= Edage wo totonoete kudasai.
= Could you trim the split ends?
無断転載禁止(All rights reserved)
Hi everyone! Am I gorgeous or what?
Today’s lesson is a request lesson.
I will teach you useful phrases and vocabulary that you can use at a hair salon in Japan.
When I made this lesson, I asked my Twitter followers what kind of phrases they wanted to know, and I got a lot of feedback.
It is impossible to cover everything, of course, but I will try to teach you as many useful expressions as possible.
I hope this lesson helps you communicate with a hair stylist so you can get the hairstyle you want!
Overall, the service of Japanese hair salons is very nice.
But if you don’t speak Japanese, you might feel nervous. Of course, so would the hairstylists.
Since I will cover all the phrases for both men and women, you can pick the information you like.
* 美容院 = biyouin = hair salon
* 理髪店 = rihatsu ten = barber
* 理容店 = riyouten = hair salon
* 床屋 = tokoya = barber shop
* 美容師 = biyoushi = hair dresser / hairstylist
* 理髪師 = rihatsushi = barber / hair dresser
* 髪の毛 = kaminoke / 髪 = kami / 毛= ke = hair
★How to make a reservation:
Please check this lesson
★ At the reception 受付 (= uketsuke):
(“B“ = hairstylist.)
If you have a reservation,
Ex. 今日、3時に予約したMaggieです。
= Kyou, sanji ni yoyaku shita Maggie desu.
= I’m Maggie. I have a reservation for 3:00 today.
They will say:
Ex. B: お待ちしておりました。
= Omachi shite orimashita.
= We’ve been waiting for you.
If you don’t have a reservation, say:
= Yoyaku shite imasen ga, ii desuka?
= I don’t have a reservation but will it be OK?
Ex. 予約していませんが、今日、ヘアカラー、お願いできますか?
= Yoyaku shite imasen ga, kyou, heakaraa onegai dekimasu ka?
= I don’t have an appointment, but could I get my hair dyed today?
Ex. B: こちらは初めてですか?
= Kochira wa hajimete desu ka?
= You have never been here? / First time here?
Ex. B: 当店のご利用は初めてですか?
= Touten no goriyou wa hajimete desu ka?
= Have you ever used our salon before? / First time to come to this salon?
If you have a specific hair styling which is not so common in Japan, it is safer to ask first.
Ex. こちらでは2ブロックは、やっていますか?
= Kochira dewa tsuu burokku, wa yatte imasu ka?
= Do you do two blocks cut here?
Some hair salon offer a special discount coupon that you can use if it is the first visit.
(How to get a coupon: You can get them in free town papers or websites.)
Showing the coupon:
Ex. これ使えますか?
= Kore tsukaemasu ka?
= Can I use this?
Or they may ask you
Ex. B: クーポンはお持ちですか?
= Kuupon wa omochi desu ka?
= Do you have a coupon?
If you do:
Ex. はい持っています。
= Hai motte imasu.
= Yes, I do.
If you don’t:
Ex. いいえ、持っていません。
= Iie, motte imasen.
= No, I don’t.
Almost all hair salons have a member card system. They may ask you to fill out the form before or after your haircut.
Ex. B: それではメンバーズカードをお作りしますのでこちらにご記入ください。
= Sore dewa membaazu kaado wo otsukuri shimasu node kochira ni gokinyu kudasai.
= Then we would like to make your members card so please fill out this form.
Ex. B: ご指名はありますか?
= Goshimei wa arimasu ka?
= Would you like a particular hairstylist?
Ex. B: 担当のご希望はありますか?
= Tantou no gokibou wa arimasu ka?
= Would you like to choose a particular hairstylist?
Ex. 田中さんでお願いできますか?
= Tanaka san de onegai dekimasu ka?
= Will Tanaka-san available?
Ex. お任せします。
= Omakase shimasu.
= I will leave it to you.
Ex. どなたでも結構です。
= Donata demo kekkou desu.
= Anybody is fine.
If you go to a hair salon without a reservation, they will ask you what you want:
Ex. B: 本日はどうされますか?
= Honjitsu wa dousaremasu ka?
= What would like us to do for you today?
Ex. B: 今日はどのようになさいますか?
= Kyou wa donoyou ni nasaimasu ka
= How would you like your hair done today?
Ex. B: こちらがメニュー(or コース)になります。
= Kochira ga menyuu (or koosu) ni narimasu.
= Here’s our menu (or course).
Note: Menus at hair salons offer “courses” to choose from. Each “course” is a combination of different services.
Ex. B: メニューはお決まりですか?
= Menyuu wa okimari desuka?
= Do you know what you want now?
Ex. B : どちらのコースになさいますか?
= Dochira no koosu ni nasaimasu ka?
= Which course would you like?
If you are not sure:
Ex. 相談してから決めようと思います。
= Soudan shite kara kimeyou to omoimasu.
= I’d like to decide after hearing your advice.
You can decide later after talking to your hairstylist.
Ex. カットとブローお願いしたいのですが。
= Katto to burou onegai shitai no desu ga.
= I’d like a cut and blow-dry.
Ex. シャンプー、カット、ブローお願いします。
= Shanpuu, katto, burou onegai shimasu.
= I’d like a cut, shampoo, and a blow-dry, please.
Ex. パーマお願いします。
= Paama onegai shimasu.
= I’d like to get a perm.
Ex. どのぐらい時間がかかりますか?
= Dono gurai jikan ga kakarimasu ka?
= How long will it take?
Ex. 何時ぐらいに終わりますか?
= Nanji gurai ni owarimasu ka?
= About what time will it be finished?
Ex. B: お急ぎですか?
= Oisogi desu ka?
= Are you in hurry?
Ex. B: 何時ごろまででしたらよろしいでしょうか?
