Note: You might have seen some people (especially celebrities) shave their head to show repentance. 

* 丸刈り= まるがり = marugari = shaved head 

*丸坊主  = まるぼうず = marubouzu = shaved head 

 Ex. 高校時代、野球部に入るのに丸坊主にしなくてはいけなかった。

= Koukoujidai, yakyuubu ni hairu noni marubouzu ni shitankute wa ikenakatta.

= In my high school days, I had to shave my head in order to join the baseball team

*面目丸潰れ = めんもくまるつぶれ =  menmoku marutsubure = completely lose of face

Ex. 取引先は、私よりも部下のプレゼンの方が気に入ったみたいで上司として面目丸潰れだった。

= Torihikisaki wa, watashi yori mo buka ano purezen no hou ga kiniitta mitai de joushi to shite menboku marutsubure datta.

= Our client preferred my subordinate’s presentation to mine. I completely lost face as a supervisor. 

*丸め込む = まるめこむ = marumekomu = to talk into someone / to cajole

Ex. 店員に丸め込まれて高いエアコンを買ってしまった。

= Ten-in ni marumekomarete takai eakon wo katte shimatta.

= A shop clerk talked me into buying an expensive air conditioner. 

* まるで(丸で)= marude

1) at all /completely, totally (It is used in a negative sentence or with a negative word.) 

Similar word* 全く = まったく = mattaku /全然 = ぜんぜん = zenzen

Ex. 彼女は私のことをまるでわかっていない。

= Kanojo wa watashi no koto wo maru de wakatte inai.

= She/My girlfriend doesn’t understand me at all.

Ex. 彼は、日本語をまるで知らない状態で日本に来たが今ではペラペラだ。

= Kare wa, nihongo wo maru de shiranai joutai de Nihon ni kita ga ima dewa perapera da.

= He came to Japan without knowing any Japanese, but he is fluent now. 

Ex. A: 「彼に告白してみたら?」

= Kare ni kokuhaku shite mitara?

= Why don’t you tell him how you feel about him?

B: 「絶対無理!まるで望みなしだよ。」

= Zettai muri! Marude nozomi nashi dayo.

= Absolutely No way! There is no hope. 

Ex. 彼の言っていることはまるで真実と違います。

= Kare no itte iru koto wa maru de shinjitsu to chigai masu.

= What he is saying is completely different from the truth. 

Ex. そんなやり方では、まるでだめだ。

= Sonna yarikata dewa, maru de dame da.

= That is completely the wrong way to do it. 

Note: You also say まるっきり (丸っきり)= marukkiri

Ex. この偽物のブランドバッグは本物とまるっきり違う

= Kono nisemono no burando baggu wa honmono to marukkiri chigau.

= This fake brand name bag is completely different from a real one. 

Ex. 娘は東京に住んでからまるっきり別人になってしまった。

= Musume wa Toukyou ni sunde kara marukkiri betsujin ni natte shimatta.

= My daughter turned into a completely different person since she started to live in Tokyo.

2) as if / just like 

Ex. JLPT一級に受かったなんて、まるで夢のようだ。

= JLPT ikyuu ni ukatta nante, marude yume no you da.

= Passing JLPT N1 is like a dream come true! 

Ex. 上司は、まるで自分がそのプロジェクトをやったかのように顧客に説明をしていた。

= Joushi wa, maru de jibun ga sono purojekuto wo yatta ka no you ni kokyaku ni setsumei wo shiteita. 

= My boss was explaining the project to our client as if he had done it himself. 

Ex. まるでおとぎ話に出てくるようなお城だね。

= Marude otogibanashi ni dete kuru youna oshiro dane.

= This castle just looks like it came straight out of a fairytale.

Ex.  ホームステイの家族は、まるで本当の家族のように接してくれた。

= Hoomusutei no kazoku wa, marude hontou no kazoku no you ni sesshite kureta.

= My homestay family treated me as if I were a part of their actual family.

A: 「マギーが行かないんだったら海に行くのやめようか。せっかく楽しみにしていたのにさ..」

= Maggie ga ikanain dattara umi ni ikuno yameyou ka. Sekkaku tanoshimini shite ita noni sa.

= If you are not going, let’s not go to the beach.  I was looking forward to it, but oh, well…

Maggie:「それじゃあ、まるで私のせいみたいじゃない。」(female speech)

= Sorejaa, maru de watashi no sei mitai janai. 

= You make it sound like it’s my fault.


マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei

ピース先生、ありがとう! = Peace Sensei arigatou = Thank you, Peace Sensei!


= Watashi wa, yoku kao ga manmaru dato iwaremashita..

= People used to tell me I have a really round face. 



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  1. Hello マギー先生

    Is this たまる, not まる? what does this sentence say?

    1. Hi Milk

      It is a verb, 堪る = たまる = がまんする = to put up with
      You usually use it in a negative form or with か to express one’s feelings of resistance.
      I have a lesson on たまらない and I explained the usage of たまるか there so please go check if you want to learn more.
      Link is here.

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