= Nanji goro made deshitara yoroshii deshou ka?
= By around what time would you like us to be finished?
★メニュー = menyuu = menu
* カット= katto = cut
* 散髪 = sanpatsu = (mainly for male hair salon) cut
* シャンプー&ブロー = shanpuu & buroo = shampoo & brow dry
* セット = setto = hair set
* パーマ = paama = perm
* ストレートパーマ= sutoreito paama = straight perm
* 縮毛矯正 = shukumou kyousei = (stronger than straight perm) hair relaxing / Japanese Straightening/ Thermal reconditioning
* ヘアダイ= hea dai / ヘアカラー = hea karaa = hair die
* 白髪染め = shiragazome = to dye gray hair
* 白髪ぼかし = shiraga bokashi = covering up gray hair
(you don’t dye your gray hair completely. Just to add the color to make it look more natural.)
★コース = koosu = course
If the salon offers some package course, you may want to know that course 込(み) (= komi) or 付(き) =tsuki) = includes
* シャンプー、ブロー込(み)= shanpuu, burou komi = shampoo & blow dry included
* シェービング付 (き) = sheebing tsuki = shaving included
★Asking about price/course:
Ex. これは、シャンプー込みの値段ですか?
= Kore wa, shanpuu komi no nedan desu ka?
= Does this price include shampoo?
Ex. このコースにシェービングはついていますか?
= Kono koosu ni sheebingu wa tsuite imasu ka?
= Is shaving included in this course?
Ex. B : シャンプーは別料金です。
= Shanpuu wa betsuryoukin desu.
= Shampoos are extra.
Ex.B : はい、含まれております。
= Hai, fukumarete orimasu.
= Yes, it’s included.
★They will take your jacket/coat and bags:
Ex.B: お荷物と上着をお預かり致します。
= Onimotsu to uwagi wo oazukari itashimasu.
= We will keep your bag and jacket. / Let me take your bag and jacket.
or they will take you to a locker room.
And then they will take you to your seat.
Ex. B: お席にご案内いたします。
= Oseki ni goannai itashimasu.
= Let me take you to your seat.
★ Meeting your hairstylist:
Ex. B: 本日担当いたします、本田です。よろしくお願いいたします。
= Honjitsu tantou itashimasu, Honda desu. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
= I’m Honda. I’m your hairstylist today. Nice to meet you.
★ Talking about 髪型 = kamigata = hairstyle:
They know more or less what you want. Now it it time for you to tell them exactly what hairstyle you want.
This is the hardest part. The best way is to tell them your desired hairstyle is by showing them pictures or photos.
Ex. この写真のような感じがいいです。
= Kono shashin no youna kannji ga iidesu.
= I would like this kind of style./ Can you make it look like this picture?
Ex. この写真のようにしてください。
= Kono shashin no you ni shite kudasai.
= Please do it like this picture.
Ex. ヘアースタイルの本はありますか?
= Haa sutairu no hon wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have a book on different hairstyles?
Ex. こんな感じがいいです。
= Konna kanji ga ii desu.
= I’d like something like this.
☆ Asking for the stylist’s opinion
Ex. 私に似合いそうな髪型はありますか?
= Watashi ni niaisouna kamigata wa arimasu ka?
= Is there any hairstyle that fits me?
Ex. おすすめの髪型はありますか?
= Osusume no kamigata wa arimasu ka?
= What kind of hairstyle do you recommend?
Ex. ショートは似合うと思いますか?
= Shooto wa niau to omoimasu ka?
= Do you think short hair would look good on me?
Ex. 今、流行っているヘアスタイルはどんなのがありますか?
= Ima, hayatte iru hea sutairu wa donna no ga arimasu ka?
= What kind of hairstyle is in right now?
★ Talking about your hair problems:
Ex. 髪が広がりやすいです。
= Kami ga hirogariyasui desu
= My hair tends to puff out.
Ex. 髪が痛んでいます。
= Kami ga itande imasu.
= My hair is damaged.
Ex. パーマをかけてから髪が痛みました。
= Paama wo kakete kara kami ga itamimashita.
= My hair is damaged from having it permed.
Ex. 髪がからまりやすいです。
= Kami ga karamari yasui desu.
= My hair gets tangled easily
Ex. 髪がはねます。
= Kami ga hanemasu
= My hair sticks out/sticks up
Ex. 最近、枝毛が多いです。
= Saikin, edage ga ooi desu.
= I have had lots of split ends lately.
Ex. 髪が薄くなりました。
= Kami ga usuku narimashita.
= My hair is getting thinner.
Ex. 生え際が薄くなってきました。
= Haegiwa ga usuku natte kimashita.
= I have a receding hairline.
Ex. 抜け毛が多いです。
= Nukege ga ooi desu.
= My hair has been falling out recently.
Ex. 白髪が目立つようになりました。
= Shiraga ga medatsu you ni narimashita.
= My gray hair is getting noticeable.
Ex. ふけが出ます。
= Fuke ga demasu.
= I have dandruff.
★Asking about their menu
Ex. ストレートパーマは髪が痛みますか?
= Sutoreeto paama wa kami ga itamimasu ka?
= Do you think straightening out a perm will damage my hair?
Ex. 縮毛矯正の液はかなり強いですか?
= Shukumou kyousei no eki wa kanari tsuyoi desuka?
= Do you think hair relaxing solution (Japanese Straightening/ Thermal reconditioning) is really strong?
Ex. B: もしご不安でしたら弱めにかけてみましょうか?
= Moshi gofuan deshitara yowame ni kakete mimashouka?
= If you feel uneasy, should we perm lightly?
Ex. B: お客様の髪質だと痛むかもしれません。
= Okyakusama no kamishitsu dato itamu kamo shiremasen.
= Considering your hair quality, it may damage your hair.
Now I will teach you bunch of vocabulary to describe your hair:
☆ 髪の長さ= kami no nagasa = length of hair
We usually use English words
* 長い (= nagai) →ロング= rongu = long
* 短い (= mijikai ) →ショート= shooto = short
* ベリーショート= berii shooto = very short
* セミショート= semi shooto = semi short
* ミディアム= midiamu = medium length
* セミロング= semi rongu = semi long
* ロング= rongu = long
* スーパーロング= suupaa rongu = super long
☆ 髪型= kami gata = hair style
* レイヤーカット= reiyaa katto = layer cut
* マニッシュショート= manisshu shooto = (original: manish = man-like) boyish short
* ボブ= bobu = bob
* レイヤーボブ= reiyaa bobu = layered bob
* ストレート= sutoreito = straight hair
* ウェーブ= weebu = wavy hair
*ツーブロック= tsuu burokku = two block
*マッシュ= masshu = from mushroom cut
There are tons of new hair styles and they change every day.
Search ヘアースタイルリスト (=heaa sutairu risuto ) or 髪型リスト (= kamigata risuto) on the Internet and get the image you like before you go to a hair salon.
☆ 髪質= kamishitsu =hair texture/wave
* かたい = katai = hard
* 柔らかい = yawarakai = soft
* 太い= futoi = thick, coarse
* 細い= hosoi = thin
* 猫毛 = nekoge = (literal meaning) cat hair = soft and thin hair
* 直毛 = chokumou = straight hair
* まっすぐ = massugu = straight
* 縮れ毛= chijirege = frizzy hair
* くせ毛 = kusege = frizzy hair ( curly hair /wavy hair )
* it refers to the natural wave that you were born with.
* 天然パーマ= tennen paama (abbreviation) 天パ= tenpa = natural wave that you were born with.
* 枝毛 = edage = split ends
* 油っぽい = aburappoi / オイリー ( = oirii) / ベタつく( = betatsuku) = oily hair
☆髪の色 = kami no iro = hair color
When you talk about one’s general hair color
* 黒髪 = kurokami = black hair
* 茶髪 = chapatsu = brown hair
* 金髪 = kinpatsu = blond
* 銀髪 = ginpatsu = silver hair
* 赤毛 = akage = red hair
* 栗色 = kuriiro = brunette
* 白髪 = shiraga = white hair / gray hair
☆Basic verbs and how to ask them to do.
* 切る = kiru = cut
= Kitte kudasai
= Please cut
* すく= suku = to texturize/ thin
= Suite kudasai.
= Please texturize /thin (my hair)
* 剃る= soru = to shave
→剃ってください。= Sotte kudasai. = Please shave
* 毛先を整える= kesaki wo totonoeru = to trim
= Keasaki wo totonoete kudasai.
= Please trim
* パーマをかける= paama wo kakeru = to perm
= Paama wo kakete kudasai.
= Please perm (my hair)
* 染める= someru = to dye
= Somete kudasai
= Please dye (my hair)
* ハイライトを入れる= hairaito wo ireru = to put highlight
= Hairaito wo irete kudasai.
= Please put highlights
* そのままにする= sonomama ni suru = to leave the way it is
= Sonomama ni shite kudasai.
= Please leave the way it is.
* 巻く= maku = to curl
= Maite kudasai.
= Please curl (my hair)
* 髪を洗う= kami wo arau = to wash hair
*シャンプー(を)する= shanpuu (wo) suru = to wash hair with shampoo
*トリートメント(を)する= toriitomento (w0) suru = to have a hair treatment / to have a conditioner
* 乾かす = kawasaki = to dry
* ブロードライする = buroo dorai suru = to blow and dry
* セットする = setto suru = to set one’s hair
* 耳にかける = mimi ni kakeru = to push back behind one’s ears
= Kami wo mimi ni kakeru
= to push one’s hair back behind one’s ears
If you want them to do something with the following tools, you add ~ で (= de)
Ex. 横は、バリカンで刈ってください。
= Yoko wa barikan de katte kudasai.
= Please shave the side with a clipper.
Ex. 前と後ろははさみで切ってください。
= Mae to ushiro wa hasami de kitte kudasai.
= Please cut the front and the back with scissors.
☆ Tools
* はさみ = hasami = scissors
* すきばさみ = sukibasami = thinning sciessors
* バリカン = barikan= clipper
* ドライヤー = doraiyaa = hair drier
* ロッド= roddo = (longish) stick roller
* カーラー = kaaraa = roller
* ホットカーラー = hotto caaraa = hot roller
* アイロン= airon/ コテ=kote = electric hair curler
* (ヘアー)ブラシ = (heaa) burashi = hair brush
* 櫛 = くし = kushi = comb
☆ Part of your hair
* 前髪= maegami = bangs/ fringe
* 横= yoko / サイド = saido = side
* 後ろ = ushiro / バック= bakku = back
* 上= ue / トップ = toppu = top
☆ Part of your head/body
Knowing the part of your head/body is useful to tell them the ideal length.
* 生え際 = haegiwa = hairline
* 頭頂部 = touchoubu = the top of your head
* 後頭部 = koutoubu = back of your head
* 額 = hitai = forehead
(more casual おでこ= odeko)
* 眉 = mayu = eyebrows
* 目 = me = eyes
* 耳 = mimi = ears
* 耳回り = mimi mawari = around the ears
* 頬 = hoo = cheeks
* 首 = kubi = neck
* 襟足 = eriashi = the nape of the neck
* 根元 = nemoto = roots
* 顎 =あご = ago = chin
* 肩 =kata = shoulders
* 背中 =senaka = back
* 腰 =koshi = lower back
* フェイスライン = feisu rain = face line
* 頭皮 = touhi = scalp
☆ Telling them the image that you want
* ふわっとさせる = fuwatto saseru = to make it fluffy
* ナチュラルな感じ = nachuraru na kanji = to make it natural
* つやがほしい = tsuya ga hoshii = to want to make your hair look silky
* シャープな感じ = shaapu na kanji = to have a sharp image
★ Tell them exactly what hair style you want.
☆ Hair cut: Tell them how much you want them to cut:
Ex. B:どのぐらい切りましょう?
= Donogurai kirimashou?
= How much would you want me to cut?
Ex. B:長さはどのぐらいがいいですか?
= Nagasa wa donogurai ga ii desuka?
= How would you like the length? /How much would you want me to cut?
You can indicate the length with your hand.
Ex. この辺まで切ってください。
= Kono hen made kitte kudasai.
= Please cut it up to here.
Ex. 長さはあまり変えたくありません。
= Nagasa wa amari kaetaku arimasen.
= I want to keep the length.
Ex. 肩につくぐらいでお願いします。
= Kata ni tsuku gurai de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like shoulder length.
Ex. 5cm ぐらい切ってください。
= Gosenchi gurai kitte kudasai.
= Please cut about 5 cm.
If you have a long hair and want them to cut a lot
Ex. バッサリこの辺まで短くしてください。
= Bassari kono hen made mijikaku shite kudasai.
= I’d like you to cut a lot up to here.
If you want to have different lengths depending on the parts:
Ex. 横は短めにここらへんまで切ってもらって、後ろは3cmほど切ってください。
= Yoko wa mijikame ni kokorahen made kitte moratte, ushiro wa sansenchi hodo kitte kudasai.
= Cut the side short up to here and cut the back about 3 cm.
Ex. そろえる程度でお願いします。
= Soroeru teido de onegai shimasu.
= Just a trim please. / Just trim the ends, please.
Ex. 枝毛のカットだけでいいです。
= Edage no katto dake de iidesu.
= Just trim the split ends please.
Ex. 今、伸ばしているので毛先のカットだけお願いします。
= Ima, nobashite iru node kesaki no katto dake onegai shimasu.
= I am trying to grow my hair so please just trim the ends.
Ex. 肩までの長さにしてください。
= Kata made no nagasa ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like it to be shoulder length
Ex. 耳が出るようにしてください。
= Mimi ga deru you ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like my ears to show.
Ex. ショートにしてください。
= Shooto ni shite kudasai.
= Please cut it short.
Ex. 短くしてください。
= Mijikaku shite kudasai.
= Please cut it short.
Ex. 横を短くしてください。
= Yoko wo mijikaku shite kudasai.
= I’d like you to cut it short on the sides.
Ex. 襟足の辺まで切ってください。
= Eriashi no hen made kitte kudasai.
= Please cut up to neckline
Ex. 上の方を少し切ってください。
= Ue no hou wo sukoshi kitte kudasai.
= Just a little off the top.
Ex. レイヤーを入れてください。
= Reiyaa wo irete kudasai.
= Could I get some layers?
* low layer
= Shita no hou ni reiyaa wo irete kudasai.
* high layer
= Toppu ni reiyaa wo irete kudasai.
= Boryuumu ga deru you ni shite kudasai.
= Please put volume in my hair.
* アシンメトリーにしてください。
= Ashinmetorii ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like an asymmetrical hairstyle.
Ex. 髪が多いのですいてください。
= Kami ga ooi node suite kudasai.
= I have thick hair so please thin out my hair.
Ex. B:襟足はどうされますか?
= Eriashi wa dou saremasuka?
= How would like your neckline (nape)?
Ex. ここまで刈り上げてください。
= Kokomade kariagete kudasai.
= Please shave it up to here.
Ex. 襟足にそってまっすぐ切ってください。
= Eriashi ni sotte massugu kitte kudasai.
= I’d like you to cut it straight across the neckline.
Ex. 襟足にそって丸く切ってください。
= Eriashi ni sotte maruku kitte kudasdai.
= I’d like to have a round neckline.
Ex. 前髪はおろしてください。
= Maegami wa oroshite kudasai.
= I’d like my bangs (cover my forehead)
Ex. 前髪は斜めにカットしてください。
= Maegami wa naname ni katto shite kudasai.
= Please cut my bang diagonally.
= Maegami wa yoko ni nagareru you ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like side swept bangs.
Ex. 前髪はまゆがかくれるぐらいでお願いします。
= Maegami wa mayu ga kakureru gurai de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like my bangs just to cover my eyebrows.
Ex. 上の方を少し切ってください。短すぎないようにお願いします。
= Ue no hou wo sukoshi kitte kudasai. Mjikasuginai you ni onegai shimasu.
= Please cut a little off the top. Not too short.
Ex. 手入れが簡単な髪型がいいです。
= Teire ga kantanna kamigata ga ii desu.
= I’d like a hairdo which is easy to take care of.
★Buzz cut
= Ue no hou wa nagama de shita ni iku ni shitagatte barikan de mijikaku shite itte kudasai.
= Leave the top part long and make it shorter gradually towards the neck with a clipper.
Point with your fingers where you want them to shave with a clipper
Ex. ここまで長めに髪を残して、ここからバリカンで段々短く剃っていってください。
= Koko made nagame ni kami wo nokoshite, koko kara barikan de dandan mijikaku sotte itte kudasai.
= Leave the hair long up to here and from here, shave it gradually with a clipper.
Ex. 襟足からこの辺まで刈り上げて下さい。
= Eriashi kara kono hen made kariagete kudasai.
= Please shave up to here from the nape.
Ex. 丸刈りにしてください。
= Marugari ni shite kudasai.
= Please shave my head.
Ex. スポーツ刈りにしてください。
= Supootsu gari ni shite kudasai.
= Please give me a crew cut / buzz cut.
* スポーツ刈り= supootsu gari = ( literal meaning “athlete shaving”) crew cut, buzz cut
* 五分刈り = gobugari = to have one’s hair cropped short (to be specific 9mm)
* 七分刈り = hichibu gari = to have one’s hair cropped short (to be specific 12~13 mm)
In Kinki area they use the number or razor.
* 2枚刈り= nimai gari = 9 mm
* 4枚刈り= yonmai gari = 11 mm
Note: Choosing the clipper size.
I have never been to a barber but we don’t choose the clipper size but here is the chart.
#1 – 1/8 (inches) →3.15 mm
#2 – 1/4(inches) →6.35mm
#3 – 3/8(inches) →9.52mm
#4 – 1/2 (inches) →12.7 mm
#7 – 7/8 (inches) →22.22 mm
#8 – 1 inch →25.4mm
So if you want to say,
Ex. A number two clipper on the side and back.
You should indicate this using “mm” or “cm” in Japanese.
Ex. サイドとバックは5mmのバリカンで、後は、3cmぐらいでお願いします。
= Saido to bakku wa gomiri no barikan de ato wa san senchi gurai de onegai shimasu.
= With 5mm clipper on the side and back, and 3cm off everything else.
Ex. 横の部分はバリカンで短くそって上は長めに残して立ててください
= Yokono bubun wa barikan de mijikaku sotte ue wa nagame ni nokoshite tatete kudasai.
= Clip the sides short with a clipper and leave the top hair longer and spike it up.
If you have some specific hair style which is not that common in Japan yet, you should prepare a picture to show the hair stylist.
*フェード= feedo = fade
*モヒカンスタイル =mohikan sutairu = Mohawk style
*ソフトモヒカン= sofuto mohikan = Faux Hawk
*モヒカン風 = mohikan fuu = Mohawk-like style
Ex. フェードは知っていますか?
= Feido wa shitte imasuka?
= Do you know what “Fade” is?
(more casual)
Ex. フェードってわかりますか?
= Feido tte wakarimasuka?
= Do you know what “Fade” is?
(showing the picture)
Ex. これなんですけど、こんな感じでできますか?
= Korenan desu kedo, konna kanji de dekimasu ka?
= This is it. Do you think you can shave me like this?
= Mohikan fuu ni shitain desuga ue no bubun wa soranai de kudasai.
= I’d like to have Mohawk style but please do not shave the top.
Ex. グラデーションをつけてフェードカットをしてください。
= Guradeeshon wo tsukete feedo katto wo shite kudasai.
= I’d like fade cut with gradation.
Then be more specific:
Ex. トップは1cmぐらいにしてグラデーションをつけてください。
= Toppu wa issenchi gurai ni shite guradeeshon wo tsukete kudasai.
= Make the top about 1cm and do the gradation the rest, please.
Ex. 生え際をシャープな感じにしてください。
= Haegiwa wo shaapu na kanji ni shite kudasai.
= Please make the hairline look sharp
Ex. B:これぐらいで如何でしょうか?
= Koregurai de ikaga deshouka?
= How would you like the length? / Is it good?
Ex. B: 長さはいかがでしょう?
= Nagasa wa ikaga deshou?
= How would like the length? / Is the length OK now?
= Mousukoshi kitte kudasai.
= Cut a little bit more please.
= Ato issenchi gurai kitte kudasia.
= Please cut one more centimeter please.
Ex. もう少し前髪を短く切ってください。
= Mousukoshi maegami wo mijikaku kitte kudasai.
= Please cut the bangs a little shorter.
Ex. この辺をもう少しすいてください。
= Konohen wo mousukoshi suite kudasai.
= Please thin this part out a little bit more.
= Koregurai de ii desu.
= It looks fine.
= Choudo, iidesu.
= It’s just right.
Ex. いい感じです。
= Ii kanji desu.
= Looking good.
Ex. いいですね。
= Iidesune.
= It looks good.
★パーマ = paama = perm
verb : パーマをかける = paama wo kakeru = to perm
Ex. パーマをかけたいのですが。
= Paama wo kaketai no desu ga.
= I’d like to get a perm.
Ex. ゆるめのパーマをかけたいのですが。
= Yurume no paama wo kaketai no desu ga.
= I’d like to get a gentle perm.
Ex. きつめのパーマをかけたいのですが。
= Kitsume no paama wo kaketai no desu ga.
= I’d like to get a tight perm.
You can also say
Ex. ゆるめでお願いします。
= Yurume de onegai shimasu.
= Gentle side please.
Ex. ゆるめのウェーブにしてください。
= Yurume no weibu ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like loose waves.
Ex. きつめでお願いします。
= Kitsume de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like a strongish perm, please.
Ex. しっかりパーマをかけてください。
= Shikkari paama wo kakete kudasai.
= I’d like a strong perm, please.
Ex. パーマのロッドの太さはどのぐらいがいいですか?
= Paama no roddo no futosa wa donogurai ga ii desuka?
= What size of permanent rods would you like?
Ex. 太め/細めのロッドで巻いてください。
= Futome/ Hosome no roddo de maite kudasai.
= Please use biggish / thinish curler.
Ex. 顔回りと下の方にゆるめのウェーブが出るようにしてください。
= Kaomawari to shita no hou ni yurume no weebu ga deru you ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like to have loose waves around my face and lower parts.
Ex. 痛みやすい髪なのでゆるめのパーマでお願いします。
= Itamiyasui kami nanode yurume no paama de onegai shimasu.
= My hair gets easily damaged so I’d like get a gentle perm.
Ex. パーマがかかりにくいので強めのパーマでお願いします。
= Paama ga kakarinikui no de tsuyome no paama de onegai shimasu.
= My hair is hard to perm so I’d like to get a tight perm.
Ex. 去年かけたパーマがほとんど取れてしまいました。
= Kyonen kaketa paama ga hotondo torete shimaimashita.
= The perm I got last year is almost gone.
= Sutoreeto paama wo kaketai nodesuga, ue no hou wa kakenai de kudasai.
= I’d like to have a straight perm but please leave a part in the top.
Ex. くせがすごいので縮毛矯正*をお願いします。
= Kuse ga sugoi node shukumou kyousei wo oneagi shimasu.
= I have frizzy hair so I’d like to have a Japanese Straightening.
Note: 縮毛矯正 ( = shukumou kyousei ) is supposed to be much stronger than regular straight perm.
Some of my Twitter followers asked about Brazilian Blowout.
At the moment, it is still a very few beauty salon where it does Brazilian Blowout.
According to some information I found on Google, a few salon offer ブラジリアンケラチントリートメント ( = Burajirian kerachin toriitomento) Brazilian Keratin treatment (alternate version of Brazilian Blowout)
If you are looking for a particular treatment, type in a search word and find a salon on Google.
Ex. B:パーマ液を塗って参ります。
= Paamaeki wo nutte mairimasu.
= I will start applying the permanent solution.
Ex. B:このまましばらくお待ちください。
=Konomama shibaraku omachi kudasai.
= Please wait just like this for a while.
Ex. B:このまま20分おきます。
= Konomama nijuppun okimasu.
= We will leave it for 20 minutes.
Ex. B: 熱くないですか?
= Atsuku nai desuka?
= Isn’t it too hot?
Ex. B:熱かったら言ってください。
= Atsukattara itte kudasai.
= Please let me know if it is too hot.
★While you are waiting:
Ex. B:雑誌をお持ちいたします。
= Zasshi wo omochi itashimasu.
= I will bring you some magazines.
Ex. 英語の雑誌はありますか?
= Eigo no zasshi wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have any English magazines?
Ex. B: お飲物は如何ですか?
= Onomimono wa ikaga desuka?
= Would you like something to drink?
Ex. B:こちらからお選びください。
= Kochira kara oerabi kudasai.
= Please choose from here.
Ex. B: コーヒーお願いします。
= Koohii onegai shimasu.
= A cup of coffee, please.
★Hair dye
* Tone of your hair color
* 明るい = akarui = bright
* 暗い = kurai = dark
* 明るめの色 = akarume no iro = brightish color
* 暗めの色 = kurame no iro = darkish color
* 明るい茶色 = akarui chairo = bright brown
* 明るめの茶色 = akarume no chairo = brightish brown
* シルバー系 = shirubaa kei = silverish color
* アッシュ系 = asshu kei = ashish color
Ex. B:お色目はいかがいたしましょう?
= Oirome wa ikaga itashimashou?
= What would like to do with the hair color?
= Iro no mihon wa airmasuka?
= Do you have samples for the colors?
Ex. B:カラーリング剤でアレルギー反応が出たことはありますか?
= Karaaringu zai de arerugii hannou ga deta koto wa arimasu ka?
= Have you experienced any allergic reactions when having your hair coloured?
Ex. 今より明るい/ 暗い色にしたいです。
= Ima yori akarui / kurai iro ni shitai desu.
= I’d like to have my hair color lighter/ darker.
Ex. 暗めのブラウンでお願いします。
= Kurame no buraun de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like to color my hair a dark brown.
Ex. 根元だけ染めてください。
= Nemoto dake somete kudasai.
= Please dye just the roots.
Ex. ハイライトを入れてください。
= Hairaito wo irete kudasai.
= I’d like highlights in my hair.
Ex. 白髪を染めたいんですが。
= Shiraga wo sometain desuga.
= I’d like to dye my gray hair.
Ex. メッシュを入れていただけますか?
= Messhu wo irete itadakemasu ka?
= I’d like to get my hair streaked.
Ex. 髪を一旦、脱色してください。
= Kami wo ittan, dasshoku shite kudasai.
= Please bleach my hair once.
* getting your hair dyed ombre
Ex. グラデーションカラーを入れてください。
= Guradeeshon karaa wo irete kudasai.
= Please apply gradation color.
Ex. 根元から毛先までグラデーションを入れて下さい。
= Nemoto kara kesaki made guradeeshon wo irete kudasai.
= Please put gradation from the roots to the ends. (I’d like to get ombre hair)
You can request the color:
= Iro no sanpuru wo misete kudasai.
= Please show me the color samples.
And tell them:
Ex. 根元はこの色でお願いします。
= Nemoto wa kono iro de onegai shimasu.
= Dye the roots with this color, please.
= Kesaki wa kono iro de onegai shimasu.
= Dye the ends with this color, please.
Ex. 根元から毛先にかけて白から青みがかったグレーのグラデーションでお願いします。
= Nemoto kara kesaki ni kakete shiro kara aomi gakatta guree no guradeeshon de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like to have a white to blue-gray gradient coloring going from the roots to the ends”
Warning: It is always safe to use their color samples and confirm the colors.
★ シャンプー = shanpuu = washing hair with shampoo
* シャンプー = shanpuu = shampoo
* リンス = rinsu = conditioner
* トリートメント = toriitomento = hair treatment
Ex. B:それでは最初に髪を濡らします。
= Soredewa saisho ni kami wo nurashimasu.
= OK, then we will wet your hair first.
Ex. B: 最初に髪を軽く流します。
= Saisho ni kami wo karuku nagashimasu.
= I will give you a light shampoo first.
Ex. B:それでは流します。
= Soredewa nagasimasu.
= I will rinse your hair.
Ex. B:それでは流しますのでシャンプー台の方へどうぞ。
= Soredewa nagashimasu node shanpuu dai no hou ye douzo.
= OK, I’d like to rinse your hair so please follow me to the shampoo station.
Ex. B:シャンプー致しますのでこちらへどうぞ。
= Shanpuu itashimasu node kochira ye douzo.
=I’d like to give you a shampoo so please follow me.
Ex. B:こちらにおかけください。
= Kochira ni okake kudasai.
= Please sit here.
Ex. B:もう少し上に上がっていただけますか?
= Mousuoshi ue ni agatte itadakemasu ka?
= Could you slide up a little (in the chair)?
Ex. B : トリートメントもされますか?
= Toriitomento mo saremasu ka?
= Would like to have a hair treatment,too?
Ex. B: 強さはいかがですか?
= Tusyosa wa ikaga desuka?
= How’s the strength?
Ex. もっと強め・弱めにお願いします。
= Motto tsuyome / yowame ni onegai shimasu.
= Stronger / Weaker please.
Ex. B: お湯加減はいかがですか?
= Oyukagen wa ikaga desuka?
= Is the water temperature all right?
Ex. B:お湯が熱すぎたり冷たすぎたら教えてください。
= Oyu ga atsusugitari tsumetasugitara oshiete kudasai.
= Please let me know if the water is too hot or cold.
Ex. 少し熱いです。
= Sukoshi atsui desu.
= It is a bit hot.
Ex. 少し冷たいです。
= Sukoshi tsumetai desu.
= It’s a bit cold.
Ex. ちょうどいいです。
= Choudo ii desu.
= It’s just right.
Ex. B: かゆいところはございますか?
= Kayui tokoro wa gozaimasuka?
= Are there any itchy spots on your scalp?
Ex. B: 気になるところはございますか?
= Kini naru tokoro wa gozaimasuka?
= Are there any parts on your scalp that concern you?
Ex. 少し乾かしますのでそのままお待ちください。
= Sukoshi kawakashimasu node sonomama omachi kudasai.
= I will dry a little so please stay here.
Ex. B: マッサージをいたします。
= Massaaji wo itashimasu.
= I will give you a massage.
Ex. B: 元のお席へどうぞ。
= Moto no oseki he douzo
= Please go back to your seat.
★ Shaving : シェービング = sheeving / 髭(ひげ)剃り = higesori
* 口髭(口ひげ)= kuchi hige = beard
* 顎髭(あごひげ)= ago hige = mustache
* もみあげ = momiage= sideburns
* シェーバー = sheebaa = shaver
* カミソリ = kamisori = razor
* シェービングクリーム = sheeving kuriimu / ひげ剃りクリーム = higesori kuriimu = shaving cream
*アフターシェービングローション = afutaa sheevingu rooshon = after shaving lotion
* 剃る = そる = soru = to shave
Ex. 髭をそってください。
= Hige wo sotte kudasai.
= Please shave.
Ex. もみあげは残してください。
= Momiage wa nokoshite kudasai.
= Please leave the sideburn.
Ex. ひげを伸ばしています。
= Hige wo nobashite imasu.
= I am growing a beard.
Ex. ここは残してください。
= Koko wa nokoshite kudasai.
= Please leave this part.
Ex. きれいに全部剃ってください。
= Kirei ni zenbu sotte kudasai.
= Please shave completely.
Ex. B:お顔に蒸しタオルをのせます。
= Okao ni mushitaoru wo nosemasu.
= I will put a steamed towel on your face now.
Ex.B: 熱かったら言ってください。
= Atsukattara itte kudasai.
= Please let me know if it is too hot.
Ex.B: このまま5分間お待ちください。
= Konomama gofun kan omachi kudasai.
= Please wait like this five minutes. / Please stay here for five minutes.
★Blow dry / Styling
Ex. B: それでは乾かして参ります。
= Sore dewa kawakashite mairimasu.
= I will blow dry your hair now.
Ex.B: 仕上げはどのようになさいますか?
= Shiage wa dono you ni nasaimasu ka?
= How would you like your hair styled?
* 分け目= wakeme= a part
Ex. B: 分け目は如何いたしましょう?
= Wakeme wa ikaga itashimashou?
= How would you like to part your hair?
Ex. 真ん中/右側/左側で分けてください。
= Mannaka / migi gawa / hidari gawa de wakete kudasai.
= Please part my hair in the center /on the right / the left.
Ex. ストレートにしてください。
= Sutoreito ni shite kudasai.
= Please make it straight.
Ex. ふわっとした感じでお願いします。
= Fuwatto shita kanji de onegai shimasu.
= Make it fluffy, please.
Ex. 少し、上の方を逆毛を立ててください。
= Sukoshi, ue no hou wo sakage wo tatete kudasai.
= Could you back comb/tease my hair a little on the top?
Ex. アップにしてください。
= Appu ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like my hair put up.
Ex 内巻き/外巻きにしてください。
= Uchimaki/ Sotomaki ni shite kudasai.
= I’d like to have inward curling/ outward curling.
Ex. オールバックにしてください。
= Ooru bakku ni shite kudasai.
= Please comb my hair straight back.
Ex. 横の毛を後ろに流してください。
= Yoko no ke wo ushiro ni nagashite kudasai.
= Please blend the sides and back.
Ex. 後ろに流してください。
= Ushiro ni nagashite kudasai.
= I’d like my hair pulled back.
B: 仕上げに何かおつけしますか?
= Shiage ni nani ka oatsuke shimasu ka?
= Would you want us to put something to finish it up?
If you want them to use hair spray, oil or cream, tell them
* 整髪料 = seihatsuryou =haircare products
* ヘアースプレー = Heaa supurei / セットスプレー = setto supureei = hair spray
* ヘアーオイル = heaa oiru = hair oil
* ヘアークリーム = heaa kuriimu = hair cream
* ジェル = jeru = gel
* ヘアームース= heaa muusu= hair mousse
* ワックス = wakkusu = hair wax
~ お願いします。
= ~ onegai shimasu.
= ~ please
Ex. ~をつけてください。
= wo tsukete kudasai.
= put some ~ please
Ex. ヘアジェルをつけてください。
= Hea jeru wo tsukete kudasai.
= Please put in some hair gel.
Ex. なにもつけないでください。
= Nanimo tsukenai de kudasai.
= Please leave it the way it is. (Please don’t put anything on my hair.)
★Giving a feed back:
When the styling is over, they will ask you:
Ex. B: 仕上がり、いかがでしょうか?
= Shiagari, ikaga deshouka?
= How would you like your hair now?
Ex. B : いかがですか?
= Ikaga desu ka?
= How do you like it?
You can tell them how you like it:
Ex. この辺をもう少しふんわりとなるようにできますか?
= Kono hen wo mousukoshi funwari to naru you ni dekimasuka?
= Can you make this part a little more fluffy?
Ex. ここをサイドに流していただけますか?
= Koko wo saido ni nagashite itadakemasu ka?
= Can you pull this part sideway?
Ex. さっぱりしました。
= Sappari shimashita.
= I feel refreshed./ It looks very clean.
Ex. 気に入りました。
= Kiniirimashita.
= I like it.
If you want to know some tips to take care of your hair:
Ex. どうやって手入れをしたらいいですか?
= Douyatte teire wo shitara ii desuka?
= How should I treat my hair?/ Do I need to do something special?
★Onomatopoeia to describe the texture of your hair
*サラサラ = sarasara = sleek and smooth
Ex. サラサラになりました。
= Sarasara ni narimashita.
= It got so smooth
*ツルツル= tsurutsuru= sleek and smooth
* ツヤツヤ = tsuyatsuya = silky, shining
Ex. ツヤツヤですね。
= Tsuyatsuya desune.
= It is silky, isn’t it?
*フワフワ = fuwafuwa = fluffy
*バッサリ = bassari = to cut one’s long hair short.
* クルクル = kurukuru / クリクリ = kurikuri = curly, wavy hair
* パッツン= Pattsun = to cut one’s bang short
Ex. 前髪パッツン= maegami pattun
* ボサボサ = bosabosa = messy
* ボーボー・ぼうぼう = boubou = messy / getting too long in a messy way
* ツンツン= tsuntsun = too short
* ベトベト= betobeto / ギトギト= gitogito = oily
* ギザギザ = gizagiza = uneven
* パサパサ = pasapasa = dry hair
Ex. 自分で切ったのでギザギザになりました。
= Jibun de kitta node gizagiza ni narimashita.
= Since I cut my hair myself, it got uneven.
When you finish getting shampooed or getting your hair styled, they say:
Ex. B: お疲れ様でした。
= Otsukare sama deshita.
It literally means “You must be tired.” but it is one of the many caring Japanese phrases used to show concern about someone who has been working hard. But in this case, they said Thank you for being patient and sitting still for so long.
Now do you like your new hairdo?
In case you don’t like the way they perm, (for example, it comes off easily) almost all the beauty salon guarantee for a week or so.
Ex. 先週、パーマをかけたのですがすぐに取れてしまいました。
= Senshuu paama wo kaketa no desuga sugu ni torete shimaimashita.
= I got a perm last week but it wore off soon.
Cultural note:
We don’t tip in Japan.
マギー先生より= Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Nagai ressun deshitane.
= It was a long lesson.
= Suguni shanpuu no toki ni uiggu datte barete shimaimashita.
= They noticed it was a wig right away when I had a shampoo.
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
You saved my life. Thanks.
Good to hear it helped you. :)
I’m native Japanese, and my local hairstylist said she was having difficulty communicating with overseas customers who visits her salon. This post was also perfect for the Japanese speakers. I would like to say thank you in behalf of her!
Thank you so much this is by far the most helpful article I’ve read! It is so detailed thank you so much!
Happy to hear that, Gen! :)
Good to know this lesson is useful. :)
Thank you so much for this comprehensive article! I’m just about to go for my first dye session in a Japanese salon and was so anxious that I wouldn’t be able to communicate what I want clearly and end up with blue hair. I’m feeling much more equipped after reading this page – you are a lifesaver!
You’re very welcome, Cherie!
I’m sure you will look GREAT!! Good luck!!
hi maggie sensei,
i was wondering what site you used to find kanji for hanko for tourists?
my name is Kane, and i was interested in seeing what cool kanji combinations it would suggest for my name.
what would be a good kanji combination for my name
There are few sites to see kanji hanko for foreign people. I can not promote other business sites but use Japanese google with a search word “外国人判子”
Let me see,
Are you a girl? If so, how about 香音 かね
か=香 (aroma)
ね= 音 (tone/sound)
I don’t understand the meaning of all kakeru in this example :r:
and can I apply ( color+ migakatta ) to other colors like: akamigakatta = reddish :r:
Ex. 根元から毛先にかけて白から青みがかったグレーのグラデーションでお願いします。
= Nemoto kara kesaki ni kakete shiro kara aomi gakatta guree no guradeeshon de onegai shimasu.
= I’d like to have a white to blue-gray gradient coloring going from the roots to the ends”
Yes, you can say 赤みがかった
color + がかる= (color) ish →Color がかった + noun
and what about the meaning of kakeru in ( kesaki ni kakete )?
(some actions affects )from ~ to(towards) ~
毛先にかけて to hair ends
Wow…so comprehensive! Thanks Maggis-sensei!
You’re very welcome, Tommy! !CHECKHEART!